Having covered the coin-operated portion of the acclaimed Darius series of shmups (with the exception of G-Darius and Dariusburst, which are on the upcoming Darius Cozmic Revelation), we now come to the console side of the franchise, which is represented almost completely here. Unfortunately, that representation accounts for something of a mixed bag of titles.
Heading up the set is the Sega Mega Drive port of Darius II, along with its Western Sagaia variation. It's a fun port of the arcade game, and the reduced difficulty actually makes it a little more enjoyable overall; unfortunately, co-op play has been removed, making it a single-player only endeavour. Sagaia, however, is barely any different at all, meaning it feels a little extraneous to take up a whole menu slot with it.
Also included is the Master System version of Sagaia – until now, exclusive to Europe. It's a remarkable port considering the hardware, still enjoyable to play and genuinely impressive to see how much stuff they managed to throw around the screen. We'd call it one of the best games on Sega's under-rated 8-bit console, and it's really cool to see it included here.
Both the near-identical Super Famicom and Super NES versions of Darius Twin are next up, and they're strong ports of a game we found a little underwhelming to play. It's not that it's bad, but coming from the chunkier Mega Drive Darius II, it's all a touch... sedate. The SNES was famously saddled with a slower processor than its 16-bit rival, and this meant that the few shooters it was blessed with had to be scaled back to avoid rampant slowdown. We prefer our Darius with a little more intensity, and thankfully, that's what we get next.
Darius Force/Super Nova is the Darius that the SNES deserved, an atmospheric and brutally difficult shooter. It's a great fit for Nintendo's system, playing to its strengths by tailoring its level design to the slower gameplay. The usual branching paths are here, too, and the boss battles move a little beyond the series' stalwart aquatic adversaries for a feel rather unlike any other game in the set, or indeed the series.
Finally, we have PC Engine titles Darius α and Darius Plus, the former being an exceptionally rare Boss Rush version of the latter, made in extremely limited quantities. Darius Plus itself is, oddly, a cut-down port of Super Darius, a game not included here – why? It's on the PC Engine Mini console, so M2 (the developers of both the Cozmic Collections and the Mini) have experience with the game. It seems strange to include this lesser version over its superior PC Engine CD take, but it is what it is.
Annoyingly, pre-ordering the Japanese version on Amazon would additionally net you the Game Boy port of Sagaia, which there's now no way to get. A shame, because it's one of the better shoot-'em-ups in the Game Boy's library and well worth playing.
A handful of the games include special Boss Rush and Time Attack modes, but largely the games are presented as they were, with emulation that basically registers as flawless. As with the Arcade compilation, though, there are no other extras to speak of; no galleries, not even a jukebox to listen to the music. This isn't atypical of M2, but given the prices charged for these Darius collections, we expect more than this.
Still, it's all about the games, and they're still good fun. In fact, Darius Cozmic Collection Console is a marginally easier recommendation than the arcade one; there are five distinct titles here rather than three, and they're all worth playing – even if none of them quite reach the glorious heights of Darius Gaiden.
Comments 23
Missing in action:
Never forget!such a great collection of games at such an awful price point!
Maybe if there is a sale I would get this. I do like the Darius games that’s on the Sega Genesis and PC Engine Mini consoles.
NintendoLife will review almost anything before Episode 1 Racer.
Perhaps they could give my toenail clippings a score.
Don't see why they couldn't have put all of the games from both the arcade and console packs on one cart. I feel like I'd be more interested in the arcade pack of the two but to be honest splitting them up just smacks of a cash grab to me.
I'd really like to have the gameboy game. The gameboy emulation on the Castlevania collection and Secret of Mana collection is perfect. It would awesome to have a lot more gameboy games playable in that form of emulation. Also, since I already spent quite a bit on the Japanese arcade collection I'm hoping for a sale someday before I buy the console collection. Hopefully they'll add the Sagaia gameboy game in a patch or DLC...
Too bad there's no Super Darius II for the PC Engine. Didn't make the cut for the TurboGrafx-16 Mini.
Just wish I could do the extra lives code for Darius Twin because I suck at shooters. Tried it several times but no go.
It's a decent collection but the price is way too high for what it is.
The price is the definition of joke.
@dharmajones93 Thank god I'm not the only person that still hasn't beaten games from his childhood...I'm looking at you, Solstice! LOL
Ah yes, Darius Alpha, for the low-low price of $2400, plus the cost of the console. Superb edition to my window shopping. Thank you lmao.
However, $100 for a collection of games that are simply shmups is still a bad pricepoint.
@Franklin We got review code for both Darius collections prior to release, but didn't get review code for Episode 1 Racer until close to launch. That's why these games got reviewed first.
Logic and evidence I see.
Very well.
So, Darius Twin is the easy one? Hell no. I never could complete that game, only my brothers had the skill set to go through it. And it's a marvelous game, the music is really good.
I really think the Arcade collection should have been rated one point higher then this one, but anyway, i'm really glad you reviwed them.
I'm generally very happy about the great shmup coverage we get on NL, it was really nice to see reviews for Space Invaders Invincible Collection, Missile Dancer, Sky Racket and Thunder Force AC on what's probably the world's biggest, most mainstream Nintendo-focused website.
@Franklin What Nintendo Life meant was "We got review code for both Darius collections, The Coma 2, Missile Dancer, Blair Witch, Urban Flow, and approximately 50 other games prior to release, but didn't get review code for Episode 1 Racer until close to launch. That's why these games got reviewed, and will continue to get reviewed, first."
The more annoying bit was paying the same amount for an import cart (my only switch cart) when I’m all digital for the switch because for crazy reasons there was seriously no plans for a digital version anywhere in the world nor a US release and then, boom, out of nowhere one and a half years later they just fart all of this out on us arbitrarily.
@robr Yeah I'm in the same boat. I hate how they released some of these games. They could at least clue us in on a possible digital release or something, like throw me a freakin bone ya know.
It’s the price. It’s too much
Just wait, in a year, the digital version of Space Invaders will appear from the shadows priced around the same. $60 for Space Invaders.
To be fair, I had family that worked for Commodore, so I didn’t have to pay for my last port of the game. Maybe Taito didn’t catch the news that their targeted thirty and forty-somethings of today are less than a third as wealthy as the thirty and forty-somethings that existed back when these games originally came out? 😂
@robr Yeah I think I have learned my lesson about importing these games as well. No point in paying a premium to import a physical copy when I can just wait a while and get it digitally a lot cheaper. But yeah, I think our age group isn't as wealthy as it used to be and I know that I've been trying to really limit how much I spend on games these days, combined with my big backlogs it's just kinda dumb for me to rush into getting games these days.
Games still missing:
Darius (Mobile)
Darius (MD)
Darius R (GBA)
Sagaia (GB)
Super Darius (PCECD)
Super Darius II (PCECD)
I'll wait for cosmic revalation
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