With the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang cruelly overlooked for some reason, fans of the Mario & Sonic series haven’t had a new entry for nearly four years now. Given that the 2020 Olympic Games are being held in Tokyo, the home of video games, it would have been truly bizarre for Sega to pass on that one too. Sure enough, Mario, Sonic and their respective chums are back once again for another bout of mini-game mirth.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is the sixth entry in a series dating back more than a decade now, and while it offers a strong variety of things to see, do and play, long-time Mario & Sonic fans will also note that there’s a little less going on than most previous games when it comes to long-tail content designed to keep players interested for a while.

Before we address that, though, let’s get to the meat of the matter: the events. There are 21 main Olympic events to choose from here, covering a nice variety of disciplines. As well as the expected track and field events and the welcome return of others like Equestrian, Rugby Sevens and Football, there are four new events which have never been seen in a Mario & Sonic game before: Skateboarding, Sport Climbing, Karate and Surfing.
While Surfing’s controls failed to impress us, the other three are great new additions to the series. Karate can become a surprisingly tense multiplayer affair with two similarly-skilled players involved and Sport Climbing requires both timing and accuracy in a way that can get your palms sweatier than an 8 Mile rap battler. Best of the bunch, however, is Skateboarding, which sets you loose in a skatepark and gives you a set time to pull off your best tricks and grinds. It’s no Tony Hawk, but it’s good fun nonetheless.
Joining these 21 standard events are 10 retro-style 2D events under the heading Tokyo 1964. Designed to be a clever nod to the first time Tokyo hosted the Olympics, these events play more like Konami’s Track & Field games, with Mario, Sonic and chums represented by their old 8-bit and 16-bit forms. That said, you can only choose from a reduced selection of eight characters in this mode rather than the full 20-strong roster; that means no old-school Vector the Crocodile sprites for you, Vector fans (both of you).

While the retro events obviously have even more simplistic gameplay than the modern ones (which themselves tend to only require a handful of buttons at most), they’re a fun little addition nonetheless and give Sega an excuse to introduce disciplines that aren’t represented in polygonal form (like Shooting, Volleyball, the Vault and the Marathon). There’s even a fun analogue TV filter that works better than many retro compilations’ scanline filters do in terms of nailing that vintage look.
Rounding things off is a frankly disappointing trio of Dream Events, only one of which kept us entertained for any length of time. Dream Racing takes place in a Sonic Forces-themed environment and is genuinely fun to play, but the Dream Shooting event has horrendous motion controls that can’t be turned off (as far as we can see) and Dream Karate is a harmless but ultimately throwaway affair in which you try to knock down enemies to fill as much of the floor in your colour as possible. Given that the very first Mario & Sonic game back in 2008 offered more Dream Events than this, it has to go down as a missed opportunity here.

All these events also form the basis of the game’s single-player Story mode, which is easily the most entertaining part of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (though not without its niggles). It’s a suitably strange plot: Eggman and Bowser have teamed up to create the Tokyo 64, a retro video game console designed to trap Mario and Sonic in their respective 8-bit and 16-bit forms. Things don’t quite go according to plan, though, and when the console is activated not only do Mario and Sonic get transported into it, but Eggman and Bowser do, too.
Cue a comical caper in which both pairs of characters compete in various 1964 Olympics events to try and earn gold medals which should theoretically provide them with the power they need to escape the game. Meanwhile, in the modern era, Tails and Luigi have teamed up to try and figure out how to get their pals out of the console, embarking on an adventure that inevitably shoehorns in a bunch of reasons for them and their pals to compete in 2020 Olympics events, too.
It’s a fun little journey, made more entertaining by the ten extra mini-games created just for that mode (they can be replayed in your Stats menu once you beat them in Story). There are five modern ones and five retro ones, and these include such delights as climbing the Tokyo Tower with Tails, racing Bowser in a canoe with 8-bit Mario and trying to outrun a bullet train as 16-bit Sonic.

That said, Story mode isn’t without its issues. Most notably, the pacing is much slower than it needs to be. The dialogue is entertaining enough but the game regularly uses lengthy conversations in scenes that could be half as long, and each line appears just slowly enough to make things mildly frustrating. Add to that the fact that some plot points are repeated numerous times – we lost count of how many occasions Tails or Luigi gave the console to a new character who proceeded to go through the “What? Mario and Sonic are in there?!” routine yet again – and it starts to feel like there may have been some attempts to pad this mode out a bit.
It’s easy to see why, in fairness, because once you’re finished with the Story mode there’s really not much left for solo players to do. There’s a Challenges feature with 80 achievements to earn, but the game doesn’t actually tell you what these achievements are (they’re all just shown as question marks), making the whole thing a bit pointless – especially since they don’t appear to unlock anything.
You also don’t get any of the other fun unlockable stuff you got in other Mario & Sonic games: there’s no central hub to customise like there was in the (otherwise unremarkable) Rio 2016 game, there are no character-specific missions like there were way back in the first Mario & Sonic and there’s no shop of any kind to let you unlock comedy costumes for your Mii like there were in a few of the other instalments (partly because you can’t actually play as your Mii in this one).

Essentially, there’s no real added incentive to keep going beyond the fun of playing the same events over and over. Granted, for many that will be perfectly acceptable, especially if you’re mainly buying the game for local multiplayer. But given that one of the Switch’s most important features (especially the Switch Lite) is its use as a handheld console, there’s a legitimate argument to be made that it could have tried to provide more longevity for single-player gamers, particularly given that previous Mario & Sonic games had handheld versions that catered more for solo play.
Its 34 events provide welcome variety and there are far more hits than misses in its line-up, but once you're finished with Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020's four-hour Story mode it becomes notably less enticing for solo players. With no real incentives or unlockables to aim for, this should be considered a strictly multiplayer affair if you want to still be playing it by the time the actual Tokyo 2020 Olympics roll around.
Comments 69
So if multiplayer is the intention, I should consider it an 8?
I posted this in the forums but may as well here to:
For anyone interested in this, it's only $39.99 ($20 off!) on Amazon US
Though to be fair with the reviews it will probably be even cheaper by years end.
Why is there so little said about the multiplayer in this review?
Other reviews i've read say that all you can do is play a single event with 2-4 people and then it's back to the main menu.
No tournament or an olympic team mode, or any other aspect to the multiplayer here [if the other reviews are correct] would be really disappointing.
I'm looking forward to the non-Mario Olympic Games game from Sega. It reviewed well on Push Square.
"this should be considered a strictly multiplayer affair "
Good to know, thanks! Definitely will avoid until it hits the bargain bin then
Pretty disappointed that there’s only 3 dream events. They were a blast in Vancouver 2010, and London 2012. The decrease in dream events is honestly pretty disappointing. Would of been cool to see a dream surfing or a dream skateboarding event.
What I really do not understand is, why popular characters like Diddy Kong, Rosalina, Rouge the Bat, and Zazz are only playable in specific disciplines.
So you say it's a strictly multiplayer affair and yet this review mention little of the part of the game? Poor review
Will wait for it to hit bargain bin. Me i would rather they just did a Nintendo Olympics game, could have a lot more interesting characters .
You’d think the switch would get ultimate versions of these games that have multiple entries in the series. Put in new stuff, plus the best of the old games. Instead they seem to leave out and cut content.
By the impression of the demo, I find 7 a little bit low. The missing unlockables are a little bummer. But besides that, I will definitely buy it. I had a good time with the demo and had the feeling, this is the fleshed out version so far of these games
A real shame, this is the first Olympics game I had considered buying.
hmm, I think I'll switch to the other olympic games release then. I'll get this when it is super cheap.
I personally don't see the Story Mode as an essential even as a solo player.
Though I personally wish Sega would just port DecAthlete over.
By the information in the review, it seems like there isn't quite enough to warrant a purchase from me at this time. That is okay though, I am plenty busy already.
@BeefsoundMagnus That was because DLC wasn't a thing. Lately none of the games have something to unlock. Only way to unlock is when you pay for it. That's why I can't support games like this anymore. Look @ mortal kombat.. they had the DLC already there. They could've included if they wanted.. but instead they milk more from people. Boycotting stuff like is this the best and wait for the right time like GOTY version when you can all the DLCs. At least in the past we had a reason to finish a game. We made effort to reach the end... now we don't even need to. Takes away the fun. Well it's what it is. Thats why I prefer to support gamestudios who are less famous who gives your money more worth it. At least milking is least there
@Folkloner I’m so P*****d about this. All I wanted was the ability to play against three other players in a selection of events where there is a final winner. Just like every track and field game. Ever.
I’m gobsmacked especially after they messed up multiplayer in 2016.
On that note, where is hero showdown? The hands down best it of 2016. Story mode (yawn)
Aw, I was hoping Alpha Dream would at least go out on top.
Huh, this review doesn't mention the online multiplayer. That is the big concern with this game. If it has it, I may get the game down the road.
I’m not a huge fan of multiplayer games as I tend to play when the wife is watching something or has her friends over so a pass for me.
It’s definitely the best one out of all of them, so far! I highly recommend it if you have family and friends to play with! Excellent game! 9/10
"With no real incentives or unlockables to aim for, this should be considered a strictly multiplayer affair if you want to still be playing it by the time the actual Tokyo 2020 Olympics roll around."
What a shame! I was hyped for this one. I'm a solo player and it sounds a little bare bones to me. I'll look for other reviews to hear about some other features, but if that's really it, I'll be really disappointed....
@John_Deacon Same. I'd be playing solo and I loved the Wii versions. Maybe I'll pick this up on a sale. but I just really am reaching for a solid Sonic game...oh well!
- Not every character gets in on the cute costume party
Yes I'm still on this and I still don't like it! I want every character to get the same treatment!
..still gonna get the game though, it looks fun!
I played the demo with my kids. It was ok. The events were very short, and you constantly have to switch the way you are using your controllers. I had this preordered for $40 but don’t think I’m going to pick it up. It’ll probably be $20-25 before long.
It's so frustrating how the recent Mario spinoffs (Party, Tennis Aces, and now this Olympics game) have been getting less quality single player content/cutting options in general compared to their predecessors. Just something "off" with every single one. This one had promise. I might get it if it reaches bargain bin prices for the local multiplayer.
The music in the demo was very disappointing.
This review is really written from the perspective of someone who is already a big fan of the series that has played all the games in the series that is looking to compare them all to each other and so on. That's fine for people who are fans like that but as someone who has never played a Mario and Sonic Olympics game before I can tell you how most of these criticisms are things that I would never notice and most likely not care about.
I am walking into this with no expectations on how it should go, and to be honest just playing these Olympics sports is what I was looking forward to. When I played Wii Sports I didn't need the game to have a deep campaign mode, it was all about the simple fun of playing the games.
@scully1888 Your review seems ''incomplete'' to me can you tell us a bit more about the looks of the game graphic wise and/or framerate wise?
I just want them to add Basketball, Volleyball and the Rio Soccer dream event as DLC. I also wish there was sumo wrestling. They could have made all the characters put on sum suits and make it a dream event.
@JayJ good point. I really didn’t get much from the review unfortunately. May have to watch Gamexplain go into depth as they do to really grasp what’s on offer here.
That said , still looks like a fun time with local buds.
Hey Chris, I have a genuine question that I was pondering the other day and this review brought it back to mind.
As far as I can tell, a large number of journalists dont like the idea that the publications they write for are a hive mind of people but instead that one person within that publication may review a game higher or lower than another, rightly so as you're all individuals. Yet, the trend has been, for as long as I can remember, that when reviewing a game, the author will say 'we didn't like x' or 'y had us struggling to work out what to do next', which only facilitates the hive mind issue. I ask now because I know you, in particular from reading your TOH articles, take issue with this. It makes more sense within this review as it's a multiplayer focused game, just wondering about your thoughts wrt this
Well let's hope they add events and modes in updates. The retro mode sounds great but there should be enough content to satisfy single and multiplayer audiences or most will wait until it goes on sale. I guess I will wait this one out like I did with tennis aces
A short story for the single player and heavily multiplayer-oriented with no unlockables? So... Like Mario Tennis Aces, right?
So.. Does this have online multi-player at least?
Well I can't wait to see how this stacks up to the Tokyo Olympics game by the same company. It doesn't have a single player mode but it has more events. I'd trade a single player and retro mode for more events. But somehow everyone thought if Mario looked like track and field it would automatically sell like hot cakes. Who knows. It might.
@KoekiieWoekiie The review's complete. You can tell how it looks by the screenshot and the frame rate isn't really an issue in a game like this: I only tend to mention things like that in reviews when they're remarkably good or bad.
@MajorasLapdog It really just comes down to the publication's 'house style' (the agreed style of writing they use). Some sites let you write in first-person, others want you to write as the 'voice' of the publication. Some have review scores, others don't. Some have a sense of humour, others don't allow heading puns or anything like that. There's no right or wrong way of doing it and while I have my own personal tastes (first-person, humorous, no review score), part of the job is still respecting the publication's house style and adapting your work to it.
Only three Dream Events?! After being absent on the last entries, I expected more to come.
I hope SEGA will update the game regularly next year, just like Tokyo 2020: The Official Game.
I wouldn't call this a step backwards for solo players. Look at Rio 2016
@scully1888 It is not a key point for a review hence the quote marks, however it is stated in most game reviews of any game how said game perfoms or looks. Screenshots do not really do (all) games justice because of the quality degrading what happens when you download or upload a video. Let alone in docked or handheld mode.
Since this is a relative big game for Sega and a Switch exclusive a simple short word about visual quality would be very nice to add to your review. Like framerate or resolution output.
Luigi's mansion got a whole paragraph devoted to it's graphics for instance.
However since not every reviewer needs to talk about like every aspect of every game and has his or her preference or writing reviews it is okay that you left it out.
Just my two cents & thanks for responding.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the picture used when you first see the article (the thumbnail) from Rio?
I bought my first ever M&S game a few months ago: "Mario & London at the 2012 London Olympics" for the 3DS so am looking forward to playing that. Otherwise the only 1 great thing I'd say about this installment is the retro games mode. But it's rather lame of SEGA to overlook the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to deliver an underpar version after such a long wait....
@ChompyMage Yeah, I hope to God this can at least top that game.
So are Miis completely out now? Unlocking clothing and dressing up my Miis (which I made to look like my drinking buddies and coworkers) was weirdly entertaining.
Sounds like most of the other Mario & Sonic games, some fun in multiplayer but nothing that'll set the world on fire.
Did Konami's Hyper Sports game ever release or was it canceled? I remember it being shown and then nothing.
@CaPPa they showed a large demo of hyper sports but it seemingly vanished.
What is the chances this game gets DLC?
@ChompyMage Rio 2016 had something like 400 different pieces of clothing you could unlock for your Mii character, which gave players an incentive to keep playing. Tokyo 2020 doesn't have anything like that: once the story's finished, you're pretty much done.
It's AlphaDream's last game, so I'll pick it up to support them in their troubled times.
@Folkloner Those other reviews are, sadly, accurate. I was really looking forward to this game and picked it up this morning. Multiplayer boils down to pick an event, play the event, either replay the event or return to the main menu. That's it. There's no marathon style mode, no custom tournaments, nothing like that. Just one at a time. A lot of these events last less than a minute, so you end up spending more time in the menus choosing events and characters than you do actually playing the game.
As a local party game, it has no staying power. After 20 minutes, people will be bored with it and looking for something else. I can speak from experience here as it was barely half an hour of play before my family started drifting off and wanting to go back to other games.
You didn't mention the motion control sucks donkey balls too?
@Captiosus I don't know how it doesn't have custom tournaments. That's such a easy mode to implement. This game didn't get on the best sellers. Maybe people have wised up and Sega will have to listen to the complaints, patch the game and add free DLC.
@sixrings I'm going to predict: very low. This is the kind of game that relies on an event (in this case, the Olympics) to generate a massive, but short lived, surge in sales. They expect people to have a little fun with it and then move onto the next casual game. Unlike Mario Kart, SSB and Splatoon which continue to sell well long beyond their initial release, Olympic games will see almost all their sales shortly after release and there's no incentive for Nintendo or Sega to add DLC because it won't change the boom and collapse in sales these games always experience.
@TheFox I have no idea why they released the game almost a year before the event if the game wasn't done.
@TheFox I do think Sega and Nintendo have motivation to patch or add free Dlc if this doesn't do well because they paid for the Olympic license and won't want to basically kill future releases by leaving a bad taste in people's mouths.
@The7thHokage1995 I have all my Gold coins banked for this game. And I too love multiplayer and specifically Olympic games. But I'm going to wait until cyber Monday. Perhaps this goes on sale because people are flat out ignoring it. 60 comments on a game with Mario in it. Crazy.
@sixrings I'm not saying the game's not done or predicting it won't sell well. I think it probably will be a hit. But I'd be surprised if that add in more content. This series along with Mario Party have never gotten DLC, and while this could always be the first, I wouldn't hold my breath. And don't interpret this as me bashing the game, I plan on buying it and it sounds like it's going to have a lot more content than Rio.
@TheFox it only sold 20k in Japan. Vs 150k for LM3. It's 22 on the Japan Eshop It's a complete flop. It's not on the NA Eshop top 30 despite just being released.
I really liked the button controls of Rio. I'm sad this is missing BMX, Volleyball and street Soccer though. And Segas official Tokyo Olympics game includes basketball. The game would immediately be five stars for me if I could play team Mario V Sonic
FYI if I were to buy this I'm tempted to go physical. Look up M&S@Rio. The used prices are crazy because no one bought that game either. That's my thoughts.
@OorWullie how could the non-mario Olympic game review well if it isn't out?
@sixrings It's out in Japan though.
Had this exact thought thanks for raising it
But does the marathon take place here in Sapporo? I'm looking forward to seeing Mario and/or Sonic in person next year!
@The7thHokage1995 At risk of sounding like a jerk, there's really not much to appreciate about this game. As a collection of mini-games, it's somewhere between mediocre and passable. The games that have a finite timer or finish line are over within 1-2 minutes. Games like table tennis, karate and fencing can last a bit longer since they're directly tied to player performance.
The length of the events would be fine if they were structured in any kind of party mode method where you play multiple events in a row. But they're not. They're all just one-and-done affairs that feel about as lacking as a cell phone mobile game. Without any method of setting up a series of events, the gameplay slows to a crawl as you have to back out to the main menu every time.
As a party game, people will want to move to something more robust after a few minutes. As a solo endeavor, it's not worth the time whatsoever. The AI is dreadfully bad even on the hardest difficulty. As an example, here's a video capture where I am playing the Canoeing event against 3-star, Very Hard, AI. I smoke them four strokes off the line. Most of the events are this way — there's just no challenge from any of the AI.
What is the maximum length you can make the football and rugby matches?
I downloaded Mario Vs Sonic and personally I think the rugby about the same level of polish as Mario tennis aces. That might not sound impressive but then you think in this game you at least get all the other events with it as well.
@The7thHokage1995 truthfully there should have been a way to make a party mix instead of having to individually choose the event after every event. This would be an easy patch but I don't know how motivated they are. You would think they'd want to fix the games issues and advertise it again when the Olympics come around.
Tokyo Olympics 2020 Games made by the same company on the same engine has preset and custom event playlists. I'm happy with my purchase but I may be forced to double dip and buy the version without Mario later. Which is really frustrating.
Have to say this game is quite disappointing.. the fact you can't have multiple events together in a tournament like style and the online lobbies seem dead it's a big let down for solo players. I'm sure it would still be a fun couch multiplayer game but sheesh.
All in all, Compared to the years that are behind us and the new generation has so much more to give as in graphics and ideas and ways to do things. I believe it was a fail!! Not only is Sticks not even in the game but what's up with Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, why did they have their own game!? I don't ever remember seeing Donkey Kong or diddy kong in original Mario games they take toad out for Donkey Kong I don't believe I ever remember Donkey Kong and Mario 2!! This isn't Sonic, Mario, and Donkey Kong Olympics!😅🤷♂️ I say its a hit and a miss🤦♂️ I believe the whole dream skating or what not was cool but what happened to the arena soccer you can't even foul in this regular soccer and no settings to turn fouls off. And for 8 bit games, most kids today can't even play because it's too hard compared to the 8 bit games I grew up on. but we got good at that cause we weren't allowed to skip the game! If we wanted to beat it we had to play through it or you never get to the end or unlock everything. Todays games are way too easy or just way too hard but then it is allowing them the option to skip it which makes them give up👎👊. I don't see the point in this game, you can't unlock or do anything that actually surprised me. My rating would be maybe a 5! Compared to what they could have of done, and to add that archery sucked compared to last game! Hopefully they could bring more playable characters &events to solo& and multiplayer along with settings to allow fouls on certain events.
The Olympics start today. Time to enjoy this game as well as the real games.
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