News Articles

Thursday22nd Jan 2015

Tuesday18th Nov 2014

Monday8th Sep 2014

Monday1st Sep 2014

Monday21st Jul 2014

Tuesday8th Jul 2014

Wednesday2nd Apr 2014

Monday24th Feb 2014

  • Weirdness You Can Now Play Zelda Really Badly on Twitch

    Struggles to Link players together

    In recent days you may have seen us directing your attention to TwitchPlaysPokémon and the mayhem it's caused, attracting tens of thousands of gamers at once. It may be a chaotic mess, in practice, but it's hit a nerve and, for those invested in the idea, become a highly enjoyable hobby. As it's the Flappy Bird...

Saturday22nd Feb 2014

  • Video The Legend of Zelda Brings the Epic in Oculus Rift

    This whole 3D Zelda thing could really catch on...

    Have you ever wanted to be Link? To really see through his eyes and experience his realities for an entire adventure: traversing, exploring, swordfighting, tights management? OK, maybe not the last one. Thanks to Oculus Rift, the concept of first-person Link is being realized; at least for the...

Wednesday15th Jan 2014

Wednesday18th Dec 2013

Friday29th Nov 2013

  • Weirdness Drink Your Troubles Away With This Nintendo Flask

    Non alcoholic beverages are an option, of course

    Retro gaming and whiskey, does it mix? One inventor on Kickstarter thought so. Matt Cornell describes himself as a passionate gamer and one who is lucky to have been raised alongside the video game industry as it has developed. Now he is repaying it with a throwback to the legends he was raised on...

Thursday14th Nov 2013

Wednesday13th Nov 2013

Monday21st Oct 2013

  • News Overlay Gives an Old NES Controller Some New Zelda Sleekness

    Wii U isn't the only one who looks good in black and gold

    Have you been hearing this strange, quiet sighing noise ever since you got your limited edition Zelda Wii U bundle? It's probably coming from your old NES controller, wistfully eyeing that totally dope, gold-emblazoned GamePad and wishing it could have been as radically awesome in its day...

Monday7th Oct 2013

Thursday29th Aug 2013

Monday26th Aug 2013

Tuesday23rd Apr 2013

Sunday17th Mar 2013

  • News Legend Of Zelda Hacked To Make Zelda The Hero

    Well her name is in the title, after all

    Recently, we saw Pauline switch roles with one-time romantic attachment Mario, and now it's the turn of Hyrule's most celebrated couple to change places. Animator Kenna W. decided to mod The Legend of Zelda to realise one of her childhood dreams — to get to play as the titular princess: For me, I played...

Monday5th Nov 2012

  • News The Legend of Zelda's Link Was Inspired By Walt Disney's Peter Pan

    From one green hero to another

    Clad in green garments, sporting a pointy hat and defined by elf-like ears, you'd think we were talking about Hyrule's hero - Link. Wrong. We have Peter Pan in mind, the protagonist from one of Walt Disney's most famous animated productions, who became an inspiration for the The Legend of Zelda's main character. In an...

Thursday4th Oct 2012

  • News This Custom Zelda Shield Is Possibly The Best Use of Lego Yet

    Block buster

    When we were kids, we tried to create all manner of things out of Lego, most of which turned out to be disappointingly dissimilar from the intended design. That's clearly not something that Reddit user remig ever has to worry about - as this amazing Hylian Shield attests. Constructed from Lego parts costing around $1500, this amazing...

Wednesday5th Sep 2012

Wednesday8th Aug 2012

  • News The Wild West Meets Zelda In A Fist Full of Rupees

    Amazing Hyrule and Spaghetti Western Mash-Up Hits YouTube

    There was a time when YouTube was the sole preserve of low-grade amateur videos and footage of amusing pets performing inane stunts, but with millions of dollars being pumped into original programming on the service, we're starting to see the kind of content which rivals what we're viewing on...

Thursday2nd Aug 2012

  • News The Legend of Zelda Prototype Cart Sells For $55,000

    One third of the Triforce price

    Earlier this week we told you about a The Legend of Zelda prototype cart for sale on eBay, with the seller establishing a target price of $150,000. A sale has now been made for a handsome sum, but it's ultimately just over a third of that target price. According to, $55,000 is a record total for a...

Tuesday31st Jul 2012

  • News Legend of Zelda Prototype Cartridge Posted on eBay

    Yours for just $150,000

    When it comes to online purchases, you're unlikely to find any other website with quite the same variety as eBay. You can quite easily buy some custom made birthday cards for a few dollars, or a rare prototype The Legend of Zelda cartridge for just $150,000, which is the price of a small house or expensive sports car. The...

Thursday5th Jul 2012

Tuesday10th Apr 2012

Thursday22nd Dec 2011

Thursday8th Sep 2011

  • News You're Not Alone in Finding the First Zelda So Hard

    So does Eiji Aonuma

    The re-release of Legend of Zelda as part of the 3DS Ambassador program has reminded gamers just how hard Link's first outing is. If you haven't finished it yet, don't give yourself a hard time about it: neither has series producer Eiji Aonuma. In a recent interview with Game Informer, Aonuma revealed to this day he has never...