Streets of Rage 4 has been well-received across all platforms, but how does it hold up on the Nintendo Switch in terms of performance? It matches the competition.
The expert team over at Digital Foundry had a look and found it delivers the same silky smooth 60 frames per second action that it does on other platforms. In terms of additional visual effects, it's "all in the Switch version" – nothing has been omitted and it's "as good as" the PlayStation 4 version. Seaven Studio carried out the Switch conversion and was also responsible for the PS4 release.
Rich Leadbetter even went as far as calling Streets of Rage 4 "the Sonic Mania of sideways fighting games" as it takes "everything" about the entire beat 'em up genre and improves it. If you've read our own Nintendo Life review, you'll know we agree. The summary from John Linneman is "the game is awesome" on every platform, and everyone should give it a go.
Get the full rundown in the video above, and tell us how your own experience with Streets of Rage 4 has been so far.
Comments 65
So surprising to see such positive reviews! I am pleasantly surprised!
Note that it’s 10% off now on eShop.
Or... and this is a BIG or.... you could pay about 3x more to get the physical limited edition copy sent to you care of Limited Run games...
Just played the first level with Blaze... always Blaze, and it is indeed awesome. The spirit of the Genesis is in this game paired with the modern spirit of independent game development. It really is the best of both eras
Nice but the Xbox One is definitely the platform of choice for me thanks to Game Pass.
Switch version for me!
A great game to play on the go!? Hel yeah.
The game was so good, I finished it in one go
The nervous laugh of Rich when John says “you can’t assume it’s gonna be good” about being cautious about Switch ports is amazing
@vikapowpow guess you didn't play in hard difficulty then... Or you did?
@TimboSlice Or you could pay 34.99 for a physical version from Limited Run Games. Which is far less than 3 times the cost of the digital version.
This is the best Streets of Rage ever, it's so good in every way.
great video, it looks really good
Music direction is weak particularly in replacing the stage clear jingle (why on earth would they do this when the replacement is so inferior?!) and the sheer randomness of the choices when retro music is turned on, it’s wacky that they knew all the nuances of SOR gameplay like the way enemies stay in hitstun longer when playing as a SOR1 character yet Never Return Alive doesn’t play during the Barbon with retro music on, how?!
This game is amazing to play on the go, I played a bunch on my front porch. Switch is the best console ever made.
@SalvorHardin The more I listen to the new music the more I like it. I was playing with the classic tracks at first too, but the new music is really growing on me.
I didn't even realize the game was on Gamepass. I downloaded and played it on my One X all evening, finished one playthrough online with a friend. Such a great game and I love the art style and the music. I'll definitely be picking up a physical copy for my Switch when it releases.
@Indielink and $18.99 delivery if you're in the UK
You'll have to decide quick, orders at Limited Run Games cease at 11:59 pm eastern time on Sunday 10th May.
That's such an amazing feat on the Switch!
Great to read several confirmations of a great Switch version!
It's a nice time killer game, can't wait for my physical copy soon. Until then I would be enjoying the digital version.
Trash game Saw a walkthrough on youtube all the way through not impressed. It does not have the magic of SOR 1 and 2 anyone who thinks it does is kidding themselves and wanting it to be. The music sucks, the flash animation is horrendous and it can be beaten in 2-3 hrs. Even the fx like the punches sound weak as hell. Hard pass, 90s era beat em ups were classics you cant revive, sonic mania is the only exception and a different type of game
@Tonyo OK
@Tonyo So Sonic Mania not an exception then.
You are the epitome of couch-expert keyboard warriors. You didn’t play it, you watched a youtube video. Therefore, you don’t have a valid opinion.
@robr exactly what i was thinking. Watch someone play it on youtube and form an oppinion which is completely invalidated by the fact he didnt even play it. This guy cant be real 😂
@Rpg-lover Yeah you're right, played Normal, but time flies when you're having fun. The game is as fun as it was all those years ago or even better
@Beatley82 i said its good yes what are you asking me.
@robr right i need to play it to exactly know get a grip buddy u sound butthurt over my opinion
@Tipehtfomottob no rush. The physical version will be available at all Best Buy stores, just like all the other Limited Run releases I have purchased.
Played a bit last night with my 8bitdo M30 and thought it was pretty fantastic.
@Tonyo "90s era beat em ups were classics you cant revive, sonic mania is the only exception and a different type of game"
I'm asking you to make sense in future please.
@vikapowpow Finished it in one go too, but it's not a sprawling RPG, next gonna play through on hard difficulty with Adam and try to open up some more unlocks. So happy the online isn't a lag fest, I have nobody to couch co-op with so this is a blessing! Great game, I'm enjoying it more than the originals even!
“ Trash game” based on “Saw a walkthrough on youtube“.
I own all former SOR games and regularly revisit them. I have been skeptical about SOR4 for a while during production. Bought it yesterday and it's a beast. They have been listening to the comments with every production footage. Sounds have been updated and are great. It feels perfect gameplay wise like the former games. It is well thought out in terms of level design and putting respective enemy characters in the right environments. The blend between old and new is incredible. Love it and worth it for every SOR fan and beat 'em up.
If it is not for you, I am sorry for you that you are missing out
I can't wait to continue this evening!
@Tonyo Basing an opinion of a game on a YouTube video is like basing an opinion of a comment on the responses. People should really read your comment for themselves before concluding that it's hot-take garbage.
@Beatley82 don't mind him he's trolling.
@DTfeartheBEARD Same here, I had no idea until DF mentioned it. 15 minutes later I was happily playing Might pick it up on Switch as well, we'll see.
@Benji80 your welcome to chuck me a FR buddy. Friend codes in my bio 👍
@Tonyo I don't agree with your opinion but I respect it and seeing other comments in this thread I think people should take a chill pill and realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and who are we to say how valid or invalid it is?
Doesn’t mention the online...
@mesome713 why do people act like Switch wws the first portable system ever made 🙄
@Tonyo Tell us more about we shouldn't enjoy a game you've never played before
@HammerKirby im a die hard fan of 1 and 2 i dont need to play it when ive seen all i need to see of two seperate playthroughs all the way through. Some people are so dumb
@neppan appreciate it mate. Apparently its a requirement to have to play it to know if its trash when its a simple 2d beat em up! Ive seen the game played all the way through twice nobody has counter argued the awful animation and artwork used the crap soundtrack that isnt even a quarter as good as the originals or the lazy recycling of ideas and crap sound fx. Hilarious.
@Rpg-lover yep a troll due to a different opinion to you! Your a smart guy arnt you...
@Tonyo for someone who goes on YouTube and come out to start bashing a game he hasn't played because some dude was playing.. smart guy u're aren't you?
@Rpg-lover dude you still dont get it do you? Wow, i feel sorry for you, just move on bud
@Tonyo in the future try to make sense.. u're lacking seriously!!
@robr you can clearly see he plays all his games through watching YouTube... Than actually owning anyone of them(plus he's the first to rush to a thread to make noises while the actual owners of the game haven't even said anything bad about the game) some real keyboard warrior he is.
@Rpg-lover dude your pathetic your seriously triggered over my comments because i dont like this crap game and you do, Get a life!
@Tonyo i do have a life! Question is do you?
Cause all i can tell you're not so bright when trying to voice your opinion in public places. You can learn to say personally I don't like this game it's trash to me.. than running of to say this game is trash( you know there are other people who likes the trash game)
So grow a pair!!
And don't be a di*khead all ur life...
Im not the one keep messaging over this game its just you posting on here repeatedly because ur butthurt over my comments and dragging me back to reply, you would think this game is the best thing in the world to you, im done talking with you your comment was dumb as hell i came here gave my opinion you dont like and your telling me i should have said it better! Who are you to tell me that? Grow a pair urself you come across like a child.
Excellent game. Exactly what I wanted from a modern sequel since playing the original back in 1991. The soundtrack is still growing on me, though sticking on the classic tunes whilst playing is also great. The online multiplayer (at leat in my Xbox) is fantastic. The new characters are fun, the extras and unlockables good and the the nods to all games in the series (including a few cheeky ones to the excellent fan remake) are nice. The controls are brilliant (even better if you choose to change the controls to the legacy settings so it plays just like the older games). After SOR 3, which was a let down after 2, it’s nice that the hits feel solid once again (3 felt far too light).
I get that some people don’t like the art style, but it is entirely appropriate in 2020. The originals are available in HD on multiple systems, so there is enough out there for all types of fans. The only thing I’m missing Out on is local multiplayer. I can’t imagine I’ll ever get more than 2 player (only got 2 Xbox pads) but I can’t wait to try it out with a friend.
I’m going to wait for a sale on Xbox/switch before buying it; Gamepass is good enough for now.
@Tonyo a child you're then.. i don't run from infantile jokes like you okay... 😁😁😁..
@Rpg-lover you give nintendo fans a bad name you heard that nintendo fans are known to not accept criticism well you fit that to a tee and this game isnt an exclusive lmao!
@Tonyo lmao... U're just a child okay!! You've proven so... Run along... No need dying over your stupid asinine comments.. Trash game😁😁😁... Who's triggered now😁... Go to YouTube and watch some more so you can come here and give us an update 😁.....
Let's see how it runs today
Woah how quickly and how far the conversation can fall of the rails. Guys instead of personally attacking someone that doesn't agree with you instead try to counter his argument with actual points instead of stooping to calling names.
As I said I don't agree with him but I can see where he is coming from. No need to get all riled up about it.
Can someone instead PLEASE explain why you can't form an opinion from watching a game? Girlfriendreviews does it all the time for ONE example...
@SalvorHardin Agreed, music is a bit of a let down, hard to catch the melodies like the classic games had. I’ve avoided the retro music, as I wanted to give the new music a go first, but what I did hear from it, it just seemed pretty random. Why not use the boss music for the boss.
Also, new music - at least use the original songs (albeit re-recorded) for the character select and stage complete.
@neppan the guy is a complete joke. He is still bashing me on a seperate news article on here about what people are playing. Sad!
@vikapowpow true pal true.. well you can try the hardest if you're up for it.
@neppan I'm not triggered and thank you for bringing this up okay..
firstly, the developers of streets of rage 4 did an excellent job to some degree okay, for someone to say a person's hard work is trash without even having a real taste yourself is outrageous.
Secondly, Why should he say ""It does not have the magic of SOR 1 and 2 anyone who thinks it does is kidding themselves and wanting it to be""(still you never owned or played the game yourself)... So that's when i thought he's joking.
there is a third person view and i can counter his opinions if i want to.
"Armchair critics can be the worst of them"..
Digital foundry and Nintendolife scored the game high for the switch & other consoles equally, and his here calling it trash that means Two heads aren't better than one. So it's either both NL & DF are being hypocritical about their observations & reviews. And him is seeing what other's are not seeing.
"And yes the game is good and not trash".
The hand drawn animations are fantastic, the music is top-notch. The pacing of the game is brilliant.. just that it's too short for my own liking. And it has the charms of the oldies mixed with modern style retro feel & quality that set's it apart from the original.
And he started calling me names!! Now he's triggered saying that I'm a child. When i retaliated he becomes angry! So tell me who's acting like a child?
I'm not here to cause any problems but i will defend what is right regardless of the other's opinions... That's my own way!
Finally, said he has reported me to the administration! I'm not triggered still.
@Rpg-lover I see your point and I enjoy and like the game as well but that does not take away another persons right to have their own opinion and criticizing what we happen to like. It does not make their point of view any less valid. We are all different people with different point of view and that's a good thing. There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" opinion when it comes to videogames, only personal tastes.
Try to not let what other think take away from your enjoyment from something in the future and I promise you'll feel a lot better.
@neppan okay no problem pal.. thanks. Will adjust myself from henceforth...
@Tonyo Silly troll
It's not 'flash animation' but good on you for thinking that.
If you even remotely enjoyed the classic beat em ups, I really think you owe it to yourself to take S0R4 out for a spin. The controls and the gameplay mechanics pretty much legitimize the entire genre. It plays like we wished those old games played. If you don’t like the new BGM, you can select the original Genesis scores in the options menu.
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