And so we come to the end (for now) of Konami’s triple helping of retro compilations. After giving us an arcade collection that was heavy on the shooters and a Castlevania collection that celebrated the spooky series’ early days, the same treatment has now been given to the Contra series, which offers some of the finest run ‘n’ gun action in gaming history.
There are fewer games in Contra Anniversary Collection than in the others, despite Konami’s best efforts to disguise this on the menu by listing some games twice (as their different regional variations). What initially looks like 10 games, then, is actually only seven: still nothing to be sniffed at, but it’s one fewer than the other collections. It’s also technically only five when you consider that two of the games – Contra and Super Contra – are here in both arcade and NES form.

It’s also worth bearing in mind, though, that the Contra collection doesn’t have a single bad game in it, which we couldn’t say for the Castlevania collection (bow your heads in shame, Simon’s Quest and the first Game Boy adventure). Right from the start, kicking things off with the original arcade version of Contra, it’s clear that you’re dealing with quality here. That said, those used to the home versions will take a little time getting used to the arcade game because its aiming mechanism is very different: it can take time for your character to change the direction they’re shooting in, which can lead to some frustrating deaths until you adapt.
Following Contra is Super Contra, the arcade sequel that features similar gameplay in its side-scrolling sections, but ditches its predecessor’s third-person maze stages in favour of top-down shooting levels instead. It too has a slight delay when you turn and shoot, so if you struggle with the original arcade Contra it’s going to be the same here. It also doesn’t help that, unlike most other arcade games, Contra and Super Contra only let you continue a few times before both decide “nope, sorry, that’s Game Over now”: you can’t just brute force your way to the end with continues.

Those are the only two arcade games in the compilation: everything else is based on home releases. First and foremost of these is the NES version of Contra, among the most well-loved of the games here. It’s fair to say that a lot of NES games fail to stand the test of time but Contra remains enormously enjoyable more than 30 years after it launched, especially when you use the Konami code to give yourself 30 lives and make it a little less frustrating. Also included is the Japanese Famicom version, which adds extra cutscenes and is generally slightly better as a result.
The NES port of Super Contra, or Super C as it was known, is also included here. Whereas the Contra port is more or less a straight recreation of the arcade game, Super C adds a few new levels, tweaks some of the weapons and chucks in some new bosses, making it one of those rare examples in gaming of a home conversion being better than the arcade game it was based on.
As a nice touch, Konami has also included the lesser-known Game Boy title Operation C. This isn’t really a port of Contra or Super Contra: instead, it’s a completely original adventure that borrows elements of each. Many Game Boy adaptations of console titles left a lot to be desired, but Operation C is just as entertaining as the NES games that inspired it, and its inclusion here is far more welcome than the inclusion of Game Boy slog Castlevania: The Adventure was in the last compilation. It also has one of the best renditions of the Contra theme you'll hear anywhere.

Jumping up to 16-bit, this package wouldn’t be complete without the legendary SNES game Contra III: The Alien Wars. Arguably the best of the games on offer, Contra III has some of the most memorable and screen-filling boss battles in gaming history, though it’ll take a lot of practice before you can reach them. Also included is the PAL version, Super Probotector, which replaced the heroes with robots. Conveniently, you’re given the option to play this version in its original 50Hz mode or a ‘turbo’ 60Hz mode (which just brings it up to the same speed as the American release).
Finally, there’s Genesis game Contra: Hard Corps and its European Mega Drive counterpart Probotector (which again ditches the soldiers in favour of cyborgs). Contra games are difficult at the best of times, but the extremely high-speed gameplay on offer here means you’re likely to see the Game Over screen within seconds the first few times you play it. Stick with it and it eventually becomes fun, but this is easily the least approachable of the games in this collection.
Much like the Castlevania offering, emulation in the Contra Anniversary Collection has been handled by the retro porting masters at M2 (of Sega Ages fame), so it should come as no surprise that everything runs flawlessly here. As before you have six different display options: standard 4:3, a pixel-perfect option (which makes the image look a little more square), a horrible-looking stretchy widescreen option, and then all three again with added scanlines. The Game Boy game, meanwhile, gives you the option to play in black-and-white, the classic yellow dot matrix style (easily our favourite) or through a Game Boy Color filter.

An extremely welcome addition is the option to toggle autofire for most of the games (except for the SNES and Mega Drive titles, which already technically include it as standard). This is entirely optional and we’re sure some purists will turn their noses up at the mere thought of turning it on, but it does make some boss fights far less painful on the old thumbs. Just remember to turn it off when you’re trying to put in the Konami code in Contra, otherwise it’ll count the B button more than once and you’ll wonder (like we did) why it isn’t working.
Speaking of the Konami code, the only real disappointment here – for now, at least – is the lack of ability to play the Japanese versions of anything other than the NES Contra. Konami has already stated that they’re coming in a free update: while it isn’t a dealbreaker by any means, most of the cheat codes that give extra lives are only present in the Japanese versions of each game. Contra is a difficult series in general and while long-time fans don’t necessarily need cheat codes the ability to play Contra III with 30 lives or the exceptionally tricky Contra: Hard Corps with 70 lives could make it a lot easier for newcomers to dip their toes into the series without completely drowning in a sea of bullets.

Go into it with the full knowledge that we’re dealing with a selection of difficult games here, however, and you’re in for an absolute treat. Every single game on offer here is a cracker – though Hard Corps may be a little too much for some – and the now token ‘bonus book’ (which is better than those in previous Anniversary Collections) does a great job of tying the whole thing together for retro fans.
While it’s a shame that there are fewer games here than in other Konami collections – we’d have loved to have seen NES title Contra Force or the now-extinct WiiWare title Contra ReBirth – the ones included are universally brilliant. The 8-bit and 16-bit Contra games are among the finest examples of the run ‘n gun genre, and to have almost all of them included in a single release and emulated flawlessly is an absolute treat. Whether you’re a fan of the series or a curious onlooker who’s always wanted to see what the fuss was all about, this is essential.
Comments 57
Is there a way to get the cutscenes in the Famicom Contra in English? I would like to know what is being said.
Great review! I've been on the fence about buying this one. I barely played Contra back in the day, so they aren't really nostalgic for me. They're also difficult, as the review points out. I love that the review mentions the 60fps smoothness of the graphics. Has M2 ever released anything that didn't run perfectly at 60fps? I can't think of anything. They even boosted Virtua Racing from it's arcade frame rate of 30 up to 60! I also miss the WiiWare games. Konami should release a collection of Rebirth titles, but add Parodius Rebirth, Metal Gear Rebirth, Frogger Rebirth, etc.
Can't wait to see what collection they release next!
I can confirm that the NES controllers do work for the NES games and the gameboy game without having to change anything.
Tate mode for Contra is perfection. This was my fave coin-op for months after it's release.
Operation C was one of my favorite Gameboy games. Glad to see it make the cut here.
Love the Konami collections. Even though it's a licensing nightmare, I'd like to see their next one be a TMNT collection of all their NES, SNES, Genesis and Game Boy titles.
Glad companies like Konami are bringing gems from the NES and other systems to Switch. Getting a far better selection of retro titles on Switch from 3rd party collections than anything Nintendo is offering.
@Cotillion I'd love a TMNT collection too. I'm wondering if the announcement of that arcade machine with The Arcade Game/Turtles in Time is in any way any sort of indication that they have figured out the licensing issues, allowing for the possibility of the console TMNT games to be re-released. Probably not, but hey, who knows.
@Jbuggydroid I figured they would...is there any way to access the menu with the NES controllers, though? That's an annoying little thing about the Castlevania collection...
Think im going to hold out for the new contra coming out
Add Contra Rebirth to that as a free update and I'm buying !
Contra Hard Corps is the best game in the series. It's got more testosterone pumping though it than all the Rambo movies combined.
Although I owned a Genesis as teen, I missed out on that game and didn't experience it until a few years ago (co-op with a friend) and it amazes me how great it is.
I do prefer the Japanese version of it for the more manageable difficulty, so I'm wondering how long until that's added in?
@Krambo42 no sadly. I just left my joycons as player 2 so I could access the menu. Tho I only used the menu to set up the display and that was it.
@Jbuggydroid Yeah, it's not the worst thing ever...no reason not to get the game/play with the NES controllers, but man, it's annoying. Oh well, thanks for the info!
Got Contra 3 on import with probably the first ever converter, was just a plain board with one connecter on the bottom and a connecter on the back halfway up, amazing times lol, had the jap version of Axelay too, quality game!!!
I hope the dot matrix effect and Super Game Boy colours M2 are using for their Game Boy emulations is a sign that they're working with Nintendo to bring the likes of Super Mario Land 2, Balloon Kid and Kirby's Dreamland to the Switch (this year would've been nice, but Nintendo don't always bother to capitalise on anniversaries).
I'm not hardcore enough to master Contra: Hard Corps. I'd wait for the Japanese version for the luxury of being able to take three hits per life.
Really wish Contra 4 was on here. A great version of the game. Also a physical version please. Still glad to see this on Switch.
ok Chris, No lie, you're in no way a reviewer I would ever trust in, when you label Castlevania 2 as a bad game. I'm glad you shared your opinion, so that I know to take your scores with a HUGE grain of salt.
Definitely on my Wish List, but I have one very important question: do these games include the Konami Code???
Downloaded this day one and a absolutely loving it, I’ve forgotten just how great these games are, even the Gameboy game is great fun full marks again to M2. For me the ability to save state is perfect for the Contra games as they are brutally difficult, but now at least you have a chance to finish them!
@akennelley1 I'll live ❤️
@scully1888 awww....I cant stay mad at you....you're entitled to your own well-thought out wrong opinion I guess
@akennelley1 While I don’t agree that Simon’s Quest is terrible, I think you’re being a bit harsh there. Yer man Scullion is one of the good guys- his reviews are always well-written and demonstrate that he has thoroughly tested the game/s concerned. His review here, incidentally, is spot-on. This is a great compilation- and I’d argue it counts as 7 games since the arcade games are sufficiently different (graphically, at least, in the case of Contra).
Famicom version of Contra adds more than cut scenes. There's background animations, A map(ala Castlevania) before each level starts, extended ending and more....
Can't trust his review once i saw him mention Simon's Quest being a bad game...still my favorite of the original trilogy.
@akennelley1 castlevania 2 is a bad game though.
Contra hard corps is just too difficult I’m sure it’s a great game but it’s ridiculous I like a challenge contra 3 is quite difficult but at least I’ve managed to complete it and seen all it has to offer I feel like I’m missing out at least if the jap version was there I would stand a better chance plus cheat codes are only usable on the jap version
Now we just need a Metal Gear collection and I'll have all my favorite Konami series represented on Switch.
My first time playing Operation C, not a bad GB game at all. Hard Corps is my main reason for having this game though.
@GrailUK That's what makes me sad: with Tate mode available, Contra for the DS would be the perfect addition to this collection
Yeah, I'm not going to lie, quite a bit of their credibility went down the drain with me with that remark there.
I agree Contra Rebirth and Contra Force would’ve rounded out this Collection even more. I felt the same way with the Castlevania Collection in that they were missing some key Castlevania titles like Symphony of the Night!
I downloaded this over the weekend and I loved it. Interesting how Contra for the NES is far superior to the arcade version. That rarely happens. It's the perfect mix of action, challenge and solid gameplay. It might be the best aged NES game of all time, or right up there with Super Mario Bros. 3 and Mega Man 2.
Super C I played a lot on my NES Classic. Same with Contra 3 on the Super NES Classic.
I never played Contra Hard Corps since I wasn't a Genesis owner. Wow! They definitely got the superior title to the Super NES one.
Maybe a couple missing titles, but likely that's for part 2 of the collection (which likely Castlevania will do as well).
Next: Metal Gear Collection!
It's incredible that there's still no button mapping options here.
Its sad that because of this, we wont have Contra in the NES online service....
Business as usual I guess.
@Nesstephan I’m with you. It really should have Contra 4 and any of the others it’s missing. I could do without the multiple versions of the basically same game.
I’m also not big on the arcade versions of the games. The NES games are way better in my opinion.
Pretty awesome collection, but i really hope they make Contra Collection 2 with Shattered Soldier, Neo Contra, Rebirth and Hard Corps Uprising.
All those later games, particularly the PS2 games SS and Neo were just as good as the originals, but sadly few people gave them a chance after getting burned by the 2 outsourced PS1 stinkers Legacy of War and C: The Contra Adventure.
On a sidenote, it's interesting how the interview with the director of Contra III and Hard Corps foreshadows the new Contra game that got announced at E3, Rogue Corps.
It's not only that he says he's back in Game development. He also mentions that he worked on the Turtles Games, and the new game has some Turtles refferences (the Krang-like alien in the female character's stomach and throwing enemies at the screen.
Also, he mentions he recently found out Contra is popular in China, and now the new game has a Panda character.
Anyway, i'm very hyped for the new game with the Contra III/Hard Corps/SS/Neo man directing it, despite the obvious lack of budget for the graphics.
Sorta Hoping that they do a goemon collection for Japan.
I see people mentioning a Metal Gear Solid Collection here. Let me just say right now that I would be absolutely stoked if that happened. I’d love both the Ac!d games too of course along with hopefully Twin Snakes (hell the original PS1 version is perfectly fine with me too), Sons of Liberty, and Snake Eater. Bonus points for the orig... you know what? Just put them all out there on Nintendo Switch, won’t you, Konami?!
Then can we get a Silent Hill compilation too?! I’m dying to play 2 again! PS3 got the collection! Lemme have it too!
I am a Contra lover from the NES game on. It was a perfect example of how you maximize the potential of a console with the right balance of elements. I still have my NES and Contra game so I was pretty excited to see this announced along with Castlevania. I never had much of a chance to play the Castlevania series since the rental place was always out of them. I purchased the Castlevania collection and I am really enjoying it.
I downloaded Contra the day it released( I detest digital so I really was jonesing for this one) and I was elated to have it in a portable format and also hooked up to HDMI. It has been fun but I feel the higher price is out of line with the lack of games. It should have been the same price as the other collection which actually had more games. As the reviewer said essentially these are duplicates on some releases. The Famicom version was interesting as was the arcade version but not for a higher price. I like what Konami has put out over the years but I will not bite on these collections again. They simply are not worth the money. My rating would be "7"
This one is on my radar. Might nab it on sale at some point.
If I recall accurately, Super C used a modified Konami code that gave 10 lives. Basically they reversed the sequence of everything and made it single, not double, presses of the d-pad. So it was Right, Left, Down, Up, A, B, Select, Start. If this didn't work on Contra 3, I'm sure the options allowed lives to be set higher.
Originally I had this as a day one purchase and then didn't bother. The issue is there's really only 5 games in it and, except for the GB and Sega games, I own all the others already, even multiple times, and I have enough other games to play, including the Castlevania collection. I'll wait for a 50% of deal or something.
Contra hard Corps is as you say the least approachable? I beg to differ. The jp Version is quite handable and with some training it is as fair as the snes entry.
You can even decide to choose different characters and it has branching levels which is great.
Sounds like about 4 different games stretched out by different versions (is there any difference between Contra and Probotector beside main character sprites?).
I'll wait for it to go on sale.
I have played some of the games from the package, but the controls - or rather the lack of customizable button mapping options - sucks when using the Joycons. I for one am used to push the B button for jumping and the Y button for shooting. When I play the NES games, you need to press A for jumping and B for shooting, which is awkward. Same thing with Hard Corps. Things are better with the SNES version, but why did they not let us use the ZR and ZL buttons for forcing the characters to stand while shooting? The L and R buttons are more difficult to target, and in a game that requires fast reaction, it is essential to have perfect controls. Right now this is ruining my fun.
@Reynoldszahl Yes, but that's the Japanese version. As I said in the review (which was correct at the time of writing), the Japanese version wasn't included and the only versions available were the much harder US and EU ones.
I think you should have pointed that out, that there is the jp version which is preferred to play but not included.
@Reynoldszahl I did: 12th paragraph.
@akennelley1 Castlevania 2 has all the content of a great game, but ruins the experience with unclear NES-era cryptic explanations of things you may or may not need to do to progress. I dunno if I'd label it bad, but i wouldn't call it a good game. Feels like a simple hack could probably fix its issues and make it a much more enjoyable game.
oh it HAS been fixed with a simple hack. However, I can't look at a game with such amazing graphics and music, a perfect length, and rock solid gameplay, and say "its bad" because of a few cryptic clues needed to progress. There are really only 2 spots that require a guide of some sort. I really love James Rolfe and everything, but I don't think kids these days should take his word as gospel.
@akennelley1 With respect, I'm not a kid and I disliked the game back in the NES days, long before James Rolfe appeared on the scene. I agree that he influences a lot of people's attitudes towards retro games, but as a 36-year-old who lived it, I'm definitely not one of them. I've disliked that game for nearly three decades.
no disrespect taken at all, I just figured you would have a more objective view, being a reviewer. How do you justify the game being "bad" objectively (as opposed to subjectively)?
Guys, it looks like a new update came out for the package (v1.1.0). Not only does it offer the Japanese versions of some other Contra games, but it also offers customizable controls. I'm having fun now. You should too, so go ahead and download the update!
@akennelley1 You're asking me to do the impossible. It should go without saying that reviews are subjective: asking me to tell you why a game is 'objectively' bad doesn't make sense. I can only tell you why I think it's bad.
I can’t get co-op play to work on this collection? It doesn’t let me scroll down to 2 Players for some reason on any of the games.
Operation C, best boss music on the original Game Boy! I do miss having Contra 4 and Contra rebirth on here, since it basically completes the collection in my eyes.
I wasn't aware this was released! Getting this ASAP.
Imagine if they somehow added Contra 4 from the DS and Rebirth... it would be the best deal!
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