Nintendo will broadcast a special Nindies Showcase next week, it has been announced.
The focus will be on upcoming indie titles for the Nintendo Switch, and the video will air at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET. on March 20th.
The news has been met with some interesting social media responses:
We guess they're in.
Needless to say, we'll be live blogging the video. Be sure to tune in.
[source live.nintendo.com]
Comments 262
Yay! The vast majority of my Switch library consists of indie games I really enjoy playing. I'm always on the lookout for some new, quality additions to the eShop and a sizzle reel is bound to get me excited for at least 1 or 2 new titles.
Hopefully Shakedown Hawaii is still a thing and is finally given a release date. That one has been in the works forever now and it looks fun.
The drought continues
All of them!
How about ports of old indies
Give hyper light drifter pls :3
Need more pixel art and 8bit games. Please also release physical for £30, but don't forget to only announce it after we've all bought digital. Thanks
@JHDK No worries. They share GIFs of the game frequently on Twitter, the last one was from two days ago. That said, they usually include the line "Coming (when it's ready)". The developer really likes to fine tune his games.
I guess we'll find out whether "Pocket Rumble" will be a thing or not
I hope we get a release of Limbo! And maybe a release date for Inside.
@Late Good to know, thx! RCR was a great game that I really enjoyed on 3ds so when they announced this kinda sequel I was very happy.
Broforce and Hotline Miami 1 and 2 are all I want
Would love to see Salt and Sanctuary. SKA Studios sent a tweet showing interest a while back.
Hollow Knight!!!!!!!!!!!!
@nin10doom Yes! I really can’t wait for Inside, being a huge fan of Limbo on the 360.
Here’s hoping the Switch gets a port of The Witness, and while we’re at it, Braid as well.
Hollow Knight, Kentucky Route Zero, Dead Cells, and hopefully Hyper Light Drifter
Swiftly followed by a 3rd party Showcase for Nintendo Switch. It's expected to last 1 minute.
I would also remind people that 85%(and growing) of the games on Switch are from Indies, with the remaining 15% made up of Nintendo and 3rd party titles. In all cases, be it Nintendo, 3rd party or Indie, the majority of the games are old ports.
So when people say, "The vast majority of my Switch library consists of indie games", it's hardly surprising, you've got a ratio of nearly 6:1.
Papers please, please !
Also, I'd love to finally play Fez.
Ready for some Hollow Knight. Also ready to see more on Moonlighter and Away: Journey to the Unexpected. I love indie games in all shapes and sizes.
Any indie game becomes 10 times more attractive when on Switch. It's science.
I really want to hear about Hollow Knight, and I would love a Supergiant Collection announcement (Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre) 😍
I would guess Hello Neighbour will be highlighted, the Rocket League and stardew expansions, and have heard rumours of bendy and the ink machine.
Yay! Nindies are the best!
I'm hoping for release dates for King of Cards and Hollow Knight.
New games I want to see:
CrossCode, Hyper Light Drifter, A new Shantae, Tom Happ's second game, Bastion, Inside and Limbo
Shovel Knight: King of Cards
Hollow Knight
Undertale (release date)
Guacamelee 2
Steamworld Heist 2
Will we see more “Limited Run” unlimited run games..... I love the fact games are get physical releases but you feel they are trying to milk collectors at time and that makes it feel less special and thus I don’t feel like buying
For Indies, i want to see :
1. Re:Legend
2. Earthlock : Festival of Magic
3. Yonder : The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
4. My Time at Portia
5. Penguin Wars
And hopefully Physical release in the future.
@nab1 Braid would be an instant buy for me, even though I've played it a dozen times on my PS3. Same for Flower and Journey.
Something on the new SK expansion. Maybe a few surprises. Also, I don't see how having Indies equates to a drought, content is content is content. Probably most of, or none, of the games they show have previously been on a portable HD system with buttons, so there is a reason to pick them up even if they're "just ports." But hey, you do you and complain no matter what. I'll sit here and enjoy my games on the Switch.
@Zach777 Last I heard the devs were done with SteamWorld setting. Maybe we'll hear something new from them.
Really? That’s kind of lame. What else have they done?
Hopefully they are announcing they are slowing down the release schedule to a manageable 8 titles...way too many games every week.
Starting to find indie games more and more appealing than the usual AAA 3rd party tat that passes off these days. Especially for more story driven.
As for simple enjoyment and action, Nintendo and some of the arcade classics are filling that niche rather well.
@Zach777 A game about ants... I think they meant to suggest they're working on something entirely new, not linked to the SteamWorld.
@NewAdvent that’s a fair point and I wish in U.K. I ever saw more than the same 8/10 switch games on any shelf Instore - I have to do it all online.
It’s great to get physical releases - I hope the pricing comes down a bit mind you
I just bought Bayo 1+2 so I'll pass. Next important game coming in May (more like games since they're so many then) so I'll wait till then. If an indie interests me maybe I'll buy it if it isn't so expensive.
@wratih9 If 8 feels like too many don't even try to approach Steam store... The flood of tat is why indies are fleeing to Nintendo.
I’m hoping to see a release date/window for Rivals of Aether. I have it on PC and can’t wait to play it on Switch
More indies coming to the switch.
More good games is a good thing. I’m not sure why some people here seem to dislike the idea of more Indies. Beyond them just being salty that it’s not a big AAA game.
Hollow Knight is the only one on my radar, so would be good to get a few surprises in the video.
@wiltonroots I already called bingo like three times. This will be one to watch
@SLIGEACH_EIRE This is a third-party showcase. These are not first or second-party titles. You should educate yourself on the definition of third-party so you don’t keep looking so foolish when you complain in the future. Just looking out for you.
@thesilverbrick Nope, it's called an Indie Showcase. Or Nindies to be precise, as Nintendo call it. They know the difference even if others are ignorant.
@NewAdvent yeah exactly that. It’s why I wish Nintendo would do retro collections like Sega (and allow the Sega collection on the switch) rather than milk us individually for games we have already bought ten times.
Devolver? Oh my!
Hollow Knight
1001 Spikes
Gang Beasts
King of Cards
Sausage Sports Club
Runner 3
Excellent. More third-party support always welcome. Some cracking games have come out of these showcases.
Good news, I've enjoyed the past Nindies showcases. Always pique my interest in a few titles.
SOMETHING regarding Hollow Knight is a must.
Hopefully something that wasn't already released on Steam years ago and sells for half the price there?
I’ve really gotten into THIRD PARTY indies with the Switch. More the merrier I say.
Maybe more pixelartmetroidvaniazzzzZZZZZ..... Although I do love the high quality games like Shovel Knight, Limbo, Inside, etc... there is too much cheap pixel indie crap around, and not just on Switch. They're lower than SNES games in quality. Blame the high price of developing AAA games nowadays, yet the console power arms race keeps going......
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Right. It’s specifically Indie games, which are third-party. A broader third-party showcase would include both Indies and AAA titles. Third-party is a broad term that means any game not made or published by Nintendo. It doesn’t just mean AAA titles, which is how you insist on using it exclusively. Your stubbornness doesn’t change the definition. You continue to look increasingly foolish for sticking to that rhetoric.
I'm guessing we'll see Shovel Knight: King of Cards and maybe Runner 3. Also hopefully Hollow Knight. What would really be great is if they showed Everspace and announced a date, but since that was just revealed to be coming a few days ago, it doesn't seem likely.
Well there are literally TONS of indies I'd like to have on my console, a number of which have already been announced but haven't got a release date.
In no particular order: Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Salt & Sanctuary, Valdis Story, Nuclear Throne (this one will hardly happen), Hotline Miami 1/2, Dungeon of The Endless and for God's sake DOWNWELL, this one would feel at home on any Nintendo console from original Game Boy onwards...
Cool. There are a lot of indies I'm looking forward to playing on the Switch. I guess this is when we'll finally get our Hollow Knight release date (perhaps it'll even launch right after the Direct as a surprise)!
Also hoping to hear about Wargroove, Pocket Rumble (yes, I haven't forgotten), Pillars of Eternity 2, and maybe some surprises like Hyper Light Drifter, Salt and Sanctuary, Sunless Seas/Skies, Hotline Miami, FTL, or VA-11 Hall-A.
I know some people like to pretend like AAA third party support is the "primary" support for a console, or is all that matters, but honestly I think the indie scene has blossomed over the last decade to the point where it has way more to offer than most AAA Western devs.
I hope they'll show more of Travis Strikes Again, sure it's technically not indie, but the first trailer was revealed at a indies showcase so i want it anyway.
Also, i want Ghost Blade HD and a western release of Kyogeki Quartet Fighters.
@thesilverbrick I've been over this countless times, not going through it again. People know the difference between when someone says 3rd party or Indie. But I'll ask just one question, how would you label a non Indie, 3rd party Showcase?
I wish they released Assault Android Cactus as the Wii U version never came afaik.
I don’t know why people treat the term “indie” like it’s a bad thing. Some of tommorows AAA devs are indies today. Indies have been making great games for the last couple gens. There are plenty of bad ones too. Now you could also say the same thing about these so called AAA devs. Most of them are stuck making sequels to last years game that I don’t buy for ps4 as it is.
@SmaggTheSmug and ten times more expensive
So I guess we done announcing 3rd party and AAA games?... Lol! This is really starting to be a joke.
You know it is bad when SE can make more buz announcing Shadow of The Tomb Raider than the last 2 nintendo direct old games rehash/indie fest
Nice. Switch is fantastic for Indies, looking forward to this.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Because you’re wrong.
@thesilverbrick You're wrong, as you are to start a sentence with "because".
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I started a sentence with “because” as an addendum to your previous comment.
But I digress. By definition, Indie games are third-party games. That’s a fact that no amount of your negatively-branded spin can change. And if you insist they’re not, then you are wrong. Facts are facts.
@Agramonte If only there were some kind of event in June where 3rd party and AAA games traditionally get announced....
@SLIGEACH_EIRE yep, why people always say that Microsoft has strong 3rd party support but awful Indie support.
A console has "3rd party support" when it gets the main iPs of the established publishers. Not Temple Runner 2
@Anti-Matter "2. Earthlock : Festival of Magic"
It's only called "Earthlock" now, that's actually the only version Switch is getting, they dropped the rest of the title with the last update, so you can save yourself a few keystrokes.
Nindie showcase? I'm expecting it to be 14 hours long with the dozen games a week Switch seems to be getting of late.
Did that game where you shoot body parts and yours get bigger every come out? It had some stupid name like "Morphing Time".
@Donutman I would like a mix of both indies and larger third party games. Having all these indies is great, but they seem to be filler at this point. Nintendo is treating them like a main course. This again is okay, I guess, but there isn't much that couldn't be played on a 3DS which makes the reason to upgrade to a Switch questionable. Obviously, everyone is different, but that is the reason why some are jubilant and others are a little fed up. I wont let either point of view impact my enjoyment.
@thesilverbrick Stop stating the obvious, we know Indies are 3rd party but when people differentiate between certain categories, they label them. So when somebody talks about 3rd party and Indies, people know the difference, e.g. Capcom = 3rd party, Image & Form = Indie.
Like how we know this Showcase won't feature said Capcom or Square Enix, EA, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.
I’ve seen a lot of love for “Hollow Knight” above, and honestly I’ll be happy with anything else showcased so long as we get a date for that one. I’d love to see “HK” on sale by month’s end, and would be ecstatic for it to arrive as soon as next week.
I don’t think “Battle Chasers” counts as an indie (or “Nindie”) — it’s development studio is small, while the publisher is not — but I’d love to see a date for that one too.
...I think I posted this exact same thing before last week’s Direct, but these hopes seem more viable this time given the indie focus.
Fingers crossed for a Hollow Knight release date!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE they most certainly know the difference between major publishers and smaller, often self-published teams, yes. They also know what "third party" means and what terminology paradigm it belongs to. Even if others are ignorant.
@AlphaElite I guess, Activision and Square Enix never got that memo. Yeah lets wait half of 2018 to know about big titles in 2018.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That’s specifically how you choose to (incorrectly) use the term “third-party.” When distinguishing AAA games from Indie ones, using just the broad term isn’t effective or correct.
It’s like how a cow is a farm animal but not all farm animals are cows. Cow is a smaller subset within the broader umbrella of farm animals. Your way of designating third-party games as only AAA titles is like waking onto a cattle ranch and complaining that there are no farm animals there.
All you simply have to do to be more clear and articulate is say “AAA third-party” everywhere you’ve incorrectly been using the broader term “third-party.” But you won’t. It’s almost as if you enjoy being antagonistic.
I'm hoping for more information on Inside, Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight.
The level of stupidity on that twitter feed makes me even more thankful for you all.
Shakedown Hawaii PLEASE
Something from Shin'en (it's been awhile guys!)
Trailblazers (the splatoon/racing game )
@thesilverbrick Awful analogy. And to say call them AAA 3rd party is also wrong because not all games from those publishers are AAA. Do people differentiate Indies by calling them Indie 3rd parties? No, they don't. Indies are called Indies to differentiate them from the usual meaning of 3rd party support. Sure it's not ideal, as 3rd party can by its literal definition include Indies, but that's how it is. 3rd parties were here first, Indies are relatively new. Nobody knew back then that they'd better have a more exact name for themselves because it would cause confusion years later when Indies would come under that umbrella.
They actually planned a "AAA 3rd Party Direct" only to please @SLIGEACH_EIRE but cancelled it right away along with the games, when they realised he'd remain unsatisfied as most of the games weren't Switch exclusives.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE How is my analogy awful? Please, enlighten me.
And people don’t have to say “Indie third-party.” All Indies are third-party, my friend. It’s inherent.
As has already been suggested in this string, a Nindies showcase practically feels redundant at this stage in the Switch's life cycle. We are getting a dozen games a week now. Back at launch, when any software at all was welcome, these were worth getting excited about. Today, we are drowning in games (though I'm not complaining).
So this Nindies showcase should have some pretty good stuff in it, or else why bother? Hopefully it's mostly new content, like King of Cards and a few surprises, with only truly blockbuster ports being flagged up (like Undertale). I actually have only one request: Into the Breach. And I suspect it's coming.
I think we need to be patient for AAA 3rd party games. No one could have predicted the Switch's massive success in such a short time, a lot of the big 3rd party developers have taken notice and will eventually release games on it. But these things take time, it's only been a year.
@Tibob Honestly, it’s my fault for even attempting to engage him in conversation. I keep forgetting that he says the things he does for attention, and so I unwittingly keep giving him what he’s looking for, feeding the troll, so to speak. I need to start ignoring him, since he has an agenda and a script that he refuses to deviate from in the face of even facts and logic.
Thanks for bringing me back to reality. I’m done, haha.
@thesilverbrick Name calling now as well. Stay classy!
@rjejr the shooter you're referring to is Morphies Law, which I agree is a very stupid name. It does look like it could be fun in short bursts.
Came to watch @SLIGEACH_EIRE insist his definitions were correct; wasn't disappointed. There was even bonus absurdity in insisting @thesilverbrick wasn't allowed to begin a sentence with "because". That one made me laugh more than the rest of it combined.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You too, buddy! (Never called you a name, for the record.)
The Stalker is in the room.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE This is a comment thread online, not a real room.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The guy who is concerned about name calling gives someone a nickname (and even puts “The Stalker” in capitals to indicate it is, in fact a proper noun and a nickname). The irony is delicious.
Terraria? Are you still alive?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE What's dumb about that is that, well, every modern platform's library consists of a vast majority of indie titles. That, and the fact that a fair number of the best games of our time come from indie studios.
Either way, super excited for this. In fact, I'm as excited as I am for any direct, which is hardly surprising when I realize Odyssey and BotW are the only non-indie titles currently in my top 5 Switch games.
Hi there, if 3rd party means a game with no Nintendo involvement, snipperclips a indie title with a different name, then Nintendo got involved help with the games development change the name,
So how can all indie titles be 3rd party
Getting confused
I know this is a chance to show third party indie titles but I want Nintendo to start releasing 'indie style games'. Give us some sort of spin offs or ports of old games.
Metroid Pinball for instance to be played in portrait mode.
@RAMYERSELL Snipperclips isn’t an Indie game. People keep incorrectly calling it that because it was developed by a small team and got a digital-only release initially, but it was published by a major publisher (in this case Nintendo), and therefore can’t be defined as Indie.
Sausage Sports Club!!!
All I want is Flower and Journey.
@Agramonte The latter half of the year is when the biggest games tend to get released, regardless of platform.
@gortsi This oozes magic. I shall check it when I get home.
@Agramonte I guess we're at the point where talking b@@@ocks is inevitable. Tell us, oh wise, what other games besides Shadow and DQ builders 2 has Square announced for this year? I'm talking concrete dates, not vaporware like FF 7. What has Activision announced for this year except for COD and the Crash port?
One of my favourite Indie games is 'Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons'. I would love a switch version - especially since the joycons would easily allow two people to play together if they wanted to.
@AlphaElite if he wasn't a sad little troll he would know that. But he's not here to discuss, just derail the thread with the same comments he made 21500 times before.
What’s wrong exactly with indie games?
That a AAA game needs 5 years of development time and a budget of 5 millions doesn’t automatically make it a good game. There are COUNTLESS examples of awful AAA games. And that is without considering that the vast majority of current AAA games are just sequels and remakes over and over again. I mean, how many Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed or FIFA do we need? They’re mostly the same game with a slightly shinier coat of paint...
Obviously there are also awesome AAA games, but my point is that being a AAA game doesn’t make it automatically good in any way.
Originality now resides (mostly) within indie games. Deriding them just because they’re not multimillion budget games is just ridiculous.
Give me distance
I just want good games. Don't care who is developing. Indie or not is no concern to me.
I see the same people moaning about indie games. Every day man!
@Scottwood101 They already do that, albeit in small doses. Snipperclips and Dillon's Rolling Western are good examples.
Although yeah, I do wish smaller titles like that became more of a cornerstone of Nintendo's release schedule.
@thesilverbrick I may not care for him (or disagree with you), but you did basically call him a troll.
I really wish Slime Rancher would come to the switch.
People claiming indie games aren't third-party now? Brilliant.
This just in-water isn't wet.
@JimmySpades He doesn't know the difference, this is his only human interaction.
@IronMan28 I may have given that impression, but I was using it as a figure of speech (hence the “so to speak”). Perhaps it was a case of poorly chosen words on my part, but I never intended to call him a name.
I'm guessing the Nindies guy will be more bald this time around
@thesilverbrick oh, that's okay. I have to say that I agree with you, he's pretty stubborn on the Indie/third-party topic. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone who normally ignores him...
I have been following the progress of Moonlighter and it really does look great!
My Time in Portia looks really interesting too!
As with many people though I am having to be really stringent with my choice of games I buy due to the huge ammount being released and my limited game time available 😑
Can't wait to see people complaining/whining about indies for no logical reason.............
@Biff_ARMStrong Man, I really hope so...been wanting that since day 1
Hollow Knight and King of Cards release dates please. Looking forward to this!
Also I'm surprised @rjejr isn't going nuts over the fact that they announced this 4 days in advance, but only announced the Direct 1 day in advance.
I'm definitely interested. Nindies are becoming quite the presence on the Switch, even more so than on the Wii U by this point.
...I still have to compile a wish list of Switch Nindies. That might take awhile....
@IronMan28 I’ve got to learn to be more like you and let things go, haha.
My wallet is already scared. There, there.
@thesilverbrick Your free lesson for today.
You're welcome.
I’d love to see box boy or see a collection. I’d love that on my switch. Or play tappingo that might be a little harder without touchscreen
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thanks. I’m aware of the rules of grammar, my friend.
But it’s funny to me that this is what you’re fixated on. You’ll zero in on anything at all to distract from the actual topic at hand.
Oooooh! Now here's some news I can't help but love!
I'm willing to bet Wizard of Legend is going to get some more spotlight - the Dev's themselves said the game will launch by late April at the latest. And who knows how far along Re:Legend actually is. Many more to come too! I can't wait!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Whatever alleged lesson you linked for @thesilverbrick doesn't apply. This is a comment thread, which is an online correlate of conversation, not structured writing. In conversation people begin utterances with "because" all the time. People utter incomplete sentences all the time. It's how English works. It's how language works. Anyone who only spoke using complete sentences would be the one speaking wrongly.
steam is cluttered with garbage and it's getting harder to differentiate good stuff from the bad, also I like the fact that I can take my games with me since I travel often so I can forgive the higher price point. the switch is where it's at for indies and the devs are on board
@thesilverbrick hey there, we’ve probably never talked to each other but I wanted to chime in and congratulate for your patience, really! I often find your comments among the most well-thought and balanced in here, so don’t listen to him.
By now I’ve learnt to ignore @SLIGEACH_EIRE and just let go, as he’s so fixated on his points of view he’ll say anything to justify them, even though most of the time he ends up ridiculing himself: see for example the “calling names” debacle, where you absolutely didn’t and he did a few minutes later, or his pathetic tendency to nitpick whatever shifts the focus from the main point. Oh, and I’m still waiting for the reasons the cow/farm animal analogy is bad, ‘cause I find it fitting. But probably I’m the lunatic here 😛
@AlphaElite And 2 of them have already been announced. They didn't wait for E3 or a random Video presentation.
Love me some Indies in general but hoping to see more balance between 2D and 3D perspective stuff. Atm there is just sooo many 2D side-scrollers and shmups.
Even with incredible games like Celeste appearing - the general trend is becoming a bit of a snooze fest.
Take a chance devs - or join forces with other small teams. Yes 3D is much harder to get the 'feel' right - but if you get it right - it'll get noticed above crowd - especially a 3D platformer. And regarding all the samey shmups - how about more Starfox-style into the screen dogfighting action games please.
We have these incredibly powerful machines now and everyone's gone back to producing sooooo much 2D. What the heck!. It's getting mildly embarrassing for the industry.
By now I think we are due for Pocket Rumble Re-Rumbled GOTY Edition
@IronMan28 Oh they more than basically called me a troll. They outright called me a troll, but then added in "so to speak" after I pointed it out, in order to minimise it.
@gortsi What other big iP you think SE has for 2018? They already talked about Kingdom Hearts 3 in February and They announced TR in March. Same as Activision - COD is their flagship game.
If the Nintendo Direct would have included an announcement of a AAA game AND Crash from Activision. With an announcement of a new AAA for 2018 AND an update on Octopath from SE we would not be having this conversation. But it didn't!... and now we moving on to Indies.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The “so to speak” was there from the original post. I didn’t add it. Modifying old posts is your thing, not mine.
@clvr Well, thanks. That means a lot. Sometimes I feel like I’m hitting my head against a wall trying to reason with certain people, haha.
Well if you're not trolling here, what are you doing ? Please note I'm not calling you anything, just calling out on your behavior on this site.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE gasp! Someone said the word “troll” implying it was you, what a scandal! Sue them, sue them all! 😂
As if you hadn’t earned that title by now...start engaging in more constructive and less stubborn conversations, and maybe people won’t perceive you as one.
I for one wouldn’t consider you an actual troll, as you evidently genuinely believe in what you say, just don’t expect nor have the pretense that people change their minds about you if you keep marching on with your negative parade.
wew lad I just want to discuss games not drama sheesh T__T
Hopefully there's some news on Shovel Knight King of Cards and Wargroove.
Wargroove pretty much. I need that already.
@thesilverbrick well, because you are! 😛
Oh, I didn’t realize I used “because” to start the sentence, I swear it wasn’t intentional ahahahah
I feel you mate, there are many instences in which I’d like to reply to him or Anti-Matter and don’t because I know nothing will change and they’ll simply ignore me or derail the conversation. On this topic, I think Sliggy used the ignore button on me; and if he hasn’t, well, he’s ignoring me literally ahahah
That’s another thing I loathe: it’s easy to ignore me just because you don’t know what to reply or find it a hassle, but you certainly won’t look like a mature person willing to discuss their views with whoever questions them. And that’s the same reason I haven’t ignored him or the other one.
@Agramonte so what you're saying is we're getting 2 out of three SE games announced for 2018 and 1 out of 2 from Activision. That's good enough for me for now, as others pointed out most big games come out in the second half of the year and are announced at E3. And I won't be fussed for not getting COD either
@thesilverbrick lol, I appreciate the sentiment. It takes a lot of practice and it helps that I partially have my dad's temperament, where even Buddha took notes from him.
Edit: You do seem like a mostly relaxed person, so don't be too hard on yourself. Also, I love your avatar, Tina Fey is great. Like Larry David, she worked for SNL and is still hilarious.
Monsterboy,flipping death and that castle heart looks good too. Otherwise Morphies law,Undertale,Hollow knight.
@gortsi Man, I was actually going to comment something along the lines of "in before all the oh no, old ports and crap third party support comments", but I see this comment section has once again already been dragged down by the usual suspect.
You'd seriously start to wonder why anyone would ever want to keep on rehashing the same stories over and over again, but I guess logic cannot be applied here, so I guess the drinking game has started early this weekend, or is your bingo an alcohol-free one?
Oh, if only troll caves were built less sturdy...
@clvr This topic was hijacked and sidetracked by @thesilverbrick. Read my first comment:
Now theirs.
My comments are about the story but then that annoying stalker troll comes along like always and doesn't make a point about the story but dribbles out his usual garbage.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Stop mentioning ports. just beating a dead horse and most don't really care
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You're not making yourself look any less foolish by continuing to post.
@thesilverbrick I applaud your patience and I agree with your logic. Unfortunately, logic is lost on people with blinders on, and their heels dug firmly in the sand.
You'd be better off investing your precious time and energy in something that's actually useful instead of trying to correct or cure the incorrigible.
@gortsi Yeah right - Nobody cares about any of these games until they get announced. At that point even Nintendo puts it on every Direct - even if is the 5 year old version.
First everyone says wait for the "Main Direct" because we had a "mini"... now - there was no reason to wait for the "Main Direct" because we had to wait for E3.
Yes, talking b@@@ocks is inevitable at this point.
@ThanosReXXX I'm actually at the liquor store right now buying copious amounts for the bingo, although I already called it in for today! But yeah seriously 99% of the comment section end up being derailed, more and more people are realising what he's doing and yet nothing ever happens. Instead of talking about the direct and speculate as to what we'll see we're arguing about the same tired stuff, Indies, ports, droughts, blah blah blah
@SLIGEACH_EIRE okay, so the first post you wrote was actually something different from the usual complaints: do you want a cookie for that? ‘Cause that should be the norm. Also, I’d like to remark my own words “I for one don’t consider you an actual troll”, meaning you do post useful information, it’s only that it gets lost in the seas of your other posts. And it’s a shame too, as you are the commenter who single-handedly contributes the most to this site, but unfortunately it’s way easier to see your negative, rehashed posts, as they’re pretty much ubiquitous.
Back on topic: no, it’s not @thesilverbrick’s fault for replying to you (“derailing” the conversation), he/she just pointed out an error in your post (which you are no stranger to, so you can’t really blame them for it) and you showed your stubbornness in not correcting your error. That is it.
Why you brought up @JimmySpades is my guess, as his comment has nothing to do with this. I was only referring to you calling him “stalker” mere seconds after telling people not to call names.
Oh, and there’s no need to urge me to read comments, as I don’t reply before reading the whole conversation. I know what happened.
Edit: typos (x2)
@gortsi At some point the writers will have enough of him pointing out and highlighting every little typo, and the mods will do something. I hope.
@gortsi Yeah... unfortunately, that's true. At times I've wondered if he's somehow connected with people on the site, but I don't think he is. The only other thing I could come up with is that people from various countries look at things differently, so for example: what might be annoying to Americans might not be as annoying to European and/or British people.
Then again: you're British, if I remember correctly, so that's probably also not it. So, that leaves me with no reason whatsoever why this idiotic and highly annoying behavior is still allowed and apparently has little to no consequence. Oh, my aching head...
If only post-natal abortion was actually a real thing. Getting rid of all the grammar-nazis and eternal whiners would once again return this site to the wonderful place that I remember joining almost six years ago...
Another sad thing: from what I can see, he actually appears to be liking his own comments, to get that much needed extra support...
@JimmySpades @gortsi I've seen some mods actually have him on ignore, and others flat out tell him to wind his neck in.
Runner 3 is practically guaranteed to be shown at this since they've been giving some more news lately including a release date.
@ThanosReXXX We have a fine batch of bedwetters here at Nlife. Imagine how often you would visit a site where the only posters were that handful of people. Even worse, imagine how quick you would leave the site if one was a mod....
@Agramonte I certainly don't. And yeah most third parties announce things at E3, you should try watching it. Nintendo has laid out the roadmap for their own games up until July. It's fine if you don't like what's coming, just stop pretending like everyone shares the same feeling.
@jimmyspades @WiltonRoots at least he helps us with the bingo, thats about the only positive i can think of. @ThanosRexxx I live in the UK but I'm not British, although people think I am due to me calling him out and thinking I must be doing it because he's Irish. One even called me a racist Brit,hahaha. Oh how I wish we could actually see who's liking comments here,it'd be glorious
@Mart1ndo same score as GT sport. Dire reviews indeed
@Shellcore I'm so hoping for more card games that were on my 1990's computer. Like Solitaire & Hearts. $5 each is a steal! lol
@gortsi being able to see who liked your comments would be nice indeed!
Also, I’ve been asking for quite a long time for NL to add a dislike button on comments, as I find it stupid to only be able to “like” or “be indefferent” to the things people say. I mean, if I can upvote why can’t I downvote too?
@Mart1ndo It's got as much to do with anything as the opinion that Nintendo announced a nindies direct 4 days after Kirby came out in order to "deflect" from its allegedly poor reviews (i.e. the one you provided). I didn't crawl through your comments either, you were discussing GT with me where you were trying to convince me it's not a pile of trash. Now you say you've only played it 10 hrs. Good to see the narrative being tailored each time
Really looking forward to this. Excited there's so much to announce relatively close to E3.
@IceClimbers 4 days
I'll admit I was a little surprised with the 4 day heads up, but maybe they think Nindies need the time to get all their peeps in order or something. As for 1 day on the ND, well I was just thankful it was 1 day more notice than the MiniND which just went live. I think Nintneod put that one up live just so I could be thankful for the 24 hour notice on the next one.
@IronMan28 Morphies Law
Yeah, that's the one, thanks. It did look like fun, just can't remember reading anything about it in awhile so I wasn't sure if it released already or not, though I didn't think so.
@clvr I think a Dislike button would be abused by some, but maybe it’s worth a trial? A lot of sites have upvote/downvote on comments, comments that are heavily downvoted get hidden. Although I always click on them for a laugh...
@WiltonRoots I'd rather not imagine, because I actually still like it here, for now. Wouldn't even know where else to go to find a similar bunch of like minds and actually nice people, even though the number of disposable individuals is rising with every year.
And about those mods: some are at times a bit more emotional/irrational than they ought to be at times, but in most cases they also own up to it, so I haven't really experienced any of them as being a troll. For me, trolling is consequently doing the same damn thing, not every once or twice a year.
@gortsi Ah, yes. I forgot. Greek, wasn't it? If not, forgive me the mistake. But I can relate. As an American living in the wonderful city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I'm often addressed as being Dutch, and me being able to reply in that language also isn't helping me there, either...
I wasn't really thinking about Brits vs the Irish, though. And I actually like the Irish: besides the resident cave dweller here, I haven't met any people from Ireland that I didn't like or couldn't easily get along with. All charming and likeable people, and great fun to have a drink and a chat with.
And that's actually what makes this even more annoying to me, or rather: slightly puzzling, since I literally know no negative Irish people, and I know quite a few. He really stands out as a glorious example of how not to be a great representation for your fellow countrymen. Imagine him being exemplary for the entire populace. Would definitely be bad for tourism...
@clvr Although I understand and agree with your sentiment, imagine the sh** storm that would create, so I can also imagine why they aren't doing that. In this thread, for example, that would probably have meant that you would have gotten at least 6 dislikes, from the man himself and his 5 or even 6 biggest fans, who somehow and illogically enough agree with him 9 out of 10 times.
In some threads, I even remember him (completely inexplicably) getting around 30 likes. People going against him would then run the risk of receiving an equal amount of dislikes. It certainly wouldn't make this a nicer place than it is now, and the quality of the experience is already less than it was before...
This comment section has so much aggression today. Interesting discussions all around, but @clvr has the one comment that Nintendolife should reply to.... why can’t we dislike posts? You added an ignore button but we cannot quickly see which posts people agree AND/OR disagree with? I don’t see how the addition of a dislike button would make this comment section any more toxic than it already can be. In this article alone there are plenty of examples of bickering and name calling and people ganging up on others. If all that plays then why not a dislike button too? It would give a more honest view about how this community feels about each comment.
@ThanosReXXX haha I guess you answered my question as I was typing my post.
hotline miami 1 and 2
@Mart1ndo I'm not gonna entertain your delusional conspiracy theories, it's pretty clear who's drunk and who isn't. And forgive me for not talking like a chav as you do, that's what we called it in the US and that's how I like calling it. Now go troll somewhere else
@PuppyToucher Thanks. Don't know if it's really the answer, but I could imagine a lot of people just disliking for the sake of it, whereas liking a comment often stems from actually having read the comment and agreeing with what the person has written.
Even a person's name alone could inspire a dislike. I wouldn't want to see that happening here, regardless of what I think of some people that have most certainly lessened the experience of enjoying this site for me.
@Mart1ndo just go to the "off-licence" man, grab a cheap lager and relax. It will do you good.
@ThanosReXXX I agree I really enjoy the input some people provide on this site. I suppose we have to take the rough with the smooth every now and then but sometimes the rough really grates.
@WiltonRoots Yup, that it does. But at least in time for the weekend and binge bingo-ing...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE This isn't elementary school - who gives a flying flock if someone begins a sentence with "because". I bet you smell like poopy.
I hope to see Mr. Tako, more than any other game. Really restless for this one.
@Mart1ndo that's right my man, preach. It sounds as if you've sorted everything out, so I'll let you go now. Can't be battling with such a titanic intellect so I give up
Yessssss looking forward to it,A Metriod 4 revel traile! Lol yeah right but in all seriousness I want to see Shovel knight king of cards DLC and Amiibo,plus Travis Strikes again: No More heroes footage gameplay.
@thesilverbrick - On Snipperclips - I think people also confuse it for an indie game because it was one initially (even showed an an e3 as "Friendshapes). Nintendo bought it sometime afterward and helped co-develop until release (giving that sweet polish). I'm wondering if Nintendo is now contracting that studio to work for them - some stuff in the LABO games looks to have a lot of the same aesthetic approach.
@ThanosReXXX been to Amsterdam 3 times, one of them involving a brief relationship with an American girl and a very long story about how it ended. Love the vibe of the city, beautiful city centre but equally well kept neighborhoods and some lovely bars. I was actually accepted to do a PhD in Kampen but chose not to at the time, even though they offered good money. As for the Irish, totally agree, I was in Dublin for 10 days last year and had a marvellous time.
@Mart1ndo I've never attacked you. We're discussing, this is not a fight.
Is that evil mood slime from Ghostbusters 2 in the comments section? I feel people are a lot more combative than usual, thought I was on IGN for a moment.
Life is strange before the storm would be good, brothers a tale of two sons.
@Mart1ndo No. I mentioned it because we were discussing it last time.
What I want:
Shovel Knight: King of Cards/amiibo release date
Undertale details
Physical SteamWorld collection
Shovel Knight Battle Mode DLC details
Indie guest in Smash 6
What I expect:
Some surprises
Shovel Knight: King of Cards/amiibo
@Mart1ndo No worries, have a good evening.
Oh my! What with recent revelations about support, this could be an epic presentation! I would be totally fine with it being an hour long lol. Damon is an ace host
@Shellcore so, skyrim, payday, la noire, sf, doom, and you know I can continue. When everyone complains that these are ports, o well. I haven’t play every game out there. Also, switch has 1st party exclusives that other consoles never get. I don’t complain about not having mario on ps. I would love to not have to have a PS4 or pc to rely on, but I want the exclusives that they all have. AAA games like Fortnite or overwatch can on ps/Xbox just like Mario is on Nintendo. And you never know, we are getting dark souls(and above games) soon... I think Nintendo is doing pretty much everything right with switch. Even the vc that we all know is coming can wait. There are plenty of games out. I feel like the 2-3 hours s day I play isn’t enough time to play all the awesome games out as it is. Besides, they prob are trying to make something off nes classics.
Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight King of Cards, Dead Cells, Dragon: Marked For Death, Bloodstained.
My wishlist:
-"Save Me Mr. Tako" gameplay (so excited about this gameboy color inspired nindie)
-Tell me "Witchbrook" (formally spellbound) is coming to the switch
-"Undertale" release date??
-Let us know if "Pocket Rumble" is still a thing...
I'd like to see some games from the "walking simulators" genre. They announced Kentucky Route Zero a while back so hopefully there will be an update about that, but there's tons of others that could make it: What Remains of Edith Finch, Dear Esther, Blackwood Crossing, as well as visual novels. I'd give anything for The House in Fata Morgana
A fair few of my favourite commenters seem to be getting tired of the same old negative chat from certain people - use your ignore button, and it’ll make your NLife a lot more enjoyable.
On topic - it’s the Indies that have got me back into gaming. There’s very few AAA games I like (Mario excepted). I used to write games on my C64 back in the olden days, and got a massive kick out of it, and so I’ll support an Indie developer wherever I can - most are making games out of sheer passion; long may it continue
I recently learned of a 3D platformer called Skylar and Clux. I wanna see that on Switch.
@IronMan28 Larry David is a legend! I find myself laughing at your posts sometimes just because of your user icon. He kills me every time he hosts SNL.
@Dang69 Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense and explains why people still constantly erroneously call Snipperclips an Indie game.
@ThanosReXXX Thanks for the kind words. Honestly, I should have just left the whole topic alone. I knew good and well I wouldn’t get through to him, so it was essentially just a massive waste of time. Lesson learned. Again.
@ThanosReXXX @WiltonRoots you’re both right, it’d be a double-edged sword. Nonetheless, I’d like it if they added it for a limited only and see where we go from there. We’d run the risk to turn these comment sections into warzones, of course, but I think it’s not that different right now 😕
I wouldn’t personally hide highly downvoted comments, otherwise @SLIGEACH_EIRE’s comments would be visible for mere minutes before people gang up on him and downvote him just because it’s him; as Thanos said, that is the risk, having people downvote comments solely based on the user, but the thing that gives me a bit of faith is that when Sliggy posts useful information lacking from the article or makes a legitimate point, he still gets his well-deserved likes notwithstanding the fact only a few people seems to like him.
I for one rarely agree with him, but it’d be terrible to see him buried by downvotes just because it’s him.
Hyper Light Drifter, Hotline Miami and Cuphead. (Fingers crossed)
@thesilverbrick massive larry david fan myself! ✊🏻
Risk of Rain 2 and Spelunky 2. Nothing else.
Would love pyre or resogun. May sound daft but no walking sim on switch, maybe what remains of Edith Finch?
@Ryi-jun and Spelunky 1
I'd like more indie games with vampires and werewolves - proper ones. No soppy stuff. Just saying.
@Mart1ndo @gortsi I tip my hat to both of you. Things went a bit pear-shaped there for a minute, but good to see that both of you have come to your senses. So, it appears that a bit of common decency on the internet is possible after all. Have a nice weekend, both of you...
And @gortsi, as for walking simulators: NLife already mentioned one on the front page:
@thesilverbrick You're welcome, and I thought it was well deserved. I'm a very laid back and social person most of the time, but some people on here really bring out the worst kinds of thoughts and feelings in me, which is why I don't address them directly, because it could get out of hand real quick, so people keeping it cool in such instances deserve my respect.
@clvr Well, to be honest, the times that I've actually seen him post something useful, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. It started of with mostly pro-Wii U whining then came more general negativity comments, followed up by moaning about ports, which since a little while ago is now joined by a quite a few comments correcting and belittling the writers of articles.
It's one thing being annoyed by badly written articles or articles that haven't been proof-read before being posted (and to be honest: I've been annoyed at quite a few myself), but you don't have to write an entire essay every damn time that this happens. All that does, is make me think: if you believe you could do better, then either start your own damn site, or be civil about it and simply send a private message to the author (which is entirely possible and actually quite simple) instead of publicly shaming them.
It turns someone into THAT guy, and no sane person would or should want to be that guy, which already tells me more than enough about either his state of mind or his personality.
@ThanosReXXX well, I mostly agree with you but I can’t say anything about correcting typos as I’m guilty myself of doing that, and though I try to not be pedantic about it I fear I might come across as that. It’s not a matter of “I’m better than NL”, it’s more of a “I want and expect NL to be better than me”.
Sometimes he IS pedantic, but other times he adds valuable information that’s missing from the article.
Also, believe it or not, I didn’t know it’s possible to send private messages 😅
Of course this is not meant to defend him, as I’ve been criticizing a lot, but I think it’s also stupid to always bash him for everything, even when he speaks sensibly.
Of course I don’t think this is the case, but I give him credit where it is due.
Edit: typos and more clarity.
@thesilverbrick snipperclipper, Sonic mania or Fe are all Indies as were developed by small companies. It does not matter if they were published by bigger fishes. The same way that bayonetta is not a Nintendo IP just because it paid it's development as does not own platinum
Can’t imagine what more they can reveal with sooo many indie games blasting us every week on the Switch but nonetheless bring it on!!! 😆
Fire Pro Wrestling is my wish. It just would fit so well, and the developers wanted to do a switch version last year, so I can see it on the horizon...
@rjejr it hasn't been released yet. I'm pretty sure it's a timed "console exclusive" for Switch, so I feel like we would have heard more about it on NL if there was new info on it. Either way, it looks pretty good.
Wow. I swear that the comments in every article turn into a debate about whatever that one guy says. Who gives a s***.
This is going to show how green I am to be honest. I can’t actually pluck names for games that I would like to say. They already announced Little Nightmares which I am so excited for!!
I would love to see more games along the lines of The Sexy Brutal, I see it was created by somebody from the team who developed the Fable series so little wonder I loved it!
I would love to see some games along the lines of the updated versions of the Monkey Island series (oops my age is showing!) Those sort of titles would be ideal for portable mode.
Not a shooter scroller fan, but give me a quirky story, some laughs and an interesting character set and I will be sold.
Personally, every new announcement has me excited, I think this is a very interesting time for the games market and Nintendo are embracing that we want new ways to play, not all gamers want COD type games.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE let it go man. He is just an angry fanboy. He is trying to enrich Switch’s poor library with a pedantic approach to definitions.
@clvr You can send comments, news tips, questions, criticism and what not directly to the NLife team, by using the contact form, that you can find at the bottom of every page.
As for any site member adding useful and/or arguably missing information, I always look at it this way: I assume the NLife crew know their business, know EXACTLY what they want to write about what, and any and all "missing" parts are arbitrary.
Just because you, I or anyone else feels there's something missing, doesn't mean there is. Most of the times, the essential info is there, and if your interest in a certain developer or game is piqued, then I'd trust any person with a decent set of grey matter to be able to find his or her own way on the net towards more information.
The additional info he posts, is often times just that: additional info, that isn't really essential, so although it could potentially add to what has already been written in the article itself, I mostly just find it annoying and belittling towards the writer of the article.
It's the online equivalent of wagging your index finger to tell off a bad student or something. Like a tsssk move...
And like I said: if such a person thinks so much is lacking from the articles so frequently, then he would perhaps be best off creating his own website, which has all the perfectly written articles, that have ALL the info, and that will have all its members agree with and love the lone writer...
Me, I'll simply stick with common decency and accepting that I'm visiting someone else's site, and not trying to force feed my corrections and/or "improvements" upon the site's writers...
As for him always being bashed: I'll agree that this is also a bit tiresome at times, even though I have plenty of criticism of him for myself, but having said that, it's more or less self-inflicted, because he's displaying bad behavior most of the time, which makes the couple of times that he acts like an actual normal person every now and then all but invisible to most of us, and as such almost no one notices, because it simply drowns in the sea of negativity...
I hope Death Road to Canada and Ultimate Chicken Horse get release dates. Those are probably my two most anticipated Indies (that have been confirmed by the devs, if not Nintendo themselves) that are coming to the system.
I’m not asking for too much, just Nuclear Throne, Downwell (Tate mode, baby), and if it’s at all doable, Cuphead. Two out of those three and I’ll be over the moon!
I’d also shocked if we don’t get an announcement regarding Image & Form’s next game. They’re bringing multiple games to Switch this year, and Q1 is almost behind us already.
Lastly, a few games I’m pretty much expecting to be announced include Hyper Light Drifter, OlliOlli2 and Spelunky.
Now just sit back and watch me get every single one of the above completely wrong!
I'm not sure if it's considered an Indie game, but I'd love Klei Entertainments 'Mark of the Ninja' on Switch. Especially since it looks like they're never making a sequel. 😭
I'd like to see No Man's Sky on Switch as well, provided it runs well.
@Anti-Matter Earthlock is already out!
@Kang81 That’s definitely an indie!
SLIG & silverbrick: i ended up breaking out the popcorn 🍿🤣 thanks for the entertainment!! Good stuff!!
Yeah, i know.
But, i still wait a confirmation from Snowcastle about Physical release of Earthlock Switch version.
@justin233 Unfortunately, they’ll never happen.. hang on, I said that about both Crash Bandicoot and Super Meat Boy a couple years back.
Fill ya boots, fella 🙂
@Anti-Matter Ahh, I see. I was kinda hoping you didn’t know and would be bowled over that you could fire up the eShop and grab it right away. Enjoy the Direct on Tuesday, buddy.
@The_Pixel_King I wish it would happen. Flower is probably in my top ten games ever. I love that game to death and handheld mode with gyro controls al a Splatoon 2 would be a dream come true. I’m not as fond of Journey, but I’ll definitely be happy if it happens.
Hopefully a release date for Bloodstained and maybe a reveal trailer for Freedom Planet 2.
See, **** like this is why I'm using NintendoLife less and less. The userbase has gotten so toxic in the past few years. It used to be so much friendlier around here. But nobody cares what I have to say, and nobody will even notice this comment so whatever.
Hey, what's the matter ?
@Anti-Matter Aww. Well I guess there's still some nice people left around. I'm just down because of all the ugly comments and fighting on almost every article I see but you cheered me up a bit so thanks.
Slig you are always so contraire but not entirely wrong. Look I sort of knew what to expect with Switch I own all systems and truly XB1 is nearly useless for exclusive comtent. PS4 has an incredible exosystem. Still in your first post you complained about Switch 'mix' but the x86 twins also have tons of ports, remasters, legacy, and indies. Also in year one both boxes got a ton of last gen games. So is Switch much different?
Switch got some great exlsuive content in year one and will get more and I believe from other major publishers. Everyone knew Switch was likely not going to get x86 parity spftware support wise but it easy to port and dev on and its a wild commercial sucess so pubs and devs are interested.
Everyone has a wish list of games (old or new) they would like to see come to Switch. I was estatic when Okami, SPark and Toad were announced in the last Direct. I lot of content has been announced in the mini and direct and its only March. E3 is coming in a few months. What would you like to see from N or other Pubs announced for Switch?
@ThanosReXXX I don't think he means bad half the time, but he just writes his posts really badly. I think it's a case of think before you post, before you hit reply, read it one more time to see if it makes you sound like a clown or whether you're going to rub 97% of the site's visitors up the wrong way. It could just be a horrific case of social awkwardness. Saying that half the time I post is to push all the crybabies buttons...
@Anti-Matter earthlock is already out
Does battle chasers nightwar count it was kickstarted but being a thq Nordic game eh anyway would like to see a release date for the switch version
Weird... but I can’t find the announcement on the Japanese site or Twitter account... perhaps this Direct is only for announcements relating to the US/EU stores? It wouldn’t surprise me considering how little love indie developers give to Japan...
I'm excited for this. There's already a good amount of quality indies on Switch eShop the more the merrier.
As for then usual negativity, I don't get why some folks here even bother whining about certain 3rd party games not coming to Switch when they would rather just get the PS4, XB1 and/or PC versions anyway. Makes zero sense to me.
@WiltonRoots Well, maybe that's the case, but you would hope that it would dawn on someone at some point then, but I see none of that. Anyways, enough of that, right? I think I've already said more than enough and I initially didn't even want to, but this time, I had to get it off my chest.
But now that's done, let's focus on the actual topic here, the Nindies Showcase. I for one am really looking forward to it. It may not be the support that some of us truly want on the Switch, but there are most certainly some gems to be found among them, so far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier.
@TheLobster I noticed you, and I agree, so there.
@ThanosReXXX Better out than in I say...anyway yes, looking forward to seeing what comes out of this, I was thinking the last indie game I bought was Fast Racing Neo on the Wii U and felt that was money well spent, when a team bends over backwards like that to try and impress us then I'm more than happy to throw my money in their direction.
@IronMan28 " I feel like we would have heard more about it on NL"
I don't know, I feel like these guys are slipping. Sonic Mania Plus cart on Switch this summer, not a peep. Not to mention all of the grammatical errors in nearly every article.
PS is promoting a Switch game NL isn't, my whole world is turned upside down.
@Shellcore lol!
@ThanosReXXX oh don’t get me wrong, his “old news, posted in a forum six weeks ago” are some of the most grating you can find anywhere, and I agree with you that his tone probably should be more respectful than it often is.
And not that I wanna defend him or what, but it also happens to me to reread a comment some hours or days later and wonder “did I really put it that way? I thought it was less harsh”, whereas when I write it and read it it doesn’t give me that impression.
As you know from past conversations, we kinda think alike so don’t think I wanna justify him, it’s just that I can’t blame someone for things I have done too, and I didn’t want to overshadow the little good he does, ‘cause as I said earlier, it’s easy for us all to gang up on him and shame him all the time. But then again, as you said, he makes it way easier to see the bad than the good.
Ok, now I think I really want to put this topic to rest 😅 lol
Please show some new footage of SEASONS OF HEAVEN.
@clvr Yeah, like I already said to @WiltonRoots, best to get back on topic again. Enough negative talk already...
Aww, sounds like you need a hug!
*hugs @TheLobster *
Looking forward to some good highlights and a bit of context for some of the games that have sort of appeared out of the blue.
@iammikegaines oh yes!! When was the last time there was any new news on this? It was one I had my eye on before buying the switch right at launch, it looked beautiful but for some reason seems to have really dropped off the radar.
It would also be nice to know how many of these indy games are mobile or xbox/ps4/vita ports. I'm not crazy about "ninties". They didn't help vita
@Captain_Toad @ThanosReXXX Aww. Thanks guys. I swear I didn't make that post for attention. I said nobody would notice because it's the 242nd post in an article and who is going to scroll down that far? Obviously a few good people.
@CairiB I finally found something a little more current about Seasons of Heaven. There was a developer interview on YouTube I watched and apparently they are just a very small studio. They had to shop the game around to a new studio to be able to continue development. Along with that the developer just had a kid so he also had his hands full. I do believe he eluded in the interview that the game would first be released in France sometime around June or so which makes me think that it should be released elsewhere around the fall?
@iammikegaines thanks that’s good news! To be honest, the ‘big’ games, save for a few that capture my interest are becoming a little boring, I don’t really play COD type games, I want a story or adventure, much like the books I would pick up! This looks like it would tick all the right boxes. All for waiting and supporting the smaller guys.
@TheLobster Well, I'm that guy that actually always reads ALL the posts, sometimes to my own dismay, but I'll be damned if I post something that at least three people before me have already said, making me look decidedly dumb in the process...
And on a good day, I'd do anything to please a lady, and it's the weekend after all...
Sony's ludicrous pricing for the Vita memory cards really hurt indie games on Vita. I for one didn't touch indie games on the platform with a 10ft pole because of that.
Nintendo’s AAA directs have games with release dates that are more short term— but there are some indies that were mentioned a year ago and dropped off the planet. I don’t see a reason to be excited when it seems like we may nevertheless even see the game.
@ThanosReXXX I try to read all the posts, but sometimes it just makes me sad. Anyway, thanks, you're a brick.
I love the Nindies showcases. They really highlight games that may otherwise go unnoticed. It's no wonder that the games sell so well on Switch.
@TheLobster Why, thank you. Good thing I'm not a game console, then...
@ThanosReXXX Haha indeed!
Wargroove is a game I have wanted since the first trailer I saw well over a year ago. Everything else is secondary.
Shovel knight physical release + Amiibo triple pack they showed off.
I'd like release dates for Battle Princess Madelyn, Fox n Forests, Wonder Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, and '90s Super GP. It'd be great to see some older titles that kicked off the indie scene like Limbo, Fez, and Braid get a release on Switch.
Check the Gameinformer review in issue 300!
9 out 10
And it's really something else 😎
OMG! It actually happened! Woohoo!
@Kang81 You bet it did, buddy. I’d almost given up hope. Roll on the fall..!!
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