Some say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and one of retro gaming's founding fathers Space Invaders has endured plenty of sycophancy over the last four decades. After appearing on the Wii U in 2015 and proclaiming the inclusion of a pixelated duck in its 2016 sequel before utilising the 3DS hardware a year later, Super Destronaut comes to the Switch complete with its current-gen 'DX' suffix and a coat of fluorescent paint to brighten up the tried-and-tested arcade classic formula.
Right from the off, developer Petite Games have brazenly embraced the concept of the retro shooter, using a garish colour palette, pixelated sprites and a glorious electro soundtrack. As cool and old-school as the tunes are, at times the music speeds up and slows down in a manner that might even give an aspirin a headache, but at least there’s soothing but sparse voice work to increase the production value.

Aesthetically, the playing field is a mix of scrolling wireframe models, bold, neon pixel art aliens and fireworks. Lots of fireworks. While this can be quite pretty when things start off at a leisurely pace, the combination of particles, lights and enemy fire can distract and cause a number of frustrating game overs.
The alien intruders themselves are actually cute, quirky and quite likeable. Each has their own colour and groovy animation as they go from side to side. They are also equipped with specific power-ups - such as homing missiles - or have certain attack patterns, and they generally try to cause you as much hassle as possible. While most of the enemy fire is straightforward, overbearing special effects can obscure your view, and this - along with the limited movement of your ship - makes some attacks almost impossible to avoid. In addition, translucent ghosts are a hazard, as are the waves that descend from the top of the screen; needless to say, the action is pretty unrelenting.

So, Super Destronauts on the surface is an unashamedly derivative but decent enough arcade shooter which has its roots firmly planted in nostalgic soil, but is there anything in terms of modes or mechanics to make it stand out? Challenge mode does exactly what it says on the tin. The 30 stages wildly fluctuate in terms of difficulty and range from the pretty standard jaunt of reaching a certain score to reaching a certain score within a set time limit. There are other objectives to complete, such as getting your multiplier to a particular level or collecting a variety of power-ups. On the plus side, all of these are available from the beginning, meaning that if certain stage doesn’t really appeal, you can always move on.
Time attack gives you 90 seconds to go for a high score, and there’s a local multiplayer mode thrown in as well. As with the challenge mode, things get repetitive quickly, regardless of whether you’re playing alone or with a friend. Finally, hardcore mode gives you just one life to rack up your best score.
With no online multiplayer, your other option is to reach for the top of the various online leaderboards. Killing enemies without getting hit will increase your multiplier and in turn allow you to reach astronomical scores to post for all to see. Whether this is enough to keep you coming back after you’ve completed all of the challenges or have a buddy to play with is up to you; while the core of Super Destronaut DX is functional - even fun in short bursts - it is unlikely to keep your attention for long, especially considering the stern competition on Switch right now.
If Space Invaders floats your intergalactic boat, Super Destronaut DX will definitely scratch your itch and the attempts to nudge and wink its way through your fond memories of neon lights and electro tunes are admirable. However, unless you’re a high score hunter or a multiplier maniac who has had their fill of more interesting shooters or music-based games on the system like Just Shapes And Beats or Lumines Remastered, Super Destronaut DX will end up being a brief time killer, but not much else.
Comments 25
I enjoyed Space Dave and that also received a 5 from NL so I may still give this a go. It seems to play like Space Invaders so as long as it has a nice flow with a steadily increasing challenge to go with the combo system and online leaderboards, that's enough for me to get a few hours enjoyment out of it.
I played Space Invaders to death almost forty years ago. That was plenty for a lifetime.
I would have scored it higher. An 8 perhaps. Sure, it's repetitive, but it's the nature of the beast. And heck, I used up a whole afternoon, trying to chase my high score in time attack. Repetitive, yes, addictive, yes.
And finally given the low price point of this Game (4.99 usd), the expectation should not be the same as a 19.99 or 39.99 (looking at Dillon dead heat breakers).
@techdude @Dethmunk Good to know cheers. It seems to do what it sets out to well, that's all you can hope for from a game like this. I'll buy it sometime this week.
Man, I saw the picture and thought we finally would get Arcade Archives Space Invaders.
Taito, please, it's the 40th anniversary of that industry-changing game. Why don't you celebrate it SOMEHOW? Anything. A retail compilation of the most important entries would be even better. But I'd settle for that Arcade Archives standalone release.
This looks terrible. Probably one of those games that will be 'on sale' for $1 every other week... and still isn't worth it.
A 5/10 is generous
@OorWullie I bought it and for £4 for a SPACE INVADERS clone am more than happy. Plays fine and the only significant addition I'd really appreciate would be a way to filter the high-score leaderboard by your friends list. As it stands, the Leaderboard only goes to 50 and to my knowledge there's no way to see your friends scores unless they are in the Top 50.
@BigKing try it first before passing judgment. The graphics are intentionally pixelated and it does what it promises well. If Retro shooter are not your cup of tea, then it probably will not hold your interest.
Squaresoft should port Space Invaders infinity Gene to the Switch. That game will beat the hell out of this one. Until then, Super Destronaut Dx will scratch that itch for short Retro play sessions.
5/10 seems a bit unfair. The game does what you're expecting in a positive way. You want a Space Invaders clone and you get one.
It's chaotic in a good way with all the effects on the screen. It put a smile on my face seeing the only three settings in the Options menu are graphics related. (Two to lessen graphic effects and one to give even more of them - from the Defaults point of view.)
I had a lot of fun so far and I'm shure I'll start it every now and then for a short dive into it.
It helps that loading time of the game is really short and once you're in there are practically no more loading times at all.
A game for a small price that keeps what it promises.
@OorWullie I have it on wiiu and it is really fun.
I'm also surprised at only a 5. As someone who played the heck out of Space Invaders, among many others, this game more then scratched the retro itch and looks really good to boot. Perfect for quick sessions or longer more intense one's. The background ghosts are tricky to avoid. Colors and sounds also spot on.
Kinda low rating for such a cheap game...may still pick this up on sale
@Dethmunk It's tough to review a game like this. Do you review it against all games, or, do you look at what it set out to be, and review it according to that. I tend to land somewhere in the middle ground, but yea, your point is Valid.
I thought this game would be really mediocre, I love arcade shoot-em-ups but I have a good eye for spotting the ones that should be passed. It is usually the western indie shoot-em-ups to be honest, very few seem to standout.
This game is better than a 5 come on I mean this site gave Just Shapes and Beats a 9 and I wish I would have not paid 20 bucks for that title its not fun at all and its definitely not a 9 out of 10 . This game is 5 bucks and is atleast fun to play .
@Dethmunk actually a game that get 7/10 seems average to me, since I feel 50% of games get that score. An 8 will get my attention. Anything 6 or below feels sub par. And many generic games get a 7, so this game with its focused gameplay, should have scored higher with a caveat in the summary perhaps that you get more out of it if you are into Retro.
Does anybody have this AND the Wii U versions? I have the original and Go Duck Yourself on the Wii U and the 3DS version. I think they're great, but honestly, they haven't evolved much. I'm just wondering if this one brings anything new to the table to justify and FOURTH Super Destronauts purchase.
I don’t currently have any space invaders style games so I’m considering it.
For lack of the real Space invaders on Switch , I thought it was worth the 5 bucks imo
Actually, Taito celebrated the 40th Anniversary pretty well. They released SI Extreme on Steam and held a contest there, and in Japan they held a month-long event with a giant 10 player Space Invaders game, and on the actual Anniversary day the game's creator came to play it.
They also put a new game named Space Invaders Fever in arcades last year.
@EmirParkreiner OK, but what about releasing the actual original Space Invaders in modern platforms, digital at least? I think it's a missed opportunity.
Actually, Squaresoft probably doesn't have to spend a cent. Just let Hamster do the work for a cut of the profit. I think they would gladly do it for a high profile title like Space Invaders. Even Nintendo do it...
I agree that they could do more to take advantage of this anniversary, and obviously i'd prefer something like a proper physical home console collection.
However, considering how some other big companies (Capcom, Namco, even Nintendo) treated the anniversaries of big franchises, i think what Taito is doing is kind of ok.
Doesn't look too bad, but I already have a few pick up and play games in my arsenal. Perhaps if it ever climbs down a little in price I would buy it anyway.
The 1st installment really nailed what I expected. A perfect Space Invaders experience with smooth controls and a price tag no one can complain about. So much fun to play!
But, yeah - what some previous speakers said: What could a 2nd installment add? And: Why?
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