Koei Tecmo's Warriors franchise – also known by its Japanese title of "Musou" – has fans the world over, but we'd be willing to bet that quite a few of the people who picked up the superb Hyrule Warriors on Wii U and 3DS had never played any of the previous entries. Combing the hack-and-slash gameplay of the series with the lore of Zelda was, in retrospect, a masterstroke; it unlocked a whole new generation of potential Musou fans and perhaps even awakened a few lapsed Zelda followers, too. Nintendo has allied itself with Koei Tecmo (as well as development teams Omega Force and Team Ninja) for another collaboration, this time featuring Intelligent Systems' beloved Fire Emblem franchise.

Like some kind of mathematical equation, adding Musou to an existing property has exactly the kind of results you'd predict. The turn-based approach Fire Emblem is famous for is gone in Fire Emblem Warriors, and in its place you'll find hordes of enemies to cut your way through (in real time, naturally), screen-filling special moves and a surprisingly deep character development system which not only allows for levelling-up, but permits you to augment each protagonist's abilities on a more granular level, such as selecting and improving their weaponry. None of this will be news to seasoned Musou players, but there are some elements here which are unique to this particular instalment.
While the turn-based tactics of the Fire Emblem series may be gone, there's still a strategic element to proceedings – even more so than is usual in a Warriors game. As ever, controlling bases, defending allies and opening up routes through the battlefield are key concerns, but in Fire Emblem Warriors things are given more depth by the fact that you can issue orders from the pause screen and instruct units to attack certain enemies, heal themselves or proceed to points on the map. It's also possible to switch between units at the push of a button, which gives a much grander feel to the conflict. Instead of being a single super-soldier dealing out death (a tonal hallmark of the Musou series), you're part of a larger army; indeed, if you fail to switch to other units in some missions then failure is a very real possibility, as it's often the case that to reach a particular objective in the fastest time you have to shift control to another character.

The story, for what it's worth, is largely hokum; its main objective is to give the developers an excuse to have these almost entirely unconnected characters all on the same battlefield. As a result we have eyebrow-raising scenarios where allies viciously attack allies simply to prove their trustworthiness, and one particularly confusing mission where it's genuinely hard to remember who is fighting who, or to what end. Despite the often preposterous nature of the plot, it culminates nicely with a largely unexpected twist that leaves you rooting for our heroes – something that doesn't always happen for the majority of the quest as it's difficult to feel anything but indifference for enemies who become allies at the drop of a hat.
Speaking of characters, Fire Emblem Warriors has a few. The vast majority are plucked from Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates, a fact which may annoy some seasoned fans of the series. There are some protagonists from earlier entries – as well as all-new faces, such as lead characters Rowan and Lianna – but this is clearly a package aimed at modern followers of the franchise, and thanks to the focus on switching between units during battle, you'll get more of a chance to familiarise yourself with each one than you perhaps did in Hyrule Warriors.

Another aspect of Fire Emblem that the game borrows is the famous weapon triangle. Certain weapon types have the advantage over others, creating a triangle which means no single weapon is dominant. When fighting against certain types you may find that your character is weaker and therefore takes longer to dispatch them – something which gives you even more impetus to switch to another character, especially during some of the more tense moments when you need to kill certain enemies and move onto the next objective quickly.
In terms of combat, Fire Emblem Warriors will offer few surprises – but that's not to say it isn't ridiculously entertaining all the same. Standard and strong attacks can be chained together to form many different combos – all unique to each character – and by building up your "Warrior" gauge you can unleash a powerful special attack by pushing the A button. After filling your "Awakening" gauge, a stab of the R shoulder button means you'll benefit from a short period where you'll always have the advantage, irrespective of the weapon triangle. You can roll out of trouble using B – handy for outflanking stubborn enemies – and the L shoulder button allows you to lock onto a target and circle them. The camera can be controlled using the right-hand analogue stick, and you can snap it behind your character instantly by pressing the ZL button. ZR opens up a sub-menu from which you can use items to heal both yourself and your allies, but its most important use calls to mind another Fire Emblem staple: bonds between allies.

Simply fighting in close proximity to another friendly character is usually enough to enhance the bond between them, but using ZR you can choose to join forces with them. During this time they are effectively removed from the battlefield, but you can call them in for special attacks and they lend their power to yours when you unleash a special with the A button. You'll also find that some characters automatically step in to defend you at certain points, and it's possible to call them in using ZR + Y for an assist attack. You can toggle between the two characters at any point – ideal for when you're at a disadvantage against a certain enemy and need another weapon type – or decouple entirely so they return to the skirmish, which comes in handy when the tide begins to turn and you need to get more bodies on the battlefield.
The tactical side of the game isn't just for show; poor planning can lead to units being killed, and in traditional Fire Emblem fashion there's a "Classic" mode in which fallen allies cannot be used in future battles, but the edge has been taken off this mode by the fact that you can revive them (at a cost) at the temple in-between missions. The "Casual" mode – where fallen characters simply retreat until the next battle and therefore need less mollycoddling – is a much gentler option, but even in this mode we found ourselves having to re-play certain missions after failing to meet our goals.

It's also worth mentioning that the battlegrounds in Fire Emblem Warriors borrow ideas from the main Fire Emblem series. Dragon Veins are present in some forts, and triggering these usually opens up shortcuts or removes obstacles, such as fog which covers the map or poisonous gas. You'll also find that certain routes are only accessible by flying units, making the need to switch between allies even more important. These shortcuts are ignored at your peril, as they often allow you to complete an objective or reach a certain point of the battlefield faster than on foot. In typical Warriors fashion, you'll spend most of your time in Fire Emblem Warriors fighting for control of forts dotted around each level. These are guarded by a powerful enemy who must be defeated to claim ownership; during some of the longer skirmishes you can expect these bastions to change hands many times over as each side fights to gain the upper hand.
Outside of the battlefield you're given the chance to evolve and grow your characters using some tried-and-tested Musou techniques. Using materials gained in combat you can create "badges" which increase your attack power, give you longer combos, boost your defense against certain weapons and even unlock new skills. If you have a Master Seal you can also change a character's class, which not only gives them a healthy stat boost but changes their outward appearance. Unique skills can be learned as well, usually when you've formed a strong bond between two characters – another incentive to get your units working closely on the battlefield. Weapons are also found on the battlefield and can be equipped in-between missions; it's possible to reforge certain weapons so they gain additional bonuses, such as increased item drops or extra damage. You'll spend a lot of time upgrading your warriors and unlocking new badges, but thankfully the developers have included an "optimise equipment" option which takes some of the effort out of that side of things. It's worth noting that amiibo functionality is included, too – you can scan up to five amiibo a day to earn materials and weapons.

The main story mode will keep you occupied for quite some time, but in addition to that there's the "History" mode, which allows you to replay famous battles from the Fire Emblem series. These are unlocked as you progress through the main narrative, and offer the chance to not only boost your experience, gain more items and earn more gold, but also sate your competitive side – your performance in each mission is ranked depending on how well you do. It's a neat little aside which expands the longevity of Fire Emblem Warriors, but it does feel a slightly tacked-on – especially when you consider that unrelated characters from other Fire Emblem games appear in each mission (Chrom is in the opening clash between Nohrian and Hoshidan forces, lifted from Fire Emblem Fates, for example).
Hyrule Warriors could hardly be described as ugly, but when placed alongside Fire Emblem Warriors the gulf in visual quality is remarkable – especially when you consider that the Switch is a totally mobile system. In its default "Quality" mode – which runs at 1080p / 30fps docked – the game ticks along nicely, with impressive visual effects and loads of enemies on-screen at any one time. However, the "Performance" mode drops the resolution down to 720p and boosts the framerate to 60fps (needless to say this only applies to docked mode); whether or not this is an acceptable trade-off for you is all down to personal taste, but the smoothness of the action really does make a difference, and we opted to play in Performance during the whole adventure. Co-op play is included, but in this mode things do take a noticeable hit, with irksome slowdown and jerkiness. On the audio side of things, Fire Emblem Warriors features copious amounts of voice acting and the option to toggle between English and Japanese speech. The music is typical of Musou crossovers; notable Fire Emblem tunes played on screeching guitars. It's not entirely unpleasant and certainly fits the action, but it lacks the subtlety associated with Fire Emblem's music.
Despite their enduring fame and commercial success the Musou games have, in the past, come dangerously close to self-parody, and it's easy to see why critics of the series consider them to be little more than repetitive button-bashers. Thankfully Fire Emblem Warriors is anything but a mindless brawler; it combines enjoyable combat with real-time tactics, faithfully paying tribute to the two franchises it fuses together. Musou fans will love the fantasy setting and blade-based action, while Fire Emblem followers will appreciate the strategic wrinkles that series adds to proceedings. While the story is largely forgettable there's plenty of fan-service for Fire Emblem lovers here; granted, the cast list focuses on the more recent outings on the 3DS, but we imagine that DLC will redress the balance moving forward. Despite the addition of deeper tactics we fear that Fire Emblem Warriors may still be too samey for those who have struggled with Koei Tecmo's franchise in the past, but everyone else should definitely give this a try; it may well be one of the best Musou outings yet seen.
Comments 150
Picking this up, can't wait! It being like the other games is fine with me since the other games are awesome!
Great score! Looking forward to it!
Still not enough to convince me that I need this game anytime soon. It's a shame it's being released now, with such a wealth of big name titles around the corner, as I think this game will likely get buried.
Looks like more than just your average Warriors game. I can't think of anything that would be at odds more than FE, but here it is.
And it works!
Sucks for this game that it released so close to Odyssey. I don't expect super amazing sales.
I'm glad that it's as good as I hoped!
I'll wait until I have a Switch to play it though, hopefully I won't be caught up in so many games that I'll forget about this.
Hmmm... not my kind of game... not even Hyrule Warriors appealed to me.
Meh,... Still a musou type game - not for me. Got enough to play till Mario/Wolfenstein 2 next week.
If Oydessy wasn't around the corner, I'd be all over this. Oh well. Not like I'll lose sleep over it or anything. There's always Christmas.
Meh, the lack of representation from other, arguably better FE games means this is a skip for me. This focus on Awakening and Fates is disgusting but I’m already used to this waifu pandering.
When the game was announced I expected characters from across the series, same as Hyrule Warriors was allowed. Such a disappointment.
I love Musou games like this so I'm picking this up definitely.
Remember when Radiant Dawn released really close to Mario Galaxy?
Friday can't come soon enough!
I absolutely loved Hyrule Warriors (my first Musou game), but part of that was because of my affection for the Zelda series. I don't have the same attachment to Fire Emblem, so I'm not sure I'd enjoy this as much. Might pick it up eventually on sale.
Three more days until I can dive into this gam
Soon to be dispatched. Want to play it ASAP but worried as I haven't finished either FE Awakening or Fates and scared of spoilering.
A return to Awakening is planned once I finish Bravely Second; although with Odyssey and Xenoblade just round the corner....
What I expected. Hyrule was enough for me and if this was hitting with not much else to play over the next few months then I would get it. Sadly this becomes a no purchase from me.
Hyrule Warriors on Wii U is more than enough for me.
Will be picking this up mainly to play coop with my son. Hopefully the 2 player aspect is good.
I hate musou games but I love FE games. Well unfortunately I will buy the game. But this is wrong! Why combining my beloved franchise with the worst franchise in the world? Nintendo I’m talkin to you!
Ever since I discovered the series back on SNES I always imagined how the battles would flow in real time. It took all these years, but here it is, a dream game for me!
Still disappointed this isn't Fire Emblem Warios, a game in which you dress Wario up as your favourite FE character and parade him around the castle to the delight of royal onlookers.
Loving the game myself, I am still disappointed about other series not being represented, but I really enjoy a lot of characters and there are still some favourites of mine included at least.
Might end up getting the English release too perhaps, but I’m not completely sure yet.
This game should tide me over well until Mario comes out
Played a quarter or so at the game convention. I was surprised how fun this game is but, as I don't have a Switch or New 3DS, I'll probably never play full version.
Gonna play 3 or 4 FE games, then pick this up down the road.
@Maxz : WarioWare x Fire Emblem is the crossover that we should have gotten.
I had relegated this to probably won't be bothered pile. Mainly because there are too many super quality games coming out, and I lack the time and finds for them all. I love FE but find Musou games to be tedious. I really wanted the bonds and strategy and evolving from FE.
This review shows that there actually is some of that, and it doesn't sound like a boring game at all. Still no way to really push it ahead of the 5 must haves I am aiming for by the end of the year, but I will definitely pick this up later(or hopefully just add it to my holiday list and get it as a gift lol)
I am confused yet oddly curious about that game. Does it make me weird that I want to see that game on action?
Mario or Pokémon Warriors please. That’s probably the only way I’d play one of these.
A hard, hard pass to anything Fire Emblem.
@yeayeanaynay Yeah, played Hyrule Warriors demo on 'old' 3DS and it was a terrible experience. I'll pick up a Switch version if any.
I dont like those "Warriors" games. They are stupid and shallow.
@Maxz dude. Day one preorder and buy.
A nice addition to the Switch's line up : )
@Axlroselm I bought every piece of DLC including the character packs so that will take a long time to finish. To be honest I can't remember if I finished the main Legend Mode, if I didn't then I'm right at the end. I think I did finish it. Plus there's all the other content to play.
I'm at Valley of Seers with Ganondorf. I haven't played the game in ages.
"...but in Fire Emblem Warriors things are given more depth by the fact that you can issue orders from the pause screen and instruct units to attack certain enemies, heal themselves or proceed to points on the map. It's also possible to switch between units at the push of a button, which gives a much grander feel to the conflict."
Just like Samurai Warriors Chronicles, then?
I played Hyrule Warriors for over 700 hours on the Wii U and unlocked everything and maxed out every character’s everything. Am burned out by Warriors games but still going to get this.
I always want to like Warriors games, but I tire of them quickly and this doesn't look any different. I like Fire Emblem a lot, but I don't see how you can make FE a Warriors game without destroying what I like about FE.
@Browny Hyrule Warriors vanilla had just characters from Ocarina, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
This game really is beautiful. I loved Dynasty Warriors 3 but didn't feel the need to play any of the others. I may pick this up later on down the road.
Am gonna pass on this one and wait for SMO!
@Browny Totally agree. Was somewhat interested until I saw the Camilla reveal. Had enough of the gratuitous cleavage in this series, personally.
Heh, I had totally forgotten we had a triple-A game coming out on Switch this week.
I'm not particularly interested in Musou games, but I'm nonetheless happy that fans of the series have another option on Switch.
@Shiryu You know I am so with you on this one!
I can't wait for midnight tomorrow to download this and get info some serious strategy, tactics and battlefield management. 😊
I'll enjoy this for a solid week until it's eclipsed by Odyssey.
@BlackenedHalo In your opinion. I really enjoy them, doesn't mean it is stupid.
Wasn't going to buy it anytime soon, but one question remains unanswered: Is the horse backflip still in?
That's worth the first 10 bucks of it for sure.
Hey! This is 2 players co-op, need to update the description in the side
I cannot wait for this! More exciting than Mario, honestly
@cfgk24 I actually stopped playing at Chapter 5 and will only resume when the Japanese Voice Pack is out. It is very, very good indeed.
Soooo does this have co-op then? My gf and I played Hyrule to death, and it was awesome. If FEW has co-op, I'll be all over it... in January.
Was not really a fan of pinballing around and mass killing everything in a few button presses
Can’t wait. I’m a fan of musou games that r in worlds of franchises I like and this time the strategy part of it looks great.
For anyone on the fence due to metacritic scores... at time of writing (23 reviews) its 73% but we can bump it up to 82% by ignoring a single amateurish review of an unnamed source
I don't play FE games but I would have been interested maybe if it wasn't for the fact I got legends, with loads of content and a billion things for me left to do, not minding/like the way it looks and plays, needless to say I'm fine with legends for now.
Screeching guitars? I loved the Hyrule Warriors soundtrack with its Heavy Metal style orchestrations, yet that also got some negativity. Are there any Metalheads in the NintendoLife staff? Go listen to some Helloween.
Anyhoo, I can't wait to play this game, which I have coming in the mail along with the two new amiibos.
Looking forward to this game. I have it pre-ordered and still on the fence about Mario Odyssey.
Ah, Fire Emblem Heroes: Realtime Edition, er... Fire Emblem Warriors... yeah, that's it!
I'll give the vanilla game a run via GameFly, beat it, send it back, get ready for SMO, then check back some months later to see if I want to play the DLC for it.
Awesome. Never played Fire Emblem in my life but I love Hyrule Warriors so I'm going to get this game.
I have the Special Edition lock.
Going to wait on this. I'll pick it up at some point next year probably when there's a game drought. Right now all my hype is for Odyssey.
This and the Mario game. Looks like I’ll be busy with the Switch for awhile.
Can't generate any interest in this. Not a big fan of Musou particularly, Hyrule Warriors kept me interested for a short while but it came out at the same time as GTA V, PES 15, Shadow of Mordor and Captain Toad. Similar issue here, there are so many good games on the Switch alone to compete with this that I can't see me ever playing it. Good thing is it seems to be quite well-designed and produced for those who are keen.
This game should get an automatic score of 10 just for being able to play as both Lucina and Camilla.
This will be one I eventually pickup, cause I liked Hyrule Warriors. I just can't right now, I have too much to play already.
Did someone else read "blonde blades"?
Does anybody know what content unlocks Chrom and Tiki amiibo in this game?
I'm so ready.
Got 2 Collector Editions and 2 sets of the amiibo on lock.
This is a dream game for a Fire Emblem fan such as myself.
Exactly as I expected. Gonna get this game day 1!
Getting the JPN version next month, can't wait. (My bank account....she weeps) Trying to find the amiibo currently.
I saw the image and read the headline as "Blonded blades"
Well, here's hoping I playthrough the story mode at least before Mario gets here.
Any plans on reviewing the 3DS version NL?
Please, Nintendo Life, what about co op? Gameplay and performance?
Co op is a big buying factor, shouldn't leave it behind IMO
I am so looking forward to this! I love Warriors games.
How many hours of content is really in this though? Because Hyrule Warriors have at least hundreds of hours if you factor in all the adventure maps (especially the 3DS version)...
My problem with this on how it seems this is just Awakening & Fates characters, while the characters for other entries feels like they were added in without much thought :/
@Browny The irony in your words, when combined with your avatar. Waifu has been in FE since the beginning, it's just become more pronounced. This whole "fan war between old and new" is absolutely ridiculous.
@KirbyTheVampire Can confirm...I would get this if Odyssey weren't coming in a week. Maybe at some point though.
What I'd really like is to see Roy and Ike added. Maybe Hector and Ephraim too. And Sigurd. But that might be asking a bit too much. If they did add some of those characters I'd probably consider getting this a lot sooner than I am now.
@jwfurness Same here.
...Is it bad that aside from the classic characters like Lyn, the only newer Fates characters in Warriors that really stand out and looks unique/easily recognizable to me is Ryoma and Camilla? Also, its too bad the best representative of Fates (Azura) isn't even playable. A perfect candidate for not being all about swords, and the devs squander the opportunity. Instead, they included some of the more generic looking characters. Really stupid.
@jwfurness Camilla is probably the best Nohr character in Fates, and definitely one of the best overall. She's the only Fates character in FE Warriors other than Ryoma that I can quickly recognize without trouble. (Although Takumi is the fan favorite, and Azura is the best representative character for Fates as a whole.) Flashiness aside, unique character design is important for prominent figures, and Awakening/Fates didn't have as much of that as previous entries for noncritical characters.
Can't wait to pick this up on Friday. I have Hyrule Warriors, but never got around to playing it, and I like Fire Emblem a lot more than Zelda.
I've never played a FE game. While this isn't a "real" FE game I'd still buy it, but with Odyssey, Doom, Skyrim, etc, coming out for the rest of the year, there won't be enough time to play them all.
If there's a lull next year between games I may pick this up. Until then...just not enough time or money!
The balls-to-the-wall guitar-heavy versions of the source music on these games are the best!
Is that a Tecmo thing? They were one of the first to hire musicians to make game music back in the day, which is why Ninja Gaiden and Tecmo Super Bowl music has a full drumkit with crazy fills and everything.
What's the Nlife staff opinion on Iron Maiden? Judas Priest? Brits made/were into rad music back in the day, but I'm not sure if that's the case nowadays, what with "screeching guitars" seeming like a bad thing.
Guitars are supposed to sound like chainsaws. Anything else just ain't Rock N Roll, baby!
Where the hell is jaffar in that roster?
I'll be getting this, but not as excitedly as I'd like. The gameplay may be pretty good, but one of the things that I loved about Hyrule warriors was decimating armies with my favorite characters, and I don't like pretty much all of the fates cast. At least Lyn and Celica are in there...even if Celica is a clone.
I still dunno about this one, I really liked HW (still the exception though as far as musou goes) and I love Fire Emblem, but this seems to play a lot more like a run of the mill musou game than HW with its almost incessant focus on bosses and mini-bosses, Zelda-related gadgets and a host of wildly different characters.
I had really, really, really hoped this one would fix HW main flaw, aka lack of online co-op, but alas that did not happen. If it had, it would have been a no-brainer for me, but as it is ... I'm very conflicted. I just feel that this type of game actually demands to have not just co-op, as an absolute must, but online functionality as well. It just the thing that begs to played with buddies to help with the somewhat tedious nature of the actual moment-to-moment gameplay.
It's really hard to convey how disappointing this is ... in 2017 no less. It's annoying that they focused on Awakening and Fates (instead of e.g. the Tellius games) but that much I can totally understand, as it makes sense to me commercially, but the lack of online ... doesn't. Why Nintendo? Just why!? =(
@Interceptor I know, right? One of the best characters in the series. Instead, they slapped in bland blondies...
@Ralek85 Because Nintendo forgot how to online infrastructure.
@PlywoodStick It works fine for Splatoon, Mario Kart and ARMS though, just to name a few recent and popular examples.
Definitely picking this up Friday! I played it at PAX and it was a lot of fun and I barely got into it.
@VinnieMii of course!
Had my fill of Warriors games, can't play anymore,
@PlywoodStick Yeah, everyone is just clamoring to play as "insert boring blonde character."
Soft pass. The only remaining must-buys for me through the end of the year are Mario, Xenoblade, and Doom.
Looking forward to playing it through the weekend. I'll try and unlock Lyn as soon as possible.
Seems solid but still disappointed about the roster. Koei and Nintendo had a chance to pull a Smash Bros and introduce newer games to a bunch of older characters they never knew before. Instead they decide to pander to characters that everyone already knows. It's pretty lazy and predictable and isn't at all helped by the fact that the dlc is going to focus on bringing more characters from the 3 core games already represented.
When I am interested In a game, I will get the game. Critic's words does not sway me. For all of you that rely on a critic, think about yourself. the critic may not like it and you do. At the end of the day it is more important what you think about the game.
I got a lot of value out of Hyrule Warriors so preordered this some time ago.
Glad it doesn't suck.
I'm hype for this. Can't wait to see who is in the dlc packs!
@Desy64 I'm mostly curious about this also.
Glad to know that I'm not the only one who thought so. Nice to know there are some other Metalheads on here. This review made me think that we're a dying breed. Describing a distorted guitar as 'screeching' makes it sound unwelcomed and annoying as if this guy had to suddenly cover his ears while playing the game. I've been a Metal guitarist for 3 decades. That's his opinion, I guess. Maybe he likes Country music, I don't know.
@justin233 I recognize your avatar! Wow, hadn’t seen that pic in years!
Punch-Out!! Warriors is next, I bet.
"...but we imagine that DLC will redress the balance moving forward..."
So, what you're saying is: I should wait for the complete edition? Okay.
I like what I'm reading about this one, but I have too many other games to play right now. I'll backburner it for future consideration.
@marnelljm So you mean never? I don't think there will be a game drought. The Switch is selling quite well and Nintendo has almost all of their focus on the game machine.
@AJ81 @Ralek85 @onex @danidambro Yes this game has splitscreen co-op as I read in another review. However, I don't really want to do split screen. I was too spoiled by the Wii U where my son and I each had our own screen. What I'd like to know is can I buy 2 copies of the game and do co-op with 2 switches and 2 copies of the game LOCALLY. If so then they just sold 2 more copies. If not then I'm not yet sure if I even want 1 copy of the game.
This might well be the only time I'd be actively interested in Fire Emblem. The Warriors gaming style is more fitting to a war-torn fantasy kingdom than FE's own native genre, but that's just me.
Ha, I just noticed your Helloween avatar and response to my post. Very cool!
@MagicEmperor Where do you recognize it from? I’m curious.
@CanisWolfred There won't be. just DLC packs, most likely akin to Hyrule Warriors.
The present roster is what really kills my day one purchase for this game. I'll wait it out, until DLC characters start rolling in.
Really excited to get this. I'm a BIG Fire Emblem and Warriors/Musou fan. Perfect combination to get my hack'n'slash on.
A friend was ranting to me about this (Lack of Azura) just the other day. I seriously can't understand the roster. This game has a huge thing for swords, apparently.
That said, FE Warriors is my dream game, I used to daydream about the possibilities. When it was first announced, I was so hype... until I realized what they did with the roster. I'm not bashing Awakening or Fates, but I'd be just as frustrated if they focused on ANY of the games to that extent. They had a real golden opportunity here to create an amazing mix-up of FE scenarios and characters, and instead they blew it by playing it safe and only using Awakening/Fates. Also how much do you want to bet neither Lyn nor Celica will have a history mode chapter? It'd be hard to with no one else from their games appearing. What should have been my dream game goes down forever as the greatest disappointment.
To make matters worse, they're releasing the game so close to one of the most anticipated games of the year. It's like they WANT this game to fail. I don't expect very good sales, which will probably hurt the FE series as a whole in this age of "you didn't buy enough _ so we won't support it now" logic by publishers.
@onex That's a shame.
@Onion Agreed. The characters included are a little strange. The inclusion of Celica and Lyn without any of their counterparts doesn't make a lot of sense. Hector would have been a great character for the sake of variety. The classes in this game are also not a great representation of fire emblem. From what I've seen there aren't any playable generals or assassins.... unless you can promote into those classes. ...
@justin233 While it is from that one ‘haunted house’ attraction, there was a photoshop thread all about it at SomethingAwful. Someone manipulated the legs bizarrely.
@Fred13 Splitscreen rarely does me any good ... I just feel, like I said, that these games in many ways were basically made for co-op, and that in 2017, online features must be considered a fair expectation for a game such as this, which I think should be considered AAA title as far as the Switch is concerned.
It's also worth noting, that afaik most HD musou titles that have been released over the course of the last couple of years actually feature only play, so again, this is not in any way an outrageous request on my part.
I understand that it is once more not there, and that there is no point in 'whining' about it, but alas, it is disappointing and that ought to be expressed.
I keep reading about performance issues with this game from other reviews. Does this happen in performance mode too?
@roboshort I'm sure there will be a month where there won't be a major, must have release. That's when I'll pick it up.
I haven't played it yet either, but I've also heard there's no cavaliers or armored knights of any kind. Kind of baffling that they omit so much. I also heard all the archers play pretty much the same.
Pretty, but repetitive.
@Ralek85 I think you misunderstood my comment. I'm relenting that split screen is the only method of co-op. I'm hoping for local multiplayer (2 switches & 2 copies of the game playing local) only because I know they aren't going to be doing online multiplayer, but I'd be just as happy with online multiplayer as both options would allow my wife and I to play together without splitscreen.
@Fred13 Oh yeah, no I get it. I must have lost track of what I was trying to say, but anyways you said it yourself already: If it had online co-op your problem would have been solved as well! I mean, you'd be served by local as well, but I dare say the appeal of online is ... well, just broader.
@Oscarzxn people seem to have very very selective memory when it comes to things like this
quick question: is FE Warriors really that much better than fate/extella? i haven't really played musou before and neither FE games, but was sorely disappointed by fate/extella – to me, it is just plain boredom. so should i give FEW a chance?
@jwfurness : Camilla's no saint, but Charlotte is just bondage on legs. She is the most idiotic and nonsensical inclusion (where gratuitous fan service is concerned) in the Fire Emblem series to date as far as I'm concerned.
@sillygostly I've not played an FE game since the DS entry, so I wasn't aware of other scantily clad characters outside of Camilla, who's heavily featured in all spin-offs and marketing material. I'm not surprised.
Great to see this getting such a good review! I loved Hyrule Warriors (my first Musou game) and I will definitely pick this up eventually, but at the moment I have more than enough to play with the new Story of Seasons and Layton games on 3DS and Rayman Legends on Switch - not to mention Odyssey next week, pretty sure that's going to sap ALL of my gaming time for a long while. So this may easily be a Christmas/New Year purchase for me.
I don't think I can play this game that much. Especially because Odyssey is coming out a week later and my Warriors order is to be delivered on Oct 27 I doubt I'll get to play it that much. Maybe in Christmas if Xenoblade is boring (which I don't think it will be). Day one purchase, but Christmas day gameplay...
Has anyone in the US been able to find a physical copy of this game? No I place in New Mexico has it for the Switch at all.
Got this yesterday and it's great fun in all but I think I've encountered a glitch, or perhaps I'm missing something. In handheld no issues what so ever but when played docked I can here the audio but no voice acting.... Any one else have this issue? Perhaps an option I'm missing?
@Captain_Gonru I'm not sure it sold out by Friday night. None of the workers in any of the stores between Target, Walmart or Toys R Us had any knowledge of the game coming to Switch nor could they bring it up in the computers for anything but 3DS.
I thoroughly enjoy the game even though I do admit that for the most part, you just put your brain on standby and I am a huge Fire Emblem fan which makes the game even more compelling. I think 7/10 is a fair score and in coop it is an easy 8/10.
I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10 if you are a series fan, or 8 out of 10 if you've never played before.
For me, it's basically all the same as previous games but with Fire Emblem stars. Graphically, it's a big jump - but it's still very sparse [due to it being on 3DS as well]. The story mode is basic, but it is integrated into the FE gameplay very well - I was surprised. It basically plays like a FE game, but with built-in mass enemy destroying. I'm pleased overall though. Not bad for £39.
@Ralek85 Can you imagine a warrior game with online play? It would be laggy and d-sycning to hell. While it would be nice to see, our level of technolgy does not have the best internet to handle a warriors game online.
@Fred13 No local wireless play sadly. While I think it's doable, it would probably lag and d-sync too much to be enjoyable.
@Shade_Koopa Why would you need to imagine that? Most Warriors games on other platforms do have in fact online co-op, certainly on PS4/X1 (the PC ports, I think, not so much). When we can do 64-players Battlefield matches, and RTS matches with hundreds and hundreds of units, we absolutely can do Warriors, esp. since those games are not played competitively and are not contingent on split-second decisions and input.
Even IF there were some lag for one of many possible technical reasons, a game like FE Warriors would still be playable fine. I mean, you don't fail a mission in FE Warriors as it is just because the game e.g. drops a bunch of frames here and there.
TL;DR: Just pick up any warriors game on PS4/X1 so you do no longer have to imagine. That is not to say, that there are no issues there though, just that I squarely blame those issue on their tech and infrastructure. Simple as that =(
@Ralek85 Okay, I stand corrected. I see a few of the main warriors game series actually supported online multiplayer. Though it's most of the earlier ones for PS3/360, as you said. The PC ports don't seem to have multiplayer, which I can speculate why. Warriors games have never really been a big focus on Multiplayer, so seeing some local multiplayer is always nice. And make sense. Easier to load in the enemies and keep up with performance. Not top performance, as we see with Fire Emblem Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Wii U (though my cousin and I still enjoyed it, and didn't notice anything game breaking).
I still find it hard for a fact passed action game, to have online multiplayer, would be able with all the spawn of soldiers n such, while also trying to keep in sync with the player in the same game online room.
As I don't own or keep up (or pretty much care) with PS4/XBOX1, what warriors game is on there that has online co-op?
@Shade_Koopa Like I said, I don't think these type of games are really that much impacted by lag. I mean, if we are talking massive spikes, sure, that's always an issue, but other than that, things will tuck along, and again, we have online games that handle massive player loads all the time. It's not a simple task to accomplish (repeated issues with the netcode of various e.g. Battlefield games but even Overwatch can attest to this), but it is absolutely doable within a reasonable margin.
As for games on X1/PS4 ... I'm a bit busy right now to compile an exhaustive list, but right off the top of my head, I think Arslan and DW8 had online co-op. Like I said, from what I can remember, most Warriors games on these systems that have any multiplayer, do have online multiplayer. I think the Berserk musou game lacks online, but I think it doesn't have local either so ...
I think it's mostly on PC that the Warriors games lack online, not on consoles (PS4/X1 and probably Ps3/360) as well. I think DW8 on PC for example lacks online as well.
@Ralek85 uh huh, if ya say so.
@Shade_Koopa No need to hit such a condescending tone with me. I don't appreciate the pointless insinuation that I am full of ****, when you could have easily checked yourself using google or what ever. I understand that this is too much to ask, but then why bother arguing? That much I don't get, anyways what I said was accurate.
www.co-optimus.com is handy little site for example, just saying.
@Ralek85 I did look it up. Most of the recent warriors games, including the ports, don't have online play. The only one that I could find was Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (spin off but still).
As for any of the Sony/Microsoft console ones, there were on previous generation consoles. Not exactly recent.
Recent "Next-Gen" Musou Games with Online-Co-Op (on consoles according to Co-Optimus):
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (2017 - as you said)
Heroic Legend of Arslan (2016)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 (2015)
Samurai Warriors 4-II (2015)
Samurai Warriors 4 (2014)
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate (2014)
Dynasty Warriors 8 (2013 - the most recent numbered one, incl. Xtreme Legends and Empires)
No Multiplayer at all:
Warriors All-Stars (2017)
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (2017)
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (2015)
"Most of the recent warriors games, including the ports, don't have online play." -> "uh huh, if ya say so." ...........
@Ralek85 First off, you left out the fact that One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 released a Deluxe version on the Switch WITHOUT online multiplayer (which I can guess why, sad but true).
Second, the games you list with online play, are from 2-3 years ago. That's not recent, not in this day an age.
And Third, why is Dragon Quest Heroes 2 listed with no multiplayer? From my understand, all versions of the game, including the Switch versions (JPN only at the moment) has online play.
While it's nice to see some of the Warriors got online play, they are consoles that I do no own (and will never own since I have a gaming PC). And while it's nice to see them on PC as enhanced ports of sorts, it sad to see online play removed (why I don't know, as I'm sure a PC could handle online play a lot better then a console, supposedly).
@Shade_Koopa First off, I had no idea about the Switch version of One Piece. I did not list any Switch or WiiU games (like Hyrule Warriors for example), as you may have noticed.
Second, my entire point was that the majority of the most recent musou games (on consoles) had multiplayer. Hence I listed the majority of those games (I probably missed some I guess), and pointed out which one had online multiplayer. I assume you agree that it is the majority. Whether you consider "recent" to include the last 2 years, or the last 3 years or what ever really, is entirely besides the point to be honest, as these are the most recent ones - beyond any arbitrary limit.
It only was meant to show that not only CAN this be done, but that it HAS BEEN done quite regularly in the past, and that the lack of online is (on consoles) an outlier and not the norm. If anything, if there is multiplayer, there seems to be online, outside of the Nintendo ecosystem that is of course.
Third, that is just a typo - my bad. It was meant to read DQ Heroes 1, as that had to my knowledge no multiplayer unlike its sequel. Again, just simple copy-paste-mistake
Again, all I wanted to say is that it is not only possible to have online for musou game on consoles, but it has been - as the fact is - very common indeed. Not with Nintendo (and apparently not necessarily on PC either), but that only proves that it is just a matter of effort, not of possibility. That's really all I wanted to say, well, other than that I would have much appreciated Tecmo Koei going the extra mile for Fire Emblem Warriors and giving it an online mode, too, in addition to the neat local feature.
I get that you do not have any of these consoles, but frankly so what? Tens and tens of millions of people do, and certainly the vast majority of people traditionally into these types of Japanese games, like musou games. Yes, games like this have been coming to the PC for some time now, and that is becoming even more true as time goes on, but it still a far cry from every niche Japanese game making it to PC and well, the ports are not always the 'best' version one might have hoped for. Though I have to say, lack of an entire way of playing, like multiplayer, is a rather severe draw-back as far as issues with ports go.
Personally, I have all the current systems, so I just pick which ever versions suits me best, though since my PC is hardly at the cutting edge, the most demanding game I normally pick on PS4, but I am absolutely aware, that this is not true for everyone. I don't know the numbers, but I cannot imagine, that PC is the market Tecmo Koei is focused on with their musou titles, hence I believe this to be pretty irrelevant to anything I was trying to argue anyways ^^
@Ralek85 Fair enough.
This is a really decent game. It's just unfortunate that it gets completely overshadowed by hyrule warriors for most people
@Kalmaro is this game worth it? Does it run well?
@Onion_Duke so is this good? Does it run well?
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