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- 1 (Single Player)
- Genre
- Release Date
Switch eShop
13th Feb 2019, $20.99
14th Feb 2019, £16.99
- Also Available On
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- Official Site
- nintendo.com
Review Final Fantasy IX (Switch) - A Strong Entry In The Classic Series Despite Some Rough Edges
In January of 2000, Square (not yet merged with Enix) made big waves in the industry with the official announcements of its next three main Final Fantasy projects, each of which was being developed with different audiences in mind. Final Fantasy X was to continue pushing the series towards new horizons by releasing on a next gen...
Screenshots 6
Final Fantasy IX Guides
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Final Fantasy IX News
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Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 16th)
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About The Game
Experience the adventure once again with characters and pre-rendered movies featured in high definition, as well as a new booster system with a selection of various modes such as "high speed" or "no encounters"!
Zidane and the Tantalus Theater Troupe have kidnapped Princess Garnet, the heir of Alexandria. To their surprise, however, the princess herself yearned to escape the castle. Through a series of unusual circumstances, she and her personal guard, Steiner, fall in with Zidane and set out on an incredible journey.
Meeting unforgettable characters like Vivi and Quina along the way, they learn about themselves, the secrets of the Crystal, and a malevolent force that threatens to destroy their world.
Gameplay Features
- Abilities
Learn new abilities by equipping items. When fully mastered, these abilities can be used even without equipping items, allowing for nearly endless customization options. - Trance
Fill your Trance gauge as you sustain hits in battle. When fully charged, your characters will enter Trance mode, granting them powerful new skills! - Synthesis
Never let items go to waste. Combine two items or pieces of equipment together and make better, stronger items! - Minigames
Whether it's Chocobo Hot and Cold, Jump Rope, or Tetra Master, there are plenty of minigames to enjoy when you're not off saving the world. You can even earn special item rewards!
Additional Features
- 7 game boosters including high speed and no encounter modes
- Autosave
- High-definition movies and character models
Comments 11
I have wanted this game on a Nintendo system for a very, VERY long time, and I'm super stoked that it's finally happening. Getting this game for Switch on day 1, no question.
Yes, this game was so tremendously underrated and under appreciated, I'm pre-ordering it ASAP, and in 40 years, i have NEVER pre-ordered anything, 7 also, but not 8, I just hope Square does not Chibi/kiddy them out like they did with 15
@jhewitt3476 I doubt they will. The chibi/kiddy thing was made for mobiles specifically, which they then for some reason decided to port to consoles (which somewhat makes sense for the Switch at least considering it CAN be used as a handheld, and it isn't strong enough to run proper FF 15).
I know 7 and 9 are already released in their original format on mobiles without altering the artstyle, so unless they do this specifically for this re-release on Switch (and Xbox), I wouldn't worry about that. Besides, they already showed gameplay of 12, which was the original style as well, so there is little reason to worry on that front.
the Switch can handle DOOM, Skyrim & Xenoblade, I'm sure it can handle 15, but even so, they ruined FF 6 doing the same thing.
I'd LOVE to see a meme of baby Duke from DOOM destroying gnarly, funk demons with an over-sized, rapid fire bubble blower, but that doesn't mean i want to play it or pay $60+ dollars for it either
wouldn't it be awesome to see an orange crib fly through space and make landing on SR-388, baby Samus, fuzzy bunny eared helmet, a baba in her mouth, orange diaper and a baby boxing glove on the end of a slinky hooked to her arm.....no it would not, funny maybe, but not awesome or cool to play the remake of SUPER METROID for Switch,
better to just leave it alone than insult the game and they players
It's out! Maybe no one talked about it because of the direct onslaught, but this beauty is finally playable
@Yosher am a massive fan played them all not played 9 in 7 year.you reckon that. will be good handheld and in general.is it just same game or improved graphics. would like your opinion
@ryobi85 Basically it's the same game, but it does have some slight changes.
The character models are a little more polished for a bit more of an 'HD' look (but they're still clearly PS1 models), and the game has some 'boosters' you can activate or deactivate at any time you can pause the game. These boosters include 'No encounter' mode, being able to make the game go real fast, one which I think allows you to do 9999 damage all the time and one where you get 'battle support' (I'm not sure on those last two as I don't really use the boosters myself.) It also has a few cheats built in that you can activate in the menu screen, such as unlimited money. This is, of course, all on top of being playable in handheld mode.
Sadly though, this version (as well as all other HD port versions, to my understanding) suffer from a couple slightly annoying bugs. The BGM restarts after every battle (outside of parts where the same music plays in-and-out of battle, usually during the more dramatic scenes), the controls are only mapped to the 8 directions of the D-pad, and there's some notable input lag as well. And the backgrounds aren't quite as polished as you might like them to be either.
Overall though I'd say the game is absolutely worth picking up on Switch if you want it. It runs great both in TV and in handheld mode and despite aforementioned bugs, it still plays really well too, I'm gonna get a lot of enjoyment out of it and I'd definitely recommend people to get it on Switch especially if they don't have it on other platforms already. If you already have it somewhere else, you'll just have to ask yourself if portability is worth the pricetag.
Hope this helps!
@Yosher thanks a lot ☺ I would never use the cheats as I think it ruins it.the bGm issue I can live with also not played this in 10 years.can't wait for ff7 have they done anything to change the graphics.either way I've done 7 10 plus times 😅😅.will be getting both anyway. what's your fave?
@ryobi85 Hey, the cheats can be fun to mess around with on separate files. That's what I'm going to do after my first legit playthrough of this version anyway!
Also I have to admit that 9 is the only Final Fantasy I've ever beaten (unless you also count spin offs like Mystic Quest and Tactics Advance), so 9 is kind of my favourite by default on that front. I don't think that's going to change once I do get through other games in the series though but you never know!
I've finished every one ☺👍👍.I recommend 7 highly it so good.also if you get a mini snes.final fantasy 6 Is brilliant. thanks again and hope you get to play them 👍
This is the best Game when considering the outstanding music as well as timing. the story had me Guessing and unlike every other game I have ever played I became emotionally attached and drawn to all the characters. Final Fantasy VII(7) is ok but could be way better had a ton of potential Instead Extremely Suggest and recommend Final Fantasy IX(9) over everything else ever created in the gaming industry. Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Iconic Ian Gaming I'll be uploading videos on my preordered Pokemon Shield and hopefully Final Fantasy IX and XIV! Thanks!!
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