I've put some time into the game on the N64 app - and I am loving it. I bought the original when it was released on the N64, and the game is playing at least as well as I remember, if not better. Having played multiplayer, it seems to be more stable on the app than on the original hardware...but I'm no expert on performance. Anyone on the fence about this game, the emulation seems to be pretty good in my novice opinion.
Many people, myself included, don't even own an Xbox or PS this generation, so I have nothing to compare NSO to. I do have a gaming PC and I use Steam, but I'm not a power user or anything, and honestly I've never cared for Steam much beyond a way to purchase and launch games.
In terms of NSO being a way to play retro games (with retro controllers if you buy them), it works great for me. I do notice input lag on some of the titles, but generally it doesn't make me want to stop playing.
NSO doesn't cost much, so for me, what it does is pretty good. But I'm also of the mindset that if you really want to play retro games, you should get the actual retro console to do so. NSO is just a convenient stand-in if you've already purchased it for online play and cloud backup.
Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I really wouldn't count on Nintendo putting much more effort into this than they already have been.
Although, there is a world where I can see them perhaps updating NSO for Switch 2 to allow for button remapping in the virtual consoles. It would be an easy perk for them to throw into a sizzle reel or something when they start giving details about the next console and if/how NSO is going to carry over.
For me, I will always keep the base level just to be able to play online. 20 bucks a year for that is the best you're gonna get on consoles. But if you don't play online, save the 20 bucks I suppose.
The controls aren’t that bad if you’re used to playing with the N64 controller back in the day. I haven’t tried using the N64 accessory, but this helped me in handheld: Map the left and right C buttons to A and Y. Then map the A button to X and map ZL to ZR. Use 1.1. It’s not perfect and def not “modern” but it reminds me of the N64 control scheme which I am used to for this game. I use this control scheme for Goldeneye too and was able to 100% that game.
Having said that I actually came here to say this: even if you find the most perfect control scheme, that will not fix this broken mess of a game. Like I said, I 100%’d 007 Goldeneye with an altered control scheme, did all the time trials no sweat, and right now I’m struggling with Perfect Dark on every level. It’s a mess far far beyond the controls. The input lag is unbearable, the cpu difficulty is off the charts and the aim sensitivity/aim assist is so broken it’s insane. And theres nothing we can do but hope Nintendo patches it but I’m skeptical. Right now it’s such a frustrating pain trying to play through the campaign, I don’t think I can finish it. Honestly this is a very subpar product. Nintendo should be ashamed of this one.
Topic: Perfect Dark (N64app) sucks.
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