Bayonetta 3 was one of the more notable absences from Nintendo's E3 showing this year. That, along with the hotly anticipated Metroid Prime 4, weren't exactly the most likely to appear thanks to their unknown release dates, but fans were unsurprisingly a little saddened by the lack of footage nonetheless.
Despite the no-show, however, there's no need to worry about the state of the game's development. The folks over at VGC sat down with Platinum studio head Atsushi Inaba at E3, asking him whether or not fans should be concerned about its absence.
"No, development is actually going quite well. Games aren’t usually done in a year or two… it takes a while. That’s all. Things are going well and I know a lot of people are asking for it. Giving updates for everything at E3 isn’t the smartest PR strategy to begin with. So just because we’re not showing it here doesn’t mean it’s not going well.”
In fact, the no-show appears to be a smart move at this point. Rather than focusing on getting something ready for E3, Inaba says Platinum has been working hard on the game itself - which is what we all want deep down anyway, of course.
"It’s going to be a high quality title and we’re putting our all into it. That is what you’re seeing [with the silence].”
Are you still feeling the hype for Bayonetta 3? Are you itching to see some gameplay? Let us know in the usual place.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 62
Prime 4 was obvious...but, I was hoping for a small tease at least of Bayonetta. Everyone got slightly excited when they saw bullets at the beginning of Empire of Sin's trailer, then realize it wasn't her. TwT
I would rather a game perfect t than rushed. But a few images even would be nice. Platinum are incredible developers and I do not doubt them one bit
A game I can see myself replaying years later is better than playing it once ever sooner.
I mean with the more or less freshly announced Astral Chain that is right around the corner, Nintendo would be mad moving the limelight to Bayonetta 3. I guess we will hear more from Bayonetta once Astral Chains is in the stores.
E3 is also an investors show and with them not showing a trailer or gameplay with AC being delayed put Nintendo's stock a fault.
BTW I'm sure that the game is going to be good it sucks waiting this long. I want it now. Curse this new culture and it's instant gratification.
@Joeynator3000 "Everyone got slightly excited when they saw bullets at the beginning of Empire of Sin's trailer"
That would have been me, posted "B3" in the live feed.
ND had enough games, didn't need to show what wouldn't be ready for years, then you risk running into a situation like Sony where you have to bail on E3 b/c all you have to show are games you've already shown 2 or 3 times - Ghosts, TloU2, Concrete Genie, Death Stranding. Now next year they can have B3, MP4, and who knows, mayeb even finally Pikmin 4.
Has anybody Miyatmoto yet at this years E3 if it's still "nearly complete"? 😂
Exact; why show something that is not yet ready for "the world", it is good the decision not to show anything, even if it is the event of the year if they are going to show something that in the final product will not be as they showed at the beginning and only It will generate disappointment and discomfort that people will be right about why.
I wonder what's up with those who get upset about something like this that is not ready yet (yes investors, I mean most of all to you, XD), seriously, but, oh well; As already mentioned, the game is still in development and at the right time it will be shown and possibly even a very close release date
If this or Astral chain was multiplatform people here wouldn't care. It's a nintendo exclusive and all of a sudden it matters. I don't get that logic. I'll stick to mario, zelda, metroid.
I just want to know if it's still coming out this year please
@sixrings What? If that was true there wouldn't be any hype around here for Doom Eternal. Which there is.
There was enough beauty at the E3
Save this gem for another direct
I'm fine with them taking more time, or missing from e3 til it's ready to be shown. With such a packed year and all. I just hope it and botw2 are 2020 games and that's a whole year for me at least. Throw in some metroid of some kind and Rio oddyssey 2 and wow. It's jam packed. I know I know...wishful thinking
That's fine. Astral Chain looks WAY better than any of the Bayonetta games.
So excited for when the next info will release. It was a bit of a bummer not seeing it, but I understand that it is currently Astral Chain’s time to shine.
I wasn't expecting anything about Bayonetta 3 considering Astral Chain is releasing very soon and they need to advertise that. It's still nice to hear that development is doing well though
With all the games coming out this year I think this looks set to be a 2020 release now. Especially with Astral Chain coming at the end of August.
@sixrings Wrong.
They could have thrown in a trailer at least, I'm more worried about no Pikmin news. They could talk about what's going on with the new game. I would still like to see the Wii U game ported and the Wii remasters added to the Switch.
I was expecting this to be a 2019 game, but I guess it will be a 2020 release at this point.
That makes sense . Still their be other events for some updates in the future on this title.
@Ralizah I can only imagine that you haven’t played Bayonetta 1 or 2 with a comment like that. If you had, you’d know that Bayonetta has set the bar extraordinarily high for Astral Chain to jump over. Bayonetta 2 will make you look at your Switch as if sorcery is being used to accomplish what Platinum has done.
@sixrings You’ve really got to try harder than that.
Personally, I'm more excited than anything else, and anxious to finally see it.
@Realness I owned Bayonetta on Xbox 360 and bought the dual-pack of Bayo 1 and 2 on my Wii U at launch, so, more than likely, I have a longer history with this series than you. It's... OK. But the characters are obnoxious, the worldbuilding is all over the place, the games are long strings of action set-pieces that hurry you from one gigantic series of fights to the next, both games have irritating sections where I'm actively not enjoying the game (moreso in the first game), and the presentation is uneven. The action is fun, of course, but that's all they are: very style-over-substance character action games. And that's fine. But Astral Chain has a fascinating cyberpunk setting, a gorgeous art style that puts Bayo 1 and 2 to shame, unique combat mechanics that require some thought, a decent amount of free-roaming and gameplay variety, and, most importantly, a story that actually seems like it'll be coherent and interesting.
I'll take a game like Astral Chain or NieR: Automata over the Bayonetta games any day.
I assumed that because astral chain is around the corner, bayo may have a small spotlight or nothing.
Astral chain looks really good!
Works for me...I am going to need a budget recovery program by the end of the year.
It was announced for 2019, right? I think we will get a new trailer and a set release date in the next Direct after Astral Chain is launched.
Bayonetta 3 is the reason why i bought Switch.
Never likely to have been there since they’re launching a new IP on Switch on August 30th.
@Ralizah Alright, fair enough BUT if I was wrong to assume they you’d never played it, please know that you’re wrong to assume that your history with the game somehow predates mine. It doesn’t. I too played day one on 360. 100% achievements and stuck around long enough to get the nunchucks (by far the best weapon in the game). Same goes for the WiiU versions 1and 2. Same for Switch 1 and 2. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Ok. You prefer the cyberpunk setting? That’s ok too. Bayonetta is essentially Devil May Cry from its world design, gameplay, all the way down to its obnoxious characters. Which shouldn’t be surprising, since the guy that created Bayonetta, created DMC. Maybe you prefer adventure over action in that order. You do like you some action, but perhaps you prefer getting caught up in the world more. And that’s cool. Bayonetta is for those that like it the other way around. And that’s cool too. I don’t engage in name calling or mud slinging. As long as you deliver your side of the argument well, I’ll do my best to match. No hard feelings and that’s the repercussions for assumptions.
I wanted to see a little bit of Bayo 3, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to show up. That’s cool though, Astral Chain can get in on the spot light.
Some screenshots at least would have been nice, but ok, i can wait a bit longer for the full deal.
As for Metroid i wasn't expecting anything regarding Prime 4. Just wished they made the announcement regarding the original Prime trilogy HD for Switch.
@Realness Chill, I'm not upset or anything.
Considering I've never 100%ed the games, it does, indeed, sound like you're more familiar with them overall.
I believe my criticisms stand, but I do think you have a point about Bayonetta appealing more to people who care more about deep, technical combat than other aspects of the production. Personally, I just want an engaging, fast, and satisfying combat system that's complimented by good writing, music, characters, etc.
For me, the combat is just an aspect of the experience. It's not THE experience. And I think that's why I don't get on with something like Bayonetta as well as you clearly do.
As it stands, I'll likely be skipping Bayonetta 3, but Astral Chain is likely a day one purchase. So I can't pretend to be upset when the game I like is getting attention over the one I'm most likely skipping.
That presentation was so packed, how could I be disappointed!? And Platinum had another game to focus on. I mean, Contra, Panzer Dragoon, and NMH3 alone made me freak out. And then Banjo... and THEN a NEW ZELDA!?!? Yeah... save Banyonetta 3 for next E3.
Astral Chain looks like crap with it's choppy 30fps gameplay, so you don't want to show an awesome looking 60fps game(Bayonetta 3 will hopefully continue the tradition of targeting 60fps) before people buy the garbage graphics Astral Chain!
I feel like Nintendo did not want to show their complete hand because of how packed this E3 was. They showed off so many games and still have Bayo 3 tucked nicely in their back pocket. I believe Nintendo will probably show it in the January 2020 Direct and let Astral Chain (their and Platinum's new IP shine this year).
I too hoped for news but that's ok and it's a smart decision on Platinum's end so that their new ip can become successful. I've already decided to buy Astrail Chain when it releases and patiently await Bayonetta 3 and it gives me time to play the first 2.
I feel the same way, gonna have to really budget to get all the games I want and it's great having so many choices.
@NintendoByNature. I agree and really love that Link pic 👍
@Ralizah i hope your being sarcastic cause bayonetta 2 was one of the best action games on the wii u and switch.
@Michaelrojelio84 thanks my friend !
@Ralizah I liked my unbroken streak of stone awards when I finished. It's like when you die a few times in Mario u and the Luigi assist box appears like yeah thanks game I know I suck at this
@Ralizah No worries fellow gamer. Like what you like. I buy ANYTHING Platinum makes. So I’ll be there for Astral Chain as well. Day one.
@NintendoByNature. No problem and my friend Alex is a huge Legend Of Zelda fan also but hasn't played BOTW yet and I've been getting onto him for that lol
@RiasGremory Decent action game, but deficient in other ways. I detailed my reasoning to someone else. I like my games to be well-rounded. I need more than a good battle system in my games to really get into them.
Besides, the pacing of action in Bayonetta 2 is awful. Too many breathless set-pieces with too little build-up.
@Realness So far, NieR: Automata is the only game of theirs I've really loved. I'm excited for that GranBlue ReLink game on PS4 as well, since I think they do their best work when they're partnering up with other companies. Astral Chain looks fantastic, though, so maybe I'm wrong. I'm just glad there's finally a Platinum game on Switch that I can be excited for.
@tr573 I did pretty well in most of the battles in Bayonetta 2. I just... don't like the idea of it scoring me. I'm not interested in racking up crazy combos. I just want to enjoy the combat on my own terms.
@Michaelrojelio84 oh yea you def have to get them to play it. Once you get past the shock value that is " not your typical zelda game" its amazing
@NintendoByNature. Yeah I've been scolding him because he's a bigger fan than I am since he's played more of them than I have. Owning my own Nintendo systems was hard because my stepdad would always pawn my stuff even any other consoles I had like the Dreamcast and Genesis. Any way I've been telling him that BOTW is the epic of epicness, the awesome of awesomeness and that he won't be able to put it down.
@Michaelrojelio84 that stinks to hear that happened to you In the past. But at least you're getting your own now! And hopefully yours to keep!
I loved Bayonetta 2. It was the first one I played and it blew my mind. Then I played the original, and thought, "Wow, those were almost the same game." I'm actually not sure how excited I am for the next one. I hope they find some way of making it feel like a new experience. But i the mean time, I'm actually glad Astral Chain is the next Platinum title to come out. It looks like it's going to deliver crazy stylish action similar to a Bayonetta game, but yet definitely it's own thing.
@NintendoByNature. Oh yeah I bought the Switch in December as a Christmas present for myself and BOTW was the first game I bought then I got Dragonball FighterZ. Yeah my childhood sucked in that regard but I'm grateful for my friends always willing to let me play on their consoles.
The only game I had a maddening desire to see at E3 was Animal Crossing New Horizon, and I got my very wish.
Perhaps they're thinking of their employees, not wanting them to work too hard.
We should remember E3 is not the big focus for many developers or companies, or even NIntendo. There'll probably be a Direct in September where real juicy news will be provided.
@sixrings Meh, I don't think so. I get super excited for every game Clover Studios/Platinum has released since Viewtiful Joe made me a huge fan. Well, other than Anarchy Reigns, that one never interested me. I'm excited for Babylon's Fall though, and that's not an exclusive. And besides, Bayonetta is probably their best series, with some of the best action the genre has ever seen.
It's better to have actual gameplay at E3 2020, than to have a second CG trailer this year. This E3 was oversaturated with CG trailers and it boggles my mind when people say they're excited for a game we know nothing about (Insert CG new game announcement here). Also, Nintendo has directs throughout the year, so it is only a matter of time before they show it on one of those.
I look forward to playing it in 2023
With AC releasing in a couple months it was obviously gonna get the spotlight at e3 but I'm
still pissed that we got nothing on babylons fall. At least I know what I'm in for with bayo 3 but babylons fall is completely unknown. could be like bayonetta, it could be an rts, it could be like metal gear rising, it could be an rpg, it could be scalebounds second wind, it could be a first person shooter lol. I love platinums original titles best and it just hurts not knowing what the game is
@Ralizah While I don't care if you think AC is better, because everyone has different tastes, what are talking about with the scoring? AC does it same, not on the level of Bayo and Meta Gear Rising, but it scores you, that's just a Platinum Game staple
Hey, as long as the game comes out great, I'm content with this. I expect the most over the top, campy action from Bayo and I'm sure she won't disappoint this time, all of Bayo 2 issue will hopefully be fixed, and maybe even a good story this time (Let's be real, Bayo's character arc was nice, but the story wasn't the best)
Its fine, you guys are already delivering the awesome looking Astral chain pretty soon. I guess we'll see Bayonetta 3 in 2020. And I am sure it will be great!
I know they will show it when it's best ready, but it still surprises me its abscence, knowing the fact Bayonetta 2 was even playable at E3 2013, two years before it launched.
Anyone who was hoping for Metroid Prime 4 to be featured is an idiot. They literally said only a few months ago they were scrapping it and starting again, there's no way it was going to have anything ready to show at E3
2020 release is almost a guarantee
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