Puzzle adventure title The Sexy Brutale is coming to the Nintendo Switch, according to Japanese publisher Nippon Ichi.
The title launched on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC earlier this year, and tasks players with exploring the titular Sexy Brutale Casino in a time loop to prevent its inhabitants from being killed off. The title is developed by Cavalier Game Studios, which was founded in 2013 by former Lionhead and Mediatonic staffers.
A PEGI listing has also been discovered for the Switch version.

Here's some official PR:
All the guests are being murdered — horribly! — at this extravagant masquerade party set all across the sprawling and bizarre Sexy Brutale casino mansion.
Then at midnight, the clock re-winds and the grisly pantomime all plays out again in exactly the same way.
You awake on the floor of one of the rooms wearing a mask with a bloody handprint across it. It protects you from the worst of the evil that lays across the mansion, but you can only watch, and spy, and try to learn each guest’s secrets so you can save them from their bloody fate.
10 unique and grisly murder scenarios
– Witness evisceration by arachnid! (highly creepy!)
– Observe expiration via immolation! (they burn!)
– Behold perishing through perforation! (the spike goes right through!)
…and so many more murderous mysteries to solve!
This certainly looks interesting - will you be downloading it when it eventually arrives? Let us know with a comment below.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 37
Ooh, nice! Been very close to buying this on PS4 a few times but a Switch version would be perfect!
One of very few games I have platinumed. Very fun game in my opinion.
I played it on PC, and it is really quite an awesome game! One that will feel very comfortable on the Switch as well!
looks interesting
@Dakt good, we just got an overcooked game, so the balance must be restored.
There's a lot of interesting indie stuff coming to the Switch. Coupled with the first party and Nintendo team ups, I don't think I'd have any time for triple A third party stuff if it did start coming to the Switch.
Oh HELL yes! Had my fingers crossed for this title for a long time that they've become pretzels at this point.
It's these kind of things that get me rattled on the Switch. Why eventually port it instead of simultaneously release it? I've been wanting to play it since it's launch, and I am probably buying it very soon... I would love it on the switch but I cba to be waiting for "an eventual release date". Same happens with a ton of games that are being announced that will eventually release. They could sell a ton more if the devs could keep the pace with releases, and capitalize on the still not crowded eshop. Maybe Nintendo holds them back too, becasue of their new eshop policies bleh...
@apoqalypse The reason why I think a lot of these games are only now coming to the Switch is due to in part how long it has taken the developers to get hold of a dev kit and perhaps by the time they did get their hands on one, it was too late in development on the PS4/Xbox One/PC to look at doing a port for the Switch for simultaneous release.
@FragRed Beat me to it
Think Capcom's Ghost Trick.
I have no clue what's going on in that trailer.
I've been hoping this would come to Switch, seems tailor made for it. That said though, I won't hold my breath. I've been waiting for TBA games for months now, games that originally were meant to come out in the summer. One has already definitely been put back to late November. The rest are still TBA. Most of them are already available on other platforms. As much as I love my Switch, I'm giving serious consideration to selling it and buying a PS4 with the money, so I can play all these games I've been waiting for, Sexy Brutale included.
"Stick 'sexy' in the title, that'll make people play it"
But honestly, looks intriguing.
@apoqalypse what @FragRed said and it's question of resources. Even if it's as simple as "click compile for Switch" (it's not) they still have to submit it for certification, play test to make sure there aren't any issues that only appear on that platform, correct those issues. All taking time and money, whereas if they release it on some platforms, gets some money they can then put that into porting to other platforms and other projects.
@FragRed @Shufty What you guys are saying is real, but to me as a consumer, as a person who wants to play, all those facts don't matter because at the end of the day, I want to play and not wait. And what you are saying, basically, is "Please understand".
Well, I do. So until the devs, maybe later on in the Switch lifecycle, start to release simultaneously as other platforms, or at least with a really small timeframe of release, I will be getting my indies and non exclusives on other platforms where they are readily available, if I have the itch to play them... And that saddens me.
Game sounds great! I hadn't heard of this one before, but that sounds like a Halloween game for sure if it's out by then.
@PtM A comedy movie starring Bill Murray. He was in a podunk town in the US where we annually hold Groundhog Day....kind of an old farmers tradition holiday where they used to watch a groundhog pop out of his hibernation hole in spring and if the groundhog saw his shadow, or not determined if there would be 6 more weeks of winter or not. They still hold the tradition (I swear the groundhog is more accurate than the National Weather Service ). Anyway it was kind of a romantic comedy set around the events of being in town for Groundhog Day where the day kept repeating over and over until he got it right
@DizziParadise Such is life when you're an early adopter. Dev kits came out a year or less ago for Switch. They've been out for 5, 6 years for PS4. Of course development is farther along on an older platform, that's just a given.
@PtM It's a great movie you should watch. All of the references to a day repeating itself over and over until something happens, usually reference The Groundhog day.
I've been eyeing this game out for a while!
Splendid news that it is making it to Switch.
@NEStalgia I wouldn't have minded so much if we'd actually had news. You know, "sorry the game isn't coming out when we said it would, because of x, y and z (even if x, y and z are just "it took longer than we thought"), bear with us and we'll have a new date for you in (insert reasonable amount of time here)."
Instead we got release dates of Summer 2017 and then nothing. Stardew Valley was changed from Summer 2017 to just 2017 without reason given, and nothing from either the developer or the porter. Ittle Dew 2 was originally Summer 2017 and is now slated for the back end of November. Yooka-Laylee has disappeared except for bad reviews. RiME was meant to be May, then later in the summer (at least they did tell us about that), and now possibly Q4 with no actual date. It gets old.
@DizziParadise Yeah, I agree it's frustrating, though I do have to say, to their credit, that's par for the course for the industry in general. Even 10-15 years ago in the PC industry that happened all the time "release Q3 2003" Then all word vanishes, then it shows up "release Q2 2005". I blame the marketing people getting word out about games way too early in development, trying to pin developers down on a date while they have NO idea what to expect, then backpedaling to save face..
"I know, lets bring this to Switch, hey Bob, here's the Switch Dev kit and docs, think you can get it done by May? " "Uhm...I guess....I mean if there's not anything r eally different about it and it's a straight port, why not?"
6 months later: "You guys know we're still running at like 10fps, right? I still haven't figured out where the bottleneck is... this could take years...."
"PR: DELAYED TO Q1 2017!!!"
@DizziParadise Rime was just such a.....that was a development nightmare from the start....I think they've become a poster child for switch games when in reality they're the post child of a Playstation exclusive gone horribly wrong. And Yooka-Laylee....I'd like to think the problem is they're revamping it because it's pretty much determined to be trash. I hope so, anyway. It seems out of place that a Nintendo-audience-centric game is missing from Nintendo.
I think with a lot of indies (and the Nindies program in general) there was too much optimism of getting things out the door faster than reality allowed. I'm also getting the feeling NoA's Nindies department is delaying things on purpose for some reason...we've heard little from them and they weren't even at Treehouse during E3. When's the last time we saw Damon's mug?
@NEStalgia Yeah, like I said in the other thread, the indies were conspicuous by their absence at E3. Very disappointing.
I know what you mean about releases vanishing, I remember those years too (you and I are similar ages, I think). 8 games though, man, and all of them have pretty much dropped off the face of the planet. Even in the 90s 1 game out of 8 would at least vaguely meet its release window. And since these were all hyped to the max back when we were waiting for the Switch to be released, it's particularly galling that there has been so little news about them - other than reviews for other platforms, of course.
Looks interesting.
Very Interesting indeed!
Glad I resisted the temptation to get this on PC, and this seems like a perfect fit for the Switch!
Interesting, heard a lot of good things about this and almost bought it on PS4. On Switch in handheld form I'd imagine it'll be like a murderous little diarama.
the only thing sexy on this page is me
I don't recommend Googling "The Sexy Brutale" then looking at the resulting images.
@DizziParadise Yeah, for the retail titles, I think it's a case of over-promising and under-delivering. But for the indies, I do think "something" is going on with the Nindies relations program.....it just more or less stopped a few weeks ago with no word. IT could be as simple as a reorganizing of it at Nintendo to be more coherent and they back burnered things until they get there, but it's notably weird.
I noticed that there's been very little movement Nindie-wise since around about Snake Pass. Let's hope the announcement of The Sexy Brutale means things are back on track.
Awesome news! Really glad I never picked it up on PS4 now. This will be a day one instabuy for sure!
This has been on my "to buy" list since it was released on PS4. I guess I'll wait and see how the Switch version turns out before I take the plunge.
@PtM Ahh. Fair point. I think Groundhog Day is the most famous association with that type of storytelling. No doubt when Majora's Mask came out, every review compared it to Groundhog Day
hope jim sterling's right about this one
Sounds a bit like the awesome Ghost trick from the DS.
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