Just like games such as Pokémon Emerald was to Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, or Pokémon Crystal was to Pokémon Gold and Silver, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are intended to be the definitive versions of the series’ 7th generation, building upon everything that Pokémon Sun and Moon produced by adding a bunch of new features, new story elements and more. Sun and Moon felt like a wonderfully fresh take on the Pokémon universe which, due to its immense history, can sometimes find itself on the verge of becoming a bit too familiar. We therefore had high hopes for these new, enhanced versions and, luckily, ‘Ultra’ seems to be just the right word to describe them.
It is perhaps unsurprising that an awful lot of the content here is exactly the same as in the original titles; you are tasked with travelling around Alola to complete your Island Challenge, taking on trials across the game’s four islands and meeting new Pokémon along the way. The whole cast returns, too – Professor Kukui, Lillie and Nebby, Hau and other familiar prominent characters will be supporting you on your journey just like before (although there are a couple of changes later in the game that we won’t spoil here). Team Skull are also just as present and mischievous as they were in the originals, doing everything they can to hinder you with their blend of comically poor evilness and ‘interesting’ dance moves.

Our initial impressions were full of concern that these games were going to be almost identical to their predecessors but, thankfully, we turned out to be completely wrong. Where Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon shine the most is in the new content that has been introduced – almost all of the new ideas that we saw had us thinking ‘oh, now that’s cool’ in just the same way that the original titles had done before.
One of the first new additions you’ll notice is the inclusion of Totem Stickers. These golden stickers are placed all over the Alola region and can be cashed in with Samson Oak to receive giant, Totem-sized Pokémon of your own. Whilst the prize of a supersized Pokémon may appeal to many, we’d argue that there is more fun in simply finding the stickers themselves – they are usually tucked away on the side of buildings or, in some cases, can be placed completely randomly on a table in someone’s bedroom on the third floor of an inconspicuous building. It gives the player more of a reason to explore every single nook and cranny of Alola, and that can’t be a bad thing.

Next up is Mantine, the water/flying Pokémon from the series’ second generation. Mantine has been added as a Ride Pokémon (Sun and Moon’s new mechanic that replaced HMs with Pokémon that could be called upon to help at any time) but it works a little differently. Rather than using them wherever you like, Mantine are stationed at particular spots in Alola and allow you to take part in a mini-game as you travel between islands – taking the place of the standard boat ride cutscene from the original games. Using the control stick, you guide Mantine over waves to perform tricks and aim for a high score, which is definitely a much more fun way to travel.
Perhaps the most interesting addition, however, is the Ultra Recon Squad - a new organisation that has arrived in Alola. At first you’ll only have very brief encounters with the characters in the squad (who change depending on which version you decide to play) but they instantly become one of the most intriguing groups that the series has ever produced. Their weird way of moving, their slightly out-of-place ways in conversation, and the musical theme that plays whenever they are encountered all tell you that there is something very different – and therefore compelling – about them.

The Ultra Recon Squad are also responsible for changes in the plot and storyline. Some scenes that play out in the original games have been recreated with new, or different, information coming to light from the new characters. Whilst you’ll already know many of the answers to Ultra Sun and Moon’s mysteries if you have played the original games, there will be twists and turns that play out differently and you’ll find yourself needing to know the answers behind this weird and wonderful bunch of people.
Beyond the new additions to the main story, Ultra Sun and Moon seem to want to throw everything that they possibly can in your direction in every other area, too. The Festival Plaza (which can now allow communication between Sun and Moon, and Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon) adds a new facility called the Battle Agency, allowing you to rent powerful Pokémon and take on opponents – similar in a way to how the Battle Factory worked in generations three and four.
You’ll also find yourself able to challenge a whole plethora of villainous teams from games gone by – Team Rocket, Team Aqua and Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, and more – as well as catch a crazy amount legendary Pokémon from every single generation (barring the mythical few such as Mew and Arceus) from directly within the game. In a way, these games feel like a ‘greatest hits’ – you wouldn’t want every release in the series to feel like such a fan-service behemoth, but having one every now and then and, especially having it in such an interesting region like Alola, is definitely something to be celebrated.
Taking the original games and bombarding them with a whole host of crazy ideas, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have easily achieved their goal of becoming the definitive versions of the series’ final generation on the 3DS. Combining all of this with the fact that a small handful of new, non-mythical Pokémon have been added mid-generation for the first time in the series, and that the Pokédex has been expanded to natively include over 400 Pokémon catchable in the games without trading, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have managed to make the region of Alola feel even more alive than it did before – and that’s quite the achievement.
In some ways, it feels like these games have come too soon; Pokémon Sun and Moon are still so fresh in our minds and we can’t help but feel that the Ultra versions would have felt more special – and therefore easier to justify purchasing – if a little more time has passed. You’d be forgiven for not wanting to jump back into the same world again so soon but, in their own right, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are truly incredible entries to the series that deserve to be sitting amongst the elite Pokémon titles. If you’re ready for another trip around Alola’s beautiful islands, this is the way to do it.
Comments 160
Really? I didn’t expect that. Granted, they’ve finally introduced some new content to separate these games from Sun and Moon a little bit, but I have a hard time believing a retread of last year’s games deserves a perfect score. Then again, I haven’t played them. Maybe I’ll try them out after all, if this score is to be believed. I just was hoping I could finally retire my 3DS after Samus Returns. Oh, well.
Wow. I'm not a Pokemon fan (I've tried, just can't get into it) but this is a nice 3ds swan song.
I'd have to guess this rating is "Ultra" inflated, but the original Sun and Moon were at least my favorites Pokemon games since Ruby and Sapphire. If this is on par, I'm down, but these 10s are being thrown around a bit too liberally, in my opinion.
Wow. Wasn't expecting a 10/10.
Edit: I'm not gonna buy them though. I don't think it's wise to support these types of releases.
The score is arbitrary, but this review felt more like a feature list than a genuine opinion.
This review is already under attack.
If you want to go around claiming these games aren't deserving of the score given, it must mean you have played these games yourself correct? ^^
I'd love to listen but only if you can describe what it is that truly takes away from this game. I'm all ears. (:
I'll see for myself I guess. I wouldn't have given SM a 10, too many things annoyed me.
Sun/Moon were easily the best in the series since Gold/Silver, in my opinion.
I'll never not be interested in playing these, and I'm glad they continue to be of such high quality.
Btw, did USUM address SM's more annoying elements?
Does the game still run poopy? Did they fix the festival plaza or alleviate the SOS system? Is the handholding less apparent? Stuff like that.
You guys didn't really address too much beyond the new features.
I'll get them. Fingers crossed I actually finish it this time.
Hmm, seems like they're asking themselves, "what is the smallest amount of new content we can add and still charge full price for a 'new' pokemon game".
So, what are the pros and cons, if any, for playing either the Ultra version of the game you played before or the other one? Is the story different enough to justify a play thru of the other version?
If the new material were sold as DLC, what would be a fair cost? I'm sure the complete game is worth $40 no problem, sounds like there is tons to do, but if they just sold the new content as DLC what would it be worth? $10, $20, $40?
I agree 100% with the article that this was too soon. My kids are still getting cards from Gamestop for the first game. Had this been on Switch now would be a good time, but next year would have been better on 3DS. Too soon.
@emperor_ing Considering that the game is literally Sun/Moon with additional content, you'll get a much more in-depth critical analysis of the game by reading the Sun/Moon review.
@Desa I've yet to play this, but it's Sun and Moon slightly different, with new and more stuff. You can gleam that from this and the 10/10 review they gave Sun and Moon, which while I did enjoy, was absolutely not a 10. I don't think ANY Pokemon game has been a 10, and this game clearly, and by the reviewer's own admission, isn't doing all that much to change things up. I'm sure it's fun, I'm sure I'll pick it up, but NL has been giving every major Nintendo release a 10 recently. A couple deserve it, but not all of them, and I can't imagine this is one of them.
As someone who didn’t enjoy Sun that much, I doubt this would change my mind. It’s the first Pokemon RPG I haven’t pre ordered, changing the formula doesn’t always mean better, and for me it wasn’t. The only thing I loved was the art style.
Like someone stated in the comments, this sounds like a feature list. I can read that on the company's website.
I would like to know if they fixed the performance issues. After some really bad luck with 3DSes and customer service, we have to use old 3DS - and I heard that SuMo runs poorly on these. Also, if there are the same amount of cutscenes. And how large is the post game content - is it just on rail locations with Hoopa-like rings, or the content is indeed worthly to check out. That kinda stuff.
" the series’ final generation on the 3DS"
Just to point out again... they have never said this... this is purely assumption and speculation that has been built upon vague statements that don't actually say what they're being interpreted as saying.
@JHDK Yay I found someone else that's not into Pokemon! I thought I was the only one!
I wouldn't be surprised if these games are 10/10. They probably are. But lots of us have played the originals. That doesn't mean these are bad games because for someone who never played sun/moon they probably are 10/10
I still haven't finished X and Sun.
I'm not really fan of Pokemon games, though.
But i still have an interest somehow...
It's complicated feeling...
I understand how you feel. Honestly, I have zero interest in the title because I played sun and moon.
My point is that, when the reviewer played, he felt the new features improved upon that experience.
Considering we haven't actually played it ourselves, while we may not feel it to be 10 quality, it may be a worthy experience, especially for those grabbing this game for the first time. This was the reviewers opinion on it.
Simply because of how soon it released after the first game and that it wasn't exactly an outstanding experience, its easy to say that this game has to suck. But I haven't played it. It could be better in every way.
And I said what I did because if this game isn't worthy of a ten I want to hear why not from someone else who has played it. Community reviews are usually what I pay attention to more anyway.
@thesilverbrick I like this site, particularly for news and eshop updates, but I've felt it's just a little too sycophantic when it comes to reviews, and also seems to go very far out of its way to not criticize anything. The reviews themselves are always written well, but the scores are always higher than average. Case in point, giving Axiom Verge a 10. It kind of devalues what a perfect score is if you keep throwing them out.
@DragonEleven Why exactly would they release another Pokemon game on the 3DS especially if they reach or surpass first year sales goals for the Switch?
...you guys do realise that a review is a singular, normal person's opinion, right, and not the almighty word of the Nintendo Life gods?
The person who reviewed this thought it was worth a 10/10. Maybe you would give it a 7. Maybe someone else would think it's a 3.
I would give Zelda BOTW an 8/10, but I understand the concept of personal preference and opinion.
Aka - walking from city to city on the predefined path, and beating the heck out of the every trainer on the connecting routes v.2
Includes riding on Maintine (so you can travel slower), camera & gimmicks (so you won't notice the untouched issues the originals had), all legendary pokemon (otherwise you can't use them in competetive), and fanservice evil team bosses battles (for those who love fanfiction).
Exuse my sceptism. I'm getting the games, but I can't belive they are that good. I hope to be proven wrong, though.
@Grauz Still yes for me!
Keep in mind they're judging this game based on its own merits, not the fact that it's a retread of last year. Similar to what they did with Mario Kart 8 DX.
Cheapens a ten? Really?
If the game is enjoyable, playable, and has close to no performance issues which means a greater number of people will have a great time with the purchase, I don't see what the problem is.
I do understand how you feel, but what's the point of holding off from a ten?
Nintendolife doesn't score to the decimal point like other sites do, so it could be rounding up to the closest whole number.
Each site has their way of doing things after all.
It looks great. I really enjoyed Sun and Moon, and I will more greatly enjoy these games.
I keep trying to ditch my 3DS, but there are still so many games I want. Damn you, Nintendo!
Probably going to buy this one though. I loved Sun, it's probably my second favorite Pokémon game, next to (Soul) Silver.
Not ready for a new Pokémon game. Think I'll wait for Pokémon Switch.
@DragonEleven We've had this debate before. Every last outlet and person it seems (besides yourself) has surmised that it means no more main line games for the 3DS (although thinking about, I could theoretically see more older games similar to R/B and G/S being released on the VC). At this point if there were any confusion about the matter, I am sure Nintendo and TPC would have come out and clarified those statements. I don't see why they would split the series onto two devices (there is just nothing sensible about it unless they were truly concerned about the future of the Switch). Nor do I think they would let this narrative go on if that was the case.
I’ll be getting these for sure, but not at launch. I’m still not convinced that the new content is worth $40.
@Desa @leostacks Btw, SuMo also got 10/10, yet these games do have performance issues in battles.
I originally only purchased Sun, so I'm going for Ultra Moon this time round.
@UmbreonsPapa To be fair, it is correct that it has never been officially stated that these would be the final main series games for 3DS.
However, it has also never been officially stated that Matt Damon isn't a space bagel from Xenatron-7. We're just assuming that isn't the case.
Not surprised about the score. Will definitely get on a preorder.
Having played it myself (early copy, not piracy) the Review is on point. Amazing game, but this is very true
"Pokémon Sun and Moon are still so fresh in our minds and we can’t help but feel that the Ultra versions would have felt more special – and therefore easier to justify purchasing – if a little more time has passed. "
Nonetheless it's a must have for Pokémon fans, so much fan service.
I thought Sun/Moon were the best Pokemon games I played in a long time. Too bad this isn’t on Switch, I’d get it day 1.
I never said games without performance issues of any kind. It's honestly rare to find a game with a 10/10 on various sites, or not, that do not have any at all. It's just not a bar that many, if any, games achieve.
In that way reviewers are kind of in a tight spot. How do they judge a game? Should any game get a 10? If a game has a 10 I just automatically assume that it'll be fun and enjoyable, and not frustrating like the camera jerking in crazy ways. On an overall scale, most people will have a great time with it. You will never please everyone, but most will love it.
3rd versions are always better than the originals. I'm ready to play this
"If the game is enjoyable, playable, and has close to no performance issues (...), I don't see what the problem is."
SuMo had enourmous performance issues, actually. Hardly can call that "close to no".
Jerky camera is an issue of its own in these games... Mainly because they tried to compesate lack of the control of the camera. The game doesn't know if it's isometric, third person, top view or CB's boulder dash, and they let the camera fly around like crazy, and to cover the unrendered bits. That reminds me more of late 90's Playstation games than a 2016 release.
I would've bought it if I didn't already buy Regular Moon
I'll pick Ultra Moon up later down the road somewhere next year. I'm mostly more interested in the Switch game instead.
Seriously didn't expected that, Nintendo is certainly on a roll this year.
I played the game, I finished the game, and I can admit that I didn't notice any of those performance issues, or if I did, I didn't let it bother me for long since I don't remember them now. In the end, I enjoyed them for what they were, though they were far from my favorites.
However, I get that reviewers should nitpick games for performance issues and plenty of other things too of course. That should shine through, the same way I agree that this review could have way more explained, even if it is more comparing and contrasting between the two. Something more than, as you said, we could find out just from reading the games page.
Been wavering on whether or not to cancel my pre-order. Haven't played Pokemon since the first one of the GBC (I forget which one I played then). This review makes me think I'll go ahead and let the pre-order come through. Will try this out over Christmas when no one is in the office and nothing is happening.
Guys, I see some of you have a lot of questions. The reviewer might be under an embargo and can't answer them. Here's some things: it still runs poorly on old 3DS. Whenever there's a double battle and/or weather effects it lags. The games are still easy, but there are some tough moments in totem battles. But if you only level your starter you'll probably outlevel everything. Remember to try and catch some Pokémon, will ya? The story in the early hours is very similar, but like the reviewer said, the Ultra Recon Squad is the key to the changes. It really goes a different way closer to the climax. But I'm a huge pokemon fan, I think the changes don't justify the game for casual pokemon players. If you're in it just for the campaign, maybe skip this one. Now, if you are interested in Battles, there's new stuff. Move Tutors (new moves for the Pokemon), actual new Pokémon, New Z moves. It's a vastly superior version to Sun and Moon, truly the 3DS's swan song. If you guys have any questions I'll be happy to answer, just don't ask for spoilers.
Edit: and yes, they are the last pokemon games for 3DS, it's been talked about in interviews
Aside from story, what else does this game offer beyond Sun and Moon? Are encounter rates fixed so I can find more than just the starting area pokemon? It's like Zubats in Mt.Moon but times 100!
Also I see The Battle Factory is added, but what other facilities? Does the Post-Game just end like Sun and Moon's did? At least give us something worthwhile to do, like B2&W2's medals or a proper battle facility.
Having most of the legendaries is nice I guess, but I already have a mostly complete pokedex, so what is the point for me? Speaking of which, does the game finally give you a national pokedex?
For all that Sun and Moon did, there were a ton of problems despite it's successes. Unless mainly encounters were fixed, I wouldn't dream of giving US&UM a perfect score...
Worst. Pokémon. Generation. EVER.
S/M was horrible. I’m not touching this with a ten foot pole after the near torture that was the first game. It was so bad. So very very bad. Hoping for open-world and optional story in the Switch game. Basically BotW but with Pokémon. It’d be glorious.
No new Alolan forms is also a huge missed opportunity.
I can't believe they didn't think to add new Alolan forms. That's really all they had to do to get people interested, but we don't even get a single one. I'm dumbfounded and I'll be skipping this purely for that laziness.
I wonder how many 10's this site has given out just this year alone?
Anyway, I'm glad they're okay games, but I'm done with Pokemon on 3DS. Time to switch to a new platform and generation now.
Reviewing these sort of games is difficult as no matter how good it may be and what new content it brings, there's always the element that it is retreading old steps. It also brings up the question on whether a game should have points docked for being a "rehash" or too similar to the prior game. The alternative would be to retrospectively lower the score on the previous game and give its score to this one.
I never played Sun or Moon, so perhaps may be best to go for one of these instead. I was under the impression though that these were "sequels".
Too soon, truthfully, way too soon.
The score here has definitely got me excited. Sounds like it'll be a great send off for the 3DS era of Pokemon games.
@Desa If you enjoyed the game, then that's fine. Perhaps you focused on different things while you was plaing. For me, these games were medicore, to say the least, with various content cut out solely for the performance reasons. Not to mention other issues, which appeared during the gameplay, and the endgame & postgame... but I will stop here.
The thing is, if they didn't fix most, or at least some, of the stuff that hindered SuMo, then I can't see how USUM can be an improvement. Bonus content mentioned in the review doesn't sell me (unless it plays really really good) as the core seems to be stuck, and I would appreciate if the review was more insightful (while handling the spoilers carefuly, of course). For 10/10 game I would indeed expect that GF improved the gameplay over the originals. Perhaps even with Triple Battle return?
...Either way, I will experience the game this Friday.
@Desa The problem is that the author didn’t justify his review in any way. We don’t have to play the game to know the rating is souped-up.
“Here are all the features of the game. Therefore, it deserves a 10/10!”
For such a high rating, the reviewer did not justify it with much opinion.
I'll be picking this up on Friday, I've seen enough to justify my purchase and I love this generation
Truly, Game freak listened to many complaints from SUN/MOON. Mainly how bland some of the characters were, narrative has greatly improved among other things.
This is not a Crystal/Emerald/Platinum type game.
It feels more like a B2/W2, yet Ultra Sun/moon is not a sequel, but a redirection in the story one very well made.
Ultra Sun/Moon is a true improvement.
A 10. Holy Moly. I purchased almost all the Pokemon series. I was trying to find a reason not to buy this one. The comments are accurate when they say a more in-depth review is needed. I gave Sun an 8. It was good but not great. I need another review now.
@KTT They improved many things. I had little hopes but as soon as you begin things are different.
@thesilverbrick Complains a game gets a perfect score and then says "Then again, I haven’t played them"
Keep it that way. You be you.
And still my hype for this game is as dead as a roadkill fox. This has never been the case for any previous Pokémon game before.
@Malpais Oh? And the game isn't a neverending tutorial, and a trial of hand-holding anymore?
(Edit: I think I may overdosed my salt here, oh boi)
@KTT Kind of , yes. But I meant the story, it is better and not some awkward scenes of hello and no good-bye.
The story takes a bit of a different route.
Hmm, maybe it is souped up.
Or these games could be an honest improvement and then some with the added content.
I'm more into community reviews anyway because normally you come to your own conclusion upon reading a few different ones.
Kind of like famitsu(which got four 9s from them btw) but more honest I think.
Either way, I won't know personally because I have no interest in picking this up.
I just think it's hard to judge the reviewers score as off without actually being able to back it up because you haven't played or experienced it. ^^;
@Arcamenel I don't know what point you were attempting to make about the sales goals, as it seems completely irrelevant. The 3DS still has a substantially larger userbase, and it's lower price will keep it as the more accessible of the two for the foreseeable future... if they were to abandon it they'd essentially be alienating a sizeable portion of the fanbase, losing potential sales as a result.
It makes far better sense for them to continue with both systems in order to capitalise on both markets, and they have already confirmed that they are capable of developing two Pokemon games at once, as the Switch game has been in development alongside the development of Ultra Sun and Moon.
@UmbreonsPapa The fact that they would give such vague statements in the first place suggests that it's intentional... that they wanted people to jump to these conclusions... it's simple mis-direction... make everyone focus on one game while they develop the other in secret... could be great for publicity when they make the reveal, while also being an easy way to avoid certain questions that they don't want to answer just yet.
As for splitting the series... I never said they'd do that... franchise, yes, series no... with the amount of potential the Switch offers, it's debatable whether or not the resulting game could be considered to be a part of the same series... it could easily be the start of a new core series within the franchise that will run alongside the existing series (similar to what they've done with the new movie... it draws heavily from the original series, but exists independently from it, and sets itself up to be the start of an ongoing storyline).
@MisterKorman Yes, that is the article we are referring to... and if you read that, you will see that at no point did Ohmori say that they would be the last games on the 3DS... that claim has just been added in the title to attract attention... even in the article itself, the author acknowledges that it is only a presumption.
10!?? Wow! Good thing I held off and didn't get the original Sun or Moon. Definitely going to pick one of these up.
I'm thinking Ultra Sun.
On a side note, is it possible to bring Pokemon all the way back from Pearl and Heart Gold to this game?
And I hope you have a great experience with it, and that they tweaked the overall performance and the frames are steady.
If possible, I would like to hear what you think about it once you play it. I really don't think I'll pick it up myself with so many Switch games out or coming soon on the horizon.
Still, if they didn't adjust any of those things the score really wouldn't be justified because it does effect the gameplay negatively. I honestly hope they did, since there is no reason not to iron out what the originals got wrong.
@HawkeyeWii If I recall correctly, you will need two DS/3DSes, and a copy of pokemon BW/B2W2 to transfer the pokes from gen IV to gen V. And then you can transfer them from gen V further using PokeBank.
@-Green- According to other reviews, there's less cutscene dialogue and the beginning section with the starters is much quicker. I don't see why they'd remove the SOS feature though. Why would they remove a necessary battle mechanic in the "Ultra" version? If anything they would just make an item that makes SOS Pokemon less likely.
Speaking of other reviews, I find it funny how there are already comments in the IGN review complaining that this doesn't deserve to be the 3DS' swan song because they didn't "bother" to put all the regions in it. It's like once US/UM turn out to be good, the haters need to find something more to complain about.
@3dsgeek333 I mean as in make it better. Improving upon it. Not removing it entirely.
@GC-161 I wouldn’t call what I did complaining as much as it was being incredulous. I’m surprised and I need to see this game for myself.
LOL!, I knew NL would give it a 10/10 before even clicking on it.
Only 10 on Metacritic is from NL. I'll read a few other sites first. Reviews here are all over the place.
@Leostacks I entirely agree. This is why a numerical review score is a bad idea. I pay less attention to the number and focus more on the actual content of the review.
@-Green- They made the Adrenaline Orb to make SOS battles more likely, so I can see them maybe adding an opposite item in this game to make them less likely.
@thesilverbrick Sold to the incredulous person in the back!
(Nintendo Life needs to give more games a perfect score....
...And they should ask for a cut from the profits)
These games should be great, but I'm skeptical about whether Ultra Sun and Moon deserve a 10. There were lots of small annoyances with regular Sun and Moon, such as a story that drags on with no way to skip cinematics, an annoying rival, festival plaza, and the sos mechanic. Maybe the Ultra games have fixed the issues with the older games, we'll see.
Well, I haven’t finished Moon so I will trade in for Ultra Moon. I didn’t have any hope for US/UM but it seems it is a good third version.
Pokemon isn't what it used to be anymore...
This doesn't read like a review though, no pros or cons, nothing. Feels like I read the back of the box, followed by a ''10/10, please buy!''. What about battle mechanics, arguably the most important aspect of the franchise? Nothing. Performance issues of the previous games? Nothing. Pacing of the games, since I've read this game has twice the amount of text? Nothing...
my kids and i are really excited for these games. Only games we are getting this month and they won't be getting any more games until Christmas. Can't wait to play them, although I was only able to get two copies so my daughter and I will be waiting until the 20th to play these games.
The National Dex is in these games but I don't know if there's anything above 302...although going by some vids on youtube, there might be a new legendary? i haven't watched it myself
"It is perhaps unsurprising that an awful lot of the content here is exactly the same as in the original titles"
Pass, then. I absolutely loathed Sun/Moon and having to go through every section I hated a second time does not appeal to me.
this is such an easy pass for me. I never even left the first area in the first game as I lost interest.
So, if you have Ultra Moon/Ultra Sun, is there a reason to still also play the original versions?
Ultra the same
@Pokefanmum82 There is no national dex in USUM.
How much did Game Freak pay you to give this review?
Nope. I might pick it up later on if I'm in the mood for Pokemon, but otherwise pass.
Just tell me I can revisit my childhood in Kanto! Although I am thrilled to play any Pokemon adventure over again, I would love for at least twice the amount of post game as SM. I put the game down after I beat the main story so I could savor the post game. Almost a year later I pick it up and finish post game within a day, that’s no good!
Story and post game it what I love for! I don’t care for competitive game.
I don't doubt these are good Pokemon games, but as you said in the conclusion these do feel like they came out maybe a year too early, but the 3DS doesn't have too much time left so they had to push it out now before this holiday season to maximize the sales on these. They won't come close to Sun/Moon though because most 3DS owners who played SM last year (and possibly got a switch) will probably pass even with high review scores
The problem I have with the 10 is the review doesn't tell me enough to justify a 10. Everything stated in the review is exactly what we already know. What about the difficulty? What about the national pokedex? What about mega evolution? What about post-game? Can I encounter high level Pokemon in the game? Did they flesh out the areas in Alola? Can I go on the golf course? Is Pokemon calling for help still there and annoying? Is there still an hour of tutorials? Is the game still super linear? Can we get more than one of each Johto ball? I mean come on; I know we're trying to stay away from spoilers here, but you didn't answer any of these questions to a degree I'm happy with. I guess I need to read some more reviews.
Does anyone know if the "Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Dual Fan Edition" contains the normal plastic cases of BOTH games AND the one metal case?
I like the metals case but I want to have the ordinary plastic cases as well for collector reasons
@Desa The game is full of performance issues, just like the original two games. I don't need to "play" the game to know it doesn't deserve a 10/10.
It still has high ratings from others sites. Quite a few 9s so there has to be something there. Nintendolife is the only 10, but its still seen as great by many who have actually played it.
A nice swansong to the 3DS, now Pokemon can move on to HD finally.
I have one question: Is there a national pokédex on the game UNLIKE the original Sun & Moon?
I love how people are complaining that this game got a 10. Pokemon Sun/Moon got a 10, this game improves on it, it also got a 10! Why is this a surprise? If you think it is too soon to be releasing an Ultra version, don't buy it. If you hated Sun/Moon, this game will probably not change your mind so don't buy it. I will not be buying this game as I do not like Pokemon games but millions will. What percentage of these people will buy this game because NL gave it a 10? I think even NL would agree that it will be less than 1%. So in the grand scheme of things, NL giving another well made game a 10 is not much of issue.
Good stuff. Moon was one of my favorite Pokemon games, so I'm really hyped to play these games.
As these seem to be the last mainline titles coming to my beloved new 3DS XL I plan on getting Moon at some point between now and Christmas. After reading the review which I expected the games to be a great time but I didnt expect the 10 of 10 which is great news .
Do these games include all the content/stories in Sun and Moon?
@-Green- Based on what I could gather from Gamexplain's review it seems like the core of sun and moon is still there. That means that the handholding and general structure are basically the same. They did however provide a much needed change to sos battles thank god. Now it's only possible for them to call in only 1 pokemon for help instead of endlessly calling for help.
Pokemon pelago, refresh, and festival plaza seem to be largely unchanged except now festival plaza relates to the new battle agency. You can rent a powerful pokemon and the other 2 pokemon you battle with are based off of trainers you meet in festival plaza (I honestly wish they would just remove the crappy festival plaza system in its entirety).
All in all it seems to be the same type of retread we've come to expect from past 3rd games. 85% of the same story with most changes coming near the end (when you go to poni island as well as post game. Doesn't really seem like it should get a 10/10 as I didn't even think the original sun and moon deserved a 10/10. I'm starting to think there's that nintendo bias going on that allows critics to overlook flaws in Nintendo games simply because it's Nintendo
I've made my comments about USUM loud and clear in the past, but this review's score has surprised me. As a Pokémon fan, I truly am happy at the games' positive reception. As a consumer though, I'm not.
With it all taken into consideration, I think I'm going to stick to my guns and await the Switch's Pokémon RPG adventure.
Ultra Beasts ruined all of Pokémon for me (it was a terrible idea)... and I’ve been a fan since the beginning. It hurts me to say that but I just won’t be buying this one I don’t think.
@Desa Yes, I did play them when they leaked so I can give you an informed opinion.
Story-wise the game is almost unchanged until the 4th island
The Lusamine battle is gone
The game is still filled with ridiculous roadblocks, all of which force you to do nothing but follow checkpoints which detract from what Pokemon is supposed to be about - an adventure
Most areas are still hallways, even a lot of new areas are
Trainers still have 1-2 Pokemon
The new Rotom dex personality does nothing but block your map when it's asking you stupid meaningless questions every 2 seconds
This is all just scratching the surface by the way, I could go on for hours.
None of this warrants a 100/100 score. 100/100 means flawless, that there are no faults at all. The game clearly has faults.
None of these features warrant a $40 re-release in the age of DLC, especially in two separate games when the third game by Pokemon tradition is usually just that - one singular third game.
Honest question, how much was this guy paid by GameFreak for this review?
While I still hold on to the fact that technically there is no such thing as a flawless game in the first place, I appreciate that you can at least back up why you wouldn't be in agreement with the reviewer. Your bullet points do more to shed light on what can be found within the game that the review itself, so I appreciate you taking the time to list these for me. (:
I was in no way defending the score. I actually agree with plenty here that say the review is light in information that would explain definitively why they could give it a flawless recommendation, however, it is still true that a lot of other reviewers scored it highly so there has to be something there.
I haven't played the game to say rather this score is true or not. My point was simply that it's funny that many criticize the review score without even playing it. A review is just that person's opinion based on their experience with the game themselves after all.
Personally, I just see the 10, and the other high scores given to this game, as letting me know that the game is enjoyable for what it is for the catch 'em all genre, but again, no 10 will ever be received unanimously. The timing for this game was all wrong. This should have been a gap year, or they could have released the new content as DLC as you said.
Preferred it when they did a single definitive version of a gen, not for these dual definitive releases. Cash grab from collectors innit.
Guys, it's an arbitrary number appended to a review all based on one person's opinion. It does not need all of you to comment on the exact nature of it in such disrespectful, dismissive tones. The game has an 87 on MetaCritic right now: for all intents and purposes, game looks good. Don't like Pokemon? Then why are you reading a review for a Pokemon game?
@Octane the guide that comes out in December would disagree with you since it’s called Pokémon ultra sun & Moon : the official National Pokédex
Guess its difficult to stress how fresh the game is without spoilers. I've read very little as preordered and dint wantbto spoil it for me.
Managed to even avoid the talk of the gym revamp before and was glad I did.
I did not expect such a high score. I figured we'd get like a 7/10(for once, joke not intended) because these are just revised games, even if those revisions are very good.
Still, will be downloading UM as soon as it goes live on the eshop.
Sounds like somewhat of an improvement. That said I hope there is more post-game content. Sun and moon felt like the weakest games in a long time and the first batch of Pokemon games that i took a break from out of disinterest and boredom (due to a combination of elements). Having no National Dex upgrade was absurd.
I already have Moon. Sorry, but I'm not paying full price again for what is essentially DLC.
I'm a die-hard Poke fan. I'm the President of our campus Pokemon League. I will be playing this...only because I absolutely love the franchise, and Online battles. However, from everything I've read, from people who have played the leaked game...this is not a 10/10 game. What should the score be? I can't tell you, as you can tell, since Pokemon will probably always be my favorite game franchise in general. But I can at least tell you this isn't really 10/10 material. BW2, Emerald, or Crystal, this is not. Those games I just listed are 10/10 material. Play them if you haven't already, if you aren't into online stuff, and you already played SM.
@Pokefanmum82 Trust me, the games have already leaked, there isn't one.
I'll give this a shot...
In-game National Pokédex.
No, huh?
This review came out way too early- it reeks of being a reference point for a first draft. Frankly, it should be redone at some point after release. This is the laziest professional 10/10 review I've ever read in my entire life, no joke. Even GameFAQ's detailed/full reviews by users elaborate more on important points and considerations than this. If NDA's are an issue there... Just wait for day of release to publish a review. If you can wait an entire month to give NBA 2K18 a score, you can wait 3 more days to publish a better review for a mainline Pokémon title.
@-Green- But the question is if they had called the game "Pokemon: Stars" instead would you have purchased and supported it? Unfortunately this whole naming thing is causing a problem. I work in a video game specialty shop, and have had customers actively tell me they are not buying it solely on the name despite the changes to the game because it is "too similar."
@DrRandle It's no problem to give a 10/10 score and express an opinion. What is a problem is when a professional reviewer/outlet that earns money to do this doesn't back up the highest score they can give with an appropriately high standard of prose and elaboration. This is the quality of review one would expect to be dished out for a 6/10 "meh" eShop title, not a 10/10 modern masterpiece.
@scottienigma I wouldn't buy it either, tbh. Doesn't offer enough new stuff to catch and likely hold my attention. Not to mention, I'm tired of these types of releases.
@FinalFrog True, but that doesn't stop other sites like RPGFan from having higher writing standards than this for describing what's new, not new, mediocre, exciting, etc... Especially for a 10/10 review. (Granted, they never give their equivalent of 10/10, more like 9.5/10 at best)
I would say Prism version is better than S/M for retro fans. It's also a genuinely difficult version to Nuzlocke with level grinding limits!
@PlywoodStick More like an advertisement, which is probably what it's supposed to be. There's no rational explanation for this joke of a review besides NL getting paid off by Game Freak.
@rjejr @Bolt_Strike This seems to be an extension of PushSquare's review format, where they aim to make it short and sweet yet miss out on a lot of details and features of a game.
This has me concerned, as you can't really review a game without explaining your thoughts and the whole experience, from start to end. Plus, how do we know if there is a part of the game that affected the score that isn't mentioned in the review, or vice versa.
Reviews on both sites are becoming feature lists it seems. No real opinions, explanations, and missing parts of the game. I said it today in my own Sonic Forces review, and I can use those words here too: "It feels unfinished".
Like, come on. A review is an opinion piece. You expect detail, reasoning, and more. But both sites are pushing this seemingly short form lack of substance approach and its troubling.
@Drac_Mazoku Yes. Obviously. We already know they added UB Burst, UB Assembly and UB Adhesive, which are all listed after Marshadow (#802).
So that's 803, 804 and 805. Spoiler warning: 807.
@Octane and yet there’s this book that says there is
I've been a Pokemon fan since the beginning. While I'm excited to have one of these two "enhanced" versions sitting on my shelf soon, it'll have to wait a little while. I just came off of playing Sun, after all. XD
...I do feel that the review read like more of a 9, however. To each their own, I guess.
I skipped over Sun and Moon, so now I know they really are an expansion of the originals and not another 'black and white 2' situation, I'll be checking one or the other out by the end of the year.
Wish they hadn't made 2 'definitive' versions, though. Part of the allure for me waiting to jump in with the 3rd version was knowing I had the 'best of' definitive game for that generation. Except for Yellow. I had to have Red, but Crystal, Emerald and Platinum were my jam.
Pretty much what you said. Some 'mon exclusive to each version. Unlike the old days you can easily trade for anything you're missing via the online network.
Some of the story and island challenges will be a bit different too. And, the games are set 12 hours apart.
Also I'd check out the seribii website for news on any download or retail code pokemon that come out.
Hope you have a blast! 😀👍
As someone who hasn’t played sun or moon, should I get ultra?
@Pokefanmum82 Yeah I know, but that doesn't change the fact that it isn't in the game itself. You can still transfer old Pokemon through the PokeBank, there's just no national dex.
I played Moon and felt I lost some of the tropical ambience since it was always dark. Your mileage may vary.
I believe there are Pokemon that are more common depending on the time of day too. Not sure which ones tho.
Here's a link - it's got mild spoilers:
Absolutely. 😎
Gonna have to agree with the others here, this review sucks and does not explain nor justify the 10/10. Really does come off more as a plug for the game than anything. As someone who liked S&M but didn't love it, I don't know what to expect from this game and the review did a poor job of selling it to me. For example, the review tries to make the game sound like it's not exactly the same but then doesn't really explain how. Far as I can tell, this IS the same game, performance issues and all. Bleh.
Though I will say this... These "updates" are hard to review because it's the same game with new bells and whistles.
Quick question for everyone here. I haven't picked up the original SuMo game because I've been busy playing tons of other games in my backlog.
Ever since this was announced I've been wondering if I should pick up the originals or the Ultra versions. I don't like the sound of the new story, I don't care for the crappy minigames they seem to have introduced, I'm generally not fond over excessive fan-service and I REALLY don't like it when legendary Pokémon are thrown in your face like cheap toys.
Since this review doesn't provide a whole lot of answers, what do you guys think I should do?
@TheGameSquid I remember when I first found out about Nintendo Life I thought a portal with Nintendo in their name is probably very subjective. But I found that was not the case and they write quality reviews that I respect..... Hovewer this one for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is a bit dissapointing, it looks very rushed and doesn't answer a lot of questions a good review should.
I suggest watching the GameXplain review on youtube. I found it too be much better.
And for Nintneto Life, I still have massive reaspect for you, and hope this slip up was just a small exception
@samuelvictor Daytime in Sun runs from 6am - 6pm (real world time) and daytime in Moon goes from 6pm - 6am.
I bought Sun and it drove me crazy how early nightfall was so choose the game based on that lol
@TheGameSquid SuMo were disappointing, rushed and bare bones titles. USUM sound more of the same. Personally I'd say not to buy any of them lol
@Fandabidozi Yeah I mostly played Sun in the evening and wished I'd bought Moon instead. Why GF changed daytime from 8am-8pm to 6am -6pm I don't know....
I played the **** out of Pokémon Moon and can't wait for more! Got Ultra Sun preordered this time around.
@YummyHappyPills You left out "Graphics aren't as good as on the other home consoles." A staple of all 3rd party Switch reviews.
I'm interested in seeing what this "young Pokemon team" has up their sleeve. Even though, like everyone else, I really want to see what the senior team is up to on the Switch, it's nice to see that Pokemon got some fresh ideas that were implemented well on the sequels. I'm honestly kinda shocked that NL awarded a 10, so hopefully it lives up to that. Elsewhere, reviews have been pretty good averaging about 8-9.
@Drac_Mazoku Its the first time theyve done it.
It is however only new Ultra Beasts and an event Mythical Pokemon
People are always saying to ignore the number and focus on the content of the review, which if we are taking video games seriously, is not a bad idea. So let's do that.
The thesis of this review is simple enough to summarize: "Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are good games. " The argument is essentially this: "Most things are the same, but it isn't an identical retread because the games have totem stickers, mantine riding ports, plot changes, a battle agency, and nostalgic battles. This content is enough to be worth purchasing and playing the remake." Now, I don't think many people are finding that argument convincing. It is a highly subjective argument, as you either find that new content to be sufficient, or you don't. Many don't. But the problem with this article is that the author never addresses counterarguments while dealing with a controversial title. Do UltraSun and UltraMoon address common complaints of the first games, namely their linearity, their dialogue-heaviness, and their lag? The review doesn't address that. Is the game worth it for repeat players? Not sufficiently addressed. Is there a single design choice the reviewer disagreed with? Apparently not.
It isn't simply about reviews being subjective; I believe that many readers found Mr. Craddock's rhetoric to be unconvincing because it did not address issues that needed to be addressed in order for his audience to be persuaded. Both Sun and Moon and Ultra Sun and Moon have been divisive titles among esteemed Professors of Pokémon, so people do have their concerns.
An argument something along these lines would likely be more persuasive: "The first games were already high quality, and this game retains the good aspects of those games, which are... Problems with the first games, such as... have been fixed, and the new content, such as..., is extensive and enjoyable, making this the best version for those who have not played the game and a worthwhile purchase for those who have." Still a subjective opinion, but an article along those lines would address people's concerns more effectively.
Were the performance issues all the game's fault, or do Sun and Moon run better on the New 3DS vs the regular 3DS?
Score aside, poor review. Reads more like a sales pitch or a list of features than thoughts on the game and its systems.
I agree that it's too soon, but I'll likely pick it up next year. Probably both versions, too...
@LinktotheFuture Nope, New 3DS doesn't boost performance for the most part in Sun/Moon. In many titles, it doesn't automatically boost performance at all. If you mod a New 3DS/XL and force both clock boost and L2 CPU usage, that does lower load times and lag in many titles.
(Edit: My bad, New 3DS does selectively boost performance automatically)
@PlywoodStick Thanks for letting me know. That is unfortunate.
@LinktotheFuture That being said, when you're booting the game and fighting in totem/special effect or 4-trainer battles (or presumably also when using totemics in Ultra Sun/Moon), New 3DS does load a bit faster and doesn't experience such heavy frame drops, respectively. Even with clock boost/L2 CPU use, there's still frame drops during camera angle panning, just not as heavy as on the original 3DS line. So you will occasionally notice a positive difference. Just not as much as one might hope for.
New 3DS runs Xenoblade, RE Revelations, Monster Hunter series, and other more demanding titles for the hardware without any issues, so it's most likely just Sun/Moon not being well optimized. Ultimately, I would say to use a New 3DS if you can just to save 15+ seconds booting up and not be slowed to a crawl on totemic/special effects appearances or 4-trainer battles.
Here's a comparison video NL did last year to show the difference where it's most noticeable, in the middle of 4-trainer battles, but otherwise playing nearly identically (possibly down to recording timing error):
Here's another one, showing a big difference in frame drops in an early battle with a special effect aura on an enemy, but otherwise playing identically:
@PlywoodStick Thanks for the more detailed information. I do have a New 3DS, so I am covered there. I have never played a Pokémon game, but I think I would like it. I am still trying to figure out which game to start with.
Another 10. Of course that sparks controversion. Well, every reviewer is different of course. And a 10 doesn't automatically mean a game is perfect. However all those 9's and 10's they are dishing out lately on this site really gives those scores lesser meaning. It also gives the suspicion that Nintendolife consists of fanboys/people paid by Nintendo instead of unbiased, honest reviewers. If I where in charge I would give lesser highscores. Only 9's and 10's for the truly exceptional games!
@LinktotheFuture I would recommend Heart Gold/Soul Silver for the first time. They hearken back to the blueprint era for the entire series, with a ton of upgrades and modernized additions. Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby is also a good choice, since they improve very significantly upon the original Ruby/Sapphire, which were... not very good, they needed Emerald to fix them. I've also heard others say X/Y is a good starting point, although I'd still say the remakes aren't so overwhelming to get into. Plus, X/Y is kind of a weak point in the series for the overall soundtrack, I think... Only their legendary battle theme is really good.
Sun/Moon made a LOT of changes to the formula and style of progression, some arguably for the better, but a lot of other things arguably for the much worse. (And other things like the forced hand holding, which unequivocally take steps backwards.) You'd have to play one of the earlier entries in the series to know why.
@PlywoodStick Thanks for the recommendation, I really appreciate it!
The review is too short. Giving something a 10/10 requires a stronger case.
@-Green- I understand not wanting it still, but that wasn't my question. What does "These types of releases" mean? Like I mentioned before, this is essentially the 3rd version of the game. People are hung up on the name. If they had just named it "Pokemon Stars" it would have flown off the shelves.
@scottienigma You asked if I would buy it if it was named something else, and I responded that I wouldn't. Am I missing something here?
By "these types of releases" I mean alternate versions of the same Pokemon game with small differences.
@-Green- I must have misunderstood your post then. to be fair though this is the first time since Black and White 2 that Nintendo has done this, and that was in 2012. My goal was not to be so aggressive, I am just a little frazzled with the way a lot of people treat video games these days. Like I mentioned before I work in retail, and I constantly see gamers skipping out on or bashing games for completely arbitrary reasons, most of which are purely based on a lack of knowledge, or just regurgitation of things they read online instead of forming their own opinions. I am pretty passionate about games, and I just want to make sure if someone doesn't want to play a game that it is for reasons they understand and can justify instead of "Well Youtuber said it was bad, so this game must be horrible." Have a nice day bud.
Should have posted this earlier, but finally, here it is, an honest review of Ultra Sun & Moon:
Long story short, US&M is a rushed cash grab that actually removes some elements and features from the original package (such as the post-game Ultra Beast episode), and changes some things up for the worse (such as making the Rotom Dex even more annoying than the original S/M's, and still less useful than the Player Search from XY/ORAS), and is generally lazy with most of it's additions (such as the Ultra Recon Squad, who are ultimately inconsequential to the story). There are even some gameplay-related things missing, e.g. several of the old legendaries you can catch in US&M don't even show up in the Dex(!) because it's not a National Dex. You're actually forced to use the Pokemon Bank to get a full National Dex.
Overall, Pokemon US&M is only worth a 7/10 at best, and arguably it's worth less. It's nowhere near a 10/10- the game was as poorly modified as this "professional" review was written.
Game Sucks Much like Sun or Moon CAN THEY JUST MAKE THEM LIKE THE OLD ONES!!!
@PicklePants24 What did you not like about it?
It’s a me, from the future. I’m 45 hours in and US/UM continues to impress. There’s a TON of quality content added on top of the initial titles. So, yet another excellent entry in the best gaming series ever! Now, can I get to the ‘end’ with only 9 days to go until... You’ll need to wait until the future to find out!
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