Although the idea of indie games using retro graphics is about as overdone as a chicken cooked in a volcano, very few of them are authentic. With a few exceptions – Shovel Knight and VVVVVV immediately spring to mind – the majority of indie games using 8-bit and 16-bit style visuals would simply never have been possible on systems of that era.
Fox n Forests, however, happily joins that exclusive club of games that not only use an old-school art style, but would actually have you convinced if you were told it was a long-lost unreleased game from that generation. Playing as a fox called Rick, it’s your job to recover pieces of bark that have been stolen from the old Season Tree (not the Deku Tree, honest) and return them to restore balance to the forest. To help you do this, the tree gives you a special ability: the power to change the seasons. This forms the basis of the game's central mechanic, a cool effect where each stage has a default season and a second alternate season. By switching between them at will with the ZL or ZR buttons, you can manipulate the game world and solve basic puzzles.

Can't jump across that river? Switch from summer to winter to freeze it over. Can't jump from tree to tree because the leaves are blocking your vision? Switch to autumn and the leaves disappear, exposing the branch platforms. Stuck in an autumn stage and can't reach the ledge above? Change to spring to make fruit grow on the nearby vines and jump onto those for extra height. It's a clever gimmick and one that’s satisfying to pull off, even though it rarely does anything more elaborate than making platforms and hazards appear or disappear. Some more intricate puzzles would’ve been nice, but what’s there is impressive. Slightly less endearing is the way Rick controls. The idea is that he starts with a basic set of abilities and over time you spend coins to upgrade him and add new moves – a double-jump spin attack, a triple-shot, a downwards thrust and so on – but the majority of the game is spent struggling with some awkward controls as a result.
Rick can either shoot enemies with his magical crossbow or attack them with a melee weapon. The problem is, you can only use each in certain situations. For the most part you can only shoot when you’re on foot (and even then he’ll stop to shoot when he’s running), and you can only perform melee attacks when you’re ducking, jumping or aiming up. If you want to jump to shoot an enemy above you, you can’t. If you want to duck an enemy’s attack and shoot them from a distance, you can’t. If you’re standing right next to an enemy who’s on a small step above you (which happens regularly) and want to melee them, you can’t: you have to duck, which means you’ll miss them. None of this is game-breaking by any means: what’s there is still a solid 16-bit platformer. It’s just a shame that if the game had simply given you two separate buttons for shooting and melee instead of a single ‘attack’ button, there could have been more scope to play the game the way you want to, rather than feeling restricted by Rick’s limitations.

Elsewhere, Fox n Forests continues to give with one hand and take away with the other. The stages are enormous, lengthy affairs, with a variety of available routes and secret pathways. It’s clear a lot of work has gone into creating each of these epic levels but it quickly becomes apparent why: there are only six of them (along with two brief but enjoyable shoot ‘em up stages, four impressive but simple boss fights and a handful of unlockable bonus levels). This is a game designed to make you play through the same level multiple times, returning each time you get a new weapon, in order to reveal new areas and collect the five magical seeds hidden in each stage. These seeds are needed to unlock the next area, but it’s not always immediately clear that this is the case, meaning there may be occasions where you’re wandering around the game map wondering what the hell you have to do to make the next world appear.
This is accompanied by occasional moments of slowdown – not authentic retro slowdown where the music and everything literally grinds to a crawl, but choppy slowdown with missed frames – and some horrendous writing. The latter is forgivable, though: the game was developed in Germany so it’s perhaps understandable that practically every joke falls flat, as it may have been translated by someone who doesn't speak English natively. For all we know the German version may be up there with Fawlty Towers.
Fox n Forests is a game we desperately want to like more. Performance issues aside, it does a phenomenal job of replicating the days of 16-bit platformers: the developer has cited ActRaiser 2, Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, Do-Re-Mi Fantasy and The Magical Quest as influences and it’s clear to see that’s what they were going for (especially in terms of the brilliantly authentic SNES-style music). It’s just a shame that it constantly throws up niggles that hamper your enjoyment: the controls, the progression system, the short length (it can be beaten in under four hours), the ropey writing. The developers may have been aiming for the level of a high-quality SNES platform game, but while it certainly ticks those boxes in terms of presentation it plays like the sort of thing that would’ve been considered a "good" title on something like the Amiga, where average platformers like Superfrog and (fittingly) Titus The Fox enjoyed success.
Fox n Forests can’t be faulted for its fantastically accurate portrayal of 16-bit platforming; very few indie games have managed to nail the look and sound of the SNES so well. Its season-changing gimmick also makes for some inventive moments. Where it lets itself down is in its fiddly controls and its short length, which combine to make a game that’s merely good when it could have been great.
Comments 43
Still interested in giving this a go.
"...as overdone as a chicken cooked in a volcano..."
I was looking forward to this game but this review confirms all the other reports I've been reading/hearing this week that it's just not good enough. Shame really.
Great review btw.
Well, glad I waited for a review. Sounds like it'll probably still be fun but $20 is way to high a price. Gonna wait till its on sale.
Would buy at $5.
Even after reading the review, I am still very interested. The game looks beautiful, and seems like a fun mechanic. I know it just released, but hopefully they will put it on sale soon... I feel that $14.99 is about as much as I’m willing to spend on a digital only game.
This is a hard 6 for me, too. A decent game that could – and should – have been unmissable. My advice is to wait for a sale, folks.
@Fake-E-Lee Same! I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and only spend money on games that I know – like, cast iron know – that I’ll spend fun times playing. I’ve been caught out on soooo many over-hyped indies. Garage and Fox n Forests being my most recent examples. Oh well, at least I’m contributing to an industry that I love! At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
Like others, I'm glad I waited. I almost took the bait, as a veteran gamer the look did appeal to me. But the strange design choices with the controls are the deal breaker. I can't stand it when a game is made arbitrarily more difficult/annoying because of inexplicable and pointless design decisions. The Switch has, what, 14 buttons on it? There really couldn't have been more than one attack button?
@Yorumi Agreed!
That’s one Psycho Fox.
This is very sad for us to see, as FOX n FORESTS also got some 9/10 and 8/10 ratings. I agree that the game might be a a but too edgy for some, but if you are a true SNES fan or Retro gamer, please give this one a try!
I just started playing it last night. I find the game play very fun, and the controls are easy not "fiddly". It's a little easy (on normal) but it looks great and there is enough in the game to make it worth playing. Maybe 20$ is a little much, should probably be 15$ tops. I'd give it a higher score than a 6 though. I'd give this like a ....7.7
Hugely disappointed!!! Was so excited for this but left feeling bored and unimpressed.
The load screen and map are poor and game play not as intuitive as I hoped.
I played for 30mins but not sure how quickly I will return to it.
@Fake-E-Lee I set my SNES up and loads super gouls n ghosts!!! Now thats a game
That's a shame, but with games like this you just have to nail things like the controls and mechanics as far as I'm concerned, especially in this day and age where consumers are flooded with choice (and there's some genuinely great retro-style platformers out there).
Might check it once it goes on sale but for now it's just not worth it.
I still want it but I need a good sale.
This is definitely a pass, there is way too many of these 2D platformers lately for me to buy every game that gets a mediocre score.
I'm really enjoying this game! The controls don't bother me. In fact they make me feel like a kid again trying to get used to the different feel of a new game. Rick's limitations add just a slight challenge. After an hour of playing I like the duck/melee and jump/spin slash. You have to approach enemies differently based on their size and distance from Rick. Overall I give it an 9/10 for the art, music, story, and level design!
Am I the only person who is liking this game? It's been enjoyable thus far to me.
I can see some of the issues described in the review as far as, say, attacking goes, but it doesn't seem to be as 'awkward' on controls as it's made out to be and, while it isn't as changing a mechanic as it probably could be, I find the season changing to be amusing(like changing to Winter to have an eel that's jumped out of the water crash onto the ice that's made when it's frozen, thus causing it to splatter xD).
The only big gripe I can totally agree on is price, because I can see why it'd be hard to stomach spending $20 on it(particularly considering length of game), but, eh, I used some credit I had to get it between $10-15 pretty much.
@OnBeingHuman I'd say if anyone is still interested enough, especially if they do put it on sale fairly on, take the dive. It's still a pretty charming game imo.
@Fake-E-Lee I am at the same point. Once I started to fill up my 200GB memory card I started to get a lot more careful about the kind of games I buy. It is way too easy to just impulsively buy everything that looks interesting, especially since we get so many low priced indie games.
Ah, dang that's a bit disappointing. Still interested though, definitely pick this up during a sale.
@Lalivero I appreciate the opinion. Yeah, I’m definitely going to be checking it out! I just don’t know if I have the coin for it at the moment.
Still interested in this game, but €20 really is too steep. Waiting for a sale.
@Bonus-Level our man Scullion knows his retro and SNES games. I'll give this a go some day though, both good and bad points made, 6 isn't a bad score if you love the genre etc.
@The_Pixel_King I agree with you on both counts. We might certainly make better decisions regarding game purchases, but at least those purchases help stabilize and create more game production, which is never a bad thing.
I bought this at $20, and even then hoped it would be $15. Which I think starting at that price would have been a much more palatable price.
Think I'll pass on this one, too much competition out there.
I agree with this score. The Controls are absolutely painful. The delay after shooting the crossbow is the worst culprit IMO.
I too was looking forward to this game but was sadly disappointed with the the controls, mechanics and especially the cringe worthy writing. However it is fun after you accept these flaws. I beat it in about 3 hours.
From what I’ve read and heard, just offer the soundtrack to buy and I’m good to go. I’m also curious about an example of a joke from this game that doesn’t land.
Edit: True to my word, I bought the soundtrack.
"If you want to jump to shoot an enemy above you, you can’t. If you want to duck an enemy’s attack and shoot them from a distance, you can’t. If you’re standing right next to an enemy who’s on a small step above you and want to melee them, you can’t"
Good to know the game is trash. Thanks for the heads up.
We traded VC for this guys. It captures the look, but lacks the nostalgia or polish of real games of the era.
That subheading hurts me...
Ahh man was really looking forward to this one. Shame it seems a bit mediocre as it looks amazing. Will probably be free on plus in a year or on sale relatively quickly, will hold off until then.
Considering I haven't even picked up Celeste, I think I'll pass for now.
German humour? Ewww...
Why is matching a 16-bit aestetic perfectly somehow better than adding in some extra graphical touches while still maintaining a 16-bit style? The latter is what these retro games should be doing, and maybe those frame skips wouldn't occur if they weren't trying so hard to be so authentic.
Furthermore, there's no excuse for shoody translations these days. It's not that hard nowadays for even an indie company to find a fluent speaker to translate for them.
Meanwhile, those badly designed controls certainly do sound game-breaking to me, while the central gimmick is rather lame and cliché. This review reads more like a 4/10 to me. I'll pass.
@SouthpawGrammar Thank you! But personally for me 6 is not fair. Other indie games got 7 ratings here that neither show more love, length, a higher production value in my eyes. We probably got bad luck with the one who reviewed this not being our core SNES 16-bit audience (we got 8s and 9s as well on other outlets), but considering that a 6 can be a "make it or break it" criteria for a small indie studio like us I was really hoping for a better score.
Game is now at 9,99€ at the European Store without being marked as a discount, so it seems this is a new regular price.
Played the spring world and that far really enjoyed it as an old amiga gamer.
@SmaggTheSmug Germans including myself have a great sense of humor. Why did you say ew?
@VHSGREMLIN My experience with German humour is that it's usually rather low-brow and primitive, with a lot of slapstick, sex jokes and toilet humour. E.g. compare the Monkey Island Series to the Deponia series: both are very good at puzzles and looks, but Deponia is much more crude and less witty in its jokes.
@SmaggTheSmug that’s not German humor, at all. Methinks you’re just racist..
@VHSGREMLIN Or maybe you are for not appreciating humour other than your home country's?
Please refrain from such nonsense accusations. Sense of humour is a subjective thing and in my experience German isn't my thing (I much prefer British).
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