To celebrate the release of the excellent Castlevania Dominus Collection, we're republishing this ranked list of every Castlevania game to appear on Nintendo systems.
Remember, this is a reader-ranked list governed by each game's User Rating on our games database. As such, it is subject to real-time change as the ratings fluctuate. Feel free to get in there and rate the games you've played if you haven't already. Enjoy!
The Castlevania series has a rich history on Nintendo consoles ever since the original game came first to the Japanese Famicom Disk System way back in 1986, and then to the NES a year later. There may be a significant release or two from Konami's vampire-killing catalogue still missing from Nintendo platforms (we're looking at you, Symphony of the Night), but the vast majority of the series can be found on Nintendo consoles.
But where should you start if you're new to the Castlevania series? Which Castlevania game is the best? Those are tough questions, but we've whipped up a ranked list of the best Castlevania games (on Nintendo consoles) below, as rated by Nintendo Life readers.
The series has many high points, plus a couple of very low ones, and comes in two distinct flavours: the more straightforward right-to-left style of the original games or the more expansive brand of Koji Igarashi-produced games — sometimes referred to as 'IGAvanias' — which combined spiritually with Nintendo's Metroid series to birth an entire genre of 'Metroidvania' video games.
For Switch owners, the Castlevania Anniversary Collection should obviously be your first port of call, with the following Castlevania Advance Collection containing one of the very best games in the series, and, most recently, the Castlevania Dominus Collection bringing the DS trilogy to modern consoles. Those collections themselves don't feature in this ranking — only the games within — but rest assured that every one's a winner.
And there's always Koji Igarashi's non-affiliated Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night once you've exhausted all the Belmonts below. The Switch version is far from perfect, but it is slightly improved since launch and is arguably the closest thing fans will get to Symphony of the Night on Switch (until Konami decides to put Symphony of the Night on Switch).
We've included a couple of spin-offs and oddities, too, but that's enough talk. Wipe away those bloody tears, and let's go kill us some vampires.
25. Haunted Castle (Arcade)
Available on Switch as part of Konami's Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection, as a standalone arcade release from Hamster, or as part of the Castlevania Dominus Collection, Haunted Castle is an odd duck. Made exclusively for arcades, it occupies a strange middle ground somewhere between homage, parody, and port and sees Simon Belmont (with a sprite which stands a quarter of the screen tall) rescuing his new bride from the villainous clutches of the Count. The music is by far the best thing about it, but despite looking superficially 'better' than the original, it's an unfairly punishing arcade experience designed to empty your pockets of shiny coins. As such, there's very little fun to be had. If you're interested, you can check out the differences between the original NES game, its VS Castlevania arcade port, and Haunted Castle in this video.
One important caveat with this one: Haunted Castle Revisited, M2's reimagined version in the Dominus Collection, is absolutely worth a look. In fact, our pals over at Time Extension whipped up a full review, so check that out if you're intrigued to know more:
24. Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
The first entry for the series on the Game Boy, and one best left forgotten, Castlevania: The Adventure is a turgid, terminally sluggish approximation of the series' classic gameplay with repetitive, bland level design. Given the host console's limitations, you might be tempted to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the sequel would show what the platform was truly capable of and expose this for the horror that it is. Do yourself a favour, skip this, and start your portable Castlevania adventure with Belmont's Revenge.
23. Castlevania Judgment (Wii)
Set in the Castlevania universe, this 2008 Wii game brought all your favourite characters and monsters together for a momentously rubbish one-on-one 3D fighter with awful controls and questionable character designs. Castlevania Judgment was panned by critics and fans alike on release and time has done nothing to heal the wounds this one inflicted. A miserable pile, indeed.
22. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
Another game we have fond memories of, despite itself. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest is obtuse, infuriating, and downright cheap at times... but it's got a killer soundtrack and admirably changes things up by building on the original game with new ideas, including a day/night cycle and an intriguing (if ultimately frustrating) non-linear approach. Back in the day it would have been an absolute nightmare, and we totally understand people who lose patience with it, but if you're not opposed to sitting down with a walkthrough and making use of save states, we'd recommend giving Simon's Quest another chance. The soundtrack alone makes it worth a playthrough.
21. Castlevania Legends (GB)
Without knowing that this was the third Castlevania for Game Boy, you could be forgiven for thinking this was the second game before Konami perfected things with Belmont's Revenge. But no, Castlevania Legends was a late release for the ageing console (1997 in Japan, 1998 in the West) — the third and final entry and a less than auspicious farewell to Nintendo's 8-bit handheld. Following the release of the towering Symphony of the Night on PlayStation would have been an unenviable task, to be sure, but even taking into account the platform's inherent limitations this is an intense disappointment. With poor animation, lacklustre sprite work, and equally unimpressive level design, it's hard to believe that this came a whopping seven years after its fantastic predecessor.
Simply put, it wasn't good enough at the time, and despite being a sought-after collector's item these days, it's only got worse with age. It's available on Switch as part of a Nintendo Switch Online subscription now, but we wouldn't. Avoid.
20. Castlevania (N64)
A flawed stab at a polygonal 3D Castlevania, this isn't 'bad' as much as 'crushingly average'. Launching several years into the N64's cycle in 1999, players expected better from a 3D game at the dawning of the new millennium. Camera issues were a perennial problem for games of the era, but the best Castlevania titles have always been characterised by tight controls and Castlevania (yes, it eschewed the '64' colloquially appended to its title) simply wasn't up to snuff. We respect it — from afar — but this one's probably best left in the crypt.
19. Kid Dracula (NES)
Available in the West for the first time via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, Konami even went to the trouble of localising the Famicom original for us. It's a fun little 8-bit adventure which serves as a fantastic palate cleanser between the epic quests populating the rest of this list. As great as they are, sometimes you need a break from all that samey vampire killing, and Kid Dracula provides a dose of levity amongst all the monsters and bloody tears.
18. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (3DS)
We're not going to sit here and claim that this 2.5D offshoot from the (non-Nintendo) 3D Castlevania: Lords of Shadow games is a must-play. However, we'd be lying if we said we didn't enjoy Mirror of Fate on 3DS. No, it can't hold a candle to the classics in the series, but taken on its own terms, it's a fun, if simplistic, little game from MercurySteam (who would go on to develop the excellent Metroid Dread) that made good use of the system's autostereoscopic 3D and gave us a fresh perspective on some series-favourite characters.
Are we busting to replay it? No, but it certainly doesn't warrant the vitriol it sometimes receives from series stalwarts. You can find it for peanuts these days, and it's worth a look.
17. Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
Known as Vampire's Kiss in the EU, Castlevania: Dracula X is a Super NES remake of the PC Engine original Rondo of Blood, and it doesn't stand up to comparison with the game on which it is based, although it's certainly not bad taken in isolation. It offers solid, old-school Castlevania fare and is worth investigating if you've chewed your way through better games in the series (most notably the original Rondo of Blood). If you're new to the series, we wouldn't start here, though.
Killer box art, mind.
Comments 196
Sees Castlevania in the title, knows the article was written by Dami... What!?
An Igavania Collection needs to happen, yesterday.
Circle of the moon was my first Castlevania and is my favorite to this day.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I second an Igavania collection on Switch, I want all the GBA games ported ASAP.
I’d also love to see Lords of Shadow ported to Switch, I loved every minute of the game, haters be damned. I’d even take the sequel and 3DS game, although I agree those two had issues.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is my favourite Castlevania ever, but I can't understand why Dawn of Sorrow took 5 place. It is much worse then Aria of Sorrow. It have meaningless seals and other second screen features, that only annoy you. Order of Ecclesia, Portrait of Ruin, Bloodlines (for example) worth 5 place much more then it.
I think since Aria of sorrow was my 1st, it's also my favorite. But as much as I really enjoy these games, the dialogue and story in general is so hilarious at times, I wonder if the ds games have a better story.
OoE in particular as that's the one I want to play the most of the ds games
Super Castlevania IV would top my list.
@jobvd This is a good list though!
@Judal27 um, no, story in Dawn of Sorrow is bad. And it is so sad for me, because I really like Aria of Sorrow. But story in Order of Ecclesia is pretty good, so I can recommend it. Portrait of Ruin seems good too, but I can't say it about whole game, because I still not finished it.
You're insane if you think Vampire Killer MSX ranks higher than the N64 games.
CV64 has amazing atmosphere and a great feeling of a foreboding adventure. VK MSX has confusing mechanics and nonsense level design and practically no redeeming qualities.
Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania III and Rondo of Blood are my top 3 games of the franchise. But other titles are also great, like the first entry.
Any list of the best Castlevania games is lacking without Symphony of the Night. Yes, I know it's not on a Nintendo console, but we're not really talking about the best 'vania games unless it is in the conversation.
I played a "demo" of Legends and I don't understand the hate it gets. Not as good as Belmonts Revenge but not a train wreck.
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge placing higher than Order of Ecclesia and Bloodlines is a bad joke.
With that said, it's good to see Rondo of Blood (my personal favorite game in the series) getting some love.
Still have yet to play Aria of Sorrow, unfortunately.
@Kalmaro I agree wholeheartedly. It's the only game in the igavania saga to not have terrible map design, terribly implemented upgrades, or both. All time classic.
Edit: That I've played. I haven't gotten to the DS trilogy yet, but I've played SOTN, the GBA trilogy, and Bloodstained. Just in case portrait of ruin manges to fix my problems with the rest of the saga, because Aria for DS won't and I've heard that ecclesia has a really weird structure.
Super Castlevania iv and rondo of blood are my personal favourites and the sound tracks to both are just amazing
Circle of the Moon being below Harmony of Dissonance is a bit wrong. CotM is insanely difficult but has seriously tight gameplay, especially compared to HoD. It’s especially impressive given that it was a launch title for the GBA. It was an ordeal completing CotM and hugely frustrating at times but I look back at it fondly in the same respect as Dark Souls.
I knew the 2 N64 games were going to be very low, what utter nonsense and both are very good games which deserve to be much higher
@Anvold I wouldn't call it much worse, but more of the same, a very safe sequel but a good launch title for the DS. the seals never bothered me that much but the art switch did.
Even surprised they went for the anime style again with the game that has paintings as a theme ah well...
@RushDawg I love Sotn BUT! I do feel that the GBA games and DS games are better but they could never be without Sotn.
@Ralizah Agreed, Order of Ecclesia gives a good blend between level based castlevania, in terms of difficulty and well, levels but also uses Igavania principles in an interesting and fresh way.
And go play Aria, what are you doing here posting about games online! SHOO!!!
@alexybubble I disagree, the gameplay is slow, the graphics are badly designed for it's system and technically it is not even an Igavania as he had no hand in it.
It's still better than Harmony cuz that game, while some interesting graphical flair, has a underwhelming combat upgrade system, re-used the castle flip and had terrible outlines and music quality.
CotM is not as good as AoS and I 100%-ed them both so my opinion is somewhat valid!
Kid Dracula all day. The more I think about it, the oddball ones might be my favorites. KD, bloodlines, legend..2 is actually really good if you can play it the intended way with the Nintendo Power issue. Horribly designed in some ways, but it really stands out as a unique installment worthy of a higher spot if I made the list
Also, Rondo is a very COOL game, but I'd put it somewhere around bloodlines. It is just not as good as IV, but then again few are.
Igavania games are j u n k. Besides SOTN of course, which is maybe the best game ever? Maybe. Bloodstained sucked. bye!
@khululy I prefer Harmony to AoS. At least in my opinion, the best that the soul system has ever been executed was back in CotM with the DSS. If you are going to give me a system that allows me to customize my play style with different abilities, I should be able to beat the entire game without using it, albeit much harder than it would be with using it. I tried playing AoS and ended up putting it down within the first 30 minutes of picking it up because of having to separately equip the slower falling speed soul, which immediately gave me flashbacks to the well in bloodstained, which I had played before. That was the worst area that I had ever experienced in a metroidvania, so I didn't want to go through that hell again. Plus it also gave me Iga's BS hallways that take you nowhere way before you have the right upgrade to go through them, while giving you nothing for your effort within that 30 minutes that I played it. That's why I don't like AoS.
@Kang81 Lords Of Shadow was the first title of Castlevania I really got into, and I enjoyed the other two. The story telling did it for me.
SotN is my favorite, but it's not eligible, so my top 3 from this list are
1. Super Castlevania 4
2. Castlevania 3
3. Castlevania
Also Simon's Quest is a very good game. Especially now, if you get stuck just ask the internet for help.
Funny, I checked out #1 and I actually agree. I got that on my Wii U and it's probably the best of the series IMO. I mean I am not a huge Castlevania fan but that game always stood out to me.
Order of Ecclesia (best gameplay) followed by Circle of the Moon (best castle) for me. They are all really good, though. I’ve played em all except 64.
It’s really unfortunate that Konami isn’t reviving the game IP in the golden era of the genre it helped create.
Oh yes and #3 would be Lords if Shadow.
@mauhlin12 Much like Zelda 2, I find Castlevania 2 to be perfectly enjoyable with a guide and save states. Amazing even. Otherwise, you're in for a cruel ride.
Super Metroid is the best Castlevania game x x x x
I still prefer the level-based style of Castlevania and would love to see another one of those. That being said, I wouldn't mind a collection of the GBA and DS ones since I've only played a bit of them.
Also must mention that the soundtrack for Belmont's Revenge is wicked, especially for the GB.
My list would be far different. CV4 would be way lower. Bloodlines would be much higher. HoD on GBA has too many issues for me. The music isn't right for that kind of game, plus the game's balance is off in my opinion. I'd like Dawn of Sorrow more without the touch gimmicks which I find annoying. I really liked Aria of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. It's a great property overall, though.
I have a soft spot for #2. First one I played (over at a cousin's house) and it was fun but yeah; really really vague.
I actually enjoyed the PS2 'god of war' type castlevania. I forget which one I have (it's all boxed up) but it was fun enough.
Faves are Bloodlines, Rondo of Blood, and Super Castlevania 4.
I still remember getting Bloodlines just to test out an emulator but I ended up loving the game.
For me this is the best franchise ever to grace the world of gaming
Decent list folks.
Haunted castle should be last on that list. It absolutely stinks.
@alexybubble You might think DSS is great but I spent waaaaay too long last month grinding for cards to even have a chance of beating some of those bosses. Still love CotM though, it’s bloody difficult!
@khululy I had them all on ds and was amazing to be honest. Advance games. Got a mini snes so castlevania 4 I will play and see what the fuss about.
@SeantheDon29 Having the DS games stuck on a DS/3DS screen is a massive shame.
Capcom made it work with the Zero/ZX collection, but I doubt Konami would put that much effort into it.
@nessisonett I do see the the flaws in the dss. I think that it would have been a lot better if they were overworked collectables, or at least don't lock two of them behind an end game arena challenge where if you don't get the card you have to redo the entire thing. I still think it was better implemented though, as the only card that lets you get things just lets you get them earlier, and isn't required for any of those upgrades.
Aria of Sorrow is awesome. Great choice.
Having said that, I disagree with much of the order of this list.
Bloodlines needs to be a lot higher in this list!
@alexybubble Yeah, in terms of not limiting progression it was really well done. Some bosses were really difficult without the summon card though, I only got that before Dracula and it still took me a few hours of grinding the hardest enemies in the game before I could take him on. The heal card combo was an absolute godsend though, took a lot of the pressure off.
I absolutely loved Castlevania 3. That said, 4 is still great, bloodlines has some cool effects, Kid Dracula Is some good spin off fun, 1 is classic, and the gameboy games are a decent time. I still have to go back and finish aria of sorrow some day, as well as Dracula x. Hoping to get some more castlevania games on switch though so i can play them all in 1 place.
I dabbled in the NES games, but I wasn’t a kid who played games in the 80’s, I was always outside. My first real go at the series was the N64 Castlevania, while I enjoyed it, I know it’s pretty much universally hated.
I was fully sucked in with the GBA Castlevania games.
All that said, the first LoS is my favorite in the series. The story was epic, and heart wrenching. Gabriel got screwed over so bad, and I felt bad for him. I thought LoS Mirror of Fate was ok, but not as good as the GBA games. I never did finish, or barely start LoS 2. It was just added to Xbox Games with Gold so I’ll give it a go now since it means I don’t have to dig out my PS3 for my original copy.
The N64 Castlevania was actually my first fully completed game in the series. I enjoyed it, doubtful I would now though.
I dabbled with Simon’s Quest back when I was a kid, but never really played much of it.
Just because we named our second son Simon after (you guessed it) Simon Belmont, I don't consider myself an authority on Castlevania.
Just because a significant portion of our gameroom is dedicated to all things Castlevania (including many items I acquired during my 4 years in Japan), I don't consider myself an authority on Castlevania.
Just because I received Castlevania for NES for Christmas in 1987 and was beating it without dying by New Years, I don't consider myself an authority on Castlevania.
Just because I don't consider myself an authority on Castlevania, doesn't mean I can't have an educated opinion about this list: I gotta say, it's pretty darn good. Well done!
@Kang81 LoS2 is definitely different at first, but it picks up well. If you liked those and haven’t tried it, Dante’s Inferno on 360 was a great story, too.
CotM is my number one. The card system and loot/gear were excellent, but it was the soundtrack and visuals that were amazing. Aria edged out visuals and story, but not soundtrack. For that CotM is my 1, and Aria 2.
Super Castlevania IV is my fave Castlevania game that I’ve played so far. I just find the NES games too stiff and unwieldy, but I never played them when they first came out.
I also really like the N64 Castlevania games, despite their clunkiness. The atmosphere is great. And the opening sequence of CV64 when it ends with the violin rendition of the Bloodlines tune is just so so good.
It's totally fair to prefer the GBA / DS games over SotN. I just find it a bit ridiculous to rank the top CV games and not have SotN in the conversation. It is so obviously one of the best games in the series, so excluding it makes the overall list feel kinda pointless.
CV64 and Simon's Quest should be higher. The DS games should be lower. Dracula X should be WAY lower. AoS #1? I don't know...
Many of the games are way better with hacks and/or translations, though I know that isn't the point of this list (2, 3, and 4 were much better in Japan, IMO).
For the record, I thought SotN was alright, but not as good as the GBA sequels. Rondo of Blood is definitely way up there, but it's hard to judge the old-school CVs versus the Iga Metroidvanias.
Dawn of Sorrow IMO is the best Castlevania game ever. Better than SOTN either. It has everything that game has gameplay wise, but also has 2/3 additional missions with different characters, and the soul forging mechanic is really good and super addicting to collect every one.
EDIT: And having a map visible all the time in any Metroidvania is the best thing ever, that alone puts all the DS games above the others in terms of easiness to play for me.
I'm not a huge Castlevania fan and there's a lot of titles I haven't played, like the one at number one. Rondo of Blood though is absolutely superb. I loved Hammer Horror when I was a lad and RoB absolutely nails the Gothic Horror theme of the movies. The atmosphere,the organ music, the stages for the boss fights. The Werewolf boss being a highlight. Love it!
I was so ready to write angrily in the comments right here “how DARE you put Kid Dracula above Dracula X!” but then I see you added it back in at number 2 in its better form. NintendoLife that was a wild ride and read. I mostly agree with this list except I still would put Dracula X way up higher, even above Castlevania 1. It’s so good.
EDIT: I’m also here to stake my claim that I absolutely LOVE the N64 entries. In fact, I just recently bought an N64 to play it again. It was a real trip visiting all those locations again—I’m in the Duel Tower now and I keep dying!
Anyway, great list! Here’s to hoping we get some Symphony if the Night someday!
EDIT 2: also yes, I would absolutely LOVE Lords of Shadow, yes both of them, on Switch. I played and beat the first one and I think the story is just so good. And I played the demo for 2 and always wanted it but never wanted to shell out the cash. Hope these come out on Switch!
Aria is definitely top tier, and the story was really interesting. The whole truth behind who Soma is/could be and how the soul system was used to reveal it made the game really compelling to play through. Dawn of Sorrow was simply beautiful, but Aria was a tighter, more interesting experience IMO.
But my personal favorite is Order of Ecclesia. I just loved the Glyph mechanic and Shanoa's design in that game.
Castlevania is probably my favorite game series and it's a shame how it seems to have fallen out of favor in recent years. But it's great that so many of the games in the series are accessible. Maybe one day Konami will get the memo and put some serious effort into CV again...
@RushDawg ofcourse I agree, when you have Rondo of blood and Aria of sorrow in there these games are directly connected story wise.
@Dualmask It's a shame though even the Lord of Shadows games were not as bad as people make them out to be, not grounbreaking or perfect but they worked and the voice acting was good. but it didn't make the bank Konami wanted and thus was deemed a failure.
Been dying for a GBA / DS CV collection
Castlevania II should rank WAAAay higher...and I’ve played almost all of them
That's what lists are for: to be disagreed with. And I can say I totally disagree with almost all of it
If Castlevania 3 didn’t have a few terrible levels (basement of Dracula’s Castle) it would be #1 for me. Super Castlevania 4 and Rondo are at the top IMO.
So this means 4 out of the top 7 are in the Switch Collection, which isn't too bad. Agreed in part on the original being a bit hard to get into, though for me that's mostly down to its tendency for cheap enemy encounters (still better than Metroid though imo).
On the Dracula X vs Rondo of Blood thing, as someone who isn't really familiar with the differences, what makes Dracula X so much worse that it ends up almost at the other end of the rankings (17th vs 2nd)? It can't just be the sound, can it?
I have to whole heartedly disagree with Gavin about Legends.
Never played a Castlevania really. Need to get on that.
Aria of Sorrow became the first Castlevania I ever beat last year, with Dawn following soon after! Dawn of Sorrow was fun, sure, but Aria had a lot more memorable moments for me, like finding the gun then immediately firing it off to the beat of "Shots" by LMFAO, and of course fighting Balore for the first time... Y'all veterans know exactly what I'm talking about. To DoS's credit, I was pretty shocked to find out that the Killer Clown randomly drops cheeseburgers. Wonder that could be referring to...
@FullMetalWesker They're very different games, despite Dracula X being a sort of remake of Rondo of Blood. The level designs are very different, and Dracula X's levels were lacking in my opinion. I didn't find it particularly fun or engaging. On the other hand, it didn't take me long to agree with those who love Rondo after I got around to playing it.
Outside of SOTN missing from the list, I find this a much more agreeable list than the Fire Emblem one. In fact I'm actually quite pleased to see Aria of Sorrow made the top since that's actually one of my top 3 Igavania games. Dawn of Sorrow is IMO just as good if you apply the patch that fixes the stupid touch screen controls. Needing to complete a seal to beat bosses is just asinine. Without that patch, I'd put it lower on the list for sure.
You can't go wrong with 90% of the Castlevania games though. You can pick one at total random and it'll probably still be an enjoyable game. Even some of the GB games are pretty decent. Kid Dracula and Belmont's Revenge in particular. Even the so called "bad" Castlevania games like Adventure, Simon's Quest, and Castlevania 64 have a decent fan following.
Castlevania 4 ALL DAY LONG for me.
I got it the day it was released, since CV3 was my favourite NES game. At the time, CV4's graphics were breathtaking, and the soundtrack even more so... IMO the best soundtrack of the 16-bit era, and the best for any CV game. And now you could whip in eight directions! Simon's handling received a massive upgrade in CV4.
My problem with all of the Metroid-inspired CV games — don't get me wrong, I enjoyed them and beat every one — is that they are too easy.
I never thought judgement was all that bad. Id rather play it than the N64 game.
Ten years ago I set out to buy every castlevania complete. I almost finished my goal. still missing the wii fighting game and the Gameboy legends box. I picked up the Japanese versions also.
I like none of the classic Castlevania games except Rondo because of music, visuals, different pathways and connection with SotN.
I like all the Igavanias including Bloodstained except Harmony of Dissonance. Top 3 for me would be (Not doing nintendo only, thats dumb as heck):
Order of Eclesia
Portrait of Ruin/ Dawn of Sorrow
A good list, although my main faves are Super Castlevania IV and Bloodlines (although I much prefer the Japanese Vampire Killer name as it sounds cooler 😉)
I still wish Konami had kept the multi-directional whip of those two games. Going back to only being able to attack directly in front of you always felt like a step back.
Rondo of Blood, SOTN. Super and Aria are definitely my favorite. I played all of them on my wii
@FullMetalWesker (and others with such questions)
In Drac X the audio is in some ways sort of "improved" or better said altered, but not badly, likewise the graphics are in places added too or altered as well (see vids on the fire effect for this).
Drac X's lack of multiple branching paths, reduced number of levels, changed levels, no second playable character, etc. keep Rondo as everyone's fav of the two - - BUT anyone who loves CV 1 & CV 3 may really like trying Drac X as a sort of CV 3.5 ... lol
While I do enjoy the Igavania entries, I actually prefer the NES and SNES titles, Vampire Killer, Rondo of Blood. I just love the straight-forward platforming and whip throwing, over the the more exploration and rpg focused games.
Aria of Sorrow is in a league on it’s own, standing toe to toe with Symphony of the Night.
Order of Ecclesia could of been up there but the game felt a little gimped in terms of “restricting” your actions.
At the end of the day there are six fantastic Metroidvania installments (On the GBA/DS) that you cannot go wrong with.
One pressing issue with Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance is that they both use battery based saves (not flash based) and twenty years is the usual life span of them.
I enjoyed Dante’s Inferno, I still found it to be disturbing at times. I’m still a bit traumatized about fighting Satan in all his ‘glory’. lol
@GravyThief I loved the atmosphere in the Castlevania 64 games too. Must have completed the first one several times. It was different for me though because I had only played Belmonts Revenge previously so had no expectation of what a Castlevania game should be.
Can't believe I haven't played Symphony of the Night yet. Harmony of Dissonance was great fun for me, I liked Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow but hated the randomness of getting souls. Need to try out Bloodlines which is on my Genesis Mini.
I do feel like playing the Lords of Shadow games now.
@Ardisan which igavania is the best other than SOTN?
@PickledKong64 I dont know but for me my favorite would be Order of Ecclesia if I had to take SotN out. Found it challenging, loved the music, loved the story, and the gameplay and level design is my cup of tea.
@Ardisan sounds good man thx. I've played SOTN and Aria and loved both and I didnt know which I should play next. I hear alot of praise for Order so I will play that
I just purchased a MSX2 console ,with a CIB copy of “Vampire Killer “..
@FullMetalWesker ..Yes Dracula X was never intended to be a SNES version of “Rondo of Blood “,they fact were intended to be totally different games ..That being stated it is true that Rondo of Blood is a superior game ,but Dracula X is still a good game when folks can get over trying to compare the 2 ..
Glad to see that Aria is at number 1. I do feel that Harmony and Circle should both be higher as well. The Castlevania GBA trilogy is stellar.
Dawn is very close to Aria barring the ridiculous art style and gimmicky touch controls.
Solid list!
My favorites are the NES, GBA and NDS games! Circle of the Moon, Order of Ecclesia and Castlevania 1is probably my 3 favorites.
I've played almost all of these and enjoyed the n64 games the best. They had the best music and they're easily the best 3d games of the series (since the Lords of Shadow games are crap). I'm sure that everyone who got stuck in the first stage of Castlevania 64 will disagree with me.
One of the saddest issues with all of the GBA games is how bad the audio quality is. I'd like to see that addressed if we were to ever see a released on the Switch.
Think I'm the only one who actually enjoyed castlevania 64!
Rondo of Blood is my personal #1 as far as Nintendo console Castlevanias go. I consider Judgment kind of a guilty pleasure. I love just destroying everyone with Dracula. He's rather op, fittingly enough.
@PushMyGran1986 Castlevania was one of my favourite games on the N64
@scannerdarkly7 looks like they improved the audio quality in the Advance Collection. You can also make a playlist of some kind to listen along to it
Happy 35th Castlevania!!! It has indeed been 35 years since Castlevania has graced the NES. I am looking forward to picking up the Advance Collection soon
I got into the Castlevania series this year and it’s been quite a ride so far.
Playing the earlier action games first made me really appreciate the fundamentals the igavanias then added exploration and levelling to. Personally I prefer these games to the Metroid series.
I couldn't had agree more, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is the best Castlevania game of the bunch.
So are Symphony of the Night and the Lords of Shadows games the only Castlevania games to never make it to a Nintendo system? Kind of makes the lack of Symphony even more glaring.
"Castlevania: The Adventure" on Gameboy does have its flaws for certain, but a big omission from this list/article is that on the Gameboy Color Konami GB Collection, there is a vastly improved version of the game which is in "full" colour, and runs MUCH faster and has other improvements. I'd really recomend anyone curious gives it a try, certainly over the original.
I'm ok with this top 5, though there is no way in heck Bloodlines shouldn't be #6, imo. I'd go as far as to maybe swap out Castlevania 3...
The fact we don't yet have any indication of Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night on Switch makes me a sad panda.
IMO, Dawn of Sorrow, Aria of Sorrow, and Order of Ecclesia are easily 123, with a big gap between the 4th best game. I do love the deep upgrade systems and pool of options available for approaching combat (versus just some slight variation of whip, axe, holy water, knife in other games), and those 3 games do it best, with really fluid combat as icing on the cake.
I do think future lists like this should really separate the Igavania RPGs from the more classics arcade-style Castlevanias. Comparing Aria of Sorrow with Super Castlevania is like trying to compare an apple with a Philly cheesesteak.
Sorry but I would put the msx castlevania on the bottom. Yes 2 has its issues but it’s far better than that garbage MSX version of Casrlevania.
Pleasantly surprised to find Xbox has a ton of good Castlevania games on it, including SOTN so just updated my wishlist on the MS store the past 24 hours to pick all those bad boys up on sale. Although did purchase SOTN there to be safe
As much as I loved Aria of Sorrow, I don't think that it deserves the first spot. The three DS games are superior gameplaywise, Dawn of Sorrow being the worst out of the bunch for it's gimmicks and story (it is a continuation of Aria which is already bad). Portrait of Ruin is really underappreciated and is my personality favourite but from what I've seen, Order of Ecclesia is probably the one that does deserve the first place.
Aria of sorrow feels like a lite version of SOTN, while the DS entries feel like siblings that are almost as good. If Symphony was an option, it would definitely be number one without a doubt.
@Pak-Man Nintendo also never had Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness (PS2).
There's also a multiplayer game in which you can use different characters. I forgot it's name.
Castlevania Bloodlines should be a higher ranking. It is much better than #12
I have not played all of them, besides Bloodlines, the list seems reasonable.
Aria of Sorrow is the only Castlevania I've played through, on my masterpiece of a console Wii U. I enjoyed it. Afterwards, I bought Symphony of the Night on PS4. It's impossible. I think I'm an hour in and I can progress no farther. I've never understood the appeal of unnecessarily difficult games.
When will we get Sympathy of the Nights? I thought all the gameboy games were meh. Maybe I’ll check out the old collection. I thought Gameboy ones were all linear though. I loved all the Castlevania on the NES. I think I spent more time playing the original Castlevania because I was so young. I would pause the game and turn off the TV. I left my Nintendo on for days trying to beat that game. Castlevania 4 was cool but once I beat it I moved on. GameboyAdvanced/DS games for me are the best of the best on this list. My game style has changed. I like the more adventurous/RPG type of Castlevania. Symphony of the Nights is tops in my book 📕.
I really hope we see a DS Castlevania Collection, because those are the game i liked the most, the GBA games are great, but i got my start with the DS
Super Castlevania, bloodlines, Rondo of blood, Castlevania 3. These are best for me personally.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Down of Sorrow is better than Aria of Sorrow, and Order of Ecclesia is better than both XD.
All three are great, though!
1. Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth
2. Castlevania: Bloodlines
3. Super Castlevania IV
4. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
5. Castlevania III
When that Wii game is behind the game boy castlvanias you know it ain’t no good, also you put those n64 games a little too high, this list should’ve been a too 15 at the most
How the hell do you have Belmont’s revenge in the game boy higher than order of ecclesia ??
OOE could’ve easily been number one, even though I’m not arguing against aria of sorrow
Maybe it's just my personal nostalgia, but Portrait of Ruin could have been a little higher (though I'm still satisfied that it's in the top 10).
I hate to say this, but I find Rondo of Blood to be a bit overrated. Is it a good game? Yes. Is it better then Super Castlevania IV or Bloodlines? No. Hell, it's not even better then Castlevania III.
It seems like alot of people gloss over its flaws and act like this is a perfect game.
The Branching Path system? Castlevania III handled that much better and did not require you stumbling onto random paths by falling into random pits. Or being knocked off a path you wanted to go on because a random enemy knocked you off a ledge.
Richter himself felt so limited and clunky to play compared to SC IV Simon or even John Morris in Bloodlines. He felt closer to the 8-Bit era Castlevania characters, and it just feels like a step back.
My point is, I think Rondo is an important game for the series and its a good game. Maybe my point of view if colored by the fact that I did not play it until the Wii years after I played all the other 8 and 16 bit games including the X68000 one.
But to call it the best Castlevania game to ever show up on a Nintendo system?
No, Super Castlevania IV and Castlevania III are much better then it, and I would even argue Bloodlines is the better game.
Which is another thing that bothers me. Who decided to rank Bloodlines so low? It's almost criminal to see such a gem not even crack the top 10.
still need to get order of ecclesia
This is the first list I’ve read on this site that I strongly disagree with. Most of the time even if I disagree, it comes with a “but I understand where you’re coming from”. This one? Nada.
Circle of the Moon is criminal underrated. Ate so much of my Jr High recesses mashing that classic.
Aria of Sorrow number 1, obviously because Symphony of the Night, after 24 freaking years, it still hasn’t come to a Nintendo console. Between this and the Suikoden games, it’s beyond ridiculous.
@PtM You say that, but Konami literally never gave us a good 3D rendition of those characters even with the artwork.
This list is weeeeird as hell though. Belmont’s Revenge is good, but OoE/PoR good? No. I will admit I am happy to see Mirror of Fate not just get tossed to the side though. Not perfect, but definitely a bit more than decent.
Aria of sorrow was the first castlevania I'd ever played. Unfortunately, it was the first in the series I'd played, so most of the titles in the series don't even come close to it for me.
JESUS, Dracula X is NOT a remake of Rondo. It's a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME.
Ok we're reaching a point where Rondo of Blood is becoming kinda overrated. It's way too easy for a classicvania and the cinematics look awful, they don't feel like Castlevania cinematics at all. I'd rather listening its great soundtrack rather than replaying it.
I adore the Castlevania series (an the ensuing love of metriodvania's soon after, I had played a couple prior but didn't exactly clock them as being a metroidvania - EnEpic being one and Valdis Story being the other).
I'm undoubtedly an Igavania fan despite Lords of Shadow being the first Castlevania I played (still rather enjoyed it mind), it wasn't until Harmony of Dissonance that I fell in love, then promptly sort out the other games to play. This was no more than 5 years ago.
For my tastes though, while I have an appreciation for the older stuff, it is also definitely worse to me than the later ones, and imo don't deserve to be so highly rated, Kid dracula taking up 11 & 10 and beating our CotM & HoD is a crime.
The statement for the Mirror of fate being able to be bought cheaply is simply not true either.
@glaemay I wouldn't say Rondo is too easy. It has some of the toughest bosses in the series. I think I've only ever beaten Death with pure luck, and the boss marathon with Shaft is quite challenging also. I think the directional whip from castlevania 4 makes it the easiest of the classic games.
@Meteoroid Most Castlevania fans hate the artwork and design of Judgment, though. The character design is just terrible overall, and doesn’t feel one bit like Castlevania either. Far from a selling point.
Nice that someone liked it I guess, but I think it’s the first time I’ve seen anyone say something positive about that art
Dumb list. Super Castlevania IV should have been number one. The monotony of the IGA games killed the franchise, the best one of those is Portrait of Ruin, and once you played one of the IGA games, you have played them all.
I have a huge love for Order of Ecclesia and Shanoa is such a cool character. I always hoped that if they do continue to main series of games that she would return.
Edit: Oh wow looking at the comments im seeing a lot of love for the game im happy
Where's Symphony of the night and rondo for switch?There's an android version of symphony of the night, it cant be that hard to port it.
Rondo of Blood at #2 so true
@Caryslan My experience was very different. I didn't play any of the 16-bit Castlevania games in their time, and when I did finally play them, I played them at roughly the same time. Despite all the hype, I ended up thinking Rondo was the best one. Bloodlines was almost as good, in my opinion. Unfortunately, not only did I not think CV4 was anywhere near as good, but I didn't think much of the game overall. That's my go-to game I consider overrated. But for something to be overrated means a lot of people like it, and I understand CV4 has its fans. And I have no issue or criticism of your opinion, and you expressed it well. I just found it interesting how our experiences differed. Even the best games will fail to resonate with some people.
I don't get the love for Rondo. I've played the PSP remake and if it's the same as the original (not counting graphics), it's way too hard and simple to be enjoyable, especially compared to the Advance games.
@anoyonmus guess they heard me. Hah!
I'm replaying Harmony of Dissonance, now—the one that this list says learned from the mistakes of Circle of the Moon.
Man, I'd forgotten how subpar the soundtrack is and how annoying the pulsating neon color outlines are.
It's an okay game, though.
Castlevania Judgement in the last place? Interesting, taking into account it's better than every other 3d Castlevania game in this list. I recently played it, and just couldn't stop before I had completed the full storyline and the Castle mode once. I was utterly hooked.
It all took quite a while, but I did it all in one sitting because the game was so good I just couldn't stop. Just play it with a classic controller, or use a basic controller if you use the Dolphin emulator. Dolphin also allows high-res graphics, making the already good game quite a looker.
I can't believe you put it in the last place, even before the worst Gameboy entry. How can you even defend a decision like that? My theory is that you didn't really give it a chance. At least it's a million times better than the travesty that is the Lords of Shadow series.
Judgement actually feels Castlevania all the way and has got all the best music from various games in the series, excluding LoS. The controls are also superb, and every character feels fun to play, which is quite an achievement.
I still don't understand why Symphony of the Night and the original port of Rondo of Blood won't come to Nintendo Switch. Also, would love to see many more NES and SNES Castlevanias on NSO online. Hopefully we get classic Megaman too!
Order of Ecclesia should be higher.
I definitely agree with most of the rankings but why is Haunted Castle not in last? Maybe that's just me hating the game once again...
My favorite DS Castlevania is Portrait of Ruin and Ecclesia the third one. Never had the chance to play Rondo of Blood, so my all time favorite remains Super Castlevania IV. It doesn't have the rpg elements that we added later to the series but the platforming-music-environment combo perfection would never be achieved that way again. It's a masterpiece!
That Castlevania Legacy of Darkness box art is just asking for a Box Art Brawl (if not done already). Although I’m sure my fellow readers will somehow vote for that one to win.
And as for the N64 games, I actually quite like them. I do have a soft spot for early 3D games (I like the experimentation before they got to grips with 3D game design) and the music is so atmospheric.
I'm going to say something controversial and that maybe triggering to some, but truthful, Rondo of Blood is a completely boring Castlevania game and should be near the bottom of any list. Just looking at the game objectively: It introduces no new moveset to the character. The enemies in the game are cut and paste from previous entries. The level design is bland. Even the music, while high quality on CD, is actually forgettable.
The ONLY interesting thing about the game is playing as Maria, a small child, that attacks with two doves. This attack is even more powerful than Ricther's whip and makes the game easier. The thing is while playing as Maria, is a little more fun, it doesn't feel like a Castlevania game anymore.
I have no idea why this game is viewed so fondly, other than the fact that is wasn't available in America, and a weird mythology rose up around it. Seriously the hype around this game, in contrast to the experience of actually playing it, is gonna make you go "Huh?" If you are a Castlevania fan and actually play this game, you aren't missing out. Heck, even the maligned first GB game, introduced new enemies (rolling eyeballs), and new moves (fire whip). There is nothing of note to Rondo of Blood. Besides Maria, it's forgettable all the way around. Phew! I have been meaning to let that out for quite some time. LOL
@tzahn Hopefully, we get that collection of DS games. I think their is a good chance since the Castlevania Anniversary and Castlevania (Gameboy) Advanced collecting have sold extremely well on Switch.
Mirror of Farts only one spot lower than Circle of the Moon (the secret best Castlevania game)? Kid Dracula being higher than CotM, HoD, Bloodlines, Rebirth? That's certainly an, um, interesting take.
I hate that owning that first terrible game on the Gameboy scared me away from the Castlevania series for years, even though I always really wanted to play a lot of the games on this list.
Mirror of Fate is way underrated IMO. But the hardcore fans didn't like it (or its Lords of Shadow siblings), so there you go; the franchise is more or less dead now (and it's perfectly understandable that Konami don't want to pour any more real resources into the series IMO).
I found the crissaegrim, last night, in sotn!!
@PhhhCough Such a great weapon it's even better when you have two of them!!!
I've played Castlevania since the NES days and I don't get how SCIV is so high nor why some folks here go ga-ga for it. It's certainly in the top half of Castlevania games but I'd say all the DS games, 1 and 3 from NES, and the actual best CV available on Nintendo: Rondo of Blood are all better. Just my opinion, but otherwise, not a bad list.
Bloodlines is ranked far too low on the list.
i.e. It should easily be in the top 10.
Both Kid Draculas are ranked better? No way.
I’m just going to say it… I personally rank Dracula X higher than Super Castlevania 4. Not a lot higher but I definitely played it and was like… wow this is actually really good.
I beat it on 3DS the one year (thank heavens for save states! Oooof) and it was a wonderful and fun experience I’ll never forget.
Super Castlevania 4 is also VERY good but personally I enjoyed the the other far more.
Simon's Quest is easily top 5 for me. Yes, while it can be tricky and requires perseverance, that perseverance is rewarded with a really rewarding game. Suggesting a walk-through is required is so typical of the instant gratification snowflake era that we currently live in. I only got stuck once, and that was not knowing how (or specifically when) to use the red crystal to be taken by a mini tornado to a new area. While the game does offer a clue to kneel with it at certain area, I might have simply forgotten about this clue or missed it all together.
I would drop Castlevania 4 a few notches, while Rondo of Blood shouldn't be there for a list about games "on Nintendo". Released on the Wii Virtual Console doesn't count. Nor does the Sega entry. It should be games originally on Nintendo.
My favourite Castlevania games are the NES ones. They are the purest, and I'd rank them CV3, CV and CV2. I'd have a few from GBA and DS in front of CV4.
@Caryslan I made the exact same rant that you did about Rondo of Blood. I was even harsher actually. (You can't find my take on it somewhere below yours.) I, personally, don't even think it's a good game. Comparing to it's contemporaries like Super Castlevania and Bloodlines makes sense. Those games are WAY more innovative with movesets, level design, enemies and boss fights. There are memorable things in those games. Whats a stand out moment from Rondo of Blood? The game should be at the bottom of the list or at least near the bottom.
Imagine not having "Order of Ecclesia" at number one... That game is a freakin' masterpiece. My theory why it isn't appreciated enough among fans is some kind of Igavania-fatigue at that time, since not many seem to have bought it in the first place. But it innovated so many things for the formula. It's quite interesting to look at it from a modern point of view, because it's clearly the base for "Bloodstained". Seriously, the new game is almost a direct sequel to "Order of Ecclesia".
Anyway, "Aria of Sorrow" is my second favorite. So I won't complain any further.
Coincidentally, I had a "Castlevania"-spree the last days and finished the original NES game for the first time in my life. I really like it, but there's no way in hell, I could have ever beaten it without the quick-save-feature of the "Anniversary Collection". It is ridiculously hard. "Super Castlevania IV" is next, because that seems like a cakewalk in comparison.
Castlevania 64 deserves way better, it has a pretty nice Resident Evil Vibe to it and the Actions isn't as bad.
The first one is actually pretty ok and doable, you have unlimited Continues, so even if you fail at some Spots, you can learn it and do it.
Hardest Part is really the Clockwork.
The japanese Version has a Easy Mode, there you can play without getting knocked back.
They put it out because of the american rental Market, being to easy would make that Customers do not rent it as often...
Worst one of the home Market Versions is imo Adventures.
Was my first Castlevania and i didn't touch any other until 2018 because of it.
@Kang81 the Castlevania Advance Collection has all of the GBA games and it’s on switch
I have the collection, now Konami just needs to release a collection of the DS games.
Symphony of the Night has to come to nintendo switch it is the perfect time & console to have it
"The SNES remake Dracula X isn't bad," but is awfully cheap with ridiculously unfair emeny placement.
I played a bunch of these for the first time about a year ago, but the first one is still my favourite. Ultimately the metroidvanias became tedious. The original Castlevania is challenging and tight. It made me want to keep playing, whereas the metroidvanias started to feel like a chore.
Gimme gimme gimme
SOTN! with Original audio!
Castlevania Judgement is severely underrated. Because of the superb music and cast, the single player mode is very fun to play through with almost every character. It's more than can be said of most fighting games.
Also, Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness both have series' best atmosphere and music after SotN. A problematic camera can't ruin these good games completely.
Finally, Harmony of Dissonance is better than Aria. Better main character, more interesting level design and better music if you have proper speakers.
The Castlevania on the N64 is great. Castlevania N64.
well the best castlevania game is not on the switch symphony of the night so everything else is vying for second place..
This list is all wrong.
I have not played Legends and the Kid Dracula game on gameboy.
The right order is:
1.Castlevania 64
2.Super Castlevania 4
3.Legacy of Darkness
4.Rondo of Blood
5.Vampire's Kiss
7.Lords of Shadow, Mirror of Fate
8.Portait of Ruin
9.Order of Ecclesia
11.the Adventure Rebirth
13.Harmony of Dissonance
14.Dawn of Sorrow
15.Aria of Sorrow
16.Circle of the Moon
17.Vampire's Curse
18.Belmont's Revenge
19.Vampire Killer
20.Simon's Quest
21.the Adventure
22.Kid Dracula NES
23.Kid Dracula GB
25.Haunted Castle
My favorites are:
Rondo of Blood
Super Castlevania
Adventure Rebirth
Circle of the Moon
I feel that Aria and SotN are quite overrated.
I've never played the N64 Castlevania games, which I regret. They're 2 of the only N64 games I never got to own.
Why is Trevor 's face like that in the CV3 artwork? I never noticed that before. Lol
Though I'd swap Circle and Harmony, and move Dawn to the top 3.
SOTN needs to be on Switch
Is there even a doubt that Order of Ecclesia its the best this series has ever been?
It saddens me when people say to "skip" games like Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, or the original Mega Man.
They might not be the very best in their series, but they were all entertaining in their day.
Just think of them as shelter dogs who need a second chance. Go ahead and play with them. Give them a new home. You might find you like the mangy mutts.
I do really wonder why they never ported the RoB / SotN bundle on PS4 to Switch. On Xbox I kind of get it, probably not much market for it and SotN's available on there anyway, but the Switch just seems like an oversight.
And to think, it was a Castlevania game that spawned yet another franchise, the Angry Video Game Nerd. The first words he ever spoke were, "This game sucks." While he's reviewed several more Castlevania games since then, there's a HUGE library of Castlevania games for him to review.
I'd love to see what he would have to say about Portrait of Ruin's or Dawn of Sorrow's anime art style. Personally, I have no problem with it. In fact, that art style is what got my attention. I have yet to play either, but I certainly would like to.
Here is a secret from me to you: I have actually never completed and finished a Castlevania game!
I have played a few of them but not all of them and the ones i have played were rather, uhm, idfficult and i have not tried an enormous amount of time to beat them. And some of the newer and maybe slightly easier games.. i started playing them but did not finish them.
the games i have played the most are probably Castlevania, Castlevania Vampire´s Kiss, Castlevania Adventure and Castlevania Adventure II.
I clearly have som catching up to do. Time to get, ehrm, whipping.
There are so many good castlevania games. It’s a crime if we never get SOTN or Rondo of blood on the switch, those are my favorites. I first played Rondo of blood on my Wii and always wanted a translated version, the music, stage variety, and of course the gameplay is so good in that one. I may actually prefer it to SOTN since it is a more streamlined experience.
Enjoyed the list and totally get where some folks are less into the Igavania style, or others see Rondo as too simplistic. Personally I had a good time with Mirror of Fate - I think a combo of the button mashing and the way the 3D fills my diorama-aesthetic needs.
While we are here though, the GBA emulation from M2 for the Advance collection seems lacking next to the official Nintendo GBA stuff. The pixels on Metroid Fusion look AMAZING, and Aria on my GBA screen looks way better than Switch
I only played the handheld ones, starting with GBA, and then DS and 3DS. I liked most of what I played a lot, and Mirror of Fate may have been a bit simplified, it was an amazingly beautiful 3DS game, one of the better looking games in 3d as I remember it. Up there with RE Revelations, Luigi's Mansion 2, and a few others that really make me wish Switch's successor will bring back the 3d instead of chasing that 4k in handheld or whatever. Resolution is fine, but 3d does a lot more to make it look "real". Still playing a lot of 2d pixel games anyway, so neither is a requirement for a good game. Diorama is just cuter than pixel density the eyes hardly pick up on when a game is good enough.
Soma Cruz looks like Pearl from Splatoon 2. Now that I've pointed that out, you won't be able to unsee it.
beaten it now cuople years later lol
Just a note to any would-be new commenters on this one — as per the new intro, we've updated the order in this list according to each game's User Rating in our database, so it's now reader-ranked.
Just something to bear in mind before responding to pre-update comments above, many of which are several years old.
Aria of Sorrow for sure. Dawn of Sorrow was a huge disappointment for me.
aria of sorrow is in every aspect worse than dawn of sorrow...
Perhaps you should all watch this..
I think Castlevania: The Adventure gets a lot of unnecessary hate, especially when compared to its sequel. Yes, it’s slow, but so is Belmont’s Revenge. It also had great graphics and sound for the hardware, and I don’t think the level design is any worse than Belmont’s Revenge. Neither are the best examples of Castlevania games, but I don’t think Castlevania: The Adventure is just barely better than Haunted Castle, which is pure garbage.
I need a "Best Hack n Slash on Switch" list. >_>
The best Castlevania game ever will be the Castlevania DS collection, because these are the best Castlevania games.
Especially if it has Rondo of Blood as a bonus game the same way the Advance collection had Dracula X.
Unfortunately, I don't see a future in which Konami ever provides a DS Castlevania collection.
Unlike the NES/SNES/MD/GB games from Anniversary Collection, and the GBA/SNES games from Advance Collection, the Nintendo DS games aren't very suitable for easy porting across platforms.
Konami released the prior collections on Switch, Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox. And each of these versions is pretty much the same package, only very minimally adjusted for the platform.
However, when it comes to Nintendo DS games, there is absolutely no one-size-fits-all solution for emulating touchscreen usage.
Sure, Steam could use the mouse cursor.... And Switch could use Joy-Con motion controls, and also the touchscreen in handheld mode. And maybe PlayStation could use the PS controller's touchpad. Xbox would be out of luck, though, and... I seriously doubt Konami would actually go through the hassle of making multiple distinct solutions to emulate the Nintendo DS touchscreen on modern devices. I just don't see it happening.
Maybe Konami would be willing to do it if they made it exclusive to just one platform? Steam or Nintendo Switch maybe. But I also wonder how likely they would be to go through the extra effort of developing a special touchscreen workaround for Switch, just to make a collection that can't be ported to anything else. From their point of view, it's just more work for fewer potential sales.
Ranking basically every castlevania except symphony is a weird thing to do.
I still say Super Castlevania 4 is rated too high at 5, Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest is totally underrated and underappreciated, and Rondo of Blood and the Sega Castlevania have no place on this list. They were never Nintendo games, and just because they were once available via emulation on an obscure, obsolete Nintendo portal, does not make them so.
I just got one of the collections today! I saw it on sale and had to nab it I mean how could I not when hollowknight is one of my favorite games ever. Never played one before so it will be my first.
Hooo boy my comment from Dec 2023 did not age well!
The solution they found for the touch screen is decent to be honest. And now we have the best games of the series on the switch. I'm gonna go ahead and say next time we get a Rondo / Symphony collection with Legends Rebirth as the bonus game.
Also Order of Ecclesia is the best the series has been as some others have said! I restarted it on the switch and it hasn't aged a day.
I own every single one of these! Big fan since day 1! Still baffled why symphony of the night has never been and may never be on a Nintendo platform.
I don't think I'm going to be able to wait for the Dominus collection... good chance ill pick it up this weekend. I know i played Dawn of Sorrow back in the day, but cant remember if i played the other two. Only one way to find out... get em!
I actually just started playing Aria of Sorrow for the first time today, so I'm curious to see what makes people love it so much. It's... alright so far. Definitely better than Circle of the Moon.
Nice to see Order of Ecclesia getting love, but Rondo is too low.
No one will ever reach this comment, but I’ve been an avid metroid fan for years, so I recently picked up the GBA collection on Switch to try out the other side of the “metroidvania” portmanteau, and these games are quite hard! 5 hours in suddenly the difficulty ramps up. Metroid has treated me so gently over the years by comparison.
Forgive me if I've already commented this somewhere else, but notice the whip in the cover art for Castlevania 2 forms a number 2. I grew up with NES but just noticed this a few months ago when I was selling the game.
@Notsoavid comment reached and you have been seen
Wow, there’s so many 😵 I think I have played… the original and II when I was a kid, and a bit of Super C. on the SNES. And then only one on DS which I quite liked.
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