This review originally went live in 2013, and we're updating and republishing it to mark the game's arrival in Switch's N64 library via the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack.
Releasing alongside Super Mario 64 when the Nintendo 64 launched back in 1996 (1997 if you're European), it was somewhat inevitable that Pilotwings 64 was never going to see the same commercial or critical success. Simply put, Mario's first 64-bit adventure was a masterpiece and proved that Nintendo could recreate its flagship franchise for the next generation of gaming. While the portly plumber delivered a much-needed killer app to Nintendo's advanced system, its amateur flight simulator counterpart was considered little more than a glorified tech demo by many observers at the time.
Nevertheless, Pilotwings 64 actually served a similar purpose to Super Mario 64 and it deserves far better than being forever upstaged by The Best Launch Game Ever™. Co-developed by Paradigm Simulation and Nintendo, it was proof of the N64's graphical prowess and innovative design. Much like how its predecessor Pilotwings had successfully demonstrated the SNES' impressive Mode 7 feature, the game utilised the N64's power to render detailed, large-scale environments in real-time. Even though it is now tremendously outdated compared to modern titles, you still feel a sense of wonder when exploring the huge islands that the game has to offer.

Pilotwings 64 earns its classification as an amateur flight simulator because underneath all the pretty visuals and technical wizardry, there's actually a game (it's also worth noting that the controls are nowhere near as complex as other flight sims). Making the most of the huge environments on offer — something which, for all its beauty, the SNES version couldn't do — players are given a set of challenges to complete with a variety of different flying vehicles. These range from flying a gyrocopter through a series of rings and taking high-quality photos while flying a hang glider to firing your poor pilot out of a cannon at large targets. The latter may not be your traditional aviation fare, but it's still jolly good fun.
The game's difficulty is affected by in-game weather conditions, such as wind speed, as well as the varied nature of its detailed environments. For example, one particular mission tasks the player with flying down a meandering river and passing through rings along the way. The rings are mostly located under a series of bridges, and only with exceptionally precise piloting will success be achieved. It makes for a refreshing change from simply flying through objects high up in the sky, and presents quite a tough and risky challenge at times.
This is where Pilotwings 64 showcases another of the N64's unique features: the analogue stick. At the time, it offered unparalleled accuracy and, therefore, married nicely with the game's flight sim nature. This doesn't necessarily make it any easier to play. In fact, some mastery of the controls is required by the time you reach the later stages, as over-steering and misjudging the effect that speed and weather have on your vehicle can quite easily lead to failure.

Even to this day, the accuracy provided by the game's controls is astonishing, and its success in this area is purely down to Paradigm Simulation. For the game's development, Nintendo wisely made the decision to seek out a specialist in the simulation industry that had already worked with advanced 3D graphics, hence the collaboration. Interestingly, this company had never created a video game prior to Pilotwings 64, although you wouldn't know it. Nintendo limited its own input to general design, while still overseeing all other aspects. With this, Paradigm was able to create the perfect mash-up of serious simulation and wacky fun.
For example, the game's cast of characters all look a bit zany, which is at odds with the precise game mechanics, yet recalls Nintendo's history of creating colourful, vibrant titles with tight gameplay mechanics. It is Pilotwings 64's subtle additions, however, that make it truly undeserving of the 'tech demo' generalisations that many critics have assigned it in the past. The game is positively filled with fun, little Easter eggs that appeal directly to most Nintendo fans' sensibilities. These range from the obvious — the now-infamous Mario Rock — to obscure references such as the character Lark, who bears a strong resemblance to Nester from the Howard & Nester Nintendo Power comic. Without a doubt, exploration is made all the more rewarding for these nods and winks.

All of this is complemented by the game's wonderful soundtrack; composed, arranged and integrated by Dan Hess (who also worked on F-1 World Grand Prix), with the music and sounds adding a funky, soul edge to the game's overall presentation.
With such large, detailed environments to explore, you'd think that Pilotwings 64's frame rate would be catastrophically low, yet the game remains pretty smooth throughout (and is smoother than ever if you're playing via Nintendo Switch Online). In terms of what it has to offer on the gameplay front, Pilotwings 64 really stands the test of time. Although it isn't especially long, it is very challenging. There is very little repetition when it comes to the missions, and the terrain itself is often used to create tricky scenarios. It's an unforgiving game, and one where learning the stages and performing every single manoeuvre perfectly is the only way to achieve the highest score; completionists will find great entertainment value in this.

The only real issue that can be levelled at the game today is its low resolution, which can make seeing distant objects — such as rings and targets — a tad difficult. Playing via the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack (with its much higher resolution) alleviates this problem, of course, but if you're playing on original hardware, a smaller CRT screen will offer the best viewing experience. Regardless, exploring each of the vibrant, large-scale environments is always enjoyable, especially when you consider the tiny 8MB cartridge it came on.
From its lush and detailed landscapes to its awesome level of control, Pilotwings 64 utilises virtually all of the N64’s most prominent features to provide a wholesome and adventurous gameplay experience. Its perfect blend of tense, challenge-based gameplay and simple, yet relaxing exploration gives it an almost universal appeal, and it’s a shame that more games don’t aspire to offer this level of depth in a relaxing, well-rounded package that's also delightfully silly. On the surface, Pilotwings 64 may seem as shallow as a paddling pool, but those that delve deeper will discover a fun and rewarding game that draws them back in time and time again.
Comments 38
I remember the graphics blowing my mind back when it was released. I think it was more the scope of it, and how open and expansive it was in retrospect. I might dive back in soon...
I hate being a nintendo fan sometimes why have we not got a new switch version of this amazing classic game !!!!!!
Always remember seeing the screenshot of this in the magazines back in the day before proper Internet and marvelling at the water .
The 3ds pilotwings was good too 👌
@Diogmites You are absolutely right. Great way to describe it. I'm 65% done with getting perfect scores after 30mins of playtime and can't wait to just explore little America with my kids.
This is where the fun begins.
@iamthesunset You have to, the updated resolution and frame rate are a huge upgrade. Everything just feels better, not different.
This passed me by at the time as I was glued to DKR. I loved the flying in that game so this should tickle my fancy. Good review. I’ll pick this up.
I enjoyed the one on 3DS, so I'll probably give this a go at some point. Once I can separate myself from Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak long enough to do so.
"it deserves far better than being forever upstaged by The Best Launch Game Ever™"
Oh wow, I guess Breath of the Wild is older than I thought.
2 launch games is more than enough for a new console! Anything more would be greedy.
This game is so much fun!
You know, when this came out I didn't like how different it was from the SNES version, which I just loved. It didn't seem like a must-buy or anything so I largely passed on it. I went back at some point and really learned how to play it and it is great - but still, I really preferred the feel and characters of the SNES one.
One of those n64 games I never got a chance to play nor knew anyone who had this game, I did see it advertised heavily tho
I only just remembered there was a 3DS version. A new Pilotwings game would be great, not holding my breath
One of my favourite N64 games, can't wait to play this again on Switch, hopefully get my girlfriend involved too.
@TheHighGround I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!
Glad to see Pilotwings 64 finally getting some love after being snubbed from BOTH the Wii and Wii U Virtual Consoles.
Good game however out of all the Pilotwings games, PilotWings Resort on the 3DS is KING imo!!
This is why Nintendo we need more Pilot wings. Both Snes and N64 games are classics
A new version of this game would be an instant buy. One of my all-time favorites to play. Still holds up well.
@Botty1973 @Ralizah @Smug43 I’ve only played the 3DS one. I did enjoy it, but people did wish that it had different islands to explore (like the 64 version).
Early polygons are indeed my bag.
It's like a weird Twilight Zone experience for me... Somehow, I'm not quite sure if I ever bought/played Pilotwings 64. Half of my brain swears I did, and half of my brain swears I didn't. I'm a big N64 nut, as it's my favorite system. I bought roughly 70 games and played them exhaustively and consistently from 1999 until about 2015 and have such vivid memories of those games. Yet... why can't I remember if I played this? My memories of the SNES Pilotwings are vivid, but this game is just a weird pseudo-memory.
Welcome back, Pilotwings 64. You have been missed.
Pilotwings on SNES is unironically one of my favourite games on the console (up there with Yoshi's Island, Super Punch Out, Wild Guns, etc.) and I've always wanted to experience the sequel seemingly lost to time. Can't wait to play this whenever I get the chance.
@Ralizah That's also a WiiU game. It would be like having a slightly inferior port of SM64 on the SNES launched at the same time that also revolutionised 3d gaming
I've played it a lot last night, what a great game! And, it has a smoother framerate on the N64 Switch app.
Though I owned an N64 since launch, I’m genuinely surprised at how much I’m enjoying this game today. Nice tight controls, memorable soundtrack and happy tone to the gameplay.
Possibly my favorite 64 game, used to hit up Holiday island with the birdsuit and chill to the Jazzy background music. Great to hear they invested extra effort into this port.
Pilotwings is a great series I wish Nintendo would continue and expand upon.
Can't wait to check this out after finally opting for the Expansion Pack tier of NSO. Nintie really should release more games for each platform and more frequent drops though.
... Wun can only hope.
This is my favorite game in the series with a colorful band of characters and great gameplay. It's one I haven't been able to get physically, so, I'm glad to have the NSO release, and it looks great! So silky smooth! I can /really/ make out Hawk's legs flailing when I crash him into Mario/Wario's ever-changing face in Cannonball for the thousandth time!
No, but seriously, I love this game and am glad to fly around in Birdman again. <3
Me and my brother got the N64, Super Mario 64, and PilotWings 64 for Christmas '96. It's unfortunate that 3D Mario was able to grow into a stronger series, but the only release for PilotWings after this was PilotWings Resort, which was great, but an experience that was confined to Wuhu Island, a location that had already appeared in a few games by that point. What I would give to get a new PilotWings game with its own unique islands, and a soundtrack composed by Dan Hess!
Wow if this game was considered a tech demo what does that make pilotwings on the 3DS? A loading screen? Lol
This is just as good as I remembered, and looks so sweet on the Switch.
I spent dozens of hours just flying around Pilotwings 64's ersatz USA map, firing missiles at Mount Rushmore and other landmarks. Good times. I loved this game when I was a teenager and I am excited to play the improved version!
@FatWormBlowsASparky lol that should go on your grave stone. Sorry for being morbid.
The 3DS entry is easily my favourite in this trilogy even if it has just one island. The controls are just so smooth in it and stereoscopic 3D really helps with a precision game like this.
I love this game for so many reasons, not the least of which is birdman.
The frustration to get gold on Pilot levels is still present and the 60fps are welcome....man what a fun time.
I actually like this series to mess around with. I even enjoyed the 3DS game. I don't actually remember, though, playing this that much on the 64. Thou that's relative! Cheers for ther review. Definitely want to re-acquaint!
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