If you are excited about the classic run and gun action game Cuphead coming to the Nintendo Switch but aren't particularly interested in downloading it from the eShop, the good news is a physical version is on the way.
Studio MDHR will release the digital version on 18th April and a physical copy will arrive at some point after the downloadable content has been released to ensure it includes everything. If you're able to hold out for the retail version, there's likely to be some extra goodies in the game case as well.
You can pre-purchase the digital copy of Cuphead from the Switch eShop right now.
Will you be holding out for a physical copy? Tell us down below.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 109
I'm willing to wait for a physical release. I've always wanted to try this game and I much prefer physical copies!
I shall wait for the physical
Excellent, I hate just crossing my fingers and hoping for a few years.
Did I say YEEEEEEESSSSS already?
Allow me to say it louder.
Boom shakalaka
Hmmm, should I purchase this game again and double dip...
Digital day one because all classics deserve to be on the system at all times.
Physical day one because all classics deserve a place on the shelf for all of time.
Btw, this game sold 3 million + copies on Xbox One and PC. Can Nintendo gamers top that?
Nice! I’ll be holding off for this!
Will definitely be picking this up physical!
This is a great win for all Switch users. Congratulations to everyone involved in making this happen. Truly an amazing game.
I have no shortage of games to play, so hold out I will!
Will the Switch release include the upcoming DLC?
@holygeez03 According to the Devs, the DLC will be released at the same time as on XBox and Steam.
Edit: Also, just checked, and there's currently no set release date for the DLC.
I love supporting indie games that have a physical copy, even if it means double dipping.
@JaxonH Is that 3 mil combined? For all the hype this game got I'm kinda surprised it isn't more. Though I suppose this isn't really the typical Xbox gamer go to, 2D indie Platformer.
Should sell well on Switch baring any obscene Switch tax. My kid bought it on PC, I think for $20. Should do OK at that price. Probably safe to assume more or cart but the game can't be too big so maybe not.
I wonder if we'll ever even find out the digital sales?
Regardless, it's a big win on Switch. We're not double dipping unless there's an easier option. 😉
I will buy both digital and physical. Super pumped for this game. I want to encourage more of this collaboration 😊
Great, I just pre purchased the digital version. Guess I'll ask for a refund OH WAIT
Nope! Digital for me!
Really appreciate the full disclosure on this one. So used to physical releases only being announced after the digital is made available for awhile (still holding out a faint bit of hope for a physical release of FFIX o_o).
Gonna buy it day one digitally and then buy the physical copy. I love this game and its one of my favorite games of this generation. I just need it at all times!!!
Digital all day. The only physical games I have are NSMWUDX, Odyssey, and Street fighter 2.
Just knowing there's a physical version of this game coming is a blessing. I'll get both no matter what as I just can't wait and still want it as part of my physcial collection. I guess Nintendo's plan of sending Damon Baker to work at Microsoft are now in place cause now we're getting Xbox games on Switch starting with Cuphead.
As long as it's not released by Limited Run or Super Rare Games, it'll be a day 1 purchase for me. I knew it would make it to the Switch eventually. I've been dying to play it since it was first announced.
Nintendo and Microsoft just had a baby! People have wanted a physical Cuphead release since day one myself included and the fact it's coming in full on cart so soon just makes it so much better. With goodies, I guess I will have to double dip
@retro_player_22 You may be on to something
@Sephiroth_FF I hear that the logic is, since the sales for Cuphead were large when it was released, no need for a limited physical.
Aww decisions decisions...
Already purchased the digital version 🤑. There's too much coming out later this year(2nd half) so id rather grab this in April before June hits and my wallet gets hit even harder.
I will patiently wait for the physical release!🙌
Combined. AFAIK that was digital sales. I didn’t know it released physically on Xbox yet. I don’t own a physical copy on X1, anyways.
Can’t wait for Ori. It’s coming. I won’t get into all the leaks, but there’s multiple leaks saying it’s coming and one of them correctly said Cuphead was coming. And King Zell said this game is not the one that’s “like Mario on PS” meaning an even bigger game is coming, which is now looking to be Halo Master Chief Collection. Going back there were some credible people who said “I feel like no one would believe me if I said Halo MCC was coming to Switch”, which nobody paid attention to at the time because it sounded so absurd, now with multiple leaks coming out and from the most credible leaker in the industry all the pieces are falling in place. Ori and the Blind Forest and Master Chief Collection on Switch, probably an E3 announcement, at least for Ori. Persona 5 likely announced for Switch late April, and Monster Hunter Next from the portable team potentially announced this year.
Come December 31 I want to have a conversation with you about how amazing this year ends up being. Remind me when Christmas comes.
Playing Chocobo’s Dungeon. Undocked, curled up in the La-Z-Boy and going at it. Man I love Switch. Playing games like this on Switch in handheld mode takes me back to the good old days of Vita’s launch year back in 2012. That rush of excitement from seeing games on a handheld which surpassed anything that had come before... I still get that feeling from certain games on Switch. And strangely it’s not always the graphical power houses. Chocobo’s Dungeon is a Wii remaster, but it still looks really good on Switch, especially undocked. Games like this fit like a glove.
I'll be getting the physical version. I'll let my best friend play it since she refuses to touch Xbox and her laptop sucks but she's interested in this game.
I love the look of this game, but I've read that it is absurdly difficult.
Linked this in the Cuphed thread in the Switch forum yesterday. So I guess the user Teeth is one if the devs then, seeing as you guys now made an article out of the same source? Great!
Well that is just fabulous news. I have it digital for my Xbox 1 and played it quite a bit. It's really hard! I'll happily pick up a physical copy for my Switch.
Will 10000% be rebuying this game. I bought an actual coffee mug shaped like Cuphead that I use all the time. Playing again on Switch will be a blast especially with the new features.
@Mountain_Man It's difficult for sure, but not impossible. I haven't beaten the final boss, but if you think you might like it, you will. It's a ton of fun, and very satisfying when you finally beat a level that was giving you trouble.
So that's what it would look like if Disney made a shooter? Somehow, it's both beautiful and deeply disturbing.
Here's a thought: Amiibo compatible or Cuphead Amiibo?
Good news. Wasnt really in the mood for a brutally hard, bullet hell esque, platformer. But wanted to support this, and was gonna snag it and wait till the mood struck. Now i can just support the physical day 1, and dive into Katana Zero.
This is actually pretty interesting, considering the fact they never released a true physical version back on the Xbox. I don’t feel the need personally to double dip just yet on this, but I am happy to see the game coming to the Switch.
As cool as this is, I think I'd be okay with a digital version.
im torn on which one i want.
might go physical with this one,
I'd prefer to see the box art before deciding to buy the physical version, but as long as it doesn't look like Risky's Revenge's box art, I'll probably buy the physical release. I held off on buying Cuphead on my wife's XBox One for this long, what's another 6-12 months?
Nice graphics, and the gameplay looks challenging!
@Mountain_Man Definitely not absurdly difficult. Nowhere near games like Ghosts n Goblins.
I can’t believe this is happening. To me the Switch getting this game is an even bigger surprise than the Mario Maker and Link’s Awakening announcements. I laughed it off originally as an impossiblity. Allow to take my foot and place it firmly in my mouth.
That MS and Nintendo partnership is surprising me ... in a very good way!
It wont be long before we could play the Fable series on the go
Yes yes yes yessssssssssssssssssss thank you
Physical for me. That is unless it’s £40!
@JaxonH I bet there will be a lot of people double dipping, including me, so its possible
@Zuljaras I'd love to go through the first Fable again, I'd also love Ori and the Blind Forest
I've been refraining from buying it on the Xbox One, it's one of the games that made me buy that console, but I didn't want it digital. They said a retail version would come along with the DLC, but that DLC is taking so long...
I wouldn't mind them to release the physical versions and at some point having to download the DLC. Many others do it this way.
Anyway, releasing the digital version first will mean we will be able to see if the port is good, and make a decision considering that information.
Since the physical game comes after, Hopefully the digital gamers wont be financially penalised because of those obsessed with owning these indie games on a physical cartridge
I've already waited years for it to come to a console I own, I'm okay with waiting a few more months.
@JaxonH I mean, it is still an indie game after all, and it has outsold hollow knight which was available on more platforms for longer. The fact that either of these games managed to sell over 2 million is impressive on its own though.
I'll probably double dip on this one. Man, what a year! So many games coming. The hardest thing will be to choose what games to buy....
By the way, Horizon Turbo is on sale, I don't know if it's the first time, but it's $13 now. Time to get it! Some other good indies are on sale too
@N1ntendodo That's good news then. I didn't realize it worked like that.
I love that this was even announced and now I’m deffk getting it as soon as the physical release drops, any news in if this is confirmed for the UK too?
Digital. Plastic is a scourge on this planet and limiting it wherever possible is very important.
Let’s hope its a physical release in a proper ‘bricks and mortar shop’ not given to someone like limited run games who make about 3 copies and doubles the price. 100% physical for me.
Yes physical!
It looks fun I would like to try this before I buy it. I’ve heard it’s quite difficult (not a bad thing, mind) but I wanna see if I could get into the groove of things before plunking down my hard earned coin. That animation style and music is terrific though. Made me intensely nostalgic for classic looney tunes.
I have this masterpiece on xbox but i’ll Buy the physical one on the switch !
This game is a nightmare solo, I just couldn't get through it. I didn't even get angry, but my usual stubbornness was not enough to beat even the zeppelin woman.
So I probably won't be getting this on Switch to subjugate any friends or family to it.
.... One.
Physical, that is.
Woohoo! Physical it is! Pity Konami wasn’t kind enough to do the same with their collections...
Care to share links to this information? I never heard of Cuphead for Switch before the announcement, and I'm interested to read related information. Thanks!
Cool, so it stands a chance to come to GameFly then. I shall be patient then.
Great, now I'm actually interested.
This is great news, I bought Cuphead on the PC a while back via Steam and it's fantastic - amazing Max Fleischer inspired animation and rock-hard gameplay - but I've got to the point now where I can't be bothered (or have no time) to boot-up the gaming laptop, it's Switch all the way now
Watch this for list of leaks, sources and whether its proven correct or false
Glad I waited before preordering, I'll wait for physical as this will be a relic of the Microsoft-Nintendo collaboration era.
It will depend on price for me. I usually pick up what’s cheaper- unless it’s a huge download.
Oh boy, I already bought this for PC but I just might want to buy physical version for Switch.
@JaxonH I've seen your twitter posts of Chocobo. Not sure exactly what you were posting but "Jazz hands" always makes me laugh.
Halo on Switch would shock me. I wrote a long post over on PS about how I didn't think Cuphead was a big deal, like Super Mario Run and Animal Crossing on mobile, just marketing, but anything Halo, Forza or Gears of War is another matter entirely. I know those are older Halo games, probably couldn't handle the new one very well, but still, Halo. That would be bigger news to me than Stadia.
Now I could see Halo on Switch via xCloud, part of the streaming Gamepass service for $14.99 per month. But streaming a rented game isn't the same as seeing Halo in a Switch box on the shelf in Target.
So where would Halo on Switch be announced at E3, at the Microsoft show or during a Nintendo Direct? Game on cart I guess would be during an ND, but Gamepass streaming via xCloud might be an MS announcement. Unless their entire E3 show is just Xbox 2 Scarlett.
This may be a crazy year for you come Christmas but those days are behind me. If I finished The Witcher 3 on PS4 that will be a major accomplishment for me this year. This is how old and lame I've gotten in my later years - I rented Spider-Man on PS4 for my kid over the weekend (he had 4 adult teeth removed at the oral surgeon on Friday, took 90 minutes in the chair) - a 3 night rental for $7 from Redbox - and I never even played it. I watched him play it for a couple of over over 3 days but it mostly looked boring to me. I never did see a boss fight, and web-slinging traversing the city looked fun, but too many button prompts. And I've already played enough Spiderman games. I am looking forward to watching Into the Webiverse, but that's about it.
The Last of Us 2 in Sept or Oct would likely be my Christmas present, that would excite me, and Yoshi in 10 days, and I'll watch my son play XC2 this summer, but that's it off the top of my head. Probably play Luigi's Mansion 3. Giving up on Pikmin 4 in 2019. "Early Access" Dreams after 6 years of waiting doesn't excite me anymore. I'm not a fan of Super Mario Maker though I'll play your levels b/c I know they'll be good.
And that's the last check-mark I needed!
Finally buying a Switch!
Super low move not to tell us this during the reveal! I already pre ordered the digital only version! And Nintendos eshop policy is horrible so of course I can't get a refund!
I have it on xbox one already, so I can hold out for a physical copy for me to double dip with
I’ve only played a few minutes of it on someone else’s xbox, but I’ll definitely be getting this physical. The visuals alone make it a worthwhile purchase for me, and hopefully the gameplay will be satisfying too.
Ok, I'm sold. Day one
Exactly how physical releases should be done, with all content on the cartridge, which I will hold out for.
The animation is just uncanny in how it is virtually indistinguishable in style from the Hollywood shorts from the 30s and 40s.
Physical version or nothing.
@Pod Welcome to the Switch family, then!
well... which i knew this before i pre-ordered...
Wow, talk about hitting it out of the park. First, Cuphead is officially coming to Switch (amazing by itself), but now a physical release is on the way too?! Well done Studio MDHR, you have my utmost respect.
With this deal in place I wonder what the chances are of Cuphead making the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster? Now THAT would be a truly interesting stage, and a stark visual departure from most of the rest of the game.
Beyond that, with Microsoft making such an effort to be chummy with Nintendo, might we even see Master Chief/Halo as Smash DLC? I figure a FEW people might pay for such content.
Yep. Physical.
I need to fight my urges next month to NOT buy the digital copy lol. I thought Nintendo was trolling when they announced this for the Switch lol.
@leo13 Thank god! Someone with sense, I cannot stand all these people that want to get their filthy hands on physical. Just play the game!!! After all, you can't take it with you eh???
@Sun-WuGoku You can't stand people that:
1. Enjoy owning a physical collection
2. Have the possibility of loaning to friends/family
3. Can sell games if needed
4. Can share across multiple systems in the household
5. Enjoy's playing retro games from 30 years ago, and would like to do the same with the Switch someday without worrying about being able to re-download games
Makes sense alright... Digital certainly has it's perks, and I own my fair share of digital games, but there's a lot of reasons people prefer to buy physical releases. None of which would be cause to "Not stand somebody" regardless of which type of media people prefer.
There's no solid release date on Delicious Last Course.....
Yes will wait now and have physical copy.
@Tyranexx Wait you dont finish every game you have right away... I didnt know that type of person existed lol... Totally get what you are saying though. Enjoy your day
@JHarley17 The problem is the polar opposite of when I was a kid lol. Back then I had plenty of time for games, just not the funds. XD It also doesn't help that I've fallen head over heels for JRPGs (which are often long).
@Kalmaro I am double-dipping. This looks so gorgeous on Switch.
Soooooo...do we have any sense when is this actually happening? I have been holding out!
@rdm22 I'm wondering the same thing
@16bitdave I gave in and bought the digital
@rdm22 I am going to wait for the physical, I have so many games to finish anyways lol
@16bitdave good on you! I kinda wish I had, too — case will be gorgeous and I, too, am playing through backlog (I just had no willpower lol).
@rdm22 I have willpower 🙂
@16bitdave I am wish you on this! I've been holding off on getting the Physical.. I didnt realise I'd need to wait a few months though ha
@Celtrox yup, the struggles us physical people go through. lol
Well where the hell is it, it's almost August 2020 and still no physical copy !
@16bitdave so are we getting the physical copy or not ????
@roadrunner343 I'm still waiting on that physical copy
the wait is real....
This may be the longest I’ve ever held out for a physical release. Still waiting…
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