Update: The Switch version has been secured, but the Kickstarter continues to gain traction.
Original Story (Monday 3rd Feb): Last week, it was rumoured that PlatinumGames had acquired the rights to the Wii U title Wonderful 101 and was intending to launch a crowdfunding campaign to bring the game to Switch, PS4 and Steam.
Now, what we heard to be true has been confirmed - the Japanese studio is indeed reviving the game for modern consoles, and yes, it's using Kickstarter to make it happen.
It's looking for $50,000 for funding for The Wonderful 101: Remastered, with the Switch version being the first to unlock. The Steam version is unlocked at $250,000, with the PS4 edition coming when $500,000. Additional stretch goals will be revealed at a later date.
Here's what the studio has to say:
The Wonderful 101 is a game that represents our passion for making games and dedication to quality, and one that we want to reach as many people as possible. Now, with the support of Nintendo, we have been given the opportunity to bring this game to the Nintendo Switch and other platforms as well! This is an amazing opportunity, and an important step toward our goals.
Platinum has also confirmed that the recent injection of capital into the company by Tencent is not being used to fund this particular project.
What do you make of this news? Will you be supporting this venture, or will you be sticking with your Wii U original? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 175
I thought platinum already had the rights to this? Who did they acquire them from
Definitely backing this. People are naive for thinking Platinum can self fund any projects, let alone one as risky as this. Game development is a long stretch where employees (of which they have over 200) need to still be paid, but you get no income until the product is shipped to retail. You can’t be independent when you’re that big. You either need a publisher or crowdfunding, and I doubt any publisher would go near W101 after its previous commercial failure.
@VexingInsanity Nintendo
@VexingInsanity Nintendo published the game the first time. Looks like they gave Platinum full ownership.
Lol. Had a look at the Kickstarter, and watching the page for about a minute or went from $5k to $8k pledged.
At this rate it will be confirmed by the time I head into work...
Interesting, so now Platinum owns it real.
cool. Hope they get the switch goal.
I do wonder if Nintendo still has a stake in the IP. If so they may get a cut of all sales. Without being on the hook for publishing. That would be a win win. As much as I love W101 (it is one of my favorite games) it bombed sales wise (and no I don't blame the wiiu) so I could see Nintendo not wanting to foot the bill to publish eespecially if they still have some holding over the IP. It is generic enough to as they say "Nintendo’s kindness has allowed us to expand to other platforms”...
Edit: considering it was said that Nintendo allowed them to cut a deal i feel like Nintendo will get a cut.
One of the rewards is: "Get Blocked on Twitter By Kamiya".
Still not 100% sure what this game is or how it got so universally known, but I liked their work on NieR:Automata so I'll probably snag this
$47 for a physical copy to the US? Uh yes please.
This kickstarter is coming in RED HOT! This kickstarter will probably get funded before the hour is over or at least the end of the day.
Unite Up!
Didnt they just get investment from Tencent? What was that money for?
Huh. $50,000? I tell ya, this isn't the story I was expecting from a W101 Kickstarter! Hope it all goes well! (And I'm guessing they found a way to do controls without the touchscreen!)
Oh shoot a rumour was true. Guess some people will have to accept sometimes rumours are not actually made up but from inside sources.
Can we just point out that the higher tiers has the reward of getting blocked on Twitter by Kamiya?
Yup, 5 minutes later the switch funding is already over 50%.i guess those PS players really want the game.
This video is so campy! I love it!
50k to port a game, I can see why so many studios are doing it!
Wow they are so close. At 3:17 PM EST they are at $38,539. The Switch version will be backed by the end of the hour. Amazing!
Evil’s coming! Looming large, now who’s gonna make a stand?
Update: it's already at 40k 😯
And yeah, it's not a joke: one of the rewards is getting blocked by Kamiya on Twitter 😂😂😂
This is amazing 😂
Switch goal has already been met! Amazing!
Just reached its switch goal.
Reached the Switch target. This was fast.
Fully backed at 3:19. Current total is $51,243.
Amazing how much love people have for this game. I may need to give it a shot when it comes out.
Hopefully this fanfare can convince Nintendo to finally add Wonder Red to smash
Dang, Switch goal already met. And people say no one wants ports. 😂
I have been over Kickstarter projects for a while now but it's an easy project to back when the game is already made.
Have a digital copy of this on my Wii U, got it on sale a long while ago, good game underrated. Unsure if I will back a Switch version though.
...aaand we just crossed it. Ladies and gentlemen... IT'S HAPPENING!
$500,000 for a PS4 version? Screw that
@KBuckley27 It's almost there
$100,000 already!
At this rate it’ll definitely get a ps4 port. I wonder (pun not intended) what the secret dlc stretch goals are.
Also with how low they are aiming for switch and the fact it’ll get a physical version no matter what I am curious if the port is almost ready.
Well, I've heard great things about this game, so if it gets ported, I'll have to check it out.
They want 2 million for a Xbox port! Wtf...
Switch version already fundar!
@Zach here you go.
I'm surprised Nintendo sold the IP
If it's out and at reasonable price I consider it for sure.
@sixrings where does it say that?
Considering its going to be a port of a game that has already been on the market, I think a lot of people feel more secure at this not just being a total risk and don't mind actually funding a copy.
Estimated delivery is April. The port is basically done already.
@AstralSoul Well it shows once again that the Wii U console hindered potential of many games.
It’s wonderful news. Although I’ll hold on to my Wii u copy
$200,000 already raised, incredible! Or should I say...wonderful!
$35 for a port is fine in my book.
Nowhere to pick a version... I guess you pick after it is done from whatever version made it (PC is an option, to not loose it again)
See how it goes.
Get Blocked on Twitter By Kamiya😅😅
Optional though.
Definitely getting steam version when that comes
Why not supported Platinum Games years ago, when the game released for Wii U?
Should have remained a Nintendo exclusive. Way to screw this one up, Big N!
@zool 41 euro including shipping for the EU, just did it myself.
It's DEFINITELY going to be more than funded by the end of the day.
It's very strange that Nintendo didn't pony up the money for an exclusive port though.
And did Nintendo ever actually own the IP or was Platinum the sole owner with Nintendo just publishing the game on Wii U?
If Nintendo owned the IP, maybe Platinum just asked for it back if Nintendo wasn't planning on investing any money in future development of the series.
@mereel Why?
Paid $46 total for a physical version to be shipped to the US. I love superhero games with cool concepts and this looks like it'll be a lot of chaotic fun on my Switch. Excellent price for a port and Platinum really seems to know what they're doing with this.
I bet they're using most of their capital money on Bayonetta 3 development so I'm not surprised they went the Kickstarter route.
@MrBlacky it was on the Wii U, why do you think it bombed
"The Wonderful 101 is a game that represents our passion for making games and dedication to quality"
This was pretty evident when playing it on WiiU. It's such a great game and I'm glad it's getting a second chance.
Now that this game's guaranteed to go into production, I'll gladly take my time to consider my backing options.
It's happening! Will back this come pay day ^^
250k! What a Wonderful day!
Steam version now officially happening. $250,000!
Because it was not "cool" enough back then? Or Wii U wasnˋt "cool" enough?
@BrintaPap Same reason Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Smash Bros should remain exclusive. They drive sales, keep Nintendo doing well, ensuring future games and consoles. Not to mention Nintendo funded the original game.
@MrBlacky 2
Go to the bank and get a loan. Im tired of kickstarter and Indiegogo.
In case anyone didn't see, Platinum wanted to port the game to more platforms and Nintendo would only fund if it was a switch exclusive.
@BarefootBowser The game controlled brilliantly for me. Love every bit of this game.
@mereel Nintendo seems keen on porting Mario games and making more Yoshi games.
But they did not for the Wonderful 101.
Their own fault, look at how succesfull the kickstarter now is.
Fans who never got to play it (again) will be able to play it now.
I may get the physical version at about €41 with shipping but I know it is going to have an exclusive art cover but if the ratings are going to be on it then I hope they have the games have their region ratings on it.
Ah missed the dlc being free for backers so they defo have to do region versions of the game.
At the rate the funding is going up, the game will probably be more financially profitable than the Wii U version was by the time the Kickstarter ends.
Well that didn't take long to reach the goal lol
Pledged (physical). No brainer really.
@kenyowa I'd look it up ok YouTube. Platinum is a great developer that have made some good games (and some average licensed ones), but nier and W101 aren't exactly similar. Neir isn't exactly similar to their other games either.
I still wonder if the game will be a big success.
Well, it's fair that the Switch is the first to unlock.
It would be a slap to the face to Nintendo fans if Switch was one of the further stretch goals.
Nintendo financed the port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, which was probably an even bigger flop, but they sell off the rights to The Wonderful 101?!
I thought that would have been out of the question given its presence in Smash.
It has already hit $330,000 in its first few hours...
Backed physical, I'm guessing it's ready to go as ship date is April
The higher tier pledge amounts are absolutely obscene.
Close to AU$4000 in order to get a "Thank You" mention in the art book? Screw that.
I would have considered making a pledge if there was an option that included one's name in the credits of the game.
I feel like 50 grand isn't very much money. Unless it will be download only. I feel like that could be spent on very,very,very minimal advertising on it's own.l
You just backed The Wonderful 101: Remastered
@kenyowa its well known for being a failure but also being a game that people either instantly like or instantly hate and also 1 of the few people to make their game son switch in the early dark days of wii u.
@Silly_G TMS has Fire Emblem characters in it they can’t sell it it off. In fact I think the remaster was just to squeeze a little more money out of it. It’s not like they did a ton with it.
@Peach64 Didn't they get a bunch of money from Tencent recently?
i've backed this game. good luck to them! (even though, they have reached their goal.)
@Silly_G Nintendo still owns the franchise. They just weren't funding the port.
it’s at $400k already
While I don't like the Kickstarter model very much, I never backed a single project, and I agree that Platinum Games should not be begging for money to just remaster a game, I'm backing this anyway for a simple reason.
This is yet another step for a world without exclusives, now even games owned by Nintendo are coming to PC and PS4, backing this is voting without wallet for more Nintendo games outside Nintendo consoles, and games like Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chain on other platforms.
Wonderful news! Absolutely Wonderful.
[NOTE] Yes, pun intended. I always intend my puns!
@victordamazio Again, I wouldn't count on that happening, as Nintendo wasn't very involved in the development of this game
Lol they managed to hit their target on under an hour. Wow...
Almost 400,000. Wow, this is just crazy.
I'm not normally a Kickstarter person, but I'm contemplating making an exception in this case.
Just kicked in $332
Happy to do so because I won't get merch for one of my favorite games of all time any other way.
@Tyranexx Likewise, as a rule I really don’t back Kickstarters, but for the crazy talented folks at Platinum to bring The Wonderful 101 to Switch? Yep, I may well jump onboard and back this, too! I mean, it’s not as though I wouldn’t be buying it at launch anyway.
Daemon X Machina announce for PC
@Sakisa Wow, good on ya! Congratulations my brother!
@Rohanrocks88 still 31 days to go 😁
The Platinum 4 webpage has been updated too.
Seems like they’ve got 3 more big announcements/ projects to announce.
Prepare for a Nier: Automata Switch Port Kickstarter, which I HIGHLY recommend people support!
Well, looks like Platinum fully owns the IP now. Cool that it’s getting a release on multiple platforms this time around it seems. Definitely picking it up since I just had the demo on Wii U.
@The_Pixel_King I'm almost guaranteed to get the game at some point, plus I really do think it deserves more of an audience.
... wow, that went fast
Maybe i underestimated this game
The Wonderful 101 getting $1+ million in Kickstarter funding isn't exactly a huge achievement. The game sold an abysmal ~15,000 copies in its first month in the US, which amounts to ~$900,000 in revenue from the US alone.
$10 million?? That's a different story.
@AstralSoul that's small potatos what you want is a trilopgy collection.
Aaaand it's at $500k
Done, it is official. The Wonderful 101 is a multiplat on consoles.
Now, put up the other 3.
@westman98 ~15.000 times 60 is 900.000 Slightly less then a million.
Also Nintendo does NOT earn 60 dollars/euro from a game, you have tax that also comes in. Further you have shipping, the store also wanting a cut, packing/pressing the game. And stores gets 30% so nah your calculation is more then a bit off.
@Octane They did, but that's explained in the FAQs section of the Kickstarter. It seems that this game somehow falls outside of the original agreement and thus needs to be funded in some other way
@Peach64 "risky as this"? They've made $500,000 in a couple of hours.
@KingBowser86 controls without the touchscreen were already in the game. When I played it, I used the touchscreen controls for several hours, then I used the joystick controls for several hours and I MUCH PREFERRED the joystick controls so I stuck with that method.
@leo13 That's good, because as of a few minutes ago, the PS4 Backers are going to be using that control scheme! 🎉
I'm saying that $1 million in Kickstarter revenue isn't exactly that impressive for a game that has earned more considerably than that in game sales revenue.
Obviously, profits < revenue. That wasn't the point.
Anyways, I hope The Wonderful 101 actually sells when it is ported to other platforms.
Speedrunning mode for 1m, get it. But why introducing the new 2D platformer Luca‘s First Mission as Strech Goal for 1.5m?
@westman98 “Anyways, I hope The Wonderful 101 actually sells when it is ported to other platforms.“
Same goes for me, the more people can play a game the better.
Kickstarter is not revenue tho but I can understand why people will see it some way.
In just a couple of hours, it’s hit $526,000.
I already did my part and backed the physical Switch version with a keychain.
I support good developers PERIOD.
This is a game I almost really liked on Wii U, but using the gamepad was awkward at times. I'm interested to see how well they tweak the game for standard consoles.
I backed this. Why? Because with the switch theres no guarantee for a physical copy (I'm looking at you GRID and Alien Isolation) No way in hell I'm missing out on a physical copy of W101 on Switch
For only 50k as a goal we should see the Switch version easily!
Wow, no Xbox in stretch goals yet...
I don't blame Platinum - TW101 is a game that would actually sell 101 copies on Xbox. The Scalebound disaster doesn't help either.
This is only a personal opinion. Make up your own mind.
I'm done with kickstarters after the Bloodstained debacle. The Switch version of Ritual of the Night received the highest share of the 5 million plus raised but it received the lowest amount of attention from Igarashi and his team. He used the Switch funding to build his project and then launch an inferior product for fans. It took a long time to clean it up. I feel like this could happen again. The Switch goal is set low so you know it will cruise past that but will the Switch version be good? I'll wait and see what happens. I personally feel burned by kickstarters.
I thought nobody liked this game lol.
Could we still be looking for a Pikmin or Mario port still?
@Nintendofan83 the Bloodstained kickstarter happened a long time before the Switch was even announced, friend. To say that he used Switch funding to make the game seems a bit disingenuous.
@victordamazio so you missed the memo then. The success of this KS project isn't gonna see astral chain released on other consoles. lol
Go and read the interview Eurogamer has with platinum. Nintendo gave back the IP for wonderful 101 as Platinum really wanted to try and make the game a success 2nd time around.
I decided to grab it. Figured it was worth double dipping.
Holy crap, they’re over 100x beyond the Switch goal in 2 hours.
Hmm now I don't know whether to pick this up on ps4 or switch.
Oh well, goal reached, so I'll see at that moment... or is switch going to be first?
I backed for a physical copy. Platinum Games is worth it.
Sweeeeeet!!!I'm all in. But it depends on release. If not this year I may grab a Wii u copy to tide me over.
I still don't get how the game is supposed to work as well as the Wii U version without touchscreen stylus controls.
@leo13 I think you're in the low minority there. I tried the demo, and while I personally didn't like the style of gameplay, it had interesting controls whereas I definitely wouldn't want to try playing the game without them.
@KBuckley27 Oops, it's already there.
@KBuckley27 how about that $500,000 goal now?
What's the catch?
@NintendoByNature They reckon April this year... I don't get how but it seems Development of this game has already been underway. Unless it was a typo.
A kickstarter for a port of a game that already exists. Gross
@RyanSilberman the catch is it already exists on Wii U.
It's already at 600k? Oh shoot.
@KingBowser86 the WiiU versión had controls without the touchscreen... actually it was the pro way of playing it
Well they crushed their goals already so it looks like it will be coming out on all platforms. I just have a feeling that this is going to represent most of the sales though.
@LavaTwilight Wow, that's great news. I Might hold off then until April!
This is not the way. Shame on you Nintendo for not funding this.
@mereel agreed
it's going to bomb on ps4 so why bother? a Kickstarter for switch alone would get enough backing
@mother_brain_85 $700,000 from fans? Looks like they did it right.
I'll buy it for the Switch once it comes out. Been curious about this game.
@HatosBlack yeah fans did it right. But im critizising Nintendo because they should have publised the games themselves on switch and keep it nintendo exclusive if all it took was 50k dolars.
@mother_brain_85 I don't think the problem is that Nintendo wouldn't have given them 50k for an exclusive Switch port - for all I know, Nintendo might've given them even more as an exclusive. But Nintendo definitely wouldn't have given them 700k+ and the freedom to bring it to an even larger audience.
I hope they put Bayonetta 3 on hold, maybe even cancel it, so that we can can another Wii U rehash quicker! New games are so lame.
Didn't get it on Wii U despite being tempted loads of times. It should at least meet its relatively low kickstarter goal for a Switch release, then anything above that is more bonus for those that want it at all cost on a different platform. For me, it'll be Switch or nothing though.
I know I shouldn't feel happy that the Switch is getting so many ports of Wii U games, but I did miss out on quite a few of those so I'm more than happy to buy those now. Just got Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and will defo get Wonderful 101 when the time comes.
I see two sides to this.
On the one hand, Kickstarters could be a means for publishers to test the waters for genuine interest in franchises fans have begged for over years or decades (looking at you, Sega, sitting on a potential gold mine with Skies of Arcadia, Shining Force, and so many other iconic IPs from both consoles and arcades that have lain dormant while the next inevitable Sonic game gets churned out ad nauseam). I've no doubt that such titles would blow the doors off their funding goals, and very swiftly.
On the other hand, Kickstarters would be a definite sign that a publisher has no faith in a particular franchise to sell and, far worse, little if any interest in undertaking the task themselves (look no further than all the non-Sonic Sega IPs that have either been a Kickstarter, such as Shenmue 3, or passed off to other publishers, such as Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star Online 2, etc.).
You see, even if the money is there it doesn't mean there would be any passion for a project from the company that would enable it to reach, let alone exceed, the bar set by the predecessors which inspired fan demand in the first place. There has to be a meaningful story to tell, level design, art, and music that aren't phoned-in, gameplay that captures that familiar feel even while offering new mechanics. Such things don't simply magically appear because a game gets funded; they have to be formed in the heart of the creators themselves. If the inspiration, passion, and reasons to make a game aside from making a profit aren't there to begin with, the result will almost certainly be a lackluster product that angers and discourages fans.
For those who might be concerned after hearing a certain piece of info floating around... its official that Dangen is not an official partner in the W101 KS.
Whoof, 750% funded? I'd say Platinum can expect to hit all their stretch goals and beyond.
I think it’s pretty safe to think they will hit the $50k target
@Supadav03 already did hours ago. Like in 10 minutes
@N1ntendodo Not surprised at all but great to hear.
@CoastersPaul yeah but i bet nobody will buy this on pc or ps4. Most backers will get it on switch anyway and if nintendo wasnt that cheap they will have the ip. Or perhaps kamiya asked this favor from nintendo to let them crowfund this and release it on other platforms. Idk. Nintendo and platinun are good friends, seems weird that nntendo didnt back this project.
Right, and you think 50,000$ is going to cover the costs of porting this? And even if it did, if Platinum is unable to fund a project with such a tiny budget, they would have ceased to exist a while ago. The entire point of this Kickstarter is to gauge consumer interest, which I personally find a very cynical way of doing so.
@TheGameSquid platinum has never self funded their games which is why they have always worked with major publishers, made games based off of pre existing ips, or have made exclusives. This kickstarter is really a way for them to, yes, get reassurance of fan interest and possible target install bases, but more importantly, for them to start self publishing their own games.
LOL, that was quick! 😅
Don't know if I'll back it too (never backed a Kickstarter project before), am just glad if it gets a retail release, which I hope is the case...?
@Supadav03 they already hit they $50k...20 min after it launched. They've also hit the Steam and PS4 goals... They're almost to $1 million which unlocks the first DLC a 2D side scrolling adventure
@Sean161 No one? You get something in return if you back it enough? And the backing levels.are quite reasonable! So, noone gives away unless they want!
@TheGameSquid Ultimately, I'd rather more companies do this than just avoid taking what might sound like a risk, but... yeah, this is basically just a glorified pre-order with a bit more riding on it at this point.
But the Wii U version being out for years means potential backers can make a more informed decision about this, at least.
@Sean161 it is quite straightforward. You can ‘back’ the project with different values (levels are mentioned on the page). Each level will provide it’s own rewards (the more you pay, the more you get). If primary funding goal is not reached, you do do not lose your money. There is normally only ‘giving’ money at the higher pledge levels, which are normally done by sponsors.
It will be interesting to know what percentage of backers opted for a PS4 copy vs Switch backers.
Wow, this is well over $900k now, that's crazy awesome.
How come? This is a Nintendo IP, isn’t it?
It's a registered trademark of Nintendo of America, so I'm sure there were some hurdles to jump through to get Nintendo to agree to this...
@Sean161 To add a little to Drussas explanation:
If you want to realize a project that needs money, you have several options:
1. Your company has enough money and you can convince them that your project will generate profit --> you get the money "in-house"
2. You find an external investor to fund your project, but this meany you have to share the profit
3. You use crowd funding (e.g. kickstarter) tog et the money you need.
There are plenty more ways, this is just three examples. For Nr. 3 it works like this: You make a business case and carefully calculate what amount of money you need to produce and distribute your product. Based on this calculation you can get a break even point, which means "how many copies do I need to sell to not loose money?".
In this case, Platinum calculated, that they need to reach 50.000$ dollars. With a selling price of roughly 50$ each copy this means, they need to sell at least 10.000 copies to not loose money on this project. With kickstarter you have the advantage now, that you first generate money and later distribute the product. When the kickstarter is closed, you have a definite number of buyers, so you exactly know how many copies you sold on day one. So now negative suprises on Day 1
You also don´t have to share the profit with any "shareholders" because the shareholders are the crowd and accepted your terms the second they provided money.
Just pulled the trigger on a physical copy! Excited to see this as I never picked it up on my Wii U
I really enjoyed W101 on my WiiU, but given I am swamped in backlogged Switch games right now I don’t know if I’ll double dip. I’ll have to check the Kickstarter page at some point to see what extras will be in this remaster.
I already have the WiiU physical version and we're already blocked by Kamiya on Twitter. Wish they could sell the keychain and T-shirt separate because I already have two items of the rewards
Alright, some things need to be clarified on here because people seem confused. All of the below information comes from two interviews with Hideki Kamiya and Platinum Games Head Producer Atsushi Inaba by Gematsu and Video Games Chronicle (VGC):
1. According to Kamiya, Platinum went to Nintendo first to publish the port. Platinum, however, wanted to do a multiplatform port. Nintendo basically told Platinum that Nintendo could either publish the game, but only for the Switch, or Platinum could publish themselves and do it multiplatform, but at their own expense. So yes, Nintendo was consulted on this and gave the option to Platinum.
2. Nintendo DID NOT SELL THE IP. There is no indication that Nintendo sold the IP, nor has Platinum confirmed such. Nintendo still partially owns the IP and wholly owns the Trademark. In fact, in the VGC interview, when asked whether or not they (Platinum) now owns The Wonderful 101 IP, Inaba refused to comment at all. That almost certainly means there has been no change, otherwise they would have confirmed it. It seems this was a one time deal where Nintendo simply allowed Platinum to publish the game at their expense.
It already made more than a million dollars in such a short time! That’s absolutely amazing to see!
I remember playing it briefly at my friend’s place when it was on WiiU a few years back; can’t wait to play it again on Switch!
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