Ever since its debut on Nintendo DS way back in 2006, the ‘New’ branch of the Super Mario Bros. series has divided fans. As Nintendo transposed the 3D character-models of video games’ most treasured mascots back into the classic 2D realm, purists lambasted the ‘Disneyfication’ of the Mushroom Kingdom and bemoaned its idiosyncratic soundtrack. The style proved incredibly popular, though, and a further three entries gave a whole new generation ‘their’ 2D Mario. We’re delighted to see the series’ pinnacle spruced up for another outing, although we’re not sure New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe does quite enough to earn its increasingly ungainly title.
Allow us to play contrarian for a moment and indulge readers for whom the ‘New’ series represents the nadir of the franchise; this is that style firing on all twelve cylinders – every bar of the soundtrack is capped with a screwball ‘wa’ sound and Mario is joined by only his most insufferable allies. Furthermore, its miscellany of worlds don’t hang together like the classics do in Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World and – perhaps most damning of all – this laid the groundwork for (shudder) the mobile game, Super Mario Run. If insipid bit-players and audio tics drove you up the wall a decade ago, we’re exceedingly doubtful this’ll win you over now.

Okay, so now we’ve shaken off the negativity (hey, we like Mario Run!), let’s peer with fresh eyes past the antiseptic façade and discover the tight 2D platformer beneath, filled with novel wonders, multiplayer mayhem and nods towards the series’ cherished history. With returning fan-favourite elements like the forking World Map and the Koopa Kids, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe does a fabulous job of gratifying long-time fans without alienating players for whom Ludwig and Iggy are simply randoms from the Mario Kart 8 roster.
We won’t waste your time going over the nuts and bolts again; our reviews for New Super Mario Bros. U and its add-on New Super Luigi U are still up and, Gamepad features notwithstanding, those appraisals generally hold true for this version – perhaps more so than with any previous Wii U hand-me-downs. Anything that gives a wider audience the opportunity to enjoy that console’s library is all right by us, but how does this launch title stand up after seven long years?
It’s worth remembering that New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe was Mario’s belated HD debut and seeing him in 1080p (or thereabouts) for the first time was something special. Seven years is an age in video games, though, and we have to say it’s looking a tad underwhelming by 2019 standards. Don’t get us wrong – it’s colourful and pristine, but also a little plastic-y, especially on a big TV. Handheld mode reduces the artificial sheen but if this were a fresh release, there’d be atmospheric haze, depth-of-field effects, a subtle weave on Mario’s dungarees and they’d stay wet for a while after taking a swim. Despite its retina-searing presentation, it’s missing the bells and whistles you might expect after playing, say, Super Mario Odyssey. Here, the Mushroom Kingdom often feels like a rainbow diorama with the atmosphere sucked out.
That said, its jumble of art styles and willingness to throw any interesting idea at the wall arguably prefigure the preposterous variety of Mario Odyssey, a game in which we’d swear every world had a different art director. That mélange was held together only through sheer mechanical quality, and the same experimentation can be glimpsed here, whether in the Impressionist backgrounds of Painted Swampland or the ingenious enemies that turn up for only a stage or two. Nothing lingers long enough to become boring and even the unfairly-maligned soundtrack is as catchy as anything in the Mario canon. Were it not for those obnoxious ‘wa’s capping every single musical phrase (we can only assume Ross from Friends broke into the recording studio), these would surely rank amongst the best tunes in the plumber’s enviable songbook.
So, where’s the ‘Deluxe’ stuff, then? As we mentioned, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe includes New Super Luigi U, originally available as DLC or on standalone disc (and eventually released on a bundle disc with bonus videos, exactly as presented here). Offering reimagined levels using the same assets, difficulty is further increased through Luigi’s flightier jumps and reduced traction, plus fewer seconds on the countdown timer. In many ways it’s the main game’s Lost Levels, remixing familiar elements for a more hardcore experience. Fortunately, the inclusion of Nabbit as a playable character relieves the stress of the ticking clock by adding extra time and a lot more besides; the purple rabbit is immune to all enemy attacks. Clearing a level with him turns the node purple rather than blue, so you can always go back to finish it ‘properly’, but he gives everyone a chance to enjoy the intricate level design and ideas in the add-on without tearing your hair out.

But we’ve already played that, you cry! What’s new?! Well, Nabbit is now a playable character in the base game, too (and solo players aren’t restricted to Mario anymore). Labelled ‘Very Easy’, he’s a great choice for younger or inexperienced players, especially given the absence of the original’s Boost Mode which allowed one person to help or hinder the other(s) by affecting the world through the Wii U GamePad’s touchscreen. The Switch’s touchscreen is used only for menu navigation, although gyro-controlled elements remain in certain levels.
Toadette is another fresh face, replacing the original’s Blue Toad. A halfway house between Nabbit and the regulars, she’s labelled ‘Easy’ and shares his improved grip on ice, extra seconds and easier swimming controls (simply push in the desired direction, as if wearing the penguin suit), but is otherwise as vulnerable as the others. She has another trick up her sleeve, though: New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe's most infamous addition, Peachette.
Yes, the character that spawned the ‘Bowsette’ meme-fest of Fall ’18, Peachette is an odd one inasmuch as she’s not really a character at all. The Super Crown power-up is exclusive to Toadette, and essentially turns her into ‘Peach’, with the princess’ characteristic floaty jump physics. We’ve thought about this long and hard (in truth, too long and hard) and remain perplexed at how Nintendo arrived at this inelegant solution to getting a playable Princess in the game despite Bowser having her under lock-and-key. It’s fine – we’re not going to get hung up on the lore implications of the Super Crown – it’s just a little strange when you’ve already got a couple of Peach clones waiting in the wings; why not use Daisy or Rosalina instead?

You needn’t worry about losing access to Peachette – the game is very generous with power-ups, especially in multiplayer, which is as joyously chaotic as ever. It’s perfect for Switch and the loss of Boost Mode really isn’t felt unless you played the Wii U version to death. You can still use your Mii in the Challenges (non-Story trials that reward you with Gold, Silver or Bronze medals) and struggling players can still use the Super Guide to watch the CPU negotiate tricky stages, taking control whenever they wish.
Beyond menu tweaks, a Hints section and the removal of Boost Mode-specific Challenges, that’s pretty much your lot; arguably, the most ‘deluxe’ thing on offer is sweet, sweet portability. Switch takes that thrill you felt when you first carried the Wii U GamePad into another room and carried on playing to its logical conclusion and we still get a buzz from the console’s main gimmick. However, a nagging issue became apparent in this version that we don’t recall from 2012. We’re not ashamed to admit that we went through a lot of 1-Ups while hunting coins and searching for secret exits, and with each death the game spits you out to the World Map. Assuming you wish to dive straight back in (as we did 99 percent of the time), you’re forced to view the transition screen as the level reloads. Now, loads are only a few seconds, but at the rate we were going through lives, the constant pauses became interminable. We don’t remember this as a significant problem before, but on Switch it stuck out like a sore thumb.
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is an impressive package if you skipped the original, offering the best of modern-era 2D Mario, madcap multiplayer and glimpses of the outrageous invention that was to come in Super Mario Odyssey. Only the most fervent fans will find enough new content here to justify double-dipping, though, especially if you already played the Luigi expansion. The chance to replay a top-drawer Mario game on a handheld may be enough for some – goodness knows we’ve rebought Super Mario Bros. 3 enough times! – but this is the oldest of the Wii U games to have found new life on Switch and, gameplay aside, ageing visuals and the colossal irritation of being kicked back to the world map after every death stand out as things in need of attention. The bottom line is that Switch now has a very fine 2D Mario to its name; we just can’t help feeling disappointed that Nintendo didn’t push the boat out with a more thorough ‘Deluxe’ refurbishment. Having said that, this is still an excellent package that deserves a new lease of life on Switch, especially as there will be many owners of that console who didn't get to experience the Wii U original and its expansion.
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Comments 202
I already pre-ordered, and it comes in on launch day!
Played this to death back during droughts on the Wii U, but strangely I can’t wait to dig into it again. It’s going to sell like crazy. 2D Mario games always do.
needs more Bowsette, 0/10
Definitely not double dipping at this price. There should at least be a generous discount for the WiiU veterans.
I think most people are underestimating the sales of this game.
I also wish for a 2d mario with a lot more risk then the ''generic'' new super mario bros games.
I might get it at some point probably in a year or so when the physical is cheap
@geox30 I really wish Nintendo would give you a discount on this game if your Nintendo account shows you bought this game on Wii U. Or a trade in bonus if you send the Wii U game back to Nintendo and buy the switch version.
About what I expected. Didn't have a wii u so really excited to play this I'm sure it'll sell gangbusters!
Picking it up too and agree with the comments that this will sell well
The year of Luigi was the best year of my life.
Not going to double dip this one. Enjoyed this and Super Luigi U in the Wii U years ago. But since I played through both I haven't had an itch to revisit either one. Rather play almost any other 2D mario. Somehow the older ones are more addictive and fresh feeling. Still good games for any that missed them the first time though!
I preordered it tho i think it should be half the price for those who bought it for wiiu.
Based on the review probably gonna skip this... or at least untill I 'finish' Hollow Knight.
I had this on my Wii U and only played some, however it'd have to be like 30 bucks to consider double dipping at this point, so probably won't ever get around to this one unless I buy it on a whim on a black friday sale if it ever gets discounted deep enough (likely not since it's Nintendo).
The Wii u game and DLC was amazing and I played it to death. But I haven't touched it in years. I'm glad those who didn't have a Wii u have a chance to play this game. It really seems worth the price if you never played the original.
There’s no doubt that this is an incredible game, I seriously enjoyed it as much as I do SMW (which has the nostalgia factor going for it).
But I’ve already played it, definitely not rebuying for $60, especially not when Vesperia comes out the same day! (Granted I’ve played that too, but it’s been far longer and I’ve never touched the PS3 version).
I think it should be a little cheaper I chose this as my free game when I bought my Wii u but it didn’t get much play even my son wasn’t really into it 3D world on the other hand was played to death can’t help thinking Nintendo chose the wrong game to port over
Wish this was Galaxy HD collection instead...
I kinda grew out of the New Super Mario games. Couldn’t get into this game back on Wii U so I’m gonna have to pass on this one. Now if Super Mario 3D World makes its way to the Switch then that will definitely be a day 1 purchase.
I really LOVED NSMBU on the Wii U. Great memories of beating the game with my kids (then 4 or 5 years old). Would love a new entry in the series; not sure I'm up for a re-hash.
"shudder Super Mario Run", that game was well worth the money imo. Also bought it for Android, it's the black coin missions that really made that game for me. If anything Fire Emblem Heroes and Animal Crossing held my attention for 5 mins. I don't like it when people unfairly judge it. Yes it does have no Offline, and doesn't as replayable as the other games. Though I got hours worth of it during it's initial release.
It deserves 9 or 10, it's not Super Mario World but it is close. It's without any doubt the very best New Super Mario Bros. game by a huge margin. It's better than NSMB, NSMBW and obviously better than that... thing, NSMB2.
New Super Mario Bros. U has beautiful backgrounds, varied gameplay, carefully designed levels, challenging Star Road world and generous content. Must-play, must-buy on Wii U or Switch. I miss the abilities that Mario and Yoshi had in Super Mario World and of course Super Mario World is more beautiful.
Saving Tropical Freeze from dying on WiiU was a great move, both for players and Nintendo alike, but this game wasn't particularly needed on Switch.
I loved this game but my kids were just born when I had it. Now they are 7 and I know we'll get a lot of fun from this. Definitely buying this again as we no longer have WiiU, so can't wait for another game to pretend to lose to my kids on...
@AG_Awesome Galaxy HD collection for the win!!!
Can't wait for a SEQUEL on Switch!!!
Just finished blitzing through the Wii U version I've owned for years without really playing.
It's a superb platformer with a terrible aesthetic. The horrendous music and plastic-y look is my biggest issue with the NSMB series.
Despite that, it might be one of the best games in the series. The interconnected world map and secret exits reminds me a lot of Super Mario World, and I've come to love the flying squirrel suit.
There's also a ton of extra challenges once you complete the bonus levels and collect all the star coins.
Won't be purchasing this again, but I imagine it'll really shine as a hybrid game.
Should have made a new game not a lame port lol £40!!! Gotta be joking, all WiiU ports should be £10 max otherwise what was the WiiU for???
It's one of those games that I wouldn't mind playing (never bought the original), but still not 100% sold. Maybe if it goes on offer one day.
@Ralizah The plastic and tacky aesthetics is the thing I hate about New Super Mario Bros. the most. However, this game has beautiful hand-drawn backgrounds and the assets look a bit better too. The music is not as awful as in the other New Super Mario Bros. games either.
I'll be double dipping
$60 for a re-issue with so little extra is too much for me. While I never finished it on the Wii-U because I HATED HATED HATED the forced use of motion controls and the mic, and I'd like to really play it someday, I'll wait the five years it'll take until Nintendo re-issues it as a "classic" for $20.
I enjoyed this game but not enough for a double-dip. I played both NSMBU & NSLU on the Wii U. It was ok, basically just classic Mario Bros side-scroll platforming. But if you've played this game on the Wii U already, don't bother re-buying it. Especially at full price.
I thought this was a very poor game, personally. Terrible aesthetic, forgettable music, and bad controls. However, good for those who like it and never played it on Wii U, if you don't mind paying £50 for a now £20 game.
Gone for a double dip on this one, but only because I got it for £33 using an EBay code at Christmas.
Not the greatest Mario game in the world from what I remember, and I gave up on it when 3D World came out, but good fun.
@AirElephant What motion controls? Also, the game never once prompted me to do anything with the mic. Are you sure you aren't thinking of something else? Because I just finished it on Wii U, and none of that rings a bell.
@BlueOcean The music is still pretty bad, and I'll agree to disagree on the backgrounds. They seemed very artificial to me.
But a good game is a good game. And NSMBU is a good platformer.
0/10 No Blue Toad
I’d say it is very needed. A Nintendo system without a 2D Mario game is weird. This will sell very well.
It deserves 9 or 10, it's not Super Mario World but it is close. It's without any doubt the very best New Super Mario Bros. game by a huge margin. It's better than NSMB, NSMBW and obviously better than that... thing, NSMB2
This deserves to be said again.
This is one of the greatest 2D platformers ever made, not quite as good as DKC Tropical Freeze but, I struggle to find any other game that can challenge NSMBU. It may be an "unpopular opinion" but who cares. This game is awesome, and even better with NSLU. Definitely the best of the series.
I'm thrilled to see this come to an HD handheld, as the best we ever had before this was NSMB2 and a 30fps version of DKC Returns that dropped frames fairly regularly (though I still enjoyed it).
I’d have preferred a rerelease of mario maker tbh.
I cancelled my preorder last week as I’m just not that fussed right now. I’ll get it eventually.
2d mario lost its luster, both yoshi and dk are ways better.
Why i got tales of vesperia in today
I keep going back and forth on this - I never played it on the Wii U but absolutely loved Super Mario 3D World (here's hoping they release that on the Switch!) - do you think I'll be disappointed that it isn't as good as Super Mario 3D World?
Ironically, this is the most derivative New Super Mario Bros. game yet.
Nevertheless, I mastered the Wii and Wii U games (Luigi U was so much more enjoyable than Mario U) and I'm quite looking forward to doing it all over again.
I just wish that they had included the Wii game as well.
the fact that it came out on another machine is not a reason to deduct marks from a game, review the game not its legacy, of couse mention so wii u people who played ( and somehow forgot ) that they played before but after that its a moot pint, nobody took marks off botw because it also came out on the wii u
@NintyNate why would they do that, mk is one of the top sellers on switch and mario is currently top selling game across all platforms on amazon, if they listened to you they would have lost out on millions
My Nintendo as an account should know if we've previously purchased this for Wii U, especially in digital form. It's ridiculous Nintendo continues to make no small offering for double dippers. Seriously, a character outfit. Captain Toad instead of a generic toad. Something exclusive that can't affect gameplay
It's selfish, but I'm glad to read there isn't enough "deluxe" to justify a double-dip. I haven't even played the Wii U version but plan to, and it makes me angry when in situations like this an enhanced version for the Switch gets released.
I 100% agree with @sleepinglion. Nintendo has to be able to check when people already owns a game in an older system and offer some kind of good deal to make them buy again. But it doesn't.
@geox30 have to agree with you. While I have double dipped on a few games on switch charging full price for a 6-7 year old game doesn’t seem right. I know I don’t have to buy it but with so many great games coming out I can’t really justify spending $60 on a game I already own
@geox30 Agreed, plus why can't we play as our Miis in Story Mode!?
If we are talking about what this game is in itself, it deserves a 9 out of 10 at least.
I'm not double-dipping, as much as I want to. If this was a launch title for Switch, like the original was for Wii U, that would be one thing. But come on. Odyssey, Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, the list goes on and on. It was too late to the party, and I hope Nintendo realizes this.
@AirElephant Nintendo heard you and released a patch for playing the game with the Wii U pro controller.
Another wii u owner who already played the game. What's frustrating is not that it's a port, it's that no deal is offered to existing owners. And it could be done through Nintendo Club cos most of us will have registered the wii u game for the club points. Even Warner Brothers are better at this. I remember when they offered an upgrade from PS3 Injustice to PS4 for a tenner.
@presenttense I liked NSMBU more than Super Mario 3D World. For 3D Mario games I'd choose Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine over SM3DW.
I had a Wii U but actually skipped this game due to being burned out with the "New" series at the time. While I don't like the "Toadette has limited access to acorn suit due to the super-crown" thing, I am definitely interested in the rest of the game. The main game looks solid, multi-player seems like it could be a blast, and the DLC plus the challenge missions seem to offer a bit of difficulty.
I'll be picking the game up. Maybe this Friday, maybe down the line... not too sure. But eventually! Not skipping it this time!
@jockmahon That's right. This is the same game, I don't agree with Nintendo overpricing their ports but each game has to be reviewed on its own merits. Sure, they can and should say also available on Wii U but that's also true for Breath of the Wild and many other Switch games.
@Sakura7 Nintendo is getting too greedy with the Switch. If the ports are full price okay but in that case they should offer a free copy for people that bought it on Wii U with the same account like the other companies do.
@jockmahon I don't see the point in ports from a prior console, so much time and effort for the same game when they could have made something new
I never buy games that are not 60 dollars, thank you so much nintendo I wanted it so much
I don't understand why they replaced Blue Toad with Toadette. With Blue Toad still in the game, the game could be played as it was originally on the Wii U. Nabbit and Toadette should have been a 5th and 6th option for those that wanted it. Now, when playing 4 players, 1 player is forced to be one of the "easier" characters.
I think I will wait and get it for $40 someday............Canadian dollars
This was my fave of the New 2D Mario games but not enough to rebuy just yet. Maybe further down the line.
"you’re forced to view the transition screen as the level reloads"
Damn, I was really hoping they'd done something about that. Particularly on the tougher Super Luigi U it gets a bit annoying having to sit through the loading screen every time. With all of the Switch's extra RAM I was hoping they could have fixed it. Oh well, I'm definitely still getting it as I love Super Luigi U.
Great, that's the Wii U ports out of the way, now let's get on with some new stuff!
@NintyNate I'm sure the amount of time and effort used here is relatively very small compared an actual new game. While we have no actual confirmation on how much time a port takes or how big the teams are for them, I doubt that the resources for even 5 of these ports matches the resources needed for a brand new game. Complaining about ports is absolutely a needless thing, because if we didn't get the port we wouldn't be getting something new, we'd get absolutely nothing.
This port makes sense, it's a pretty enjoyable game. However Super Mario Maker does in fact exist, in which you can find unlimited platforming experience... So yeah, I don't feel the need to play this again. I'm waiting for the real deal (my opinion ofcourse)
I would get this if there was even ONE new level to play through, but it sounds like there was nothing like that.
@electrolite77 I'd rather get an actually new one in that case.
Massive Mario fan but gonna skip this one sadly but will get in the future when it’s 10-15 pounds.
If you haven’t played this. It’s a must. A great game. If you still have the Wii u, buy it for that instead it a whole lot cheaper
@BlueOcean Yeah I think if Iwata were still around there would have been more of a loyalty program for WiiU owners and ports. Not free copies, but some sort of kickback/reward/discount/special DLC just for previous owners, or something to make WiiU supporters feel privileged for having bought it the first time. He took reputation and loyalty of customers more to heart than his raw business-minded successors. In the short term there's no need to do it, it's making money. But in the long term, it was very wise, buying a perpetual company reputation like that is worth triple the short-term profits of not doing it.
@JaxonH agreed, this game is one of the best platformers around! I'm thrilled to be getting it handheld where I seem to enjoy platformers more in general. I played it through one and done on WiiU but I'll poke at the secrets more with handheld. SMW remains a very tightly contested tie with SMB3 for me for best platformer, and this this for SMW kind of what Zelda ALBW is to ALttP.
For the new ones, I'm not as strongly biased toward TKC:TF being superior to this. DKCTF is amazing. It's punishing. It has more unique stage gimmicks, which I love about it. But it also has those annoying mine cart and rocket barrel levels which cuts down on pure platforming content and I generally find them obnoxious. I have hated minecart levels since the first DKC, so as a pure platformer I'm almost tempted to place this above Tropical Freeze, even if TF is more memorable and unique.
This was a fine game back in the day, but I was never really in love with the art style they chose for it. It's that plastic, shiny look that I just don't care for. Then later on there's the Van Gogh level, and I just say to myself, this is so awesome, why didn't they do something a little more ambitious like that?
It's a good game, and you should play it if you never got a chance. I just feel that Nintendo's art style for this was a bit uninspired for most of the game.
Same, but I also played it on Wii U so I just don't feel like this one deserves the double dip from me. I'd get it if I ever saw it cheap though, but we're probably talking years from now — if there's a Nintendo Selects or something.
Why the hate for Super Mario Run?
Probably might get it once I had some spare cash, I still had my copy of the original Wii U New Super Mario Bros. U with the Luigi U DLC pack so I probably may skip this for now. Might grab it once the holiday 2019 hit probably.
Very much on the fence about buying this.
£49.99 for two games I already own on Wii U, seems steep.
I do want it however, but the lure of trying Fallout 76’ seems appealing for £20 instead.
If they had released 3D World for Switch instead, yeah I would definitely of re bought that.
Why Nintendo re-uses the same assets again and again for its 2D Mario? I mean, this is their mascot and should be their flagship game. Why keep pushing the 3D Mario game and be so lazy with the series that allowed the company to became what is today? Even when the trend for 3D reverted thanks to the indie developers bringing back the 2D mechanics back to the present, Nintendo has been just lazy. So please leave the 'New' adjective away for the next installment and create the truly successor of Super Mario World. We've been waiting 29 years for it.
@Steel76 agreed about the price
Going to hold out for a price drop before picking this up since I already own them on Wii U, but if they had included the Wii Version it would have been a day one purchase for me since then it would be like only paying $20 dollars for each then I would do that.
I'm still undecided on this one. Personally, presentation aside, it's probably my second favorite 2D Mario title. But 60 dollars is a hefty price to pay just to play the game portable.
Loved it on WiiU. But $59 to play it again is not worth it.
I already have $59 tied up with KH3. $19.99 would been a buy.
That’s not a like for like comparison though. New games take much longer and much more resource than ports.
If this game goes on sale at the end of the year I'll pick it up. Seems like the sort of title that'll be on for less come black friday
I doubt I'll get it at $60 since I've played it on Wii U, but eventually.
I hope Nintendo tries something drastically different with the next 2D Mario. A new art style, at least (hand drawn would be cool). The ‘New’ series was quite bland in my opinion.
These games are ported first to make Nintendo money, obviously, and second to enlarge Nintendos catalogue of exclusive games for gamers who did not buy the Wii u.
For those non Smash fans It's a long wait until the next exclusive game on 29th March.
@MoonKnight7 years we will have to wait. Still have both on Wii u and still hooked to tv.
It's beautiful and it's fun to play. That's why I'm buying it.
Come on. It doesn’t take anywhere near the same effort to port an old one as it does to make a whole new game.
I decided not to double dip with this one, as good as the game is. Already have it for Wii U and 100%'d NSMBU and I was nearly finished with NSLU. Man, if only it was Super Mario 3D World instead... I would have GLADLY double dipped with that game because it's that good!
@BlueOcean You mentioned the music for NSMBU, the one thing that infuriates me about the later New Super Mario Bros. games (particularly NSMB2 and U) is that they tend to reuse NSMBW's soundtrack. ESPECIALLY in NSMB2. It was all right the first time, but really???
@electrolite77 I don't mind ports, especially from WiiU, but this game didn't really make it into most of "WiiU games we would like to see ported to Switch" lists I've seen people posting around the net, and that's speaking volumes considering its pedigree.
@LavaTwilight Enjoy pretending to lose while it lasts. haha.
Isn’t Travis Strikes Again an exclusive and out this month?
Since all I have is a switch and not a Wii u, I will definitely get this game.
The new smb series is a great series of 2d MARIO games that stand right there beside the best classic ones. The Wii version is the best, followed by this and the ds one. The 2nd on 3ds was def a hiccup but still an ok game.
8 out of 10? I played this on Wii U and it sucked. 2D Mario games used to defy all conventions, but now they're given second-rate treatment. And why are we getting a port? How lazy is Nintendo that they can't be bothered to use their Super Mario Maker software to whip up something brand new? That said, I hope it outsells Super Mario Odyssey. The January release date is clearly meant to suppress the sales of the game. Nintendo doesn't want this game to make Super Mario Odyssey look bad. Nintendo prefers 3D Mario, but the mass market has always preferred 2D Mario (And please don't flame me if you disagree with what I've said here).
@Bunkerneath lol you will be waiting along time since Nintendo don't price drop very much lol
Double Dipping is a phrase I don't like with regard to ports. It's on the same lines as 'Joy Riding', making something sound less bad or dishonest than what it is.
Joy Riding is Car Theft. Double Dipping is when Nintendo ask you to pay full price once again for an old game because their console is not backwards compatable. This game should be a budget title. But with so few Wii u's sold, Ex Wii u owners don't count when calculating profit because we are out numbered.
But almost every game looks like plastic. not a really valid point there though. It's a Mario game what did you expect? Fluffy stuffed animation? nah
Maybe not, but it will do really well being a 2D Mario game. There’s a lot of Switch owners that don’t have a Wii U and 2D Mario games will get eaten up by the mainstream.
Meanwhile Nintendo now have an engine running on Switch if/when they make another one.
Just happy that more than 13 mil will have the potential to play these games.
“That said, I hope it outsells Super Mario Odyssey. The January release date is clearly meant to suppress the sales of the game. Nintendo doesn't want this game to make Super Mario Odyssey look bad.”
What the?
As much as I love these new super Mario bros games I really think they need to get a bit more creative with them and change it up a bit going forward. They are starting to feel a little bit stale. Will probably pick this up when it goes to the inevitable switch version of ‘Nintendo selects’ as full price is a nah for this.
@BenGrimm not an Nintendo exclusive. A Switch exclusive, but the eshop is full of those.
“But with so few Wii u's sold, Wii u owners don't count when calculating profit because we are out numbered”
They don’t even have to calculate all Wii U owners. Plenty of Wii U owners either got rid of their system, got rid of the game or want to play games like this on the go.
Sick of Nintendo using the term Deluxe on something that isn't Deluxe at all. I preordered the game almost immediately. #partoftheproblem
“For those non Smash fans It's a long wait until the next exclusive game on 29th March.”
You never said Nintendo exclusive ,only exclusive.
@Slim1999 that is why it's quite funny to see all these people "waiting" for a price drop, nintendo doesn't do those lol
@RainbowGazelle haha! good luck waiting....
Played the original to death on Wii U. The changes don’t justify the full price, at least for me.
I played the previous version on WiiU briefly and liked it a lot from what I remember. Might pick this one up and take it with me on my next train ride or small trip. I understand some folks quibbles with the game but in the end, it’s still a fun little Mario game. Sure, it’s not Super Mario World but it’s certainly a delight for the wee lad or lass in all of us, eh?
Here’s hoping we get an HD port of Super Mario 3D World or a Super Mario Galaxy HD collection sooner or later; that would be a helluva treat! I know I’m not alone with this wish either. ❤️👾
I got it free for the WII U in the promotion, so unless they do it again it's a no from me.
@AstralOrange64 hope so it’s a great game would love to see super Mario world remastered using the engine that new super Mario uses definitely one of my favs
@LoriLoud As a 2D game I don't think it should be compared to Odyssey really. I very really enjoyed Odyssey but overall I really enjoy Mario in 2D best and it makes for a very different experience imo.
Nothing about any gameplay change « à la Rayman » when ditching the wiiu gamepad and denying any touch based gameplay ??!
@huyi Looks at Mario Kart 8 at £33 on eShop......looks at you......shakes head sadly
@Rontanamo_Bay Genuinely asking, if you're still around, what right wing bigotry? I've seriously missed it.
@Ashunera84 Yeah I didn't understand that. It's a brilliant mobile game. Platform snobbery I suppose.
@Klunk23 personally ... I'd rather nothing lol I already own it So no need again
So the only 'New' SMB one I played was NSMB2, and I gotta say it was dissatisfying (I grew up playing every single one of the 2D classics). It was too easy, too many coins, and the soundtrack hurt my ears.
, I've read that NSMB2 is the worst in the 'New' series. Is Deluxe clearly better? Can anyone vouch? I'm on the fence on this game. I'm willing to put up with the soundtrack if the gameplay is interesting.
@Illusion It’s kind of like a spiritual sequel to Super Mario World, so I do wholly recommend it to those that love that game. Also the Luigi U challenges are very difficult, in a good way. But yeah, I already paid $50 for this last time.
It really is weird they didn’t just use Daisy in place of Toadette/Peachette. Why can’t the girl from Salsa land get any love?
@forumposter21 I really liked both NSMB2 (coin collection is always fun in Mario games) and U so...
U is definitely the most polished and has the closest feel to that of Super Mario World
To be honest, 59 usd does not feel right. I'll get it eventually!
This game was too easy, but I still enjoyed it. It’s not good enough for a double dip for me.
@VHSGLITCH It’s a lot like Super Mario World though, what, with the Koopings each commanding their own castles again and the focus on taking different paths through the overworld map
I think it would have made a lot more sense (as the article mentions) to have just an actual princess. As for replacing Blue Toad, that seems a little random. Maybe the characters could have been:
Toad (possibly select Blue, Yellow Toadette etc.)
@Dang69 It’s obviously the name they’re using for their WiiU port line
@huyi well they do it’s just years down the line when they do the ‘classic’ or ‘select’ or whatever they call it range of best sellers. They do it with pretty much every system eventually.
@zool They did tweak and add more things to it; that does cost money to put a staff on to accomplish said task
@Donutman I do think this one is the pinnacle of the series; though to be fair I’ve only played some of the first NSMB
@Beatley82 don't do digital but all power to you i guess, was talking about physical prices.
@justin233 Yeah, me neither
I will never get bored of 2d MARIO. I’ve played all of them multiple times and I have this predownloaded already.
Cool game but 60 bucks lol Nintendo’s trippin
@BenGrimm I said, Nintendos catalogue of exclusive games, Not Switch games.
@Antraxx777 well according to NL they should have done a better job.
@Antraxx777 well, yeah.
@Antraxx777 Yeah it's obvious since they didn't use it on Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta or Captain Toad.
@BMO_Advanced The New Super Mario Bros. series do a lot of different things you can’t in Super Mario Maker; MArio MAker is more like a streamlined tool to create basic, classic-style levels, but the new series adds a lot of ideas in any given level; especially in New Super Mario Bros. U
I already have New Super Marios Bros. U and New Super Luigi U. Didn't love them enough to justify paying $60 for this. But I do think this game will sell well. There is certainly an audience for it.
@Dang69 To clarify: ports that add things to the original
They could’ve made the title less stupid by dropping the “New”, since none of them are really that new anymore. Also, the solution to getting sent back to the world map every time is to improve one’s skills at the game and/or find some acorns and other power-ups to help you finish the levels. My only serious gripe with this one is that the inventory is too small (it was unlimited in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and very large in Super Mario Bros. 3).
I'm half tempted as I never did play the Luigi U game so I would get some "new" *stuff to play.
I still have my Wii U hooked up to the same TV as my switch and Ps4 though so can't really justify paying full price for a game I sort of already own and still have easy access too.
For what it's worth though to anyone who hasn't played it. This was by far and away the best of the "new" series of 2D Mario
@Steel76 agreed 100%, with the exception (I think) of ports that include a ton of DLC that they previously charged for (like Hyrule warriors for example). But this, alongside DKTF, should have been 30$ max, considering that both games received selects versions that were sold exactly for that price
They did good with getting rid of the toads, I'll say that much.
Thought about picking it up, but they're out of their minds charging $60. No way. $30 at most.
@Beatley82 psst, don't worry about that weird comment from Rontonamo. They've got bigger issues going on, judging by their user history. XD
Can you ever try to considerate to install a recognition for players who already brought a game who was not a "deluxe" version in the past and give a discount or a bonus for that? Thank you.
THe original one on ds was amazing back in the day I played it to death and still go back to it now and again
I can hardly wait for Friday! New game to me. I've only played the original DS game so this will be great!
@zool well they always expect more. Maybe if Nintendo added 1 or 2 worlds extra it might would've done better though....
@Quarth you will love it. I still play it
@Alucard83 Good to hear!
Great game and DLC! If only all the levels looked painted. I will however, save money and enjoy it on my Wii U when it calls to me. For now...
There's absolutely nothing new, except making the game easier.
R.I.P. blue toad. 2009-2019
Fair enough, not sure why it really matters tho.
@NintyNate I guess I can get that, haha. I also already own most of these titles being ported but I don't mind these ports existing for those who haven't played them.
A quality 2D Mario, absolutely loved it on Wii U. Definitely not double dipping... but then again I said that about both Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 and my son has the former on his Switch and I’m currently playing MK8 Deluxe on mine 😂 great games
There are so many other ports I’d rather have. This is at the bottom of my list. But I may still get it if and when it gets discounted since I already own this and all the DLC for Wii U.
@Moroboshi876 Yep. SEGA offered Sonic Mania Plus for something like 5 dollars (digital) if you already had Sonic Mania.
@Mana_Knight Exactly. It was the same system though, but Nintendo could easily check if you own a game on Wii U.
I double dipped the hard way with Sonic Mania because I wanted the retail version. Good thing digital had cost me less than half the price by buying it on the Russian eShop.
I have the game on Wii U and I bought it again. Having a 2D Mario is always great.
Now to get on with a Mario Maker sequel/port.
Unfortunately, the price point is just way too high for me to buy this 7-year old Wii U launch title. It’s a fun game and I’ve already played it a bunch, why couldn’t it be $19.99? Easy impulse buy.
So to those whiners that said they want cheap how about this your Employer tells you the same in return they will pay you what they want to pay. Now tell me how you feel now getting the medicine in return. All of those people are just TROLLs nothing more. You want good games you pay for it. I got my memberships and discounts and that makes it less to own.
There's not enough here for me to consider a double-dip, but I recommend this one to any 2D Mario fan who hasn't played it. It's my favorite NSMB title, just ahead of the DS original.
Cant wait. My copy is arriving on Friday via Amazon for only $45.
Great game I will most likely get at some point, I would have liked a New - new Super Mario Bros title instead of a re-release or I would have preferred a re-release of Super Mario Maker instead.
Not super excited about it, but I had a blast playing it with my roommate in college when the original launched. I'll pick it up this weekend, along with Tales of Vesperia.
@Angelic_Lapras_King They might as well just make a Mario Maker 2 at this point so they can get it all setup with their new network and make things faster and easier, plus it would be a good opportunity to improve the UI and add a few new things.
I was secretly hoping you’d be able to use the luigi physics in the base game.
@Slim1999 Unless it gets a Nintendo Selects. If Nintendo does this with Switch games then I’d expect to see it for 20$ in a couple years. I’ve already played it on Wii U and can at any time I wish so waiting for that won’t be tough.
@huyi Good luck waiting for what?
How did it drop a point? It's obviously meant for people who never had a Wii U, and now that's it's even more improved on and includes the Super Luigi U for free I don't see a problem..
@BezBot Games have moved on since 2012. Can only judge by the standards of the day.
"Seven years is an age in video games, though, and we have to say it’s looking a tad underwhelming by 2019 standards"
Review read like a 6. Will skip unless I find it for dirt cheap.
Feels like the consensus across the board is the same.
People want it, but don’t want to pay full price.
@Klunk23 they should buy a WiiU! Lol
@TheAwesomeBowser yeah like £5 lol
I didnt feel this one on Wii U did enough to differ from the Wii game New Mario Bros or whatever it was called on Wii. Those two were way too similar.
Gonna get it because it's 2D Mario, but a new reinvention of the series is long overdue.
I skipped the Wii and WU generation so it's a must buy for me.
I missed this on Wii U so I’m really tempted to pick this up now. I just have so many games still left to play. Because of my back catalog & the full retail price of this port, i’ll probably wait for an eShop sale or until I stack some more gold coins to buy it.
This is a brilliant 2D platformer. 9/10 at least. The 8/10 score seems like NL is playing sychophant to those with petty complaints about the series in general and is a joke considering what has been awarded 9/10 over the years. Seriously!!!!!
@RainbowGazelle May you elaborate your problems with the aesthetics, music and controls? I thought they were done very well.
@BMO_Advanced There are plenty of things that Mario Maker can't do that the original games have. This is especially the case with NSMBU.
@Cronopi Were you unhappy when Galaxy 2 was released? That game borrowed heavily from the first game.
Seems like you don't really want a 2D Mario, you just want nostalgia pandering. That would actually be the lazier route if they made a derivative of SMW.
@justin233 Totally unnecessary and a waste of money. Change for the sake of change is not a good thing.
@Mr_Pepperami Maybe you've just outgrown the game? You ought to take a break if that's the case.
@Mana_Knight Sonic Mania Plus was essentially DLC for those who already had the original, that's why it was $5. You couldn't do that if you tried buying the game physically.
@EasyDaRon What's so bad about the art design? Can you explain in detail the flaws of the models, backgrounds, etc.?
You (and several others) are also acting rather entitled to demand the game for cheap. Plenty of remasters get charged at equal price as the originals, and this NSMBUDX is no exception.
@Dog The aesthetics looked very bland and 'plasticy' I guess. The background didn't feel like part of the stage I was playing; just a backdrop. I can't really remember a single piece of music, and it's mostly just rehashes of the previous 3 in the 'New' series, which are all basically the same game anyway. The controls are the same bad controls as ever, with Nintendo being deliberately retro, and mapping everything to 2 buttons.
@WaveBoy I agree with your point, but actually you get kicked back to the world map every time you lose 1 life, not all of them.
Too bad - I thought that the asymmetric 5-player boost mode of Super Mario Bros. U was one of its coolest features!! It seems they could bring that back if you have two Switches - use the second one like the Wii U gamepad for boost mode and local network multiplayer.
@MarioLover92 @CarpeDiem I didn't say that the music is great. I said that the aesthetics and music in the New Super Mario Bros. series are tacky and plastic but NSMBU has beautiful backgrounds (like the one that looks like a Van Gogh painting) and better music (like the first level) than the other New Super Mario Bros. games. There aren't many songs in the game and some of them are recycled but New Super Mario Bros. 2 is the worst Mario platformer ever in every single way, with the worst level design and worst remixes ever seen, not to mention that the level design in NSMBU is brilliant and the level design in NSMB2 is shameful. I also said in my first comment that Super Mario World is the best. New Super Mario Bros. U is the best NSMB game by a huge margin, it doesn't mean that it's the best game ever made. I still would recommend it to any person that likes 2D platformers and I wasn't comparing it to Rayman Legends or Tropical Freeze.
@BlueOcean Oh yeah absolutely, despite my rant on the recycled music I do agree that NSMBU is the best NSMB game overall. I like the SMW-esque world map and the levels are well designed and fun to go through. Big fan of Super Mario World here, as well!
@MarioLover92 The biggest part was a reply to the other poster, I agree with you and now you are officially a great guy because of your wonderful taste! Another big Super Mario World fan here.
By the way, Super Mario World soundtrack has always impressed me because it uses the same melodies in many levels but with a different style and they do not get repetitive while in the New Super Mario Bros. games the songs are mostly annoying, New Super Mario Bros. 2 in particular is as tacky and awful as it can get.
SMW also produced one of the best-written Nintendo Life reviews (Morgan's, not Damien's LOL):
Just picked this up with Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story tonight.
Great little games and definitely a lovely addition to my collection of said Nintendo games.
Both get a 9/10 from me!
I'm I the only one who didn't like the New Super Mario Bros series that much? I mean it's almost like they rereleased the same give 5 times. Don't get me wrong, 2D multiplayer Mario on the Switch is fun but most of these "linear" Mario games lack variety.
I actually enjoy the “wah’s” in the soundtrack...
@Dog I'm asking for the contrary! A new 2D Mario with original new content! Please, read my original message and don't mislead my words, mate.
I’ll definitely get this eventually. I haven’t played a New Super Mario Bros. game in about 6 years, I’ll definitely have fun with this, especially playing as Toadette.
as a concept, playable princess needs to be in more mario games
@MysticGengar does it run good on switch or something
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