The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is humorously disturbing, potentially offensive and unapologetically gross. This is a game about a boy named Isaac who's scrambling through the depths of his basement to avoid his pursuing mother. But instead of delivering a spanking or a timeout like most mothers do, Isaac's mom is intent to sacrifice her son following the voice of God commanding her to do so. If the subject matter sounds like something that will offend you, it might be best to turn your attention away now. This retooled version of the cult classic The Binding of Isaac has been transplanted onto the New Nintendo 3DS and it hasn't been censored in the slightest.
Rebirth is a 2D roguelike dungeon crawler, which means that whenever you die it's back to the first floor of the dungeon to do it all over again. But thanks to procedurally-generated maps, no two descents are the same. The enemies, items, room layouts, and bosses all vary from session to session, and the more you play, the more of Rebirth's best qualities become apparent. Initially, Isaac is armed only with tears, which can be lobbed forward, back, left or right by using the face buttons or directional nub on the New 3DS. But thorough exploration is rewarded with projectile upgrades and entirely new weapons. Even though the game might appear bland from a gameplay perspective in the very early-goings, it shouldn't be long before Isaac obtains abilities that leave his foes expelling excrement in his presence, and we mean that quite literally.

Considering the New 3DS doesn't technically have two joysticks, it feels somewhat inaccurate to refer to Rebirth as a twin-stick shooter. Additionally, where most twin-stick shooters provide players with immaculate 360-degree precision and sharp movements to quickly eradicate an enemy presence, Rebirth is less exact. That's not necessarily a knock against the game, but it is a warning to those of you that seek something more twitch-based, like Geometry Wars or Nano Assault NEO. Since shooting is restricted to four directions, using the face buttons is much more reliable and sensible than the C-Stick, which can occasionally misread inputs.
The mechanics function as they should and there's little to gripe about when it comes to responsiveness, but there is a fundamental aspect of gameplay that might rub some folks the wrong way. This has to do with the perspective from which the action is presented. While the rooms are framed from a top-down view (think 2D Legend of Zelda), the characters are displayed from a 45-ish degree angle. We're well aware that most top-down action RPGs and such are typically presented the same way, but in Rebirth it lends to a deal of deception when it comes to throwing tears at enemies or dodging incoming fire; this is exacerbated by enemy hitboxes that feel a touch too small. Thankfully, once the weapon physics and movements are understood by the player, it's easy enough to wrap your head around. Plus, certain advanced weapons travel in a much more direct fashion than Isaac's tears, so it's not always complicated to line up shots.

Each floor of the dungeon is made up of a maze of rooms – filled with enemies, obstacles, locked doors, items, secrets, etc. – and each culminates in a boss battle. While in some cases it's entirely possible to stumble onto a boss's chamber relatively quickly, making the effort to search the rest of the floor will result in not just new weapons but also money, passive abilities, and one-time-use items that temporarily modify the circumstances in some way. It's in these outlandish powers/pickups that Rebirth truly comes to life, ensuring there's always a surprise not far out of reach. Not only are a vast majority of the weapons a lot of fun to use, but acquiring them feels like a worthwhile reward for putting yourself in danger, which instils an eagerness to explore. With hundreds of these weapons gradually incorporated into the mix, the curiosity of what else could be out there serves as a further motivator.
By surviving the dungeon with Isaac and accomplishing feats, a slew of playable characters will be unlocked, and each one has unique attributes. This adds a lot of replay value to the package, and it serves as a compliment to the nature of Rebirth's roguelike design. Other unlockables include challenge stages that place players in very specific circumstances that require serious skills. From fighting through darkness to using a very slow-moving weapon, there are plenty of thrilling scenarios in the challenge stages to keep you plugging away at Rebirth until everything's unlocked. That, surprisingly, is going to take countless hours to do, so if this is the type of game that clicks with you, expect to lose yourself in Isaac's plight.

When it comes to presentation, Rebirth does a great job being attractive despite the army of repulsive monsters and a somewhat humble visual style. The colour palette is one of dry browns, grays, and skin tones, but the splattering of blood, body parts and other gooey substances is where things liven up. Regrettably, the stereoscopic effect of the New 3DS hasn't been utilized, which is very disappointing. But overall, the combination of distinct art style and ominous music & sound effects lends to a unique atmosphere. It's weird to say given the theme of the game, but there's something charming about Rebirth that makes the seemingly disturbing imagery pretty harmless and easy to swallow.
Before concluding, it would be remiss of us not to mention the rocky road that Rebirth has been on since its release. First off, it launched with a bundle of bugs that ranged from ignorable to bad enough to require the game to be rebooted. Thankfully, just a few days later, those issues were corrected in an update – but that wasn't the end of it. With the new update came a new bug, one that would randomly cause the system to lock up entirely, forcing a restart that could result in a loss of progress depending on the mode you were playing. After waiting for nearly a month, yet another update was released to fix the freezing issue, and now everything finally appears to be smoothed out. In the five hours we've logged with the latest update, we haven't encountered a single hitch. From what we've seen, Rebirth's worst days are behind it, and now it's ready for your attention.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is one of the most addictive roguelikes we've ever played. It's the kind of game that might appear a bit rudimentary at first, but it becomes more and more compelling with each subsequent session. With unlockable characters and challenges, an insane number of weapons and abilities, and many other discoveries to be made, there are a multitude of reasons to keep coming back for another game. A few quibbles do keep Rebirth from even greater heights, but it's nothing that should deter anyone drawn to this type of twisted dungeon crawling, which works so well as a portable experience. Go ahead and bind Isaac to your New 3DS, just don't blame us should you disappear into the depths of his basement, never to return.
Comments 31
I'm going to start playing this game regularly again now that the patch ia out. Hopefully the fame is finally bug-free.
I just don't like the weird, creepy look of it all.
3DS would be my system of choice for this game but unfortunately I have the regular one. A keyboard didn't feel right when I tried this on PC.
Not familiar with "roguelike" as a genre...Going to look it up!
@kokirii "Rebirth is a 2D roguelike dungeon crawler, which means that whenever you die it's back to the first floor of the dungeon to do it all over again"
It's explained in the review itself, although googling will help with understanding it better.
Expanded vocabularies are a good thing!
I want to play this, have followed it for a long time. Unfortunately only have the O3DS XL. smh.
I'll just end up getting this game on Wii U since I won't be the only one in my family wanting to play this game. I love the creepy atmosphere this game has, and I am more than used to disgusting/disturbing games.
Got it on PS+ and played it on Vita. I don't see what all the fuss is about. The structure of the game is terrific, but I found the core shooting mechanic very clunky and it ultimately killed it for me.
I'm too put off by the disgusting visuals to get this game, but it's great that the game was able to be released on Nintendo consoles and that fixes have been created for the bugs.
@crimsontadpoles It would have been even more awesome if they didn't release a game that crashed my 3DS 20 times before being fixed.
I might get this, it's definently unique and creepy.
Put 40 hours into the Wii U version already. Great game.
Love this game. I'm not usually into Indies, but I'm addicted to Isaac. But I still seem to have bugs, even after the latest patch. For example the epilogue never unlocks even after viewing it.
And I'm here...waiting for another update which would hopefully stop the freezes...or at least reduce them. Hopefully the problems will be fixed soon and then we can get the afterbirth DLC.
And we in Europe.. are waiting...
3DS is the perfect system for this, but i already have it on PC so eh. Also i dont even have a new 3ds sooo
Not sure if this game is creepy, disturbing, or both.
@Soren It's both. But that's kinda the point...
@Jayvir Yeah, doesn't sound like my kind of game, then.
Wow, all the complaints about it crashing and I can't say that my n3ds has crashed once since I got it at launch. I must be nearing 20 hours of Isaac now too, 0 crashes. Lots of frustrating deaths though.
I got the original Issac on Steam. The remake looks much more refined to me. But it's a game I have no interest playing on PC or on a home console.
I'll give the handheld version a try then.
Still unclear why they had to release it to N3DS only, as the original, once ported from Flash for the update, was not processor-intensive in any meaning of the word.
@Noelemahc Cheap looking graphics =/= Cheap hardware requirements
@kepsux Rather cheap looking graphics =?= cheap hardware requirements.
Now i am looking for requirements of Unreal Tournament 3 and Heroes of Might and magic v Tribes of East. And i'm still wondering. How is it possible that my graphics were more heated during play of Heroes than Unreal?
I also remeber that Heroes have got more (far more) hang/freeze issues than Unreal.
Matter of good optimalization, drivers. Epic and Blizzard have been known for good otpimalization (I can't say it about Starcraft 2 Heart of The Swarm but it still better optimalizated than most of modern games).
Only on new 3DS? I thought it was on all 3DS but OK I just get it on Vita.
I've spent a good 30+ hours in Isaac's disgusting company on PS Vita, and I've absolutely loved every single minute of it!
With that in mind, I've been eagerly awaiting the EU version for my N3DS, but I'm hugely disappointed that it doesn't incorporate the systems stereoscopic 3D. Still, having the map, etc on the bottom screen will be cool.
With any luck, as with Playstation platforms, maybe Super Meat Boy will join Isaac on N3DS and Wii U at some point? Fingers crossed. Though I doubt fellow indie darlings such as Fez, Rogue Legacy and Spelunky will do likewise. Well, not on 3DS anyway. What's with Limbo ducking Nintendo's handheld?
What OVER-HYPED garbage. I can't believe I just blew $15 on this boring, repetitive, barely playable indie trash.
Games like this make me never ever want to give these indies a shot on the eshop again.
What a ripoff.
After seeing this game in the eShop for years and wondering about it I finally decided to get it after a friend with similar gaming tastes recommended it. I absolutely love it! It's great example of creativity overcoming software/hardware restrictions. I just got it yesterday and already have seen countless moments that made me smile with delight, hilarious dark jhokes, subtle (or not so subtle) references to classic timeless games ect. I'm utterly bewildered by the few negative comments, this game is CLEARLY not for everyone, but "binding of Isaac" doesn't pretend to be something it's not and a simple search of YouTube for video of gameplay should've been enough to deter the rare few that somehow just don't "GET" the games personality.
I've probly commented before but after spending a significant amount of time playing this game I had to comment again. Such an impressive game. It all works so well...I've played lots of random generated games and they are usually quite glitchy in some way. But not here...in countless hours (well over 100 hours), I've had almost no problems, couple freezes but nothing else. The gameplay fails to stagnate even after all this time. It's very rare for me to keep returning to a game over such long period of time. Only a few games on 3ds have held my interest for so long. This game deserves higher than 8/10 imo. It's almost perfect. I'd give it 10/10 but there are times when it becomes too frustrating, it's rare but it happens. Being locked out of upgrade rooms without a key in entire level is fine....once but when happens two or 3 times in a row it's best to just restart. That's barely a complaint but it is an annoyance
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