Remember, this ranking is based on the games' User Ratings in our database and is subject to real-time change even now. If you haven't rated your WarioWare collection, feel free to add your scores and potentially influence the order below. Enjoy!
The original GBA title in this anarchic series, WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! launched on 21st March 2003 in Japan and introduced us to a brand new side of Mario's arch-rival. Yes, it turns out Wario is himself a game developer!
WarioWare has been the main way to experience the character's zany, disgusting antics ever since the series' debut, with his 2D platforming series taking a backseat. Each game is made up of tons of 'microgames' which provide a simple prompt and require you to beat them in five seconds or under. It's snappy, hilarious, and a whole lot of fun. From picking noses to gulping down a glass of water, everything from the sublime to the ridiculous is covered in every single entry.
But which WarioWare game is the best? Well, that's for you to decide. Based on the ratings for each game in our database, as bestowed by you lovely people, we can share this reader-ranked list of every single WarioWare game to date — ranging from the GBA original to the Switch's two entries.
Remember that the ranking is not set in stone. The order below updates dynamically based on each game's User Rating in the Nintendo Life game database. So you could change the rankings right now if you wanted. If you haven't scored your WarioWare micro (or mega) collection, then click the 'star' of the game you wish to rate, assign a score, and potentially influence the list.
Ready for the list, then?... READ!
12. WarioWare: Snapped! (DSiWare)
Although certainly an inessential entry in the WarioWare canon, you know you'll want it the moment you can't have it, so perhaps best to add it to your library while you can. WarioWare: Snapped! isn't a series high point; it feels more like a tech demo than anything else, and there's no replay value because high scores and full games have been removed, and you have to be content with the fact that there are only 20 microgames to play (instead of the hundreds available in every other WarioWare).
However, it's still a WarioWare game, and even a disappointing WarioWare game is better than many other games. Hmm. However, it was only available until 27th March 2023 when the 3DS eShop and the DSiWare store within closed for business. If you don't already have this one, official avenues to play it are unfortunately closed unless you can find a 3DS or DSi that has it installed.
11. Game & Wario (Wii U)
Game & Wario didn't do as much with Wii U as we'd hoped, with several of the games included doing little to showcase the hardware's unique functions at all. Some games do shine, though, and demonstrate ways to play that simply weren't possible on other systems, then or now. Despite the large number of single player games included, Game & Wario is at its best with multiple willing participants. While it doesn't match up to Nintendo Land as Wii U's premier multiplayer experience, it certainly has its share of games that you're going to want to play again and again — we just wish there had been more.
10. WarioWare: Move It! (Switch)
WarioWare: Move It! is another great entry in this long-running franchise that brings back the motion-controlled mayhem whilst giving you plenty of ways to enjoy its loony fun with family and friends.
There are lots of fun modes to dig into and unlock here, the microgames are as daft and colourful as ever, and, as long as you can make peace with things not being quite as fun solo, it's really hard to knock the chaotically silly vibe of this most excellent party game.
9. WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase (WiiWare)
If you enjoyed WarioWare D.I.Y. and were looking to further the experience, WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase was the perfect compliment to the already outstanding DS title. Not only were there 72 new microgames to enjoy, but the ability to upload your DS creations to your Wii and enjoy the games on your television made this a nice alternative, especially if you were planning on sharing your microgames. A nice little companion piece, then.
8. WarioWare: Get It Together! (Switch)
WarioWare: Get It Together! was a triumphant Switch debut for the subversive series that made some daring changes to core gameplay, resulting in the best entry in the franchise to date. With a generous roster of playable characters, lots of solo and multiplayer modes to dig into, and stages that cleverly adapt to your choices on the fly, this is a superb compilation of microgames that delivers more ways to play than ever before.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll dodge bird droppings on a skateboard. Essential stuff.
7. WarioWare: D.I.Y. (DS)
Being able to create your own microgames was a dream come true for many WarioWare fans and the developers came through with flying colors in delivering not only a very functional set of creation tools, but a package that was easy enough for just about anyone to use. While the built-in games aren't quite of the variety and calibre of some of those found in other series entries, they're still quite enjoyable and a nice blueprint for those setting out to create their own. Those willing to put in the time and effort to become familiar with the creation tools found a very powerful and rewarding gaming experience in WarioWare: D.I.Y. limited only by their imaginations and free time.
6. WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Game$! (GCN)
A remake of the GBA game WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgames!, this home console version added multiplayer to an already brilliantly unhinged concept of microgames that mashes together tiny tasks with a time limit to produce a hectic, hilarious experience.
It feels like R&D1 were unchained and allowed to vent their bursting creativity, channelling it into a game without being encumbered by the usual Nintendo 'polish' everyone expects, which gives this game (and the wider series) a remarkable and unique feeling of freshness.
5. WarioWare Smooth Moves (Wii)
An early showcase of the Wii Remote (or the 'Form Baton' as it's known in-game), WarioWare Smooth Moves brought the anarchic micro-gameplay and aesthetic of the handheld series to the Wii in an entry which surely ranks as the most widely played of any WarioWare title.
You never quite knew what was coming next, and this ranks up there alongside Wii Sports as an off-the-wall demonstration of the console's potential in those first few months.
4. WarioWare Touched! (DS)
WarioWare Touched! might not have quite the wow factor that it had upon release, but it's overflowing with the maniacal energy that makes the series such a blast, regardless of platform.
Despite being an extremely short experience (with the main mode easily completable in an hour or so), and featuring incredibly simplistic gameplay mechanics, the DS entry still has plenty to offer; the sheer abundance of microgames and the game's colourful visuals, quirky humour, and wonderful soundtrack make it a timeless experience and that's still worth touching on all these years later.
3. WarioWare Twisted! (GBA)
The third game in Wario's microgame series, WarioWare Twisted! never found its way to Europe, but its gyro sensor added a new element to the manic formula, established two games prior and made it one of the highlights of Wario's back catalogue.
Thanks to that sensor in the cart, it's not a game you'll want to plug into the Game Boy Player on your GameCube, but the basic bitesize gameplay holds up just as well today as it did in the mid-2000s. Let's Twist again.
2. WarioWare Gold (3DS)
The irreverent microgame series came to 3DS late in life at a time when many might have preferred to see it land on Switch, but it’s hard to be too miffed. WarioWare Gold makes use of the console’s particular features – from its two screens to its tiny microphone – and curates many of the series’ most popular games while also adding 50ish new ones into the bargain.
Similar to Rhythm Heaven Megamix, the series has many standout entries across consoles and this is an excellent ‘best of’ package.
1. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (GBA)
The microgames on offer in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! may be simple affairs, but the frantic, fast–paced and challenging experience that results from knitting them together in quick succession is incredibly addictive, and Wario's patented brand of mania is well suited to a handheld.
It isn’t the longest game, and beyond the single-player mode there isn’t much else to do, but it’s stuffed full of magical, creative moments, not to mention an abundance of that classic Nintendo nostalgia and charm.
Did that take you longer than a microgame? Are you surprised at any of Wario's rankings here? Don't forget, you can change things by clicking on the star icon for any entry above, or ranking your WarioWare collection via the Game Pages, too.
Otherwise, we've got another microgame challenge for you — type! Tell us your favourite WarioWare game in the comments, and maybe you'll get a prize. (Spoiler: you won't get a prize, but we're always happy to hear from you lovely people.)
Comments 70
Played the GBA one to death back in the day. Used to watch my friends bet on whos gonna beat their records. So simple and fun.
I understand that this is based on user rankings on this site, but Gold is effectively Touched+Twisted+Mega Microgames in one package.
For me, it is clearly the best.
Uh, the entry description calls WarioWare: Get it Together "the best entry in the franchise to date" but it's placed 8th in 11?
@Bobb Came here to say the exact same thing lol. It’s also far from the best entry anyway, as the ranking itself states.
Also, I’m shocked that Mega Party Game$! and Smooth Moves are so low, when they by far had the best multiplayer experiences. In my mind, the former is just a vastly enhanced version of Mega Microgame$! too, which is ranked #1 here, so I’m putting this down to less people having played the GameCube instalment.
@Markiemania95 Smooth Moves makes a great party game where you quickly pass the controller to the next player!
Eh, although I enjoyed the GCN entry, I see the WarioWare series as single-player first, multiplayer second, leading me to prefer the GBA version. I definitely love the modes on the GCN (Get It Together doesn’t feel as strong comparatively), but it felt too easy to beat newcomers who weren’t familiar with the micro games. As a result, it wasn’t the go-to party game I wish it was.
WarioWare Gold is the best one.
And as others have pointed out, the description of WW:GiT at #8 makes no sense.
@Bobb Seems to be because they used the community ranking average to order them, but they used their own “final verdict” section of the site’s review to describe the title.
It works a lot of the time but in this case… not so much haha.
@Solomon_Rambling @DwaynesGames @Markiemania95 Smooth Moves is by far my favorite. It might not be objectively the best, but it's been one heck of a party game in my household for years.
@Altaria_97 Thank you for the clarification, I appreciate it!
@Solomon_Rambling The GCN version has the single-player portion intact though.
Get it Together is a bit low - while the character switching makes for a pretty poor multiplayer experience that kind of ruins the accessibility WarioWare is supposed to have, in a single player context it makes for a really fun and chaotic experience, and the mechanics are actually introduced properly there. I'd definitely rank it above the 2 main DS games
I'd definitely put Gold on top myself.
Also no way I'd put the Gamecube game that high. It was the first one I played and for years it scared me off of playing the series further.
Only played the original GBA one out of all of these myself (though definitely plan on grabbing the DS titles, Smooth Moves and Get It Together before the year is out) and would personally rank it much lower. Yes, the microgames feel great to play and I've certainly replayed it a bunch since it came to NSO....but you could say that about pretty much all WarioWare games and it's brought down considerably by just looking....kind of ugly? Much less visually appealing than later entries to me at least.
Despite that though, it's still a very fun game and it's made me very excited to play through said later entries at some point. Happy 20th Warioware: your microgames are still more stable than most AAA releases these days XD
I haven’t touched the game in over a decade, so I apologize for forgetting about the single-player side of things. If I recall correctly, however, wasn’t the single-player content not fully ported? I definitely don’t recall being able to play Pyoro on the GCN version.
Get It Together was a massive disappointment after WarioWare Gold. Its ranking on this list is well deserved.
Good list, but I would whack Twisted at the top. It's such an awesome game - fun, inventive and an essential GBA game to own.
@Ralizah I agree I didn't even bother to try badly to 100 percent it. Gold is my no 1 Wario.
@Solomon_Rambling I’m sure all of the microgames were ported, but yeah, I think some of the subgames may have been lost in transition.
@bones Gold was my second WarioWare after Smooth Moves. So much content. I'm looking forward to playing the GBA entries soon, though I'm not expecting them to top Gold.
I suppose I’m the only one here that likes Get It Together? The game is buckets of fun. I think Smooth Moves is probably my favorite, but Get It Together is probably my second favorite in the series. Not sure why people wouldn’t like it. I mean, the minigames are great, hectic fun, same as all other Warioware games. I’d put Gold in third.
I love the Warioware series.
Yeah, Mega Micro Game$ is definitely my favorite in the series, with D.I.Y. my second favorite. I haven't played Mega Party Game$, Smooth Moves, D.I.Y. Showcase, or Snapped!...but I fairly enjoyed the WarioWare series myself and while I'm never opposed to more games, I do hope we get another Wario Land eventually.
Loved WarioWare from the very beginning! I was introduced to it through Wario World, my first Wario game, with the Game Boy Advance cable link feature. It intrigued me enough to get it and I was completely sold. You'd think the concept of microgames would sound weird on paper and a game starring Wario and a bunch of strange new characters would be really risky for Nintendo but it works wonderfully in practice.
I'd personally rank Gold first followed by Get It Together, Twisted, Mega Microgame$, and Smooth Moves. Sure, Gold may just be a "best of" collection with lots of reworked content, but there's still plenty of new there. The voice acting brought the characters to life like never before. And like Twisted, it has a humongous amount of extra content that is just so fun to unlock and mess around with.
I'm glad the first one is first. It remained my favorite after all these years. It's simple but fun, it was extremely fresh, and it had the most fleshed out side-games, and there were tons of them.
Gold would be my second favorite I guess. But Smooth Moves is up there with its multiplayer.
@somnambulance I guess because the games were kind of less random - you controlled a small character in literally every single one, and they all had to be beatable with the moves of any character.
But I kind of agree with you, it worked surprisingly well, and it's great fun.
I agree with #1. Mega Microgames still holds up after all these years and other installments
How in the world does the GameCube one rank so low? One of the best multiplayer games out there!!!
WarioWare D. I. Y. is the only one that lets you make Dangeresque jump off a roof, so it wins by default.
WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgames is a classic. Easily the best collection of microgames in the franchise.
I agree the GBA games are the best, but I would place Twist number 1.
I have a very soft spot for GBA in my heart. It's my childhood, so whenever it's appreciated, I'm happy.
I really liked Get It Together, but I agree with otehrs that Gold it the best. It's essentially the first three all in one!
Warioware on Gamecube and GBA are my favorites.
I tried the demo WarioWare: Get it Together. it was alright, i'll have to get the full game later.
@Ralizah Agreed. I super wanted a WarioWare game on my Switch (at the time), but Get It Together! was not what I signed up for. Without a doubt my least favorite game in the series, despite having not played Mega Party Game$, Smooth Moves, D.I.Y. Showcase, or Snapped.
The characters feature was a neat idea, but it was faulty in execution, especially given that getting high scores is all a matter of luck and/dealing with "bad rolls" that do not work in the series' gameplay formula, in my opinion; the only time this idea actually worked was in Variety Pack mode, which wasn't much to write to the missus for either.
Gold isn’t at #1? And mega microgames is!? Weird, gold is all that mega microgames is but better.
I would rank Get it together higher and DIY lower.
WarioWare DIY is OBVIOUSLY the best as it is the only game to get a 100% review - from NGamer magazine. Yes.
WarioWare Touched is my personal favourite. Spent far too many hours chuckling at it back in the day.
I miss DIY, wished it would get a sequel or something, with less limitations and more/better features and all that. If only they could do the same with Rhythm Heaven, ah well...
WarioWare Gold wins by default for me. It has the most microgames, compiles several of the best throughout the series' history, adds plenty of solid new ones to the mix, brings back several of the side games, revamps Gamer (the best part of Game & Wario) by giving 5-Volt creative new ways to sneak up on you and having tons more microgames you can play during it, utilizes the 3DS touch screen and gyro controls, voice acting... it's almost a perfect collection, and I'd buy it again on Switch in a heartbeat. The only downside is that I wish I could change the music to make songs like Ashley's Theme play during actual gameplay instead of just listening to them from a sound test menu. I'm also not a big fan of the character redesigns.
The best original WarioWare would be Smooth Moves, followed by Touched. The series is at its best when it takes advantage of gimmicky control styles, which I can't say about any other franchise. I don't remember enough about Twisted to say where I would rank it, as I've played that one the least. Hope it comes to NSO since we're getting Tilt 'N' Tumble. Get It Together was underwhelming to me.
I agree on the top 3 here wholeheartedly, but Mega Party Games, Smooth Moves, and Game & Wario are all much higher on my list cause the multiplayer modes are just SO DARN FUN.
@Big_Fudge The multiplayer games are a lot of fun, but at its core, WarioWare is about chasing your personal best high score. That's what I care the most about, anyways.
I'm a Get It Together defender, it's my favorite WarioWare since probably Smooth Moves? I like how physics-driven many of the microgames are, and how some of them have multiple solutions. The multiple characters makes getting flowers genuinely fun, the whole package has a ridiculous amount of polish, and I'd argue the soundtrack is one of the best in the series.
My TOP 3.
#1. WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Game$! (GCN)
This game is the WarioWare (GBA), but much more muscular, with the best multiplayer modes ever made.
#2. WarioWare Get it Together (Switch)
This game is an EPIC multiplayer experience. The multiplayer modes are incredible. The coop story mode has infinite replay value. This is the most complete WarioWare. Why did I put him second? Because it lacked the multiplayer modes of the GC version, which are unbeatable. The ONLINE Wario Cup competition is amazing!
#3. WarioWare INC GBA. One of the best GBA games all time.
I value single player content, including unlockables, the most in WarioWare games, but considering also multiplayer my ranking would be:
1.Gold (the best mechanics and microgames of previous games, Challenge mode, Missions, Souvenirs and fully voiced cutscenes);
2.Get It Together (playing as the WarioWare characters is brilliant, Wario Cup, overall fun multiplayer, unlockable adorable art, missions are back as are unfortunately not fully but still voiced cutscenes);
3.Smooth Moves (iconic and fun gameplay thanks to the Forms, really fun multiplayer, unfortunately shorter and with less unlockables);
4.Touched (less varied gameplay compared to other gimmicky control schemes but still fun, chock-full of unlockables but unfortunately no multiplayer);
5.Mega Microgame$ (simple yet effective controls, lots of unlockables, barely any multiplayer);
6.Mega Party Game$ (same controls and microgames as its GBA counterpart, great multiplayer, but barely any unlockables);
7.Twisted (the tilt controls prevented me to finish it on emulator, but even if that weren't the case it's the most limited gimmick, still a lot of content but unfortunately no multiplayer);
8.Game & Wario (great uses of the GamePad and fun multiplayer, but low on content in comparison also because of the lack of microgames);
9.DIY (not counting Showcase separately, potentially unlimited microgames, music and comics, but more simplistic because of the tools' limits, no extra content and no multiplayer);
10.Snapped (quirky experiment, but that's it, no extras and no multiplayer)!
I am one of those shameful people who have only played WarioWare: Get It Together on Nintendo Switch... For some reason, I had never experienced a WarioWare game before that point, and I didn't play it for very long. It is hard for me to enjoy a game when the mini-games are so short. I have been itching to give it another try though.
"You'd better get WarioWare Snapped while it's still available. And, just to show you we're serious, it's no longer available."
Game & Wario was awesome! That's the game in the series that got the most time in my house.
1. Touched: The best this game has ever felt. It's SO perfectly built for the DS. A lot of Warioware's best moments come from departing from button controls. 15/10.
2. Mega Party Game$: To me, Warioware is super fun, but where it truly thrives is in multiplayer. And the multiplayer has never been better than putting the original games into a competitive format. 15/10.
3. Smooth Moves: Held back only by finicky controls, the multiplayer in Smooth Moves is perfect. Throwing the wii remote across the room in that survival mode is just so stupid and perfect for the series. 14/10.
4. Move It: This is essentially a tie with Smooth Moves, but the multiplayer games that I've played haven't been as ridiculous, though I haven't convinced anyone to try that "for experts" mode yet. I'm assuming that's where the best competition lives. 14/10.
5. Get It Together: Multiplayer. This is the last of the games that really have it, and the competitive modes are great. Obscuring and messing with the screen as your opponents play is great, that was my favorite mode for sure. 12/10.
6. Twisted: There was no way this should have worked as well as it did. But somehow, rotating the system gave you way more versatility than you'd ever expect. Still, it really is just that one thing. 10/10.
7. Gold: I kind of bounced off this one, but it's really no fault of its own. The Rhythm Heaven treatment for Warioware made a lot of sense, but the Switch had been out for quite a while at this point. I had to search for my 3DS in a bunch of drawers just to play it. Good game, unfortunate environment for it. 10/10.
8. Original: A perfect debut, but it is truly bare bones. You can sit down with this game for a couple hours and experience everything it has to offer, and after that all you can do is beat your records. I will always love it for introducing me to my favorite game series, though. 10/10.
9. DIY: What does everyone see in this?! Someone please explain it to me. Everyone talks about it like it was so damn cool, but I never got it at all! Was the novelty of drawing stuff really such a huge sell for people? The games were so samey in my experience. Maybe I just didn't know where to find the good stuff, but this is the least fun I've had with Warioware, except... (oh, 8/10 btw)
10. Snapped: Glorified tech demo. 3/10. NEXT!
11. Game & Wario: This isn't even Warioware beyond the characters! No microgames, no deal. The frenetic pace is what I'm here for, and this game ain't got it. X/10, DISQUALIFIED!
It is criminal that Move It is currently ranked below DIY Showcase
@locky-mavo Gold is the best one from a gameplay standpoint by so much, I think not enough people have played it. So many modes, and great competetive multiplayer.
Move It being so low isn’t right. My guess is people are older and aren’t willing to replay games like this or get a group of friends for local multiplayer. It has everything and more than the other games plus some really inventive micro games.
To each their own, but I think people are more generous to games they replayed over and over as a kid since they had a limited game selection.
the end game level of SMOOTH MOVES is the best gaming experience you can have on the Wii.
you get to play star fox with wii motion controls
I wish they remade the first three games like this.
it's perfection.
Have you guys made a warioland tier list yet? Mine would be 1. TSD 2. I 3. IV 4. II 5. III
This list is all sorts of messed up. DIY is easily a Top 5 Warioware. Touched is #1 though. Move It! and Get it Together! deserve to be higher.
I’m not sure where I’d rank Game & Wario, but I do think it deserves praise for being a collection of Minigames over Microgames. Ski, Gamer, Fruit and Islands are all fun experiences that I still think will be looked fonder as time goes on and those “Wii U magic” experiences become increasingly more rare. It probably should have focused more on multiplayer though.
Move It! being behind DIY Showcase Wii is straight up insulting imo, MI should definitely be higher. Gold is my personal favorite; I think #2 is a good placement. I love that it's basically an anthology of all the preceding WarioWares- utilizing button, touch, motion, and even mic minigames, plus I also liked the side content.
The original GBA is still a great game on its own to this day, but while it has the original impact factor, I wouldn't have it #1 because there have been several entries since that have definitely topped it.
I think my current list would probably go:
01.) Gold
02.) Smooth Moves
03.) Move It!
04.) Twisted
05.) Original GBA
06.) Get It Together
07.) DIY
08.) Mega Party Games
09.) Game & Wario
10.) DIY Showcase
Have not played Touched or Snapped; the latter is admittedly likely already on the bottom even without playing it though just from how limited it is.
I think Move It is so low since it only came out a week ago and people still need to play it
Touched! is the only one I own and well, I am extremely biased. I’ve played other titles with friends (smooth moves) but never felt compelled to buy another title in the series. The Switch titles seem to be more focused on group settings and those are too far in between for me with the Switch to justify a full price purchase.
Going back to Touched! I love it! I love the mode where each microgame comes out faster and faster. Having to scramble with the stylus or switching to blowing into microphone was a blast.
It’s the first time, ok second time (Kirby Tilt n’ Tumble) I’ve played a game where the control gimmicks improve the core gameplay experience.
I may consider getting… “Get it Together!” over “Move It” but still, a bit skeptical.
I’ll always love Touched! and I hope single player WarioWare games come back into style and focus with Nintendo.
its weird to think about how different the handheld and console games are structured. they both have story-structured microgames, but handhelds focus on solo content and collectables while consoles focus on local multiplayer party modes
besides Snapped, all of these are bangers for their respective system, i just wish the newer games had more to do for solo players. GiT is arguably the best solo console experience and Move It the best party multiplayer one, i just wish they'd program some CPUs so the modes were more accessible
Meh, I'd switch the four and five spot, but that's just me.
DIY had some problems, but I miss it, kinda wished they would make a sequel with tons of more/new features...The game you could make were pretty good, but they did feel kinda...off, compared to the normal microgames from other games.
Maybe a sequel could fix that problem.
EDIT:....Oh, old article...I already posted here and basically said the same thing. lol
luckyseven wrote:
It's the average rating of the people that have rated it though (i.e. it's not something like counting total number of "likes"). So having more votes come in shouldn't make its rank change very much. Though, going by Get It Together!'s # of ratings, the # of ratings Move It! has now may only be around half of what it will end up with.
This list is completely and utterly wrong.
The GameCube entry deserves to be near the bottom of the list for being a mere port of the original (they didn't even bother to remake anything despite the extremely simplistic visuals; it's a straight, barebones port).
The only thing I can agree with is that Snapped deserves the bottom spot. A great concept in theory, but horribly executed with the DSi's 0.3 megapixel camera.
And the original game is far from the best. Yes, it has a special place for being the first, but those that followed it have been so much more experimental and ambitious.
Game & Wario suffered with its single player offerings, but its multiplayer modes really elevated the package, and it boasts arguably the best use of the Gamepad on Wii U. The cool little unlockable toys/novelties were also brilliant (though there weren't nearly enough of them).
In any case, Smooth Moves is the game to beat. Move It comes close (why is it so damn low on the list?!), but the controls aren't nearly as intuitive as the single-controller games in Smooth Moves, but many of the games work beautifully, and I wish that there was just a little more content and refinement to really round out the package.
I found Get It Together a little disappointing at the time of its release only because I yearned for a Smooth Moves successor so badly after such a long hiatus, but on its own merits, it's a really fun game, and only that I've given 180+ hours to, easily making it one of my most played Switch games.
@Big_Fudge The series originally started on handhelds, the series didn't get multiplayer until a port of the original on gamecube that removed the story mode.
@Sisilly_G it comes low because this is user ranked, and very few people have played it because it came out so recently, during a busy month for games.
Move It is still a work in progress for me but given the competition I don't think it'll be very high on my list.
My ranking right now would be something like:
1. Gold
2. Get It Together
3. Mega Microgame$
4. Twisted!
5. Touched!
I've shuffled it around compared to last time. I think I just like WarioWare best as more of a solo experience and not as much the party side. They tend to keep you busy with more content compared to the party games.
I'd rank Move It higher than Smooth Moves because of the setting and story, even weirder microgames and voice acting, but I'll give the latter credit for having simpler forms and possibly better controls. I don't remember ever having as many motion control problems in Smooth Moves compared to Move It. Move It's forms are more complicated. It's still another quality WarioWare and it should go higher on this official list eventually.
@Hwatt Based on what you said you'd definitely enjoy Get It Together more than Move It, although it also depends on how you feel about playing the microgames by controlling the characters (personally I enjoy it)... but you'd love Gold more than anything as it combines the button, tilting and your beloved touch controls, is single player and has a lot of unlockables which I'd say are more interesting that those in Touched!
I wouldn't discount the first game in the series, Mega Microgame$, as even though it's simpler and has only button controls it is the base of what I consider a good single player WarioWare. I also keep on hearing good things in that sense about Twisted, fingers crossed it will eventually be added to NSO just like the original!
I can honestly say, that I've never played a single WarioWare game before.
Twisted is the GOAT for me, passed a ton of time when I worked as a security guard LOL
But Gold is really really good too
1. twisted
2. microgame$
Questionable judgment at best
WarioWare Gold is my first game other than DIY and I really regret it, I tried playing the GBA games and they're mostly the same games which is really boring guess I only have the Switch games.
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