Once upon a time, there was a cute little squirrel that captivated the hearts of children in his debut game for the Game Boy Colour. This red-tailed critter was known as Conker: Conker The Squirrel. No one knows the full extent of what happened to this cute woodland creature in his transition to the N64; he had a metamorphosis in personality, which turned him into a rude, sarcastic, irresponsible and very adult-themed chap – the polar opposite of his previous persona. Offensive, crude, vulgar, and downright hilarious: may we present to you, Conker’s Bad Fur Day.
Imagine, if you will, a cute and vibrant world straight from something you’d see on children’s TV channels. Then put the following into this world: a deviant squirrel, mafia weasels, a panther with an affinity for duct tape, an evil scientist, a sunflower with breasts, a cog who bats for the other team, a singing poo, a drunk scarecrow, evil teddy bears, a bourgeois big-bollocked boiler, an exceptionally horny bee, and a pint-sized grim reaper with an attitude; throw in a load of bad language, an hysterical plot and a frying pan, and you’ve got yourself a Bad Fur Day.

The story of Bad Fur Day is pretty… interesting to say the least. After a heavy night of drinking, Conker wakes up to find himself in a field; unaware of his surroundings, our ‘hero’ walks about in a drunken stupor until he encounters Birdy, the drunk scarecrow, who shows him how to use the game’s context sensitive buttons – buttons that, as Mr Scarecrow will duly inform you, are sensitive to the context of Conker’s present situation. So, for example, when Conker needs to get rid of his hangover he just has to find a context sensitive pad, and from this he can get a tonic to rid himself of the morning-after-the-night-before effects. These context sensitive actions include literally anything: flamethrowers to toast bats, anvils that pound things into the ground, throwing knives that will rescue a suicidal pitchfork, loo roll to clog the mightiest of all poos, hypnotic watches for use on dinosaurs, you name it!
Unfortunately, while Conker is learning the marvels of context sensitivity, the malevolent Panther King is plotting his downfall. You see, the big pussycat has spilt his milk – his table leg broke, causing his cup of milk to fall to the floor – and this does not bode well for our little red squirrel. The legitimate question to ask here is "why on Earth does a broken table leg have anything to do with Conker?" The answer is simple: the only object capable of propping up the table is a squirrel – a red squirrel at that! The Panther King’s mad professor – an evil genius who lives in fear of the Panther King and his duct tape – came to this conclusion after extensive studies with elephants and pot plants. Blissfully unaware of this, Conker is only determined to get home for some shut-eye… that, and pick up some cash en route.

Money motivates Conker more than anything else: he has aspirations of owning a gold card, jet packs, and a few butlers. In his Bad Fur Day, one quest for cash leads to another, and before he knows it, Conker is well and truly tangled in a dangerous plotline. There are countless perils waiting around each corner for him, so it comes in handy that our foul-mouthed protagonist is a squirrel because, according to Gregg the hilarious squeaky-voiced grim reaper, squirrels are entitled to have as many lives as they think they can get away with. Conker learns this the first time he dies in the game and encounters Gregg – for once there is a reason why characters come back to life after dying!
Conker’s thirst for cash takes him on a truly hysterical adventure: after his meeting with Birdy, the squirrel dislodges a grumpy gargoyle from a bridge, kills some scouser dung beetles, obliterates a Terminator-esque pile of hay, steals from a few catfish, urinates on some fire imps, hatches a dinosaur, takes money from a nightclub, destroys a prehistoric civilisation, gets turned into a vampire, fights in a war, and, well, the list goes on and on. The diverse nature of the story is fantastic, and the constant adult humour interjected is truly magnificent. There are also several parodies of films such as The Godfather, Matrix, and Saving Private Ryan; each one pulled off with extreme hilarity.

It’s not just the content that is fantastic, either; the visuals and depth of level design are top-notch: music throughout the game fits the tone perfectly (non more so than the gaseous sounds produced in the dung mountain); and topping off the experience is a set of easy controls that work well. The beauty of Bad Fur Day’s controls lie within their simplicity; you use the analogue stick to move, A to jump, B to attack enemies with your frying pan (Conker’s weapon of choice), Z to crouch, the C buttons to manipulate the camera, and everything else is achieved through context sensitivity. You see, while in many other games you would have a whole manner of items to micromanage, Conker’s outing sees all need for these replaced by the context sensitive pads – pure genius!
Coming out in the era of Goldeneye (another of Rare’s creations), Conker’s Bad Fur Day also included a multiplayer mode that was tragically overlooked. Granted, it was not as stylish or as enjoyable as its distant 00-cousin, but it was still a great blast with the mates (especially capture the flag: Teddiz vs Squirrels). What it lacked was that sustainability we saw with Goldeneye: after a while it started to lose appeal, and it meant that this mode could have been removed from main game without decreasing its overall quality – maybe more a testament to how sublime the single player mode is than the multiplayer’s shortcomings.
Conker’s Bad Fur Day came right at the end of Rare’s golden era at Nintendo; exceptionally well-written, incredibly crude and a pioneer of potty humour, the UK outfit’s last N64 effort was a true gem. The controls are fluid, the levels well-designed and it sits at a decent length of 8-10 hours. Full of moments that will stick out in your mind – none more so than the sing-along song with the Great Mighty Poo – this is a timeless classic that is well worth getting hold of.
Comments 40
never played this. Even if theres profanity, why is it m rated?
There is blood in it, and plenty of drug and sex references. He's a bad squirrel!
Great review, Thomas!
Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of those few Rare titles I never got an opportunity to play, and after reading your review, I think I may have to try and track it down.
I think I played it on the PS1.
Looked fun for its age, but I don't think I like it now.
@WhoKnew: Profanity, like the bad kind.
I have both the N64 and Xbox versions and I love this game. I'll never forget the Great Mighty Poo tossing crap at you while you tried to toss rolls of toilet paper into his mouth. How did that song go?
Classic stuff!
@xDlmaoxD - It wasn't out on the PS1... ever.
Am I the only one who prefers the "kiddie" Conker?
remembers that he was the only one who did that choice in that poll
Figures. The only thing I like of the "vulgar" Conker is the gargoyle (preferably the Live+Reloaded version), that panther, and maybe that dung beetle.
No chance of this on VC...better ebay the N64 cart!
I need to get this, the mulitplayer is great, I haven't played single player though.
@Digiki: the multiplayer is why i hated the game! Singleplayer is why I loved it!
One of the most original games I have played. In fact I may have to play it again thanks to this review. Oh and does no one else remember the prune juice moment? I am not sure how my sides kept from splitting, this game manages to touch upon all humour types.
That squirrel is a bad mother shut yo mouth!
@ Corbie
Ha I noticed a little while ago your icon!
Greg made the game for me at least most epic version of death.... ever.
I love the single player, it's varied and very well presented, but what keeps me coming back is the multiplayer. Honestly, set up your N64 and this will give Mario Kart 64 competition. Beach, Total War and Heist are my favourites. From what I can tell the multiplayer isn't trying to be like Goldeneye, that was the fault of Tooie.
For maximum enjoyment try to bazooka someone in the air when they didn't even know you could see them from where you are. Also try to shoot two people at once with the handcanon. I love this game! Enjoy!
This reminds me, I really should start scouring ebay for good deals on an N64 and a copy of the game; I've always wanted to play it, but I've never gotten the chance to.
Looks saucy. Might look into it.
Corbie-san, yes, I also like Gregg even to his name (which sounds more "cultured" than "funny" to me).
Fantastic game.
Great review, still love the game to pieces after all this time; I must have played it through to 100% completion twice if not more. And Gregg the Grim Reaper was an excellent creation - trying not to spoil things but failing, then check out this two-piece of his cut-scenes (uncensored!)...
Bad Fur Day was a fantastic title for the N64 and should never be played by any kid lol
One of a kind on ol` Nintendo 64
I may have to drop by replays or gamexchange to see if they have this
I definitely need to play this game! Any game where you fight a giant pile of crap sounds like a winner to me! I think I'll pick up the Xbox remake when I get a 360. It should be backwards compatible.
Can you play this at the game cube too?
Alas, no. BFD was released on the N64 (cart format), and an enhanced version was released on the Xbox -- which will indeed work on a 360, providing it's online to get the patch.
okai thanks
hey Corbie you hate cats just as much as Greg does! LOL
Best game ever in my opinion. Excellent multiplayer and a hilarious single player. The Banjo games had a better single-player but the multiplayer in this game is amazing.
so live and reloaded is the same thing as this one?
Hi Corbie, I just found out where you got your avatar - Conker arrived in the maile the other day and I fired up the 64. I got to the "hive" world and the hornets killed me. When I spoke to the Grim Reaper, I'm like, "Oh, there's Corbie!"
Great game.
One of the N64's (and Rare's) best games.
It's amazing how I found it though: My dad bought it thinking it was somehow realted to "Looney Tunes" even though I saw the box which clearly stated "Not for anyone under 17". Way to read those ratings, Dad! I never got far, since I was a bit inexperienced (remember that jump where you did the Helicoptery Tail thingy? Yep, I missed the jump a lot of times then quit and went to multiplayer instead.
If my cousin still has my N64 and the cart, I will be dropping by his house for a few hours of gametime.
Solid 10/10 in my book, it's a pity this won't see the light of day (or Wii) on the VC with Rare being owned by M'soft.....
This is one of those games that I never got to play, but I heard other people rave about. I might just have to look it up on eBay or 3D Games sometime...
Thois game is the best one nintedo ever release this games now a days dont have a ponit of fun to play go back to this me an may others would be happy an excited to see this game on the wii shop channel this game will make so much monye for the nintendo an for it to be rated "M" let be perents are so pose to responsible for what that be playing game makers are in the monye this game wil be on 99.9% of every wii more wii's will be bought monye in nintendo pokects this game will be the game wii shop will sell more then any other game nintendo get back at me Sanchezerik40@yahoo.com
Conker Must Live On The Wii And Will Live For Ever
damn straight conker needs to live on
CoNker BaD FuR Day, its not just one of the best and well done games ever made, it has the most impressive mix of gameplay ever made in a single game, starting for a complete platform game to a racing game, to a complex puzzle game and a complete a massive shotter plus blood, violence, nice voice acting and lots of humor since the start to the end of this masterpiece!!! Conker needs a respawn a new fresh game the bad thing is that Rare is from Microsoft.
God,I miss the old Rare. If they made games as good as in the SNES/N64 eras I would gladly buy a Xbox to play them. Alas,not even that. I wonder if I will ever get over Rare's fate,so much talent, some great franchises wasted.
They made this game so profane so it wouldn't get lost in the crowd of fuzzy, cute, animal platformers.
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