Despite the gravitas which comes with the Final Fantasy name, it's impossible to approach Final Fantasy Explorers without comparing it to Capcom's phenomenally successful Monster Hunter series. The game is a blatant attempt to ape the same concept, offering team-based monster-slaying with plenty of crafting opportunities and many bite-sized quests, perfect for portable consumption. While Final Fantasy Explorers never manages to shake off this impression of slavish cloning, it does offer a viable and accessible alternative for those who have seen everything that Monster Hunter has to offer, and piles on so much fan-service that anyone who has been anywhere near a Final Fantasy game in the past 25 years will be grinning at least once during the adventure.

Based around the hub town of Libertas, Final Fantasy Explorers gives you a base of operations from where you can accept missions, hook up with other players, purchase items and equipment, forge new items from loot and create monster allies from Atmaliths you've collected in battle. There's also a large crystal in the center of the town which allows you to unlock abilities by spending Crystal Points - the game's secondary currency, after the traditional Gil - and equip Magicite, which we'll come to shortly. Up to eight abilities can equipped at any one time and these are accessed in combat by holding down either the L or R button - doing so brings up a submenu in which four abilities are assigned to a face button. It's a clunky mechanic - especially when you're in the thick of a particularly tense confrontation - but it grants access to a large array of options, both offensive and defensive. Each ability is subject to a cooldown period and consumes Action Points, so a modicum of strategic thinking is required to make the best use of them.
With this being a Final Fantasy game, abilities are predictably linked to weapons or character classes, the latter being known as "Jobs" in this particular series. You can toggle your Job at will while you're in Libertas, and the game allows you to save loadouts so can mix things up and pick the right class for each quest. You start out as a freelancer who has no special or unique abilities, but as you progress you tackle aptitude tests which unlock other classes, including Final Fantasy regulars such as White Mage, Monk, Geomancer and Thief. Certain weapons and armour can only be equipped by particular Jobs and abilities are naturally limited to relevant classes, so while it's tempting to pick a role and stick to it with unwavering determination, Final Fantasy Explorers actively encourages you to experiment.

Once you've done your preparation and are happy with your character, you can march out into the wilds and take on some monsters. These come in small, large and Eidolon classes, with the latter being the large boss-like summon monsters we're so used to seeing in the mainline Final Fantasy titles. In fact, many of these - such as Shiva and Ifrit - are lifted directly from those games, a fact which will no doubt have dedicated fans squealing with delight. Quests are based around defeating a certain number of enemies, collecting items or beating an Eidolon, and as you might expect all of these actions result in a large amount of loot being collected.
These items are central to the game's crafting system, where you can create new weapons and armour after acquiring the correct materials. The most desirable of these predictably need the rarest item drops - usually ones which can only be obtained when fighting an Eidolon. Eidolons have several areas on their bodies which can be targeted, and knowing where to focus your assault is the only way to get the best loot. In addition to the main quests you can gain additional Crystal Points by agreeing to secondary missions, which usually involve performing a certain Crystal Surge or collecting a set amount of items.

Speaking of combat, Final Fantasy Explorers keeps things simple by employing a streamlined battle system. In addition to the aforementioned abilities - which are unquestionably what you'll rely on most during battle - you can attack with your equipped weapon, a process which earns you AP. Your AP gauge is depleted whenever you use an ability or sprint by holding down the B button, so standard attacks have to be used to top it back up again (it replenishes naturally as well, but at a much slower pace). Items such as restorative potions can be called upon as well, but if you've got a good mix of abilities you might find you don't need them - even the offensive classes have access to curative abilities which help keep your health at maximum. Besides, Final Fantasy Explorers is incredibly forgiving when it comes to death; falling in battle doesn't mean being dumped back at the central town - you're given the option to use a Phoenix Pinion or sacrifice five minutes of quest time to revive yourself. Given that many quests come with particularly generous time limits, the latter option is always more preferable.
Stringing together abilities builds up your resonance level, and the higher this gets the more powerful your abilities become. Resonance also allows you to access the aforementioned Crystal Surges, which are random specials that apply buffs and have other beneficial - but time-limited - effects on both you and your teammates. On top of this is the Trance state, which is arguably the most interesting element of the entire game for card-carrying Final Fantasy aficionados. Depending on which Magicite you have equipped, a Trance will allow you to change your physical appearance for a short time and gain new Crystal Surges. This is how Square Enix has skillfully shoehorned in characters like Cloud, Lightning and Tifa; you are rewarded with their Magicite upon fulfilling certain criteria, and these come fairly thick and fast in the opening 10 hours of the game. You're also given the chance to forge the iconic gear of these characters, so even when you're not in Trance mode you can "be" your favourite Final Fantasy protagonist. Want to carry Cloud's Buster Sword into battle? No problem.

Like Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy Explorers has a strong social focus, offering both local and online play for teams of up to four players. The process of getting in a team is hassle-free - you can host or join a room and even opt to locate players who are roughly the same level as you - and aside from network latency causing your allies to showcase occasionally glitchy movement, gameplay is largely as smooth as it is in single player. If you choose not to go online for whatever reason, you can instead use monster allies to complete your team. These are created from Atmaliths which are randomly dropped in battle, and each beast has access to its own unique abilities. Success in battle allows these monsters to level up and become even more powerful, and you can combine monsters with other Atmaliths to increase their potency. The limit is that each monster comes with a "load" cost which stops you from having three super-powerful allies at any one time, so building an effective team is paramount.
All of this combines to make a compelling and addictive setup that rewards repeat play with new gear and abilities, allowing the player to comprehensively customise their character and pair them up online with like-minded individuals. However, unlike Monster Hunter - which builds an astonishing level of complexity into each weapon class - Final Fantasy Explorers is a lot more straightforward; irrespective of which Job you choose, the gameplay boils down to spamming your abilities, waiting for them to recharge, building up AP and repeating the process until the Eidolon you're fighting is dead. Magic-users and ranged weapons add a little variety, but it's still incredibly basic when compared to what Capcom's title has to offer. As a result, after a few hours each bite-sized quest becomes an exercise in repetition.

There are other issues to note. During battle, it's frustratingly common to find that your larger monster allies obscure your view when locked onto monsters, making it hard to see where your character is in relation to the enemy. You can quickly snap the camera behind yourself by using the L button and the game supports the Circle Pad Pro (and, by extension, the second analog nub introduced on the New 3DS hardware) but it's still incredibly annoying each time one of your beasts blocks your viewpoint and messes up an ability combo.
While we're on the subject of visual concerns, the complete lack of any 3D support is a bitter disappointment, especially for a game which comes so late in the 3DS' lifespan. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate managed to include this option and presented a much larger and more detailed game world, so it's puzzling as to why the developer has omitted such a feature here. Having said that, there are moments of genuine beauty to behold in Final Fantasy Explorers; the opening stage is a verdant field with the shadows of clouds passing languidly overhead, while deeper into the uncharted wilds you'll experience smoke-choked mountain passes and gloomy marshes packed with undead foes.

The game's soundtrack is far more consistent, with Tsuyoshi Sekito's majestic tunes fitting the on-screen action perfectly. There are the usual Final Fantasy themes in there of course - the "quest complete" jingle is unmistakable and when in Trance mode the character's signature tune plays in the background - but it's the original compositions which stick in your head the most. The battle theme is energetic and catchy, which means it never outstays its welcome no matter how many times you hear it.
It's easy to dismiss Final Fantasy Explorers as little more than a shameless copy of Monster Hunter, and while it's true that the game is short on original ideas and lacks the devilish complexity of Capcom's million-selling series, it would be grossly unfair to ignore the game entirely. While the Job system isn't as deep and involving as Monster Hunter's weapon-based classes and the short quests quickly descend into repetition, the online side of the game is solid and the allure of forging new items ensures that the desire to find the best loot is always at the front of your mind.
Then there's the setting and the generous helpings of fan-service; while the Final Fantasy brand has arguably been abused by its owner with some distinctly lackluster outings in recent years, it still offers an incredibly appealing universe to inhabit, and hardcore fans left cold by Monster Hunter's locales might find this familiar fantasy realm a little more appealing - especially when it's possible to invoke the spirits of Cloud, Tidus, Yuna and Tifa, as well as many other famous Final Fantasy characters. Ultimately though, Final Fantasy Explorers feels like an entry point for the genre rather than a true rival to Capcom's crown - it's accessible and enjoyable, but the shallow nature of the gameplay might leave seasoned players feeling a little cold after extended play.
Comments 123
Such a shame. I want to play this, really badly, but I have no friends who are going to buy it. Is single player still fun with the bots, or is it not worth the price if you plan to go solo?
I've never played Monster Hunter.
does that mean I'll like this game more? or less?
I want this no matter the score. I'm sure I could get 100's of hours of enjoyment out of it. The problem is I don't have that kind of time to spend on a game like this anymore. I really want to get through some of my backlog and this is definitely a anti backlog game. Man I wish I was caught up with my backlog, there's so many good to great 3ds games coming out this year and want them all!!
I can't wait to pick this up.
I will eventually pick this up soon but this year Dragon Quest VII and Bravely Second comes first. Fire Emblem Fate and Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam I may pick up after those too.
Think I might wait on MHX... Square Enix will get my money with the Dragon Quest titles. Thats plenty for me this year. More than plenty.
Do you know if it's possible to do the whole game solo like Monster Hunter in which the offline AND online can be be done solo?
Is it a similar setup of basically a story mode that is offline and a multiplayer mode for online or is it all lumped together?
Selling Point: A poor man's Monster Hunter with Final Fantasy branding!
I'll try this out later tomorrow thanks to the English version being leaked recently. I really does seems like a poorman Monster Hunter though, hopefully it's not as true as people make it out to be. I been wanting to play this since E3 2016.
So......if we have never played a Monster Hunter game we would give this a 9? Hate when reviewers act like everyone has played every game they had. So it is a good game, despite being like Monster hunter....correct?
Stop trying to mimic IGN.
@sillygostly That's... still a pretty appealing tagline, all things considered!
First 3ds retail game for me in a longtime. Looks great
okay, maybe I will pass on this one....
I really wasn't sure if I should get it. Actually I was even quite hyped. But the moment you said that it becomes repetitive after only some hours my hype was gone.
Well let's see. The thing which turns me on is the variety of the classes and the online play. oh and forging new armor
Well I liked MH4U and I know I'll like this one too. Can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Still gonna grab since my friends and I wanna get a co-op game. Were not big monter hunter, due to lack of magic n such. I know, silly right?
wow. so many negative people. a score of 7 isn't that bad, it just means it's not a game for everyone. heck, there are some games that get 9 or 10's that I have no interest in, while a few that I've loved even if they get a 5 or a 6.
btw, I'm getting this tomorrow. I love Final Fantasy XIII and I'm looking forward to getting more Final Fantasy while I'm waiting for XV. Also, I'm glad it's kind of a "beginner" monster hunter. I've played monster hunter and, while I had a lot of fun, it was waaaay too complicated for me. Plus, I can now play alongside Lightning. (^_^ )
Now, to decide my class. should I go dark knight or sorceress? Hmmmmm...
Well...seeing as this is similar to Monster Hunter I probably won't be picking it up since I hate Monster Hunter and never have understood why it is so popular. And is it just me or does anyone else think that quest/loot driven RPG's are getting really old? Maybe I'm old fashioned but man do I wish RPGs could be story and character driven again like FF6 and 9. sigh.....poor Final Fantasy. R.I.P.
Jumps on the 7 must equal bad bandwagon
Oh wait, no — a 7 is good.
Thanks for the excellent review, Damien. I'm looking forward to playing this; not a Final Fantasy fan but I have really enjoyed four-player Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and while this may not be as deep a gameplay experience, it should still hopefully be good fun with some buddies!
I personally don't like the complexity of Monster Hunter, so this might be more what I'm looking for. They sold me with having a lock on mechanic, too.
@spurgeonryan I'm confused. Are you saying that providing context is a bad thing? Damn these reviewers and writing from a position of having experience of games so that they can provide detailed and honest reviews! How dare they?
You're technically saying that everything should get a 10 because reviewers should act as if they've never seen a videogame before.
@walrusballs Hating things in a review just shows that you are a corrupt human being and are an alien who does not deserve to live on earth. Your comparing opinion just shows you have no insight on life and things in general, typical commenter. The more you hate, the more easier things are to be hated. Hater.
If you think this review looked good to you, don't let commenters take a shat all over your excitement. I encourage you to read the review yourself and let your own heart decide it's path to happiness or hatred. Too many times have I took comments to heart, left empty of my own curiosity of a review I looked forward to reading. And then upon disregarding such hatred, I found the courage to try one review I truly thought was super hard bad, a wonderful and uplifting experience of pure joy I let someone else ruin. But it made it that much more fleeting to realize how good it actually was. So thank you for hating, walrusballs.
@walrusballs @Damo
wow dudes.chill.its just the interwebz."why so serious"the joker.
@Lilith93 I wasn't being serious
@walrusballs you sir have some strange logic . And the reviewer was not even hating on the game as much as you Make it to be, the reviewer say positives about the game and gave it a 7/10 , which is a pretty good score
I'll give this one a miss then.
It's funny how at the start of the year there is a list of 3ds games to look forward to and how quickly it shrinks. Not so good reviews, delays etc.
Can anyone tell me if the combat in this game is faster than the one in Monster Hunter games? I feel like I might have gotten more into the MH games if every swing didn't feel so sluggish.
https://www.nintendolife.com/scoring#score-7 Just wanted to leave this here, I had to double check to make sure I was looking at the scoring policy for this site. Commenters had me believing a 7 was somehow a low score...
@invictus4000 I understand you: this is the kind of game I prefer. But those hunting games are not RPGs, they are action games with morebor less RPG elements.
Until this year, I was hoping for a FFVI 3DS (like FfIV DS) but seeing how Square is releasing their stock of japanese games in the West, I just gave up. (still happy to get the Draque and Bravely).
@spurgeonryan The problem of the game is that it becomes repetitive after a shorter time than MH due to the lack of new concept. So see it as a 7.5-8/10 if you never played MH. Who knows, maybe it will even push you to try MH4U.
@Chaoz It is ideal as a start to this genre because you are not overwhelmed in new concepts of gameplay. See it as a step to enter in the Monster Hunter series: if you like it (and maybe do not enjoy it long enough), upgrade your experience with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
@CharlieSmile Are you a visitor from the Future, sir? ^^
The game is more of an 8/10 in my mind because its fun to play with friends but if you play alone then its a 7/10 game.
Hmmmm. I know this a Monster Hunter Clone, but I never got into MH. Is this game like Phantasy Star?
So if it wasn't for the final fantasy branding and gimmicks it would read more like a 5/10 . I don't think it's fair that games get good scores from nostalgia alone .
@walrusballs I honestly thought you were kidding right up til almost the end of your comment.
You do know people are allowed to dislike aspects of a game, right? It's called having an opinion. Which is what a review is. An opinion.
Same goes for me.
@SanderEvers Not enough like Monster Hunter.
I think I'll enjoy this If I got 70% on an exam, I'd be pretty happy! This game has scored somewhere between 70-79 out of 100 and people think that's bad. Oh my.
I cant wait to play this. From what I have about FFE it seems to me to be more like Phantasy star Online than Monster Hunter and I am Extatic about that. Monster Hunter has never been my cup of tea even though ive put some hours into it. Phantasy Star online on Dreamcast, Gamecube and DS has always been more enjoyable to me. For one its more relaxing experience than Monster Hunter and playing online was flawless. So I am hoping for more of a phantasy Star Online experience
@MitchVogel yeah its cracking me up people think 7 is low. I bet the game is worthy of 7 which is good. If its anything like Phantasy Star Online the score for me personally will be higher. Phantasy Star Zero on DS is one of my favorite games of alltime and I would rate that a 9.
Please people 7 is a decent score and whose to say your personal score wont be higher. Square got kind of ripped on for the release of Heroes of Ruin and got some pretty low scores from some websites. I had a great time with that game and was a little miffed that the game was just about a 6 or 7 hour experience. But my personal rating was a 7. I would be willing to bet. FFE is way better than Heroes of Ruin.
@MadAussieBloke 13 was bad 14 was bad... I think 15 is going to suck - and the 7 remake is going to suck too. Square Enix has to do some work before I can trust them again.
@Shade_Koopa not sad at all Monster Hunter is not for you and your group. I cant quite put my finger on it but Monster Hunter has never been my thing either
Sounds like an ok game. I think I will eventually pick it up.
I think this review is pretty terrible honesly. Despite the fact that it ultimately claims it's a good game, the author suggests mutiple times that it is a shameless copy of Monster Hunter. The comparison to the aforementioned series may certainly be valid, as it can help readers understand the kind of game FF Explorers is, but getting hung up over the comparison and seemingly failing to move past that is pretty pathetic.
My question is do you obtain exp and levels like a traditional Final Fantasy or is the gear crafting the only way to increase stats? I initially loathed Monster Hunter, but got into it once I figured out how to properly play it, but even then it wasn't more than just good. I'm ok with repetitive questing, but with Monster Hunter you need to keep redoing quests in the hopes that a rare material will drop so you can craft new equipment so you can be slightly tougher to kill when you go up against the next monster mission so you start the whole cycle over. If I'd been able to level up by killing monsters so that my HP and such went up that may not have sucked so much.
So yeah, EXP in this game or no?
@Refurin I'm also hoping for a level up system for the characters. I don't know the answer to your question but I'm sure your character levels up. It offers different job types to level up. I just don't see them doing that part of the game like monster hunter. Let's hope it's the standard Final Fantasy Leveling system.
Sooooooo burnt out on role playing games. Can't they release anything else these days? 🙁
Why can't we just have a new Final Fantasy Tactics??
@TruenoGT I'm also bummed no 3D. I am a 3D nut and love all my 3D software. I think I will be able to deal with no 3D though. It's too bad 3D wasn't included.
Will pick this up on a sale as I had originally planned.
This game feels like it's Monster Hunter with Final Fantasy mechanics layered in, and the review more or less confirms that. It also seems to be a solid 7/10 game. Not unlike Hyrule Warriors before it, though, I think this will be a 7/10 game I love for hours, and the familiar skin and concepts will get me over the hump to enjoy a Monster Hunter style game. It looks like just what I wanted, and I can't wait for my copy to come in today. Thanks for the review, guys!
I wasn't really feeling this. Good to know that I was probably correct in my initial impression.
I'll just keep playing MH4U until MHX drops over here.
Still getting my copy of this. I don't care if it's like MH. I've never played MH anyways, found the demo too difficult. This seems like more my cup of tea. Can't wait to play this.
I think this will be a great fit for me. Should arrive before 8 p.m. today since I pre-ordered (kind of wish I didn't have choir tonight)!
Still grabbing my copy this morning. Nothing like adding a good lengthy game to my already growing RPG backlog.
@ZAZX I'm planning on getting it if you wanna exchange friend codes and play online sometime. I'm on the East Coast.
@Samwise7 Now you're talking.
@Windy I was thinking the same thing, the trailers all looked like PSO. I played the MH demo and didn't care for it, so hopefully someone can chime in on whether or not PSO fans will enjoy FFE. (stops to feed his Mag)
Skimmed through the review, don't really care for the number rating but was curious what this would get. Been waiting for freaking ever for this damn game and Imma pick up my pre order right away!
This game sounds exactly like what I expected it to be. A good Monster Hunter clone. I liked MH3 and 4 when I played them but I hated the delay in attacking and that pause your character does when using items/drinking potiions. It made the battles extremely frustrating to me. For those not understanding what I'm talking about, the characters in MH feel like they're moving in slow motion all the time, specifically when swinging a weapon and drinking a potion. When you stop, drink a healing potion, your character does a little stupid pose for a few seconds that leaves you wide open to attacks. Does anyone know if FFE has a similar annoyance?
Why in your review do you talk about being able to summon characters from past games, and waste the effort by mentioning Cloud and Tifa twice?
The true appeal of Monster Hunter is the real time combat, which has so much complexity and demands so much skill it becomes an addiction. Knowing invincibility frames and timing dodges to the millisecond... Utilizing the handful of skills you have to the uttermost... discerning tells and reading your enemy in real time and putting your reactionary skills to the test... that's real hardcore gaming.
This game can copy everything else about Monster Hunter, but without the serious, hardcore combat, it's nothing like it. That is and always will be the heart of Monster Hunter. And that is why people who "don't get it"... don't get it. They haven't tasted the sweet fruit of true skill-based combat.
Can anyone tell me if this game has that thing where the monster runs away and you have to hit it with paintballs to track it? That is the single reason why I won't play Monster Hunter games for as appealing as they are to me. When you don't have anyone else with the game you are left to play solo. And when a monster starts to run away repeatedly and you know that if you had just had one more person to attack it with you that you'd stop it in time before it escapes, is very disheartening. I got pretty deep into monster hunter and was comfortable with the controls and all and then I just got to a point where I couldn't stop he monsters from escaping and it just felt like chores and too much work.
SO... Does anyone know if there is a mechanic like his in Explorers? If not, I'm definitely buying this as another person said, the inclusion of magic and such is very appealing to me on the final fantasy side of the house rather than monster hunter.
I love Monster Hunter...
I love Final Fantasy....
I am pretty sure I am destined to buy this game.
@TerrapinJess How is it difficult to throw a paintball at the start of battle? They are super cheap to buy/combo create. Good grief if that is what is stopping you, that's pretty lazy.
How come Crystal Chronicles were not mentioned? From what is see it is more like an expanded version of those games.
@Yorumi Games are made by Japanese developers. In Japan, they don't have a lot of space, so portables are more handy. And people in Japan socialize with each other, meet up at restaurants and stuff and play locally. If NA developers made the games, then they would be on console I'm sure. But sales have shown MH sells way better on protable.
I prefer console as well, but having it on the go is nice too.
I think I'll skip this and pick up Paper Jam instead. That'll hold me over until Fates comes out!
@XCWarrior well you make a good point but I've had monsters run away up to 4 times. Then it just becomes work after that. True, monster hunter is almost based on "work" which is why the payoff is so great but... It gets frustrating.
But doesn't the paintball wear off eventually?? I may have made a grave mistake by thinking it wore off over time. I'm under the impression if you throw it at the beginning of battle it would surely wear off in minutes, negating its effects by the time the beast starts to run away.
@XCWarrior I can vouch for this being true about the reason behind portables versus consoles in Japan.
It's less of an attempt to clone Monster Hunter and more of a poor man's Phantasy Star Online spinoff. I'm going to assume that if you loved Phantasy Star Zero like I did, you'll probably like this despite the annoying controls. Though personally I'll just be avoiding this and playing PSO2 and PS Nova for my portable Phantasy Star Online fix.
I don't want to bash the game for not reaching expectactions and all and I hope the ones who want to play it can get the best out of it.....but honestly, I feel that Square Enix is beginning to lose its image as an RPG developer.
The latest Final Fantasy game doesn't look like Final Fantasy and the only thing that works for them is Dragon Quest which rarely gets localized.
@TerrapinJess Paintball lasts like 10-15 minutes. Never really thought about it. Never had to use more than 2 on a given hunt. I mean the game is called Monster Hunter... going area to area is the hunting part. Yes the flying monsters sometimes go to the oppositte end of the world, but I play co-op online most of the time, so usually they don't live beyond that 2nd area.
Solo if it's taking more than a 3rd area to kill the monster, that's a tip off to me to get online, farm a monster, and get a better weapon. I do agree the game is a grind/work, but I don't notice it playing co-op online. I love working with people... wish more games had online coop instead of just online vs.
@Yorumi Well good news. There is this thing called NX coming out. I feel pretty certain we are going to buy 1 copy of game, and it will transition seamlessly from the console to the portable device, and vise versa. At this point if Nintendo does anything besides that, it will be major letdown.
@TruenoGT @Windy And I thought I was the only one here that would miss and question why 3D wasn't included since I use it 95% of the time. Quite the down part for me.
With that said, I'll still download it maybe later today. Even though I like Monster Hunter, I dislike the slowish pace of the game and combat at times especially when playing solo. I know that is part of the game's charm but still.
This game might fill that hole.
Just re-started Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Something Something Grimoire, so no time to be playing this atm 😤
Looking forward to playing this on release with a friend. Good review too; informative and well-written. You should see IGN's review of this game, reads like it was written by a 13 year old.
Being clearly obsessed with monster hunter, I think the rating would go higher with an unbiased reviewer
I'm a "Ms."
@H_Hunter It's at a 73 on Metacritic, his score is pretty much in line with the general consensus of reviewers.
@ultraraichu I just got in 2 hours on FFE and it's pretty good so far. The missing 3D doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It has some neat pastel colored graphics. The game is really simplistic which I kind of like. It has a lot to offer in abilities and with jobs. I'm liking it so far and it does remind me more of Phantasy Star Online than Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter already drains too much of my time, so I don't think I'll get this game. This looks like it could be quite enjoyable, but I'll probably enjoy Monster Hunter more since I'm used to it.
So a Monster Hunter game with FF themes and elements?
Huh, exactly as advertised.
I get the feeling I'd enjoy this more than MH (the game that compartmentalizes every feature, every moment, every breath into a strategic planning, effectively sapping fun for the promise of a sense of accomplishment).
From Damo's review, I got that the soundtrack is cool, the jobs are a nice addition, there's plenty of depth, no 3D sucks, the game can be pretty barren visually, FF is interesting (but only older games) and the MH elements are light but depending on the gamer that might be good.
So it's a 6 visually, an 8 for gameplay and a 9 audibly? Sounds like a fair 7 to me.
@Windy That is good (and mostly reassuring) to know, thanks.
I started the download an hour ago, at least this way I'll have it ready to play on my commute home later.
@Utena-mobile I read your comment as XIII being your first FF game? Not knocking you if it was and I'm glad to hear you liked it. I was a fan more for the characters and not so much the gameplay which annoyed me at times but I still enjoyed it. Still if it was your first and you liked it I commented to promote FFVI as a FF game for you to hunt down and play some day. For me that was a definitive FF title that everyone should experience. Terra/Tina, Locke, Kefka the main antagonist, so many awesome characters involved in one of FF best adventures.
@WarlockNem I keep meaning to play Final Fantasy 6 - had it on my Wii virtual console for ages but because I know it's a big game I tend to avoid it - I really must play it sometime.
Glad to see it has the core hunting elements that makes MH so fun. I have this on preorder (Friday release here) and quite looking forward to it!
The ability system sounds really interesting and I can't wait to see what kind of customisation they allow you to do.
Not sure about Final Fantasy Explorers. I couldn't really get into Monster Hunter because I didn't have the patience, this might be easier to get into but doesn't involve much exploring. Think I'd rather go for Xenoblade Chronicles on 3DS or XCX on Wii U instead.
"a Trance will allow you to change your physical appearance for a short time"
Here's the thing I was worrying about. The whole "short time" thing has been, to quote the review with an ironic echo, "skillfully" not mentioned by Square Enix and any promotional material, due to how much of a turnoff it may be. It's still better than the Dimensional Links in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (which, for those who don't own a PSP, means "you're given a character's attacks for a limited time, without even summoning him or her on the battlefield"), but that's not saying much. Forging the characters' own gear is cool and all, but after hyping the possibility to play as iconic Final Fantasy characters, hearing what was already implied - them not being fully playable - is a huge letdown, not to mention the unlockable weapons sound more like a dev team's saving throw than straightforward fan service. I might sound nitpicky and whiny, but I was excited for what was promising to be a 3DS version of Dissidia than Theatrhythm ever was (well, I'm not even saying it was to begin with). Between having a PSP in my bag alongside the 3DS everytime I get out and having Cloud playable in Smash, Final Fantasy Explorers just went from "Must-buy" to "Must-wait-for-a-discount".
@KrakenSoup They do that on purpose. The whole strategic point to Monster Hunter is that you need to mind your attacks and other actions (healing, sharpening, cooking, etc.) because most actions will have long animations that will leave you open, and managing that is part of what makes it challenging and different, as opposed to being able to just mindlessly mash with fast attacks that barely leave you open.
It's not for everyone but you learn to deal with it. It mostly sucks against some of the more overpowered monsters or the agile ones that are harder to catch alone.
Looks pretty solid so I may have to pick it up when I finish up Monster Hunter 4, but I have a feeling that won't happen for quite some time. Still, options are always nice.
@ultraraichu Lastly Final Fantasy Explorers is alot mor like Phantasy Star Online than it is Monster Hunter. For me, its exactly what I was hoping for. The first few hours of the game are really easy but its mostly tutorial stuff. I really like it and at this point would give it a solid 8. I sure wish they had done 3d but the graphics the way they are are kind of charming so its not that big of deal. Anyway im loving it.
@SahashraLA the gameplay is actually not much like Monster Hunter. Totally different way of doing attacks which are sharper and more precise. At least in the beginning. The game is more of a carbon copy of Phantasy Star Online than being like Monster Hunter. Personally I like it alot and cant wait to play with friends. Im just hoping it gets harder. Because the beginning is extremely easy.
@Spoony_Tech Ive played like 4 hours so far and I absolutely love it. I just hope it gets harder. Regardless of popular belief by most people it really isnt that much like Monster Hunter. Much more like Phantasy Star which is exactly what I was hoping for.
@Asaki well im a huge Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Zero fan from the DS and I dont see any reason why PSO players wont like this game. Its just like PSO except it has more to offer. Now Monster Hunter fans might not like it. Because the beginning of the game is really easy and Monster Hunter is tough going at the beginning. I think for people who stick with monster Hunter love that its hard. To me monster hunter is one of the most difficult games you will ever play. FFE looks like single player mode is doable so far without any help
@Refurin you will like the single player game. Im pretty sure you can easily play it single player and not worry about playing online at all. And yes your character levels up in the classic style.
@Windy I can see the comparison in pictures alone really. I highly doubt the battle system is anything close to monster Hunter. I don't see why it's getting compared to MH so much. If this is like any other mmo style game you get a limited number of attacks and you need to wait in between attacks as well. Plus you don't necessarily come in contact with said monsters while attacking like MH what you need to contact for damage. This is most likely closer to Xenoblades attack system then MH right?
Ive started an FC thread for Final Fantasy in the online section of the forums. Jump in there and add me and others. Im ready to try this online.
@Spoony_Tech yeah its closer to Xenoblade but really its, its own beast as you try to get combos to build up for a special attack. You use the L and R buttons to use special abilities attacks like Magics and special sword/arrow attacks. The battle system flows pretty good once your used to it. Its super simple
@Windy thank you sir. Ever since I saw gameplay I said "Why are people mentioning MH? This looks way more like Phantasy Star;.
Very glad to hear my assumption is correct, and I am already downloading the game. Can't wait for my friends to get it too.
@Platinumhobo the only thing im worried about is the first 4 hours of the game has been a cake walk. I do hope that some sort of difficulty will show up. Not Monster Hunter hard but at least a bit of defiance soon.
Woohoo! Ok this game freakin rocks! I made to a quest which the difficulty ramped up. So guys it does get harder. Great stuff! I won't say which quest ramps it up but wow! It was awesome! I like how you build your own Job class. I like the Battle system. It's just a fun game. Since sega didn't bring us Phantasy Star Online Game I'm sure glad that Square picked up the ball. I was so hoping for Phantasy Star Online or Zero 3D on 3DS. Well this is it. It's not in 3D but this is it. No 3D? That's ok it looks pretty good
No 3D? Majorly disappointing! I was really interested in this game but not having 3D really turns me off. I'll probably end up getting it but no 3D really takes it.
@Nomad I thought the same thing. But it really doesn't bother me. I wish they had tried to implement the 3D. I think it looks pretty darn good for not having the 3D though. I am really jazzed about the game now. I got passed a certain point in the game and the game made a turn for the awesome! I'm really enjoying it after a very easy first 3 to 4 hours. It's all good now
Never played a MH game in my life. I do own MH4U but the mere sight of those little goat/deer thingies made me jump and fear-quit (yep, it's my fear of deer striking again - just don't ask). So I'm looking forward to playing it. Preordered it at the local GameStop.
Good choice. The Xenoblade series easily surpasses all modern Final Fantasies and its spinoffs, and Monster Hunter is only awesome with friends and patience.
It was and I absolutely love it! Epic story, amazing characters, a huge world, and such a good ending!! I loved it and it's still my hope that it will get a remaster for the ps4 and/or xbox1. But I've played a little bit of 6 and 7 and I want to play more. I'm a die-hard FF fan now. (^_^ )
btw, I now own FFE! Is there a way to play online with other people? I'm just getting started. I think I'm going to be a sorceress/ healer.
@Windy Glad to hear the game is getting good. I really like the look of it and want to get it tomorrow. I just love playing my games in 3D. I play them all with the slider at max, It really adds to the immersion. I've found it even makes some games easier. Monster Hunter 4 for example is better with the 3D on as it makes it easier to judge distances during battle, plus the games just look better in 3D. Hopefully it wont bother me as much as I think it will.
ill play i got the game
A 7 out of a 100? Ouch! Oh a 7/10 well then I'll give it a go sometime down the line
Can you join groups and play through the levels online like PSO? Can you meet up with random people online at all? Really cool looking game, but if I can't play online with people I have zero interest.
This game is much more PSO/PSU/PSP than it is MH--has the reviewer ever played any of those games?
@Nomad im the exact same way. Im all about the 3d. This game would probably look cool in 3d but it doesnt bother me much at all. I wish it was there though.
@DekuOnion yep. And the game is so much like PSO everyone who has played PSO will feel right at home.
Note to people:
This game isn't a typical Final Fantasy experience and it's more suited to people that like the Monster Hunter formula: story is non-existant, you'll repeat and kill the same enemies A LOT, really A-LOT to get the materials you want to craft that new piece of armor or weapon. If you don't have people to gather in a living room and play, or go online with them to play...you'll be missing out on the whole point of this kind of games. You can play it solo just fine, but you'll get bored really soon.
I've played both MH and this one, and it does feel like an entry-point to the MH games. It kinda shows you the way and tells you what to do with this item or that one...where MH just tells you: "explosive barrel", "pellet". I feel the combat is more entertaining and the game can flow a bit faster (IMHO). Yet again, be aware that (I cannot repeat this enough times) this game is intended to be a multiplayer game, just like Tri Force Heroes, that's where this game shines and gets fun and you get it's money value...you'll drop it and you'll wish to trade it in for another game after 5-6 hours if you play it all by yourself.
The review seems pretty fair, I have no complaints.
I do wish people would stop comparing this to Monster Hunter though. I think a world meeting needs to be held to explain that just because you have a 4 player co op game with large monsters, doesn't mean it's Monster Hunter. I'd say the game has a lot more in common with Phantasy Star Online than Monster Hunter, but that's just me. I think it creates an unfair perception of the game in gamers minds because they go in expecting Monster Hunter but get Final Fantasy. It's a more original game than what the media portrays it to be, and as I said it definitely has more in common with PSO.
EDIT: Huh... Looks like @ECM and @Windy already beat me to the punch on that. Well, good to know someone else agrees then!
After playing for... a few hours... I'm definitely going to agree with the sentiment that solo play is getting boring (and I haven't even repeated any quests). Stat improvements seem to all be based on your class and your equipment, so anyone looking to level up, nope, not in this game. Not being big on online multiplayer stuff, I think I'll probably be letting my copy go.
@ZAZX Single player is lots of fun. You capture beast soul things and create monsters to accompany you on your adventures. Most you can have is 3 but they all have a size so you may not have all 3 with you depending on the monsters. Also, there is an online co-op mode that lets you play with people all over, not just friends. I like this game, it started off pretty slow but quickly grew on me.
This article made me want the game! Huge monster hunter fan and final fantasy fan. It sounds like they made a few cool changes that it would be nice if Monster Hunter implemented too. I hope this section of the series stays around
@spurgeonryan The point of the comparison is to say that if this type of game interests you, rather go play monster instead.
Way more helpful than pretending better games don't exist.
@H_Hunter Even game trailers says this game was boring. It was so boring that the reviewer gave up playing while doing the review.
This sounds right up my alley. The aesthetics of MH don't appeal to me; still, I tried MH3 on Wii U and found the game to be tedious at best.
Edit: I got this game last night ($32 at Amazon with Prime) and really like it. The MH comparison is a bit off; it's much more like Phantasy Star Online than MH. The online is great and a lot of fun. If only TriForce Heroes online was this good.
I purchased this game on launch, but am a bit dissatisfied with it.
As much as I hate to say this, I think it is boring.
Co-op online is frustrating because you can't communicate, there is no way of telling if someone is embarked or not before you enter, and the combat is basic.
I really thought I would love it, but now I am going to sell it.
Its multi-player rooms are better, you can press start to end a quest instead of waiting for the timer. It has magic! Still i like Monster Hunter better. Its a hack n slash with Monster Hunter elements.
I didn't pay alot for this game (2/$20 at GameStop)...
But the lack of 3D is a real bummer, there's no disclaimer on box.
Nowhere does it say 'Playable in 2D' on the cover like others titles.
On the back, there's even a 3D warning (!). This is some serious BS
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