Back in May this year, we reviewed Assassin's Creed III Remastered for Switch and didn't have a great deal good to say about it. It's been patched since – and plays a considerably better game for it – but upon release, it was pretty much a buggy, blurry shambles with a stuttering framerate and a pretty big disappointment for Assassin's Creed fans. We may be forgiven then, perhaps, for having not been overly optimistic about this pirate-flavoured Rebel Collection which brings together Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag – arguably the very pinnacle of the "classic" Assassin's Creed games pre-Origins and Odyssey – and Assassin's Creed Rogue, the PS3/Xbox 360 title which is pretty much Black Flag 2 in all but name.
However, any concerns we may have had have been roundly dismissed in short order as this is a mostly fantastic port – especially in the case of Black Flag – that manages to squeeze an absolutely massive amount of rum-soaked high-seas hijinks onto Nintendo's portable console in an impressively smooth fashion and with nary a bug in sight.

Indeed, it's the headline act here – 2014's excellent Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag – that's the star of the show in every way. Locked at 720p in handheld and 1080p when docked, we didn't notice a significant stutter or wobble from its 30fps target whatsoever during our time with the game; even during the busiest of flamboyant chase sequences or thunderous sea-based battles, this port delivers the goods and looks great whilst doing so.
Of course, as is to be expected, there have had to be some graphical sacrifices made on Switch and they're really most noticeable in docked mode – the odd blurred texture here or lack of detail there – but all of the atmospheric volumetric effects, lighting and gloriously evocative open seas have been miraculously kept intact. This is Black Flag how you remember it – OK, perhaps not graphically on a par with the PS4/Xbox One versions of the game but it's close – and we also get lovely Switch exclusive motion-controlled aiming for guns, pistols and ship weapons, as well as HD Rumble and all of the DLC that's been released for the game thus far, including Aveline and the properly excellent Freedom Cry.

Playing through Black Flag in portable mode is actually something of a revelation. With its absolutely enormous world map stuffed to the brim with secrets and treasures, it becomes apparent that this is a game that's actually perfectly suited to dipping in and out of in handheld. Missions tend to be pretty short with a handful of fun additional objectives to give them replayability and you can polish most of them off in twenty minutes or so, give or take the odd long exposition-heavy chapter. So too the seemingly endless islands dotted around the map to discover, each one with a check-list of treasure chests, viewpoints, hostages and other activities that are just perfect for jumping in and cleaning up in a quick portable session.
Experiencing this adventure again, it's easy to see why Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag became such a fan favourite over the years. Besides the beefy main campaign here, starring one of the series' most charismatic and straight-up fun protagonists, you've got an absolute wealth of fun side activities to partake in as you breeze around the Caribbean. Of course, there's the amazing naval combat, the feather in Black Flag's cap, taken from Assassin's Creed III and turned to pure gold here; it just never gets old and still feels and looks amazing. Battling it out with a particularly large enemy ship during a huge storm as the violent dark seas swell around your craft is worth the price of admission alone, to be quite honest. But there's also a ton of side quests, assassin's contracts, naval contracts, ship and weapon upgrades, crafting, hunting, harpooning, rescuing your pirate brethren and treasure maps hunts to get completely lost in as well – and all of it is here on Switch, looking and performing as good as we could ever really have hoped.

Of course, there are some negatives. As good as Black Flag is, it suffers from some of the same problems as many of the series' other outings. Parkour can be sticky and fiddly, scraps can break down into farce very easily and controls can generally feel quite unwieldy at times. You'll find yourself caught out during stealth missions because protagonist Edward decides to get stuck to some bit of scenery, jumps up to grab a branch instead of ducking down into a bush or refuses to jump from a wall in time to hide from your enemies. It's all part of these game really; stuff that didn't ever really get properly ironed out until Origins and Odyssey.
Alongside the swashbuckling adventures of Edward Kenway, you've also got Shay Patrick Cormac's Templar turn in Assassin's Creed Rogue. We won't give away too much in terms of story here, but Rogue was a bit of a departure for the series, with a central protagonist who turns his back on the assassins to walk the path of the series' staple enemies. Shay's adventure was originally released as a bit of a stop-gap on PS3 and 360 as they came to the end of their lives, and in some respects, it shows. It's not graphically as strong as Black Flag, its story and voice-acting (those Irish accents, yeeesh!) pale in comparison and its main campaign doesn't take too long to blast through should you eschew the bevvy of side activities and collectables its got for you to hoover up.

However, this is still, for our money, one of the most entertaining of the main Assassin's Creed games simply by virtue of the fact it takes what made the stellar Black Flag so entertaining and just gives you more of it. In fact Assassin's Creed Rogue knows exactly what it is in this respect and wastes absolutely no time in getting you back into that sweet Black Flag groove, with Shay commandeering his very own set of sea-wheels in the pre-credits sequence, letting players loose on the frigid North Atlantic waters as quickly as it can.
In terms of this particular port, Assassin's Creed Rogue doesn't fare quite as well as its majestic counterpart. Graphically – and again, this could be down to those PS3/360 roots – it's not as strong as Black Flag; fine details on clothes and faces are missing and levels are noticeably drabber. In handheld it still manages to hold that 30fps target for the most part – even during a sequence which sees an entire city spectacularly razed to the ground – but we did notice what we are assuming is resolution scaling working its magic; things becoming blurry here and there as the game struggles to keep things running smoothly.

In docked mode, graphical anomalies stand out more; there's clipping of textures here and there and some odd shadow flickering and pop-in. The framerate too – most noticeably during hectic sword fights with numerous enemies – struggles. We didn't notice any real stuttering, but things definitely felt a little stodgy on the control front from time to time. However, having said all of that, this is nowhere near reaching the level of problems Assassin's Creed III Remastered initially had on Nintendo's little console. Nothing we experienced during our time with any of the content on offer here took us out of the game or stopped us from thoroughly enjoying the experience. There are zero sound problems whatsoever (something that was a huge issue with Assassin's Creed III) and really the issues we have here, certainly in terms of the graphics in Rogue, are things we've seen discussed before in reference to other versions of that particular game.
So in summary, for ye mangy sea-dogs who weren't fully paying attention, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag looks and plays phenomenally well on Switch, and is the complete package with all DLC included. Rogue struggles from time to time, especially in docked, but it still plays a great game and is pretty much perfectly smooth in portable. Aveline and Freedom Cry – between them providing another five or six hours of content, are on a par with Black Flag in terms of performance. Ubisoft Club too, although perhaps not the most exciting thing in the world, has been really smoothly integrated here, with lots of fun challenges to take part in and a ton of cool outfits and ship goodies to work towards unlocking. It just gives the whole package that final little chef's kiss and keeps it on an even keel with other console versions.
Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection has come as something of a surprise to us after the disappointment of Assassin's Creed III Remastered. Here are two excellent swashbuckling epics ported to Nintendo's console in fine fashion. Black Flag is a revelation in portable mode and looks and performs almost flawlessly as you blast your way around the Caribbean on Edward Kenway's captivating pirate adventures. Rogue, although it struggles to keep up slightly here and there, is always eminently playable and together with the excellent Freedom Cry, they give Assassin's Creed fans something they've wanted for a very long time now – this is handheld Assassin's Creed at a standard we weren't particularly sure we'd ever see on Switch.
Comments 114
Ah im torn. I always buy assassin's creed games but never like them .... guess I'll add this to the pile .... dont judge me
I am mostly annoyed Rogue is a download.
I might have to double dip Black Flag. Mainly because Black Flag launched so long ago, that it would almost be new to me again and because it's that good(IMO).
@KitsuneNight I am too but Black Flag is all on the cartridge. And let's face it people buy it for Black Flag, not Rogue.
Rogue is just a leftover digital bonus.
Likely going to double dip on AC:4... When it's eventually on sale.
Had it on WiiU and the framerate was pretty choppy combined with aliasing/shimmering that was painful to the eye in some instances. But was cool playing on that "amazing" 480p tablet back then, so even more so having it fully portable at a solid framerate.
Haven't played Rogue, so will be cool to try out.
Fantastic news. I’ll be getting this for Christmas. Rogue is a must play for fans of the series, with its unique story perspective.
If you download Rogue do you still need the cart?
Does the Amazon Japan version if there is one full Cart?
"(...)even during a sequence which sees an entire city spectacularly razed to the ground (...)"
We rebuilt it just fine, thank you very much. And we did so in memory of all the lives that were lost in my country biggest natural tragedy in recorded History.
Is Rouge a download in the US as well? I remember an article that said otherwise...
I'm getting this just for Black Flag anyways once the price is right.
@Ryu_Niiyama Entirely a guess on my part, but it looks like the eShop version of this collection is a 1-time purchase, you can't buy the two games separately. So based on that, my educated guess would be that you'd need the cartridge in the Switch to play Rogue. If they were broken out as separate games on the eShop (like Bayonetta 1 & 2), my guess would have been that it might be possible to play Rogue without the cart.
Now I really want to see Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection get a port for the Swtich.
Do both games come on the cart here in the U.S.?
I plan on picking this up today but if I have to download one of the games then I'll probably wait for a discount...
Hmmmm do I send my 16 year old son the money to stealth buy this on his way home from college tonight.....
Just finished up III and had a great time playing it for the first time. Looking forward to picking this up. Playing through III really confirmed for me how much I enjoy a good 3rd person adventure game in handheld mode (crossing my fingers for a Jedi Fallen Order port)
So excited for this!
I love love love Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Much like the port of Alien Isolation, the Rebel Collection sets a new bar for port quality on the Nintendo Switch. We're finally seeing devs learn the system and care enough to take the time and get it right. Bravo.
Assassin's Creed III is still a solid entry, barring sound (which I'll get to shortly). It had some stutters docked at launch, yet played fine in handheld. And sound quality was poor, though I couldn't tell on TV or Switch speakers. Still playable, but not ideal docked. The patch fixed the docked framerate, and fixed the audio, but it's still kinda poor. Thing is, I couldn't notice until I recently started gaming with headphones, and even then it took a week to acclimate and start discerning the audio fidelity. Still a great game overall, in great shape now, and if you're not using a headset the audio sounds fine to me.
But this Rebel Collection is where it's at. I've been waiting years for a handheld version of Black Flag. And to learn it's an immaculate port is thrilling. Rogue is just icing on the cake.
@DTfeartheBEARD @Zach777
Rogue is a download in NA, it just doesnt have the warning on the box (thankfully).
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is completely on a 16gb cart though, and Rogue is just downloaded as part of the update with DLC. Near impossible to fit multiple AAA games on a cart, even a 16gb (since 32gb carts aren't used by anyone, aside from 1 release in the west in 3 years)
@JaxonH well that's disappointing but expected. Seeing that the NA version didn't have that banner on the cover made me question it. Thanks for the reply.
One of them is a digital download, no deal. Sorry.
I just picked this up today as I e never played these games. Plus I had some coupons at Best Buy. Anxious to play it.
I still want the Ezio trilogy remastered.
Never played an AC game before. This might be a good opportunity to change that.
Yes , you should.
Not a huge Assassin’s Creed fan but Black Flag is one of the few I liked. Really tempted by this. The old portability factor working its magic again.
Honestly, I'm just glad Ubisoft actually gave a damn with these two ports than Assassin's Creed 3 for the Switch.
"Zero sound problems whatsoever (something that was a huge issue with Assassin's Creed III)" Oh my God, thank you! Assassin's Creed III's audio compression was flat out horrendous, so I'm happy to hear that the audio is much better.
Black Flag is why Drunken Sailor still bounces around in my head on occasion. XD
I really wish these were offered separately as I haven't played Rogue. While I'd like to play AC IV again, it wouldn't be anytime soon.
Soooo, you can’t play BF without downloaden Rogue? I don’t want that game on my SD card.
@CurryPowderKeg79 I know, I really like Rogue as well. The northern setting is so empty and atmospheric
So, I only played AC1 and AC2, loved them both.
How Black Flag compares to those two? It is worth paying the full price they ask?
Yes, you do.
You can only access the games, or the extra content with the cardridge inserted.
So I hear some countries have the second game as download and some are both on one. Is assassins creed 3, liberation download in uk or is it physical?
Its both
I have the physical cardridge but you can also buy it on the eshop.
Slightly off topic, but how come this review ends with a “so in summary” paragraph AND a Conclusion, whereas the the 3 Five Nights At Freddy’s reviews didn’t bother with a Conclusion at all (at least not clearly demarked as such)? Is it just down to Reviewer preference?
You can play AC 4 without downloading Rogue
The download is optional.
@KitsuneNight thank you. It’s only because me and a friend were going to go half’s on the physical game, he has 3 physical and if Liberation was download only we would have one each
Probably because all the Freddy games are essentially the same.
Hold on a moment
Let me check just to be sure.
Edit: you can buy AC3 either digital or Physical. But Liberation is part of the AC3 package.
You can not buy Liberation seperate
Thnx. Than I will buy the game. Never played it.
Does anyone know how big the download is? Thanks
"The series' usual control problems, and messy hand to hand combat"
Nope... that has been fixed in "the series". Combat - especially Boss battles - in Odyssey are amazing. Even the awful ice skating ship is gone. This is just because the Switch library is stuck 5 years in the past. The label "classic" should be in there somewhere.
@adam9431 I do exactly the same. Although black flag is decent.
I’d really like origins on switch haven’t played that yet and I love Egypt
@KitsuneNight that’s it then. I have to now! 😊
Another one on my radar. I got AC3 on BF, so I'm currently playing that.
@Agramonte From this very same review:
"It's all part of these game really; stuff that didn't ever really get properly ironed out until Origins and Odyssey"
Maybe you should read the full article before commenting?
@popey1980 19gb
Glad it's turned out well. Had the 360 version of Black Flag but barely touched it. Handheld AC incoming!
@Kochambra They should have labeled it as "classic" everywhere. The problem is in the conclusion not the article. A specific above and then a random generalization below.
@KitsuneNight Well that's not fun. Thank you for that answer. I'll wait on a sale then. Loathe Black Flag.
@Agramonte Conclusion: "the end or close; final part:"
The conclusion is part of the article. Having to detail again what they mean by "usual in the series" in the conclusion after having stated it plain and clear in the article would make for rather tedious reading and defeat the point of having a conclusion in the first place.
In any case, you really should have read the whole review before commenting.
People owe it to themselves to play black flag
@Kochambra Conclusion here is a recap of what is mentioned in the article and later what is basically "at a glance" section. And you have it in reverse... your logic kills the reason to even have one - why it even has a visual divider. And nothing "tedious" about having to read 1 extra word in a sentence 🙄
@Ralizah I recommend Odyssey over all others for a starting point because its systems are so seamless, and also the progression is very addictive. It’s also goddamn gorgeous on PS4 Pro
But of course, the only way to play that one on switch right now is through an obscure streaming service.
Still, if you have the means you should start with that one; definitely the most immediately accessible of the series
Was hoping this one would be better handled. Sold for me.
@Agramonte Here comes the hater again with a completely stupid and nonsensical argument.
@Agramonte "Conclusion here is a recap of what is mentioned in the article"
Recap/Recapitulation: "A summary or concise review."
Summary: "a brief account of the main points of something"
Note the words "concise" and "brief" there. If they had to include a word to satisfy every nitpicker who doesn't even bother to read the article before nitpicking, they might as well repeat the whole text again, which would defeat the point of having a summary since you're not summarizing but repeating and would be quite tedious to read.
No matter how you try to spin it, it doesn't disguise the fact that you commented without having read the whole article.
I loved it in Dishonored as well, only they slightly altered the lyrics to “Drunken Whaler”.
If you loved AC 1 & 2, you should love Black Flag. It plays mostly like AC 2 with the obvious exception of ship sailing and combat.
I’d also recommend playing AC Brotherhood and Revelations to finish off Ezio’s story. Although I didn’t like Revelatioms as much as the two before it.
AC3 doesn’t exist, just skip it and pretend it never happened.
I'm getting this tonight, but I was wondering since the review didn't say anything, how does the visuals compare to the Wii U version? Since that what I played Black Flag on the first time.
I never got around to playing Black Flag on WiiU, perhaps I'll pick this up and finally enjoy it on Switch, arr!
@Kochambra You the one that is trying to spin something that is basic!. Yes "summary" and "concise". They not "usual problems" for "the series". It needs a time reference just like in the main article to be "a concise summery" of what is above. Nonsense, you do not need to cross reference a summary or a recap 🤦♂️. Just deleting "The series' usual control problems..." makes it more 'brief", less "tedious" and more "concise". And even actually serve the purpose of a "summary".
Nope, this is a rehash... If you already played the game you know what the game is like. All I cared about was (command find) "performance" and "graphics" and a summary.
@Antraxx777 Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
If I do play one of the later ones, it'll be on my PC, where I can tweak settings to hit 60fps consistently.
Preordered this, but probably going to cancel and wait for the inevitable $15-20 sale. If it were all on the cartridge I’d pay full price.
I really hope this review is right, I'm leary of another Pillars of Eternity fiasco. For those who don't know, POE was given rave reviews on Switch but it turned out that it was broken and buggy as hell and the reviewers were either too lazy to play it through or dishonest in telling the truth. I'm not seeing any other reviews for this so I think I'll wait a bit before plunging in.
Absolutely superb! Of course there are the expected graphical sacrifices but these are two great games. Black flag in particular on the go - incredible feat of porting and it shows that when devs take care with ports to switch they will be duly rewarded.
I am now going to be controversial....Master System. Mega Drive. Mega CD. 32X. Saturn. Dreamcast. GameCube. N64. SNES. NES. Gameboy. Game Gear. 3DS. Vita. PS3. PS4. XBOX 360. XBOX ONE X.
Nintendo Switch is the only console I own. And it is the best console I have ever owned. I cannot wait for the future of Switch and hope it is Nintendo’s flagship for decades to come!
41 years old and loving switch. Who said it’s for the kids eh?
Never played an Assassin's Creed game before but was looking at picking this up as this years summer/christmas adventure. Awesome to see it's a great port, it's a definite yes then! yaarrr... also wanna pick up Alien: Isolation
Is it wrong I was hoping this would be a complete mess so I wouldn’t have to add it to my must have list? Sure, NOW Ubisoft decides to get its act together when I’m killing my wallet during Christmas season. Sigh.
“Honey? We need to take out a second mortgage because the Switch keeps adding games I NEEEEEEEEEED!”
@Agramonte "It needs a time reference just like in the main article to be "a concise summery" of what is above"
Excuse me if I repeat myself:
Summary: "a brief account of the main points of something"
Did you read the "main points" part? A summary under the header "Cons" definitely needs to include a brief sentence about one of the main complaints that the reviewer expounded on in the main text. Mentioning that those control problems are just the usual in the series, adds a lot of information that is relevant to the point of the sentence: Those control problems are not specific to these two particular games or to their Switch port; they're just the usual in the series.
On the other hand, adding any single word to signify that there are two games in this series of eleven, that don't have these control problems, would add absolutely nothing to the point of the sentence. It's extraneous information that says nothing about the cons that the reviewer found in the games actually being reviewed, and so it would have no purpose in a brief summary, other than having spared you of making a comment stating something that was already stated in the review you were commenting on, but decided not to read first.
It would have been a good idea to read the whole review before commenting, pal.
@sandman89 ya i played it and it is decent, but i didn't get very far in it :s
No need to say Black Flag is the best AC game "pre-Origins and Odyssey". It's still the best. The new AC games are just overstuffed GaaS, hardly resembling previous entries.
@Kochambra Sure it is important, why they specified "...until Origins and Odyssey" in the first place so not have it extend to those 2 games - because it is "ironed out". A summary of that point also needs that limit. You can't have it both ways. And again - it is another rehash. Anyone who already finished the game is just looking for the bullet points. Not like trying to figured out if will like the game or not. This is exactly what a conclusion summary is for.
The two best games in the series, IMO.
@Kang81 I hadn't heard of that alternate version, but I looked it up. Very haunting and awesome! Thanks for mentioning it!
@adam9431 As someone who couldn't get too far into the other games before getting bored, I liked Black Flag quite a bit. That's no guarantee for you, of course, but just my 2 cents.
I dare Ubisoft to port AC Unity to Switch. The 10,000 npc will fried the Tegra chip in a minute. Unity turns the PS4 into a jet plane, I can't imagine what it will do to the Switch.
Want, but it’s Ubisoft, so it’ll be on sale before too long.
I'm enjoying liberation and 3 before partaking in this collection
I’ve been playing this tonight, it’s another amazing port. Shows how great Switch is if/when Dev’s want to port a game.
To the people complaining that Rogue is a download. I’m sorry, you guys are such blank blank blanks.... Black Flag is huge so that on the cartridge alone is incredible, to ask for Rogue data on top of that. Get the bleep outta here.
10/10 review for me. Best Pirate game ever (to date).
@Agramonte "Sure it is important, why they specified "...until Origins and Odyssey" in the first place"
Because that's the difference between a summary and the full review you didn't bother to read before commenting. Yet again:
Summary: "a brief account of the main points of something"
Notice that "main points" bit.
The point of that sentence in the "cons" column is that the two games being reviewed have control problems. "What control problems?" Sticky parkour and messy hand to hand combat. "How severe are these problems?" They're just the usual problems in this series.
Do you see how those two questions i just mentioned are tightly bound to the main point of the sentence and provide substantial information about the games being reviewed? That's two things you can't say about the question: "But wait, are there any games in this series without those problems?"
If you want that kind of accessory information, just read the full review, as you should had done before commenting.
Frame rate, control issues and graphic glitches....all sounds like it's worth a 8/10!
I bought this game based on this review. An 8? Seriously? This game deserves a 3 for it’s lousy controls. What a clunky mess.
:::shaking my head:::: Did you not play this ever before on PS3, 360, Wii U, or PS4 or XB1? Have you ever played ANY AC game before prior to Origins or Odyssey? It’s exactly like those versions. It’s a perfect port with the usual “slippery” platforming controls as all the AC games back then. It’s not the best, everyone already knew that. No idea why you would think the Switch version would be any different then those, control wise. @dewokkel
@CTmatic Nope never played an assassins creed game before. I didn’t expect crappy controls indeed.
Gotcha. I’ve gotten burned to by buying a game based off of a review. Definitely not a good idea.
I don’t think the controls are bad at all. The only downside is the parkour and chase missions where you occasionally go the wrong way if you tilt the thumb stick too much. However, these games are over 5yrs old and all older AC games do this. @dewokkel
@CTmatic yes, that chase mission was horrendous. Maybe I should just give it another try. The combat is fun at least and the game looks and runs great.
Keep in mind there are no other reviews for this, except one from Italy, and the user reviews on MC sound like plants. Buyer beware!
Yeah definitely give it another go. It’s my favorite AC game ever. I know we’re just strangers talkin here (lol), but keep in mind this to for what it’s worth. I’ve played every AC game ever, and I’ve traded in every one of them except Black Flag and Rogue. In my opinion they’re that good. It will grow on you and you’ll easily adjust to the controls. @dewokkel
@CTmatic I was very frustrated with the game, but I’ll definitely give it another go tomorrow 😊
Sounds good man. Not saying you need any but if you have any questions or looking for tips on anything shoot me a message. I’ve played Black Flag tons. @dewokkel
Wasnt fussed on these games on ps4, AC didn't get good until origins imo
Very helpful review as it explains how the ports run on Switch instead of ignoring the glaring differences like other Switch reviews.
I hate that outlook. I get it though. Black Flag is the best AC game ever. IMO. Origins and Odyssey took it into a new direction. @Deljo
cant wait to start play this game
but can anyone can confirm if AnvilNext 2.0 is support the Switch ?
i really like to Play Unity and Syndicate
dont think that Odyssey and Origin will work
I wonder how they balanced currency in black flag without the ship mission table. ship missions were a huge way to get money for a lot of things, especially when you had a pretty large fleat and all areas unlocked. But they took that system offline years ago. Unless switch version adds an offline version of it in some capacity?
Black Flag is as good a game to start as any. Reason being it’s arguably the most fun, when you have fun in a series you tend to come back.
I’m no expert in the series but I have played all of them to some extent, and can hopefully provide at least some insight into the franchise. You basically have 5 sagas or groups of games, or at least according to fan wikis. But I think it’s a pretty good summation of the series thus far:
The first followed Altaïr, while Assassin’s Creed 2, Brotherhood and Revelation followed Ezio.
The Kenway Saga is by far the largest and most interesting imo, starting with ACIII which followed Conner Kenway, and it’s Liberation spin-off, then followed up by ACIV: Black Flag featuring Edward Kenway, Conner’s grandfather (and it’s expansions, Freedom Cry feature and Aveline), and lastly Rogue, which is basically Black Flag pt. 2 but featuring Shay Cormac, an assassin who turns Templar (the sworn enemies of the entire series), which provides a nice change of pace to see things from the other side.
Then the Initiate Duology of AC Unity and AC Syndicate, which was largely panned relative to the rest of the series. And lastly, the Layla saga which is Origins and Odyssey. Both of which are highly regarded.
All in all though, the Kenway saga is the most developed, most interesting, and wily varying when it comes to opinions. Many look at ACIII and ACIII: Liberation as a low for the series, yet look at ACIV: Black Flag and Rogue as series highs. Personally I like ACIII but even I admit, Black Flag is better. And while I’ve only begun playing Rogue, it seems nearly as good as Black Flag. The entire Kenway saga is marked by naval combat too, which to me is one of the highlights of the games, and one of the reasons I am so drawn to these particular games in the series.
I can attest after having now played a substantial chunk of the game, that not only is it not another Pillars of Eternity, it’s one of the finest ports on Nintendo Switch in the 3 years the system has been on the market, and may have just set the new golden standard for third-party games. Solid framerate no matter what’s going on, locked 1080p docked and locked 720p handheld. No bugs I’ve encountered in 5+ hours of Black Flag, hour in Rogue, hour in Freedom Cry and hour in Aveline.
Even Assassin’s Creed III shows you the ballpark of what to expect. And the only issue that game had was audio quality and docked frame rate at launch, and they subsequently fixed the frame rate in a patch. So aside from the audio it was a really high quality port. This one not only has superb audio, multiple frame rate tests available right now on YouTube can prove the game holds 30 the vast majority of the time, only briefly dipping to 29 on rare occasion.
So while it’s never a bad thing to be cautious, the fact of the matter is, this is one of the highest quality ports on the Nintendo Switch, bar none.
@JaxonH Good to know, thanks! I'm sure I'll be picking it up at some point, but I've got a pretty sizeable backlog so I'm not sure how soon I'll get to it.
Just a quick question...is the trading mini-game from Black Flag in this version? Enjoyed that way more than was remotely reasonable to! 😂
@adam9431 Same. I have yet to finish one... but always intend to..
This is my first AC game and I have to say I'm very impressed. Even for a 6 year old game the Switch version looks and plays great.
@CTmatic I honestly must say, I’m completely hooked to the game right now. Thought I would let you know
Nice! Yup, I told ya it would grow on you. My advice, don’t start Rogue until you beat Black Flag. Rogue is legit exactly like Black Flag but takes place in an icy 🥶 winter sailing atmosphere instead of the Caribbean. @dewokkel
@CTmatic good one. I’ll probably want to finish black flag anyway first, because I’m having a blast. Thanks!
Sometimes when I play I take a casual approach play session and sail or fast travel to locations to 100% islands (collectibles). @dewokkel
Back when I beat it on PS4, I never went back to it, but this time around my goal (and it’s a long one) is to 100% the game. There’s so many shipwrecks and mini islands out at sea on top of the main locations to collect stuff that 100%’ing this game is quite an accomplishment.
I binged on the story on PS4 where I was only 60 something percent completed for everything. Yeah, it’s a big game.
Can you download the games individually? Or do I need to waste space with rogue?
@Ryu_Niiyama just wondering.
Can you download Rogue without getting The rebel collection?
@JaxonH who used the 32 bit card. I just bought this for 9.99 at a local retro store for switch saw this comment while reading the review. And I’m buying to know what game used the 32bit card.
The Witcher 3.
There is also Final Fantasy X/X-2 English Asian release (can import from Play-Asia) and Dragon Quest Heroes 1/2 (Japan only).
@JaxonH thank you very much. And for the speed I appreciate it.
@AG_Awesome ah. it doesnt contain the first game.
@reporterdavid I think you responded to the wrong comment. I said I wanted the ezio trilogy (part 2, brotherhood, and revelations). Coincidentally that finally came out. Hahaha. But I didn’t mention wanting part 1. I never liked that one.
@AG_Awesome no, but just to say, its not even included with the other game. which is weird. starting with 2,3 and 4. where is part 1 on Switch?
@Serpenterror is it worth it on Switch?
@anoyonmus 100%, I'm playing it now and it's great.
Also, whilst a bit of a pain that Rogue is a download, it is not a code in the box but rather downloads as an update to the game so, I think I'm right in saying, even if you buy this pre-owned you'd still have access to Rogue and the DLC.
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