American actor, professional wrestler, rapper and all-around good guy John Cena recently spoke about his love of the original Nintendo Entertainment System during an IGN video promoting the new Transformers film, Bumblebee.
The cast of the movie was quizzed about '80s toys, and the most knowledgeable of the bunch was John. After being shown multiple items including Care Bears, Cena became overjoyed when R.O.B. was pulled out alongside the NES Zapper. Apparently, he spent a lot of time playing Duck Hunt back in the day. There was even a brief shoutout to Seth Rogan for the tip about being able to control the duck with the second controller. Take a look at the full video below or skip ahead to the 1:30 mark:

This admittedly isn't the first time we've heard John Cena talk about his love for the NES. During an interview with Sports Illustrated in 2017, Cena mentioned how the system was a major part of his childhood:
"I am a certainly a child of the original Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, as the gamer Hall of Famers attribute it...That eight-bit graphical interface has truly stood the test of time, and now you see so many vintage designs and content available in eight-bit. I grew up with the start of the original eight games licensed from Nintendo—Donkey Kong, Mario Bros., which was before Super Mario Bros., then Super Mario Bros., Ice Climber, Urban Champion, Gyromite with the robot. You name it, I had it. I grew up through all that.”
In this same interview, he also shared his thoughts about Nintendo's new system:
"I'm floored by the technology of the Switch, and the versatility of the console is second to none. It really is a home console that you can take anywhere. I've seen situations where home consoles can be transported, and it's like a big over-the-shoulder carry-on bag, but the versatility of this thing is groundbreaking. When you undock the Switch from its home console and gointohandheld, the controller feels the same, it is the same, and it reacts the same. The screen on the undocked handheld system is big enough to be its own world, but small enough to carry anywhere."
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[source youtu.be]
Comments 53
AND HIS NAME IS...!! haha memes
This must be a slow news day
I like how they replaced Mark Wahlberg with the Charizard form of Mark Wahlberg
I can't stand the meme, but clearly he has good taste in gaming.
Whats that picture supposed to be? Just a empty sofa with some Switch items?
Never really liked how WWE built the company around him for so many years when there were so many better choices. Heck the main reason I wasn't into wrestling much after the Attitude Era till now was because of him and WWE constantly shoving him down people's throats.
insert joke about not being able to see anyone here
@Tasuki Agreed. He seems like a nice person, but he was never a very good wrestler. But because Vince MacMahon liked him, he was shoved down WWE viewers throats.
You can't see him.
shakes my hand in front of my face in disbelief
@yuwarite Right, I will say his contributions to charities such as Make a Wish and what not are great but overall I feel that he is overrated. Even his acting is mediocre.
@yuwarite Hate him or not. He's very popular, especially with the kids. I know cause i used to be a big fan of this man when i was a young pissant.
I had an NES back in the 80's too. When is my interview?
I had all all those toys as a kid...except the Nintendo stuff 😩
Seeing as wrestling isn’t that big in my country, I don’t know who this guy is, but it’s indeed truly fascinating that he’s interested in the NES. I mean, after all it’s such a unique opinion.
Although the Attitude Era was way more rad, Cena seems like a fun guy. Sorta like a roided man-child but in a cool way.
I am looking forward to seeing the BumbleBee movie looks like it might be a good popcorn movie I like the more original retro style of the Transformers in this movie and John Cena is a good actor I've like the movies I've seen with him in them so far and he is a Nintendo fan I like that about him, so am I .
@nessisonett, Thanks for the laugh I needed that, roided manchild but in a cool way., that is great, Hahaha., LoL.
You sum Cena up perfect, I completely agree and he does come off as a good guy.
wow john cena seems awesome. not into wrestling at all so only know him from memes. but he seems like an awesome guy
Is this news lol
I'm surprised he can even hold the controller - have you seen the size of his hands?
Great guy that I fear never will get the recognition he deserves.
Pretty cool, I used to dislike Cena from about 2006-2010 ish, but I've opened my eyes more and seen that he has put on some excellent matches and is mega popular with kids. His U.S. title open challenge matches were awesome.
Gives a shout out to Seth Rogan for something that was printed in the manual.
@Sinton What recognition does he deserve?
Lol hes such a fanboy😂 seeing nintendo, his eyes where glowing haha
@YANDMAN Fan recognition.
Cena was the Hulk Hogan of the 2000s. The problem was, his opponents were not that interesting, and grown up fans don’t cheer for good guys for more than a year tops. Like Hogan, Cena couldn’t turn, which made him stale. And, with the exception of CM Punk, there wasn’t a new guy to pick up the mantle until Daniel Bryan turned into a phenomenon.
When Rob was taken out, John's response had me laughing. That was great 😂
I love the meme.
He's superhot AND a nerd. Totally husband material.
He is a NES aficionado.. At least for the purposes of the promotional advertisement.
He hasn't been sponsered by Nintendo to try and make people like the "free" NES games on switch online, by saying he loves them. <---sarcasm
His bicep is as large as his entire head!
I didn't think that was even possible.
The first time I saw an article mentioned "Seth Rogan" as being the person uncovering a well known Nintendo intended and advertised feature I just had to laugh at the lack of awareness of people now.
I guess this qualifies as a "everything is new again" head slap
@MsJubilee I don't hate him, I hate the machine that's behind him. I hate the political reasons of why he was force-fed to the WWE audience, despite WWE's core audience, and the people that actually care about wrestling, largely hating him.
As a kid, you could have equally of liked other wrester(s) if WWE had equally put the machine behind them. Kids will like whomever the company tells them to, and likewise, parents will buy the mechandise of whomever the company tells them to.
That is what a lot of HGH will do to you. Double your skull size, enlarge your nose and thicken your mid section. The down side is a tendency to develop cancers.
That's kinda funny. I wonder if he would main incineroar or captain falcon in smash bros ultimate? Ha! 🤣
The fact that he actually named Gyromite as a thing that exists is pretty amazing.
It's easy to be cynical and say he was paid to promote but I think he just genuinely likes the NES. I follow him on IG and he posts NES-related pictures and memes all the time. Like one was the Last Supper but with Little Mac, Mike Tyson and the Punch-Out fighters.
@YANDMAN I knew a lot of people who never read the manuals, so their minds were easily blown by such revelations. I thought everyone knew the duck could be controlled. I think I knew that before I even had the NES.
He must be my brother from another mother. The NES will always be the king to me as well.
Can't see his shoes.
He mentioned "Urban Champion"! He's legit
I used to play the ever loving crap out of that game...
@MichaelHarvey did you watch the video? It's not a promotion and he truly us geeking out over the stuff, he knows more than most that's for sure.
Wow these comments are weird and totally unrelated to the video! He's a hulk yea, but he's also one of Hollywood's kindest celebrities doing more Make-a-wish appearances, charity donations and unpaid intern views. The video highlights he's a Nintendo nerd too and maybe he's just an all round too fella. Who cares if he took steroids, he's an entertainer (I say that because wrestling is so camp it's basically musical theatre)
Cena being a huge nes fan is not a new revelation but it is great to see the he must be paid speculation.
@Mach_Rider I honestly like Urban Champion and love playing it from time to time. It's kinda like Altered Beast, just mindless fun punching things in the face.
There are far, far worse games out there then those two titles.
Respect! Started my gaming journey on the Atari and NES systems in the 80's...was very impressed with his knowledge of the 80's stuff. Aside from that, Bumblebee movie looks like it's going to be awesome(no more Bay)...the characters look like G1 transformers(soundwave with cassettes, shockwave, prime, all of the planes...they look "RIGHT"....IMO, this is the transformers movie fans of the classics wanted all along! Sorry guys, I'm a sucker for the classic stuff:)
The nostagia is over the top here:):
I'm...uh...just going to use this opportunity to tell everyone to go see the Bumblebee movie. It's really good.
I love the Cena Entertainment System. He's so bad.
@Caryslan I never said I had anything against the game, did I?
It's a childhood favourite of mine.
@Mach_Rider I never said you did. It's just that Urban Champion and Altered Beast are games people love to s*** on all the time and act like they are horrible games.
Like I said, there are far worse games. At least those two offer some mindless fun.
I also consider both of them favorites that I love to play from time to time.
@Caryslan Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to sound snarky or sarcastic. I apologize if it came off that way
And indeed, there are FAR worse games that get much more praise
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