
Topic: 3DS Friend Codes

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PaperMyles wrote:

@LordTendoboy I've got Brawl but I haven't played in forever so I'm not as good as I used to be. I have Mario vs. DK on 3DS (I'm an ambassador) and I used to have Minis March Again, but I had it on my DSi that I traded in a couple years ago.

Go to the Wii Friend Codes thread so we can trade codes, if you want.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594



Can I add you on my 3DS (and Wii and Smash Bros. Brawl)? Codes are in my signature.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Hey guys, it would be cool if I could get a few more friends. My fc is in my signature.

Never Gonna Give Mew Up!


@mjforthewin Sure my info is in the signature.

3DS FC:3093-7117-5708Name:Myles

This may be a bad time, but this is the sixth time I've unleashed a creature of mass destruction.

Now lets play a game. Its called "Who just ate the poison cookie?"



Add me. I have Swapnote and Mario Kart 7.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


anyone who wants to add me to play some mario kart. also anybody have some good mk7 communities to join?

PSN ID: brucethemoose904
3DS FC: 3566-2025-1426
My Music:
Previously known as: BB_Thrilla


Capt_N wrote:

@demmi-defender, @lonelyheart, I added you guys.
@Luso_GS: Can't you get your 3DS to connect to the internet? I might be able to help, though I'll make no guarantees.

Added you back

Friend code : 4897-7221-1583
New Super Mario Bros 2 Fan!!


M00se wrote:

anyone who wants to add me to play some mario kart. also anybody have some good mk7 communities to join?

Added. I got a new 3DS from Nintendo, my old one needed to be replaced. My friend code is in my signature.


I added your 3DS code.

[Edited by LordTendoboy]

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Added @moose and @mj. Please add back thanks

3ds FC 1633- 4211- 8833
Add me if you want to play! Proud owner of a cosmo black 3ds!
In any situation, give me a gun and give me a chair, I will chuck it at you, if you dare!


LordTendoBoy I went ahead and added you.
LonelyHeart I added you.
Moose I added you.
Capt_N I added you.
Myles I added you.
mjforthewin I added you

Mine is:
3ds friend code: 0130-1802-9768



Mulder1617 wrote:

LordTendoBoy I went ahead and added you.
LonelyHeart I added you.
Moose I added you.
Capt_N I added you.
Myles I added you.
mjforthewin I added you

Mine is:
3ds friend code: 0130-1802-9768

Added you!

Friend code : 4897-7221-1583
New Super Mario Bros 2 Fan!!


Blackdragon I added you a long time ago. Could you add me?




Progamer...I added you. Could you add me?




Hello guys, my friend code is: 1032-1238-5078. I have mariokart, street fighter, swap note, and I am planning to get REvelations. Add me, please!



I'm still waiting on Kuma and Pichuka. c:



JoseManuel wrote:

Hello guys, my friend code is: 1032-1238-5078. I have mariokart, street fighter, swap note, and I am planning to get REvelations. Add me, please!

I added you. My friend code is in my signature below. I also have a Wii and Smash Bros. Brawl if you want to add those codes.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Anyone else is welcome to add me!

Never Gonna Give Mew Up!

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