
Also Known As
Yoga: The 100% Experience
Release Date


  • EU 20th Nov 2009
Controller Support


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Screenshots 15

Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot
Yoga for Wii Screenshot

Yoga for Wii News

  • News Yoga for Wii Stretches Out

    But slowly, to avoid pulling a muscle

    Publisher JoWood may be best known for adventure games like the Sam & Max Collection and Agatha Christie titles - the latest of which they've just announced for DS - but they're taking a step into the expanding world of fitness gaming with the launch of Yoga for Wii. Vienna, Austria, October 20th 2009; The...

About The Game

The practitioners can monitor and dynamically track their progress. Set up an individual schedule and be guided by Anja and a Guru.

They will make suggestions to improve the practitions using the Balance Boards’ input and give it right back to the player. All this happens in a great variety of traditional locations and is accompanied by a relaxing and smoothing music from Asia.


  • Anja Rubik, an internationally rekown top model, and a Guru help the player with the practices, give lifestyle and workout tips & hints and review goals, scores and accomplishments.
  • Incorporation of the Wii Balance Board guarantees immediate and accurate feedback to the practitioner.
  • Choose from specific exercises or go through a complete and individual schedule.


  • A completely new fitness and lifestyle feel is provided by a unique combination of Yoga positions and breathing exercises .
  • The Guru will provide pieces of wisdom of a different culture and philosophy concerning spiritual themes.
  • An easy and highly motivating way to increase concentration AND fitness.