Created by Sonic Team in Japan, this innovative game takes Sonic into a medieval world and arms him with a sword to aid in his effort to save the day. More Details »
Sonic and the Black Knight will provide Sonic fans with an irresistible cast of characters and teach them all what it takes to be a true hero and the ultimate knight. With a series of missions taking place in stunning Arthurian-inspired locations, Sonic and the Black Knight promises to offer a fast-paced adventure that gamers of all ages will enjoy.
SEGA have apparently today confirmed that Sonic and the Black Knight will be released on March 10th in the USA, March 13th in UK/Europe and March 12th in Japan.
Comments 4
Will this be the next letdown Sonic game? Probably so.
Probably, but there's a chance it'll be good
As much as the graphical style is already starting to bore me, it's good to know that there's not long left for those who want this one.
i just realized, that sword looks like alondite!
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