E3 2020 is expected to be slightly different this year, as it transforms into a "fan, media, and influencer event".
Despite these changes, the show will go on. In a press release on its official website, the Entertainment Software Association has confirmed many of the major players – including Nintendo – have already committed to this year's event, which returns to the Los Angeles Convention Center this June.
Several leading video game companies have already committed to participating in E3 2020, including Xbox, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Bethesda Softworks, SEGA, Capcom, Square Enix, Take-Two Interactive Software, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc., and Warner Bros. Games, among others.
This follows on from the news last month when Sony announced it would not be attending E3 2020, and Doug Bowser revealed Nintendo would be returning:
We look forward to participating in E3 2020. It is one of many ideal venues for us this year to interact with people in a social and immersive environment. Every year, we base our approach to E3 on the content we have to share.
In related news, industry personality and Game Awards creator Geoff Keighly has announced he will not be attending this year's expo:
I have made the difficult decision to decline to produce E3 Coliseum. For the first time in 25 years, I will not be participating in E3.
Do you think E3 is still relevant in 2020? How important is it for Nintendo? Have your say in our poll.
[source mynintendonews.com]
Comments 38
This is good news. E3 has it's share of problems, but it's always an exciting event and personally I want it to continue. Even if it evolves into a sort of all digital thing with everyone doing live streams and such. Just having the event and the mountains of news and all the excitement building up... I want that to continue. It's usually a lot of fun.
Influencer vomits
The Direct format for the presentation is so much better than the old stage shows but it's definitely good to keep a presence at E3 regardless. Good opportunity to let people get hands on with the games and give them a bit more exposure. Plus the Treehouse streams have been a bit of fun.
That red background. Every time I see it, it makes me scream internally, "NINTENDO DIRECT?! YES!"
Inevitably I am left disappointed, crying inside, and hugging my knees while rocking back and forth, wishing the dry spell was nothing but a bad dream.
Eh, honestly E3 has becoming less exciting each time...even the Treehouse streams are just "meh". I may not bother this year, still gonna watch the Direct, though. But yeah, last couple of years the Treehouse stuff were just, boring. I remember before then where they would throw in some new trailers here and there, maybe a couple of small nice announcements. (like Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Welp, there goes the rumor that Nintendo's skipping E3.
I saw the thumb and for one sec I thought we would have a nintendo direct.
I love e3, and I'm obviously glad Nintendo will be there.
Hopefully this year is just an off year for E3, and they won't double down on this influencer nonsense instead of ditching it outright. Most of the games announced at the Xbox and Square Enix conferences end up on Sony as well, so I really don't care if we don't get Sony there.
I’m kind of glad for the quiet time Nintendo has been giving consumers this year. I’ve been able to beat Astral Chain (which was blasted fantastic), catch up on the Lady Layton game, beat Pokémon Sword, finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, and next I’ll beat Luigi’s Mansion 3 and now that Cindered Shadows has released for Fire Emblem Three Houses I will play through that again.
Good times! I don’t mind the quiet period we are currently in.
E3 is becoming way more irrelevant as time passes, but I´m still looking forward to the E3 Direct.
Place your bets on the Smash fighter that will be announced at E3! LOL
E3 is my single favorite time of year, and I'm never more hyped for anything than E3 Directs. I don't know what I'd do if Nintendo didn't go
@KingBowser86 Waluigi and Shovel knight. Everyone know that.
Will EA join in E3 2020 ?
Just want to know if EA will announce The Sims 5 or The Sims 4 on Switch.
@KingBowser86 ...I think we ALL know who I'll be rooting for.
I'll still be tuning in to E3 because A) there's a Direct (Nin), B) Halo Infinite will be revealed to the world (MS) and C) Devolver's livestream is gonna be absolutely wild.
I was also fooled by the article image until I read the headline. XD I'm glad many major players are returning to E3 at any rate! I look forward to the event; the news and hype is a high point in June.
Nintendo’s focus on its directs was a brilliant move. E3 might not have the same magic it had 20 years ago but hey it’s still E3. If fans are allowed to go, I might make it a trip next Ter just for the experience.
With all the reports that go along with it, I'd say hell yeah it's still relevant. I remember it taking a nosedive a few years back (I think it was around the time the name was temporarily changed to something like E4All), but the event has bounced back.
Ugh, influencers, hell no.
Gonna be an awesome E3. Can't wait to see what Microsoft has planned too with streaming and PC stuff.
Geoff won’t be there? I can only see that as a good thing.
I think Nintendo has been on the ball for organizing E3 recently. They have made it so much more of an event to the point where I am contemplating visiting LA in 2021. Their hall is made to look like a grand attraction, they hold their own intense and grandiose competitions. Shadow drops releases, fan inclusion on their official E3 website. Even Indie Day was a cool experiment to end their E3 on.
I really want E3 to survive as the industry-wide celebration of what’s to come with an overall direction similar to Nintendo and even Epic Games. And despite how much the inclusion of the word “influencer” turns off everyone, the Nintendo approach is something even the ESA wants more of.
Can't say I'm really looking forward to this year's E3.
The name "influencer" does more to bother me than the focus on them does. Just call them content creators, the name just sounds so dang manipulative. Not like they can lie about being sponsored to advertise or play something, and they'll want to try to be sincere anyway to maintain trust with their audience.
I only really watch the direct and kinda skim over everything else to be honest.
'Influencer' is such a ridiculous title. It needs to stop. They aren't influencing anyone to do anything. They are content creators, vloggers, fellow enthusiasts. It's such a cringey platform to create and allow to people.
I enjoy E3, but I must admit 90% of that comes from taking the Mickey of how hilariously bad it is.
influencers.......will avoid this then
Nintendo AND Xbox!?
Microsoft has to deliver at this year's E3 and Nintendo has to try and match what they did at last year's E3
What?!Why is Sony pulling out?Does this mean no Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 reveal?😭
Phew! The GX video was a false alarm. Glad Nintendo is still showing up at E3. Can't wait to see what they show!
@YANDMAN Most of them aren't even doing that. They are mildly attractive fanbois posting selfies for bots and kids.
@Anti-Matter An yeong ha se yo! Didn't EA say they weren't working on Sims5 and instead are looking at remodeling Sims 4 at some point in the future? It would be kool if it came to Switch.
If Nintendo have just announce E3 plans, does this mean no Direct until June? 😶
E3 use to be an industry-only event like CES. Now its become Comic-Con for video gaming. With Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all doing regular game announcements via streaming, the importance of E3 is marginal at best
I see the "fan and media" "transformation" to be a natural progression for the event, but not a negative shift for it. Originally it was for business partners and investors. It then morphed into a hybrid event that tried to awkwardly balance fan and media interest with business and investor interest. That's how we got awkward presentations that balanced new game trailers and developer announcements with pie graphs of market share and line plots for projected trajectory of revenue by brand.
Part of Sony's problem with it is that it hasn't picked a direction, so this shift may be a response to Sony's demands, or at least complaints as well.
I think most of us are all in for it becoming a fan/media event, that's the part of it we have an interest in anyway, so long as that doesn't affect the quality or quantity of content and vendors participating. Unless some of you have a sick perversion for YoY growth charts.
E3 is still the main place I get industry-wide gaming news and plan for what hypes me in the coming year(s) other than NL. Without E3 participation, companies drop off the edge of the Earth for me. I was a 3 platform gamer. Now, for the past year I've had almost zero idea of what Sony is doing at all to the point they essentially don't exist anymore to me. I'm aware of what XBox, Nintendo, Square, Ubi, and Bethesda are doing. Since I can't divide my money to everyone, these are the companies that likely get my game spending as a result. Sony's share dropped off a cliff for me with their absence, because I just don't know what they're doing at all.
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