We know Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aimé is excited about Metroid Prime 4. He's been recently spotted wearing appropriately-themed t-shirts and right now he's even training up with the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter Ridley. So, what's the current status on Metroid Prime 4?
During a recent chat with Mashable, Reggie remained tight-lipped about a possible release date but provided some hints by discussing Nintendo's approach to its release schedule. If it wasn't already evident, it's all about selling big games during key seasons of the year as well as spacing out these releases in a timely manner to sustain interest.
We certainly think about launching key games during key selling seasons. So it was well thought-through to have, for example, Zelda as a key launch title when the Switch first came out. It was well thought-of to have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 to maintain momentum in that early launch window... It was thought-out to have a game like Super Mario Party to kick off our October selling season. It was well thought-of to have Pokémon and Smash Bros. as key anchors.
Directly acknowledging Metroid Prime 4, Reggie provided a small update by confirming development was well underway:
Internally, we have expectations about when [Metroid Prime 4] is going to be released... We haven't announced it, but yeah, the game is well in development.
He went onto explain how Nintendo always considers how its fans will react to certain game reveals and delivers key messages to consumers when necessary. Reggie also said how the company likes to keep the time between an announcement and release as short as possible, but it doesn't always work out like this.
Typically six months to maybe a year out is what we like to do, but there are times for strategic reasons that we believe it's important to message that a game is coming... We did that years and years ago with Zelda. We were messaging a new Zelda experience back during the days of the Wii U... It really depends on the game, it depends on the type of development that it's going through, and it depends on how we feel the consumer is going to respond to the particular message.
Obviously, Metroid Prime 4's reveal was not much different, with Nintendo simply flashing the game's logo up on screen during E3 2017, alongside the confirmation the title was in development. The Animal Crossing Switch reveal was similar - with the game simply confirmed for 2019 during a recent Direct. At the very least, we now know the new Metroid game is well into development. It's certainly a step up from his previous comments.
Taking all of Reggie's comments into consideration, when exactly do you think Metroid Prime 4 will arrive on Switch?
[source mashable.com]
Comments 64
I think we'll probably hear about it at the next E3, and then we'll see it in early 2020. That's my best guess, at least.
Take your time, this game needs to be epic.
I'm curious to see what non-port first party releases we coming up next year in 2019. I know AC (hopefully), Yoshi, Luigi's Mansion and Pokemon... the SMB is a port.
Reggie says a lot of stuff.
I'm thinking Metroid will take the Xenoblade 2 spot next year of the "more niche, but hardcore pleasing" end of the year tile for 2019. If it does release then, it will have been the same amount of time since it's e3 announcement and release as Breath of the Wild would have had before that was delayed to be ported to Switch.
What if it was teased a bit before E3
@BitLounger Fire Emblem and Daemon X Machina are both confirmed next year. Bayonetta and Metroid Prime are both unknowns at this point. Either way, it is worth remembering that none of Nintendo's holiday titles this year (Mario Party, Pokemon, and Smash) were known about until well into 2018.
@ReaderRagfish Strongly disagree.
I just found an online gambling site that let me wager $10,000 on it being released tomorrow. I took that bet and I'm positive it will pay off!
(I'm clearly really good at gambling.)
I also believe it will be shown openly at E3. The big hitters in 2019 (according to them, not really my favorites) are supposed to be AC, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and THEN closing with Metroid Prime 4. In between, I bet we'll see those like Daemon X Machina, Yoshi, Travis Strikes Again, many good indies and ports like Mario Bros U with others not announced yet. A couple of nice 3rd party games and that's their year.
Titles like Bayonetta, next Wolfenstein, Luigi's Mansion 3, Star Fox Grand Prix, Shin Megami Tensei V, etc will come out the following year along plenty of unannounced surprises now in development.
Glad to know that they're still priming the game 4 release. 😉
@BitLounger I don't consider it a port but rather a game borrowing a graphics engine. There are so many new features and characters that calling it a port is doing it a disservice.
@Dahn_ Luigi's Mansion 3 is 2020 now huh?
Reggie's interviews are always so interesting. I always take something away from him.
I'm not too concerned with MP4s release window. As long as Nintendo takes a close look at what made Retro Studios' releases so successful with its fans.
It’s obvious at this point that Nintendo are focusing on this being a single player experience on par with BOTW and Mario Odyssey. They know everyone into Metroid is psyched but my guess is that they want this be a breakthrough title for the series.
It can't come soon enough.
Please, pleeeeease give us MP Trilogy HD to hold us over,
I think it will be shown at the E3 for release in 2020, however, in 2019 we will have announced the Prime trilogy remaster for release the same year.
In a nutshell... "We try to release games when they might sell the most."
I'm guessing holiday 2019 but it could easily be 2020. Regardless, 2019 is looking like an incredible year already!
Metroid prime 4 is still in development!? Nintendo plans game releases??? Thank you for confirming this reggie!
@hcfwesker I wish they would!
I'm wondering if it'll have a multiplayer component akin to Doom or Halo. That would be sick.
Wow Reggie how insightful
Confirmed : no pro controller support
@JR150 How about blastball?
Please put the Metroid Prime Trilogy out for Switch first. I’ve never played any of them and want to get into the franchise
I really hope it follows Metroid Prime 3’s approach to the series. That is remove the atmosphere of the first game (and games like Super Metroid), and replace it with chinwags. There is nothing more I like to see Samus doing than having a good old chinwag. It’s definitley the way to take the series.
Luckily Nintendo have never been known to make a bad Metroid game, with the excellent Other M and Federation Force fresh in our minds, so it’s definitely in good hands.
I can’t wait for Metroid Prime 4: Samus and her Chinwags to be released.
I think we will see it release in 2020, good take your time I want a epic game.
Wondering what we will see at the Game Awards though.
@DayOfLavos I would be guessing next October or so for release.
I think it’s a Holiday 2019 release. Ofcourse Reggie isn’t going to announce a release date in an interview. He never does.
I like how nintendo usually talks about what's available in a 6 month window, give or take. It makes me happy knowing that what I'm excited about is actually available to play soon.
@KingdomHeartsFan Hype only fades if you manage it poorly.
The early announcement of specifically Metroid Prime 4 was a good idea - fans were getting really nervous about it because it's been ages since Prime 3 (2007), and 11+ years is a damn long time for a franchise to go without a flagship title.
If they had saved it for, say, this coming year's E3, it'd of course be well-received and widely hyped, but there'd have been a 2-year period where fans had no confirmation they'd be getting the game they might want to buy the system for.
Heck, this is how I decided I'd get it at launch despite having no interest in any games released on it until July (Splatoon 2). I grabbed it with BotW (which I loved, mind you) and now I'm buying games left and right. I'm most likely going to place my bets on a limited edition fire emblem Switch for when that comes, and will replace my launch unit with it (Fire Emblem is what I'd have bought the Switch for, and I could've easily waited till it was announced if it hadn't been announced prior to the launch of the Switch).
So all in all I think it is a good idea for certain franchises to get early reveals. Just knowing they're in development is a good thing sometimes.
Who is developing MP4?
If LinkedIn is anything to go by, Bandai Namco Singapore is developing the game. That studio consists of a lot of former Star Wars 1313 developers.
Reggie is god
They said it was in development at E3 2017, so yea, since that's nearly 18 months ago, of course it is well in development... The fact they aren't even confirming 2019 makes me think it'll be a 2020 release, but I'm expecting a few surprises in 2019 to tide us over in the meantime...
I'm happy with a 2020 release date, as long as we have a Prime Trilogy port/remaster early next year to work through in preparation.
Metroid (Prime 4) will release Q3-Q4 2019
@Spectra tbh I didn't mind those that much, the game was so easy that that was about the only challenging part.
Why is everyone so sure it's gonna be 2020? I've been seeing 2020 everywhere. But we don't know how long the game has been in development or how far it is. They could be planning to drop it as their big summer blockbuster next year. I could see them dropping a trailer for it in early 2019 and releasing it toward the middle or late 2019 easily.
If Reggie's is comparing this to Zelda then we can expect it around the release of Switch 2
This game has to be awesome, bit take the time for it please no rushing
What kinda worries me is not when MP4 will be released but that after new Pokemon and Animal Crossing Metroid is the last big game we expect. Even with flopped Wii U you were always waiting for new Zelda. What we have to expect after Metroid?
@dimi New IPs? If Sony can release games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Detroit, Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding among other in a single generation, I'm fairly certain Nintendo can do more besides... ARMS(?). I do hope they get out of their comfort zone a little bit more and start experimenting, that's what they were known for after all. I don't want them to see every new system as a big checklist of existing IPs they have to cross off. Animal Crossing? Check. Luigi game? Check. 3D Zelda? Check. 2D Mario? Check. 3D Mario? Check. Donkey Kong? Check, etc.
So maybe it's good they're running out of IPs after 2019/Metroid, that means we'll get some new franchises perhaps!
I want it -.- ..NOW
Nintendo will take it‘s time and it will be high quality. That’s what I love about this company. You know they will - eventually- deliver.
Teaser to be shown at the upcoming Game Awards,followed by the remastered Prime Trilogy announcement 😁
@PlayedNSlayed I was just about to post the same thing. I think Metroid is Nintendo's big "presence" at the show this year.
"He went onto explain how Nintendo always considers how its fans will react to certain game reveals and delivers key messages to consumers when necessary."
Think back to Federation Force's reveal, fan reaction, then actual sales. This message doesn't mean Nintendo will actually change anything during development.
"We did that years and years ago with Zelda. We were messaging a new Zelda experience back during the days of the Wii U... It really depends on the game"
Uhh, Reggie...that's because it was supposed to be released within those six months on WiiU.......
@Octane To be fair, Nintendo's the only company with a big checklist of IPs to be able to check off. Sony makes a lot of experimental games, but they seem to lack the ability to build many truly enduring continuous franchises like Nintendo. And MS has only enduring continuous franchises, but not many of them. So Nintendo's position is a little unique that they have this huge list of like 20 franchises/sub-franchises that have to be there every generation.
@NEStalgia Well, they don't have to. Look, I completely understand wanting to release a Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, etc. Thinking about it, that list is already pretty big with Mario Kart, Smash. But for those side projects? Nah, don't make sequels. Often they are already based on existing franchises to begin with.
As much as I enjoyed Captain Toad, I don't need a second one. I wouldn't say no, but I would prefer a new IP I think. Same for Luigi's Mansion. I think it's great we're getting another one, but a new game would've been more exciting IMO.
I just remembered GameFreak is working on TOWN, so maybe that will be a good game, but the 90 seconds of gameplay were too short to say I think. But I'd love it if they experimented a bit more in general with new IPs.
I think proper reveal at E3 2019 and released in fall/holiday 2020.
@dimi The next wave of some franchises like a BotW sequel, Odyssey sequel, Splatoon 3, Tropical Freeze sequel, etc. Unless Nintendo's expecting to only support the Switch for 4-5 years, Switch will get more sequels of games on Switch.
I played the first Metroid Prime all the way through and absolutely loved it. Sadly, I missed the other two after. I am a bad person/gamer.
I would buy the trilogy for the Switch in a heartbeat if they brought them over.
@Octane Well, remember Nintendo's operating procedure. They develop a gameplay system in a vaccuum, characterless. Then they apply an IP to it, first seeing if the themes of existing IPs fit it, and if not, creating a new one.
They do it backwards. All their games fit into their famous brand IPs because every time they create a game concept, they create the game solely for the gameplay and then decide upon "does this dynamic fit any of the IP themes we currently have?" If so, they put it in the Mario world, or Pokemon world, or Zelda world, etc. If not they may create a new one. With so many very popular IPs, the odds of them not fitting a given game into an existing world seems slim. And it includes marketing enhancement.
Also, yes, we do need Luigi's Mansion 3. We absolutely positively need that. Right now. We've only had 2. Ever. Won't someone please think of the children?
@NEStalgia You're saying that when they're churning out Pokemon games like they're some kind of annual sports games factory
Jokes aside, I completely get your point, but I don't think it would hurt to see a couple of new faces. Some fresh lore, new characters, maybe weird new art style (dare I say something more realistic like Metroid?).
I'm fine with them doing another Zelda game for Switch though. The system doesn't have a good Zelda game yet
@Octane LOL, ok, Pokemon is the one that they just set out to churn new ones non stop
I’m thinking they’ll hype Metroid for the next E3, and then the announcement will be that it’s gonna be exclusive to mobile. I mean, don’t we all have phones?
Just like Pikmin 4 is well into development?
Metroid Prime 4, if it has something very cool or exciting to show at this point, would be a great Game Awards premiere. It's the right audience.
Then again, it depends on what the game has to offer for a quick teaser trailer. Might not be the right type of game. It's tough to impress with visuals to that crowd, with Switch graphics.
I suppose they want to make sure to not show it until it
1) - Looks GREAT
2) - Convinces both old and new players
3) - Is fairly close to release
They don't want another M happening here.
@Octane well i don't want to get my hopes up. We still have 3 Mario ports to expect from Wii U (2d, 3d and maker). I hope for new IP's or new Golden Sun, Advanced Wars, Mother, Kid Icarus,
Yeah, well into development. Just enough to scrap it.
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