LEGO Horizon Adventures
Image: PlayStation

Well, here's a sentence that we never thought we'd be writing: we spent the weekend playing the latest Horizon entry on Switch. Yes, LEGO Horizon Adventures has let Aloy and co. out of the Sony playground and onto Nintendo systems for the first time, and now it's your chance to let us know what you make of it.

The game launched last week, shrinking the action-adventure series into the brick-based shenanigans we'd expect from a LEGO title. There's approachable combat, light-hearted comedy, heaps of customisation and (rather surprisingly) it's all wrapped up in a visually stunning package on Switch.

That's not to say it's without its pitfalls, mind you. In our 6/10 review, we praised the decent visuals and overall approachability, but we were let down by the overly simplistic level design and absence of stealth sections. This led us to describe the whole experience as one "that feels way too shallow and repetitive to recommend to anyone other than the most enthusiastic Horizon and Lego fans". Eesh.

But we're keen to hear what you think of the latest LEGO adventure too. Does this one scratch that Horizon itch on Switch, or was it a little too bland to your liking? You can share your review score in the following poll at any time.

Don't worry about changing your mind, either! You can leave your score now and then come back later to change it if you'd like — what a treat, eh?

What score would you give LEGO Horizon Adventures (Switch)?

Please note voting will score the game in your games collection

What score did you leave? Take to the comments to let us know.

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