Look, I know what you're thinking. You're already pre-emptively scrolling down to the comments to say "OBVIOUSLY it is the GameCube, Lord of All Noises", but just hold fire, okay? Let me at least make the case for some of the others.
Before I do, though, a quick note as to why I'm not including the Nintendo 64, since I know you'll ask — the start-up noises for the N64 depended on which game you were playing, and although it had some really good ones, like Banjo Kazooie and Mario Kart, I just... can't be bothered to list them all. I'd be here all week.
But enough bad news, let's get onto the good news: which one of these beepy-boops gets you fired up to play games? Which ones send shivers down your spine? And which ones do you turn the volume all the way down for? Let's get stuck in.
Famicom Disk System (1983)
Those marching drums, that bloopy little fanfare — whether or not your parents were particularly happy about this pricey purchase that took your attention away from homework, they surely couldn't help smiling at this triumphant little ditty. It makes you feel like an important person, just for turning the console on!
Game Boy (1989)
Ah, the Game Boy: that aggressively loud PA-DING! that would alert your parents to the fact that you were playing games in bed if you didn't turn the sound down. So simple, yet so effective — the sound that bookended most of our fondest childhood memories.
Game Boy Advance (2001)
If you could write a grin into music, it would sound a lot like the GBA startup jingle, which is a neat little twist on the Game Boy's simpler PA-DING, adding a nice bwaaaa at the beginning that feels a little more sophisticated and melodic than its predecessor. A nice noise, this one.
GameCube (2001)
Yes, yes, we know — it's the GOAT, and plus, it had those secret versions if you held down various buttons while the console booted up. Everyone loves the original, though, and it's hard not to — it's a bouncy, joyful pizzicato that ends with a satisfying BLUMP, and the accompanying cubey visuals are just very satisfying to watch. It's just perfect. Startup sounds may have peaked here.
Nintendo DS (2004)
We're starting to get into Nintendo's minimalist postmodern phase of startup sounds, where everything sounds a bit new-agey, but the Nintendo DS startup is still a cracker. It takes the simplicity of the Game Boy's PA-DING and creates something echoey, doubling up on itself, in a tribute to the DS's two screens. Neat!
Nintendo Wii (2006)
This one counts, right? The cutoff between startup sound and that quiet, background music is hard to discern, but Nintendo was pretty clearly taking inspiration from Apple here with a computery, ethereal smattering of notes. Ss far as startup sounds go, it's inoffensive, and it's certainly nostalgic if you owned a Wii, but it's not very musical.
Nintendo 3DS (2011)
Turn up the reverb, buddy — we're going to play 3DS games. This startup sound is probably supposed to evoke a feeling of futuristic wonderment, but I can't imagine this is many people's favourite — like I said earlier, this is the era of indistinct new-agey stuff.
Nintendo Wii U (2012)
Much like the Wii U itself, this one doesn't do a fantastic job of distinguishing itself from the Wii. And maybe I'm just reading too much into this (as someone who had to buy a Wii U for work back in the day) but doesn't it sound a little... sad? Like it knows it's the Wii's disappointing younger brother? Aww, it's ok, Wii U. Some of us liked you.
Nintendo Switch (2017)
Click. It's a new dawn, Nintendo fans — the beepy-boops are over; the age of click is here. Down with jingles, up with cool soundbites that you can replicate with your own fingers! Sure, it's a simple little sound, but it does a pretty good job of making the Switch seem like a pick-up-and-play device, with fun little clicky bits. The actual "click" of a Joy-Con is more like a sort of... clack, but what does it matter? The click makes us want to play games.
Feel free to elaborate/attempt to spell your favourite console startup sounds in the comments below. We'll even permit discussion of *SHOCK* other platforms!
Comments 140
That DS be dodododo echo was the anthem of my children, hearing it immediately made me excited. Still mourning that my original DS got given away
The GameCube had the best jingle but the most memorable for me was the Gameboy. I can't count how many times I heard that sound especially during the summer time on the family roadtrip.
The child giggling from GameCube. If that's not a Nintendo unique thing i don't know what is! It's the sound of fun!
The NES has the best startup sound, fight me.
GameCube without a doubt. I do love the original DS and Wii as well though.
While it doesn’t really count, my 3DS has the Dreamcast theme, which means it plays the chug chug noise of the Dreamcast’s disc drive which segues nicely into Phantasy Star Online’s lobby music. It’s brilliant.
GameCube probably but have to show some love to the wiiu. I know it failed but honestly it’s one of the best Nintendo systems, like GameCube it didn’t sell as expected. I loved the duel screen set up it made for some interesting games when used right. I wish switch would let you sync with another to replicate this feature
Gamecube, only partly because of the memes. Wii is very close behind.
I really do like the GC’s bounciness, however replaying it today and it seems to go on a bit too long. So I plumped for the GBA.
I chose other because as good as the GameCube's startup is, it just can't compete with the daaah-da-da-da, Duhduhduh of the PSP.
GC and GBA for me simple yet cool 😁😁
The ds sound is always in the back of my mind so I chose it.
My switch Started up with a high pitched whine from the fan the other day. It was brief and quickly went away but it sure had me concerned. 😬
For nostalgia it's Original Gameboy. But yeah that Gamecube startup is pretty cool. That was the first time I had seen it!
@Zeldafan79 Yikes.
the Game Boy/Game Boy Color sound is iconic.

it's a handheld generation that spanned about two generations of youths, so to say it's the most iconic wouldn't be wrong ❤
Yeah I was like oh great my fan is about to take a crap! Maybe it was just dusty or something.
Wii for me.
The ambient sound from Wii was very relaxing.
Also, i really like the fanmade of Wii Shop Channel music from Youtube such as Wii Shop Channel Eurobeat version, September mashed up version and Krab Bop version. 😁
Whenever I hear the "click" from the Switch I instantly envision Reggie or Iwata snapping their fingers.
Lmao okay your description for the GameCube one sold me. I was probably already gonna vote for that one but now I can't help but imagine Beedle doing an accapella of the GameCube startup sound. But instead of the BWOMP at the end, he goes OOOOH! or THANK YOU!!
@Zeldafan79 Yeah, you've just reminded me to clean my Switch's fan out.
Wii and DS for me, Oh man, the Ds sound is just sooo, 👌
The Super Nintendo is so powerfull, it needs no Boot Sound
Super Mario World does the Sound netherless.
Gamecube was POWER
GC all the way but Switch click has quickly become iconic!
The best thing about the 'Cube startup was the alternative tune it played if you held down Z when booting up
The GameCube no contest. Even the ones at McDonald's kiosks radiate absolute authority and pure chad power
The GBA is perfect, but the GC is even MORE perfect.
Love the disk system start up jingle! Also the GameCube one.
Fun fact: did you know the GameCube menu theme is a super slowed down version of the Famicom Disk System start up theme?
Famicom by a long shot. That's a full theme song, and just as catchy as any game theme of the era. GameCube has nostalgia but that is not a catchy melody.
the ps3 orchestra
GameCube but Wii U had a cool Start-Up sound and menu
The Switch click for me, just goes with the system perfectly.
From DS to Wii U was subtle and somewhat atmospheric. Problem with the Wii U one is how long you listen to it while the console does something VERY slowly.
Let's turn to cats, the jury on everything:
That said, I'm nostalgically biased towards the NDS sound, too. And while obviously outside the roster, the dreamy guitar note that ushered you into PSP games certainly deserves at least a special guest mention. says the guy who still opted to turn that intro off in Adrenaline - hypocrisy is magic!
Imagine not saying the Game Cube...
The Game Boy is pretty close to the Nintendo logo sound in Super Mario World and that to me is the quintessential Nintendo start-up sound.
I've never had a Wii U but hearing it for the first time just now it's quite nice.
But since the end of the article says you'll permit other platforms, I'll risk getting booed out of here and be the first to say: Playstation. I mean come on. Iconic.
I wanted to vote Wii first, but it's the background music in the menu that is the most memorable not the start-up sound.
And while the Gamecube intro is iconic it's a bit too long making me want to skip it the more I played just to get to the games quicker.
So my vote goes to the Switch, clean, elegant, direct, articulate and the cherry on a perfectly executed marketing concept.
@Migoshuro Right, why is this a question lol.
@Purgatorium Playstation easily has the best start up sound. The Gamecube is pretty good though. It had a bunch of different variations depending on memory cards and things.
Squeaky GameCube every time.
I love the bouncy start up of the gamecube. It just reminds me of an out of control bouncing puppy that suddenly stops as it slides in to a wall with a bump!
As far as game loading goes tho i give that to the PS1 everytime. Iconic.
Nintendo Switch, but only the first boot.
Next is GameCube.
I honestly didn't even know the Nes had a startup sound.
Gotta go with the 'ol cube though, definitely the most nostalgic for me.
Was going to choose GB but the NGC just nudges it out for me. Mainly because I hear it and then in my head it's followed by Double Dash's music. Then followed by screams of pain and evil laughter.
I know it's not a console start up but a big shout out to the Capcom start up sound they used to use. Amazing nostalgia.
For me it's the PlayStation 1. Then it's GameCube.
So was anyone else scared the first time the Gamecube startup screen transitioned to the system menu because you forgot a disc wasn't in the console or was I just an easily frightened child?
The noise the Super Famicom power switch makes when you flick it on.
Best start up sound is when you put Zelda a link to the past in a Snes and start it up.
I mean, the GameCube one has been memed so many times, I'm not surprised it took the most votes.
But on it's own, it really was the best startup sequence for a Nintendo console. The Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS startup jingles were also quite nostalgic for me.
Kinda surprised Game Boy Color wasn't included, although it basically used the same jingle as the original Game Boy.
Never even thought about it, but there are quite a few good ones there.
If I have to decide on one, I would take Gameboy though. I don't know why, but somehow that simple Pling is just great.
Honorable mention: DS, Wii and Wii U.
Also, yeah the sound of the Super Famicom. I get why it is not in here as that is not really a start up sound in that sense, but that power switch sound...
I love Nintendo, but as I grew up playing on PS2 and PS1, they still give me the goosebumps and fill me with nostalgia
GameCube is the best and didn’t it have an alternative version if you held down Z outside of Nintendo the Dreamcast and PlayStation 1 both have amazing start up sounds
The sixth gen of start ups all reign supreme (GC, Xbox, PS2)
Though I do prefer the PS1 start up to the PS2 so there goes my statement.
Gamecube and gameboy
Naturally I'd go with the one I grew up with, since it's the most memorable and nostalgic. Which would be the Wii for me
Out of these, the GBA would be my pick, but the PS2 startup will always be supreme.
For me, it's out of the Gamecube, Game Boy Advanced, and the Switch. If I had to pick one, probably the Gamecube
I don't blame anyone for going with Gameboy or Gamecube, but I've quickly become smitten with that Switch Snap.
Wii just had the best music throughout so I have to give it my vote.
Wii and Wii U are my fav, never owned a Wii but i do have a Wii U.
Wii got my vote.
I’m gonna go with the Dreamcast. I miss it so much. My favorite nostalgia system. The amount of time I play sonic adventures 1+2, shenmue and crazy taxi.
❗I vote for the 'Sega: PlayStation'...
This article brought a tear to my eyes. Made me remember so many good memories of my lifetime.
Thank you.
What about the first boot up sound for the switch? That slaps!
Definitely not my most played, but bar far that gamecube jingle is the best.
I'm not the biggest fan of the system around but honestly the GBA start up sound was always pretty satisfying to me.
If you did not vote for FDS, you have no soul. None of us has ever even seen the thing in person, but that startup sound is epic.
The Game Boy, OTOH is purely iconic.
And for personal sentimental reasons Wii and WiiU have a very special set of memories to hear them, even if they don't come close to being "coolest."
The NES had the best startup sound. Silence.
Easily the Gameboy.
However I will see your Nintendo startups and raise you one SAAAY-GAAAA (or the lovely Dreamcast swirl)
@SeaFishelle There was an option on the poll for non-Nintendo consoles.
Gamecube, best nintendo console and best intro sound.
3ds mainly because of nostalgia
Gamecube all day long. Its probably my favourite of all the consoles tbh.
It's gotta be GCN!
In general: PS2
Nintendo-only: Wii
This is the best piece of internet literature I've read in some time
There are so many good ones!
Some of my favourites are GB, GBC, GBA, Neo Geo, PS1 and Xbox 360.
Well it’s not a start up sound, but SAYGA!!! on the start up of Sonic is the best out of everything
If you included all consoles
1st Dreamcast
2nd GameCube
I'd say GameCube, followed by Switch.
But, if non-Nintendo consoles are an option, it's actually the PS1 imo.
I have a soft spot for the GBC ping. Apparently I stand alone in that 😂
Of course it was GC haha. But one was missed..the alternate GC tone haha. Right shoulder i think?
The squeak haha
GameCube by a country mile. Only the Dreamcast comes close.
Switch has a start-up sound?*
All jokes aside, I'd say Gamecube obviously, but the Wii U one is a second favorite. I actually stay on the main menu after my night gaming sessions to ponder about my day with its music in the background.
Runner-up: The DSi Menu music.
*Yes, I know it technically does, but it's so unmemorable for me it doesn't even matter. And no, I'm not talking about the "Click", which you cannot hear when in the dock/TV anyway.
Why can’t I choose the SNES? Will never forget that pling. So iconic and always a joy
the Game Cube start up sound is so relaxing.
@ObeseChihuahua2 after listening to it, I agree the psp is the best ever!
My nostalgia definitely puts the original Playstation 1 second. Those magical moments when a friend started up his Playstation... My Nintendo fanboy heart must admit defeat on that one!
I used to turn my gamecube on and off just to hear that sound. I don’t think about UI too much, but whomever designed that had an amazing day that day. Pure genius. And an insight on how the smallest things pluck our brain wires. WiiU is my next favorite.
I do like the first time boot of the Switch though. Turned it off three times to hear it and the normal Switch snap is marketing genius.
Hmmm can’t decide between GB, GC and Switch!
That Game Boy loud PING makes it for me. It's symbollic of a whole generation, a sound that's a fraction of a second long and yet evokes so many childhood memories.
how about company logo sounds though? That SNES Konami or Capcom logo sound are just as important memories if not even more so.
Did not play enough NIN consoles to know which is better sounds. Switch only because of the clip sounds.
GameCube is best but Wii will always be my favorite
Loved the Gamecube (and the variations), Switch is the best since, and then Gameboy for me.
GC for me as well. I also always loved the Dreamcast boot sound, even though I never owned a DC.
I voted GBA, but it was a toss up between that and the Gamecube.
PlayStation boot up sound. Still remember my first time hearing it.
@ObeseChihuahua2 how do you do that?
@FatWormBlowsASparky omg I love the Dreamcast startup 😃😃
It's amazing how much nostalgia is wrapped in a sound. I miss the days consoles did this. The Gamecube/PS2/Xbox generation is my fave because they were all so good!
gamecube was brilliant😊😍👍👍👌😎
This article reminded me of this video
I'm very happy to see GameCube at the top. Honestly, it has the best sounds and background music of any console UI ever.
@huyi Do what?
I would have voted nes straight to game it it were an option.
PS2 startup is poggers
Before I even knew this article was a thing I was saying Gamecube.
Though there was always something striking about the original Playstation start up that I loved too.
Definitely Gamecube for me, although that Gameboy ding sound is nostalgic.
I said GC immediately, as it's the only one I remember really liking. Upon listening to them all, that's confirmed. GBA second.
The classic GameBoy start-up sound is pure nostalgia for me. It's also very simple, straighforward, and effective, so I'd probably go with that one. GBA and GCN are both solid contenders, too.
These all are great and have a special place in my heart.
But the king of start-up sound DEFINITELY goes to the PS1.
I know I've said this before, but Kate makes this place a daily must-visit. Articles like this are the best.
I never heard the NES one, but I like it the best. It just sounds like epic 8-bitting is to be had. I never likes the whimsy of the GCN startup, it just felt to childish then ends with an unsatisfying "DUNT!" that made me roll my eyes like "okay...?" lol. Just my opinion...
The Nintendo Wii, DS or the Nintendo Gamecube...I'm leaning more toward the Wii.
Oh man this is extremely difficult for me… can I pick a top 3?! Don’t do this to me, don’t make me pick!
I went with Gameboy out of pure nostalgia. But GameCube would definitely be my pick out of the bunch if I absolutely had to choose on merit alone
@hooty nope! That’s so cool… did not know that. I remember playing around in the “menu” on GameCube thinking there was some sort of hidden thing in there. You’d think I would’ve noticed… never did find that hidden thing in there either… hmph…
Best startup sound has to be the first PlayStation. And I didn’t even own one. But that sound…it reminds me of the THX sound. So good
GBA for me (and Windows 95 outside Nintendo)
The GB ping is just so iconic it has to be that. I actually never hear the switch start up as I always leave it in sleep mode
GameCube for me.
GameBoy is second.
Same, Switch never gets turned off or removed from the Dock.
...Ummmm...do the Switch and 3DS (heck, even the Wii U I guess...) even count? Because I think those are just trailer openings. When I turn on my Switch on, there's no logo with the click, it just...turns on. lol
Same with the 3DS, straight to the menu, and I think the Wii U and Wii were the same way.
So true. The Wii U doesn't get enough love.
Like the majority of you, I’m going to have to go with the GameCube as #1. The Nintendo Switch is a close #2. And, while I never owned an OG Game Boy, that’s gonna come in at #3.
Honorable (non-Nintendo) mention: the Genesis!
The Gamecube. No doubt about it.
@Purgatorium Yeah, PS1 is probably my favorite. I still like it even after the negative association of it not loading my games once my console got old
For Nintendo, I'll just be a normie and say GameCube.
I love the GameCube jingle, but it's kind of lengthy when you just want to get straight to the game.
I voted for Game Boy because not only is it iconic, but it's super short.
BTW, Super Game Boy should've been in here, too! That one always takes me back, it was my first Game Boy.
Nostalgia is telling GameCube but heart is telling me Famicom Disc System. Heroic is what that start-up conjures. Good stuff.
For startup sounds on actual console I have to go GC, but I feel the Switch has the perfect soundbite for starting commercials that's short enough but very distinct.
The Gamecube startup winning, as it should
PS1 for nostalgia and sheer awesomeness - that startup sound and logo definitely represented a new era in gaming.
GameCube for cuteness and sheer Nintendoness.
I kind of wish the Switch had a more "Nintendo" startup sound tbh.
Sega Saturn all the way! Wait, what do you mean "that wasn't one of the choices"??
The GBA sound reminds me of countless hours of Golden Sun more than anything else, which is a good thing, but I think I actually like the DS the best for its simplicity and for bringing back a flood of memories of games that I loved on that system. I find it surprising that I don't get a feeling like that for a lot of other systems that I own(ed)... though with the 3DS and Switch, I basically never turn them off so I can't say I've heard those sounds very many times.
@zapswitch . Totally everything down to the features included in the os to the build quality, it may have been bulky but it was well thought out fully featured and complete package. I think they went all out and got burned so with switch they played safe and now playing catch up to get it to where it’s required, hell it took them nearly 3 years to enable home led and then they don’t use it right same with the shop, it’s snappy yes but overwhelming due to the amount which I don’t think they expected. I do love it but as for overall finished product wiiu wins , it’s just a shame it never got the same support
I was never actually a big fan on Gamecube's final BWAMP. It felt like an off-note. GBA that was some good stuff.
Does the switch click actually count? It's not the start-up sound.
The PS1 has the best startup sound. Nothing else compares.
Sorry, it's the PS1
Why isn't the SNES included? How did you manage to omit the most legendary Nintendo console?
Aside from that, the Okama GameSphere has the best start up sound.
@meijin3 Was just about to write that in. I love the Wii for Nintendo Consoles but if we include non nintendo its PS1, Sega CD (american version, I believe there is a different start up song in different countries) then maybe Dream Cast then Wii
@nessisonett I'm a huge fan of the Sega Genesis theme since it rocks to the Sega CD intro song.
I was so happy to see the GameCube take the crown by a landslide.
Original Xbox all the way.
Oof, that's a pretty hard one!
For me, in any case WiiU and Switch get eliminated.
Switch basically didn't have any personality or that Nintendo quirkyness all previous systems had,
and I think the click sound also isn't that creative (though certainly recognizable).
It's wayy too similar to other generic clicking sounds, I often hear similar things in EDM tracks, especially with that hard reverb on it.
I never owned a WiiU, but it sounds basically like a Wii... Which I guess was the point with WiiU, but it's not that
Even though I never owned a SNES either (N64/GBC kid), I like it, it probably is the most elaborate of the bunch, but it feels more like a generic game track rather than a system theme.
3DS is okay, but it also is just a pretty generic synth/lounge-ish chord without anything particularly noticeable.
For me that leaves GB, GBA, GC, Wii.
I got GC long after it launched, but I actually grew up with GBC, GBA and Wii, so these three
are most ingrained into my memory. Each of those have personality, and GB is just so super iconic...
I have to go with GBC. Even though it's extremely simple, and maybe a big part of it just is its iconic nature,
I think it's really interesting how just 2 chiptune bleeps are recognizable by pretty much anyone age 25 and above. It's simple, short and effective.
(Oh wow. Never expected GBC to only have 1%!)
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