• News North American Club Nintendo Adds Some More Games, Stuff

    Posters, DS compilations and WiiWare, oh my!

    We knew a North American Club Nintendo update was imminent, but we figured it'd be a small bump in available wares. Instead, Nintendo went and dropped a bunch of other stuff too to vie for your spare change. In case you thought your bathroom wall could use more Mario (and really, whose can't?), you can...

  • News First Conduit 2 Screens Indicate There Will Be Lots Of Explosions

    And a whole lot more new stuff for multiplayer

    Hot off its Nintendo Power reveal come a few screenshots for High Voltage Software's upcoming Conduit 2. Not The Conduit 2, oddly enough, but judging from what's happening in these shots it's likely the definite article just blew up in the mayhem. Apart from explosions, Conduit 2 plans on beefing things...

  • News Grinder Remains a First-Person Shooter on Wii

    Top-down shooter iteration is HD-only

    Things were looking shaky for High Voltage Software's upcoming horror-fest The Grinder. What was supposed to be a Wii-exclusive first-person shooter in the vein of Valve's Left 4 Dead turned out to go the multiplatform route, and then oddly enough seemed to transform into a colorful top-down shooter along the...

  • Review Nintendo DSi Metronome (DSiWare)

    It's a metronome

    The DSi wasn't intended just for games; part of the meaning of the "i" is in reference to using it as a "personal tool," according to some Nintendo rep who may or may not have been full of it. We've already seen some fairly useless applications hit the service already, lending credence to this, so it makes a...

  • News Nintendo's 3DS Announcement Wasn't Supposed to Happen Like That

    Analyst: early reveal was meant to prevent further leaks

    When a company announces new hardware, especially the successor to a massively popular one, it's usually done with much more pomp than what happened with Nintendo's recent 3DS announcement. The fanfare of the two-sentence press release was only slightly less than if Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata...

  • News Suda51 Keen on Making Game With Nintendo

    Would be "very interested" if the opportunity arose

    When you think about it, Nintendo games are ****ing crazy insane. You've got foxes and amphibians piloting starships, pink shapeshifting blobs, and space bounty hunters more focused on eradicating entire species and blowing up planets than collecting bounties. Not to mention Italian plumbers from...

  • Review Nintendo DSi Instrument Tuner (DSiWare)

    It's an instrument tuner

    The DSi wasn't intended just for games; part of the meaning of the "i" is in reference to using it as a "personal tool," according to some Nintendo rep who may or may not have been full of it. We've already seen some fairly useless applications hit the service already, lending credence to this, so it...

  • News Select Downloadable Games Available for Purchase on Nintendo's Web Site

    Bypass the spacebucks for select titles

    If you've done any game downloading on your Wii or DSi then odds are you've wound up spending more up front than what your game cost thanks to Nintendo's own Point currency. If you're not a fan of having spare points rattling around in your account, or perhaps just prefer having honest-to-goodness real money...

  • News Grill-Off with Ultra Hand! Coming to US Club Nintendo

    WiiWare game cooks its way out of Japan

    The US branch of Club Nintendo, home of posters, cards and, uh, bookmarks, is set to broaden its range a little more with a quirky, bite-sized nugget of a WiiWare game. There's no set release date for it, although we can reasonably expect it to be "soon," and the game will go for 80 coins. Previously...

  • Review Red Steel 2 (Wii)

    Time to shoot and slice some bros

    Ubisoft promised the sky for their Wii launch game Red Steel; since nobody had used the Remote before, plenty of gamers drank the kool-aid and had high hopes for its swordplay potential. The concept was interesting, but the execution left a gross aftertaste. It's telling that the idea was never emulated in the way...

  • Review Drift Street International (DSiWare)

    We thought of a drift racing pun but it slipped our minds

    So far on DSiWare, puzzlers are bountiful, platformers becoming more so, and don't get us started on sudoku games, but the amount of decent racers can be counted on one chain-chomped hand. So when something as pretty as Tantalus Media's Drift Street International rolls up, our knuckles turn...

  • News Nintendo Beaten to the Punch on Wii Football Controller

    And the world is now a better place

    What was once just a glimmer of Nintendo patent tomfoolery has all of a sudden turned itself into a real product, but not by the hands of The Big N. Seems somebody else has beaten them to it! That someone is CTA Digital, who are also notably behind the Wii Bowling Ball controller and a skate/snowboard shell for...

  • Review Car Jack Streets (DSiWare)

    A fun, if flawed, take on the open world crime game

    Rockstar proved last year that an open world game could work very nicely on the DS with the excellent Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. But that was a full-on retail cartridge; how about the download realm, where size limitations are much more strict? Tag Games has taken a stab with Car Jack...

  • Review Perfect Dark (Game Boy Color)

    Jo's pocket detour is all brawn but little brain

    On the Nintendo 64, Perfect Dark was a big huge deal for console gamers back in 2000: it was the spiritual successor to GoldenEye, it took advantage of all the technical whiz-bang that the console could muster, and it was supposed to be the ultimate console first-person shooter experience from the...

  • Review Deca Sports DS (DS)

    Jack of all trades, master of none

    Having met considerable success on Wii with their sports game compilation series Deca Sports, Hudson has seen fit to bring their hit to the small screens with all new games and even more players. Living up to its name, the game sports ten games of varying quality: golf, ping pong, rugby, sepak takraw (sort of like...

  • Review Calling (Wii)

    Let the machine get it

    Boo! Did we scare you? No? Well then, there's a pretty good chance Hudson's horror game Calling won't either. Try as it might, the game never really goes beyond that three-letter interjection in its mysterious tale of ghosts and the supernatural. It's not horrible, but there are only so many times you can be snuck up on until...

  • Review Jet Grind Radio (Game Boy Advance)

    Funk on wheels

    Sega's Dreamcast died in an explosion that sent the company's intellectual property flying all over what was left of the gaming landscape, and few consoles of that generation received more surprise ports than the Game Boy Advance. Not only did it see Sonic return to his former 2D self in the Sonic Advance series, the handheld also...

  • News Lilt Line Zipping to WiiWare

    Gaijin Games enters the publishing fray

    Gaijin Games has the whole retro-abstract aesthetic on WiiWare locked down with their BIT.TRIP series (although maybe not so abstract anymore), and now they're further tightening their vice-like grip on it by stepping into the publishing game with an iPhone-to-WiiWare conversion of developer Different Cloth's...

  • Review Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (DS)

    A good adaptation with obsolete game design

    It's tough to judge the classics, especially one like the original Resident Evil. Ground-breaking when it first hit the PlayStation in 1996, many of the game's mechanics are downright antiquated by now and can be off-putting to gamers who missed out on the series until Leon Kennedy shot up half the...

  • Interviews Akaoni - Zombie Panic in Wonderland

    They'll huff and they'll puff and they'll eat your brains

    Spanish developers Akaoni Studio are hard at work on their WiiWare debut Zombie Panic in Wonderland, a promising shooter that couldn't possibly have a more self-explanatory name. We caught up with Jose Manuel of Akaoni to see how the game is shaping up, if zombies can love and whether fast...

  • Interviews Readers Ask Steve Wiebe

    The King of Kong answers your questions

    You asked, and now underdog star of the 2007 documentary The King of Kong and current holder of the Donkey Kong Jr. world record Steve Wiebe has answered. Before he takes on the Donkey Kong world record yet again at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this week, see what Wiebe thinks about modern...

  • Review Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (Game Boy Advance)

    Turds in space

    We can only imagine what mind-numbingly stupid things people were thinking during the pitch for Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon. We suspect it started out with noble intentions: the Rogue Squadron games were well received, and crazier games had successfully made the leap to the Gameboy Advance. Why not put the Millennium Falcon at the...

  • Interviews Dreambox Games - Robox

    New details and screens on this gorgeous WiiWare platformer

    Spanish developer Dreambox's first release, Robox, was revealed just last week and has already captured our attention with its lush visual style and interesting concept. We tracked down Dreambox art director Julio Romon to learn a little more about their upcoming platformer, and he was...

  • News Ironclad Gets ESRB Rating, Shoots It

    Shmup'ing its way onto the North American Virtual Console

    The North American shoot-em-up crowd may have looked at the Japanese Virtual Console with some envy the past few months for having the Neo Geo CD release Ironclad ready and willing, but the jealous glare will hopefully soon diminish as the Entertainment Software Rating Board has put their...