For a system known for its incredible appetite for AA batteries, the Game Gear makes quite a strange home for the hardcore, permadeath-filled roguelike Dragon Crystal. With absolutely no save option or password system, the game must have caused some incredible bouts of rage when those last spurts of juice ran out. Dragon Crystal is a very mean game, with a vicious health system that continually depletes should you run out of food, randomly generated stages filled with enemies that can drop your level when they attack and items with unknown, often detrimental, effects. When emulated on 3DS, however, the game's overall structure dramatically changes: restore points let you safely create a save spot before trying an item or plunging into the next stage, making all of the masochistic qualities much more manageable. If doing so breaks all the roguelike charm for you, there is a simple solution: don’t use restore points.

The unofficial sequel to Fatal Labyrinth, Dragon Crystal follows a similar formula, dropping you into randomly generated areas filled with an ever more challenging array of enemies. You goal is to find the exit, and at the start of each stage you are surrounded by “fog of war,” an effect that basically blacks out areas you have yet to explore. All pathways and rooms are hidden until you pass into them, but remain visible for the duration of the level, unless an enemy casts a fog spell. Sometimes, you even end up stuck in a stage with seemingly no exit; here you have to keep checking all the walls until a hidden pathway shows up.
There are various potions, magical rods and spell books to collect, each having diverse effects on enemies and the character himself. They add a decent amount of depth to the game, allowing you to augment equipment and cast spells, but make for a double-edged sword. The effect of each item is unknown at first, only having a colour to separate them in the menu, but once its effect is revealed the colour in its name is replaced by a more helpful adjective. Some items freeze or confuse the player if used, but will transfer the effect to enemies if thrown at them. Other items are incredibly harmful to the player, like a potion that reduces your base attack power to zero and a rod that drops you down a level. Again, restore points can nullify the need to learn by trial and error, as you can set one right before you use each item, then go back to reverse the damage.

Combat is simple, but not without strategy. You walk into your foes to attack them, much like the original Ys. However, most enemies only move one square at a time, and won’t budge until you do, letting you manoeuvre around enemies and dodge projectile attacks before moving in close to take out your foes.
As you get further into the game, you'll discover more weapons, rings and armour. Like other items, you don't know their attack power and defence until you equip them and, again, some have detrimental effects: you might equip a ring that makes you eat food very quickly, and thus die faster. These damaging items can't be unequipped until you try numerous potions or books in an effort to find one to unlock the curse. Again, the restore points make this much more manageable, as you can set it right before you take your chances exploring your inventory.

If you die — which you likely will — you only get to continue if you have enough money, with the cost increasing each time you die. You can only resurrect three times and doing so wipes out your inventory, so it's not something to rely on. However, you will keep the equipment currently equipped and, in a rare stroke of kindness, also retain the names of all those potions, rings, magical rods and spell books you experimented with.
The graphics can be a bit repetitive, with the same borders reused throughout the game. Environmental mazes are constructed of pine trees, cacti, sunflowers and statues that look plucked from Easter Island. The enemy types become more diverse as you play however, save for the occasional palette swap. One nice touch comes from the dragon companion that trails you throughout the game: he won’t do much, but he does transform from a rolling egg into a baby dragon before becoming a flying behemoth. Your character also looks more fearsome as you progress, his weapons and armour becoming larger and more ornate as you collect better equipment.

All in all there are 30 stages to complete, and things change a bit in the final stage. Without giving too much away, let's just say you're not looking for an exit. Even with the inclusion of restore points, there is still a good chance you won't make it through on your first run. If you do, the levels are so random that you never get the same playthrough twice.
Dragon Crystal in its emulated form offers two very distinct ways to go about playing. If you want a masochistic adventure filled with numerous unknowns and permadeath, play without restore points. If you want a more methodical, balanced approach that allows you to slowly calculate each decision, play with restore points. Either way, you’ll probably want some pen and paper by your side. The environments may be rather monotonous and the combat quite simple, but there is a fair amount of strategic depth, thanks to the slow pace, vast inventory and ever-depleting food and health system. At just $2.99, it thriftily serves as both a manageable introduction to the roguelike sub-genre and a throwback to its challengingly cruel roots.
Comments 46
Great review and this game yet catches my eye. But I was wondering, is there content in this game which makes it enjoyable?
Only a 6? You didn't make it sound that bad in the review...
Well, wasn't gonna pick this one up anyway.
Oh by the way, is this game worth it?
Time for ME to GET!!!
hate those ninjas....
I had no problem with this game at all when I downloaded it last week from the eShop. The game feels good where it lets you walk around, find and pick up items, and battle enemies without having to go into a another screen to do so. It also offers a lot of hours of gameplay because you'll always want to be determined to get farther than you did on your first run. The only thing that gets to me about Dragon Crystal is that it feels like you're getting absolutely NOWHERE! when you come to a dead end and find no portal in the room to transport you to the next room. It's OK if you have the right item to help you out. But if you don't, basically you're screwed over. Anyways OVERALL, I give this game a 7.
It's a very fair review and score. But I can totally understand how some people are still left unsure about the game after reading it.
Rogue-like games have some appealing features: every time you play, the randomly generated levels/enemies/items ensure that the game is a new experience. They are perfect for people who don't mind losing games, but like having a challenge where each time they start over the goal is to improve just a little bit.
However, the genre also could be called old-school to a fault. Death means game over: no extra lives, no continues (at least not usually, this game is an exception), and nothing to show for the effort of your last game. The randomness ensures that each game is a new experience, but also means you have to start from square one each time without even knowing what a potion or rod will do. This particular game is also very simplified - which may appeal to some but will probably turn off rogue-like fans who enjoy the complex interactions and designs of free-to-play PC games like NetHack.
So it's a niche genre that will probably appeal greatly to a certain type of gamers, but will be a terrible experience for others. Frankly, it's hard to recommend even if you do enjoy the genre. I guess if you like playing Toejam and Earl solo then this might appeal to you also?
Mmmmm.... still on the fence... I'll wait to see what's new this week...
I'll buy it anyways.
Great review!
I loved playing Chocobo's Dungeon on the Wii. Somehow got distracted though and never finished the game. Since then i couldn't muster up the courage to play another roguelike yet. Now's the time to do that i suppose. (Well, not exactly now, NoE's frontpage shows it will release the 29th.)
And while i don't think it will be as great as the Chocobo game (dozens of bosses ftw!) i expect to enjoy it heaps.
@ everyone owning the game: From footage i've seen i got the impression that once you've beaten all enemies on a floor there won't appear new ones in this level. Is this the case?
It is the case, basically you want to kill all enemies on a floor and then move on to the next
Just so you guys know, a 6 is not a "BAD GAME " and I think it suits this game perfectly.
The_Rules wrote:
Some rooms have secret exits you have to stand at each wall and press the a button a bunch of times to find them. I actually had to search one room twice to find the exit. The instructions should have been clearer on this.
This game is fun, but hard as hell. Prepare for the challenge of your life even if you're abusing restore points!
I'm not interested in any rogue-like games that don't feature Pokemon, plus this one sounds a lot more masochistic than the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
This game is a LOT more primitive than Chocobo's Dungeon on Wii. Same concept, but just pared down a lot. Given the price and portability, it should still be entertaining though... at least I hope it will be.
Would someone please tell that guy what ne shall do?
@battLeToaD: Yeah, what ejamer said. As it just so happens, I've finally gotten around to playing Chocobo's Dungeon recently, and I love it. But Dragon's Crystal is lacking in a LOT of features that make Chocobo's Dungeon great. There's no towns, no shops, no way to upgrade equipment, no job system, no intriguing story, no moving diagonally, no in-depth descriptions of what stuff does in your inventory even when you DO have the name of it, dying is more harshly punished...and it's not cute like Chocobo.
If you're okay with that ENTIRE list, sure, give Dragon Crystal a go. Personally, it felt like an IMMENSE downgrade. A six is definitely an appropriate score for this game, whereas I'd give Chocobo Dungeon a nine (those damn one-hit death dungeons...).
Yeah... nah, I'm good, I've got much more entertaining stuff to play currently.
I actually really like this game, and it's left me wondering why portable hardware hasn't become home for rogue-likes. They're perfect pick up and play titles, that still offer a greater depth over a long period of play.
Think I'll pass. Still glad I got Shinobi though, that game's great! It even has gotten the best review (on this site, at least) amongst the GG games.
This is quite inexpensive, though, and I need something to do...
@Flowerlark: Oh, I'd definitely recommend it. Chocobo Dungeon is my new favorite rogue-like game. And it's actually not too hard to get at a reasonable price if you can order online.
W00t finna get dis!!!!
Should have waited for this review before I got this absolute rubbish...
But it is nice looking at the game gear emulation features, plus the icon looks nice on the home menu, so It was worth the 2 bucks...
"What Shall I Do?" I didn't know LeBron James was in this game.
I absolutely love the original Rouge, that alone might be enough for me to try another rougelike. So far this game sound almost exactly like it.
Forget pen and paper, use those frackin' Game Notes. They actually play a role for the game.
I've had a couple of games that featured the "guess the potion/magic wand" thing, that could do you more harm than good. In Ultima Underworld 2, you could either try your luck or pay a mage to identify the spell for you. I think AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin for the Intellivision had the same thing, but you just took your chances with potions. Also in The Immortal.
Cool Review! Sounds like a CrazyDope game
@XXITheWorld(#12): Much appreciated, thank you. This will be good to try out the stuff you’re getting since you’re not risking too much then.
@ejamer(#17) & @Stuffgamer1(#19): From footage I already got the impression that it’s a lot more basic than Chocobo’s Dungeon. I think I’ll even enjoy it because of that simplicity but i don’t expect it to go anywhere near its greatness. Still, thanks for your impressions and recommendations.
Dragon Crystal is a fantastic game, way better than Fatal Labrynth. I spent hours and hours on it with the Game Gear back in the day (there was a thing called an AC adaptor which this reviewer perplexingly fails to acknowledge). These days I play it again on a little cheap GG handheld type device and its still great fun. Never the same game twice and with all the best qualitites of roguelikes. I can only laugh at people complaining there are no towns/story etc. This isn't a JRPG! It's not meant to have any of that.
This game is perfect for a portable. Quick twenty minute sessions that leave you wanting more. Get it.
I owned this game!
This game is actually a lot of fun, but I equipped a ring that randomly teleports you around the level and it is absolutely no fun.
YES!!! I absolutely LOVE roguelike's so much! Getting this game NOW just because it's a roguelike, that explains it all. Superfun, replayable, random generated dungeons, total adventure, experimenting with books/spells/potions ect.. so much fun in roguelike's.
This is a great game and its only 3 bucks,and it got me to start playing more rouguelike games.
@Sam332, @HanuKwanzmasBif, @bezerker99, @Undead_terror, @GBLuigi, @ejamer, @Dreadjaws, @Kyloctopus, @rollthedice, @XXItheWorld, @Eel, @Yogsoggoth, @Knux, @BulbasaurusRex, @C-Olimar, @Stuffgamer1, @MeloMan, @lockelocke, @RR529, @Smexizeldaman, @Pogocoop, @AltDotNerd, @Sam_Loser2, @EvilLucario, @Ras, @DivineDope, @Betagam7, @TheConsiglio, @MegaAdam, @Ratjuice, and @Hairmanban19:
As part of my effort to celebrate every single Virtual Console game, E-Shop game, and expansion for Wii U and 3DS, I am going through every single NintendoLife.com Review (or offsite review for those games that NintendoLife.com never reviewed) to see if it is worth our collective time in the Virtual Console's final year.
For Dragon Crystal from Game Gear on 3DS Virtual Console, here are my questions.:
1) As someone who likes to 100% games, can anyone tell me how many distinctly different types of games there are?
I do want to eventually perfect the game, but my internal projections to 100% games are as high as 10,000 hours to perfect Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Brothers 2!!!
So, I am not afraid of effort, but do want to know I can eventually FINISH the game.
For example, it feels hard to imagine there are actually "infinite" games on the download. The game had to adhere to the Game Gear's miniscule space limitations after all.
2) Also, when the reviewer says, "No 2 games are the same.": Are the levels materially different or they just present you the same 30 levels in a new order?
I would not view an open of Level #'s 1, 2, 3 as materially different from an open of Level #'s 1, 3, 2, even though they technically would be 2 different routes.
3) The reviewer claims all you get to identify an item is its color.
If an item gives you a red color one game, will the same item be in red text on your second game or do they constantly mix each other up?
4) How many blocks of space does this download take up and what is the current price? (in both US dollars and Euros)
5) What number score out of 10 would you give this game and why?
Thanks so much for your info!
1) It depends on how you look at it i guess. If you want to get every item once, no matter how many playthroughs it takes you, i'd look for a guide online. I'm not sure if i ever even beat it in the roughly 20 hours i played it..
2) The levels could be called floors and aside from its aesthetics everything is randomly generated in each one of 'em.
3) I think that's random each playthrough.
4) 50 blocks, 2.99
5) A 7 'cause i really like Dungeon Crawlers.
@rolLTheDice: Thanks so much for your replies.:
1) What items are necessary for a 100% Completion Rating on 1 run?
Are the basic items the only collectible?
As a comparison, for me to consider Donkey Kong 64 to have a 100% Completion Rating, the 201 Golden Bananas would not be enough for me.
I would want everything, including all 4,000 bananas from the 8 worlds, even though not all of them are required to unlock any other areas.
2) I mean how many attributes are randomly generated and how many actual permutations does the game use?
While you can technically call everything infinite, if I picked 100 colors at random, they would all mostly fall into 8-12 main colors.
So, if a hypothetical game picked 4 colors at random, they could say there are infinite combinations, but there really are only 8^4-12^4 combinations or 4,096-20,736 combinations.
And I doubt the game has anywhere near 8 options for each attribute.
3) Thanks for telling me. I usually keep notes for every game I play, so sad to see, my notes will not help for this game!
4) Do you know how many blocks of space the whole 3DS has in its memory?
6) If I need to expand memory, what official SD card can I use and how many extra blocks of memory does that get me?
7) Do you know what price it would cost to buy everything on both the Wii U and 3DS' Virtual Console / E-Shop's with all its paid downloadable content?
Part of me just wants to download everything and then go through the games later, but I have no idea how expensive it would be to do that.
rolLTheDice wrote:
3) I do that too sometimes.
6) You won't have to for this game.
7) I wouldn't. There's way too much crap that doesn't deserve even one cent.
Its a rogue-like of sorts. The game is about 2 hours long, but it requires retries, a bit of good luck and understanding how to navigate a dungeon-crawler.
Floors are either labyrinthian, or very open, but you tread it blindly, as you are charting a path of your own.
Its been a few years, but I remember really liking the game. Bear in mind, this is the first dungeon crawler I’ve ever beaten, so other games in this genre could probably substitute the same enjoyment. I remember there being some glitchy non-progression levels though, where if you didn’t luck out with a good teleportation potion, you were screwed. All that in mind, I’d give it an 8/10.
1 + 2 + 4) Do you know the answers to Question #'s 1, 2, and 4 from Post # 38?
6) If I need to expand memory, what official SD card can I use and how many extra blocks of memory does that get me?
I know I will not need that for this game, but I plan to download everything on both shows, so I feel I might need to expand on both.
7) Are there really tons of games not worth anything?
I have not looked at 1 game so far that did not have at least 2-4 people so EXCITED that the game was released.
@Kyloctopus: How many total hours of gameplay did it take you to 100% the game for the first time on an attempt?
1), 2), 4) Nope.
6) That may depend on which kind of 3DS system you have. I'd look for a manual online.
7) As far as i remember there's a crapload of games that are so awfully bad it ain't funny anomore.
6) I had the launch 3DS. The original black color.
7) Really? Like what?
The most I can see wrong with games is they are too short, but that is obvious when the game file size was so small and they are only charging $5 instead of $60.
@SportyMarioSonicMix No more than 30
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