Best Nintendo Switch Games Of 2017
Image: Nintendo Life

Remember 2017? While it might be something of a hazy memory now, that was the fateful year when Nintendo released the Switch to the world. The portable powerhouse would hit the ground running with the wonderful The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild upon its March 2017 launch.

July 2017 saw the colourful splatfest Splatoon 2 land on Switch and it would soon be joined in October 2017 by the amazing Super Mario Odyssey. Quite a year! Of course, there were many more great games released in 2017 on the Switch, and we've taken the liberty of rounding them up for you below.

Now, before you tell us this top 50 is terrible, you should know that the order here is taken from the user ratings associated with Switch games on Nintendo Life's database. This means that the list is fluid and the rank can change according to the rating. If you've previously rated your favourite Switch games (the ones released in 2017, we mean), just sit back and enjoy. If, however, you've yet to give your personal score for some (or all) of the games below, clicking on each game's rating will enable you to cast your vote and affect the list.

Can't see your favourite? Head to our library of Switch games for 2017 and input your own ratings. A game needs a minimum of fifty ratings to become eligible, so it's entirely possible to influence the ranking and get your favourite games onto the list.

Without further ado, let's dive into this selection of the best Switch games from 2017...

50. I Am Setsuna (Switch eShop)

As an ode to the RPGs of the past, I Am Setsuna succeeds in recreating the sort of adventure you experienced on older Nintendo hardware. Its combat system is the main supplier of this nostalgia, with the deep active time battle system, the number of weapons and moves you can perform, and the time management aspect.

But those not looking to take a trip down memory lane may be left wanting more. In terms of pure gameplay hours this offers a reasonable return on investment, but the no-thrills plotline and gameplay outside of combat could have been fleshed out. I Am Setsuna could be the perfect complement to your Nintendo Switch, but if you're not foaming at the mouth with nostalgia it's an optional purchase.

49. Pinball FX3 (Switch eShop)

The overall fun on offer in Pinball FX3 really depends on the amount of coin dropped. Certain tables are made free from time to time, but in order to experience the entire package, purchases must be made.

Anyone in the mood for a fun arcade take on the classic pinball genre will certainly be satisfied. It doesn’t revolutionise the series (which in some cases is understandably hard to enhance, given the source material), but with all the necessities including global leaderboards, multiplayer action and enough content to justify the DLC purchases – including challenges and a levelling system – there’s no harm in downloading the free base game and taking a look at what the definitive pinball experience on the market offers.

48. Batman - The Telltale Series (Switch)

While Batman isn't Telltale's best comic book or graphic novel adaptation, Batman - The Telltale Series does a great job of balancing both the Dark Knight and the man behind the mask.

You get to see Bruce Wayne the man, not The Bat, more than in any other video game. And the developer's choice and consequence formula works in perfect harmony with the moral struggle Batman often encounters. The World's Greatest Detective had a pretty good home with Telltale for a while.

47. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Switch)

If the only question you have prior to playing Ultra Street Fighter II is, "Is this the ultimate version of Street Fighter II?" then chances are you're going to come away impressed. The gameplay is as tight and enjoyable as ever, and there's a simplicity to the game engine which makes it incredibly appealing and accommodating to genre newcomers.

Sadly, Capcom's attempts to add value to this likeable yet ageing template fall totally flat. Buddy Mode is so brief it borders on being pointless, while Way of the Hado – complete with its laughable motion controls – is something you'll only fire up once.

Given its RRP, Ultra Street Fighter II represents Capcom at its most lazy and exploitative; this really should have been a low-cost digital download. It's still a fantastic one-on-one fighter — and with online play here — but do you need another version of this game in your life? Explore cheaper options first, or wait for a sale.

46. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Switch eShop)

Judging a game on its own merits is very important. However, when a title happens to borrow just about every aspect of its design from an iconic game series, it’s hard not to acknowledge. Thankfully in the case of Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, the developer has intentionally crafted it with a sense of love and admiration of classic Zelda games which makes it far more than a mere 'clone'.

While it’s not as flawlessly executed as the series it draws inspiration from, it's still a heartfelt tribute to the earlier entries in Nintendo’s long-running series.

45. Gorogoa (Switch eShop)

The Switch’s eShop is saturated with bucketloads of high-quality content. This is great in one way, of course, but stumbling across hidden gems within it will get tougher as time goes on. Gorogoa is one such gem; a puzzle game quite unlike any other that deserves your attention.

It is a little on the short side, but the creativity that has been put into its design, and the effect it will have on you during your time exploring its gorgeous world, is something that you’ll want to experience. If you’re looking for something new to try, this would be an excellent choice.

44. LEGO City: Undercover (Switch)

LEGO City: Undercover doesn't quite stand up as well as it did on Wii U; series improvements have come in the years since leaving this one looking slightly dusty by comparison. Some technical issues hold it back, too, with odd graphical blemishes — a pity as the updated engine is generally an improvement — along with performance issues in co-op and handheld mode.

That said, played in single-player like the original, this still offers an easygoing and slightly anarchic fun time. The same crazy storylines, set pieces, and scenarios are still here, as are the cheesy jokes riffing on famous movies.

Lego City: Undercover's case isn't quite as convincing as in 2013, but it still has plenty to offer.

43. Romancing SaGa 2 (Switch eShop)

Romancing SaGa 2 is a really intriguing JRPG. The combat system has a great sense of depth thanks to its distinctive take on levelling, the inclusion of formations and how the player is held accountable for each party member.

The kingdom management aspects also provide a greater sense of player agency and help set it apart from conventional role-playing games. Due to this design, the story and character development – including the dialogue throughout – aren’t quite as refined as other Square Enix titles.

Regardless, the entire concept has aged surprisingly well, even by modern standards.

42. Resident Evil Revelations 2 (Switch eShop)

An episodic entry featuring Claire Redfield and the return of Barry 'Jill Sandwich' Burton from the original RE, we also got to meet his daughter Moira in Resident Evil Revelations 2. Co-operative gameplay was served with a twist; of the four playable characters, only two use firearms. This forces you to approach scenarios differently and gives parts of the game a stealthy flavour.

Although it might lack the prestige of the mainline entries, this is a fine, full-fat addition to the lineup, and as fans of Barry from the original game, it was great to see him return in his new paternal role here.

41. Thimbleweed Park (Switch eShop)

Point-and-click beginners may struggle with the myriad puzzles Thimbleweed Park lays across its curiosity-piquing plot, but its developers have rightfully made it possible to get ahead even when all you see are dead ends, with the inclusion of the tips line.

This is a love letter to the LucasArts adventure games of old, updated to be as convenient as possible without stripping away the challenge or the charm. These updates mean that what would have been essential only for a very specific audience is, with no explicit fail states, easy for anyone to not just enjoy, but actually finish.

And going around for a second time is still a treat, much as Monkey Island et al. were, as you can clearly see all the pieces of the grander picture coming together to comprise a fascinating whole, climaxing with one of gaming’s better twists.