As shock Switch releases go, Outlast: Bundle Of Terror didn't so much sneak up on us as jump out at us with a knife. Not that we're complaining about this surprise attack. When it comes to horror games, Switch owners have had to take the rough (Hollow) with the smooth (Resident Evil Revelations).
Thankfully, Outlast joins Capcom's re-release in the 'frighteningly good' category. This is a terrifyingly compelling and suspenseful first-person adventure with admirable production values, and it also serves as a consummate example of how to port a game from more powerful hardware onto Nintendo's wonder-hybrid. Playing the part of journalist Miles Upshur, it falls to you to investigate the shady goings on at Mount Massive Asylum, run by the suitably named Murkoff Corporation. You've been tipped off by a whistleblower (whom you learn more about in the included DLC episode) that some distinctly weird experiments are being carried out on inmates.

The difference between Outlast and most other survival horror games is that you're completely defenceless against the crazed inmates and pumped up abominations that lurk within the asylum walls. It kind of resembles the old 'Nemesis' system from many of the Resident Evil games, whereby an implacable foe stalks you across a whole game. Here, though, even an ordinary stooge can end you in a couple of successive strikes, with no hope of retaliation. Your only options are to run away or hide. Fortunately, you do have a few evasive manoeuvres at your disposal.
Break the line of sight with your pursuer and you can hide in a dark corner. Light - or the lack thereof - plays an important role in Outlast. Alternatively, you could hide in a locker or under a bed, though if an opponent suspects you're in the room they'll start searching all the other hiding spots around you. It's a moment of obvious artifice, but you'll still find that it gets your pulse racing.
Outlast's most interesting mechanic, and Upshur's only tool, is an old-fashioned camcorder. From your first-person view you can film events with a press of R, and use its night vision mode to see in the dark with a click of the right stick. There's a tension-raising catch with that latter function in the form of limited battery life. The game is at its most tense in the moments where you're wholly reliant on the grainy image of your viewfinder to see what's ahead, and the battery indicator starts to blink red.

Fortunately, there are plenty of spare batteries littered around Outlast's grim environments, which serve as the key incentive to stray off the beaten track. Goodness knows there's no other sane reason to delve into a murky bathroom, padded cell or underground pipe - not with the gory sights that await you. This game isn't for the squeamish.
However, this stripped back approach means that Outlast is a pretty shallow game from a purely mechanical perspective. At times it even feels a little like a walking simulator, as you trot from one horrific scenario to the next, picking up fragments of the story from files and your own recordings. To its credit, Outlast thoroughly sells the concept through the rich atmosphere it creates. Technically, this is a highly impressive effort from developer Red Barrels.
It may have been cut down from the earlier PC and PS4 versions, but we were still mightily impressed by the crisp graphics, dramatic lighting effects, and grisly textures of this Switch port. It runs at a slightly curious but still solid 1008p when docked, and a full 720p in handheld mode, while both modes run at a fluid (for this kind of game) 30fps.

The audio design is arguably even more impressive, with a reactive score that ramps up the tension whenever a threat appears. Meanwhile, hearing Miles hyperventilating at a particularly grisly discovery really serves to set your own pulse racing, even when the game's numerous jump scares start to wear a little thin.
And make no mistake, this is far from a perfect survival horror experience. The run-and-hide gameplay not only gets a little repetitive, it can occasionally verge on the farcical during protracted chase sequences. When the game's mask occasionally slips, such as when you're running between two hiding positions in a bid to shake off your pursuers, it can feel like a particularly grisly episode of Benny Hill.
Still, this is a richly enjoyable package overall, particularly at this cut-down eShop price and with the enjoyable Whistleblower episode adding a couple of hours of extra gameplay. Just take our advice and play the game in brief sessions - for the sake of your heart, if nothing else.
Outlast is a generous package of finely crafted survival horror thrills. It looks and sounds great on Nintendo Switch, and while its brand of hide-and-seek gameplay occasionally falters, it'll still keep you playing right until the grisly end.
Comments 66
4 articles on a Saturday. I'm shocked!
Yeah, I really did not see this coming.
Didn't know it was hide and seek game play.....my heart might not be up to the task lol. I'll definitely get it at some point. Waiting patiently for a Yooka sale first.
1008p. what an odd number.
@sword_9mm technically it’s even 😉
So far this one has been a fun ride.
@sword_9mm Odd number for the Switch anyway
I may buy this in a future sale.
"Fluid for this type of game" is wrong.
I'll hopefully get started on this tonight,it depends if I can finish Layers of Fear in time. I've been playing it in sessions as I couldn't possibly play it one sitting, it would be much for my nerves and my poor heart. I do reckon I've not got much further to go though. I'm not sure how Outlast will make me feel but when putting on a different game after playing LoF I'm just waiting for it to give me a fright, even Rocket League. It takes a few minutes of play until I feel normal again. Never had that feeling playing a game before.
technically correct is the best kind!
This and Outlast 2 are the scariest games I’ve ever played yet here I am buying it again... can’t wait. I can only play it with friends though, NEVER by myself.
@Menchi187 Nah, it's fine. This game isn't exactly fast-paced. A solid 30fps is definitely smooth enough.
@Robotron2084 I highly recommend doom, and may do user review on it time providing. It runs very smooth and looks great regardless of the mode. Obviously docked will look little better, but keeps good fps for such a frantic game. Online is surprisingly fun as well if your into that sort of fast paced mutiplayer.
Yeah I can agree with this review.
It’s very good game.
@Thaswizz How does it look better? From what I read and heard it's the sharpest when playing it on the Switch display versus blowing up a bellow 720P image on a big screen TV. Does it reduce detail further down (textures etc.) in portable mode then? Or?
The review was great and makes me very hopeful for the second one which I'm highly anticipating and now prepurchasing. I've already purchased this and the DLC on my PS4 so no double dipping here but this shows that they've made a great port and I can look forward to the next chapter.
My only gripe is how often they spell “maneuvers” wrong on this site, and “colors” too as a matter of fact. Where’s the spellcheck at 😋
So I'm guessing they also plan to bring Outlast 2 to Switch too then. At the main menu, there's an option that says Buy Outlast 2.
I’d give it a 9.
This game when you think about it is one of the sickest most gruesome games around, it really is lol
But a fantastic game nonetheless, also guys get Detention, it is a great horror game.
I'll hold out to see if they announce a physical release. I've such a backlog already, but I look forward to this series.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN It's just the British spelling.
Ive played it on PS4, and must say that the Switch-version probably is the best port the system got so far. You really have to look hard to notice any difference, and the handheld mode is really good as well. I look forward to play Outlast 2 on the go on a night-flight Im taking this april. Lets hope that port will be just as solid.
@retro_player_22 The sequel will release on the 27th March for $29.99.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN that’s actually the correct way.
This was a games with gold title on Xbox awhile back and I really didn't find it to be that scary, at least compared to Layers of Fear. It is a fun game though.
On the one hand I’m keen to see if this stuff will scare and entertain me. On the other, I’m a massive chicken and will probably not be able to play it. Think I’ll wait for Kirby
I keep having to pause this game because I get too scared
I love playing this in handheld mode. Playing this game on the toilet cured my constipation because it scared the poop outta me.
Got it free on PS4, made it 2 missions in, hated it and I am one of the biggest horror nerds out there. This was just boring and relied on jump scares.
It looks like a fantastic port! I'm half tempted, the only thing putting me off is I originally got this free with psplus a while back. Highly recommend anyone on the fence to pick it up though.
I'm hoping for a physical release since I have such a backlog... or a good sale.
Really enjoying this game so far. I’m at the crazy guy that chops fingers off. Haven’t found it scary at all just kinda funny.
This doesn't look like my kind of thing (walking simulator!?) but it's good to see 3rd parties bringing a bit of variety to Switch. Seems like a good port too.
@faint you mean the British way as someone nicely pointed it out. Never seen any books or English classes spell it in that manner. I wasn't aware there were multiple ways of spelling the same word. English is English or so I thought. Britain gets a pass through lol.
This is the game I’d get but never play cause I’m a wimp 😖
This is easily the best horror game for the Switch at this point, the Resident Evil Revelation games are more of an action game in comparison.
Nice review, this looks a good port. Yet another eShop title to add to the wishlist(my poor wallet). This will be great with headphones.
£20 it's a bargain considering your also getting the additional DLC. Must buy imo and credit for a great porting job and not just repackaging it for switch and then selling it at £40 +
I would like to ask this question: If you have seen a streamer play and complete a game, are you more likely to buy that game (assuming that you think its a good game), or are you less likely to buy that game because you have already seen someone else complete it. For the sake of this question, let us assume that we are talking about games that heavily rely on the story and narrative (like Outlast) to entertain players.
I ask because I watched popular YouTube streamer Markiplier play and complete this game back in 2014 for PC. In fact, I began watching his channel because he did many play-throughs for horror games, and I am a big survival-horror game fan. Being the Nintendo acolyte that I am, I knew that there was no way this game was ever being ported to the Wii U back when it was first released, so I watched Markiplier's playthrough thinking that I would never get the opportunity to play Outlast on a Nintendo console. So to me, I was not ruining the game for myself because I never thought I would play it. Now it has come to the Switch, and I finally have my opportunity! And I also wished I had never watched him play through it now!
Even though I watched someone else play this game to completion, I will still pick up this game because A) I am a survival-horror fan, and B) I watched this game completed years ago, and so many of the horror elements in this game will seem fresh to me again. However, if I had just watched a play-though of this game within the past 6 months to a year, I would have definitely NOT bought this game since I had already witnessed all of the juicy moments myself.
Does anybody else not want to buy certain games when they have already seen someone else play through them?
This game is bad enough on a TV or pc monitor! Sack playing it in bed on a handheld with earphones!! I don't think I could cope with it lol
Not every game can be Hollow Knight. This’ll tide me over until the switch’s greatest game to date Hollow Knight is released.
Yeah I've done the same before. Circumstances change, games I never thought I would be able to play before run nicely on my PC that I built not long ago. So say 4 years ago all I had was an Xbox 360 and a Wii U there was loads I thought I would never be able to play. Now I have a ps4, switch and PC so I can play pretty much anything I want lol. But yeah I have watched a lot of playthroughs. Some games that I went on to play myself later on and enjoyed them far more playing them than I did watching. So yeah give it a go because it will probably feel very different playing it for yourself after all this time.
How long is the campaign? I know the extra dlc adds a couple of hours to it.
Maybe I'll try it later, never played Outlast 1 or 2. I recently bought Layers of fear on Switch though, completed it and I want to go back to it again. That game (Layers of fear) is honestly scary and does not rely on constant jump scares, but on the unnerving, twisted and disturbed atmosphere and the shape-shift of the house, the transformation of the rooms happening just before your eyes, after a brief rotation of the camera are tricks that are so well designed and original.
But yeah, I'll watch these Outlast games, probably when they will be on sale.
@Aven The main campaign took me around 6 hours. The Whistleblower took me over 2 hours, but I played on normal (which is the easiest difficulty).
@KoopaTheGamer Thankyou. It looks like a fun game. I might have to play it docked though. I don't want any accidents involving jump scares and thrown switches.
If anyone is interested you can get this Outlast: Bundle of Terror bundle on sale right now on the xbox one in the deals with gold section for the US for only $6.25 and also Outlast 2 is also on sale there also for $15.00. So you can actually get both games cheaper than what just the Outlast: Bundle of Terror for the Switch cost.
What are spare video camera batteries doing lying around an asylum?
In most cases they are by other devices that use them. They aren't rechargeable lithium batteries but look like those double a or triple a "designed for camera" batteries.
The walking simulator comparison was kind of hilarious as this plays more like a fps without shooting or an unarmed attack. You have to use stealth, running, jumping hiding etc to escape foes.
Is this download only?
@Galactus_33 yes so far.
@Pat84 I just finished Layers of Fear last night. Agreed, it is genuinely scary. Without giving away any spoilers, did you answer the door? That part really got me, I couldn't bring myself to answer it.
I'm going to go back to it too, as I think the experience is different depending on your actions. I'll go through the DLC first. Playing Detention just now, really enjoying it.
@Robotron2084 Well it runs great and smooth even in handheld and yes it do3snt compare to a PC with 4k monitor but watch switch game does? There are little more dips in fps when in portable, but nothing 5hst takes away from overall game. Multi-player works great in portable too. It's a blast to go on rampage as a demon ripping players body parts off it's almost 23 gigs as download so I recommend buying it physical that way don't need take up space and can take it to any friends house with switch let them try it. Then again I buy every game physical even though got 128gig card. Can't wait for owl boy in May!
@Ponyfox Yea of course lowering resolution makes all games look little Sharper, but depending on game and TV with extra power docked can provide it looks a "little" better. Obviously no 16 gig DDR3 Comp, but it looks and handles fantastic for game of its graphical power. I showed my brother who is PC guy and he was said was impressed to, but then again people's perception of switches power are different. Can't wait see games come out later cycles were devs fully can't make games use largest card possible.
Britain gets a pass? You mean on English... From ENGLAND? ( That's kind of where English comes from...)
They need ta speak 'Murican!
Is this eshop only? Either way it looks interesting and I'm going to check it out sometime! Maybe if there's a sale.
I am glad it is another smooth port to the Nintendo Switch but I will probably have to pass on this one. Horror games aren't very much my thing if I have no way to defend myself.
My son already played the hell outta this on PS4 so for now I’ll pass...too many other Switch games to get. A nice addition to the Switch library however...
@Thaswizz ...you probably meant "a little softer". Not Sharper. Still need to finish DOOM myself but already bought it on the (very) cheap for PC. But I am curious to see it run one day on someone's Switch when I get the chance.
I'll definitely be picking this game up. I love horror games, and being able to play them on Switch is a treat. I love playing horror games at night, with the lights off, while in bed. Creeps me right out!
@TDS_Computer 🤣😂 Just saying where else do they speak English where it's written that way. I don't think I was rude, exactly why I said Britain gets a pass cuz umm yea, y'all are English lol.
@Ponyfox I showed it to my brother who is PC enthusiast and he was impressed how well it looked and preformed. So am I cause I use buy all PC games as well. It don't even compare to PC but it is pretty damn amazing for cartridge and a portable runs off even hotspots
@OorWullie Curiously, I did not answer that door because I just though of it as something more to build up tension, without this possibility to do that, but I'll try it tonight
@JHDK cool. Downloading it today. It's discounted. Sounds like a fu scary ride that controls well.
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