Best Tony Hawk Games
Image: Nintendo Life

The arrival of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 on Switch back in June 2021 ended a decade-long drought (on Nintendo consoles) of ollies, nollies, kickflips, and grinds from the master Mr. Anthony F. Hawk. The Tony Hawk games and their iconic soundtracks were a formative part of many gamers' lives in the late '90s/early 2000s and we were thrilled to have him back in such fine form.

With a whopping 27 games to his name on Nintendo platforms (including all the handheld versions, excluding the upcoming Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4), we thought it time to rank every Tony Hawk game, from gnarliest to nastiest.

We enlisted you lovely Nintendo Life readers to help us put Tony's Hawks in order, asking you to rate every Tony Hawk game you've played and below you'll find the result — the definitive ranking of every game in the Tony Hawk series... well, every game in the series that launched on Nintendo systems. Yes, there are a few missing, although from what we've heard about Tony Hawk 5, we're pretty sure where it would rank — 'rank' being the operative word.

So, grab your pads, your big shorts, and your deck, and let's H-O-R-S-E around on the halfpipe. We begin at the bottom...

27. Tony Hawk: RIDE (Wii)

Developer Buzz Monkey was in charge of the Wii version of Tony Hawk: RIDE, while Robomodo handled the 360 and PS3 games. Using a skateboard controller you stand on to control a skateboard game (rather than one of those old-fashioned gamepad things) must have seemed like a great idea when this project got the green light, but by 2010 the plastic peripheral fad was coming to an end.

After several years of Wii waggle, hardcore fans weren't likely to be impressed and casual gamers had Rock Band guitars and crappy golf club Wiimote holders up to their eyeballs; they weren't going to fork out for another gimmicky (and expensive) input device.

RIDE would have struggled even if the game had been incredible, but the fact it was awful left the franchise in a precarious position as it exited the noughties.

26. Tony Hawk's Motion (DS)

Bundled with the Motion Pack which slotted into the DS or DS Lite's GBA card slot to enable motion-based controls, Tony Hawk's Motion was a video game released for the Nintendo DS featuring Tony Hawk. Yep. As you might have gathered, we never actually played this one. It was, by all accounts, total toilet and it seems we did well to avoid it.

We tell a lie — one Damien McFerran played and reviewed this entry for Pocket Gamer, so someone on the team has played it! Let's see how Nintendo Life's Editorial Director extraordinaire summed it up back in 2008...

Saddled with poor visuals, ineffective controls and a complete lack of engaging content, Tony Hawk's Motion is a crushing disappointment.


25. Tony Hawk: Shred (Wii)

2010's Tony Hawk: Shred was a sequel to Ride which used a motion-controlled skateboard peripheral. To say it put a nail in the coffin of the franchise isn't quite accurate — Birdman's series is alive and kicking, after all — but the fact remains that it was over a decade before Nintendo gamers would get another new Tony Hawk game, which was actually a pair of old Tony Hawk games remade for modern consoles.

Let's just move on; Shred is too depressing to linger on.

24. Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (DS)

The DS version of Tony Hawk's Proving Ground was a Vicarious Visions joint and the handheld version lived up to the studios' work on previous entries, faring better than the Wii version developed by Page 44 Studios, at least.

The Xbox 360 and PS3 version of Proving Ground was the final game in the series to be worked on by series originators Neversoft before they hung up their scuffed kneepads and hobbled into the sunset.

23. Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (Wii)

The Wii was no stranger to truncated ports or compromises when it came to getting bespoke versions of big-name games, but it was usually a bad sign when the developer of the Wii port was also behind a lagging PS2 version as well, as was the case here.

We saw worse throughout the Wii's life — and worse within the Tony Hawk series — but mechanically and visually speaking, Tony Hawk's Proving Ground on Wii lagged behind all other versions. Hardly a nadir, but certainly not a career high point.

22. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (GBA)

This version of Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam was the final series entry to land on Game Boy Advance, the sixth overall. There were plenty Hawks already available on the console, then, but this race-focused entry gave the plucky portable a decent send off, at least... maybe. We really can't say with any authority, unfortunately — never played it.

C'mon, give us a break! It was 2006 and there were two other versions on newer Nintendo consoles!

21. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (DS)

The most advanced of the two Nintendo handheld jams, ol' reliable VV was behind Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam on DS, which ensured a minimum level of quality. In fact, this racing-focused entry featured full 3D visuals on the handheld, which look pretty ugly by today's standards but were impressively smooth considering the modest hardware at the time. Not bad at all for the only racing game(s) in the series.

20. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Wii)

One of a trio of Downhill Jams made specifically for Nintendo systems (with PS2 and mobile versions coming the following year, while other platforms got the Neversoft-developed Project 8 instead), this spin-off was a Wii launch title and turned the series' attention to racing downhill — it's in the name, see? Interestingly, Toys For Bob were behind this enjoyable offshoot.

19. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (GBC)

An improvement on the original GBC port, Natsume's version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 still fell well short of the sublime home console versions and the excellent alternate GBA version — Vicarious Visions' first foray into the TH series and proof that a handheld version need not be a 'downgrade'.

Better than the last effort, yes, but this was to be Natsume's last brush with the franchise.