Nintendo has revealed that Super Mario Maker 2 will be launching on Nintendo Switch this summer. June, to be exact (well, more precise).
The news was announced during today's Nintendo Direct, with Mario's latest level creator opening the show. Although it's still in development, the game is set to feature brand new features and new elements, expanding on the original Wii U release.
As you can see in the trailer above, this game appears to add underwater options, slopes, and assets from the recent 3D games - Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario 3D World. Looks like we'll be able to make even bigger, better, and more creative levels than ever before.

Were you expecting this one? Will you be building your very own stages in June? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 155
Hype! I wonder if it will require a online subscription.
I was hoping this rumor would be true... but June!?!? Completely unexpected! Can't wait!
pretty exciting that it's a sequel, and not just a port.
pre-order worthy material.
YYAAAAAS!!! Nintendo gods answered my prayers!!! 😍😍😍
This alone was worth staying up for
My birthday in June as well
Next announcement please!
It looks so gooooooood!
Makes me think the other rumors are true
Looks amazing. They could've easily gotten away with releasing a port, and it would've sold millions, but they're actually making a sequel. Good Nintendo.
Yes! I knew it can’t wait!
A proper sequel, what I wanted, to not make the first entry useless. Good.
I really wasn't expecting a Mario Maker so soon after NSMB.UD. Very pleased to be wrong. The new stuff looks great.
This was a very good Direct and this is looking like a great year for Switch
We got Super Mario and LUIGI maker.
Time to make more sadistic levels that no one will be able to beat, muhwahahaha!!!
This game is gonna sell 20 million copies.
Nice. I hope they have koopa kids as bosses
I just hope and pray you do NOT need to be forced to paying a Nintendo online subscription....the online should be free to share your courses and to play others. repeat, should NOT have to pay for that since its pretty much the massive selling point for the game and keeping it new!
@Al_Godoy it won't sell half of that if it railroads you into paying the online subscription
Well definitely an amazing surprise. I will be picking this up day one.
Best part of the direct right here. IT HAS SLOPES!!!
Like others I'm hoping people don't have to pay to share courses. I do have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription but we could be missing out on loads of goodies if people have to pay for online as well.
Looks really good though.
Hell yeah! Day one for sure! Wasn't expecting a 3D World aspect either!
This looks like a lovely sequel. Looking forward to trying out all those new features. I was hoping for a Mario 64 inspired graphics set, but the Mario 3D World one will have to do.
I knew Mario Maker was too good to be on WiiU only!
And with that, the WiiU can finally be put to rest.....
We still need Wonderful 101.
I love that they led off with slopes. They do listen to us. I am going to end up watching this trailer a hundred times before it comes out, if not today.
Was I the only one that thought they were about to announce SNES for Switch online when this segment started?
Cool! Very happy to see this finally announced for Switch.
@allanironmaiden That's true for Splatoon 2 as well but you still have to pay. Hopefully this is different.
No 3d maker but it looks good
People quite happily pay for PS and XB online subscriptions but Nintendo doing it, at half the cost I might add, is criminal somehow? I don't think so. I'd love to see it allow online connectivity for free, since that is almost essential for a game like this, but even if it doesn't I don't see how that is any less fair. I can't wait for this. Goodbye every other game, goodbye life.
A lot going on in that trailer, had to watch it in slow motion to catch everything. A pleasant surprise, it looks like a worthy sequel rather than another overpriced port. Almost makes up for the fact that they're adding a subscription fee.
AMAZING! I'm so glad this has finally been announced, it's going to be a huge release for Nintendo and the switch.
HYPE!!! Super excited for Super Mario Maker 2!!! I've been wanting to play the wiiu version but i am almost out of spaces gor naking stages!
Can we all agree that their will be some kind of championship thing at Nintendo's E3 this year involving Super Mario Maker 2 like they did in 2015 for the original Super Mario Maker?
Super Mario Maker 2 dude!!! YES!!! SO MUCH WIN!!! ^__^
@Captain_Toad Wii U is not dead to me until I can play Xenoblade X & Wonderful 101 on my Switch!
This is so awesome!!!🙌
Best thing to come out of this direct, I really enjoyed the first Mario Maker and this seems to improve on that in nearly everyway, plus it's on actual good console this time.
I wonder if it'll be possible to create multi-stage worlds or even full game's? That would be superb! Some of the creators come up with genius ideas, it would be great to see what they could come up with over multiple connected stages.
The only announcement that had me jumping up and down. I’m so excited!
@OorWullie I'm with you there. If an indie studio (WarGroove) can give players the ability to chain levels into a full gave with story then there's no excuse for Nintendo. (Although if I'm honest I'll buy it either way. I LOVED the original)
Yea this looks great. I'm not much of a creator but playing everybody else's is awesome. Especially with the Switch doing so much better than the Wii U was it should be better than ever. And we got slopes!
This should be solid, but I'm not too pumped.
I only played the 3ds version and thought meh very quickly.. is this going to be worth the hype?
@allanironmaiden Someone is going to be signing up Nintendo Online, despite his objections.
I love it. Great direct. Great games. Great stuff
it's "not fair" because you simply alienate a large portion of the possible buyers. I won't be made to get an online subscription to play a game, even if it is as amazing as Mario maker 2. I know i;ll be missing out...but it shouldn't even come into play. the pact that PS and Xbox have it dearer....i could care less since I just play nintendo. it ain't a comparison. it would just plainly suck
100% no I wont
Damn June that's early. I figured August at least
Very excited for this! Though like many others, I am wondering if it requires Switch Online to play other people's levels online. Sharing levels via local wireless would be nice too. Love the 3D World style too, I'm surprised they didn't announce a Switch port for that game.
I don't know if this game is for me, but will probably get it anyway, LOL.
I never realized how much I wanted to play as Cat-Mario in 2D!
That said it seems like they're still sticking with some power ups in some modes. I'd really love one mode where I could use a cape, a hammer bros suit, a frog suit, a fire flower, an ice flower, a tanooki suit, and a boomerang bros suit. Like they don't have to put them all in every mode, but especially in the 3D World one (is 3D World replacing NSMB mode?) I also hope they really include as many enemies as possible, it looks like they've added the sun, plus several new ones to Mario World. But I know in the first version you couldn't even make a boomerang bro.
Yeah, I'm just really hoping they do a ton of different options. Also I guess now we know why they came out with Super Mario U Deluxe when they did, no way anyone was going to buy that after Mario Maker was available.
I am glad it is a sequel. Hope that means there is a lot of new content.
I really am hoping for more playable characters too. Rosilina is my #1 want.
Also - what kind of an idiot would knowingly leap onto a Spiny shell? That's why they invented the spin jump. Learn to play!
@AG_Awesome In the trailer they showed Boom-Boom, the mid boss
(the Red Koopa who swings his arms a whole bunch). So this could mean they are there!
This is good, I liked this
@Euler Probably someone who's never played Mario Maker!
These Creators are ruthless! I once played a level where I got killed instantly by a Cannon positioned right on top of me! Never underestimate Mario Maker!
I hope Nintendo doesn't delete levels for no reason.
@DavidMac Nope, U is in there too. Go to 0:43 in the video.
It's the only thing I ever wanted... But seriously, this was SUCH great news to me. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time in the original SMM over the last 3 1/2 years, and was so hoping it would live on with the Switch. Of course, I guess this means I'll have to finally give in and buy a Switch. I'd been hoping for a white one to come out, but if it doesn't by then, oh well.
Looks like I'll need one of those Dpad controllers after all...
Fully portable, feature intact Mario Maker with extra content. This is honestly what I wanted from the original in the first place. I wonder how difficult it'll be to build stages without the Wii U/3DS stylus, though...
Can't wait for this. Seems like there will be item wheels to account for the lack of touchscreen support during docked play, which should make building really smooth with normal controls.
Really want to see what's added to warrant that "2" on it. Don't want them to just call it that to make it seem like a bonafide sequel if it's really just a port.
Was definitely a strong start for the direct. Was definitely a gap that needed to be filled.
Oooooooh I came SOOOOO close to buying the Nintendo Selects version that was just released for 3DS.
Only worthwhile announcement (aside from this and that). At least the port begging didn’t spoil this subseries
@LavaTwilight Splatoon has hack issues, Mario Tennis and Smash are laggy with the wrong opponent. No matter how cheap it is (even for 5€/year with the family pack), that is paying for zero network improvements. You may be paying 20 mores elsewhere but you can play 24v24 without issues
I really thought it was gonna be a port. Making it a legit sequel is great and starting off the Nintendo Direct with that reveal was impressive. I will be excited to play this again. I don't like to create but I love to play other people's levels.
The original was my biggest and only reason that I missed the Wii U at this point. This sequel looks amazing though! They didnt just add the important stuff. They went above and beyond this time. Easily my most anticipated game of the year.
Opening with a bang eh? A statement of intent.
Looks to be adding a fair bit to the first one. Can’t imagine I won’t buy it. So soon as well.
I just realized that this has Luigi in the promo art too! Could this be 2 player? Maybe even 4 player? They could pay homage to SMB 2 by letting players use Mario, Luigi, Princess and Toad!
I just want that jazzy Super Mario medley Remix. I don't even need the game (but I'll take it amyways)
Yes I'm getting this for sure this year.
It looks so amazing. So many improvements over the first one. Having so many more level themes is one of the biggest plusses for me. I wanted the forest theme from SMW for a long time, and the 3D World stuff is just the cherry on top. And it's also a hint that we may get a 3D World port!
@wazlon That's true, but on the bright side I suppose it could also help cull some of the rubbish levels. Two sides to every coin.
Well, there's my birthday present. lol
Slopes and Snake Blocks are back, hopefully we'll be able to make larger-sized levels and more sub-levels. It was kinda annoying when I couldn't recreate a level simply because I ran out of space, or because of sub-level reasons.
Yes Now my funds will go dry before my Tax REfunds.... what a drag...
@Lizuka I think a lot of the stages people were creating were kind of trash, mostly the self playing ones.
@GetShulked nope lol
Nintendo is making all of my wishes come true! I never got to play the original because I didn't have a Wii U or 3DS. I will definitely buy this.
Only thing that could ruin it is if they bring back Gnat Attack...
@Racthet916 So long as they’re remotely fair
This was really the only highlight of this Direct, especially the fact it's a sequel, not a port. I was waiting for the another big announcement, and a remake of a gameboy Zelda isn't it. I was really hoping for an Ultimate F-Zero (primarly F-Zero X with the track editor, and a selection of the best tracks from SNES to GC and all with 4-player mode and the track editor could do Mode 7 style courses too), or Super Metroid revamp or, dare I say, the Metroid Prime Trilogy.
PS: Or Star Fox WU port with proper controls and extra levels, possibly some lifted from GC version and updated.
@leo13 my Wii U will never be entirely dead, as I refuse to double dip on any additionaly titles (I have mk8d, DK, rayman and repurchased some zen pinball). Enough is enough for me. I will just refire up the Wii U for the other games.
It's a bit nostalgic for me anyway. And even MM2 is too close to the original for me to want to get it. I'd love to see a true 3d type sandbox game.
@electrolite77 It adds a lot:
1) 3D World level theme
2) Catsuit Bell (adding side climbing)
3) Item-containing trees
4) Vertical levels
5) Snowy Theme
6) Desert Theme
7) Climbable fences ( ala Super Mario World)
8) Slopes, Normal and Steep
9) Red Pipes
10) ON/OFF-blocks (When Mario hits this block, it switches between Red or Blue blocks being solid)
11) Purple “Crystal” blocks (not sure of their function; maybe Mario can dash through them to break them)
12) Teeter-totter platforms
13) Snaking Blocks, with custom pathing
14) Giant blocks that can grow/snake when hit
15) Water volumes (not just full water stages)
16) Rising Water stages (ala Super Mario World)
17) Piranha Creeper vines, with custom pathing
17) Porcupuffer (Giant, spiky cheep-cheep that pursues Mario)
18) Fire-proof Piranha Plant (I assume, based off new black-orange variant)
19) Ant Trooper, Stingby (Bees), Skipsqueak (jumpy mouse), green Hop-Chop “bounce-box” enemy and lunging Bungee Piranha Plant enemies from 3D World/Land
20) Angry sun that chases player (ala Mario Bros. 2)
21) Air-blowing enemies (this looks entirely new to the series, but similar to enemies that lift mario upwards)
22) Camera programming (called Custom Scroll; accessed by new feather icon)
23) Giant Bullet Bills and variant that shoots out from background
24) Paratroopa enemies, by adding new umbrella variant, similar to adding wings
25) Longer floating platforms (the ones on lines and in Athletic type levels)
26) Glass pipes (that fireballs, coins and enemies can travel through)
27) Big coins (Coin icon with a “10” on it; assuming similar to Yoshi Coins from SMW, so probably 1-up when certain amount collected, or maybe they just count as ten coins)
28) Coin counter: so that players know how many of the total coins in level they currently have found
29) Forest theme
30) Red Yoshi (Fire Yoshi?). Maybe other colored Yoshis will be available.
31) Bullies (those jerks that push you into the lava in Mario 64)
32) Boomer (This is the Koopaling-like enemy Mario has been fighting at the end of fortresses and considered a mini-boss in the main games since SMB3.)
33) There’s a new radial interface to quickly choose items in set groups (likely customizeable), in addition to the old quick menu at top of screen
34) There is an unexplained new icon that looks like the silhouette of a ship, so assuming that is how you add water volumes.
35) There is also a new icon that shows two faces, so probably some unannounced multiplayer feature
36) There is a new enemy sub-menu which looks to be the equivalent of shaking sprites to change their properties. Here, enemy variants can be selected like: Giant, Winged and Parasol
37) Rock Blocks: Super durable, large bricks that require extra hits or shells to break
38) Night theme (no longer have to have either Ghost or Underground theme to make a datk level)
Was anything shown in the Mario Maker 2 direct that isn’t included in the WiiU Mario Maker? I never played the game on WiiU or 3DS, so I’m curious what is different and makes it more “sequel-ish” rather than a deluxe offering.
@Whalehome See my post directly above for all the changes
@rockodoodle I went the opposite direction. We wanted multiple Switches to play Splatoon & Mario Kart online together as a family so I sold my Wii U (which I loved) and we own 3 switches. We played both games online together quite a bit 3 player Splatoon & 6 player Mario Kart. I don't quite regret it as we have had a ton of fun... But I assumed the only game I would really lose was Nintendo Land, but I'm no longer feeling as sure about that. At least we'll have Mario Maker again soon
@Antraxx777 don't forget Yoshi. It has Mario riding Yoshi
@leo13 Yoshi is in the original.
@infernogott that will be the deal breaker for me if i purchase it or not.
If level sharing requires a paid subscription then no thanks.
Ok, even this took me by surprise. While I'm not quite the target audience for Super Mario Maker - I'd prefer just playing the games and not spending a lot of time with a level creator - I'm glad that Nintendo is showing the fans some love by releasing a full-blown sequel instead of going down the porting route.
Wishing this won’t require a Nintendo Online subscription is ridiculous- of course it will to play online. I’m baffled at some people’s reactions to that. This game will still sell. This game will still do well.
hopefully the Pro controller can be used. it would be nice to be able to use it along side the joy-con controllers and the system's touch screen.
maybe Nintendo will update the system so that we can use the Wii U gamepad when making courses in Super Mario Maker 2. i doubt it will happen, but it would be a nice feature to have.
also, i hope the new version of the game will allow us to mix and match the different themes from the different super Mario games. it would add a lot more possibilities for creating levels. maybe it could allow us to create levels with higher difficulty modes.
maybe we will get lucky and Nintendo will let us create world maps for our levels for if we want to create them in groups.
I called it woot.
@LUIGITORNADO more backgrounds, music choices, water on all stages. Sooooo many.
I cant WAIT to play kaizo levels on this game! Specifically when Grand Poo Bear and Barb start making them!
It looks like they've added a lot. I just hope that they give us a lot of power up options. The cat suit is great. But I want all my SMB 3 power ups, ideally available in all modes!
Has to be a record for how quickly a direct got me grinning like a crazy person. Mario Maker on Switch! It’s a sequel! With more stuff! Way more stuff!! With slopes!!! Aww, Nintendo, you do listen.
@Antraxx777 thanks! That’s a really great list you made!!
@Flipbot Yeah, I was pumping my fist in the air the second I saw Mario World, because I knew what it really was: the sequel to my favorite Wii U title.
Hopefully the athletic themes make it in this time.
yay ! so glad they didn't just port the original and just call it a day ! my Wii U copy is worth something
I was prepared to just buy a port of the 1st, but a sequel? Thats so so so great, i cannot wait!
You get slopes! You get slopes! Slopes for everyone!
Insert Oprah gif here.
I just wanna know one thing. How will this work in tv mode?
@Al_Godoy I think it could get close
Was I the only one who saw Super Mario World and thought, wait... are SNES games coming to Switch online? This is awesome too of course but it threw me for a loop at first.
@Adam They didn’t just lead off with them, they beat us over the head with them, as if to say, “Slopes? Slopes?! You want slopes?! Here’s some slopes, now SHUDDAP!”
@NotTelevision I knew immediately it was Mario Maker, but didn’t know it was a sequel until I saw the slopes.
@MegaChan Not nearly as well as the WiiU.
Well the Wii U ports continue- gimme Woolly World next!
I am pretty excited for this game. The first one was awesome. With regards to paying for online: i don't understand why people are complaining that they have to pay for a service provided by this company. If you don't want to pay for it, dont. But, why complain about a perfectly reasonable business model that Nintendo is using? They're the company. They can charge whatever they want. Video games are a want not a need.
Great to see, month of my birthday, perfect timing.
@Euler I watched it in slow motion like 20 times 🤗
Hopefully this game doesn't require an online subscription, as LittleBigPlanet 3 on PS4 doesn't.
They already have me sold, but if they manage to add in co-op/multiplayer, like having both Mario and Luigi on the boxart suggests... that would be insane.
@Wanjia I was going to post this. I think this has local 2 player based on the inclusion of Luigi in the artwork. I also hope all the sprites return.
Kind of expected, especially after all the recent leaks but it’s a port that makes a lot of sense. Now that Nintendo aren’t being so dumb about their games featuring on YouTube, this could really blow up into something huge.
PLEASE don't chain this to NSO. I'm begging you.
Don't know what people expect - of course you will have to subscribe to Nintendo's online subscription. From a business standpoint I can't see why they shouldn't.
I guess I will pass on Mario Maker 2. I loved creating levels but all the loose levels and no overarching story etc is just not for me. Playing through 100 of less than mediocre created levels to find a couple good ones is no fun. And as already mentioned there is an abundance of very difficult and don't move levels - that's why I only spend 60 hrs with Mario Maker 1 and most of it creating handful of levels.
Lol it was like they saw every damn post about slopes on this site. I wanted them too but it got pretty damn excessive here.
I ended up mostly playing my levels, friends and any random that made good levels I would follow. But yes there was far too much trash if you didn't want to sort through it.
Also some of the users here had great levels.
I'd rather have a new hand-drawn Mario game but now after New Super Mario Wii U Deluxe and Mario Maker 2, I guess I will have to wait at least 1-2 years.
Paper Mario theme please. Multiple playable characters. Online races with friends would be cool.
Best game easily from yesterday presentation... summer will be packed! ill get for sure, maker 2, fire emblem and ultimate alliance 3... til there, ill save money playing indies (im talking to you war groove) and the games i already have.. hehehe
Man I'm stoked! But I'd be "super" stoked if I could use the Switch as a tablet and look at the TV at the same time. I don't like that I would most likely have to play all of the game in a handheld mode. It would be a lot more fun with my kids if one was at the controls and the others were looking at what they were doing on the TV. Similarly, I really hope you can make multiple player levels too.
I might actually pick this up, although I’m not a very big Mario fan. The creative aspect of this is really tempting me to try it out anyway.
Give me mario 2 and gameboy stuff would be awesome as well
That's exactly the kind of game I needed to keep my boyfriend busy while I dump hours and hours of gameplay into RPGs after he completed Super Mario Odissey LMAO
@Charlie_Girl should have online sharing similar to original, that the 3ds omitted. Slide slide slippety slide, fun trailer.
@adam9431 lol mega man maker does this better and is free. Stop defending and start checking competitors/fans.
The return of Cat Mario pretty much guarantees a 3D World holiday release.
ME: so where the **** is Mario Maker for Switch??*
NINTENDO: drops the mic.**
Great list. A couple of minor errors:
20. Angry sun is from SMB3
32. Boom-Boom, not Boomer
@joey302 it's not a port, like Splatoon and Smash weren't ports. It's a sequel.
Never owned the first, however i'm interested. Will definitely look into this.
@PocketQ3 like smash Bros ultimate was just a port right. What a stupid comment to make.
We finally have...
So glad it is a sequel.
@Kamalen ps4 has been far more laggy for me than nintendo online..
Looks like improvement all allround (even if it was the online level thing which made original shine and that's not in the trailer).. i had hoped for a supermarioland look by way.. my fav 2d mario...
Surprised they're bringing this out so soon after NSMBU DX to be honest. I would've thought they'd have given a normally evergreen title as that one a bit more time in the spotlight, instead of (potentially) cutting its legs off after half a year.
@Ralizah I mean, obviously it won't be difficult at all. Creator games existed long before touchscreens were a thing that they were plenty simple then.
Shame we won't be able to make real 3D levels aka Super Mario World. That would have been awesome!
This is up there with the very best.
I hope they somehow find a new way to filter all the [removed] courses from the quality ones.
@MrVariant tbh if Kellogg's wanted to start charging extra to put the bag of cereal inside the cardboard box i would pay the extra (if i wanted the box). That's the way businesses run. If they want to charge for their product they are allowed.
Has anyone ever paid extra for soy milk in their latte? Probably. Has anyone ever paid for a shopping bag at a grocery store? Definitely. Stop being entitled. If u dont want the service dont pay for it. But stop saying what businesses can and cant charge for their product.
@Aneira Please mind your language!
@kobashi100 Smash Ultimate had a hell of a lot more new content in it than this does.
@adam9431 lol you double down claiming I am entitled rather than go play rpg maker (even fes has online sharing and it's on 3ds). I have better options. There's also ren'ai for visual novels as well. Nintendo isn't a grandmaster at this and you know it. I don't trust them after the 3ds debacle which lacked online sharing, just like excitebike.
Keep defending their limitations/stubbornness and giving Nintendo your money only to get pissed off repeatedly in BDSM fashion.
It looks like Dashie's got a lot more raging to do...
That's a great amount of new info to speculate on at same time of making the first announcement. Finding out a Switch version was coming could have been enough, but now we also know we'll have a much bigger bag of tricks included. What they're adding will create a lot more possibilities for setting up paths and puzzles.
So that's plenty to chew on for now, but I'll be interested to see if we get some more details about how some of the new elements will work. For instance, if auto scrolling can now be set vertically, wouldn't that mean that courses won't be limited to only two screens high anymore? Vertical climbing levels are now possible? On/Off blocks should allow for some more strategic paths, too.
I know it won't be popular with a lot of people, but this seems like a natural way to drive up online subscriptions if an account will be required, and you can hardly blame a business for trying to generate sales. It would cause many people who wouldn't be as sold on just jumping into Smash battles or Splatfests online to have a reason to subscribe, so why wouldn't they implement it?
Also, remember how long it took from the first announcement of the Wii U original? Over a year of waiting. This time it's only around 4 months. Nice.
@leo13 that's cool. I also have a ton of Indie games that I didn't want to give up.
@Paddle1 you're right! I somehow forgot about that. I finally remembered when something triggered my memory of levels where you have to kill Yoshi to win
@PocketQ3 It didn't when we saw the first trailer. All we really got was "everyone + Daisy + Inkling + Ridley is here". I hate Wii U ports as much as anyone, but at least give Nintendo a chance.
@Jimsbo Yeah it’s insane how soon this is coming out. Already drafting some ideas in Mario Maker 3DS for intended use with new mechanics.
It’s cool that there’s now a Super Mario 3D World style to use. I didn’t get to play that game, but this is the next best thing.
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