The Switch is rapidly amassing a library of wonderful titles, both from major, big-name developers and publishers, as well as creative indies. Ittle Dew 2+ is definitely the latter, and we mean that in the best possible way.
To answer the inevitable question around what this young series is all about, the most direct answer is that Ittle Dew 2 is a lot like an old-school Zelda game, specifically that it's most reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. We know that's a fairly bold comparison to make, and while Ittle Dew 2 is not on the same level as one of the greatest games of all time, it's a gem in its own right.
Itlle Dew 2+ feels like what you would get if you crossed the gameplay of a Zelda game with the art style of Costume Quest and the humour of Adventure Time. Ittle and her magical fox Tippsie break the fourth wall and crack wise about the conventions of adventures games regularly.

There's much more to Ittle Dew 2 than jokes though. The gameplay feels enough like Zelda to have fans of the series right at home with Ittle, but developer Ludosity made enough changes to make this a fresh take on the genre. The first and most convenient of them is showing where your next recommended dungeon is on the world map, even if you haven't yet uncovered that location.
You can take on dungeons in any order you desire but, as with any open-ended, top-down adventure game, you're going to have an easier time doing them in the order the developers want you to. As with other games in the genre, each dungeon yields an item for you to collect. There are eight dungeons in total, each containing a raft piece for you to collect so you can be on your way.
The dungeons are going to be immediately familiar to fans of the Zelda series. There are enemies to fight, puzzles to solve and keys to collect before taking on the dungeon's boss. The bosses themselves are occasionally repeats, but that's part of the game's humour. Rather than simply dropping in a familiar boss, the two will banter before engaging in battle, acknowledging that they've encountered each other before.

The world is one of our favourite parts of the game, being every bit as whimsical and wacky as you might expect. The dungeons themselves range from a pillow fort, to an art gallery to a trash pile. To drive it home, rather than a sword, Ittle starts out with a stick to do battle with. When you kill an enemy they burst into a hail of confetti that's as cute as it sounds, boxes of crayons take the place of the Zelda series's famed heart containers, and bosses never truly die, they just get bored and go home.
Beneath the cutesy exterior a hardcore challenge awaits, however. This game is hard. Enemies take a serious beating to keep down, and puzzles in these seemingly joke levels can be major head-scratchers. There were many times where we found ourselves resetting rooms multiple times just to figure out the perfect order in which to push a few blocks, or dying to enemies that required a bit more finesse than we would have expected.
We spent about 10 hours playing through the main quest line in Ittle Dew 2+, but your mileage will vary based on how much you want to explore the island. There are also numerous caves scattered throughout the large overworld. Any cave you happen upon can be completed with just the items you start with, meaning you won't need to mark or remember locations, though some can be made easier with items you find along your way.
Ittle Dew 2+ is a fantastic game. On a console with a library full of wonderful indies like Shovel Knight and FAST Racing NEO, Ittle Dew 2+ stands among the best of them. The Switch version commands a $10 premium over the PC version but it also adds five new dungeons, a worthy addition in our opinion.
Ittle and Tippsie's adventure is charming and funny, and embraces the spirit of exploration from the series to which it pays homage. If you're looking for the next great indie title for your Switch library, look no further.
Comments 46
Not the biggest fan of the art style but all this comparison to 2D Zelda's is making this somewhat desired. No European physical release right?
It looks cute, and the way you can tackle the dungeons in any order you like calls the original Legend of Zelda to mind, but the price is a bit much for me. I'll definitely consider it when and if it drops to $20, though.
This actually looks pretty cool! I’ll probably pick this up later.
I loved this game so much on pc!
I'm curious about the new dungeons, but I could use this money to buy instead games I don't have, like Xenoblade 2...
Review and score 100% on the mark. Great game.
I don't really care much about the game at the moment, mainly because I just finished playing through ALTTP recently, but I find it really entertaining to say "Itlle Dew 2". Every time I see the title I end up saying it a few times.
I was upset when this never made it's way to the Wii U, so I'll definitely be getting this for the Switch at some point.
Major plus is that Nicalis has a collectors physical first run version with FULL COLOR MANUAL and a WATER RESISTANT MAP (because ... well... just in case you go adrift in ocean with your Switch I guess...
I picked this up last week and have enjoyed it. It's certainly charming, and the physical bonuses like the manual and stuff that @HAL9000 mentioned are great as well.
Im in, now wheres my crayon box and stick?
Will import the American retail release.
30€ not even considering a purchase. The eShop is full of 15-20€ games as worth as this that I haven't played yet, so why bother for the usual, overpriced Nicalis game? Hard pass
I'm glad this came physical for Switch, I'm glad I hadn't purchase this on PS4 yet.
I found the map, not a nice an extra as the usual Nicalis, pin/keychain kinda thing.
Game wise, there are load screens constantly, often a 2-4 second pause going in and out of a house, yet alone dungeons being 8-10 seconds. Really pulled me out of the game, given there are frustrating deaths to be had.
I've picked up every Nicalis Switch game, and this and Tiny Barbarian are kind of misses for me. Looking forward to "The End is Nigh" though...
Did I imagine it or did I read they were bringing the first game to Switch too?
Great game! Tonight I plan to beat the last dungeon
I enjoyed the first one and would jump on this. Unfortunately it seems Ittle Dew 2+ is not coming to EU retail at all.
@wyzworld76 - I am on that same boat. Was hoping Tiny Barb was going to scratch a traditional G&G itch I have been having since Wii U had someone named "Maximo" do some odd Maximo Mondays shtick for a brief while.
@SKTTR ebay is your friend. Got my copy next day from xbiteworld ebay seller!
I had zero interest (or knowledge, really) of this game until this review, but I think I may have to give it a go. As much as I loved BotW, I love 2D Zelda, and it sounds like this might scratch that itch.
I have the first one on Wii U, & while entertaining, I quickly got bored with it & never finished it. I'm not too keen on the art style.
@FX102A It's Nicalis so always no.
Quite interested but the price (even with the extra content) is a big put off for a digital only title. Maybe on sale I'll give it a punt.
How much is it? How come you guys don't list the prices on your site?
I've got this imported and on the way, well looking forward to playing this one.
I liked the first Ittle Dew but something was missing. Wonder if this game is much better, I am interested though.
Would buy at $20 or less so I guess I'm waiting for a sale.
yeah, i think a good use for that space that is currently wasted with "Our Review: Scroll Down" would be to list the price. now that would be a service.
Will it scratch that itch perfectly?
No, but Ittle Dew!
Er sorry, typo. I meant to say It’ll do.
I wouldn't have looked twice at this, but I love the art style. I'm not sure I can justify grabbing this when I have so much else to play.
That art style sure hurts the eyes
@bonham2 It’s $30. I agree, It would be very nice if they’d list the price in their review.
hate the art-style
@SanderEvers Binding of Isaac was published by another company (Headup Games) in Europe and arrived almost 7 months later. Thought Cave Story was cancelled but assuming it will be a different publisher also.
I never understood the game's name until I saw this subtitle. "It's not Zelda, but Ittle Dew..." Clever!
I need to hit the lottery.
Ittle Dew was a lot of fun on the Wii U. I'm sure I'll pick this one up at some point in time. A few others things going on at the moment.
The first game took me 3hrs to complete - that`s not enough.
I hope this drops to $15-20 in the next few months... I would 100% give it a try for that!
I am totally backlogged with games right now, but it is nice to hear another great game is coming to the Switch.
I’ll have to add this and Oceanhorn to the watchlist to pick up at some point.
Nice review, but I think you mean Fast ‘RMX’, not ‘Racing NEO’?
@FX102A the first game was actually going to be the next Zelda game but was cancelled. They then changed the characters and released it.
The name got even punnier from having a sequel. I like that.
Looks ugly as hell.
I have the original on Wii u: It was a pretty fun game, sadly crashed a few times though. I couldn't beat the endboss, and it also crashed once during that fight. I gave up after that.
This sequel is basically the same artstyle, but in 3d. Doesn't look that hot in 3d, but might still be worth it someday. By the way: 5 extra dungeons, sooo the other versions have only 3?
Ok, maybe it's really just my opinion and I'm all alone in my hatecage here, but this game.... It's way too easy, too short, you can go wherever you want, it's not rewarding, so you don't have a reason to play further on, the enemies are unpredictable and respawning everytime you leave a place, the same endbosses again and again, the controls are not direct and not very precise... don't know where to stop. I really hate this game.
Cave Story was such a great game, but Nicalis disappointed me so much with all their other games!
Maybe the do not publish just for me... I know.
But imo this game deserves a -8!! Yeah! MINUS!
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