Just a couple of weeks ago, the famed honcho of the Legend of Zelda series, Eiji Aonuma, announced that the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild would be delayed into Spring 2023. It was an announcement that many of us were undoubtedly expecting, particularly given that 2022 is already playing host to the likes of Bayonetta 3, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and the more recently announced Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, which is lined up for the 'Late-2022' slot.
While we wiped away a tear from the corner of our eyes and lamented that we wouldn't be playing BOTW2 over the holidays this year, the announcement video itself showcased some brand new footage from the upcoming sequel; so much so, in fact, that we even posited 16 theories about Link's gnarly new arm. What we perhaps didn't notice at the time — something we hadn't considered until the chaps over at Digital Foundry talked about it recenty — was that the footage looks remarkably crisp for OG Switch hardware.

Now, game trailers running on slightly beefier hardware is no new thing, but the Digital Foundry team think that there might be some weight behind the theory that Breath of the Wild 2 could be coming to brand new Switch hardware. Whether that's a 'New' Switch along the lines of the New 3DS, which offered a modest specs boost, or some variety of Switch 'Pro' or proper 'Switch 2' successor is impossible to say right now, but their main reasoning was that the volumetric clouds featuring prominently in the trailer look to be, in their expert opinion, too advanced for the humble Switch's processing power.
This, alongside the higher resolution and anti-aliasing techniques may point to the game potentially being a "cross-gen" release, similar to the last game. Digital Foundry video producer Alex Battaglia stated, "since they are delaying it now, I think this is going to be the equivalent of what we saw with Breath of the Wild, then, where it launches on the old and also on the new and we see the nice benefits of the new". You can watch the team discuss the clip in the DF video here:
Here at Nintendo Life, we're a touch more sceptical, although we of course love the idea of a brand new toy to play with. The idea of a new Switch console releasing alongside Breath of the Wild 2 in 2023 is not entirely off the table, but with the OLED Model being only six months old at the time of writing, it seems unlikely that Nintendo will want to introduce another SKU to the market so soon. After all, with the original Switch now being over five years old, there are plenty of early adopters who see the OLED Model as a decent upgrade worth picking up. For Nintendo to come out a little more than a year later and say "whoops, sorry folks, this is the real upgrade" feels a bit premature, especially considering how healthy Switch sales are.
Then again, it's possible that Nintendo may go down a different route entirely: chiefly, a new dock that upgrades the resolution when playing on the big screen. Since the OLED introduced a significant upgrade for folks who predominantly enjoy handheld gaming, a new dock would go towards benefitting resolution-chasing gamers who prefer playing in docked mode. This might give the 'native' output resolution a hefty bump via some in-built scaling tech — perhaps even going as far as 4K (though we've already seen various pieces of kit that do that). Then again, that doesn't quite explain the volumetric clouds that Digital Foundry thinks are beyond the current Switch's capabilities.

Ultimately, Breath of the Wild 2 is sure to run just fine on the current Switch; it kinda has to, right? The first game was perfectly playable and excellent on Wii U, and even the Switch version struggles in certain places (well hello there, Korok Forest!). There's simply no way Nintendo will abandon a console that has — at the time of writing — now sold over 100 million units, outselling the mighty Wii. The first Breath of the Wild has sold roughly one copy for every four Switches in the wild right now, and Nntendo isn't going to disappoint that audience for the sake of slightly fancier visuals.
As for a potential cross-gen release? Well, even given the ongoing difficulties facing manufacturers right now, it's certainly possible, but we're yet to be fully convinced. It just doesn't seem like the right time to us, particularly when you consider that global chip shortages are likely to continue into 2023. We wouldn't put it past Nintendo to offer some sort of upgrade/remaster of the game further down the line, however; perhaps some sort of collection that bundles both Breath of the Wild games for its next console? We'd be up for that!
The real question is whether Switch owners would be tempted to upgrade to new Switch hardware if this were a cross-platform (cross-Nintendo-platform, of course) release, because that's what Nintendo would be banking on by employing same tactic used with both Twilight Princess on GameCube/Wii and BOTW on Wii U/Switch.
Would we upgrade? Of course we would, but new Nintendo hardware is tied to our jobs here, so it's easier for us to justify. Would you upgrade, though?...
So, we're not sure we'll see a brand new Switch console releasing alongside Breath of the Wild 2, but we'd love to know what you think on the subject. Check out the polls below and be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts on the matter!
Comments 239
Alex was speculating, he stated as much during the conversation. I don't know how that was taken into by some outlets as gospel for a magical non existent Switch 2...
What I've learned from the V2 and the OLED Switch is that even minor hardware upgrades end up feeling super worthwhile with how much time I spend playing my Switch. I'll definitely be getting whatever the next system is day one as long as I can get my hands on it. At the same time though I'm happy with my OLED for the time being so I'm not dying them to release a new system ASAP or anything.
I wouldn't upgrade immediately. I'd wait for some months to read/listen to players reports about the new system first
If the new console were 100% backwards compatible with my Switch library, that would be a game changer. But a game? No
Wait.... Maybe you're not talking about a new Nintendo system, just a Switch upgrade? Then I wouldn't buy it on launch day
I'd get a buff switch just to have a console that can run stuff decently. Well, provided it would be an actual upgrade, which I doubt...
I just want stuff to run well across the board, at least 1st party wise. Its frankly amazing that so many 1st party titles struggle with performance in various ways.
I want to see more frames rather than anything else.
I’ve been saving up for a new switch so, if they released a new switch model with BotW2, then probably yes I’d buy that instead.
Nah, I’m happy with my current Switch.
If backwards compatibility is an option, I'll upgrade and pass along my old one to a friend who doesn't have one.
Otherwise I'm in no rush to buy a new system unless they have a lot more than just Zelda to offer
I would absolutely get a Switch 2 or Pro whenever it releases. The hardware was pretty underpowered when it came out, and 5 years have passed since then. BOTW is a game that deserves the best visuals.
It would have to be backwards compatible with the base Switch, though.
Possibly. I assume the next Switch iteration will just be an OLED Lite. If that's the case then I would skip it since I already have an OLED. But if it's the Switch's successor (which I highly doubt; I feel that's still years away) then I would be interested in upgrading.
I would like to get the next Switch machine, but not for playing BOTW 2, Xenoblade 3.
I have zero interest with those games.
I am still rocking the OG model. It would be time for an upgrade. 😊
I’d buy a switch 2 even if it didn’t have any exclusives day 1. On the one hand I want a new switch that’s comparable to the ps4 pro or xbox series S at least in power as soon as possible. On the other hand I want the switch to finish a normal 7 year console cycle first.
Not unless they show off more games than just Zelda. Especially considering my Switch is still fully functional.
No way. Not buying another Nintendo console until next generation hardware. Launch Switch is a perfectly beautiful system. Not interested in minor upgrades.
As for a paint job, I think it was Peer Schneider that predicted a gold joy-con OLED bundle with BOTW2 (for 2022 predictions).
I would in a heartbeat but I have to say there is an element of Nintendo's artistry and craftsmanship fooling 'experts' into thinking it must be new tech. Are the clouds volumetric or are they just really well done? We will see. But one thing I will say is if they have a console capable of delivering anywhere near next gen AAA titles then they at the very least should give dev kits out with a very long run in time so as to hit the ground running with it. Games sell consoles (unless you work for Digital Foundary and then it's how many frames it can shift lol) and if there is a new console next year, then it needs to come with a few 'Only on' titles. (And this doesn't mean they will kill the Switch off. It will get support for years like a mobile phone does.)
Nintendo can play a longer game. They don't need, and wont, release a new console this soon. But there will be a new console someday and sure they are working on it for years already... and one of the best available games 'today' will be better on this new console right from the start, whenever that is.
Nope. I'm perfectly happy with the Switch as it is. I can live with not having the very shiniest version of a game (I happily bought Breath of the Wild on Wii U, after all).
It would only make sense to if the game were exclusive to this "new Switch hardware", which sounds even sillier than the standard breed of Switch Pro rumours - imagine Nintendo leaving a Wii tier (and by next year, guaranteed PS4 tier) userbase out in the rain for a long-hyped BotW sequel of all releases!😆 A successor console, assuming portability and preferable backward compatibility (both of which are thankfully very easy to assume) would be a different story, but I'd eagerly upgrade to it (at the speed of financial capability and local stock, of course) for much more general reasons than BotW2 alone. In fact, even the latter's delay news made little impact on me since the newer official teasers appear to joss my previous "playable Zelda" impressions - and thus leave me out of reasons to get hyped for the sequel any sooner than I'm done with BotW itself.
Going by the Nvidia leak, it’s obvious a more powerful switch is coming. I’d say by early 2023. And yes I’d definitely upgrade.
I doubt it, the switch is getting towards the end of its life but it’s not there yet. I think it’ll have a 7 year lifespan with the switch 2 coming out in early 2024 or maybe late 2023
I'm covered in fur, not money. Just how much disposable income do people think we have to throw at more hardware? Are we actually supposed to be buying (some of) the many, many games that are being released in this ongoing flood?
I know people want to wish a
Switch ProBig Boy Max Pass Swith Plus into existence, but Nintendo themselves have no reason to deviate from their business model, established now for a mere... few decades.'Hiya, it's Dave from Digital Floundering here. I have analysed the footage of the new Zelda game and it looks much bigger than other games. Nintendo are likely to use a cloud solution for all the clouds. I counted at least 24 clouds in one scene. More clouds than something like Xenoblade Chronicles. Thanks.'
I honestly think it’ll get delayed/pushed again to holiday 2023 & launch on both switch & whatever their next console is
100% if it pairs more capable hardware with an OLED screen. Even a minor, New 3DS-style upgrade would be fine.
Sure, I would have bought a more powerful Switch already years ago
Not going to happen, why release the oled?
Oled was great,
Folders no so,
Let’s hope the next upgrade will rocks!
Feel free to clap 😁
@CANOEberry To be honest, Nintendo in the past had always released major new hardware every five years or so and updated versions of hardware throughout their life cycle. I don’t know why people have so many issues with new hardware. People tend to be happy upgrading their phones each year which cost over £1000
I concur. Hope it's the same form factor with backwards compatibility.
So "New" Switch a year before Switch 2 would be dumb, but Corona and the related shortages may have shifted the game somewhat.
March 2023 any sooner??? The GPU upgrade would improve game play portable but more so on Docked mode. When 4K/DLSS comes into play on the BigScreen. Sounds like we got lots of Debbid Downers complaining this is nothing new NintendDoomed Fandom pretending to be Nintendo fans is not new either. The leaks from Nvidia already told us there is a upgraded Switch coming whether Nintendo or Nvidia wants to confirm this or not. Those are the closet leaks one can get to the developer as one can get without Nintendo openly admitting they were were on a Updated GPU Switch around 2019 or maybe earlier and tried to keep it under wraps.
I have Hope for Switch OLED mini/light
Having two entries in the Zelda series during one console's life cycle isn't unheard of, but I would appreciate a more powerful Switch
I don't like the style of language used in the poll options. I don't talk like that and people who do irritate me.
I really believe the BotW sequel won't be Switch (in its current form) exclusive. I'll definitely get whatever new system Nintendo releases, as I always do.
Switch OLED lite is all but dead here - I suspect it's going to be the v2 OLED Switch with 4K/DLSS Switch OLED options.
I think the Switch2 will probably release in 2024, and I do not think Nintendo is likely to release a second upgraded version of the current generation (though I guess I could see Switch OLED Light or something along those lines).
That said, if I am wrong and they release either the Switch2 or some sort of higher powered Switch1.5 alongside BOTW2, I would almost certainly pick it up (and be happy to upgrade).
I’m pretty satisfied with the switch overall and I don’t have an oled. I feel any companies that are going to work with Nintendo have and more power will not change that. So honestly I could sit on the oled (after I get one) for another 2 years. Anybody expecting either for Nintendo to make a machine on par with the current twins or for AAA games to suddenly flood a new system are not paying attention to the market.
I also don’t think they are at the point that they could shrink the switch to two skus (oled and lite) to accommodate the slower sales a new hardware announcement will create. Also there is still a chip shortage. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo is sitting on new hardware (designs) but now is not the time to bring it out. Sony and MS still can’t keep stock. Personally I would get dev kits in hand and game deals set up for a year before even announcing a new piece of HW. However sales are not trending down yet so I see no reason to disrupt that for the bleeding edge people. They will buy new hardware regardless. HW announcements shake up sales and stock. And unlike the wiiu there is no real pressure (switch pro mongers are a vocal minority) due to a poorly selling product. (Although with everyone panic buying if I were Nintendo I would put that old wiiu stock on their online stores. )
I have well over 500 games. I’m good. Just waiting on that zelda oled.
My worry is that if this does end up happening, scalpers will buy all the stock, and then I'll have to wait even longer before I can play BotW2
Nope i would not. I wouldn't buy the successor to switch until it had at least 5 exclusives that i felt i couldn't live without. BOTW 2 might end up on the successor but it will still be on switch so that won't count as an exclusive.
Can't say I'm interested in a revision.
A new console yes, but another Switch, nah.
I like Zelda but I wouldn't buy a new console to play the new one especially when it would still be available on the current Switch. I originally played BOTW1 on the Wii U and was fine with that and BOTW2 looks pretty similar to the original from a technical perspective so i just wouldn't see the point.
Now if a new Fire Emblem was only available on the new console that might temp me to upgrade. Three Houses honestly put that series at the top as my favorite Nintendo franchise even over Zelda and Mario.
Oh and also, the other reason I think that the switch 2 or whatever isn’t happening early 2023 is because we’re getting all these notable releases in late 2022, and so I don’t think Nintendo would want to cut their lifespans short
@Korgon fire emblem could use a technical upgrade, the game is great but it doesn’t look great graphically
The clouds are nice, I noticed them when I watched the trailer as it released.
What I'd be more interested in than an updooted Switch, and I'm no tech engineer so idk if this is possible, is an upgraded dock. Early copyright blueprints of the pre-Switch tech implied they at least explored the idea of the dock having some additional hardware. For instance, an SSD would be nice, for the resource hungry games I never play mobile, or more RAM for the games that desperately need it on a 70 inch TV, like BotW.
Since my choice is a simple "yes," I didn't vote. But, yes!
Absolutely Yes.
I really don't care too much about graphical fidelity all that much, but yeah, if I had extra cash and it made it worthwhile for other games, then sure.
I felt like Nintendo was telegraphing "no Switch 2 for the next 2 years" when they announced 2 years worth of MK8 DLC. If they knew a new Switch was launching early 2023 they could have just said 1 year of dlc then announce the other year after releasing MK8 Deluxe Complete on Switch 2.
If it's just a "New Switch" and not a 2, why even bother 6 years later, just move on to next gen already at that point.
Would I buy new hardware depends on the price, exclusives, and availability, don't reward scalpers.
I do think some sort of more powerful Switch is launching with BotW 2 given new hardware needs strong software lineup and the next new Zelda after BotW 2 will launch in 2029. A similar argument is possible with other big franchises.
Whether I'll buy it will depend on full backwards compatibility, how much better it is than the current Switch, what games it gets that the Switch doesn't and the state of my current Switch (sometimes it sounds like a jet engine).
I wouldn’t be thrilled about it, since I got an OLED fairly recently. But yes I would consider it.
I really don't think Nintendo is wanting to release a new switch soon, I reckon the earliest will be Q4 2023.
But that being said I really want an upgrade to the switch as soon as possible, so if it comes with BOTW2 then I will be straight on that I think it will be hard to get hold of like the Series X and PS5.
Short answer, yup
The Switch is practically the only gaming console I use these days, so I'd definitely jump on another upgrade if it comes to that.
But what would really seal the deal for me is if past games got a nice resolution/frame rate boost as well.
I don’t think we’re getting the upgraded Switch in a year from now, but it would be kinda funny, since they used sequel footage when showing off the Switch OLED for the first time, when it might not even be the hot product to use when playing the game. I think we will get a Sheikah Slate edition Switch for the release instead.
I’d like to think I wouldn’t buy a beefier Switch so soon, but I said the same thing about the original Switch and the OLED, only to change my mind before launch.
Trick question! I still don't own a Switch specifically because I'm waiting for BOTW2 to launch with a new SKU.
I would buy/upgrade to one, yes, even after getting an OLED. But only if by then I have the financial capacity to do so. I don't want to tell people "don't because it's impractical you just got your OLED blah blah blah". These days that argument won't work anymore. If you have the money to spend that's your call. You just need to see for yourself if you're gonna benefit from it or not. If not then..well lesson learned, I guess.
My personal reason though is to give my old ones to my younger siblings. That's reason enough for me.
I've never bought a hardware revision to replace functional hardware. I ended up with a slim PS3 once but that was out of necessity since my fat PS3 yellow lighted.
I thin revisions are fine to give generations a bit more longevity but I think upgrading is a luxury I can't afford.
From the GameCube onwards I’ve bought every major Nintendo hardware release at launch (before that I was relying on parental generosity! 😉) I’ve only ever skipped minor updates like the DSi or some of the 3DS variants, like the 2DS.
So, yeah a new Switch model would definitely be an insta-buy for me, even though I bought the OLED at launch last year.
A year or two ago I would have jumped on a Switch Pro/2. The increasing cost of regular items and fuel is making me put my sensible head on and wait now.
If there's a hardware bump, put me in! If it's just a paint job, I'll take the game only.
I'm not bothered about BotW2 whatever the console. I'm a leisurely 130 hours into BotW, and when I complete it I want to play other games.
If BotW2 is a completely different experience, maybe I'll be convinced to play it one day.
I can wait. In fact, as @Enigk says, given the rising costs of essentials, it'd probably behoove me to wait.
When I was considering whether to get a new console before buying the Switch, my spouse advised, "list five games you want to play on the console, and they have to be either exclusive titles or feature exclusive content." I thought that was a very reasonable piece of advice, and ended up with the Switch.
100% backward compatibility and the option to transfer all my current data to the new console would make upgrading a no-brainer.
People tend to be happy upgrading their phones each year which cost over £1000
@BiscuitCrumbsInMyBed This is undeniably true. At the same time, the public should be aware of freaky people like me, with our quaint notions of money and value (not to mention our working vintage hardware like the NES, GameCube etc). Even more frighteningly, we are not a small contingent.
I only buy as many games as I do because I mean to actually play them, as opposed to rolling inside the hype hamster wheel, forever and forever. I have no intention of purchasing an upgrade to the current Switch (with its drifting Joy-Cons and Pro controllers), and I'll be sitting out the next generation, in part out of distaste for Nintendo's recent business practices.
People talk about breaking the cycle of calamity and rebirth in Zelda, or in life. We can at least get out of the "backlog cycle" log enough to appreciate the libraries we have.
I will add, I do hope we get a couple of months notice between it being announced and released. I got home the other day and my wallet had left me a Dear John letter. Said it was going to the solicitors for a restraining order...
It has to have a real preformance upgrade for me to buy a new Switch model just adding fake 4K does nothing for me
I'm not convinced that it will happen but I'm prepared $$$ wise for new hardware if it is announced.
It would have to be a significant improvement, be backwards compatible and have the abilitu to move over my hundreds of pounds of gaming over.
I don't think it'll happen alongside BOTW2
I skipped on the OLED mainly because it was just a regular Switch with a nicer screen and a better kickstand. If it allowed games to run smoother or decrease load times, it would have been an easier sell. Perhaps that's wishful thinking for a Switch follow-up though...
I got home the other day and my wallet had left me a Dear John letter.
@GrailUK The gremlin in my coin purse is usually very shifty and quiet, but lately I've noticed him laughing at me in a way I found disturbingly familiar. I think it wants to enjoy my downfall.
I don't know about you, but at times like that, I wish I could roll with Samus and your fellow monkeys (like AiAi, maybe?) in one of those half-pipes. I'd just go back and forth, trying to boost myself into space. It might be futile, but it would be cheaper...
I think my day one switch may be on its last leg, started to do w weird clicking and humming when the fan turns on. Here's hoping that I can hold out till the BoTW switch if there is one because I would love that.
Nope, I can't afford to buy every single version of a system.
Of course I would. The Switch is wonderful. I buy games that I could play on Xbox game pass for free. If the competition done a handheld like Sony have in the past I’d buy that as well.
The poll options were lacking. I would love a new Switch revision, but I didn't like BOTW and have no interest in getting the sequel. I would buy the new Switch by itself.
@CANOEberry lol 'I know that laugh.'
I don't see any new hardware of any sort releasing before 2024 and then it will be a new console.
Have an og switch, last year I got the lite when the blue color released and for xmas got a white oled. Im good on nintendo switches for a while, honestly as much as I love this thing I am not in any rush for a super switch pro atm
First of all, I don't think we will see a Switch 2 in 2023. Too soon after the OLED model. If by some crazy chance they do launch a new Switch in 2023 alongside BOTW 2...I would definitely buy it, assuming it's a significant improvement - basically it would have to have PS4 graphics at a minimum and a real online service that is integrated into the OS. Otherwise, I'm just gonna keep playin my OG Switch for the next two years.
Nope, the switch gimmick won't work a second time. Nintendo will need to do something big, otherwise my priority will be the steam deck.
I mean, I would expect a new Switch SKU in 2023. For what it is… we’ll have to wait until Nintendo announces it. The timeline almost adds up.
2017 - Launch Switch
2019 - Switch Lite, Switch v2
2021 - Switch OLED
I wish U had the money to upgrade whenever; ne became avaliable, but I only ever replace electronics when my previous one breaks or becomes frustrating to use. I di want them to release another version for whenever that happens though
If there are 2 versions I'll likely go for the normal Switch version. I don't think there will be much difference and I don't want to be forced to buy Switch2 at launch (probably very expensive and full of launch-bugs).
I played Twilight Princess on GameCube and Breath of the Wild on Wii U as the Godess Hylia intended.
If you don't play the games on the consoles they're announced for then you're letting companies get away with LIES.
I would definitely upgrade for botw2.
I think they'll do an OLED model with a BOTW2 paint job.
Nintendo's still riding high on the current model, and there are still chip shortages, right? Switch2 seems very unlikely.
Removed - unconstructive
I don't think a new model is coming so soon after the OLED and during the chip shortage. PS5s still cannot be produced to meet demand.
And if the game ran on the current hardware, I wouldn't bother upgrading for a while
I would definitely upgrade with or without BOTW2. Don't think this is the year, though. They can't go FOREVER without releasing some sort of Switch upgrade, but supply chain stuff I don't understand seems to say it's not happening soon, and it's not like Nintendo's sales are hurting.
Yes and no.
Yes, I feel I got my money's worth, with the switch. $300, plus games i can replay, etc.
No, because 5 yrs is too short of a lifespan for a console.
Historically speaking 5 years is about average.
The PS3 and 360 were the real odd men out. They stuck around way longer than they needed to without their replacements already on shelves.
With that said, companies often support their previous generation hardware for a number of years after the release of their new hardware. Nintendo was releasing NES games until 1994. SNES had been around since 1990/91.
In fact, the best time to buy a console is about the time it’s successor is releasing. Most of the great games get heavily discounted, the system has been refined to its best (in most cases, PS3 Super Slim was a bit of a piece of trash) incarnation and is dramatically cheaper to buy.
As for a new Switch, I’m thinking late 2023 or early 2024.
The hardware needs replacing now, but with the chip shortage and it’s continuing popularity Nintendo is in a good position where they don’t have to do so in a rush.
I dont need a stronger switch, but i would upgrade right away no matter what. I just love new hardware 😁
It's a terrible time to release new hardware right now. I don't think they'll release anything next year.
If I didn't upgrade to the Switch for BOTW (I'd rather play it on Wii U) I'm not upgrading to a newer Switch just because BOTW2. If it were Metroid Prime 4 it would be a whole other story.
If they released it exclusively on a new console I would be annoyed.
Buying the Switch was my return to console gaming after some 20 years of not owning a console, and I'm starting to sour on it. Releasing BOTW on a new console would signal the end of the Switch and it would just feel like a broken promise.
It won't launch with the new Switch and even if it does it'll still released on the Switch before that.
@Purgatorium Yeap it would also be the first time a Nintendo home console doesn't had its own main Zelda game. Breath of the Wild on Switch was a Wii U port so if the sequel is going to be released on the next console, that means the Switch only had Age of Calamity, a Zelda musou spinoff, as its only original Zelda title. Link's Awakening is a remake and Skyward Sword is a remastered so those also don't count.
Hard Pass, but not because of the switch revisions.
I just didn't like BotW1, as a result all Zelda purchases on release day are haulted unless they are remasters and remakes of games in the series that I like. I feel that my time with the franchise has ended with this latest movie and I won't be catfished again like I was for the Switch. I could have easily waited till Link's Awakening was released before buying a switch instead of being dragged onto the platform for a game I'd find I'd ultimately hated.
So it'll take a different game to change my position.
That being said, system is long overdue for a refresh. I've stopped buying for switch entirely and now get my games on PS5 and Steamdeck.
The Switch 2, pro or whatever needs to be backwards compatible
It is going to happen.
I think the entire reason BOTW2 got delayed to 2023 was to have it launch with the Switch 2.
@RushDawg if it's a pro it will be BC. If its Switch 2, that is a point of concern. though I doubt the Switch 2 will not be BC with the Switch. Especially after PS5 and Xbox Series X pretty much making it not only standard, but also enhancing those libraries in some form. Would be a foolish move on nintendo's part to not upgrade titles for switch 2.
@mrbogus Same. Pretty certain this is another BotW/Twilight Princess situation. They did the same thing with both of those games. They'll need a reason to get people on the new switch quickly. I think between high end hardware in steamdeck they need to move fast.
I would absolutely buy a beefier Switch but not BECAUSE of Botw2. I'm gunna get Botw2 and I look forward to seeing what Nintendo have improved on but I wasn't super into Botw1 so them hypothetically doing a Switch Pro + Botw2, well...Botw2 isn't the MAIN reason I'd be making that purchase.
In another reality, Sunbreak is releasing with a Switch Pro and I'm buying it for the improved hardware and game in equal amounts. Rise was fantastic.
I'm not as interested in Zelda as I used to be, but I think it's going to happen this way. Nintendo has got into a habit of doing this now - Twilight Princess on GC/Wii, Breath of the Wild on Wii U/Switch and (probably) Breath of the Wild 2 on Switch/Switch 2.
@RushDawg Making the Switch used cartridges means it's easy to add backward compatibility for the next system. Like the DS & 3DS I believe the Switch 2 could easily play original Switch games, the only concern I had though is if Nintendo will keep the original Switch eShop separate from the Switch 2 eShop or will they merge them like the 3DS one. Nintendo got lots of work to do if they are planning to launch a Switch 2 and having new games ain't the only thing they need to work on. New UI, eShop redesign, new account systems among other things will also need to be considered.
id definitely take more frames over fluffier clouds (though first party games tend to have very fluffy clouds) since more frames means more responsive controls (kind of like the F zero X situation on n64, the games visual details are very simple but it runs at a super smooth framerate with 30 vehicles in a race and feels so snappy to control)
playing games like age of calamity, MHstories 2, Dragon quest builders 2 and SMTV at a more stable framerate would be a bigger draw than all the high rez textures and fluffly clouds in the world.
DF spreading misinformation as if it was a venereal decease.
@Mgalens I agree with you up to a point. Totally agree with F-Zero X, but some games it's not as important (and that's not even to do with genre sometimes!)
I would upgrade again if the Price was reasonable but having just upgraded to the OLED model I'm not in any rush put it that way. I also purchased a Coral Switch Lite last year too so even more of a reason why I'm not in any rush.
That would be a dirty trick.
I would not. I think the Steam Deck will be my next gaming handheld/computer.
Although, I would eventually buy a "Switch 2" for Nintendo games.
Nintendo lost a lot of goodwill with me by not making any of my digital purchases carry over from the Wii/Wii U or even 3DS. I have very little faith that they will do the right thing.
But the Deck being a full blown computer in addition to being a gaming device. My 3rd party and indie games will be on Steam going forward. The deck would be much more useful for me. Considering all the tiers of the Deck share the same specs, the low end price of a Deck is $399 and just add a SD card and I am good.
But with Splatoon 3 arriving soon, I doubt they will release a new console so quick. Also, MK8D DLC is still set far out in the future. So nothing new until that completes.
My best guess is they are aiming for MK9 to be a release game.
nah already gotta bunch of games wanna get for current Switch rather get those then new model plus it's best to wait a few years before getting a new model cause revisions that make them better
If a Switch replacement came out today it would flop and it would make a lot of customers angry. Switch is selling to well to put out a replacement. Many people are just getting going with their Switch to upgrade. I've had my Switch 3yrs and enjoy it way to much to want to upgrade. Too many people would be alienated. Plus what are you going to put on it?
also a new model would NEED to be backwards compatible with current Switch games and it'll need to make it so you do not need to have your old system to transfer all your game make it so once you connect your Nintendo Account all your games will be downloadable on the new one
Of couse, I'll even buy the hardware without botw 2, I just want play games with 1080p res and 60 fps on switch.
@BenAV the battery improvement from my original to oled was a godsend!
If there is a significant upgrade in handheld quality, I'd consider an upgrade. OLED just isn't enough for me to drop $450 on such a minor "upgrade".
Wouldn't do the upgrade for BotW 2 either. Have tried three times already but can't get into the first game.
I’d upgrade now. This system needs more power. I’m tired of this constant underpowered console from my favorite game company. Get with the times! It’s not even about graphics. It’s about running games decently at 60fps and developers not being so limited.
@Joe-b Who would be mad? You? I’d be happy along with tons of other people that love tech and progress.
What would we play? The new shiny new games you wouldn’t be able to because you didn’t upgrade. 🤷🏼♂️
if it were 100% bc then maybe.
I'm down to a 1 console lifestyle now and that is the PS5 thus far. A new Switch would have to be something special for me to care.
Switch Sports is the first game on Switch to use the AMD image upscaling. Couldn't this just be BOTW2 using that and being the showpiece for the technology?
I feel like it mainly becomes an issue if its dropping below 30 or is unstable.
In general higher framerate will always lead to the game playing better but stability can also be a big thing, its why some prefer locked 30 over one that is all over the place, though as mentioned when it starts to drop below 30 that's when things become noticeable.
for me the reason why I am all for a more powerful switch is more because of the games where performance does noticeably suffer. (Ys IX being another one, its a fantastic action rpg but the switch port really suffers)
I already made the decision to get the next upgrade for the switch, whether it’s coming with botw2 or not. I skipped the OLED.
I really hope it’s backwards compatible though. Would hate to leave my collection behind.
@Tendogamerxxx when you sell a product at the rate the Switch is selling you can't just "stop". Look at how many copies they sell, let's say Animal Crossing, I would say a high attach rate, they'll be many people who will have just purchased the system and the games. Now if the system was past its peak, not hardware wise, but sell wise, like 2.5-3yrs from now then, you start announcing new versions of game A,B,C, and so on. Do it 2022, they'll be alot of late adopters that will be upset. I've had my switch for 3 years, my wife, 2 months, my son got his in 2017 and bought an Oled 2 weeks ago. So it's still selling. Now, if it is backwards compatible, that changes the picture a little bit...
Depends, a new whole Gen Switch 2 then hell yeah but a "Pro" style upgrade would really have to depend on how much of an upgrade it was and how pricey it would be.
Look it would need to be a switch2 not a pro. A pro would be a waste of money due to the power not being able to be fully realized. Also the fact that the series x struggles at times with some of the stuff found in botw2 trailer. We would need a next gen console for that not just a upgrade.
Not really interested in loz weather I'd buy a new Nintendo console would depend on specs & price £300 for Nintendo's current console is way overpriced so I don't see them releasing a new model with good components at a decent price
@Mattock1987 hear you there. I'm having so much fun with the model I have now I dont need another system. Honestly with the way the Switch sells, the longer they wait to release some brand new platform the better. Their R&D money just keeps growing and I know and hear of so many people that are just now buying one.
@Joe-b So much so they are having to buy a new building for it!
Def. Yes! Day one, heck i would even pre order like the steam deck lol.
@wiiware Switch already can do 1080p and 60fps 😜
If a beefier Switch will be launched alongside BotW2, then I will pre-order the second I can. If BotW2 launches with the new Switch still a little ways out, then I'll hold off from playing on the current Switch. I want this game to look pretty on my 65" OLED. The current Switch really is outdated.
I'd be more concerned about metroid coming out before the next console arrives...
@sword_9mm I could never be tied down to a TV console again after owning a switch..
Repeating others that don't believe a pro is going to happen(oled & chip problem) & Switch 2 is still awhile out('24 or '25), would eventually get the next hardware then. Other thing is wondering how much truth there is in having BotW 2 actually made for Switch instead of a Wii U port like the first?
@Tendogamerxxx I take it you're under 25yrs old. Prob under 18. If you grew up with Atari, Colecovision, etc...power numbers don't mean anything. Just give me a good game
@PhhhCough 5 yrs is too short. I agree with you there. Switch can give 8. At least 7
I JUST got an OLED last year at launch, and I love it.
But I was REALLY stressed out prior to buying it because of exactly this fear: that the OLED would become obsolete within a year or so.
If 4k Super Switch or whatever comes out in 2024 I'd be okay with upgrading then. Heck, if it comes out in fall 2023 it'll have been two years - similar to the length of time I had my new 3DS before the launch of the Switch. But there it wasn't a strict 1-to-1 replacement device.
Let the OLED carry us a few more years. If it's only 1.5 years between OLED and its replacement… I'd be a tad bit worried about Nintendo's business. Rushing upgrade after upgrade onto consumers and not giving them fair warning ahead of time that what they are buying will be obsolete in little more than a year is what happens when a console company is struggling, not when it's at the top of the world.
On the contrary, OLED came 2 years after Switch lite, which was 2 years after the original Switch. Give us the new Nintendo Super Switch 4K Pro Max for holiday 2023 AT THE VERY EARLIEST, and I'd say the console is probably pretty healthy. That's a full 6 years. But Zelda isn't aiming for holiday 2023; it was aiming for holiday 2022 and now bumped back to spring 2023. I would guess unless its bumped back again, it's launching prior to the new console.
I get that people want the Switch to be able to compete on a graphical and powerhouse level with the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, but it doesn't have to to be successful. A lot of the rough edges of the original Switch was cleaned up by the OLED. It doesn't need the umph in power to run games like these.
Here's my theory. New Switch will launch after all the dlc tracks for mario kart are available and it will launch with Super Mario Oddyssey 2 as a cross gen title.
Console launch games are EXTREMELY important to the future of a console. Nintendo learned this lesson with Twilight Princess and BOTW.
It would be extremely short sighted to launch BOTW2 EXCLUSIVELY on Switch only to launch the next Console 6-10 months later....without a killer app like BOTW 2 to show off the new systems capabilities.
If there really was a true Switch 2 coming March 2023 they would need to start announcing, showing and building the hype soon. Else it would end up a soft launch in March 2023 and that’s no good.
If it was a Switch Pro, then maybe they could leave announcing until nearer March 2023 as that would be more of a soft launch compared to a true Switch 2.
People definitely would. I remember everyone on here being annoyed at Breath of the Wild launching on NX, saying they didn't care and they'd buy it on the Wii U. We all know how that worked out.
Honestly always thought the idea of a Switch update is a stupid idea. It'd lead to the same problem as the New 3DS, nobody would make games for it because it's a fraction of the potential player base.
Picking up on your, some wanting a powerful Switch 2 like the PS5 etc.
No good to Nintendo what so ever, they have not the amount of developers, experience to deliver games say of FH5 or HFW pure level and detail, texture quality and graphical scope in 4K with HDR etc etc.
Nintendo as they are now would never get the game out to the public, it would take them about ten years to create a Zelda the graphical greatness of HFW.
@Dezzy70 They announced the NX release date @ E3 2016. Revealed the Switch in October of 2016 and then launched Switch in March of 2017.
They could theoretically do the same this year. If they don't announce anything by end of summer then chances are it isn't coming until late 2023 if not 2024.
Edit: The Switch REALLY needs an upgrade by now. Playing games like Skywalker Saga, while it runs decently enough, just shows how underpowered the system is (low resolution, texture pop ins everywhere)
My thinking is with what we’ve seen from BOTW 2 is they’ve eliminated the fact it was ported from Wii U code. I think a lot of the hiccups were to do with the fact they rushed it for Switch. They have more RAM to play with and better specs. Plus they’ve had more time to iron out the issues. We shall see.
I would love a Switch 2 with some more power
But don’t expect in my opinion Series X power.
I know what you mean the good old Switch is starting to buckle and look at bit old now in visuals and performance.
The internet is talking Unreal Engine 5, graphics this and that and the Switch is looking even more weaker.
Also the Switch will start to become third party multiplat title irrelevant as well, sort of already is a bit.
Also, people forget, BOTW initially struggled in several areas on Nintendo Switch. I'm sure BOTW2 can run on a Switch but it's been shown to be a MUCH more ambitious game.
If BOTW struggled on Switch it would make more sense to release BOTW2 on more powerful hardware. At the very least Switch 2 should be backwards capable to take advantage to BOTW2.
Really? It's almost not even reading these stories anymore. 🤦🏻♂️ Just scroll down to the comments.
@WiltonRoots this rationality has no place here. 🤣
I hadn't considered that. If it was released on both consoles (current Switch and Switch 2) what console would it belong to?
@Tendogamerxxx people have said this every generation a Nintendo console has existed, at least since the Nintendo 64. If Nintendo haven't cared about everyone that "needs" the console to be more powerful before now, what makes u think they'll care all of a sudden? They have said many times, they're about making new experiences, not the most high tech, future proof console. There are other systems for that, which they don't care to compete with. Buy a ps5 or series x, or PC, & u have the perfect companion console. The switch is just for exclusives & games I'd like to play in handheld or w touchscreen, etc. Works great, & i have no desire to spend another $500 so soon (a new system will not be $300 w the tech that ppl are expecting, FWIW).
If it’s really coming out next spring, I severely doubt new hardware. Splatoon 3 is launching this year, that’s gonna be a big blockbuster. No way they would cut and run that fast.
I wouldn't upgrade just for 1 (or a few) games.
I would wait a bit and see how many new games only played on the new console.
But more so for me, I would want backwards compatibility.
If the next gen console ended up having backwards compatibility to the OG Switch, then I would strongly consider it.
A way to get a 2nd Switch in the house, and to play the many games we've bought for the Switch.
I'm still rocking my OG R/B Switch! Gor my daughter the newer(better battery life) Switch for this past Christmas. Trying to think if I want SWOLED or not.
I wouldn't need BOTW2 to justify buying a Super Switch (SW2), assuming it can play all the old games of course. BOTW2 would be a bonus.
Just to be clear, I expect another Switch revision before we get a full on replacement. I just don’t expect it next Spring.
And I will buy it, begrudgingly if I have to, because I’ve wanted a 4K Switch for a while. But I don’t think they need it yet and can wait a few more years until they’ve milked all they can put of the OG, lite, and OLED.
The game was intended to run on the Switch hardware, therefore I'm not moving to buy another model until I absolutely have to.
Nintendo has always worked miracles with hardware before. Twilight Princess used GameCube hardware and the game looked amazing, probably one of the best in that generation. You never know what tricks they have up their sleeves.
@ModdedInkling Good point - I’d argue it looked better than the Wii version, despite being locked to the smaller screen size!
Nintendo also made Xenoblade 1 look next gen on Wii, and Xenoblade X look even more so on the rapidly aging Wii U.
Highly doubt this is gonna happen. BotW2 launches next spring and I can't see the Switch successor launching until 2024 or 2025 personally. At this point, I doubt the Switch pro exists, any hardware leaks/data were probably referring to the successor.
But for the sake of the topic, the hardware would have to be significant for me to upgrade. I recently upgraded to the OLED and while I love the new model, a 'Switch Pro' would have to have significant under the hood improvements. And that's why I think a Switch Pro doesn't exist, I doubt Nintendo would make a Pro with significant changes like that when they can just release a successor.
Even if the worst mobile port ever made launched alongside new switch hardware, I would still upgrade-- my switch is getting a bit old in the tooth and I just want an excuse to get a new one.
A more interesting question-- if new more powerful Switch hardware were announced to be coming 6 months after botw 2, would you wait to play botw 2? I probably would personally.
Mario Kart 8 DLC is being released until the end of 2023. That's the earliest possible date the next console comes out, though it will probably be even later as Mario Kart 9 is long overdue so they'll have to release it as a launch title. But as it is now, a new console is unnecessary. Graphics are already as good as they're ever going to get (improvements between generations are more and more marginal), the Switch is still selling very well (beating its fellow Ninth Generation consoles despite coming out 3.5 years earlier), and most Switch owners want Nintendo to continue supporting the system until 2026 or later.
Let me put it this way: When BOTW was released, I was not inclined to get a Switch for it, when I already had a Wii U.
I likely would do the same again in this scenario and stick with my Switch, unless the new hardware came with amazing exclusives. That's the thing. Switch did not have a single exclusive of interest for me until Odyssey, so I didn't need it for a while.
That’s pretty big news to discuss over a 1-2 minute segment lol
But coming from these guys has to be taken pretty seriously
It would be tempting to upgrade if it was a decent improvement. The only thing holding me back would be the likelihood of a switch 2 being announced soon after.
I remember buying the New 3DS in 2015 which only added SNES software and improved a few games very slightly. Then the switch was announced the next year.
I'm pretty happy with my Oled Switch. Unless it's like some massive upgrade, meh.
would I upgrade? yesnextquestion….
If history has taught us anything it is that Nintendo can squeeze projects out of its hardware other developers can only dream of.
I reckon we will get it on current hardware without performance issues.
@Crockin It seems obvious Switch 2 HAS to be backwards compatible. That way they can release a BOTW 2 on both platforms and not leave ppl like Splatoon 3 players and Pokemon Scarlet/Violet players behind
First of all, the idea that the Switch is unable to render volumetric clouds is laughable.
Second of all, Breath of the Wild 2's E3 2021 trailer does not feature volumetric clouds but rather billboarded clouds, which is a rendering technique that gives the illusion of volumetric clouds, but it is not the same thing.
None of the footage of BOTW2 that has been shown looks too advanced for the current Switch hardware. Digital Foundry is simply wrong, they should acknowledge that.
No, because this is just plain stupid.
First, people that wanted some upgrade like me bought OLED model and there is still life in the current switch. ( I know I wish hardware was more powerful, but still, we shouldn't buy new models each year...)
Yes I would, especially if I could carry over all my current Switch games to the new model. I love the Switch, it's my favorite Nintendo system after SNES and taking nostalgia for the latter out, it may be my favorite but the hardware is getting old and needs a big upgrade.
I probably would. My thing though is I doubt will see a new hardware until 2024 2025 based off the seven year or so between consoles.
I haven't really been swayed by graphics individuals that sell services under bridges for money. I'm totally satisfied with Switch visuals. In fact, the Switch is on fire so far in 2022; anxiously awaiting 13 Sentinels as we speak. And if you like old-school survival horror, don't sleep on Tormented Souls.
I would only upgrade if all my digital games are compatible and the new model has an OLED screen (I could never go back to LCD)
Unless it makes significant changes from the original, I'm not interested in BOTW 2. It says a lot that I'm having more fun with the beat em up spinoff than I did with the base game.
I just can't do open world without some kind of breadcrumbs and some story. It's too empty and boring. Wandering aimlessly is not fun to me nor do I have time to spend my limited play time doing crap like cooking food. Video games aren't supposed to be chores!
You’d have to move to new hardware if you want to continue playing their games eventually, anyway.
@Grail_Quest I agree and I'd be ok for a few more years.
Everybody thinking botw2 will debut with new switch hardware is smoking that Hopium
im pretty sure botw 2 will be on the switch since switch 2 wont be out till maybe 2024.
Also, if the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer was really running on new hardware such as the rumored Switch 2/Pro/4K, it would be running at 4K or at least 1440p rather than 1080p/720p, which were the resolutions that I have been able to pixel-count from the trailer
I think it will launch with the successor. Nintendo will not make the mistake they made with the WiiU and the Gamecube, which was not launch with compelling software. Zelda is their most compelling IP and they'll have worked on this game for probably 6.5 years by the point it releases. I think they will not pull a Skyward Sword and release the next Zelda game a year before the new system comes out.
If it plays the switch carts, I'd strongly consider it. But I'd like to see a decent upgrade in performance. Otherwise, meh. Not for a while.
I don't think the next generation system launches until after the Mario Kart 8 DLX Booster Course Pass has finished, so not until early 2024 at the earliest. That would mean that in order for BOTW2 to launch alongside the next gen, it would need to be delayed another full year upon its current delay of Spring 2023. At that point, I won't buy the game, as it will be obvious what Nintendo is doing if another delay occurs and there isn't a new system next year.
I don't want to see a new console next year because it seems premature. 6 years of Switch from Nintendo, if everything remaining holds for them this year...is maybe 60% of what they've outputted in previous generations when they had both a handheld and console market. I also don't want any sign of the Switch's successor being a repeat of the Switch's release schedule. I don't want to see a stellar first year and then wait nearly half a decade before another year even comes close.
I don't understand why Breath of the Wild 2 needs to be the launch game for new hardware. How about games we haven't seen, let alone one we've seen for multiple years? Launch with Mario Kart 9 or the next brand new 3D Mario game...Launch with a new top down Zelda and new 2D Mario...Metroid Prime 4? I mean, there are a number of franchises that should have their next entry lined up either for Switch or the next system. They don't need to delay BOTW2 into oblivion and make it a $400+ experience at its best.
i still have my original switch from launch on the hopes that there's new model coming in the future. the screens finicky and its showing wear and tear, but until it truly becomes unplayable ill be sticking with it
I’m not going to stress about getting a new model.
@ozwally Same when I upgraded from a V1 to a V2. When it first came out I was like I don't need it because I mostly just play at home and can plug it in. But then eventually I got one and realised how much more convenient it is to not need to charge while playing almost ever.
I said this a couple weeks ago, when Nintendo delayed BOTW2 again. There is a lot on the plate for 2023, for there to not be something like a new console. 2023 marks the end of the Mario Kart DLC, Metroid is coming out that year, so is BOTW2. Nintendo might be setting things up for the next gen system for themselves. Maybe the current system cannot handle what is in store for these games. They did this with the original BOTW, they knew Wii U was dead with the mainstream market so they did a double launch. I see this being their path.
@Bizzyb I just think at this point nintendo will maximize these releases. I know botw and twilight princess were dual releases, but those were on severely under performing hardware.
@Strictlystyles why? 3 past Zelda launches have launched with new hardware
Gamecube/Wii - Twilight Princess
Wii U/Switch - BOTW
Switch/Switch Lite - Link's Awakening Remake
There is precedent and historically, having strong launch software leads to strong hardware sales and healthy userbase growth
@westman98 They're not going to showcase a game using a better version of it before actually announcing the better version launching on newer hardware.
In other words, All BOTW public footage released by Nintendo was running from the Wii U version....until they actually announced a Switch version.
IMO this should not even be a speculation.
Breath of the Wild 1 was developed based on the freaking WiiU hardware.
that said, why shouldn't BOTW2 look that much better?
@Bizzyb because we already know it doesn’t make sense for a new switch in 2023. Knowing that fact why would anyone actually think or hope that would happen?
Pure hopium
@Austrian 🤔 So if it's running on better hardware, shouldn't the Switch version look and perform exceptionally better than the Wii U version? Instead, even after every patch and update its only slightly better than the Wii U version....
@Strictlystyles Why does it not make sense? When I look at games like the Skywalker Saga it makes plenty of sense...how much did they have to cut just to get it to run decently? And that's just a LEGO game.
How many more 6th gen games are they going to have to remaster or port just to fill it's months with other non Nintendo titles? You really think this situation is sustainable for another 18+ months? While PS5 and Series X enter their 3rd year of exclusive Games NOT coming to the only Nintendo platform?
There are no more 2nd or 3rd pillars for Nintendo to bank on once a serious 3rd party drought hits.
I would need it to be a serious upgrade (like, a new generation) to consider upgrading because (a) I bought an OLED after my old Switch petered out, and (b) I'm getting the Steam Deck which will fulfill most of my non-first-party-next-gen-portability needs.
@Bizzyb it doesn’t make sense because business analysts With more foresight than us don’t see new hardware in 2023 and if it was Nintendo or someone would have definitely said or leaked something by now.
That’s the reality of the situation and that’s why it doesn’t make sense to think botw2 would come with any new hardware in 2023, because new (successor)hardware in 2023 is not happening. Any other hopefulness based on the past is pure hopium not based in reality.
If they pushed it to 2024 there’s a chance, it 2023 no way.
If? it's obviously going too. It's an instant and obvious system shifter.
@Strictlystyles Business analysts that rely on industry leaks no no more than anybody else. It will absolutely launch with the new system. I find it fascinating that people think that a new one isn't coming soon. 20223, is already too far in it's life cycle, but that is Nintendo's way, always late to the party.
I’ve just secured a PS5 (and upgraded to an internal 1TB SSD) - after avoiding scalpers and overpriced bundles - and preordered an OLED at launch to replace my launch OG. I also have a lite. In reality in a years time I’d probably just hammer OT at the hospital again to justify a switch 1.5 but I do think it’s a hard sell right now in the UK and would have to blow me away with features at a decent price point (which lets be honest won’t happen).
I'd upgrade in a heartbeat. Not necessarily because I feel the need to. Most of the time I play stuff like Hollow Knight, Disco Elysium, Animal Crossing and so on. Stuff that doesn't really require that amount of performance.
But I'd upgrade because the Switch remains Nintendo's greatest product of all time and I can show my respects through $$$.
I will stick with this concept for as long as they plan to continue to offer it. My kids love it and I believe the only thing I'd absolutely demand from a Switch 2 is that it shares everything with the Switch through backwards-compatibility.
Of course there are some games that would already profit a lot from more power, but still, XCom2 is a ton of fun on the switch despite some reviewers downscoring its visuals. More power would especially come into play on a big screen which I rarely use.
And I think the rumors about a Switch successor being released along BotW2 are laughable at best. Nintendo never releases a new system while the current one is still leading the charts. If the Switch would sell under their expectations right now, it would be a realistic schedule to assume they'd release a Switch 2 in fall for holiday season. But did anyone claiming there could be a new Switch check the current sales figures?
the last year of the Wii was an insanely boring stretch for consumers. There really were just a few interesting titles to make up for a months of void and it was so clear that they had to release something soon.
The Switch is more than alive and I'm happy it continue to stay alive for years to come.
@YANDMAN business analysts don’t just use leaks they use supply chain reports and parts orders and all types of other things to make that assumption (not even taking consideration there’s still a global supply shortage) . All you are smoking is hopium there is more evidence to suggest there will be no nex generation switch in 2023 you are just making hopeful guesses at this point and THAT is my point here.
Also we all know that even though Zelda moves consoles Nintendo DOES NOT CARE they do not think like that. They will release a nex gen switch with whatever they feel like and we will 100% take that and buy it anyway and they know this.
I'm due for a new one anyhow, I've skipped the V2 and the OLED models
@twztid13 Sorry I'll be more kneejerk next time!
Still using my OG switch five years later, so will definitely upgrade when there is a more powerful model
Yeah I thought I'd like it more and it's fine but I'm done with multiple consoles and all that. Time just isn't there so I decided to just deal with one from now on. The Switch just isn't good enough to be that one imo.
Now if N iterated every 2 years then we can talk but their insistence on keeping old tech way past it's due date isn't for me. Plus I don't really care about Nintendo's games anymore which is kinda the whole point of putting up with the way they do things. Just not my bag anymore.
@CodyMKW Zelda botw 1 is 30 fps, also some 3rd party titles on switch also 30 fps (while it's 60 fps on ps4/ps4 pro). I know we're not getting 60 fps open world games on switch like ps5 assassin creed oddyssey, but at least I want 3rd party games like sakuna rice and ruin to run at 60 fps (on it's 3D farming section).
@sword_9mm sure, I get it. Everyone likes what they like and games that they want. The Switch has alot of games I like but there are games it doesn't have that I'd love. Like more Ys games, especially Ys 1, and I'd love a Master System Collection, and some Sega classics likes Skies of Arcadia and the Shenmue Series.
I will say that I kinda would rather buy stuff like the TMNT collection, SofR4, and things like that on the Switch since those types of games don't need anything more than what the Switch can do.
I'll also grab Cruisin' and Luigi's Mansion eventually.
Let's just ignore hardware supply issues and actually believe more than 2 or 3 will be available at any given store. This ain't like the first switch launch where so many sheep were dissing Nintendo and the world wasn't falling apart.
Scalpers would be selling these for $800
@sword_9mm yet you hang out here.. O.o ?
@westman98 None of the footage of BOTW2 that has been shown looks too advanced for the current Switch hardware. Digital Foundry is simply wrong, they should acknowledge that.
They can't admit they mistaken-why if they did they loose all credibility by this time. And by the judgement they lost this already. They have a hatred for Switch for reason beyond anyone common sense.
I'm still using my original Switch I bought in 2018 and my daughter is using hers we bought in 2019.
So yea, if it's a significant upgrade or a Switch 2 then I could justify buying 2 new ones if they have BC with Switch digital games.
@Austrian @RadioHedgeFund I read somewhere else that BoTW wasn't optimised to run on the Switch, it was just natively powerful enough for the port from the WiiU. So 5 years experience with the game engine, plus optimising for the Switch should make a noticeable difference to BoTW. I also doubt Nintendo would be inexperienced enough to show game footage from a future model before it's been announced (which personally I do expect in 2023)
I’m not ready to upgrade yet tbh. Continue to make games that run well on the current system!
@Strictlystyles I'm a business analyst, and I get most of my information from industry leaks, fact Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Upgrade me, daddy.
You take that oled screen. And them joycons. Turn them sumbitch sideways.
Cause I want the power, you butt pie.
Oh! You like waiting a year. Two years. Or how about NeVeR for cross platform games?
We are not the same.
@sword_9mm I was going to eventually grab Luigi mansion, SOR4.. I really like those inexpensive kemco rpgs. I thought Ys viii and Dragon Quest XI S were fantastic. For racing, horizon chase turbo is really good.
I do have and enjoy Horizon Chase.
@sword_9mm if you can recommend another racer as polished, other than mario kart, I'd take your advice.
Little li li li little little li li li little little fluffy clouds.
Given the difficulty the Switch has running BotW2, I'd be shocked if the BotW2 wasn't exclusive to the inevitable Switch upgrade/successor.
Re the idea of a dock that will provide higher resolution graphics, can you explain how you think that would even be possible given that everything would be running through the Switch's USB bus? Ok, I'll answer the question for you - it is theoretically impossible, so you might as well stop speculating about a dock upgrade.
I can't. I also have Switch Mario Kart. I got Grid when they brought that over and still don't like it. I also got Burnout's port and I didn't like it on the PS3 and still don't like it on the Switch.
The Virtua Racing port is super nice if you're into those. Smooth as butter but I'm a fan of the old flat shaded look. There's also that Outrun clone that looks cool.
Oh God! NL is already suggesting Zelda ports for the next console. They need to be stopped!
In all seriousness, when Nintendo releases new hardware, I'll buy it, but not for Zelda. And really, not for any one specific game.
@sword_9mm i find horizon chase turbo to be tough to beat. I'll take another look. I have that one from EA. Forget the name...controls suck.
Not a Zelda fan here, no sorry. With an OG switch and a switch lite I don't really find myself thinking of purchasing any more switch hardware
@Lupin Given the difficulty the Switch has running BotW2, I'd be shocked if the BotW2 wasn't exclusive to the inevitable Switch upgrade/successor.
I wouldn't be surprised by this move.
Love NintenDoomed fandom acting as Nintendo Fans. But they keep buying Nintendo Games.
Switch Pro is not real, stop insisting on this, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is using AMD Fidelity FX Resolution, that why the game is looking so good.
@SwitchForce Digital Foundry only care powerful consoles.
@Lupin i don't see anything that indicate that Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 could run on Switch,Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 will use Switch full graphical capacity.
@Giancarlothomaz Switch Pro is not real, stop insisting on this, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is using AMD Fidelity FX Resolution
And the Trolling begins. Where did you get that leak source? Links? This is what those whom fear a Switch Pro grabs onto any straws to their delusional mindset.
@Giancarlothomaz Digital Foundry only care powerful consoles.
They care for those willing to pay their bottom line. If one hasn't woken from the "Dark Ages" they failed to realize the Switch sales are games that don't require so called "powerful" consoles to sell and push the Switch to sales figures they have now. Take RingFit that still selling after release so tell us again whom has the Powerful Console Sales.
Trailers show significantly more 3D assets being rendered in BotW2 than BotW1... and the first game is plagued by slowdown.
Which could be explained by difficulties porting to the NS from WiiU, but Nintendo has consistently demonstrated an incapacity to hit even the lowest performance standards with the NS. We all know an upgraded Switch is inevitable... like the N3DS or DSi or N64 Expansion Pak.
And just like how Majora's Mask could only be played on upgraded N64s, I expect BotW2 will only be playable on whatever that upgraded Swotch winds up being. It's possible BotW2 will be compatible with OG Switches, but I wouldn't count on it--and I'd expect even worse performance than BotW1.
I find it ironic that the game that literally pushes their console to its limits is also one of the most common games found in people's library. Also, Nintendo has played the lesser hardware card since gen6 consoles yet bank on a game that could make best use of better hardware. With the Wii is sort of made sense because they were tapping into a new market. With the Wii U it sort of made sense because gen7 had not come out yet. The switch is not much more powerful than the 360. Jesus that's like 16 years......
If a next era console, then of course...eventually. If a 'New' iteration (what some call "Pro", although that means something different in Nintendo nomenclature), pass; I don't usually buy into the 'New' versions. I still have a launch 3DS.
Unless it's a new generation of system, then no. The New 3DS was a bad purchase, despite it's better specs because only like.... 2 games used it. It needs to be a sizable upgrade
@Kestrel Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 will use Switch full graphical capacity, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was a Will U game.
Switch is no slouch on volumetric clouds. Xenoblade 2, The Outer Worlds... the upcoming Xenoblade 3 will also seem to have them too. If BoTW2 is more demanding on other stuff, then that's other thing.
@Giancarlothomaz I really don't think being developed for the WiiU had much of an impact on BotW's visuals. It's still one of the best looking and best performing games on the Switch.
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