
Also Known As
HSV Adventure Racing
Number of Players
Release Date

Nintendo 64

  • US 24th Mar 1999
  • EU 4th Sep 1999


  • Review Beetle Adventure Racing! (Nintendo 64)

    Infested with Bugs

    These days, considering most of us have become accustomed to the smooth frame rates and high definition resolutions provided by modern consoles, revisiting the Nintendo 64 can sometimes be a painful experience as you may find that some of your favourite games haven’t aged very well. Fuzzy textures, choppy frame rates and limited...

Screenshots 5

Beetle Adventure Racing! Screenshot
Beetle Adventure Racing! Screenshot
Beetle Adventure Racing! Screenshot
Beetle Adventure Racing! Screenshot
Beetle Adventure Racing! Screenshot

Beetle Adventure Racing! News

About The Game

Beetle Adventure Racing! is a racing game released for the Nintendo 64 developed by Paradigm Entertainment. This is a different kind of racing game, as all of the vehicles are Volkswagen New Beetles, which were released the previous year.

Paradigm Entertainment, which previously worked on flight-based Pilotwings 64 and AeroFighters Assault on the N64, was able to get heretofore unseen draw distances on the N64.

In addition to its original release, the game was released in Australia as HSV Adventure Racing!. This version replaced the Beetles with the Holden Special Vehicles (HSV) brand of Australia performance cars