
Topic: The Game Awards 2023

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Oh well. Here's to better luck in 6 years, fellow Zelda fans.. 🥂



Kinda surprised BG3 won both Player's voice and GotY since those are usually different. Apparently Genshin devs didn't bribe hard enough. 😝

I'm glad Mario and Zelda at least won their token categories. And the Pikmin 4 win is fun.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


As expected Nintendo had a lot at the awards this year



I’m disappointed the totk didn’t win but it better than the whining that would have happened if bg3 lost



@Fizza Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi having new games in the works was not on my bingo card tonight.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


This years show was pretty good tbh! Flute guy killed it again this year

Add me on switch if you like Xenoblade :)

Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


I think overall the show was good (lots of interesting stuff particularly on PS5) though it was very odd and a bit disappointing that Nintendo had no announcements, not even something like a FrostyFest trailer for Splatoon 3. It does give me the impression that we'll get a January Direct instead of a February Direct.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


@Grumblevolcano Honestly I do agree with you. I was fascinated by all the reveals but I didn't realize how few of them are actually going to be on switch until I saw the article lol.

Playstation was really popping off, FF16 DLC today and then God of War free DLC next week is crazy.

Add me on switch if you like Xenoblade :)

Switch Friend Code: SW-3720-5613-4522


I'll buy BG3 in a week or so. I'm very skeptical itll be better than totk but I'll give it an honest shake. I just don't see how any game can push the envelope the way totk did for me.



@Grumblevolcano every year we tend so say that though. So it's not all that surprising ya know? Nintendo hasn't done much of anything at TGA for years.



Anyone else feel the show was oddly paced this year? The winners seemed to get no time at all while everything else took priority.



@HeeHo I agree but I also liked the fact winners didn't get much time because that gets very dull.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Nintendo having nothing to announce didn't surprise me honestly. I don't think they have all that much left to announce for Switch 1 specifically (all the big stuff is Switch 2), and what little they do have they'll want to save for the February Direct.

Big takeaway from the announcements is that more and more games are skipping Switch, especially Japanese ones. Switch 2 is absolutely needed next year. Like I mentioned before, I think a lot of those games will be announced for Switch 2 soon after the system is revealed.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


IceClimbers wrote:

Big takeaway from the announcements is that more and more games are skipping Switch, especially Japanese ones. Switch 2 is absolutely needed next year. Like I mentioned before, I think a lot of those games will be announced for Switch 2 soon after the system is revealed.

Agreed. Lack-of-Switch last night was hard to miss.

Also thought there's no way that Crazy Taxi is coming to the current Switch.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

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Honestly, this might be the worst TGA presentation ever

Not because the lack of Nintendo, that was a given, but the fact that almost every single game was either a dull FPS hyperrealistic shooter or anime game, there is almost no variety, it felt for a while that the same trailer was being played over and over again.
And on top of that, Geoff just rushed through like 80% of the awards, it felt like only 5 out of like 30 of the award categories involved an onstage winner reveal.

Also, there were way too many developer interviews, like 1/4 of the runtime alone is probably Geoff asking developers basic questions before a world premiere.

[Edited by DiamondCore]

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@DiamondCore I wonder what the right balance is. Personally I hate long award speeches. I also hate it when they artificially create suspense rather than just saying the winners. So even though it felt really odd I actually l liked that they rushed through the actual awards.

A different host would be nice though. Also... please remove all muppets. 😑

I think I liked like 6 or 7 of the game ads which was more than I liked last year, but I agree there are far too many boring looking pseudo-hyperealistic games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I think the award made for the heartless Western peoples who have interest with evil rated 18+ games.



I strongly disagree that this is the worst Game Awards, in that I was rarely actively annoyed or bored, which is a low bar but one it cleared this year. These problems are nothing new, and I didn't even think the anime games looked that similar all things considered (you've not seen enough 5/10 anime games to truly know sameyness).

The reality is that the Game Awards have never been that good, so its hard for me to be mad about X or Y this year because I don't expect it. The mediocre pseudo-realistic shooter trailers, the worthless cg trailers, the needlessly long update/ad for ongoing game too casual-centric to need to have a needlessly long update at the Game Awards that casuals aren't watching anyway. awards being if you can't deal with that, that's what they are. This was at least closer to being a "we have enough cool stuff to distract from how meaningless this is an award show", which people in the know have told me is also how the Grammys work in better years, because its never gonna be a legit award show, what with including games for nominations that basically just came out.

I'd love to see a more legit version of this, but its not happening, not on this scale at least. So I'll take the poor man's E3 if it at least does that (certainly better than the last E3, I'll give them that :V).

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