Are you sitting comfortably? Ready to judge some classic covers? It's time to dive into another edition of Box Art Brawl!
Last time, we matched up three different designs for Super R-Type. Despite a good variety between each, it was the North American variant that walked away with the win, taking 49% of the vote and leaving Europe and Japan with the remaining 30% and 25% respectively.
This week, we're asking for your Pika the bunch as we look at the regional covers for Pokémon Colosseum on the GameCube. This one had everything a Pokémon fan could have asked for back in 2004. 3D models! Darker tone! Nicking Trainer's 'mon! Sure, it might look a bit shonky by today's standards, but that's nostalgia goggles for you.
With Europe, North America and Japan each opting for a different design, we have three unique covers for you to choose from this week. So, let's catch 'em all...