• Features Looking Back At BIT.TRIP BEAT, Pt. 1

    Our Looking Back series of features aims to explore prominent Wii and DS titles from conception to reception. First up: Bit.Trip Beat

    With Gaijin Games recently announcing the third game in their psychedelic Bit.Trip series, Void, we felt the series' debut, Beat, deserved another look. In the first part of this inaugural entry, Alex Neuse of Gaijin...

  • News Yes, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Will Have A Preorder Bonus

    Series soundtrack available through GameStop

    Another game, another preorder bonus. This time, it's for your ears! Plunking down some of your hard-earned (or stolen) dollar bills at GameStop towards Konami's new non-combative reimagining of Silent Hill will net you a a nifty CD. Said CD will presumably have 18 of "your favorite tracks" from...

  • News TMNT To Spring An Arcade Attack On DS

    Heroes in a clamshell handheld device

    Touting "turtle power" and all that jazz, the horribly mutated teen ninjas will be hitting Nintendo's portable money maker in an all new adventure, courtesy of Ubisoft. Thanks, Ubisoft! Like the name implies, the DS title will be similar in gameplay to the Turtles arcade games, most recently seen in...

  • News Gaijin Games Announces BIT.TRIP VOID

    No rest for Commander Video.

    We can all stop guessing about cryptic images for what Gaijin Games has in store for the third installment of Commander Video's journey through the BIT.TRIP saga, as that teaser site has finally put out. Titled BIT.TRIP VOID, the latest entry has you navigating a black hole of adjustable size as you try to intercept...

  • News First DSi-Only Retail Releases Hitting This Fall

    Will come in a new box too

    Back when the DSi was announced, Nintendo revealed that the new handheld would pack more horsepower under the hood than the DS and Lite. It certainly wasn't the first time the company had released an incremental upgrade to handheld hardware; apart from the obvious color screen, the Game Boy Color was essentially a slightly...

  • Features Metroid's Metal Makeover

    How five guys blasted the series' haunting soundtrack into a whole different genre - without sucking

    The trouble with covering beloved music is that it’s so easy to lose something in the translation. Successfully capturing the original work’s intent and mood is atypical; what most often happens when things go south is the heart and soul of the...

  • News Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles Gets Zapped

    Peripheral to be bundled in PAL regions.

    Chalk it up to either Nintendo's tight relationship with Capcom or an abundance of product, but Capcom has announced that their upcoming zombie blaster Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles will be available in a Zapper bundle in Europe. This marks the first time Nintendo has allowed the plastic popgun be...

  • News More Nintendo Shenanigans Reveal Football Controller Patent

    American football, that is.

    Nintendo's R&D department can be called many things, but no one can rightly label them as boring. The inflatable horseback riding peripheral revealed a few weeks ago made Nintendo look like it was on the brink of insanity, but this new patent (also discovered by Siliconera) seems to indicate that they're taking at...

  • Review Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)

    A must-play anthology

    It took eight years, a group of Texans and a whole new perspective for Samus Aran, space bounty hunter extraordinaire, to return to consoles after Super Metroid. Seven years and three acclaimed games later, Metroid Prime Trilogy puts Samus' Phazon encounters in one slick anthology that newcomers shouldn't miss, but does it...

  • News 5TH Cell To Shift Focus Away From DS

    Scribblenauts devs to move towards consoles.

    With their hotly awaited type-'em-up Scribblenauts less than a month away from a North American release, 5TH Cell look to have a big, turkey hat-shaped hit on their hands. In October, Drawn to Life will be getting a DS sequel too. But then what? Speaking to GameSpot, studio cofounder and creative director...

  • News Konami and Hudson To Build The Tower of Shadow On Wii

    A new platformer from the House of Higgins

    The title may not be nailed down quite yet, but we know this much: Hudson's new game, The Tower of Shadow (working title), is going to be published by Konami. It's a platformer where you climb some huge tower for mysterious reasons. Oh, and you're a shadow. Somehow. It's all in progress, really. Check out...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 May Get WiiSpeak Support

    Developers like the idea of it for Western versions.

    Excited for the localized release of Monster Hunter 3 Tri? Capcom are considering turning that excitement up a notch. Speaking to Spanish site Revogamers (via GoNintendo), producer Tsujimoto Ryozo revealed that Capcom has considered a few additions to the non-Japanese versions. We love the idea...

  • News Majesco's Working On Two New Tetris Games

    One for Wii, one for DS.

    Because there's never enough Tetris to go around, Majesco and Tetris Online, Inc. today announced two new falling block puzzlers, one for Wii and one for DS. The involvement of Tetris Online seems to indicate that the titles will be downloadable, considering the company is behind WiiWare's Tetris Party and XBLA's Tetris...

  • News That Earthworm Jim WiiWare Game? Yep, A Remake

    Confirmed by Gameloft.

    Looking forward to that new Earthworm Jim game slated to hit WiiWare later this year? Well, if you're a fan, odds are you've already played it. Gameloft has confirmed our suspicions about their recently announced title: it's indeed a remake of the 1994 original, which just so happens to already be available on Virtual Console...

  • News Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii Details, Screens Emerge

    Bringing the full online experience, a new co-op mode and Zapper compatibility.

    Three months from release, Activision is starting to unravel what exactly it plans on doing with the Wii version of it's mammoth success story Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. As it turns out, they have quite a lot planned for it. Treyarch, the developer behind Call of...

  • News Harmonix Reveals LEGO Rock Band DS Info

    Leave your peripherals at the door.

    Harmonix and Telltale Games have unearthed details about their upcoming DS version of LEGO Rock Band, and it looks like it's familiar territory for music game fans. Developed by Backbone Entertainment, the DS version will play closer to Harmonix's recent PSP Rock Band, which was heavily influenced by their earlier...

  • News Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Get Western Release Window

    Catch 'em again next Spring.

    Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita? Nintendo announced this weekend that the DS remakes of the beloved second generation of Pokemon titles, HeartGold and SoulSilver, will be hitting Europe and North America sometime in the Spring 2010 range. The massively popular games, originally Game Boy Color releases, introduced 100...

  • News Earthworm Jim Squiggling Onto WiiWare

    Hitting later this year.

    Party like it's 1994: Gameloft has announced a new Earthworm Jim game for mobiles and all three console's downloadable stores. We're not sure if it's an all-new adventure, as the wording of the press release seems to imply a remake of the first title. Let's hope for a new one, as the Genesis/Mega Drive original is already...

  • News Square Enix Drops Some Darklord DLC On Its PALs

    Available now, evil ones.

    Got some extra Wii points burning a hole in your digital pocket, PAL gamers? Square Enix has proposed a solution: buy FFCC: My Life as a Dark Lord DLC! First up is the Darklord Special Forces pack, which takes up 2 blocks and 500 space bucks. Included are six monsters: a melee Ogre, ranged Ahriman, magical Sahagin, some...

  • Review Operation C (Game Boy)

    Does the diminutive adventure bring the big guns?

    Let's just get this out of the way now: if you like the NES games, you'll probably dig this entry. Operation C isn't an adaptation or a port (arguably); it is an old-school Contra game. It may lack in a few notable areas, but you'll largely enjoy it. Operation C does a pretty good job of sticking to...

  • News DS Emulator For iPhone Hits The App Store


    They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but somehow Nintendo probably won't see it that way. App developer ZM2 Dev is behind the DoubleSys, an iPhone and iPod Touch app that emulates a Nintendo DS. Not in the sense of emulating games, but the handheld itself. You can rotate the system in a 3D space, open and close the device,...

  • News Mini Ninjas Prepare A World-Wide Strike

    Release dates, new trailer unveiled

    Eidos and IO Interactive's Wii and DS game Mini Ninjas, a cartoony take on the tiniest of warriors, has a few very important dates. Release dates, that is! (Cue rimshot) North Americans, you get your tiny turn on September 8. PALs, you're up on Sept 11. Unless you're in Germany or France, then you have to wait...

  • News Bit.Trip Core Gets European Date

    Prepare to thumb dance on August 21

    European fans waiting to continue the musical and psychadelic journey of Commander Video, the end is nigh. Bit.Trip Core, the second release in Gaijin Games' crazy difficult retro-inspired saga, is slated for an August 21 release in the Old World. For the sequel, you're put literally in the middle of the action...

  • News Last Chance To Cash In On Those US Club Nintendo Rewards

    Platinum and gold members, hop to it!

    Oh, the decisions US Platinum-level Club Nintendo members have to make. Mario hat or Doc Louis' Punch Out!!? If you're a Gold member, the decision is much easier since you only get the option of a 2010 Animal Crossing-themed calendar. Still, if you're eligible and haven't cashed in on this yet, you might want to...