Trace Memory  - BAB
Image: Nintendo Life

Welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl, are you ready to rank some covers?

Before we head into this week's competition, however, let's check out what happened last time. We got all agricultural as we matched up two covers for Harvest Moon 64 in celebration of it landing on NSO. They were both pretty sweet options, but the result wasn't even close with North America walking away with a staggering 81% of the vote compared to Japan's 19%. Oof.

This time, we are taking a look at Trace Memory (or Another Code: Two Memories outside of North America) on the DS. This is but one of the titles included in the Switch's upcoming remake, Another Code: Recollection, and we thought that we would dive into the classic point-and-click adventure to get us all teed-up — and to mark the release of a demo on the Switch eShop.

There are only two contenders in the ring this time, so let's meet 'em!

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let's check out the box art designs themselves.

North America

Trace Memory  - NA
Image: Nintendo

We'll start with the version of the game that is actually called Trace Memory. This North American cover is spooky. Sure, it gives you a snappy summary of what the game is all about right there (talk about tell don't show, eh?) but everything else is oozing with mystery. What is our protagonist reaching for? Why is it so dark? What's that weird writing going on in the background? It's giving the intro to David Fincher's Se7en. Make of that what you will.


Trace Memory  - EU
Image: Nintendo

While hardly the friendliest-looking cover out there, this European variant is at least slightly less spooky than its NA companion. The dark background is here replaced by a mysterious island with CRT grain, we can see more of our protagonist, and that creepy writing is nowhere to be found. There's still an element of mystery on display here, but maybe not of the murder-y kind.

Which region got the best Trace Memory box art? (1,728 votes)

  1. North America
    North America58%
  2. Europe

Thanks for voting! We'll see you next time for another round of the Box Art Brawl.