We are still receiving top-notch releases by the bucketload on Switch, but as the console enters the latter phase of its lifespan, we are well and truly in remake & remaster territory. The Wii U barrel has quickly run dry (though some remain that we'd like to see make the jump to the hybrid) and recent years have seen Nintendo turn to the DS and 3DS catalogue for inspiration — and gosh has it proved useful so far!
Last year brought us the likes of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes and Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection and 2024 has already served up Another Code: Recollection, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy and Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On!, with Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, The Legend of Legacy HD: Remastered and more (probably) still yet to come.
With the DS and 3DS libraries being so hot right now, we at Nintendo Life have decided to weigh in with some of the titles that we would like to see make the jump from two screens to one. Below, a handful of us have shared our remake dreams. Have a read through our highest hopes and then take to the comments to share yours.
Jim Norman, Staff Writer

I am fighting the urge to be my predictable old self, I really am. But what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't mention Professor Layton? Drop the OG trilogy as a collection and then release the prequels the year after á la Ace Attorney to build up interest for New World of Steam. It's a no-brainer.
Layton aside, there are some Nintendo ports that I would love to see come over to Switch. Fire Emblem: Awakening is one of the best out there and Metroid: Samus Returns feels like an easy way to tide us over to Prime 4 with a bit of 2D action. The right answer to this question, though, is A Link Between Worlds. How that isn't already on Switch, I just don't know.
Alana Hagues, Deputy Editor

By this point, you know I'm going to list off a bunch of RPGs that are stuck on the DS and/or 3DS. The first two Bravely games feel like a given, surely? You've got all of those Dragon Quest remakes. And, my personal favourite DS RPG (I've not played the 3DS version), Radiant Historia, is one I'd particularly love to see on Switch — it's absolutely brilliant, and it has the best use of time travel since Chrono Trigger. I promise I'm not exaggerating.
But outside of RPGs, we always talk about the handheld Sonic games, so why not put Sonic Rush on Switch? It's such an underrated Sonic game, mostly because it is stuck on the DS. The sense of speed is thrilling, and Blaze is such a cool character. I would happily take this over the upcoming Sonic X Shadow Generations.
Gavin Lane, Editor

We got Pocket Card Jockey, so I think we're done here.
Oh, okay. I agree 100% with Jim that Link Between Worlds and Fire Emblem: Awakening would only benefit from being accessible to more people. Rhythm Heaven is a standout franchise that we haven't seen on Switch, an absence that can only be a clerical error seeing as we've had two WarioWares. I love that series, too, but let's spread the love and make some hay before the Switch's winter, Nintendo!
DS-wise, I'm a Spirit Tracks apologist and I remember bouncing off Hotel Dusk, so I wouldn't mind another crack at that.
So, there are our picks, but what about you? Take to the comments to share which DS/3DS titles you'd like to see make the jump to Switch.
Comments 178
Kid Icarus Uprising for sure
1.) Dragon Quest VII
2.) Dragon Quest VIII
3.) Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland
4.) Dragon Quest Monsters: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key
Super Mario 3D land, and Rhythm heaven.
I was always a little upset that Nintendo released so so few DS games on the Wii U virtual console. It was weird how the Wii U only ever got Nintendo-published DS games, and not even all of them at that. They never gave us Golden Sun Dark Dawn, Super Princess Peach, Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Rhythm Heaven, and a bunch others. It was such wasted potential since the Wii U was the last and only machine that could feasibly emulate DS games without too many compromises.
Anyway, my main answer is of course the Castlevania games. They absolutely deserve to see new life, just as the GBA games did with the Advance Collection.
I predict a link between worlds remake shall be a year one 'next gen' game. Most of the switches life had at least one Zelda game a year, that slowed down a bit towards the end thanks to TOTK but I think they'll want to get back to it with a new console coming out.
I also think Awakening will get a remake to tide us over until the next new FE.
I wouldn't purchase either of these though as I've already got both of them but I think they'd be cool for those who haven't.
I voted for Hotel Dusk, but in truth I'd really like to see Suikoden Tierkris (DS) come to Switch. Any of the Suikoden games. Hopefully Konami can hurry up.
Quite a lot but KI Uprising is one of the tops.
The Sonic Rush games are another huge wanted ones.
Pushmo, Pullmo, Crashmo. I think there were three? Great games that should not be too hard to port.
I voted for Fire Emblem: Awakening, but Kid Icarus Uprising and Dragon Quest VIII are also top contenders.
Super Mario 3d LAND & Sonic Chronicles? Just because I am curious about it.
Box boy collection, professor layton collection, DQ7+8, ever oasis
Could go on, give me everything please
KI:Uprising would be nice but they’d have to overhaul the control scheme.
EverOasis was a fun little game, but i would just prefer a sequel.
I wouldn’t mind running through Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate again.
Maybe there’s others.. i don’t really care that much. We’re all just waiting for the next Switch, right?
Addition- Others mentioned Pushmo , Kirby TripleD n PlanetRobobot and a Castlevania DS collection Yes!
I'm concerned that game preservation will be a serious challenge for the DS and 3DS libraries. Even in cases where these games get ported to newer platforms, the true original experience that relied on two screens, and in cases stereoscopic 3D, will be lost.
I’d love to see a Layton collection come on the Switch but also the Zelda DS games would be great to see and play again.
The first DS game I bought was Lufia, a remake of the SNES version. Would love to play that game again. Good ol' memories!
My heart says Rhythm Heaven. Especially if it's a new entry. (Though I'd be happy with a spruced up version of Megamix too.)
why have them on Switch if you have them on DS
Some wayforward love - Contra 4 / Alien Infestation
GTA Chinatown Wars
Ridge Racer
Metroid Samus Returns
Luigi’s Mansion 1
Kirby’s Epic Yarn / Yoshis Wooly World
DKC Returns
Zelda Ocarina and Link between worlds
Batman - Arkham Blackgate
Castlevania - Mirror of Fate
I’m surprised the DS Castlevania games weren’t mentioned.
Fire Emblem Fates. Especially being as you cannot buy Revelations anymore, cos it was stuck in eShop (which is sadly now closed forever) or a ludicrously overpriced scalpers price for the the special edition cart...
Thankfully I already own it, but I feel bad for people trying to get all the games in the series.
Just Fantasy Life please! But I'm happy to wait impatiently 🤣
I'm also here for ideas on what else to play on my 3DS
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Sky, Kirby Triple Deluxe, & Kirby Planet Robobot
Kid Icarus Uprising, Hotel Dusk and Last Window, will go ahead and count Chrono Trigger, Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, wouldn't entirely rule out 3D Land, Samus Returns, Link Between Worlds... Could probably think of a lot more.
Spirit Tracks, with real button control.
Metroid 👏 Prime 👏 Federation 👏 Force 👏
Don't @ me.
Yokai Watch 3 English version
Yokai Watch Sangokushi English version
Yokai Watch Busters 2 English version
Tomodachi Life + Miitomo
-Dark Spire
-Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey (the original, not the ***** redux port)
-Devil Survivor 1 and 2
-Shin Megami Tensei 4
-Dragon Quest 4
-Stella Glow
-Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (DS)
-Fire Emblem Fates
-All 3 DS Castlevanias
Also maybe not a port, but a sequel to Warioware DIY, that was such a cool creation software.
Um, Phantasy Star Zero?
@BodkinDQ Not sure what you mean by ridiculouly overpriced..
Rhythm Heaven DS would have to be heavily reworked
Megamix can function easily so long as they find a way to display the timing feedback that the touchscreen is used for in that game
@dugan Stretchmo, not Pullmo
you got the other two correct
@strongest_link Well tbf the 3D feature was something the last 3rd of the 3DS era kinda dropped or had it as an afterthought
Like others, Kid Icarus: Uprising is the easy first answer for me. The next one I'd want to say is Super Mario 3D Land, though that would suffer a lot more than most from losing the stereoscopic 3D. There's also BoxBoy, Pushmo, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Fantasy Life, Ever Oasis, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Monster Hunter 3U/4U, and of course all the Pokemon games. I really barely touched the DS library outside of Pokemon, so I'm sure there are a few there I missed out on too.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Kirby: Planet Robobot and the "Pushmo Trilogy" would be great to see but the main one I really want to see on Switch is Ever Oasis
It was one of many 3DS games that came out after the Switch released so it was ignored and didn't do well at all which is a shame because it's a fantastic game and I think it deserves a second chance
Elite beat agents
Oh yeah! That, too!
Dragon Quest IX
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Fire Emblem: Awakening
...and probably a lot more but I doubt many (or any!) of these will be revived anytime soon 😅
My top 2 would be a compilation of Dragon Quest 4-6, and a compilation of the DS Castlevanias.
Donkey Kong Country Returns would be at the top, the 3DS version got extra content and the DK franchise has been absent for way too long.
They could market Fire Emblem Awakening as a deluxe version if they just added everyone’s feet.
And I said this in another article but I would go for a BoxBoy series compilation, or Pushmo compilation.
Pokemon Generation 6!
XY and ORAS are my personal favorite Pokemon games and I'm so excited for mega evo to return in Legends Z-A.
So many
The Sonic games.
The dragon quest remakes & monsters games
Dragon Quest Rocket Slime (throw in the GBA game for good luck)
The Mario games
Shin Megami Tensei 4
And others that escape me...
@strongest_link Totally right. $2000 IS a good deal! My family can go without dinner for a few months, totally fine. 🤣
@Arcata I agree with you about Super Mario 3D Land, I’ve never played Rhythm Land before, I want to see nintendogs on the Nintendo Switch.
I would love to see a version of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on Switch!
I would love an Infinite Space Remake with a few tweaks. It’s a great game that could be an all time great with a bit more Polish.
elite beat agents
Yo Kai Watch Trilogy
Pilotwings Resort
Picross 3D 1 & 2, plus a new entry to make it a trilogy.
I'm on board with the suggestions for a Pushmo collection, but don't forget to add the Wii U game too.
I've said it before about ALBW - port it to HD, but then also use the really fun-to-play engine to MAKE NEW GAMES!
I'd buy a Castlevania DS collection if it were a thing.
I'd also go for a re-release of a re-release: Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, but now made compatible with the whole current Pokédex. A guy can dream.
Persona Q/Q2
... is Metroid Pinball available on the Switch, I really enjoyed that
And definitely Elite Beat Agents
Pokemon Platinum, since keeping the story of Diamond & Pearl but adding the fixes of Platinum was beyond TPC.
The Castlevanias are a significant omission at this point
I voted for Radiant Historia but have some others I'd be interested:
@calbeau Seconded for Castlevania DS collection.
If that's not possible, Kid Icarus Uprising.
And if that's not possible, an updated and expanded (more choices, branching decisions) Crimson Shroud.
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
I'm surprised Sonic Rush is as highly requested as it is. They are great 2D Sonic games, I just never imagined the games without two screens.
Chibi Robo park patrol (DS)
Wario ware gold, smash, tomadachi life, Pokemon x/y, rhythm heaven (3ds)
I would like to see the LBX series come to Nintendo Switch. I really liked that game. Oh and Devil Survivor series. Digimon series. Particularly Digimon Dawn/Dusk! How about Custom Robo DS! Dragon Ball Fusion!
I’d prefer new games instead of more ports, but I’m always happy with more Fire Emblem, Castlevania, and Pokemon.
@calbeau Thirded for Castlevania DS collection.
@somnambulance I would like to see more Pokemon too!! Maybe Pokemon Ranger?
I really miss playing more Zelda right now, so one of these would be nice… don’t think they really work though, being dependent on either stylus control or stereoscopic 3D. Much more likely and easy would be more remakes GB/GBC/GBA 2D Zelda games in the Link’s Awakening engine!
1. Kid Icarus Uprising
2. Shin Megami Tensei IV / IV Apocalypse (cheating I know)
3. Samus Returns
4. Kirby Planet Robobot
5. Tomodachi Life
None since even my potato phone can upscale them to 8x and has save states. Can't go back to blocky textures and manual saves points after that.
Oh man, I'd be all over Samus Returns and Sonic Rush+Adventure.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. !!
Just Kid Icarus Uprising for me. Obviously a new game is best, but Kid Icaurs has become so dormant once again that it's better to start off with bringing back Uprising with a new control scheme so the series can truly shine.
Stella Glow
Henry Hatsworth
Ever Oasis
I’d like to see
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of fate
Dead or Alive Dimensions
Ever Oasis
Super Street Fighter 4
KI: Uprising and Planet Robobot. That is all.
Sonic rush and sonic rush adventure, polarium, mr driller drill spirits,
I would love to see a compilation with Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and its sequel Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. I never played the second game since it was never released here in the US. (I didn't know it existed until it was already discontinued.)
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 was an impressive game for its time. It used the dual-screen format to great effect (with you holding the DS on its side like an open book and looking at one side of an ongoing conversation on each screen), and it even made use of the DS Rumble Pak.
@dartmonkey if we're lucky enough to get Hotel Dusk, here's to hoping that it comes with it's sequel as well!
Nintendogs and Tomodachi Life
Contra 4. I never played it. Regret.
The YoKai watch series! They already released it in in Japan!
Majoras Mask 3D.
While I own all of them I would love all the DQ games to get ported. And probably the Zelda games.
I would love some sort of TV out console instead though. These are the days I really miss the gamepad. Lol call it the Nintendo 4DS.
Where to start?! So many great Atlus games, including maybe the best SMT, 4 Apocalypse; the Persona Q games; the two SMT Devil Survivors; Radiant Historia; Stella Glow; the Etrian Odyssey Origins games…
Then there’s the 999 trilogy; DKC Returns; Metroid Samus Returns; Dragon Quest VII and VIII; Bravely Default and Second Layer; the best Fire Emblem (Awakenings) and two very good ones (Echoes and Fates; three Zeldas (OoT, MM and Link Between Worlds); Tales of Abyss; Rhythm Heaven…
Fortunately, I’ve got pretty much all of these still on my 3DS, and have only played about half of them. Such a great system.
The DS Castlevanias could do with an escape, though.
@PedroMatos Oh yeah, both Triple Deluxe and Robobot would be awesome. Forgot about those!
I was just thinking this morning about Sonic Rush and how I haven't heard anyone mention it in years, so it's a bit spooky to see it on the front page now!
To answer the question, I still use my DS and 3DS so the only games from them I'd really be interested in getting Switch ports would be those that have become too expensive to buy in their original form. My number one pick would be the DS remakes of Dragon Quest 4-6. I've played Hotel Dusk but its sequel, Last Window, is a bit pricey now so I wouldn't be opposed to a Switch remake of the duo like they did with Another Code. And, while I very rarely buy ports of games I already own, I would be tempted by an HD version of Kid Icarus Uprising.
I would kill for a physical release on Rhythm Heaven Megamix on america. A Persona Q collection would be cool too.
None, save DS and 3DS for a future dual screen console (hopefully the Switch 2), the Switch can't exactly handle dual screens super well.
dragon quest games 4-6!
Codename STEAM.
That's it. That's the request.
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball please!
The DS Castlevania games. I would buy that collection in a heartbeat.
•Kid Icarus Uprising
•Link Between Worlds
•Kirby Triple Deluxe / Planet Robobot
•Kirby Squeak Squad
•Super Mario 3D Land
•Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
•Mario Golf World Tour
•Super Princess Peach
•Rythm Heaven Megamix
•Dragon Quest VII & VIII
•The Smash Bros. 3DS stages Rainbow Road and Pac-Maze
•The Mario Kart 7 / DS stages: Shy Guy Bazaar, Airship Fortress, Wuhu Island, Desert Hills, Wario Shipyard, Daisy Hills, and Cheep Cheep Lagoon
Those are pretty much all the ones I would deem essential. This list doesn't include games that had 3DS ports but aren't on Switch like Yoshi's Woolly World or Donkey Kong Country Returns; I really want them, but they're not native to the system.
Ridge racer 3d 🙂
Only half kidding.
Here's my top 4 hopes:
1. DKC Returns
2. KI Uprising
3. Samus Returns
4. Link between worlds
Samus Returns is for sure at the top of my list. In addition to that it would sure be nice if Konami would bring over the Castlevania DS collection, but I’m not holding my breath.
Would absolutely love to see a Professor Layton collection! Thinking about it now, it's surprising that it hasn't happened already. Also Zelda Link Between Worlds would be great, however it feels like not long ago since playing it on 3ds and its 3d effect was great.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Last Window: The Secret of Cape West as a Recollection, similar to Another Code.
Magical Vacation/Magical Starsign (that's a game/series nobody mentions when talking about forgotten Nintendo IPs)
I would say the Ouendan games and Elite Beat Agents, as well as Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars. But how would they be played on TV Mode without the Touch Screen? A gyro pointer (similar to Super Mario Galaxy in Super Mario 3D All-Stars or Metroid Prime Remastered) probably wouldn't be ideal in this case.
All the Dragon quests but PLEASE with a remade sound design. Those are some of the most awful sounding games ever made.
Oh and Ocarina/Majora of course. Those versions would look perfect.
@kidkat I’d be down for Pokémon Ranger. I would love to have all mainline Pokemon games on one… legal… platform as well!
Right off the top of my head.
The DQ remakes.
The Fire Emblems.
The Zeldas.
I am certain there are more.
No love for Dillon’s Rolling Western?!
Or maybe Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball
I'd love to see Advance Wars: Dual Strike and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Re-Boot Camp was my first experience with Advance Wars and I'm now a zealous convert. It'd be a shame for them to re-release two games, gain new fans, and then leave them unable to play the rest of the series. Take my money, Nintendo!
@PipeGuy64Bit Sure, but for games like 3D Land and Pushmo it was arguably integral. Even with a game like Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon it doesn't really impact anything gameplay-wise but the graphics totally lean into the stereoscopic 3D. Link Between Worlds too.
Hey, late comment and my answer isn't very cool, but how about Starfy? LOVE the DS game.
The Tingle Rupeeland DS duology are amazing games. They should definitely release them and localize the second one.
As long as the original didn't make extensive use of the touch screen then go ahead and bring as many over as you can. DS and 3DS have an incredible library.
@sanderev there are some roms already with button mapping if you’re interested
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Mario 3D Land, and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World.
Castlevania Dawn of Souls, Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclasia.
I don't particularly want any of the games in the poll except maybe Link Between Worlds but I would love:
New Super Mario Bros
New Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario 3D Land
Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World
Super Princess Peach
None. My 3DSes still work, and I don't really see the point in playing compromised versions on Switch.
Kid Icarus Uprising.
Unsure how DS and 3DS games can be brought over to the Switch unless if some tweaks were to be made. Anyways...
New Super Mario Bros
WarioWare: D.I.Y. (Game Builder Garage is too complicated for me)
Super Princess Peach
New Super Mario Bros 2
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (I don't care what the people say, I actually liked this game albeit not on the same league as its three predecessors)
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Mario Party: Star Rush
Mario Golf: World Tour
Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure
Ultimate NES Remix
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Metroid: Samus Returns
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Kirby's Blowout Blast
Pokémon Sun/Moon
The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2: The Price of Desire
The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 3: Wisdom and Lunacy (though fully develop it so that it's actually good instead of being the worst mainline entry in the series)
Drancia Saga
Kid Icarus: Uprising would be my no. 1 because there's just not enough love for Kid Icarus from Nintendo. That and it's a fantastic game. Like twenty years between instalments is too long. Kid Icarus could be right up there with the Zelda series but Nintendo keeps neglecting it.
An HD upscaling with optional motion controls = no brainer. Seriously, there is so much content packed in that game. Maybe we'll see it as a VR title for Switch 2..... (I think the Switch2 will offer VR docking into a headset).
It would be cool to see Starfy, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Ever Oasis on Switch.
Kid Icarus Uprising, of course, but I'd gladly take the ST and ALBW Zeldas! Oh, and Ever Oasis is neat looking.
you wouldnt hear me saying no to a sonic rush trilogy rerelease, though i dont know howd they manage that to work on just one screen
Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 3D, Samus Returns, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Majoras Mask.
@abe_hikura i saw dq and my mind instantly went to dairy queen im so done
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Soma Bringer and Dragon Quest 9 for me.
The 3DS Fire Emblem games for sure, especially Shadows of Valentia. Know what? Samus Returns, too. I've been slowly creeping my way into Metroid after falling in love with Dread and I know the Metroid 2 remake is super well regarded and influenced Dread's gameplay, so I'd like to give it a whirl.
I know a lot of people feel this is pointless, but Mario Kart 7 would be a good one to port now that Nintendo appears to be done with Mario Kart 8.
Link Between Worlds and the remasters of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask feel like no-brainers. Agreed with Samus Returns as well, which really should have been a Switch title to begin with when it came out in late 2017.
Beyond that, whatever Nintendo fancy.
Castlevania, no doubt. They play brilliantly on the Wii u gamepad with the map screen next to the main screen.
A Rocket Slime collection would also be ace. But I'm sure if it happens we'll get the same tiny handful of games that were in the Wii u VC and no third party games will be touched that haven't already because no one wants to take the time past a basic port anymore.
Really hope all the 3DS Kirby titles are remastered for HD. They really are some of the best.
@StephenYap3 thumbs up to Kirby Blowout Blast. It’s an essential Kirby skills drill that more folks need to play
Kid Icuras uprising
@antisumo the original Fantasy Life is my one true wish.
Rhythm Thief, Kid Icarus Uprising, and a few Mario and Luigi games, either BIS or Dream Team
Mazes of Fate DS
Boktai: The Sun is in your hands
Citizens of Earth
Planet Crashers
IronFall: Invasion
MOON Chronicles
Rusty's Real Deal BaseBall
Attack of the Friday Monsters
Starship Damrey
Liberation Maiden
Heavy Fire
Retro City Rampage
StreetPass - Find Mii
StreetPass - Slot Car Rivals
StreetPass - Market Crashers
StreetPass - Feed Mii
StreetPass - Ninja Launcher
StreetPass - Mii Trek
StreetPass - Mii Force
StreetPass - Flower Town
StreetPass - Warriors Way
StreetPass - Monster Manor
StreetPass - Ultimate Angler
StreetPass - Battleground Z
StreetPass - Puzzle Swap
Kid Icarus Uprising
NES Remix 1 & 2
Anonymous Notes
Photo Dojo
Soul of Darkness
Zelda: Four Swords: Anniversary Edition
Legend of Zelda: Link between Worlds
Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Out of the list I would go with Fire Emblem Awakening. I really loved that game.
A few, actually. Shin Megami Tensei IV, Devil Survivor and Devil Survivor 2, Dragon Quest IX, Phantasy Star Zero, and Okamiden.
And just to be clear, I know that it was cancelled, but I'm gonna say Mega Man Legends 3. I'm not giving up on this one.
actual Nintendo DS and 3DS games I want to see physically re-released for the Nintendo Switch/Lite
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VIII
Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
Final Fantasy Explorers. I had fun playing it offline and online. Playing as a Red Mage was fun through the whole main game story
İ want to see Zelda Phantom Hourglass on the Nintendo Switch. İ know Zelda A Link Between Worlds is a better game but that game looks great on the 3DS.
Spirit Tracks would be nice, I've never played it before. A remaster of Link Between Worlds would be lovely too, but I still have it on my 3DS so it's not urgent.
@Mana_Knight Sonic Chronicles is bizarre and kinda boring. I got it used because I was also curious about the only Bioware-made Sonic game, but I couldn't get into it.
@Spider-Kev Retro City Rampage DX is on Switch though. In fact it's on sale for about 2 more days iirc. A Spectrobes collection or reboot would be amazing, but I doubt that'd ever happen.
@NinChocolate Agreed. I mean, I'm happy Kirby and the Forgotten Land happened and it's definitely one of my absolute favorite Kirby games in history, but when it comes to a gameplay formula that solely focuses on the pink puffball's default inhale ability...it's under Kirby's Blowout Blast's foot...
Hotel Dusk 215 is one of those 3DS titles that flew under the radar of a lot of people. And I would think the sequel Last Window: The Secret of Cape West could also be included since it never made it to the states before Cing went under.
Metroid samus return because I want to play it on switch using metroid dread engine. It will be cool if switch 2 has dual screen though, with design like new 2ds xl but with updated specs. Playing metroidvania games where the map is displayed on the other screen is really convenient 😃
I’d prefer new games instead of more ports, but would be very happy to see a proper remake of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
ACNL... I miss the music, NH just wasn't the same. LoZ Link Between Worlds.
1. Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
2. Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
3. Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
Got the name and everything:
Zero Escape: The Nonary Trilogy
Another Kid Icarus vote
GTA Chinatown Wars
Chrono Trigger
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Dragon Quest IX
Elite Beat Agents
Puzzle League
Radiant Historia
Metroid Prime Hunters (Remastered)
FF IV 3D Remake
Space Invaders Extreme 2
Bang O'Spirits
Picross 3D
Art Style Series !
Rhythm Heaven
Henry Hatsworth
Sonic Rush series
Bleach Dark Souls
Trauma Centre Series
Sonic and SEGA All Star Racing Transformed (okay, the Wii U version remade for Switch).
Mario Party DS
Ocarina of Time 3D
Fire Emblem Awakening & Fates
Link Between Worlds
Super Mario 3D Land
Zero Escape
Metroid Samus Returns
Super Street Fighter IV
Dragon Quest VIII
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Persona Q2
Boxboy series
Siesta Fiesta
Dead or Alive Dimensions
Stella Glow
Majora's Mask 3D
Kid Icarus Uprising
Warioware Gold
Nothing except MH4U due to controls.Every other game plays much better on Ds/3ds than Switch. Dual screen gameplay, touch screen of DS, all the above plus the stereo 3D effect of 3DS. How gameplay will be better on Switch?Only with HD graphics ?I doubt it..
Kirby: Planet Robobot, Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX & MH4U 🩷
As long as we're getting a Gen VI Pokémon Legends game, I really hope that there's a port of X & Y in the works, even if it's just a barebones port. It would be a great entry point (more so if it's budget priced) into the world of Kalos for those who missed it the first time, and a nostalgic way for old fans to experience essentially the same game in HD (and with improved performance, maybe throw in some nicer textures/lighting too). The original hardly had any stereoscopic 3D anyway, so if anything, a re-release would make it the definitive version.
So many great picks both in the article and in the comments, I'd love to see most if not all of these eventually come to Switch and/or its successor in one way or the other - I know that some don't like NSO and I can see where they're coming from, but I'd gladly take them even on there over them not being officially rereleased as I seriously doubt we'd get remasters/remakes of all of these!
Anyway, if I have to choose only one I'd also say Kid Icarus Uprising as it's the one that would benefit the most from a revamped control scheme other than a graphics update and of course because it's such a good game (I'm currently experiencing it fully for the first time by watching a let's play of it on YouTube)!
How much of Retro City Rampage is changed or altered from the DS?
Well, ace attorney investigations hasn't been released. I'd like to see that,
Andmaybefinallythesecondinstallmentaswellnudgenudgewinkwinketc 😁
And the trauma centre games.
Oh someone mentioned Metroid Prime Pinball - yes please port that with a TATE mode, and throw it in as a bonus with the Prime 2 & 3 ports.
@Kiwi_Unlimited Heck I'll go as far as to say the original 7th Dragon needs to be on Switch. A remake at most.
To this day I'm still praying for an Ever Oasis Remaster.
You have to make me choose only one? Because I have quite the list of DS and 3DS games.
For the DS:
-Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (and its Japan-only sequel)
-Animal Crossing: Wild World
-ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
-The Fire Emblem games
-Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
-The Harvest Moon DS games (they would be rereleased under the Story of Seasons banner)
-Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja (and its sequel)
-The Kirby games
-The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
-The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
-The Mario & Luigi games
-Mario Kart DS
-Mario Party DS
-Metroid Prime Hunters (including First Hunt as bonus content)
-Metroid Prime Pinball
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword
-The Nintendogs games
-Phantasy Star 0
-The Pokémon games aside from Diamond and Pearl
-The Professor Layton games
-Ragnarok DS
-The Rayman games
-Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
-The Rune Factory games
-The Sonic games
-The Spyro games (Shadow Legacy and The Legend of Spyro Trilogy)
-Star Fox Command
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Super Princess Peach
-Tingle's Balloon Fight DS
-The Trauma Center games
-Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble!
-The Wario and WarioWare games
-The Yoshi games
For the 3DS:
-Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-The BoxBoy! games
-Bravely Default (and its sequel, Bravely Second)
-Crush 3D
-Dead or Alive: Dimensions
-Detective Pikachu
-Dillon's Rolling Western (and its sequel)
-Donkey Kong Country Returns
-Ever Oasis
-Fantasy Life
-The Fire Emblem games
-Kid Icarus: Uprising
-The Kirby games
-The Legend of Zelda games (especially A Link Between Worlds and Tri Force Heroes)
-Liberation Maiden
-Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven
-Luigi's Mansion
-The Mario & Luigi games
-Mario Kart 7
-The Mario Party games
-Metroid: Samus Returns
-Metroid Prime: Federation Force
-Mighty Switch Force! (and its sequel)
-The Monster Hunter games (that haven't come to the Switch yet)
-Monster Strike
-My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-The Nintendogs games
-The Pac-Man games
-Paper Mario: Sticker Star
-The Pokémon games
-The Professor Layton games (including the crossover with Ace Attorney and the spinoff involving his adoptive daughter)
-Project X Zone (and its sequel)
-The Rayman games
-The River City games
-Rune Factory 4
-The Senran Kagura games
-The Shin Megami Tensei games
-The Sonic games
-Star Fox 64 3D
-Steel Diver
-Stella Glow
-The Story of Seasons games
-Super Mario 3D Land
-Super Mario Maker
-Super Monkey Ball 3D
-Super Smash Bros. (both the Wii U and 3DS versions)
-Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
-WarioWare Gold
-The Yo-kai Watch games
-Yoshi's New Island
There's quite a few more that I have either missed or are licensed, but these are the ones from the list on Wikipedia that I would personally like to see come to the Switch.
Let's go with three:
Ever Oasis
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Infinite Space
@Ashfan2020 Nintendogs need to make a comeback. I had so much fun with those on the ds
My personal wishlist consists of 3DS/DS games such as Rhythm Heaven, Freakyforms Deluxe, Soul Hackers, Pokemon Art Academy, The Legendary Starfy, and Tomodachi Life.
Elite Beat Agents would be my #1 choice... though it'd likely only be playable in handheld mode.
#2 would be the DS Castlevania titles.
@Spider-Kev Only difference from what I saw in the screenshot between home versions & 3DS is they put all the HUD stuff like the equipped weapon & map on the bottom screen that were just on the one screen originally.
Gaist Crusher for me and Savvy Stylist for my girlfriend
Peggle DS, Wario Ware Gold, Rustys Real Deal Baseball, Dillon's Rolling Western, 2d Zeldas, Tetris DS, the 1st Clubhouse Games, Henry Hatsworth, Meteos, Elite Beat Agents, Guitar Hero, all the Cooking Mama games, Monkey Ball DS, Metroid Pinball, Metroid Hunters, Return of Samus, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus,
I'm sure they could find a way to put Kirby: Planet Robobot on there somehow!
HD remake of Phantasy Star zero. Ground up with add-ons would be awesome
@AstroTheGamosian dude! Best list ever
@Windy Again, there's a lot more that I would have included, but a lot of it is licensed. So things like Lego, Disney, Star Wars, and others.
@AstroTheGamosian same here there is so much. I had a great time on DS and 3DS. Would be nice to see alot of those games get a new life. Excellent list you made there
@Windy Again, I just went down the list on Wikipedia. Some of those games were Japan-only releases, such as ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat. I remember seeing that game featured in Nintendo Power, and was really looking forward to the game. I was quite disappointed to see that it never got a Western release.
So I am hoping that we'll see more Japan-only releases finally get localized and released here in the West.
Voted for Metroid: Samus Returns but would also love to see Ever Oasis ported to the Switch since it's an excellent game no one seems to talk about these days.
I would like to see Platinum's DS Tactical Space RPG "Infinite Space" on Switch. A Sequel, remaster, remake, or reboot would be fun!
It was really good, and potential to be Great with one or two quality-of-life improvements.
Kid Icarus: Uprising.
WarioWare D.I.Y or a sequel to that game would do great on the switch!
Until we get a second screen, i'm good. I'd rather them be ported with full features, even if I have to buy additional attachments.
Tomodachi Life (3ds)
TBH im less of the belief that we need 3DS games on switch because playing them on the OG hardware is still okay. Don't construe that as me not wanting those games on Switch cause that isn't nearly the case BUT I feel that DS games being remade or remastered on modern hardware is paramount as there are some brilliant games that are stuck on such a strange console, just for preservation alone we need them on Switch.
Im talking Phantom Hourglass, Spirit tracks, partners in time, bowsers inside story, layton curious village, Black & White, Platinum, Nintendogs, Pokemon Ranger and so many more. Make it happen Nintendo, let me relive my childhood!
Chrono Trigger port please.
Dragon Quest Collection would be nice too if not mobile ports.
Super Mario 3D Land. Straight port for $20 and I would have a blast.
@AstroTheGamosian I think the same way. Hope you see those western releases. Everyone of us for that matter
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