RCMADIAX returns, this time with TAP TAP ARCADE 2 for the Wii U eShop. Don't let the name fool you, as promising as it may sound this one doesn't quite live up to the name. With such a title naturally one would expect a compilation of games. Oddly, though, TAP TAP ARCADE 2 only includes two - just like the original TAP TAP ARCADE. The first is SKEASY, which has been previously released by RCMADIAX as a standalone eShop title, and the other is called VOLCANO.
The premise of SKEASY is to guide a skier, in the guise of a triangle, down a mountain - much like the classic PC game, SkiFree. The player must tap the control pad left and right to maintain a relatively straight line in order to avoid trees. There are no interesting sights along the way, trees pass by until eventually your luck runs dry and you're presented with your final score.

There are no jumps, no bears to chase you and no ski lifts to avoid. It's just a triangle and an endless mountain filled with some basic graphics that represent trees and falling snow. What you're initially presented with is the limit of this game. There's not much to edge the player on but to top their existing high score, so it's attraction is possibly as a time passer, as indicated in our original review.
VOLCANO stars a mysterious rectangular character who must jump from platform to platform to avoid rising lava. This game is rather frustrating due to the auto-run feature; the troubles arise when attempting to reach higher platforms placed in awkward positions. With no control over movement, making a transition to the next platform on a higher spot feels like an impossible challenge. The best chance of success is by using the cape to glide for a brief moment, and ensuring the double jump is well timed.
There's nothing else to it. You keep jumping until the lava catches up. Aesthetically, VOLCANO is on the same level as SKEASY. It features a dull moving background, supported by a plain selection of colours. There's barely any music present in Volcano, although the single chip-tune track featured in SKEASY is probably one of the standouts of the entire package. There's really nothing to spur the player on in VOLCANO except frustrating gameplay and beating the existing high score - just like in SKEASY.
TAP TAP ARCADE 2 does not seem like a package that offers enough for its grand title. Both SKEASY and VOLCANO are incredibly minimalistic in design and are likely to entertain players for a few minutes each. There are plenty of vastly superior alternatives to these games available elsewhere.
Comments 80
I feel sorry to him.
I only needed look at the image on the front page to know this is dog excrement.
Another RCMADIAX classic.
SkiFree has more depth than Skeasy, and that was released in 1991.
Amazingly, it sounds like Volcano is even worse, if that's even possible. I wish he'd just go away already. He obviously doesn't care, so why should we.
So, this one then?
and this one. (not mentioned in Nintendolife's editorial)
i am so making my own metroidvania using all sortsa bought assets and crap.
@edhe Just. Freakin'. Wow.
That actually makes me mad and makes me wish this individual would stop. Just stop. If you can't manage to put anything on the eShop that you've created yourself, stop. Don't pretend to be a game developer. This person is a sad bottom feeder and this really sucks for those people who actually put in the work and the effort of designing a game and taking the concept from epiphany to the very best experience that they can make.
RCMADIAX - Please stop trolling the eShop. You disgust me and are an embarrassment. You are wasting everyone's time and some people's money. Worst of all, you are giving indy games - and minimalist games in particular - a bad name. Stop. Please. For everyone's sake.
Edit - Sorry if you think this is harsh, but I really think I'm hitting the nail on the head... which sounds like a better concept for a game than anything from RCMADIAX.
Whenever I see the name of this "developer" I'm reminded of this image.
Nintendo should revoke their license.
I really wish RCMadiax would stop. Just...please stop. Go make something that's actually good. The Letter is better than this, and that game is terrible. At least I feel like the developer tried there even if the results are pretty awful.
@vanzan Not at all. Most of us have had issues with this mans lies for years. Originally when he packaged previously released games like this it was to get around publishing costs in the eu. This way he could release two games previously released in America in the eu and only pay the fee once. Nintendo of America let's html titles release at a much lower cost. Now he packages them in America months after they release to get a second sale. On the surface this doesn't seem like a big deal. If you go through miiverse you realize most of his customers are children buying his games and are frequently tricked into rebuying these do to a lack of clarity. This is one of many arguments I have against this man.
@vanzan I noticed you started your account on Tuesday and other than one obvious troll post all the rest have been defending this guy. Frankly that tells me a lot.
So the usual standard then?
@vanzan nobody here has an issue with construct. Most have an issue with his sketchy business practices.
Yep. After a few discussions with him on here, I've come to the conclusion that he just doesn't care at all. He's just there to make a buck (or 50 cents when nearly all of his games are on sale every week).
Want to know what bothers me the most about him though? He threatened to leave the eshop because there was a "cheap stigma against his brand." And what does he do? He suddenly changed his mind, and made more crap games.
Doubling back, and making his games even worse, certainly doesn't improve his overall image, which was apparently something that bothered him so much he threw a temper tantrum last year.
So pardon me while I remain critical of his work... I could forgive him if he actually wanted to improve; clearly he doesn't. He is among the worst insults to indie developers who actually care about what they make.
@faint Just to add onto the sketchy marketing part, RCMADIAX guy recently posted a Miiverse post advertising Tap Tap Arcade 2... without even saying which two games are included...
I'll give him one thing - he proves how easy it is to get a game published on the Wii U - something I'd love to do in the future.
I wouldn't lower myself by flipping ready built games from an asset store though.
@vanzan Go back to defending asset flippers on Steam pal
@vanzan well good luck defending this lazy "developer" on NL
@vanzan you fail at trolling on an abysmal level pal
What a great review. 2 does seem high
@vanzan welcome
@vanzan This guy has been making games that I can find on a 1995 toy calculator/2001 cell phone/windows 95 except with no personality to stand out from the crowd of eshop games and since I can find the same games that he made on a random flash game web site with miles of better quality, than yes some justification needs to be done on this man and his games.
This is all I need to see when reading a review for an RCMADIAX game.
@dizzy_boy Fixed.
Edit: Or not?
Hahaha! This dev is straight dookie.
Why is it that NLife keeps reviewing this crap though?
I think we all know what his "industry secrets" are.
@NImH I think NL once wanted to review possibly every eShop game. I may be incorrect tho as it was some time ago. They reviewed PAL and NTSC versions separately as well (not sure if that's still the thing).
It's good they review the most obscure titles on eShop. Reviews help you decide if the game is worth a pruchase.
@34SLIGEACH_EIRE I just edited the link into my last post instead. 8/
I obviously cannot stop this developer spewing out such bile, but as a consumer I would like the option of being able to filter it out of my eshop. Please Nintendo.
@faint @Captain_Toad.. @MoonKnight7... @Jamotello... @Tsusasi..@SLIGEACH_EIRE.. @9th_Sage... @edhe.. @Anti-Matter...
fruit babies
the lot
no games complain indie games complain
you leave rcmadiax alone atleast he tried doing something about the lack of games
bunch of babies
you have choice by or don't
@NXJosh - you can make your point without flaming others, thanks.
@faint yh you would know wouldn't u
bring it
@MISTAH-JOSH No... but apparently you are. This has nothing to do with you. What is your damage? These are disgustingly bad, embarrassingly lifted free game 'templates' from another source and sold as complete crap. Are the reviewers babies too? Should we just throw money at brazen sloth and piss-poor games? You are nothing more than a troll. What the actual hell? How did he try to do something about your perceived (there are actually plenty of indie games, btw) lack of games? Repurpose game 'templates' that are actually supposed to be made into full, original games? Dear lord you're out of touch with reality. Or... You aren't by any chance someone who worked on these wastes of time, money and energy, are you?
Have I just upset one of the shareholders for RCMADIAX Inc.?
@vanzan Since I was one of the first to comment and had my own thoughts to share, your statement is about as accurate as saying that these games are excellent and reflect the hard work and originality of the 'developer'. How is it hating to accurately describe how insanely awful these games are and how pathetic it is that the source material is a) not even their own and b) not even made into playable games. This lazy azz just took a big dump on indie developers that actually put time, effort and creativity into their games and take pride in delivering a playable and fun product that isn't more than just a dump of another sites raw materials.
Seriously people... wth? Why is anyone defending the sloth of another? Just, wow.
I might consider this.

I might give it a whirl if this unpleasant fellow is part of the package.
Don't feel bad. It is the very best he can do.
Pathetic pedestrian derivative flush-ware that has done as much to discredit Nintendo this gen as any other issue has. I don't even look at the eshop sales anymore because they clogged with this stream of garbage.
RCMWHATEVER reflects so poorly on the hard working indie developers out there, some of which are going out of business (two tribes is one example and they will be missed!).
Sorry for being harsh but it is ridiculous.
@NXjosh Oh don't you fear, I don't buy them hahaha. Oh goodness...imagine! Hey N-Life. Are there any RCMADIAX completionists out there? Maybe you have a couple of his games in your back log?
@NXjosh Strange how no matter what you call me, RCmadiax's games are still bad.
@msvt Right, like why would I play this when could play Axiom Verge, for God's sake? Also developed by one guy, IIRC.
@NXjosh cool story bro. I'll text it to your mom later.
"Most have an issue with his sketchy business practices."
Like review emulators like NES clones and make a profit, like Nintendo Life do all the time?
I love NL, but you guys aren't saints. I saw many "sketchy" things here too.
@Lina-MG what on earth does my comment have to do with this site? I don't work for them you know.
@faint last thing we need is you living up to ur name
@faint "what on earth does my comment have to do with this site? I don't work for them you know" but u act like u run the site
@NXjosh by posting my opinions of articles written or their content....? You must be joshing me.
@NXjosh I'll never understand how there are actually people that defend RCLAZYASS. Is it just your inner white knight or are all his "fans" just incessant trolls?
We need less people like Mike in this industry.
Hey, people what are you doing here? Go play and talk about Axiom Verge and Jotun.
Hey, i feel sorry to him because he must realized the harsh comment that he will get from his latest games.
I don't complain his game , i don't play his game either. And i'm not 'fruit baby' (What the heck is that ? Is that an insult to me ?)
@Anti-Matter you feel bad that he flipped assets onto the eshop and was then called out for it? You should feel bad for the people that were conned out of money by this guy. He doesn't care about you or anyone else but himself. Quit throwing him a pity party.
Hi, I have no idea what the "Fruit Baby" comment is, I didn't say it (didn't read it either).
People have opinions and that is fair too - releasing trash when he knows it is trash, earns a trashy response = full circle.
Skiing from Activision on the Atari 2600 is a better skiing game than this crud!! I wish we can get all the activision 2600 classics in Wii u!!
He should have called it "TAP TAP QUIT". The title could double as instructions.
"fruit babies
the lot"
"no games complain indie games complain
you leave rcmadiax alone atleast he tried doing something about the lack of games
bunch of babies"
Your criticism is as strong as your use of grammar and punctuation.
Lol! That's pretty much how this whole site works.
To anyone curious, expect RCLAZYASS to start selling this $9 asset pack soon.
@NImH Long time no see. As for why NintendoLife reviews these game, they review every game released on the eShop, and previously WiiWare and DSiWare.
@joey302 Honestly, this is the best comment. While I didn't grow up with 2600, I did have Activision Anthology for PS2 and would be all over VC releases of those games.
Regarding this developer, I thought the Poker Dice game was solid and had a good background song (although maybe it had "licensed" assets too?), and I don't know why he didn't stick to mildly pleasant quick-fix casino-style games that don't need to be more than what they are.
I am not a white knight for this guy as was suggested in the expose thread. But if you don't like his product, don't buy it. Pure and simple.
@AcclaimDev wouldn't want to expose his "trade secrets" right?
You've been white-knighting for days now. It's pretty sad actually.
@AfterAnAutopsy.. @faint @Captain_Toad.. @MoonKnight7... @Jamotello... @Tsusasi..@SLIGEACH_EIRE.. @9th_Sage... @edhe.. @Anti-Matter...
always wanted tobe a white knight thanks guys
@NXjosh stop tagging me into your nonsense
@NXjosh http://www.dictionary.com/browse/tobe
@NXjosh tecnicaly you are the white knight defending a guy we are insulting
There are more games available on the eshop than anyone has the time to play. So that statement is just wrong. Furthermore what you're saying is that you prefer two turds instead of one. Quantity never was a sole positive. Remember that next time you walk the dog carrying a poop bag.
@World thx yes they were some of the greatest videogames ever made! Kaboom,Seaquest, Stampede, River Raid, Chopper Command, Barnstorming, Keystone Kapers, Pitfall I & II, Megamania, Star Master, Freeway, Enduro, Grand Prix, Crackpots just to name a few!!!
As far as this developer goes, for me his best game is Shut the Box. I was hooked and have asked him several times to look into a sequel!!
@AfterAnAutopsy Saying the only games that should be going on the market then are AAA games that score 10's? Then you'd have 3-4 video games released all year.
Where were some of you "quality" police types oh say in the 80's and 90's when garbage games were being sold in a box for $40 or more and the audience at the time (kids) could only afford a game every few weeks (or less often)?
At least now, something like this isn't 40 bucks and in a box like it used to be.
@AcclaimDev who said any of that? This is about a lazy "developer" selling cheap asset packs. Yes we could live without his games because there are dozens of other publishers and developers actually giving a damn about their credibility and their work. You seem to be content with mediocrity, that's you. The rest of will voice our opinions on laziness and continue to not support this guy.
And FYI every single game from the 80's and 90's were limited by their hardware. If you think the same holds true today you're sadly mistaken. There are plenty of games in the same price range as RC that provide 1000x more value than his asset flips. And even more options for a few dollars more, so your argument is pretty much invalid.
@AfterAnAutopsy For a dollar or two, who flipping cares? People spend more than that on DLC, themes, skins, ringtones, a bag of chips or a fountain soda. At least in this case you are getting a fully functioning game. Is it crap? Maybe so but that's life.
Going on a crusade to rid the world of mediocre games will get you nowhere. You'll have an easier time finding Atlantis. Half the time, it isn't known that a game (regardless of studio size) is mediocre or crap until it is too far along to make a rash decision and cancel, letting all the time and money put into it go to waste. Are his games guaranteed to be lazy tripe? Maybe but he paid the money and signed the paperwork to put games on the Wii U.
If Nintendo was too picky about who gets to put stuff on their platform, half the stuff on there now (including some gems) would have never made it to release.
The guy is lazy, uninspired and said to be bad for the gaming industry. We've seen plenty of examples from big studios in the fighting, platform, FPS, sports, skating, music and survival horror genres too.
Too many damn cut and paste Mario games. Too much junk with the Resident Evil name slapped on it to lure in suckers. Far too frequent releases from the Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk franchises put both of their respective genres into a grave for years. Can you tell me EA/Madden NFL have been good for the sports genre the past decade? One on one fighters (SF) and FPS's (like Call of Duty) that are basically the same game over and over again. So was Mega Man, so is Mario Party/Kart. Sonic the Hedgehog gets thrown against the wall over and over in hopes he will stick. All of this helps set the industry back creatively.
Yet you worry about some lone guy throwing stuff together in his basement for about 2% of the cost of the stuff I've already mentioned. Come on now.
I'm a lot more worried about stuff with wide visibility, getting promoted and advertised that happens to be lazy, uninspired or rushed. Bigger concern to me than trying to put some two-bit hack out of business. I'd rather have him doing his thing than working on my car or cashing welfare checks. Next it will be his fault and the bad games that he has been doing which are the sole reasons Nintendo refuses to make a 2D Metroid. It'll also be his fault you stubbed your toe in the kitchen yesterday.
@AcclaimDev so after your entire novel there your point is - AAA games are terrible and we should be thankful we even get this guys games or else he might be working on your car, ok. You've missed the entire point of these articles. We shouldn't settle for garbage, end of story. I've been done arguing this point with you though. I'm gonna continue playing Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse. Good day.
@joey302 Those are some awesome games! My favorite was Ice Hockey, but almost all the Activision titles were good.
Never played Shut the Box, but it looks like it's in the same line as the Poker Dice game. Just a good, cheap game to put on when there's not a whole lot else going on.
@AfterAnAutopsy Should I consider that a "tap" out since it is in a Tap Tap Arcade review?
@AcclaimDev it's called not caring about your hero Mike. If only he had as much enthusiasm for his work as you do for him.
My hero? Nah. Never even bought or played his stuff, nor have I spoken to him. Just a free market capitalist to be perfectly frank. He has just as much a right to release product as anyone else on the shop. Start banning people from the eShop in the name of quality control and where does it stop? You'd eventually end up losing the next Axiom Verge or Cave Story using that logic. What is your criteria for someone to have the right to develop?
@AcclaimDev what is my criteria? How about actually making a game for a start. You must be desperate to bring Studio Pixel into this argument. Daisuke spent years perfecting his games, and you want to compare him to this lazy ass that literally bought 10 dollar asset packs and immediately put them up for sale. We should ban asset flipping devs. Why do we need them? Oh right, for people like you to defend them. I'm done. Enjoy being known as Mike's white knight.
@AfterAnAutopsy Not Mike's white knight but I am also done. I think you've proven your point and can stick a fork in me. Hopefully you don't hold this embarrassment against me lol
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