If you’d have asked us, just a few days ago, for a comprehensive list of video game series which we could imagine in a 'Battle Royale' format, Tetris would have been right at the bottom. Splatoon could be a good shout with a lot of tweaking, and maybe even an ultra-cruel Pikmin showdown – heck, we’d even put Nintendogs higher in the list than this puzzling classic – yet here we are, in 2019, with a Battle Royale Tetris game. And you know what? The world is a much better place because of it.
Tetris is, of course, a game that has a long connection with Nintendo. Back in 1989, Alexey Pajitnov's puzzler was bundled with the Game Boy and helped it become one of the most popular gadgets of all time. While Nintendo can't lay claim to any kind of ownership when it comes to the game, it's fair to say that it wouldn't have been quite as famous were it not for the Game Boy edition. Given this history, it's oddly fitting that the title should get what is arguably its most revolutionary update on a Nintendo system.

We’re sure you’ve probably guessed this already, but Tetris 99’s main chunk of action, and the area of the screen you’ll be wholeheartedly fixated on in early games, plays like any old normal game of Tetris. Differently-coloured Tetriminos fall from the top of the screen and you need to rotate, drop, and carefully place them down below to create full lines. Doing so clears that line from the board, and clearing multiple lines in one go can do more than just wiping your board clean.
You see, Tetris 99 is a twisted, cold, unforgiving deathmatch where players attack each other in real time. There are no high scores in sight, with your only goal being to survive the onslaught and remain as the last player standing. Clearing multiple lines in one go (or even just getting combos) can send ‘junk’ lines to your opponents, raising their boards to near dangerous levels at the top of the screen and putting you one step closer to claiming your ‘winner winner Tetris dinner’.
The problem is that – to put a spin on The Hunger Games’ favourite slogan – the odds are never in your favour. Sure, you might be able to send an attack or two to some opponents every now and then, but there are 98 other players all doing the same thing, and it’s absolute chaos. In a lovely touch, you can see all 98 enemies on your screen to your left and right, almost like a sadistic television game show. You can even watch every attack be performed in real time, with ‘whooshes’ of light being beamed from one player to another.

Because of this, there are several tactics that you can employ to stay in the fight, although the game does a terrible job of explaining how these actually work. Before we jump into the good stuff, it’s worth noting that Tetris 99 feels oddly bare by today’s standards. Your only real option is to jump into an online game and watch the mayhem unfold, desperately trying to keep up; there’s hardly anything available to give you any hints on how to play, which could leave more impatient players quickly frustrated.
Even if you do succumb to this early confusion, we’d urge you to stick with it, because it slowly but surely starts to fall into place – just like the Tetriminos. You’ll notice that, assigned to the right stick (or left, if you choose to change the setting in the options menu), are four different attack types: KOs, Badges, Attackers, and Randoms. If you just so happen to get attacked by multiple players at once, there’s probably very little you’ll be able to do to survive regardless, but mastering these four options is certainly your best bet.

The names refer to the type of other player you are about to attack: Random will choose players at random; Attackers will target anyone attacking you; KOs targets those who are about to be knocked out; and Badges will aim for those who have racked up badges from KOing other players to steal them for yourself (these badges give you attack multipliers to deal more damage). As you can see, battles can become quite strategy-focused, and we sometimes saw better results when switching our mode of attack depending on our situation.
The key to this is keeping an eye on the other 98 players, using the Attackers option to defend when you’re being bombarded, and KOing others when they’re about to be knocked out to earn badge multipliers. You can also manually attack whichever of the 98 opponents you like by using the opposite stick, although this is far too fiddly in the heat of battle; playing in handheld mode allows you to simply tap the opponent you wish to attack on the Switch's screen, so we’d argue this is perhaps the best way to play.
Having said all this, forming any sort of plan while under pressure – especially when the sheer panic gets amplified as you enter the final 50, and again with the final 10 – is incredibly difficult. You’ll do well just to keep up at all; we still haven’t managed to claim a single victory after dozens of attempts, although we've cracked the top 10 several times. Once you're in the top 10, death can come swiftly and without warning, even if you have a mostly empty playfield. There may be fewer players to send junk your way but less opponents also means more focused attacks, and we've seen instances where a single 'junk drop' wipes us out completely – a situation which is exacerbated by the speed at which blocks fall during this point of the game.

From a performance perspective, everything is pleasingly smooth and dandy. We’ve experienced no issues playing the game in either docked or handheld mode, and we’ve had zero communication errors or the like facing against our 98 online opponents (if it wasn’t clear before, this is an online-exclusive game). You’ll be treated to that wonderful Tetris theme as you play (we’ll forgive the repetitiveness this time because it’s just so catchy), and this gets turned up to 11 the nearer you get to a victory. Lovely.
As a free experience (after paying for a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, of course), this is a nice little game overall. There aren’t any modes beyond the one Battle Royale setting, you have to play online, and the lack of a tutorial for the attack modes seems like a confusing omission – so things aren’t exactly perfect – but the fast, addictive nature of the content that is there is still absolutely worth a go. Rumours suggest that more modes will be included in the fullness of time, but we’re still pretty pleased with what we’ve got, especially as it's gratis to all Switch Online players.
The complete oddball of the family, Tetris 99 offers a truly unique way to play the tried-and-tested classic, even if the overall package feels a little lightweight. Playing live against 98 others is chaotic, and the action feels fast, precise, and wonderfully addictive. It’s seriously difficult, too – we’d fancy our chances in Fortnite over this any day – and we’re impressed with the fact that it's forced us to play the game with a completely different approach to our usual slow-and-steady ways. Signing up for Nintendo Switch Online just to play this game might be a bit of a stretch, but if you’re already a member, what are you waiting for? It’s free, and it might just become your next favourite time sink.
Comments 124
Objectively the best Battle Royale available today
I love it, so addictive. It could use more modes, customation, etc. to become something really great but as a platform to build on, for free no less, it's really fun.
It's also nice to have a battle royale that I'm not terribly at. I gave a Fortnite a good 100 hours before deciding it's not for me, only managed a couple of solo wins. Played Tetris 99 for six hours and have won 12 times.
I've managed to get to 8! I also got an 11, but to get into the, say top 5, you need to be really good – like sixth sense stuff.
Clear All Royale has never been so good!
Fortnite giving away previously chargeable content announced same time this is released.
They are scared.
The bricks are falling and they can’t handle it.
9? Are you sure it's not 8?
Really enjoying it so far, if nothing else it's finally given me a reason to want to activate my free 7 days trial of nintendo online
Edit: 11th is the highest I've managed to finish up to now
I never even thought to try using the touch screen to choose targets, really good to know that's an option. I've only tried manually targeting once and ended up winning that game but it felt too hard to do it without playing significantly slower than I like to.
Free to play? Check.
Simple puzzle/sorting game? Check.
35 year old simple puzzle/sorting game? Check.
The ongoing love affair with Tetris continues to baffle me, but I'm glad it gives the NSO a USP.
Amazing game, but would love to see friend intregration. We all love telling each other our highest position (mine is 2 btw). Great game and a well deserved 9/10. Could be a 10 with other modes.
@Stocksy That's because of Apex Legends, definitely not because of this....thing hahaha
Two victories so far, but the higher in level you get, the tougher the competition. I'm finding it hard to break the top 20 now.
Great review. I'm really enjoying it. My best so far is 2nd and I've had a few top 10 finishes. I've also been wiped out very early, I got singled out by several players right from the start, finishing a lowly 85th. I know already I'm going to rack up tens of hours playing this.
@gcunit There is beauty in simplicity, and quality is timeless. There's your answer.
@BenAV How the heck did you come to that deduction after 100 (!!) hours of play time?
@gcunit Chess is a bit old and crap too, if you ask me. 6/10, tops.
@Yasume Played a fair bit with friends while I was trying to get used to it and was hoping it might be more enjoyable once they added gyro support. It wasn't so I've now deleted it for microSD space. Only Switch game I've deleted rather than archived, haha.
I find the graphics are a bit blocky
Finally managed to win a game last night after a third place and a second place. Fantastic feeling.
Promptly followed it up by finishing 86th straight after.
I wonder what happens if in that particular moment you can play there aren't 98 other players playing.
Game of the year
@RedMageLanakyn never!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?! Well I never. I totally stand corrected.....
Clearly it was a joke.....Thanks for stating the obvious.
@Moroboshi876 I would assume that it'd just start with however many players there are when the timer runs out. I've had a few 98 player games where someone's dropped before it's started.
@Damo old equals bad... it’s the new rules. They replaced the old rules coz they were old and only worth 6/10.
How dare we like things that weren’t released for the first time in the last two weeks.
We are such a bunch of grandads 😂
i told myself "this is the last match" 3 times before i actually put it down.
It's great addictive fun, especially for a free to play game and I don't even like puzzle games very much. My only complaints are that it needs more modes, backgrounds and music. The music is good and catchy(modern version of that classic tetris music), but it gets old after a 100 times. Hopefully this will all come in future updates.
@Stocksy ikr, they obviously realize that they aren't the king of the ring for much longer...
Just loved it! Tetris for me is like a disease. I've been playing it for like 20 years and maybe one day I'll become good at it. Maybe in 2045, who knows.... Addictive!!!!
Just won my first ever Battle Royale, well happy.
Best battle royale game yet for sure.
Tetris is not a game I ever would’ve turned into a battle royale, but somehow it just works so well. I’m hooked! This adds way more value to the NSO subscription than the NES games.
This is the type of content we should be getting more often as a subscriber. I haven't played it yet but I like that its a subscriber exclusive
It's free, so I was not expecting much. Still, instructions would have gone a long way, especially with younger gamers new to Tetris
It's a very nice little freebie for those of us with NSO. There's not much to it. But, it's Tetris, and it's free, and that's plenty good enough for me.
Very intense matches. I won the first match I played (I was addicted to Puyo Puyo Tetris) but have only placed around ~3-5 since then. That was the one thing I was worried about with 99 players - it's going to be really hard to win/place well for new or even intermediate level players.
This game is a blast! I always love a good Tetris. But this is just massive fun.
As a huge fan of chess, I am triggered.
Only joking of course.
Not about the chess fan part though, I spend more time on chess than video games at this point...
I'm really enjoying this game. I'm not a huge fan of BR, but this is fantastic. My best place is 10th.
nintendo revolutionized another genre
I gave it like a half dozen attempts and I am not liking this at all. I don’t care for the lack of tutorials or even the fact that it feels like there is no strategy. I get that some like it, but I can’t for the life of me imagine this getting anything more than 7/10 for the lack of content and extremely limited gameplay. I’m glad something like this exists for people, but it’s just not for me
I hope this is better than Tetris Effect which in my opinion was highly overrated. Maybe it was cool with the PSVR which I don't have but playing it on a TV sucked. Everything that was supposed to make it different quickly wore out it's welcome and was just distracting, especially at higher levels.
@OorWullie very well done, I’m placing in the top 20 regularly and had quite a few 2/3 placements but the gold still eludes me.
I don’t think anyone’s mentioned yet that the Switch camera/video function works for this too. Good way to show why you got knocked out 98th as targeted by 8 people!!
What the i didn't even know you could choose who to attack i was just letting the switch do it on autopilot thanks for that. Hasn't improved my highest rank of 26th but hopefully i won't get 93rd again lol.
One of the biggest plusses is that this takes a lot shorter than any other Battle Royale.
What an intriguing idea. Tetris still rocking it after all these years!
One of the finest games on the system and the one reason to get an online subscription.
9? a tetris battle royal 9? no, it's a 10!!!
I've played a few rounds and I've liked it so far. My best finish was 16th but after reading the review I have a better understanding on how the R-stick functions work. Thank you for figuring that out.
What attach mode are you leaving it on, or are you changing throughout? Hard to take your eyes from the blooms to see what anyone is doing.
I absolutely hate the battle royale genre, but this one actually has me interested. I’m sure I’ll get frustrated at some point and just return to the classic Tetris, but I’ll give this one a shot at least.
I finally won a match last night and K.O.ed 17 players. I'm totally hooked, and frankly this game alone is worth the NSO subscription.
Best game eveeer!
The best surprise Nintendo ever gave us!
Great fun, best I got is 4th.
Wait....shouldn't its score be a 4............
I'll see myself out now
On the 3rd try, I got to 12th. Really addictive, really fun!
10th is my best but thanks to some of the handy tips in the review, I’ll aim to get a bit higher.
It really is fun. 20 min blasts and I’m done but there are times in the day when that is just right.
Oh, and a proper d pad would be better. It’s the first time I’ve moaned about the d pad. Playing with the pro controller is a little better.
@gcunit Puzzles is something that will indeed last forever by the way.
Had a play at lunch really enjoyed it. Only Nintendo would even consider something like this
Like most Tetris games, this game is like digital crack. I can't stop playing it. I had two 1st place victories in a row last night (7 victories total so far).
@Riff-the-Don Cheers. It's good to know you actually stand a chance of winning. With other Battle Royale games I've played I'm happy with a top 20.
Yeah the video function is great for this.
This game is awesome! I stink at Tetris but what a wonderful and immediate thrill playing this is.
Tetris is a Nostalgia game never forget the past since GameBoy. I miss Tetris 99 is Awesome and Amazing. I'm always more than #10 places finish this game never stop playing.
I am terrible at Tetris, and I am equally as terrible at understanding the battle royale elements of this new release. That didn't stop me from logging an embarrassing amount of time into it last night.
Move over, Smash Ultimate and NES Online: this is the real reason to subscribe to NSO.
i have been playing this non-stop for the past two nights. Usually get in the top 30 and received my first win last night. Also placed 2nd in another round. I hope more modes come down the line, but even if they don't I do not care. TETRIS 99 is brilliant and shows the value of Switch Online.
Same here! LOL I went to bed after being knocked out so early!!
I've never had the issue most people complain about the Pro controller d-pad, but this game made me experience it right away. It's really unplayable with the Pro unless I turned off the insta-drops. Thankfully the joy-cons work perfectly and I could play it as god intended.
I enjoyed trying Tetris last night, but couldn’t they find a way to not draw those annoying lines all over the playing field??? I felt like I was trying to play the game while someone kept waving their hands in front of my face.
I'd like to point out how stable and awesome the online experience is, even at relatively low internet speeds. I've used some crappy internet and have yet to experience a disconnect or an instance of lag.
This right here is the best time killer I have on Switch.
It's fun, it runs amazing, and, well, it's Tetris! Do you really need another reason?
The headline alone made me think @Damo was behind the article.
With the recent developments on Respawn, sourgraping wouldn't be off limits.
Please elaborate on this. Wouldn't mind getting free crap.
Rank 3 is my current highest. So far I am in the mid 20s or better.
I've only played a handful of rounds, but I've never ranked lower than 9. This game is wonderfully fun! I wonder how much it will affect Subscription Rates to Nintendo's Online Service.
@nab1 Yep, if ever there is a game to expose the issues with the Pro controllers D-pad, Tetris is it. I've been using my SF-30 which is perfect for it. It wouldn't be an issue if hard-drops only worked with UP instead of UP L/R as well.
I've played 4 hours of Tetris yesterday. 4 hours of Tetris among games like Smash and Splatoon... I didn't know expect this.
It's strangely addictive and intense.
Edit: I wish there's an option to mute the music or give us more music. It gets on my nerves after listening it non-stop for hours.
@AlexSora89 they are doing some challenge thing and if you complete 8 you get the next season pass free....
Check push square for details I think it was on there mate
Will oblige. Thank you!
Roll on Puzzle League 99!
Slightly off topic, but I want Battle Royale Splatoon.
Will try Tetris later today.
Guys it's just Tetris. There I've said it. It's the same game you've come to love from way back when. It's nothing really special to cause y'all to lose your minds over like this.
So, with Arika developing, does it use TGM rules?
I have only had a chance to play this one just the once so far, but I totally love it! What an amazing execution on such a brilliantly simple concept!
By the way, out of 99, I was 35, so ALMOST final third.
@GameOtaku Play Tetris Effect and then say that. That game IS mind-blowingly good.
This game, though? It's one mode. One pretty basic mode at that. I mean, it's a cool freebie, but a 9/10? Really?
played twice so far, managed to get as low as twenty. a real fun game.
This and other games like this would be a nice incentive to get online. Nice job Nintendo!
17 is my high. But I haven't sniffed it since then.
I have no idea how I managed to get first... I think it must have been a fluke...
Honestly I like it more than Fortnite. And that's the only other BR game I ever played. I did manage to finish second, once. (Actually in both games)
A few hints to actually get very good at this game:
1. Stay calm. The game is chaotic, but this doesn't mean that you have to be as well.
2. Don't only focus on making "Tetrisses", chains and T-spins also send out a nice amount of "garbage" to other players. A 3 line T-Spin is as effective as a 4 line Tetris.
3. When 50% of your field is filled, focus on clearing lines.
All of these are not unique to this game and would work for any multiplayer Tetris. However they are more important here. The last ones are exclusive for this one.
4. Keep track on who you're attacking. If you see someone in the red focus your attacks on them. This will give you a KO and one less opponent to worry about. Also don't attack the same person constantly, because they might counter.
5. If multiple people seem to attack you. Focus your attacks on your attackers!
An upgrade to Tetris effect visuals and soundtrack would be sweet. Or even better, a visualiser that works with Spotify.
A played four games of Tetris 99 while waiting for Arthur Morgan to pick some herbs on the ground! 😉😅
Difficult? I won 10 out of 28 games and ended most other times in the top 3. I saw Wumbotize on Youtube winning 30 out of 37.
I always say "Just one more game" while playing Tetris99. I ended up playing it for 2-3 hours straight. Amazingly addictive game.
Finally won one on my 50th attempt after a few 3rds and a second.
My moment has arrived to be the 99th comment. Lets not waste this and use it to say something important.
Wooh! Tetris99!!!
I’ve played Tetris Effect. Both are excellent in different ways. At the minute I prefer this.
It may not have lots of modes (yet) but the core concept just works so well. It really adds some value to NSO.
@AlexSora89 Sour grapes ! oh baby sour grapes can taste those sour grapes mmmm everybody dance 💃💃get up! i said get up! mmmmmmm sour grapes 🙅💀👽👾💃
@misterMike Right, you are. I commented as a Nintendo Online customer
Tis a shame the Switch Pro Controller D Pad is horrible and registers a Left or Right movement as Up 10% of the time. Makes it hard to do well when every ten or so moves sends the bricks crashing down when you were simply trying to shift them one spot to the left.
Well, I don't like grapes either.
hahah 😅😅😅 I know was a episode of teen titans go.made me laugh 😷
want to do the smash dance 💃💃💃💃
@C-Threep sour grapes need them sour grapes let's go.go ooooooosh 💃💃💃💃💃💁🙈🙅🙅
@Folderoll sour grapes need them sour grapes let's go go go go jump mon it said more sour grapes!💩💃💃💃💃
@AlexSora89 need more sour grapes let's dance everybody let's go and say need them sour grapes !!!!!💃💃👽👽💃💃💃
@Aneira you any good on mario kart
mario kart want a challenge
But why tho?
Having a blast with this and glad I saved the 7 day trial for this week. I don't think I'll keep the subscription as I don't really agree with locking parts of my games behind it, but a few more releases like this and I might be tempted to pay for a year.
I've learnt that I'm better at Tetris than I thought as I generally manage to finish in the top ten half the time and I've even come first once. My advice to do well is to focus on K.Os until you get one badge then switch to attackers after that to avoid too much attention from other players. It's a tactic that has served me quite well up to this point.
I used to think I was good at Tetris.
After playing this, I'm sad
I never New I needed a Battle Royale Tetris game in my life. Turns out I do! I hope they bring customization for the blocks, new soung tracks and backgrounds.
@misterMike Agreed, as a freebie for subscribers it's just too bare bones. No proper tutorial or instructions make the thing look like Nintendo hurling us a bone. They'll need stronger Online exclusive titles to draw folks in. Heck, the Satellaview games from decades past could actually do the trick
@westman98 You ARE still good. Tetris was never designed to have 98 other players throwing things at you. I rule at Tetris but totally suck at this
Maybe this is the reason the snes app disappeared.
I like to think that I am. I mean... finishing anything but first is just down to bad luck, right?
@Aneira depends who you racing.the Japanese got some top players.☺
I love cheap thrills!
I won't lie, I think this is the worst Tetris game I have ever played. It is useless away from an internet connection. Always online makes this game a joke of a portable Tetris game.
Definitely different way to play Tetris. I like it!
I downloaded it since it was free, but thought you could play it without Nintendo online subscription. Since this doesn't seem the case, I think I will erase it soon.
I have been playing little else lately, but still haven't managed to finish better than fifth place
Complete lack of instructions included. Do they think we're all mind readers?
I have been playing this game for a few months now and I find it addicting and well worth the price of Nintendo Switch Online (ugh I wish Nintendo would come up with a catchier name for the service. It's like WiiConnect24 all over again).
@NintendOrc Hey your username is similar to mine!
The remix of the tetris theme is the best version of the song EVER
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