The Switch isn’t lacking when it comes to racing games, but there’s one particular subsection of the genre in which it’s been left wanting so far: rally games. The current king of rally in the gaming world is Codemasters, but it’s been slow to support the Switch and its first offering (coming in 2019) will be a port of 2014’s GRID Autosport, which isn’t a rally game.
Step forward French developer Hylotonn, who’s been responsible for the previous three official World Rally Championship games and now wants to resurrect a much-loved rally series that’s been lying dormant for a decade and a half. The third instalment of V-Rally launched on the GameCube back in 2003: fifteen years later, does V-Rally 4 bring the series roaring into the current generation? You can’t see us, but we’re shrugging our shoulders just now.

The main meat of V-Rally 4 is its career mode, where you buy a rally car and start entering various single races and multi-race tournaments in order to afford better vehicles and upgrades. This money can also be used to improve your repair and research staff, letting you fix your cars cheaper and get better parts for them respectively. It’s all fairly straightforward stuff, even if the UI is a little unwieldy at times.
The main gimmick here that separates the fourth game from its predecessors, however, is that – in an apparent nod to Codies’ DIRT series – there are different types of rally racing on offer here, each with their own fleet of suitable vehicles to buy and upgrade. Naturally, the most obvious (and the one you kick off your career with) is standard rally racing, where you race alone and have to beat a set course as quickly as possible, with the winner being the driver who clears the stage the fastest.
There are two other types of solo racing, Hillclimb (where the tracks you race on have a steady upwards incline) and Extreme-Khana (where you take on more acrobatic courses with things like banked turns, jumps and doughnut turns). The former is good fun, the latter is rubbish; your car’s handling isn’t really sturdy enough to stop it turning into a bit of an annoying mess.

Finally, there are two disciplines that involve racing against other cars. V-Rally Cross is similar to Rally except it’s a standard lap-based event where you race other opponents at the same time. Buggy is similar, except you’re racing in... actually, we’ll let you figure that one out. These events are fun to a degree, although the AI is as smart as a bag of screwdrivers and the numerous jumps in Buggy races will have you cursing the game’s unforgiving physics.
This takes us to one of the game’s most notable issues, regardless of which discipline you choose to race. It feels like these cars are made of cardboard; the slightest brush against a piece of scenery, a ditch at the side of the road or a bump in the track will cause you to go flying and completely lose control. If you can’t put together an entirely clean run, chances are you’re going to come away extremely frustrated – at least early on, when you’re still trying to get to grips with the handling – by the fact that one little lapse can ruin things entirely. The lack of a rewind function will also exacerbate things for amateurs, especially given that some races are more than 10 minutes long and a mistake nine minutes in means you can pretty much forget winning.

Visually, V-Rally 4 is, well... let’s just say it pays an impressively accurate tribute to its 2003 predecessor, whether it means to or not. Trackside detail is low, trees and flowers are blurry, and while there are some occasional highlights – the small village you have to carefully make your way through in some Japan stages is a neat touch – for the most part, this is an extremely underwhelming package in terms of presentation. There’s even lens flare in there.
The worst example of all though is the pop-in, which is among the most blatant we’ve seen in the past couple of generations. Let’s be clear: pop-in happens in a lot of games, particularly racing games where the system can struggle to render and place the scenery in time, meaning it suddenly appears in the distance as you approach it. The key phrase here is “in the distance”, which is something not really adhered to here. Enormous trackside objects like trees and rocks can appear without warning, and the ineffective lighting system means large shadows literally draw themselves onto the road a few feet in front of you, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘chasing shadows’.

Things get even worse in the races against other cars. When you’re doing the solo rally events everything tends to run at a fairly stable 30fps, but some of the V-Rally Cross and Buggy races can become a stuttering, chugging mess, especially when a number of cars are in front of you and there’s an effect like night racing or rain applied. While we get that the V-Rally name is supposed to conjure up memories of late ‘90s gaming, using the same frame rate as GoldenEye on the N64 is maybe taking things a little too far.
The frustrating thing is that despite all of these performance issues, the game can actually get fairly compelling once you put a lot of practice in. Switch to the in-car view and you’ll find the back of your vehicle swings out far less than it does in the standard behind-the-car view (which usually feels like your car’s on an ice rink), and even though the whole ‘mess up once and you’re stuffed’ idea can lead to some infuriating moments, it can also lead to some satisfying ones when you finally nail it and start putting in good race times. The problem is the often irritating journey you have to take to get there.
V-Rally 4 is an old-school rally game at heart, for better and worse (but mainly the latter). If you stick with it you’ll eventually start to master and enjoy it, but the slippery handling and unforgiving ‘no mistakes allowed’ rally races make getting to that point a real slog. On top of this, its numerous performance issues are so severe that they aren’t just ugly, they’re downright distracting: the result being that although this is now the best rally game on Switch by default, pretty much every aspect of it leaves acres of room for improvement.
Comments 87
A real shame was hoping it would be great ☹️
I do like to support the Switch as much as possible but when it comes to Driving / Racing games I'm a bit of a graphics whore so would normally have gone for the PS4 version. However due to very poor reviews I didn't bother.
A real shame as I do remember really enjoying the original versions back in the day
"Not a flavor of the month indie that will be forgotten in two weeks, 5 out of 10" -NintendoLife
Welp, I'll be removing that one from my watch list...
I got the game from the UK eStore, and so far the game is amazing, the only downside is the graphic glitches that happens ( Shadows and lights ) and i believe it is not an issue that will remain, finger crossed for the next patch.
I ll give it a 7/10.
This game is super tough even at just 60% AI difficulty setting😫
Agree with @sandman89 , very disappointing.
Was stoked when this was announced.
Cheers for the review guys.
I somehow expected it to be bad on Switch. A shame.
Performance issues are very common in games these days. That's why we don't buy games day one but rather wait for the unevitable patch to be released. Sometimes it takes one day - sometimes, one and a half year. (I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed.)
So that will probably be sorted out.
Still, I can't help but feel that if this was an ugly indie arcade racer, inferior in every possible way to modern racers, it would get a much higher score here.
But it's only the best-looking racer on the Switch so far, so of course it gets a low score here.
Seriously, my verdict on games is being more and more the complete opposite than the reviews on this site...
Unbelievable, another racing game that is not exciting
This is an area in desperate need for better games on the Switch, there is nothing really new and good at the moment available.
Nintendo should step in with Cruis'n series and bring us something fun to play.
@Rika_Yoshitake Such an insightful comment as usual. Have you played the game? Care to give YOUR opinion of the game? Just trolling because you don't like Indies?
Ha! Racing games not really your thing are they Chris? This is getting a lot of praise from people that have played it on Twitter. Not done my review yet, but have a few impressions videos such as;
@Moroboshi876 It's bad on everything.
@SimonMKWii Why not get more opinions. I'd never make a judgement on a game from a single persons opinion.
@pbb76 On the contrary: my three favourite genres are platforming, racing and sports. I wouldn't accept an offer to review a game based on a genre I didn't enjoy (like RTS or turn-based tactics) because I wouldn't be able to do it justice.
so it is ugly (even on the screenshots!) , and still frequently runs at under 30 fps? And frustrating as well?
@Mr_Horizon Too be honest, it only really runs below 30 in multi-car races. If you just doing Rally its perfectly fine and really shifts. Problem is, there is not really any avoiding having to do multi-car races in career mode, so you have to suck it up eventually.
@construx "Seriously, my verdict on games is being more and more the complete opposite than the reviews on this site..."
So you would give this game the exact opposite of 5 out of 10?
@FredBiletnikoff Way to miss the point... and the joke... you're 2 for 2 so far. Care to go 1 more round?
@pbb76 To be fair, 4Players.de gave this 38/100 and it also got many bad/average reviews on Xbox and PS4 (Metacritic average of 58). It's not like this reviewer is alone.
@BionicDodo Yea - I think I mentioned in my impressions video above, that its got mediocre reviews on other platforms, but for me you expect better on those systems plus they going up against Dirt Rally etc.
I was talking Switch specifically. I follow 4-5 people on Twitter that I know have this already and like me, they are all really enjoying it.
For the Switch, with no competition, I think its a very decent game. I'd personally score it in the range of 7.5-8/10. But... reviewing is all about opinions!
It’s a bad racing game on every platform. Not surprised with the review score. To be fair the learning curve in Dirt Rally is also incredibly steep, so that part of the simulation was probably intentional.
@The_Mysteron : 10 out of 5? 5 out of 10? -5 out of 10?
What determines the "opposite" of a numeral?
So many questions... so little time to philosophise...
@pbb76 The Switch can't handle a game like Forza Horizon 4 or Dirt Rally 2.0, but that doesn't mean that it can't host a realistic looking racing game with a high and stable frame rate. I would rather play a game that looked and ran like Ridge Racer 7 on PS3 than a slightly hobbled version of a below average PS4/Xbox game. If a game like Mario Kart 8 DX is a 9 or 10 then this doesn't sound like it deserves more than a 5 or 6. I'm not saying there isn't fun to be had but that doesn't mean it deserves a high score. I really enjoyed playing WRC4 on the Vita but I wouldn't have scored it above a 7, it just scratched an itch.
@BionicDodo "...doesn't mean that it can't host a realistic looking racing game with a high and stable frame rate..." well, it does so far nearly 2 years in, so perhaps it can't? lol
But seriously I take your point. I agree MK is probably a 9 for me, so if I eventually stick at 7.5 for VR4, I feel thats enough of a gap given what I get out of it. I'm not going to score one game lower just because another similar(ish) game has a high score.
I take each game on its own merits plus those 2 games would be appealing to 2 quite different audiences despite both being racing games...
The Switch isn’t really set up for “realistic” racing sims. Keep it arcade style as it suits the pick up and play nature of the Switch better. Now where’s F zero then? 😊
@pbb76 My point is that it could clearly handle a game like Ridge Racer 7 or Need For Speed Hot Pursuit/Most Wanted at 60fps, but sadly no one with the technical expertise is actually developing a racing game for the Switch.
Frame rate is really important to me in a racing game and I can't imagine giving a game a high score if it fails to even maintain 30fps.
Edit: Hit reply while still typing.
Im not surprised. its a damn shame too I really want an epic rally game on switch
@Moroboshi876 it's bad on all formats. Go check the reviews.
@tourjeff horizon turbo my friend.
@BionicDodo It may be the fact it can handle it, but still, nobody has made a game like that, so you can't really compare a game that is out on the Switch with one that hypothetically could be released?
@pbb76 By that logic would every launch title get a great review because there's not yet anything better in that genre available?
@BionicDodo Doesn't that happen anyways? Launch titles do normally get higher ratings for that reason! (well, I think so anyways). If you look back at some of the launch window titles and re-reviewed them, I bet they'd most likely score lower.
Anyways, we going round in circles, I'm happy to disagree with you on this one. As I said, all about opinions! BTW, have you played V-Rally 4 on Switch? Not a dig, genuine question. Just find it odd though when people have a strong argument against a game when they haven't played it.
@pbb76 Just like I find it odd when people question my opinion when I HAVE played it 😉
@scully1888 I was following your tweets on this last night Chris, that shadow pop-in is horrendous.
@pbb76 Nope, not played it and won't unless a demo comes along. My opinion isn't really about the specifics of this game. I took acception to you suggesting that the reviewer doesn't like racing games because he gave this a bad review. Despite just about everyone giving it a bad review.
I also think that accepting less than we deserve keeps us getting less than we deserve. You don't believe it's fair to compare the performance of a Switch game with the performance of Wii U or PS3 games because those games aren't on Switch. I just find that an odd opinion as they are last generation consoles and multiple games have been ported from that gen (MK included) and had their performance improved along the way.
@scully1888 Didnt so much question it, as respect it - as I've stated!
@BionicDodo But how can you compare if they aren't on the Switch? You said the Switch is "...more than capable of running a realistic looking game with a solid frame rate..." - my argument is, "is it?" Because nobody has made one yet.
Given the decent job Feral have done on iOS with Grid, I'm expecting that to be very good and to tick the boxes you are asking for. But even that, that is a 5 year old game and even on iOS needs a chunky spec to run with cut back effects (although too be fair, they have started to patch stuff back in and open up what it can run on).
But apart from that, every other 'sim' on the Switch has performance issues. The Gear Clubs, MotoGP18, The MX games, Mudrunner and now this. So no... perhaps the Switch cant run a good looking sim and maybe we have to accept if we want these sort of games, we need to compromise our expectations.
Does that mean devs get a free pass? No - I said that above. But also like I said, I'll take this game with a few technical hitches, than not have developers at least try to bring them to the switch.
Its personal tolerance. As a gamer, VR4 is within the limits I am prepared to accept on the Switch to have it on the platform and the chance to play it portably,. Would I accept this same performance on my Xbox X? No, course not.
@pbb76 Fair enough, no worries.
One point I'll make is that while it's clear that the Switch isn't as powerful as other systems, that doesn't give it a free pass when games simply don't get the job done on it. That reminds me of my days at Official Nintendo Magazine when we kept a tally of how many times developers told us their games looked "great for the Wii" (which more often than not ended up in a rubbish game).
The Switch is capable of handling a great racing game. Think of how many were released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, for example. Had this been a solid port of something like Dirt 3, we'd be looking at an 8 instead. V-Rally 4 is just not a good game, in my opinion, and it would be a 5 whether it was on the Switch, Xbox One X or N64.
@scully1888 - have you played Motogp 18, incidentally? I was wondering how it compared to V-rally and Gear Club 2, in terms of playability.
I really want an enjoyable 'real' racer, but all these three I've had high hopes for have got bad/poor reviews.
I guess that could go out to @pbb76 too - is Motogp my safest bet for a bit o' fun?
Can anyone tell me if the negatives and glitches in the game are likely to be fixed during updates pls? I will buy it tomorrow if it is. Thanks
@pbb76 None of those games were made by major developers who had released a racing game with fabulous performance on another platform. The Switch is more powerful than a Wii U, PS3 or Xbox 360 so is capable of running a smooth racing game (other than the 1080p/60fps Mario Kart 8 of course). I can only assume that the reason we don't have one is because the big devs (Codemasters and EA Criterion I guess as we won't see a Forza or GT game on a Nintendo platform anytime soon) don't see the Switch as a platform where racing games will sell. Most of the games you listed are poorly optimised ports from other more powerful consoles.
Hopefully Grid will be a good port and will sell well and that will convince Codemasters to release a rally game and maybe EA Criterion to get involved too.
Ive done a few races and im enjoying it so far. 7/10 for me.
No mistakes allowed is good for me. I'll buy it.
@scully1888 I rate your reviewing style, and I like the fact that you really engage with people in the comments.
@Mii_duck Put it this way - and this isn't a dig at @scully1888 - but I'm sure if Chris reviewed it, it would similarly get a 4-5/10 as it shares a lot of the same issues as V-Rally and GC. Downgraded graphics, some slowdown, doesn't look good (one of the worst looking 180+ Switch games I own!) on handheld.
BUT... again, I've personally found some fun in it. I ended up paying £31 for it for some reason, so wasn't quite as bad as if I'd paid full whack of £45, but probably not worth that either. Its on sale at the moment, not sure how much, but like I said, there is some fun to be had in it for sure.
Generally docked, it looks ok and runs well with no noticeable slowdown. Has a LOAD of modes, starting out in GP2 equivalent and having to work your way up and upgrade your bike, move teams etc.
Has handlebar view and usual 3rd person views. Cant recall if it has a rewind feature (sorely lacking in VR4 tbf), but I seem to think it does.
So in summary; compromised port like VR4, some fun and challenge for sure, pick it up in a sale!
@BionicDodo Yea I hope so too, I get what you are saying now about how well arcade racers ran on those systems. Would have been great to have Burnout remastered on Switch, think a lot of people were expecting that when it was announced.
I'm amazed like I said that nobody has done a port yet of a Burnout or NFS.Surely only a matter of time.
@pbb76 - cheers!
@BionicDodo Switch not more powerful than Wii U !!! most Wii U 3rd Party titles look far better than Switch 3rd Party games.
"The Switch isn’t lacking when it comes to racing games..."
Maybe it isn't, but it is seriously lacking in good ones... I mean, aside from Mario Kart, which is kind of a category of its own (fun kart racers with powerups), is there anything on the Switch in the racing category that is actually great? Not just ok, or good, but really great? Without being a kart racer? (nothing against these, but racing is more than just this).
I've been playing Forza Horizon 4 on the Xbox One recently and THAT's a stellar racing game (although more on the arcade side of things with its physics). How about some open-world racer like this on the Switch? I mean, even the Burnout Paradise remaster that got out on XB1 and PS4 would surely work on the Switch... I would certainly buy that.
Because right now, I'm trying to think of a great racing game on the Switch that isn't a kart racer, and my mind is more on the blank side of things.
So when I read "The Switch isn't lacking in racing games"... I'm slightly puzzled. Like when Nintendo said the Switch have over 1000 games or something like that. That's not important. What's important is how many of these are actually worth playing to you? Maybe it isn't lacking in racing games, but it is surely lacking in great ones I'd be interested in buying...
@ScottishJR Even if that were true, it would not be down to the power of Switch, but a combination of the talent/effort of the third party devs and the fact that many third party games are ported from significantly more powerful consoles where they have knocked down the resolution to try to keep the modern effects. Just compare the Wii U and Switch versions of Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8. The Switch may not be far ahead of the Wii U in terms of raw power, but it is more powerful.
@pbb76 There were rumours a while back about there being an exclusive Ridge Racer game in development for Switch. I would have thought that would have been an easy win for Namco as they'd have had no competition. I loved the arcade and PS1 originals, and more recently the PS3 game, so I'd be really keen on that as long as it had more content than the base Vita game had.
'The Switch isn’t lacking when it comes to racing games.'
Not true. Yes there are a couple of corkers, but it's far from a platform brimming with them. Especially lots of good ones.
@scully1888 Hi Chris, in your review you mention the handling like driving on ice. How would you say this compares to the original Sega Rally for handling ?
I remember back in the day when PS Ridge Racer was being compared to Saturn Sega Rally. There were those that preffered Ridge Racer handling over the ‘Slippery’ feel of Sega Rally. I preffered Sega Rally
I think a demo is required
Really disappointing! The Switch is fantastic, but it does lack in serious racing games.
Well, I have Forza for home play. I just need something for the train.
Maybe updates to fix stuff will come later
@Gerald Yep. 2nd that.
I'm sitting on a $33 pre-order on Amazon - could be worth it. A demo would be great.
@Marios-love-child I knew from the very first advert for this game that it was going to be exactly mediocre at best, and said so at the time.... judging a book by it’s cover can sometimes be appropriate.
That said, given how this looks in the static photos shown on nintendolife I would have some confidence that if a developer wanted to make a good (and good looking) game on Switch it would absolutely be possible. I would say ‘for example’ Dirt Rally, but after codemaster’s so-called attempt at bringing back one of my favourite series ‘Micro Machines’, I’m not holding my breath about their talent, given it will probably require some extra work to get it on Switch in good form. The door is open for someone though... so let’s see a good racing game!
Starting to feel like racing genre will be the one genre that switch owners will never get a good game. Not including MK8. I mean realistic racers.
“Maybe updates to fix stuff will come later”
This.... is exactly why many developers can get away with releasing unfinished products. Taking advantage of the potential to update at any time. Not being able to update a game obviously meant more work back in the 90’s for example... but at least the games used to release in a condition that felt finished.
We pay money for products that clearly need work (which seems blatantly obvious when day one patches are basically the complete norm).
Meanwhile... yes hopefully they update this
*Nostalgic rant over
I really wish the Switch had analogue triggers for this sort of thing. The game does look nice though.
@GrailUK I am ok with using the right Analogue for Accelerater and Braking. I’ve never driven a race car before, not sure if there is a lot of left foot braking going on, I don’t see the need to brake and accelerate at the same time
Not having a dig 😛
@Gerald No, it's quite alright. It's just what I'm used to. (Besides, I am more thinking for drifting in F-Zero lol)
@FTL Unfortunately we sometimes pay to be beta testers. it happens less on consoles. I've always had a PC also - so patches are something normal to me. But I hear you.
I'm in the US, so still some time before the release. Hoping for a day 1 patch - Rolling like Windows 🙃
I enjoyed this review!
@scully1888 Hope you get to review Grid when it comes out. I'm really hoping it will be the go to Switch racer for a more SIM like experience.
@Gerald The thing with Sega Rally though is that its roads are nice and wide, which means you have enough space for the slippery handling and can swing it round all over the place. That isn't the case here.
@Rika_Yoshitake Lol pretty much. I stopped taking the reviews here seriously when they got critical of games that I actually enjoy while hugely praising indie games that I instantly get bored of, never play again, and regret buying.
Got this game yesterday and think it is great.
Play it as a rally game and not a multicar racing game as rally is suppose to be. Runs smooth and apart from the lighting issues that don't hinder the gameplay in any way then it's well worth the money. Unless you can't handle the vehicles in which case stick to Mario kart with the little handling Ariel aid switched on lol.
@scully1888 I get what you’re saying, but stage 3 and lakeside were quite narrow in places, and with the Stratos was challenging. That was the beauty of Sega Rally - it only had 4 stages & 3 Cars, but to shave a tenth here and there off your lap time felt very rewarding.
If V Rally handles like that, this might be for me, although I’ll wait for a sale. I’ve seen some you tube video’s of this, i totally get you on the visuals
Edit: Thanks for the response by the way, it’s fantastic that you engage with the community on your reviews
Welp, hope we can look forward to Grid Autosport being great. We shall see.
That feeling you get when you pull off a clean section and get those green lights...oh so good!
Probably my favorite racing game on Switch, theres just something about Rally games that Ive always preferred over traditional racers.
@The_Mysteron 10/5?
The learning curve and handling are both horrendous in this game. I had high hopes for this, perhaps too high, but as fun as the rallycross and buggy events are, the standard rally mode will crush your enthusiasm as you spin around at every corner (when you don't hit a stone that flips your car right over, that is).
More Dirt Rally than Dirt 4, sadly. Games are supposed to be fun, not a headache and a chore.
@Gerald Rallycross and buggy races are very good in this, but the rally tracks are so narrow that you'll be bumping rocks in no time, flipping your car multiple times over.
This is as far removed from Sega Rally as can be. In fact, I'm suffering from thrush at the moment and V-rally 4 still manages to irritate me much more. Save your money, this game will plummet in price very soon.
How do games like this play without analogue triggers? I'd be interested to know if the absense is noticeable. It's fine in kart racers, but...
@quartet1986 thanks, that is also the feeling i’m getting from the Videos i’ve seen, i’ll take your advice
@quartet1986 - I'm sorry to hear your itchy trauma, but that has to be one of the review quotes of the year - "I'm suffering from thrush at the moment and V-rally 4 still manages to irritate me much more."
Anyone know how much of a download is needed if I get this game physical?
I think this reviewer forgot to turn on TCS. The switch has no analog triggers, so controlling vehicles becomes a nightmare. I thought so too as I usually turn traction control off, and the game was borderline unplayable. However, TCS on solved the issue immediately an I was killing it in the rally mode.
As a rally game, this is the best on the switch so far. I urge anyone looking into this to check out youtube videos of the gameplay on switch to seriously see what this game is all about. I was sceptical at first, but I had ample time to see if the handling model was for me. I am happy to say it is miles better than Gear Club 1 or 2.
The vehicles here have weight, and that matters. It is no Dirt Rally, but giving it a 5? Are you kidding me? This has rally stages that can go for as long as 7 minutes! Mastering the handling is part of the fun, and I was drifting into corners meticulously to cut down on times.
This is a fun game. It simply requires patience and careful driving. If you are flipping over, you are going into corners to fast. BE PATIENT, slow down and drift into corners. Let go of the gas to regain control, and you will be fine.
I understand though it is your opinion, but this game is definitely superior to Gear Club 1 or 2 in nearly every category except maybe resolution. It is not even a contest at all as far as gameplay/depth is concerned.
The frame-rate is very good in the rally sections, but it seems chuggy in the buggy section/rally-cross due to multiple ai vehicles. I haven't spent too much time in those modes, so I am not going to defend it there.
Just my two cents though, I don't want to be the one to convince anyone to drop $60 on any racer. But I would encourage anyone frustrated by Gear Club or MXGP to keep an eye out for this, especially if it goes on sale. This game is at least worth your time I think, even more so considering there is not many solid licensed car racers on the Switch.
And to those thinking 'oh, well on other platforms it bombed, so it is probably crap', my argument is this: how many other AAA racing sims/simcades are on those platforms? Of-course it was gonna flop lol!!
End of rant
I've played tough rally racers on the 360, that were close to real life handling (I have owned real VW sand rails before)... one or two on the 360 felt real close (minus bumping your helmet)/ tough, needing a gentle touch (tactile finesse); but that was meant to be. Someone trying it first time, not knowing this might think the game was crap, when the controls are extremely sloppy (close to accurate: in real life at high speeds, 'specially when not all your wheels are on the ground, most of the time...) This is what I'm hearing in the review, but I'll wait for the sale.
On another note: I wonder what inspires/dissuades these game makers of racers from putting them on Nintendo platforms, do they just think no one will be interested? or do they see the low sales (from a crap made game) and assume we don't like racers...
One last thing. Fast RMX = Great game, why can't more racers be like this?
What an absolutely awful game.
Rally Rock n Roll facing is 3 quid and better!
@TBV121 I agree completely. I’m really enjoying this game, and based on what I’m experiencing they’ve ironed out any graphics issues; it looks and runs great, and is a ton of fun. And yes, I also discovered that TCS is a must with the switch’s analog triggers. I almost gave up on it until I figured that out.
@RsIV yeah I think they must have added the dynamic resolution, in handheld at least (I don't play docked) because the resolution tanks when playing rally Cross whenever there are lots of vehicles on screen, but it runs smoothly. It's not a perfect locked 30fps all the time but 99% of the time it is, so kudos to the developer for updating and and making it run better.
It's a very hard game. I'm loving it though. I turned on ABS but keep TCS off and found as long as you feather the triggers and don't just gaaaaaaaas then braaaaaaaake you will do fine. It's a sim, not an arcade racer.
Did I play a different game? Got this yesterday and I really enjoy it. It looks good, runs fluid and plays well. But I guess it was patched
@Nintendo4Sonic Get on discount for 5 euros yesterday, the game itself is good, it runs and looks very well, but unfortunately the game servers is shut down, so no online, leaderboards or times to attack in quick races.
It's fool that a only 5 game years old, normally still sold at full expensive price, has already the server down.
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