When most people pick up their Switch, they'll likely be grabbing a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild along with it. If you're picking up another game with your console however, we strongly suggest you consider Super Bomberman R. If you've never before played a Bomberman title before - and let's be honest, the explosive hero has been out of the game for a while - then you're in for quite a treat.
Bomberman games, are, by definition, very focused experiences. In that sense, Super Bomberman R is a perfect foil for Breath of the Wild's spacious open world; its small, grid-based combat is as enjoyable now as it was many years ago on the SNES - which is great, considering that the game it's most like is the 16-bit classic Super Bomberman.
If you haven't yet played a Bomberman game, don't worry - they're very straightforward. The single-player mode drops your Bomberman onto a grid littered with obstacles and enemies, with your goal being to blow it all up and unlock the exit. Bombs explode in a cross-shaped pattern demolishing any destructible objects and enemies caught in the blast - as well as your character, if you're not careful. When you begin, your can drop a single bomb with a very small blast radius but as you destroy more objects you find power-ups that increase the number of bombs you can drop, how large their explosions are and even items which grant you new abilities, such as the power to kick a bomb to cause it to slide down an aisle, or to pick up and throw a bomb over obstacles.

The story mode has its own campaign and is infinitely more fun when you're paired with a friend. Each level consists of about 8 stages and takes place on a different planet. Between each level there are cute animated cutscenes that showcase each Bomberman's unique personality, and at the end of each level there's a two-stage boss battle. The first stage is a simple one-on-one (or two-on-one in co-op) battle, with the second stage being on a larger scale on an open arena. After clearing the stage you'll be given a number of gems and a rank ranging from one to three stars based on your performance. Story mode can be cleared in a couple of hours, but it's still fun to replay with friends if you're feeling more cooperative than competitive.
The game's campaign does a good job of drip-feeding the various play mechanics, including new enemies which can hop over walls and multi-player arenas which require you to ascend and descend ramps to reach other sections. In terms of invention, there's not all that much on offer here and hardcore Bomberman fans may feel like it's a step backwards in some ways, but given that the series has had an extended hiatus the game can be excused for focusing on the core components and taking the "refresher" approach.
There's no denying that when played alone Super Bomberman R can feel a bit repetitive, but it's a game that was never really meant to be experienced solo. The Bomberman series has always been multiplayer-focused, and that legacy continues in this latest iteration. Super Bomberman R is one of the few Switch titles to support online play at launch. At the time of writing we weren't able to comprehensively test this portion of the game outside of a few matches, but it worked well enough with no major issues concerning connections or lag.

Being able to face off against other players anytime you want online is great, but local competitive play is easily the game's hallmark mode. Playing any mode yields gems which can be spent to either continue in story mode or to customize your Bomberman's appearance for use in any of the game's modes.
You can play with up to 8 players on the 11x13 grid the series is famous for, and there are multiple maps to choose from, many of which introduce some pretty tricky challenges for players battling it out with one another. Even if you die, you needn't lose heart; you'll be able to earn your way back into the fray if you manage to take out another player from the sidelines - you can hurl bombs a limited distance while skirting the outer edge of the battlefield, a cool feature which was introduced in the series many years ago.
Super Bomberman R is a no-frills entry in a series which has been dormant for far too long. It's hard to believe, but it has been nearly 10 years since we had a proper Bomberman title on a Nintendo console, and the Switch's unique focus on local multiplayer makes this a perfect fit - we can finally put the Sega Saturn version with its cable-tangling multitap accessory in the cupboard. Support for Switch Pro Controller as well as single and dual Joy-Con play - along with local network and online multiplayer - make this the go-to multiplayer launch title for old-school gamers who those who have never played a Bomberman title before and want to see what all the fuss is about. If you're looking to share the joy with your friends at launch, Super Bomberman R is your best bet, but for those flying solo, it might be a less fulfilling experience.
Comments 170
this does look great, I think I'll wait for a price drop though before investing
I am still not conviced. Specially because of the price.
If only I was rich!
Is it a pain having no D-Pad to play it with?
@Fandabidozi I haven't found it to be an issue, no.
Just managed to pick this up for £21 in game by trading in a few wii u games that were gathering dust so doesn't quite feel so bad
My switch isn't due to be delivered for another couple of hours though so don't have anything to play it on yet haha 😂
It looks good, but £50 good, I'm not convinced.
Definitely getting it. This was probably the franchise which gave me the largest amount of fun multiplayers hours out of the entire SNES library.
It's a shame that there isn't a lot of innovation, though. I wish they'd at least brought back stuff like those kangaroo-like mounts.
Will buy it...for half price. Puyo Puyo Tetris is priced perfectly here for 30 euros.
@Marios-love-child I share your pain while staring at my Zelda cartridge. Will get this if it comes down in price a little. Probably £35 and I'll bite
€50? Good one Konami. Take a run and jump off a cliff.
i nirly got bomberman insted of Zelda. But the pre order tee on the Nintendo UK site forced my hand lol
@Marios-love-child @beazlen1 same here iv got LoZ BotW sat infront of me and wating for the Switch now lol.
What have you gone for? im getting the Neon (as i want 2 red Joycons eventualy lol)
@r1chard Be fair - you could get it for £38.85, although sold out currently.
But available for £39.95
Getting this along with Switch and Zelda in... let's see... 4.5 hrs from now 😄
"game it's most like is the 16-bit classic Super Bomberman"
That's what's up
Was hesitant to pick it up due to the price but I ended up getting it without any money out of pocket by trading in a Wii + some games.
Any other modes besides Story mode (with co-op) and local/online vs battles? Never played a Bomberman game before, but have played the tanks games in Wii Play and Crash Bash which are pretty similar from the sounds of it
I want it but can't afford the £50 for it after all the Consoles, amiibo and Zelda Wii U and Switch....
I ordered the grey version as it was the only one available at the time when I placed my pre order. Ideally I would have preferred the Neon version
wow an 8 for a modern bomberman game.
@Volmun same neon JC plus preordered snipperclips JC bundle at Amazon so I can have complete red and blue sets.
Wanna see another Bomberman on Switch in different genre such as Racing, Party +Open World, Tactical RPG, etc.
I am not really interested in this game. I'm gonna get BoTW and Fast RMX. I might pick it up later down the road, but not today.
In multilplayer, CPU bots have only one difficulty - perfection, to the point where even my friend who is an expert can't beat them.
Love bomberman, but that's too expensive !!
There's plenty of amazing and fresher co-op and multiplayer expericences coming soon, so I'd rather wait a bit.
@Pahvi I did just that, Showel Knight is better deal for Switch.
It looks alright (though a bit expensive). However, I am still waiting on a truly amazing Bomberman game to compete with Bomberman 64 (easily the BEST Bomberman game of all time!).
For that price, I'd expect a confirmation that Bomberman will be included in the next Smash.
@beazlen1 @Marios-love-child ahahahaha I've bought Breath of the Wild, Super Bomberman R, a Sandisk Ultra 128gb card and Wolf Link amiibo but I didn't bought my Switch yet, I'm Brazilian and Nintendo left us back in 2015 due our high import taxes, the only way to get Nintendo related products here is via gray market and while we can get a game for a acceptable price, the same doesn't apply to a console, most of Switch offers are on Mercado Livre (an ebay like Brazilian site) and the majority of sellers are requiring 1000ish USD, so I'll wait until the hype settle down which can be a month or a year T_T
But I'll not resist, as soon as a Switch reach 400 to 600ish USD I'll get mine.
Any word on frame rate? Is it 30fps as mentioned elsewhere? Does it affect gameplay? In any case, it's too expensive at its current price. Would get it at half price.
8/10 my ass. From what I've heard it's just the same old Bomberman, but now with a 50 dollar price tag.
Other reviewers are handing out 5/10s and 6/10s.
I love Bomberman, but the price is too much.
I bought the SNES cart back in the day. It's Switch launch day, and I STILL don't know if that purchase will transfer. Way to go Nintendo.
Didn't bomberman blast on Wii already let us put the multi tap and sega Saturn away?
How about Custom Battler Bomberman NDS with Futuristic looking and Cyber world ? This title is pretty good even on 2D.
Yeah, last time we only get ONE Bomberman game on Wii.
Hi. Still grumpy with Nintendo games as usual ?
It's Bomberman. It needed to come coated in gold with a Bomberman amiibo, a level-up campaign, maybe an OST, and like 10 free DLC packs for that price.
Weeee......!!! (Jumping from cliff, landed on Pillow Land)
$50 Super Bomberman R, Here I come !
Oh, I forgot. You don't want this game ? I'm gonna get this one.
Agree with everyone else. Bomberman is great, but this should have been a £15 download. £50 is obscene.
Will be getting this game soon once I had the money ready.
@Anti-Matter Nope, just stating the facts as usual.
Getting this for $40 through Best Buy's gamer club, so I'm pretty content. I still play Saturn bomberman and the SNES versions with friends, so this is a no brainer for me
I'll buy it when the price gets slashed by 50% or more
@Yasume facts my a@@, it's almost like different reviewers have different tastes and opinions. Shocking, right?
@gcunit that's like how you could get the console for £198. Did anybody get one from Gameseek or was it just a marketing scam?
@gortsi It's a fact that they handed out those scores I mentioned.
and it's also a fact that this site gave it an 8, so this reviewer liked it more than others. I don't see where the problem is. have you played it yourself?
@Yasume - I arbitrarily rate this game 50,000/100. There's a fact. State that as usual.
I'm still waiting for my version of Bomberman to come through the door but the postman came earlier so I'll just have to wait till tomorrow...
@Pj1 did you get the charging situation figured out?
Bought it along with Zelda. Can't wait to play it!
Definitely getting it as soon as I get a switch. Always love bomberman and co-op bomberman even more so.
Did they ever come out with Bomberman 64 on the VC? I'd love to play that again too, even more so if they included online multiplayer or co-op somehow
Sounds pretty fun. I'll be playing it mostly solo since I'm really getting it because I never played it back in the day, wanted a second physical Switch game at launch, and wanted something a little different from Zelda which I'll be spending my time on. Local co-op won't be viable for a while since everyone will be playing BotW
Just noticed what I assume to be a new "Scroll Down " for the "Our Review" segment up top. Clever! Nice to encourage folks to actually read the text instead of stopping at the top. When this game hits $20, physically or digitally, I think I'll be on board. Just not interested enough to go for it at near-full-retail price.
@MarioPhD Yeah I noticed NL made the SWITCH(click) to the new design coloring, new logo coloring, all in Switch/Nintendo red now rather than Wii Blue, along with other subtle changes to a less "Wii/Apple-esque minimalism" in design. It looks great!
I've got the game and I think this is a very generous review. I think it deserves a 6, and that's probably being kind.
@Moon r u still enjoying the Switch? Battery issues better?
@Aslanmagic the battery charged better when I was 'trying' to play Zelda. Thank You for asking me
Did you find this @Moon ?
@MadAdam81 good to know. I'm something of a bomber god (have spent over 1000-hours, in my life, playing various Bomberman games, primarily Super Bomberman 2 which was something of a college sport in my day) but between this and the frame rate, this game screams unfinished.
@Pj1 ok good! Hope you're enjoying!
Glad to hear that this is a return to form...am picking this up as well.
Preordered but haven't tried yet. I feel a lot better about it now. To me this really is the multiplayer game for launch.
@Aslanmagic I am trying to get into Zelda! never really sat down to play it and yet I've got every Zelda game. I don't own the physical versions on N64 but the VC ones and 3DS.
Still looking forward to playing Super Bomberman when it arrives....
@Pj1 @Aslanmagic Hey guys! I am enjoying the Switch, though I've still not yet booted Zelda (because I'm dog-sitting at the moment, yay!), but I did take it into portable mode for a bit and played Snipperclips which is awesome fun, think I've almost finished it now though.
In regards to the battery, I left it docked over night and was 100% this morning. From what I can tell the dock/AC adapter is the only good way to charge the thing. The USB A - USB C cable wasn't charging it at all (or 'enough'), despite showing the charging icon. I'll try it again later but I don't think that method will work unfortunately
Might have to grab myself an extra official AC adapter, hopefully they sell them with longer cords than the one that comes in the box.
Been looking at the comments...Bomberman never was a deep game, more for multiplayer. If you intend to play online and enough people join in, this could be a classic for Switch.
@NEStalgia Every time you make the Switch-Click noise from now on, you have to link an animated GIF of the logo.
I'm just happy Bomberman is back. If this recalls Super and Saturn, that's hands down great for multiplayer. Not as good for single player, but hopefully this means we will eventually get new Bomberman adventures in the vein of BM64 again.
Spent tons of hours on several Bomberman games in the past, always multiplayer. If the price drops quite a bit, I will definitely pick it up.
@PlywoodStick Don't tempt me!
@Moon I got an extra one as far as I could tell its not any longer, I could double check though....
OK fella, I've double checked it is not any longer than the one that came in the box, I am a little disappointed by this as the Wii-U power adapter is and was long enough. Both for the console and the Wii-U game pad. I'm considering getting another joycon grip though but not yet
@Yasume you're the most negative person on this site. cheer up.
@Fandabidozi It does support the Pro controller too, just saying. But no I haven't found any issue using the joy-con individually or in the grip, though individual joy con seems to feel better than using the grip on this title.
I picked it up last night from Best Buy using my 20% off with their Gamer's Club Unlocked program and then part of a VisaCheckout offer from a few weeks ago to preorder it. Basically walked out the door with it for around $30, which for me seemed like about the right price.
I've only had the chance to play it for around 30 minutes with my son last night and it was really fun. Though multiplayer can be a lesson in frustration as you have to avoid enemies and friendly fire.
Very strange review indeed, reminds me more of the text at the back of the gamebox but, perhaps its worth noting that the developer of that game already noticed some issues (by first day reports of users) with it that (miraculously) nobody at Nintendo Life noticed... weird.. hum.. anyway here it is:
"Konami issued a statement about the Super Bomberman R lag, recommending that for battle mode, players don’t use the Joy-Con Grip, but rather change to Handheld Mode or detach the Joy-Con controllers for Tabletop Mode."
Yes, Next-Gen consoles cant handle demanding games like Bomberman anymore, hence:
"we can finally put the Sega Saturn version with its cable-tangling multitap accessory in the cupboard. Support for Switch Pro Controller as well as single and dual Joy-Con play"
No, we cant, and yea, i prefer a 100ft cable stuck to 3 adapters and some multitaps instead of a broken "wireless" connection. Your mentioned "support" for single and dual Joy-Con-play is a (unintended) lie ... so why not actually write the review after testing the game?
Just already by googling "Bomberman Switch Joy Con" you will find plently of videos demonstrating the problems... but no, in the laboratory of NL.. it was "perfectly" smooth and let me repeat again, they dont see any issues with it cause its just a "minor" glitch ... so wait until Link jumps out of the window when your controller detaches.
And no, I dont play 1m away from my 55 inch screen to keep a stable connection.
My theory is: Nintendo went to Konami asking
"Hey, listen, you got any game coming up.. like nothing too fancy.. something you can port very quickly on our new console?" ..
and Konami answered ..
"Sure, we do, we got this nice upcoming android game .. a port of Bomberman .. we will charge 9.99 for it in the google store soon...care to join?"
But Nintendo had other plans
"No No, that wont be necessary, we do like this, we make it 50, we split half half.. but you got only like 4 weeks left and we have virtually nothing, so dont worry, it will be a hit, cause theres nothing else to buy"
Konami looked puzzled but didnt care much as it was a sure-money deal for them..
"Hmm.. yea, well, 4 weeks, eh? .. not sure our touchcontrols will port fine for your lego pads ... but we will try.. you got the pro controller out, right? So worst case, some complain and we issue some apology"
Nintendo didnt seem worried about that
"Nah, come on, we take care of that.. we got Plantinum points to make up.. and on top, everybody loves free wallpapers"
Konami went on to shake hands and voila ... BOMBERMAN SWITCH
@Pj1 Eugh, that totally sucks. I don't want to buy third party if I can help it but looks like I've got no choice. :/ Thanks for checking for me!
I'm grabbing this tomorrow. Can't wait. And Konami, if you are reading. Bring your old classic catalogue of IP to Nintendo Switch. WE LOVE GAMES HERE, NOT CUT SCENES!
Glad Bomberman is still around, but I miss the days of Bomberman64.
Great review! Glad you guys liked it I'm loving it so far. But I'm a bit confused on how to get Gems? I used way too many of them trying to beat the first world at a difficulty I guess I wasn't ready for. I played online (won my first match!) but didn't get any Gems:( so do I have to play offline battle mode?
@Moon yeah I think I'll get myself another adapter as well. Hope you're having fun!
I have about 5 bomberman games now. Some have more solo story modes, some have better graphics, some have different landscapes, but they all play exactly the same to me. I really like them but to me it seems like the same thing every time just more or less gilding. This one is polished and expensive but probably plays just like the rest of them.
@Pj1 I have the system and Zelda now...now I have to find time to play!
I was gonna get the Switch just for Breath of the Wild, but when this game was announced, I was sold. Now that I am finally playing it, I am honestly enjoying it so far. Just got through the first world and boy oh boy, Magnet Bomber was brutal
I'll also admit now that $50 is a bit steep, but for what I paid out of it so far, I ain't taking it back. Definitely worth more value than 1-2-Switch, though.
It seems very good, but the price is kinda meh. Maybe if there is a sale!
Why does it say "Scroll down " next to Our Review? And score says NA when there's clearly a score?
I'm considering it, but it's $65 here. Maybe when the price drops I'll pick it up.
The price tag doesn't come in to the review unless there's a severe lack of content. What's nice to see here is a genuinely new Bomber Man game, and it seems to have struck this reviewer positively.
IMO it's much weaker than the retro Super Bomberman titles and in some ways is bit lacking when even compared to Bomberman Live.
The game doesnt allow changing difficulty of bots who act like theyre on the highest difficulty (save for the one or two glitches I encountered). Options themselves in multiplyer are pretty basic in general with no minigame for the winner and very basic powerups available. Kind of ridiculous when you consider the price.
The graphics and looks of levels arent too great IMO. At times the perspective is problematic, especially in Story. Frankly im disappointed. I expect more from a release of this price but frankly it feels inferior to the cheaper past digital versions as mentioned.
Im a big bomberman fan so i want it to succeed, but personally i dont think the end product reched the potential of what the series had previously been.
I'm a big Bomberman fan and I only played it solo so far, but it does seem to be missing something in the story mode. The main draw to this game is bombing your brother or friend. I can't wait to do that. I wish I was 10 again so I could do that all day. I guess I'll wait for a beer pong and game party later this month to bomb my friends and brother. I like it, but I would wait for a price drop. I would rate this game a 7/10.
This caught my attention since the reveal. have fond memories of bomberman on NES. It'll be looking to pick this one up when I get a Switch.
Love that Game Info tag on the site of the page. Nice job on the new design, looks great.
Has anyone else in australia noticed that this game is $65 for the eshop digital version while in the stores the cheapest I've seen is $79.
@millsy_muss : $75 at Big W.
@sillygostly still. You dont normally find it cheaper on eshop at launch.
Having purchased this for about $30 with some judicious discounts and gift card usage, I can say that's it's well worth that investment.
I'd heard that the visuals were rough, and that the pace seemed a little sluggish at 30 FPS, but that's not been my experience at all. My wife and I are playing the campaign co-operatively, but the battle mode is where it really shines. I played a couple of matches there after completing the campaign's first world, and it is delightfully hectic. Great music, too!
In any case, I see this being a pretty reliable multiplayer game over the next few years, either in-person or online, so I'd strongly suggest buying it if (1) you enjoy multiplayer games and (2) the price is a little bit lower.
@River3636 For a multiplayer session, I don't know if anything could be better than this game. It's even decent playing against the AI! Enjoy
If this was a $20 digital launch game, it would be essential. At $50, both this and 1-2 Switch are making early days of the Switch ROUGH.
Thank goodness Master Blaster Zero is only going to be $10 next week. DAMN. I was expecting $15 minimum. Sunsoft gets it.
User ratings 2 😕
@Yasume I would be giving it the same score. There's a fact for you.
@Boxmonkey Probably sore because they can't afford it at launch.
Lol when u dock it so many times the screen scratchers,more money to spend on a screen protector. So many things negative with this machine,, battery life,no AAA 3rd party,weak as a home console,poor game line up apart from zelda,joy-con issues.the list goes on,high price without a game for a machine that is weaker than its competition as a home console and way overpriced as a handheld... Prediction lifetime sales 20 million.... This isn't just me sounding off,if you go to other forums that are not Ninty biased but filled with ppl that just love gaming you will find all these points to be a big issue and its put ppl off buying a switch even Ninty fans like myself
!!!???? Was this reviewed during online multiplayer? Almost the whole point of this game!???
The controls are laggy as hell! And it is entirely unplayable. Bomberman needs to be fast and responsive to cope the intentsity of the type of game it is.
You go online:
Lay a bomb,
Try to turn corner away from bomb before explore? A literal 3 to 4 yenthsbof a second before he moved. On a bomb that has a 3 second fuse that also may have been planed by someone else? That is a massive deal and a huge fail.
The movement controls have too catastrophic a delay for this to be playable online. It needs fixing and it needs fixing fast
A relaunch of the SNES super Bomberman. This just isn't as good. Which is ridiculous as it is so basic in concept
@Fandabidozi No not at all.
I always loved bomberman, had so much fun with this game back in the days. This feels like a wel made board game lol. Whem u play with friends and family to enjoy the time playing these games, same as 1-2switch.
I would love to see bomberman in smashbros, together with Megaman, mario, sonic etc. He surely fits in the smashbros roster.
@DESS-M-8 No lag for me.
@NintySnesMan Lol, I've had zero issues with the joycon at all, and as for the scratching, well, that's what screen protectors are for. Also, being very careful when taking out/putting in the dock helps. Some people in full whining mode for no reason, probably because they are in full-on regret as now - after all their whining - the plan to walk in and grab one on launch day failed perhaps? Whatever reason, the constant commentary on the nit-picky things is getting beyond old. It's a great bit of kit, naysayers be damned to hell.
I'll give this a miss since it sounds like it's best to be played with others locally, and I don't have many people nearby to play with.
@Iggy-Koopa how different things would be if a couple of grey stubble based shooters were announced. That's the real root of the crying methinks. Not enough uncanny valley.
@Yasume I felt it's not as fun as old Bomberman. Multiplayer is very bare bones with few options and basically no custom game options. I'll stick with the vastly more fun Wii version that was a fraction of the price.
And the "story" mode just has a bunch of random levels that unlock cutscenes with weird voice acting.
The game is so lite on features compared to every other release that it's not even worth 1/4 of the price, especially when the Wii game can be played on Wii U and I think the 360 Bomberman Live games are BC with Xbox One.
@NintySnesMan If you are reading Kotaku click bait articles about the Switch they have made hilariously wrong claims.
For starters, everybody with a brain buys a screen protector for a device with a screen. A small handful of people had joy con issues before launch, and zero after day 1 Switch update. While the kickstand isn't made of carbon fibre, it can't break because it is designed to detach under pressure so it can't break.
A PS4 and Xbox One are also not powerful enough compared to PC, buy the Switch does what nothing else can - deliver home console games on the go. Also I don't recall PS4 or Xbox One having a AAA third party title on launch either, and a max 5 or 6 games in all, not the dozen+ with the Switch.
@OptometristLime It's got far less multilayer content than their budget titles. I was expecting 4 times the content for 4 times the cost. We got 1/4 in the end, very little choice, very little options.
@MadAdam81 I like that "everybody with a brain" statement.. .anyway, there seems to be a worldwide conspiracy claiming otherwise:
"GameSpot reached out to Nintendo once again following the update's release today and has still not received any comment regarding its stance on the issues."
Perhaps you could reach out to Gamespot and the others following that magic update and make them understand via some jedi trick that "a small handful of people HAD issues.. never proven in the first place.. and anyway, ZERO issues whatsoever AFTER day 1 magic update"
Speaking of "hilarious" stuff, that video regarding the cryptonite kickstand should keep you laughing:
Regarding your memory loss during the mentioned PS/Xbox launch:
Hilarious ...
@DESS-M-8 I have no control issues
@MadAdam81 Exactly, the 50 dollar pricetag is ridiculous for the amount of content they are offering. It's almost a crime.
Yep u are right,I also think it's a great machine with lots of potential. Goes without saying that a screen protector is essential but for me I can't buy the switch without 3Rd party AAA on-board. Indie games are great,I have many on my Vita but it's not enough for me to invest in another handheld just for indie games and only certain Nintendo games I like,there r many games Ninty make that I would never buy like Mario Oddessey,I just don't like platformers. As for ppl complaining on other sites,that's their opinion and they r entitled to it tbh. Many of them r Ninty fans that are worried about been burnt again after the WII U mess and rightly so,i am one of them. I hope the best for Ninty and the switch and it won't be all doom n gloom,I predicted 20 million lifetime sales because ppl are switched off after wii u and just trying to be conservative. I haven't approached the switch with Ninty glasses on.... Anyways I will be on-board if Metroid Prime new addition is announced
@NintySnesMan Good stuff. Hope you get your wish.
No offense, but reviews like this seem to be how Nintendo focused sites get a bad rep. Significantly higher score than other sites, and seems to be based on the fact it's an 'exclusive' cashing in off of nostalgia.
There seems to be major issues:
1) $50 price tag, significantly higher than Bomberman Blast which NL gave an 8 years ago.
2) Konami has tweeted online doesn't work correctly currently, terrible connection problems and people aren't able to play online without unplayable lag
3) * Horrible graphics that look like a cheap Unity game instead of fitting the Bomberman style, and make it more difficult to spot your character in levels, and even worse in multiplayer - especially with several players*
4) * Horrible rotating camera in single player that zooms in and out on the character, making you unable to see parts of the level*
5) * Very basic, boring single player levels that offer nothing but rudimentary gameplay that aren't as good as classic titles*
6) * Solid large HUD that blocks seeing enemies*
7) * Sloppy controls that aren't crisp and faithful to the grid pattern of classic Bomberman*
8) * Constricted multiplayer options that include no customization options of modes like the older titles, and also require unlocking most of the stages with a goofy in-game currency system*
Go buy Bomberman '94 ROM or get one of the older games. the fact that you could literally purchase a used Wii and an older Bomberman for the price if this entire game these days is hilarious.
Giving this more than a 5/10 is generous and seems to be based solely on it being an exclusive for the time being. If this were released mid-life on Wii U at the same time as other platforms, it would be completely ignored and forgotten in its terribleness.
Well I'm just happy that we finally got a good Bomber man game, I will definitely be getting this game when ever I get myself a Nintendo Switch (which probably won't be for another month or two 😖)
This game is awesome. Having a blast (Pun fully intended!)!
It's really hard to parse through all that text and references for a point, articles don't really prove much without context. Especially when the quality of the source is in doubt and they are just opinion pieces.
@OptometristLime True, because Gamespot, Eurogamer, IGN so forth are just 1-man-shows biased paid reviews and they all engage in some sort of conspiracy together.
And then on top, its really hard to follow all these letters and connect them into words, imaging the text in the head for a point, articles have alot of text. Especially when the letters are small and the brain doubts it could all fit inside ....
The worst quality of source must be also coming straight from the developer, who following your logic, has a desire to sabotage its own game by stating publicly there are issues. Thats genius.
Picked this game up and we're loving it.. it's Bomberman! Don't mind it as much I thought it would bug me that it's not 60fps.. the fun couch element eases any worries.. sure a few updates wouldn't hurt.. but this is a must have game if you've picked up a Nintendo Switch or are planning on doing so!
All I am asking for is some clarification on your other post, you are being so obnoxious it's hard to embrace your points. Whatever has your wires crossed must have happened in an earlier post, and I already wasted enough time reading what amounts to total nonsense.
@OptometristLime You want a summary because its too much to read for yourself? Thats some comedy stand-up routine youre pulling here?
C'mon guys this is a rip off. Game is fun (always has been) but not for that price...if this is an 8 then I guess Ultra Street Fighter 2 is a 10 and 1/2? Pure fun, no frills just like the SNES days and arguably one of the best fighting games ever...
@pandarino Adjusted now:
@Iggy-Koopa @Iggy-Koopa seems konami have announced there is a global issue.
I was talking specifically about the online mode only (as confirmed by konami) the rest of the game is fine.
@River3636 talking about online mode only. Konami have confirmed there is an issue with the online mode.
I'm Loving it! must play it more though. It deserves it's high score.
I'd like to say Thank You to the poster who said it was £38.85 from base.com you saved me a tenner!
Most accurate review summation I've read.
Really, there ARE great games at launch. Zelda may be the best game of all time. Shovel Knight is the perfect retro throwback, and may be the best Indie game of all time. Blaster Master Zero looks like another faithful retro throwback. You can buy the Shovel Knight series, Blaster Master Zero, and another eShop game for the price of just Bomberman. Wish people would think before they buy.
Will def pick this game up when i have the switch.
I will be picking this up at some point as Bomberman has always been a staple Multiplayer game in my house. Our house was the go to place in the Neighborhood for my son and Daughter and all the Neighborhood kids. There has been many great Bomberman Tournaments over here. Bomberman 94 on PC ENGINE was everyone's favorite version along with Saturn Bomberman. I'm a little apprehensive about the 3d look of this version. I'm sure the rating is right on as you usually can't miss with a bomberman game. But I do love the Classic look and colors as opposed to what we get now. I will get this pretty soon and give it a run. Heck the kids are all moved out **crys** I hope I can find someone to play with. I know it has online but a proper Bomberman tournament is played offline with a living room full of chastisers. Lol
@CptFalcon omg I'm loving Zelda! I haven't had this much fun with a game in years. Haha I haven't bought a home console in 10 years. But what a game!
Bomberman will be next!
My whole family (there are 5 of us) has been enjoying both the campaign and the Battle mode.
Agree its overpriced. Saw it for £40 in Asda and for a split second thought it was a good deal.
Will wait for a discounted download.
@DESS-M-8 That makes sense then, I've been ploughing through local MP. Hopefully it gets patched soon.
@ricklongo Yeah, the Louies
@Equinox exactly. People won't buy It, and the series Will die AGAIN. We NEED to support If we want future titles.
@CptFalcon Bomberman Blast was multiplayer only, It had no adventure mode or a story, It had less content. It's not a Fair comparasion, THIS is a full game. Also, you are overreacting with those crotics, I don't see anyone complaining about most of this stuff.
The game isnt bad,but the price.Too much for a game like this.
IGN and GiantBomb streams mentioned everything I posted, it didn't come out of thin air. If the single player is a broken mess with a horrible camera, terrible HUD and design, controls, and boring level design - it really doesn't add a lot does it?
Come back in October, lets see how many people are still playing this or would grant it this review score based on the hype of being a game for a new launch. Guessing many people won't care so much by then. This is probably the most pub a Bomberman game has gotten since Bomberman 64.
@CptFalcon How the Hell is controller an issue in a Bomberman game?
There's input lag issues, and well as people saying the controls are not tight. Just some comments from people who purchased it I've read. It seems to be completely due to Konami's ineptitude with quality control, there's no excuse for it:
" the controls are messy. Once your movement speed increases a couple of levels youre going to be dying left and right. It just feels so bad. "
"Controls do feel loosy, not tight enough. It's pretty sad. "
"Glad to see it's not just me thinking there was something off with the movement."
"The controls feel very sloppy and the response time to turning corners is so sluggish it almost gives the illusion you're getting caught on geometry."
@CptFalcon lag issues? Joy con boys
Haven't heard the same issues with Zelda, Shovel Knight, or Fast RMX. Konami just doesn't know how to make games anymore, this was a budget offering they pushed out quickly to get a high ROI for. Not surprising the controls aren't crisp, it's the corporate equivalent of a bad Steam greenlight game.
@CptFalcon honestly, this all looks kinda unbelivable. But we will see when we play.
Given the limited selection of launch games I picked this one up. It's a good game for fans and I'd rate it 7/10 although I'd recommend waiting for a price drop unless you are a fan of the series.
Its Bomberman, so I'm definitely picking it up. However, locking this to 30-fps and then charging $50 feels all kinds of bad.
FYI - Now among 16 critic reviews, this site has the tied for, highest score. It's not surprising, Nintendo fan sites always inflate exclusive game scores.
IGN gave it a 6.2. Gamespot a 7. and Game Informer a 5.
The MetaCritic now sits at 65%.
@CptFalcon watched some reviews. The low score is tied to low content mostly. The game itself looks fine, the price is hurting the score.
People would be happier if they weren't always trying to attach price tags to the amount of fun they have. Or construing amount of content as an equivalent to the former.
Far be it from me to tell anyone how to spend their money, but IMO, the only question you should be asking about whether to buy is if you like classic Bomberman and/or have friends to enjoy it with. I won't pick this up right away... because I'll be busy with Breath Of The Wild, not because this game's price is too high.
'When most people pick up their Switch, they'll likely be grabbing a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild along with it.'
An I happen to be one of the few exceptions, as this was my sole physical purchase when I got my Switch. I'm holding off on playing it until my brother is available to do so in co-op with me, but I am eagerly awaiting that very moment. It's been quite hard to resist, but this weekend should finally be the time.
I'm glad to see this game reviewing well, and that whilst it doesn't add a whole lot new to the series, it does bring back a beloved series in a solid and enjoyable manner.
@AlbertXi amazon gives 20% off pricing... for preorders and first two weeks the game is out, to prime members ...
@derrin Not here in the UK, they only take £2 pounds of the price unfortunately
i find the voices in this game incredibly off putting and annoying. Maybe it's partly because the game is so utterly barren, but the voices don't fit the game at all, and completely dominate the feel of the game.
i'm not sure i've ever played a game as disappointing as this one. It's incredibly dumb that the only multiplayer options are 4 or 8 player. Just let it slide up from 2-8 by one player. The computer players are not fun to play with. They hijack the match, and you end up sitting there watching them for the last two minutes...
@derrin The CPU players are not even an option. There was better CPU AI in Super Bomberman on SNES. Play an 8 player match against 7 CPU players, and after you die, watch how the AI syncs up and all the bombermen do the exact same thing over and over. It's unbearable. The only way to play battle mode is with friends, or online. Although the online play has been choppy as anything.
Since when does KONAMI own this ? (I thought it was an Hudson game back when I played them on Super Nintendo)
Also wondering how nobody thought of making a Bomberman for 3DS (with download/wireless/Net play etc).
Nowhere near worth the $75 AUD i paid for this. Should have been a budget eShop release.
Hudson Soft. went out of business years ago. So Konami owns most of their franchises now.
A Bomberman game actually was planned for 3DS back in 2011, and even previewed in Nintendo Power magazine, but it was cancelled for unknown reasons.
@Beau_Skunk Oh, I thought they were still active, thanks ^^" (mainly because of the Mario Parties still being released)
That's a shame for the 3DS project, though a screenshot of the prototype seems weird (behind-the-back view). Do you know any Bomberman with a single card multiplayer mode worth buying for DS?
I love Bomberman's multiplayer, but I completely disagree that it was never meant to be a single-player experience.
The SNES game's 'story mode' was sooooo much better than this and really really fun. Even Bomberman 94 had a great 'story mode' with fun worlds... and the multiplayer was a better experience to me.
But the real testament to the single-player Bomberman experience was Saturn Bomberman. SB was a nearly perfect game and imho, still the best in the series. Up to 10 player vs, online vs (via SEGANET in the states) and beautifully crafted story mode with incredible art design and kickass music. The. Best.
But the Saturn Bomberman story mode was really engaging and still holds up today. I wish this had been a remaster of that game.
10 player battle: https://youtu.be/4Ipvb65ENJI?t=10m6s
Single player: https://youtu.be/ESaWUnaRrjQ?t=18m40s
Master game (old school Bomberman, essentially): https://youtu.be/ojWb77Xzg_A
OST List... starting with one of my faves: https://youtu.be/G6Hjph9XgbA?list=PLM61SnQMU4vyWQfKf87AZgHNDx8dy8ssh
Honestly, still the best Bomberman I've played... and I've played nearly all of them including imports.
This iteration was a 7 at best for me.
@Rei Not sure, there's a DSi one on the Eshop though, but I can't remember if it is, or not.
Should have gotten this instead of 1-2-Switch. Arms and Splatoon 2 need to get here fast. The console is dying for some solid multiplayer games.
Eric and the Floaters was better.
This game went from okay to pretty good with all the recent updates. More chatacters, the Grand Prix mode, improved framerate. It only needs more players on the Online battles. I hope the XOne/PS4/PC releases have cross multiplayer.
@ricklongo have they fixed the issues of the game?
@anoyonmus I guess it depends on which issues. I haven't played for a long while, but even back then I thought it was a pretty fun local multiplayer game (like all the Bomberman games, really).
I've come to this relatively late. I paid £4.49
Am I correct in assuming this release was bare-bones, but has been updated since? Quite a lot of content to correct the release day issues? Like No Man's Sky?
I feel like I got a bargain? The Metal Gear Solid and Konami mascots are awesome. Konami should do this more often.
In fact, I'd love the AC!D games remade for Switch.
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